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Getbig Main Boards => Politics and Political Issues Board => Topic started by: blacken700 on March 12, 2015, 09:35:10 AM

Title: In 4 minutes, Marco Rubio Gets Schooled On US Foreign Policy
Post by: blacken700 on March 12, 2015, 09:35:10 AM
that's what happens when you use fox news talking points :D

"At the recent CPAC gathering, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), a likely Republican presidential candidate, seemed to stumble on one of the basic facts of the Middle East. “The reason Obama hasn’t put in place a military strategy to defeat ISIS is because he doesn’t want to upset Iran,” the Florida Republican said.

The senator seemed confused. In reality, President Obama has put an anti-ISIS military strategy in place, and that’s fine with Iran, since Iran and ISIS are enemies."

By Steve Benen

At the recent CPAC gathering, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), a likely Republican presidential candidate, seemed to stumble on one of the basic facts of the Middle East. “The reason Obama hasn’t put in place a military strategy to defeat ISIS is because he doesn’t want to upset Iran,” the Florida Republican said.


The senator seemed confused. In reality, President Obama has put an anti-ISIS military strategy in place, and that’s fine with Iran, since Iran and ISIS are enemies.


I’d hoped that Rubio just misspoke, or had been briefed poorly by an aide, but apparently not - -at a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing this afternoon, the far-right Floridian continued to push this strange theory, pressing Secretary of State John Kerry on the point. “I believe that much of our strategy with regards to ISIS is being driven by a desire not to upset Iran so they don’t walk away from the negotiating table on the deal that you’re working on,” Rubio said. “Tell me why I’m wrong.”


And so, Kerry told him why he’s wrong.



For those who can’t watch clips online, here’s the heart of the exchange.


KERRY: What’s important, senator, with respect to your question is to understand this. And I think this has been a misread by a lot of people up here on the Hill, to be honest with you. There is no grand bargain being discussed here with regards to this negotiation, this is about a nuclear weapon potential. That’s it. And the president has made it absolutely clear they will not get a nuclear weapon. Now the presumption by a lot of people up on the Hill here has been that we somehow aren’t aware of that goal even as we negotiate that goal. Our negotiation is calculated to make sure they can’t get a nuclear weapon. It’s really almost insulting that the presumption here is that we’re going to negotiate something that allows them to get a nuclear weapon.


RUBIO: Well I haven’t discussed about the nuclear weapon but I – and I’m not saying there is a grand bargain – what I’m saying is that I believe that our military strategy towards ISIS is influenced by our desire not to cross red lines That the Iranians have –


KERRY: Absolutely not in the least.

Rubio went on to insist that many of our Sunni allies in the region – including Jordan and U.A.E. – feel as if we’ve kept them “in the dark” about the nuclear talks with Iran, reducing our “trust level” in the region.


Again, Kerry had to patiently explained to the Republican, “Senator, that is actually flat wrong.”


Honestly, it was like watching a competent teacher trying to explain the basics of current events to a student who failed to do his homework. Andrea Mitchell said the Secretary of State took Rubio “to school.”


Rubio recently said he’d have an important advantage in the race for the White House because he, unlike the GOP governors, has “a clear view of what’s happening in the world.” The senator added that for governors running for president, international affairs will be “a challenge, at least initially, because they don’t deal with foreign policy on a daily basis.”


That’s not a bad argument, though it’s predicated on the assumption that senators who deal with foreign policy actually have some idea what they’re talking about. This afternoon, Rubio fell far short.

Title: Re: In 4 minutes, Marco Rubio Gets Schooled On US Foreign Policy
Post by: 240 is Back on March 12, 2015, 10:05:01 AM
When will people realize this?   Rubio, like obama before him, is in the business of running for president.

Some people want to change the world, some people want to make laws, get rich, whatever.  Rubio just wants to be prez.  Senate is only a stepping stone  And he's morphed positions on things like amnesty just to be on the right side of base primary voters.

