Getbig Bodybuilding, Figure and Fitness Forums

Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Steroids Info & Hardcore => Topic started by: mazfit on April 13, 2015, 03:53:47 AM

Title: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: mazfit on April 13, 2015, 03:53:47 AM
The reason i say this is because people still seem to be reading that drug dealer gh15s posts and taking it as some kind of bible.

To be a top amature / pro

look its this simple - ive been around this cult and amatures and pros in it.

1. you get lean

2. you take as much gear as you need to grow

3. you keep increasing the gear and food everytime you stop growing.

4. you add HGH ( good look finding real hgh that wont destroy your bank )

5. you up the hgh with your gear each time you stop growing.

6. you add insulin

7. you keep upping the insulin hgh and insulin with small increases in food.

8. you dont come off you keep doing this process.

8. if you dont keep growing your genetics wont allow you to be a pro bodybuilder. simple.

9. you realise that you cant be a pro - LIKE ME and you say fuck this shit im not spending all my money to kill myself and win a plastic trophy when my genetics wont let me - fuck this im not banging my head against the wall anymore seing my friends on the same amount as me keep upping there gear and keep growing and growing where i just grow slightly with big increments in gear use.

you say nah fuck this i love bodybuilding, i love looking like an animal and getting completments, il stick with theese doses and cruise at times in the year play around with compounds and slowly slowly grow but never to that of a pro - with the muscle bellies of a pro.

you say im gna put my money and hardwork into something else while looking like an animal, maybe a business maybe at work, maybe in other aspects of life.

sorry but that is the no bulishit approach to Bodybuilding - take it or leave it. but its the truth.

big ro will probably say nah i grow on 300mg test every week - good for you, great genetics, go up your dose and become a pro then. :)
Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: whitewidow on April 13, 2015, 04:29:44 AM
Your body knows if it's a Pro or not. It dosn't take decades to figure it out. I know I don;t have those genetics but I still like living the lifestyle and I like being one of the strongest guys at my gym at least when Im blasting. Like I said your body will know if it's a pro or not within 6months-1year training and juice.
Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: mazfit on April 13, 2015, 05:47:33 AM
yep exactly

you will know after 6-1 year if you can become something in bodybuilding.

Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: pestosterone on April 13, 2015, 06:01:57 AM
Lol I struggle to even look like I lift with my baby dosages I look the best at my gym but that isn't saying much lol I do it to look and b above average that's it. everything u type above is very logical and most people on here can relate to that in some way or to a further degree to some that compete.
I'm at around 2 gs that's with test deca and npp lol that's my high dose blast but I look badass so I roll with it
Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: nattybay on April 13, 2015, 06:03:17 AM
Very very Good post. As straight and raw as it could get.
 People here will now, at least the smart ones decide what they want to do with their bodybuilding.
When you stop growing up the dose or the food or change exercising a little (which has very little impact if you were already serious in the gym)

From experience  I would say for a beginner 150 days on
1ml deca e.d. or EOD (preferred ED), depending on how much you can handle of organon or Watson or any good ugl, should tell you your muscle potential. If you don't become a monster though water logged from your previous should think of other avenues.


Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: mazfit on April 13, 2015, 07:13:46 AM

AND if your using pharma stuff you should technically be growing faster as raws are usually of much higher purity.

TBH if your really into your bodybuilding and your about 5'10 get to 230lbs im sure most of us can do that might take more time n gear for some people, drop your doses and become a nice lean 220 - 215

you look fucking impressive but you also look athletic.

my main goal now is to be a shredded 225 - stay there keep improving conditioning of the muslce.

god forbid i might actaully start doing cardio aswell.

then after summers over im dropping my doses massivelt for a good 2-3 months

i also have alot of fitness model friends alot in the WBFF

do you know how they get ripped to fuck quick - and im not suggesting this for a second, but i probably will do it b4 my holiday

they take the gear, t3 ect

they also go on a 3-4 day coke session where they do nothing but cocain usually over the weekend.

fuking horribly bad for you yes, but do you realise that not eating for 3 days, with your insulin as low as it is and your heart rate in fat burning zone on tren.....your body EATS FAT BETTER THEN DNP

although my 4 day shred bender will be Mephedrone.