He isn't interested in learning everyhting he can get his hands on - He's not interested in learning the depth of global issues he'll need to run the world as POTUS.  He's running for pres, period.
Title: Re: In 4 minutes, Marco Rubio Gets Schooled On US Foreign Policy
Post by: headhuntersix on March 12, 2015, 10:33:23 AM
Really...this is what you got.......Rubio did a good job. Iran controls Iraq right now and doesn't want the US stepping back in. Unless they brief Congress on these talks Rubio and the rest are going to assume things. So again...if your a left wing apeasing douch...this is what you would see..but agin your wrong.
Title: Re: In 4 minutes, Marco Rubio Gets Schooled On US Foreign Policy
Post by: blacken700 on March 12, 2015, 10:39:34 AM
Really...this is what you got.......Rubio did a good job. Iran controls Iraq right now and doesn't want the US stepping back in. Unless they brief Congress on these talks Rubio and the rest are going to assume things. So again...if your a left wing apeasing douch...this is what you would see..but agin your wrong.

brahahahahaahaha he was wrong on every point he brought up but he did a good job hahahaahahahahahaha the dumbing down of the republican party  Buchanan was spot on
Title: Re: In 4 minutes, Marco Rubio Gets Schooled On US Foreign Policy
Post by: Dos Equis on March 12, 2015, 10:55:10 AM
This is dumb.  And desperate. 
Title: Re: In 4 minutes, Marco Rubio Gets Schooled On US Foreign Policy
Post by: blacken700 on March 12, 2015, 10:57:32 AM
opinions are like assholes       everyone has one and they usually stink
Title: Re: In 4 minutes, Marco Rubio Gets Schooled On US Foreign Policy
Post by: Dos Equis on March 12, 2015, 11:03:30 AM
opinions are like assholes       everyone has one and they usually stink

You mean like Rubio getting schooled on foreign policy?  I agree.
Title: Re: In 4 minutes, Marco Rubio Gets Schooled On US Foreign Policy
Post by: blacken700 on March 12, 2015, 11:14:16 AM
You mean like Rubio getting schooled on foreign policy?  I agree.

call it what you want but he was wrong on  every point he brought up,some would call that schooled :D
Title: Re: In 4 minutes, Marco Rubio Gets Schooled On US Foreign Policy
Post by: Dos Equis on March 12, 2015, 11:16:53 AM
call it what you want but he was wrong on  every point he brought up,some would call that schooled :D

Wrong according to who?  Kerry?? 

But let's assume he was wrong.  Who cares?  This is really small potatoes.  Liberals desperate to find something to attack a potential contender.  Predictable pattern. 
Title: Re: In 4 minutes, Marco Rubio Gets Schooled On US Foreign Policy
Post by: blacken700 on March 12, 2015, 11:19:32 AM
Wrong according to who?  Kerry?? 

But let's assume he was wrong.  Who cares?  This is really small potatoes.  Liberals desperate to find something to attack a potential contender.  Predictable pattern. 

hahaha you mean like Clinton,and he was wrong
Title: Re: In 4 minutes, Marco Rubio Gets Schooled On US Foreign Policy
Post by: Dos Equis on March 12, 2015, 11:22:58 AM
hahaha you mean like Clinton,and he was wrong

Hillary doing 100 percent of her State Department business on her personal email and deleting 30,000 emails that she personally screened is a legitimate story.  I know you don't care because she could club a baby seal and you'd probably say the seal deserved it, but this story stinks.   

So what if Rubio was wrong?  (Not saying he actually was.)  It's insignificant. 
Title: Re: In 4 minutes, Marco Rubio Gets Schooled On US Foreign Policy
Post by: blacken700 on March 12, 2015, 11:30:20 AM
Hillary doing 100 percent of her State Department business on her personal email and deleting 30,000 emails that she personally screened is a legitimate story.  I know you don't care because she could club a baby seal and you'd probably say the seal deserved it, but this story stinks.  

So what if Rubio was wrong?  (Not saying he actually was.)  It's insignificant.  

what he should have done is asked questions, instead he went in there all cocky like he was going to put one on them,instead he looked like a fool.that's why people are shitting on him now
Title: Re: In 4 minutes, Marco Rubio Gets Schooled On US Foreign Policy
Post by: Coach is Back! on March 12, 2015, 11:30:46 AM
I stopped reading after "Kerry said". Kerry is a dipshit of the highest level. Maybe he could bring in Bob Dillon.
Title: Re: In 4 minutes, Marco Rubio Gets Schooled On US Foreign Policy
Post by: Dos Equis on March 12, 2015, 11:32:57 AM
what he should have done is asked questions instead he went in there all cocky like he was going to put one on them,instead he looked like a fool.that's why people are shitting on him now

You're assuming Kerry made him look like a fool.  And nobody is really talking about this, especially if it was featured on MSNBC. 
Title: Re: In 4 minutes, Marco Rubio Gets Schooled On US Foreign Policy
Post by: blacken700 on March 12, 2015, 11:34:42 AM
You're assuming Kerry made him look like a fool.  And nobody is really talking about this, especially if it was featured on MSNBC. 

no assuming going on watch the video it's on you tube
Title: Re: In 4 minutes, Marco Rubio Gets Schooled On US Foreign Policy
Post by: Dos Equis on March 12, 2015, 11:46:23 AM
no assuming going on watch the video it's on you tube

Ok.  I just watched all 5 minutes and 3 seconds of the clip.  You call that getting schooled?  Are you kidding??  Rubio mainly asked questions and expressed some opinions.  Kerry disagreed with him.  Wow.  Stop the presses.  lol
Title: Re: In 4 minutes, Marco Rubio Gets Schooled On US Foreign Policy
Post by: blacken700 on March 12, 2015, 02:47:41 PM
Ok.  I just watched all 5 minutes and 3 seconds of the clip.  You call that getting schooled?  Are you kidding??  Rubio mainly asked questions and expressed some opinions.  Kerry disagreed with him.  Wow.  Stop the presses.  lol

your not being honest or your not too bright,he was not asking questions.since when do you ask a question with I believe LOL.
Title: Re: In 4 minutes, Marco Rubio Gets Schooled On US Foreign Policy
Post by: Dos Equis on March 12, 2015, 03:49:45 PM
your not being honest or your not too bright,he was not asking questions.since when do you ask a question with I believe LOL.

I listened to the entire clip.  He asked questions and gave opinions.  If that's not what you see then more power to you. 
Title: Re: In 4 minutes, Marco Rubio Gets Schooled On US Foreign Policy
Post by: GigantorX on March 12, 2015, 04:13:11 PM
This is reach, even for you, Blacken.
Title: Re: In 4 minutes, Marco Rubio Gets Schooled On US Foreign Policy
Post by: 240 is Back on March 12, 2015, 04:15:42 PM
As President, someone will have to sit Rubio down and explain to him the dynamic between Iran and ISIS.
They'll also have to explain obama DID have a policy in place, even if it was an ineffective one.

Rubio is ill-informed on this issue, and anyone who argues otherwise is a partisan hack or just plain stupid.  Yes, if you believe it's normal for a national senator not to know these 2 things he did get wrong here, you have rocks in your head lol.

It's okay that he's ill-informed on this issue... nobody can be an expert on every issue.  If he ends up being ill-informed on many issues (like we saw with Fred Thompson or Hermann Cain), then voters should be scared.  If Rubio doesn't know whit about ISIS because he spends to much time learning economy, etc, that's cool, but he'll have to brush up quickly.  Rubio would be a safe president, not stellar, he'll be like mccain, centrist and a lot like Jeb. 
Title: Re: In 4 minutes, Marco Rubio Gets Schooled On US Foreign Policy
Post by: Dos Equis on March 12, 2015, 04:25:15 PM
I stopped reading after "Kerry said". Kerry is a dipshit of the highest level. Maybe he could bring in Bob Dillon.

Still a traitor in my book for throwing his fellow Soldiers under the bus during the Vietnam War. 
Title: Re: In 4 minutes, Marco Rubio Gets Schooled On US Foreign Policy
Post by: 240 is Back on March 12, 2015, 06:14:53 PM
it's fine to excuse Rubio's ignorance on the subject... nobody is perfect.

it's not fine to pretend he was right on this subject, as he obviously was not.