NOBODAY DO THIS - ive dobne this over 20 times before and everytime ir works.

its an expensive - horrible dangerous - lazy way to do it . but fuk me it gets you shredded
Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: kevthekid on April 13, 2015, 07:44:53 AM
I can't tell if I have good genetics or not. I stuck with like 500mg test never went above that recently and I think I look small as fuck when I take pictures but my friends tell me I've gotten fucking enormous  and they're shocked at how big I am now. Guess I'll never know ???
Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: mazfit on April 13, 2015, 07:52:21 AM
if you have to ask this questions you have average genetics

pros dont have to ask this question.
Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: Damios on April 13, 2015, 09:44:25 AM
mazfit, do You belive in that:

This is the truth:

If your diet, training, health and rest are completely up to scratch, the more steroids you take, the bigger you will get. It's as simple as that.

Pros have got their diet, training (health for the most part) and rest up to a standard that works for them perfectly, but they are only the size they are due to the drugs they take. Don't beleive the crap from anyone, that they are not, even from the 'in the know' people that are on this board. Those very same people for the most part have used/use extremely higher dosages than what they preach. Why do they preach the low dosages? - various personal agendas.

Reality is that as a rule, 1g per week of test non stop year round is the 'off' time for the pros. Gear is added as it's obtained - no real detailed cycles as such. As long as they take the high dosages of gear, they'll grow (as long as the diet, training, health and sleep is up to scratch as mentioned previously).

Several grams of test per week, several grams of anabolics per week, up to 2g/week of tren, a shit load of orals, insulin several times a day year round, GH as much as can be afforded - 15 to 30IU/day, etc.

BUT, pros have the genetics to have their bodies accept the gear, and generally not get sick on it.

And ancilliary use is huge - liver aids to the max, anti-e's, dht blockers, cardio supps, cholesterol supps, etc.

Still, most of them are complete wrecks. They can't control bodily functions,
they pass out from walking a flight of stairs, they get drenched in sweat from tying their shoelaces. Gyno, baldness, dry skin, gout, excess bodily hair, acne, etc are ALL existant in virtually all of them.

It is not a healthy sport, drug use is ENORMOUS, but to ignore it and to preach otherwise is pathetic and not what this site is about.
Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: ritch on April 13, 2015, 09:49:58 AM
Good post.
I'd just include slin much sooner to get more growth without taking more actual gear.
Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: epcfitness on April 13, 2015, 11:40:37 AM
Agree with almost all of what you say. Except the cocaine part if it comes to that point that you want to get crazy shredded fast your going to take that route, you have serious underlying issues.
Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: Overload on April 13, 2015, 12:24:53 PM
1. Genetics.

I knew after 5 years of training that bodybuilding wasn't for me.  I'm just not built for it.

Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: pestosterone on April 13, 2015, 06:21:49 PM
Damn I used to do the cocaine thing when I was fat 8) and out of shape and much younger
Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: local hero on April 14, 2015, 12:16:22 AM
1yr training with gear will tell you everything you need to know about your genes for this sport, I posted something similar on the g&o...

Yet some are so deluded they will chase it for decades, searching for the 'secret', paying for advices etc, its sad to see.
Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: whitewidow on April 14, 2015, 03:12:24 AM
the cocaine will work because of the high increase in heart rate plus probably is cutt with baby laxative wich will clear out your stomach. I don;t know I am not for the coke diet but it works for models. The lack of sleep might fuck you in the end. a few coke days won't hurt and will lean you out a bit.The thing is if you use coke and train your heart rate might get too high and you might pass out maybe if you took 2 days off and just blasted some lines. not the best idea but I'm not going to say it won't work(lazy way to get ripped) drink coffee.
Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: mazfit on April 14, 2015, 04:29:15 AM


but like whidow says its a stupid way to burn fat but works very well


It is not needed for bodybuilding - it is not part of a bodybuilders lifestyle
 ( although i know loads who do it and speed before comps )


fuck up your heart
its cut with so much shit fuck up your stomach
make you depressed esspesially on steroids aswell
make you addicted mentally in some respect - whether thats u need it on a night out or u need it as a crutch
change your personlity

so let me just double take here

im just being honest guys with what ive done or bodybuilders i know have done

and what has worked for me however stupid.

i wouldnt copy what ive done, hell i wouldnt even run tren year round like me tbh.

Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: mazfit on April 14, 2015, 04:55:54 AM
mazfit, do You belive in that:

yes i do - this is pretty much on the mark

you have brackets of pros from what i have seen.

bracket one - high doses but not mega high - INCREDIBLE GENETICS TO ACCEPT THE GEAR

bracket two - MEGA DOSING like above - they have the genetics to become a pro but there body doesnt metabolise the gear as well as bracket one hence having to use more.

but i do think now with pros NOW - the drugs used are prepared in a better way then what is said in the text above, drugs in and out at specific times.
Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: mazfit on April 14, 2015, 05:04:07 AM
1yr training with gear will tell you everything you need to know about your genes for this sport, I posted something similar on the g&o...

Yet some are so deluded they will chase it for decades, searching for the 'secret', paying for advices etc, its sad to see.

This is on the money - i know a guy who trains at my gym 58 years old looks like shit - massive and shredded though. had heart attacks infections, kidney problems, prostate problems.

looks like a walking zombie

all he does is deal steroids - still chasing the dream 20 years on.

One year will tell you - and if not you have to change the bar, and go for a different look, with me its a leaner athletic looking more like the bodybuilders of the 80s, i cant get any bigger without killing my body with more drugs and HGH.

Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: Damios on April 14, 2015, 05:28:35 AM
2. you take as much gear as you need to grow

What're Your best? Stick with Test/Tren as a base and add from time to time something like npp/eq/master + orals? Always high Test?  ;) ;)
Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: whitewidow on April 14, 2015, 05:41:14 AM
Id say the best stack is some sort of Test ester,as much Tren as you can handle and anadrol,Masteron won't hurt and id throw in Halo or MT when you get 6%BF. plus exotics- 10IU HGH-daily, 40MCG Clen T3/T4 combo. if you run that for a year and you don't think you have what it takes to go pro stop wasting money and work a job but it's ok to keep training and using gear at a lower level. come day of show or 2-3 days out id do the caverject shots but have somebody do them for you who knows what there doing it's dangerous stuff if injecting wrong.
Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: mazfit on April 14, 2015, 05:55:20 AM
What're Your best? Stick with Test/Tren as a base and add from time to time something like npp/eq/master + orals? Always high Test?  ;) ;)

1.5-2g test
1g tren ace
700-1g mast

run that for 6 weeks

add in eq at 800-1g - im really liking eq now gives the muscle a nice 3d look
anadrol at 100mg

change your orals about

if you start blowing up hgh and slin time
Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: ritch on April 14, 2015, 09:39:14 AM
Your logic is pretty good.
What I find is one should be happy with the results of their first cycle and not aim to gain much after.

To gain another 10lbs of lean muscle, it's no longer just like 500mg test. You gotta at least double it, add in a few more products as well. Total mg gets outta relation to the amount of muscle gained.

So what is you "low dose" phase gonna be?
Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: Damios on April 14, 2015, 09:40:49 AM
1.5-2g test
1g tren ace
700-1g mast

run that for 6 weeks

I thought as long as you can, not only 6 weeks  :P

Nice to hear fking truth about it, not 500 Test + 300 Deca from other internet board "experts"  ::)
Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: epcfitness on April 14, 2015, 12:28:54 PM
I thought as long as you can, not only 6 weeks  :P

Nice to hear fking truth about it, not 500 Test + 300 Deca from other internet board "experts"  ::)
You forgot the 20-30mg dbol kickstart ::)
Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: pissant on April 14, 2015, 01:58:14 PM
do you use an AI on 1gram+ of testo
Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: Jizmo on April 15, 2015, 12:00:54 AM
do you use an AI on 1gram+ of testo
enjoy your tits and girl emotions if you dont
Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: mazfit on April 15, 2015, 12:13:18 AM
I thought as long as you can, not only 6 weeks  :P

Nice to hear fking truth about it, not 500 Test + 300 Deca from other internet board "experts"  ::)

yeah 6 weeks then add thee others and stay on
Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: Damios on April 15, 2015, 02:42:42 AM
enjoy your tits and girl emotions if you dont

Often fking bloat, high BP, fked libido etc. etc...