Rubio is a safe choice if you like centrists like Jeb or Christie.  He's not a tea party darling, anyone who's seen him waffle on positions knows that now.  Rand came along and Rubio had to change up fast, and he chose center.
Title: Re: In 4 minutes, Marco Rubio Gets Schooled On US Foreign Policy
Post by: blacken700 on March 12, 2015, 06:19:05 PM
I listened to the entire clip.  He asked questions and gave opinions.  If that's not what you see then more power to you. 

so the only question left is not honest or dumb
Title: Re: In 4 minutes, Marco Rubio Gets Schooled On US Foreign Policy
Post by: Dos Equis on March 12, 2015, 07:02:26 PM
so the only question left is not honest or dumb

No I don't think you are dishonest, but you do plagiarize quite a bit.  And no I don't think you are dumb.  You were probably just sick or playing hooky on the days they taught English and grammar in school.   :)
Title: Re: In 4 minutes, Marco Rubio Gets Schooled On US Foreign Policy
Post by: blacken700 on March 12, 2015, 07:17:06 PM
No I don't think you are dishonest, but you do plagiarize quite a bit.  And no I don't think you are dumb.  You were probably just sick or playing hooky on the days they taught English and grammar in school.   :)

ookk anybody who's watches it and is honest with themselves knows your full of thing I noticed about you is you never admit your wrong :D
Title: Re: In 4 minutes, Marco Rubio Gets Schooled On US Foreign Policy
Post by: Dos Equis on March 12, 2015, 07:20:08 PM
ookk anybody who's watches it and is honest with themselves knows your full of thing I noticed about you is you never admit your wrong :D

I'm wrong a lot and always admit it.  It just doesn't happen often when someone is making stuff up, or I'm dealing with a hack. 

Title: Re: In 4 minutes, Marco Rubio Gets Schooled On US Foreign Policy
Post by: blacken700 on March 12, 2015, 07:23:50 PM
I'm wrong a lot and always admit it.  It just doesn't happen often when someone is making stuff up, or I'm dealing with a hack. 

you mad bro brahahahaha, like I said anybody who watches it will know your full of shit :D
Title: Re: In 4 minutes, Marco Rubio Gets Schooled On US Foreign Policy
Post by: Dos Equis on March 12, 2015, 09:29:17 PM
you mad bro brahahahaha, like I said anybody who watches it will know your full of shit :D

Mad??  What you talkin bout Willis??

Yes, people should watch it so they can see how badly liberals want to attack conservatives and how they use stupid stuff to do it. 
Title: Re: In 4 minutes, Marco Rubio Gets Schooled On US Foreign Policy
Post by: Option D on March 13, 2015, 07:05:50 AM
Hillary doing 100 percent of her State Department business on her personal email and deleting 30,000 emails that she personally screened is a legitimate story.  I know you don't care because she could club a baby seal and you'd probably say the seal deserved it, but this story stinks.   

So what if Rubio was wrong?  (Not saying he actually was.)  It's insignificant. 

Title: Re: In 4 minutes, Marco Rubio Gets Schooled On US Foreign Policy
Post by: headhuntersix on March 13, 2015, 07:33:32 AM
Why?.....Really, you have to ask.
Title: Re: In 4 minutes, Marco Rubio Gets Schooled On US Foreign Policy
Post by: blacken700 on March 13, 2015, 09:31:01 AM

because she's the dem front runner,repubs up to their usual tatics
Title: Re: In 4 minutes, Marco Rubio Gets Schooled On US Foreign Policy
Post by: headhuntersix on March 13, 2015, 09:51:22 AM
what...reacting to Clinton lies?
Title: Re: In 4 minutes, Marco Rubio Gets Schooled On US Foreign Policy
Post by: blacken700 on March 13, 2015, 10:07:02 AM
what...reacting to Clinton lies?

no not being able to run a competitive candidate
Title: Re: In 4 minutes, Marco Rubio Gets Schooled On US Foreign Policy
Post by: Dos Equis on March 13, 2015, 10:41:24 AM

Title: Re: In 4 minutes, Marco Rubio Gets Schooled On US Foreign Policy
Post by: Dos Equis on March 13, 2015, 10:41:41 AM
Why?.....Really, you have to ask.

Right?   :-\
Title: Re: In 4 minutes, Marco Rubio Gets Schooled On US Foreign Policy
Post by: headhuntersix on March 13, 2015, 10:45:14 AM
We have a have 1....keep trying dude.  Rubio/Walker/Perry/Fiorina/Bush...then a few competant but second tier folks.  You have Clinton, who hopes this shit goes away and then who? The idiot from Maryland or Faux-Cahontis? The minute Warren takes a dime from Wall Street her compaign emplodes. You want that chick sitting across from Putin?

Look we need an adult. Obama is a shell..he's a creation of the Chicago machine. Hil is unlikeable....which leaves one man and the only Dem I could remotely consider...Jim Webb.
Title: Re: In 4 minutes, Marco Rubio Gets Schooled On US Foreign Policy
Post by: blacken700 on March 13, 2015, 10:47:14 AM
We have a have 1....keep trying dude.  Rubio/Walker/Perry/Fiorina/Bush...then a few competant but second tier folks.  You have Clinton, who hopes this shit goes away and then who? The idiot from Maryland or Faux-Cahontis? The minute Warren takes a dime from Wall Street her compaign emplodes. You want that chick sitting across from Putin?

Look we need an adult. Obama is a shell..he's a creation of the Chicago machine. Hil is unlikeable....which leaves one man and the only Dem I could remotely consider...Jim Webb.

you have one that has a chance that's bush,the rest will be toast
Title: Re: In 4 minutes, Marco Rubio Gets Schooled On US Foreign Policy
Post by: headhuntersix on March 13, 2015, 10:50:51 AM
Based on what...Hil is already emploding. This is the first in a series of scandals..unless she cries every other week until the convention she won't even get nominated.
Title: Re: In 4 minutes, Marco Rubio Gets Schooled On US Foreign Policy
Post by: Dos Equis on March 13, 2015, 10:51:32 AM
you have one that has a chance that's bush,the rest will be toast

Title: Re: In 4 minutes, Marco Rubio Gets Schooled On US Foreign Policy
Post by: blacken700 on March 13, 2015, 10:54:55 AM
Based on what...Hil is already emploding. This is the first in a series of scandals..unless she cries every other week until the convention she won't even get nominated.

this is only a big deal to repubs and as far as I know they weren't going to vote for her anyway ;)
Title: Re: In 4 minutes, Marco Rubio Gets Schooled On US Foreign Policy
Post by: headhuntersix on March 13, 2015, 11:02:01 AM
Everybody’s talking about Rubio.”

So says a top Republican operative who’s been in touch with nearly every potential presidential campaign, as well as with several top donors.

Jeb Bush’s announcement in December launched both a fundraising juggernaut and an aggressive hiring spree, and Scott Walker’s speech in Iowa the following month lifted Walker to the top of national polls. But a little more than a month later, says the operative, “The Jeb boom is over and people are having second thoughts about Walker.”

The beneficiary in terms of buzz is Marco Rubio, who now has many of the party’s top donors looking at him in a way they weren’t even a month ago. Though Rubio hasn’t made as much noise as his competitors as the 2016 campaign has gotten underway in earnest, his knowledgeable presentations and obvious political talent are nonetheless turning heads or, at least, enough of them. Rubio hasn’t made a big splash, neither building a “shock and awe” campaign like Bush nor delivering a marquee speech like Walker (who afterward seemed almost to be caught off guard by his rapid ascent). Instead, Rubio appears to be gambling on the idea that, in what is sure to be a long primary with a crowded field, a slow-and-steady approach will prevail.

The buzz about Rubio comes on the heels of a successful but nonetheless low-profile book tour that took him through the early-primary states of Iowa, South Carolina, Nevada, and New Hampshire, and as the frenetic motion around Bush and Walker has begun to subside.

Bush’s announcement left many conservatives searching for an alternative to the establishment candidate, and Walker has at times looked like he could fill that space. But he has stumbled a couple of times before the press and displayed some shakiness on policy issues.