And later people say "high Test is bad" and You get only sides from it... Fking bullshit. High Estro is bad, not high Test.
Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: whitewidow on April 15, 2015, 05:30:21 AM
Often fking bloat, high BP, fked libido etc. etc...

And later people say "high Test is bad" and You get only sides from it... Fking bullshit. High Estro is bad, not high Test.

you do want a little estrogen, when I overuse anchileries I have no sex drive. I mean I'll kill all the estrogen in my body sometimes and it's not really the best idea unless your going to compete. I think some of us get too worried about gyno and other sides and start abusing arimidex or letro at least I do. I remeber my first steroid cycle only time I get sore nipples but it sucked and to this day I load up on adex,letro,nolva,aromasin I keep them all on hand.
Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: Damios on April 15, 2015, 09:46:16 AM
Of course. It's nothing new that we need estrogen. But we don't need 5x above range. It's very imporant to take AIs, essentailly with high doses like 1g+.

I meant that people take 1-2g Test without any AIs and then write bullshit posts in Internet about high Test.
Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: spiro on April 15, 2015, 10:51:30 AM
I stay  between 600-900mg of test most of the year no ai. Masteron does the job for me. My estrogen could be sky high though. I don't have any estrogen sides I think my body has adapted.
Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: flinstones1 on April 15, 2015, 09:24:18 PM
Guarantee 95% of the guys on here who think they have used alot of gear have not used alot. How the fuck are you supposed to compete when you think your on 1.5 grams of test and your really on 500mg?
Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: ritch on April 15, 2015, 09:45:35 PM
Sure seems to be a recent trend against AI's, like they're soooo terrible. I stay pretty lean most the year and 500mg test has me needing the use of aromasin or arimidex. Not much, but some.

Would liked to see blood work on this. Becoming very interested in bloodwork now!
Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: equipoise on April 16, 2015, 11:51:35 AM
Sure seems to be a recent trend against AI's, like they're soooo terrible. I stay pretty lean most the year and 500mg test has me needing the use of aromasin or arimidex. Not much, but some.

Would liked to see blood work on this. Becoming very interested in bloodwork now!

I remember reading somewhere that the estro increase from using testosterone also helps with muscle gain. I think it was in william llewellyn's book. But I have to take an AI otherwise I'll get acne
Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: ritch on April 16, 2015, 11:59:46 AM
I remember reading somewhere that the estro increase from using testosterone also helps with muscle gain. I think it was in william llewellyn's book. But I have to take an AI otherwise I'll get acne

I know all about what you're saying, but not gonna rock some bitch tits for that little bit of extra "growth"

these guys say that stuff without taking into the account the big picture. And these are "experts"???
Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: Omega on April 16, 2015, 03:35:49 PM
I know for a fact I dont have the constitution to handle the drugs.
I dont have the genetics to be the elite.
BUT I do respond very, very well to gear (probably too well but have refrained from pushing the envelope because to be quite honest I am scared and consider my health). Always keep to under the 1g mark of anabolics with very little androgens in there.

You should know instantly whether this is for you or not.

Where 90% of people fail including myself up until 27yrs of age was they just arent lean enough to begin with.
So totally think point 1 is the most important.

You cant build a fortress on top of a shanty town.
Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: Omega on April 16, 2015, 03:38:29 PM
Lol I struggle to even look like I lift with my baby dosages I look the best at my gym but that isn't saying much lol I do it to look and b above average that's it. everything u type above is very logical and most people on here can relate to that in some way or to a further degree to some that compete.
I'm at around 2 gs that's with test deca and npp lol that's my high dose blast but I look badass so I roll with it

Thats fucked up!!
You sure you aint injecting WD40?
Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: pestosterone on April 16, 2015, 07:24:14 PM
Lol I look like I lift I just bust my own balls sometimes lol
Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: pestosterone on April 16, 2015, 07:47:43 PM
Or atleast I think i do some times any ways? Yall mother fuckers r ruthless blast away on me. Fuck but here's what u get at 6ft 215--220lbs on moderate dosages 1 blast a year to grow and cruise and tighten up with tren. I go not much further from here can always b leaner but idk this is my belief
Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: flinstones1 on April 16, 2015, 07:56:47 PM
Or atleast I think i do some times any ways? Yall mother fuckers r ruthless blast away on me. Fuck but here's what u get at 6ft 215--220lbs on moderate dosages 1 blast a year to grow and cruise and tighten up with tren. I go not much further from here can always b leaner but idk this is my belief