“He hit his escape velocity so quickly that I’m not sure his infrastructure, or he, can sustain this,” says a top Republican policy adviser. At the Club for Growth’s winter economic conference last month in Palm Beach, Fla., the governor fumbled responses to questions on the Dodd-Frank regulatory bill and the Export-Import Bank. His campaign has hired foreign- and domestic-policy experts and, because Walker spends his days running the state of Wisconsin, he is fitting in briefings in hour-long increments when time permits. The scramble to get him up to speed on national issues has shown.

We haven’t heard nearly as much about Rubio as about Walker, but it’s been a good few months for the Florida senator. Just last week, the Miami billionaire auto dealer Norman Braman told multiple news outlets, including National Review, that he will make a substantial financial contribution to Rubio’s presidential campaign if, as seems likely, he decides to run. At the American Enterprise Institute’s annual donor retreat in Sea Island, Ga., one attendee says Rubio got rave reviews from a crowd that included several billionaires. And in late January, the senator impressed the libertarian-leaning crowd at the Koch brothers’ donor conference in Palm Springs, Calif., and came out on top of an informal straw poll conducted there.

Rubio is also getting positive reviews from conservative intellectuals, and not just from the reform conservatives among whom he’s long had a fan base.

“Senator Rubio is going to be a formidable candidate in 2016, should he decide to run,” says Lanhee Chen, a research fellow at the Hoover Institution who served as policy director for Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign. “He’s spent the last several years developing thoughtful, conservative policy proposals, and he will be a dynamic messenger who can tell the story of how his ideas will contribute to upward mobility, opportunity, and security for all Americans.”

Rubio has made it a point to offer a series of detailed policy proposals over the past two years, including on foreign policy, where he has staked out a muscular internationalist position that has won him plaudits from several officials who served in the George W. Bush administration and who have broadly been referred to as “neoconservatives.”

A major question lingering over Rubio and threatening to dog him with tea-party voters who boosted him to victory in 2010 is his support for the Senate’s Gang of Eight bill, which would have provided a path to legal status for illegal immigrants already in the country. Though Rubio has since said he favors an approach that would secure the border first, it remains to be seen how his role in the 2013 immigration showdown will play with voters. But the latest NBC News/WSJ poll gives some indication: More Republicans say they could see themselves supporting Rubio — a full 56 percent — than anybody else. Forty-nine percent said they could see themselves backing Bush. By the same token, the resistance to a Rubio candidacy is also lower than to a Bush candidacy: While 26 percent said they couldn’t see themselves supporting Rubio, 42 percent said so of Bush.

As conservatives search for an alternative to the establishment candidate, the question right now is whether Rubio can actually break out. Says the GOP policy adviser, “If he never gets escape velocity, he’ll linger around 7 or 8 percent” in the polls. Then again, he says, Rubio “has the greatest potential to make noise in this race.”

For now, he is taking advantage of his opponents’ mistakes and turning the right heads.
Title: Re: In 4 minutes, Marco Rubio Gets Schooled On US Foreign Policy
Post by: 240 is Back on March 13, 2015, 11:03:07 AM
Based on what...Hil is already emploding. This is the first in a series of scandals..unless she cries every other week until the convention she won't even get nominated.

Hilary is facing a scandal, but "imploding"?   I hate hilary worse than I hated bush/cheney... I despise the clintons... but they've weathered WAY worse.  She's not imploding, she's mocking those attacking the email, and spending her mic time trashing the repubs writing love letters to a country promising to nuke us lol.

Hilary has committed many crimes - she should never be president - but she's not melting over this email scandal, she's gotten thru way worse and at her age, she gives no fcks.
Title: Re: In 4 minutes, Marco Rubio Gets Schooled On US Foreign Policy
Post by: 240 is Back on March 13, 2015, 11:06:16 AM
Everybody’s talking about Rubio.”

So says a top Republican operative who’s been in touch with nearly every potential presidential campaign, as well as with several top donors.

Rubio ABANDONED the tea party that got him elected, and decided to swing far CENTER in order to win the nomination.

it worked in 2008 for Mccain, it worked in 2012 for Romney.   Rubio is very similar to mccain on many things, and yes, he's taking the middle/centrist/RINO route because he wants the nomination.  And of course, some republican "operative" and media like FOX are going to drool over the guy just like they worshipped perry, mitt, and will praise Jeb, christie.  They WANT a middle of road RINO.

Now, can a RINO like Rubio win the general election?  Sure, but his chances aren't that great - The repub base doesn't show up to support RINOs...neither do women voters...  they WANT a true conservaitve.  They'd rather a dem win, polarize voters worse, and then they run a conservative next time.  They will NOT settle for middle-of-road, and we have 2 elections to prove it.
Title: Re: In 4 minutes, Marco Rubio Gets Schooled On US Foreign Policy
Post by: headhuntersix on March 13, 2015, 11:09:02 AM
this is only a big deal to repubs and as far as I know they weren't going to vote for her anyway ;)

Your right...the AP sueing to get all the emails means nothing. Some reporter will go through all 50K paper emails and the House may end up with the server...and they'll go through that. They'll subpoena her and drag things out. Sure this will bolster her support among sum folks but she is not Obama and has no gift for bullshit. People just don't like her...they like Bill plenty...not her. She has proven time and again to be dishonest yet you libs will go down with the ship.

240 what was in the letter....did u actually read it. They remined the douchbags in Tehran that no matter what Obama does or says, the treaty is not binding unless they ratify it...period. This is not like Kennedy in Russia...or dem support for the sandinistas...or dem support for Saddam Huessein...or dem support for Assad......those were love fests. What you typed is a lie...the same lie the msm and Clinton and Obama are churning because they have no answer for Cotton and the Repubs on this. They want to ram a bullshit treaty down our throat and make Congress accept it....without knowing about it or having any imput. Fuck that.
Title: Re: In 4 minutes, Marco Rubio Gets Schooled On US Foreign Policy
Post by: headhuntersix on March 13, 2015, 11:10:05 AM
Rubio ABANDONED the tea party that got him elected, and decided to swing far CENTER in order to win the nomination.

it worked in 2008 for Mccain, it worked in 2012 for Romney.   Rubio is very similar to mccain on many things, and yes, he's taking the middle/centrist/RINO route because he wants the nomination.  And of course, some republican "operative" and media like FOX are going to drool over the guy just like they worshipped perry, mitt, and will praise Jeb, christie.  They WANT a middle of road RINO.

Now, can a RINO like Rubio win the general election?  Sure, but his chances aren't that great - The repub base doesn't show up to support RINOs...neither do women voters...  they WANT a true conservaitve.  They'd rather a dem win, polarize voters worse, and then they run a conservative next time.  They will NOT settle for middle-of-road, and we have 2 elections to prove it.

He has to answer for it......everything else is pretty in line with conservatives...far more then Bush/Christie/Romney
Title: Re: In 4 minutes, Marco Rubio Gets Schooled On US Foreign Policy
Post by: blacken700 on March 13, 2015, 11:19:14 AM
Your right...the AP sueing to get all the emails means nothing. Some reporter will go through all 50K paper emails and the House may end up with the server...and they'll go through that. They'll subpoena her and drag things out. Sure this will bolster her support among sum folks but she is not Obama and has no gift for bullshit. People just don't like her...they like Bill plenty...not her. She has proven time and again to be dishonest yet you libs will go down with the ship.

240 what was in the letter....did u actually read it. They remined the douchbags in Tehran that no matter what Obama does or says, the treaty is not binding unless they ratify it...period. This is not like Kennedy in Russia...or dem support for the sandinistas...or dem support for Saddam Huessein...or dem support for Assad......those were love fests. What you typed is a lie...the same lie the msm and Clinton and Obama are churning because they have no answer for Cotton and the Repubs on this. They want to ram a bullshit treaty down our throat and make Congress accept it....without knowing about it or having any imput. Fuck that.

if that's the repubs only hope their in for another rude awaking like in 2008 and 2012,you would think they would smarten up,but they are repubs :D
Title: Re: In 4 minutes, Marco Rubio Gets Schooled On US Foreign Policy
Post by: headhuntersix on March 13, 2015, 11:22:06 AM
We didn't do this...Hil did this dude. This story broke on the NYT....this shit is gonna get worse because of Obama folks in DOS..not repubs. The Repubs are gonna let her continue to chew her tongue on this.