Kind of hard to tell how big you are from that angle and lighting but I think you look good.  Im sure you would probably  be 225-235 you mega dosed
Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: pestosterone on April 16, 2015, 08:05:16 PM
Well my training partners r fuck tards when it comes to taking photos for that purpose lol mega dosed to gain 10 lbs nah man I just raise my calories up I am not eating enough for fear of gaining fat right now I could get up there not  same bodyfat though. I won't mega dose I have no need ide try gh just to see what it would do here im bloated up from a bad eating event
Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: ritch on April 16, 2015, 08:15:42 PM
Well my training partners r fuck tards when it comes to taking photos for that purpose lol mega dosed to gain 10 lbs nah man I just raise my calories up I am not eating enough for fear of gaining fat right now I could get up there not  same bodyfat though. I won't mega dose I have no need ide try gh just to see what it would do here im bloated up from a bad eating event

Good pic man, nice size and not a fat ass!
Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: Jizmo on April 17, 2015, 12:40:11 AM
looks like a good physique, but work on your arms dude  :D theyre pretty much tiny
Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: equipoise on April 17, 2015, 01:16:28 AM
Or atleast I think i do some times any ways? Yall mother fuckers r ruthless blast away on me. Fuck but here's what u get at 6ft 215--220lbs on moderate dosages 1 blast a year to grow and cruise and tighten up with tren. I go not much further from here can always b leaner but idk this is my belief

Nice physique pestosterone! Jacked enough to make the whores go wet when you take your shirt off, but not mega huge; can pass off as "all chiken and brokoli bro" fake natural
Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: mazfit on April 17, 2015, 01:41:07 AM
defo a decent phqsiue

now up the dose ov everything and mutate,.
Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: pestosterone on April 17, 2015, 01:59:53 AM
This basically my look though yea my fuxking arms are tiny they refuse to grow I've done everybgoddamn thing under the sun for 6 months at a time and can't catch them the fuck up.
Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: pestosterone on April 17, 2015, 02:09:56 AM
Anyways my point with my picture post was small dose small muscle Big dose big muscle
Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: equipoise on April 18, 2015, 12:04:01 PM
This basically my look though yea my fuxking arms are tiny they refuse to grow I've done everybgoddamn thing under the sun for 6 months at a time and can't catch them the fuck up.

Have you tried synthol? Or just don't train the rest of your body, and your arms will look bigger lmao
Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: Diesel618 on April 18, 2015, 03:30:24 PM
This basically my look though yea my fuxking arms are tiny they refuse to grow I've done everybgoddamn thing under the sun for 6 months at a time and can't catch them the fuck up.

Have you tried supersetting bi's and tri's for the entire arm workout? It gets them crazy pumped and I've seen some good growth since doing that. I don't have stellar arms or anything but they're a solid 18 inches and slowly getting there. I also put a ton of emphasis on the brachialis. A well developed brachialis will make your arms look much bigger than they really are. I like across the chest hammer curls superset with reverse curls using an EZ bar for a big time brachialis buster.
Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: kevthekid on April 18, 2015, 03:41:28 PM
My arms are so big they look out of proportion. I always do Triceps with back and biceps with chest and have a desperate arm day and also train bicep or triceps with shoulders usually whichever one I feel like dking that day. They got so much bigger than the rest of my body that I don't even have a set arm day anymore I'll just do an arm day maybe once a month
Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: Diesel618 on April 18, 2015, 04:13:03 PM
My arms are so big they look out of proportion. I always do Triceps with back and biceps with chest and have a desperate arm day and also train bicep or triceps with shoulders usually whichever one I feel like dking that day. They got so much bigger than the rest of my body that I don't even have a set arm day anymore I'll just do an arm day maybe once a month

With all due respect I find this hard to believe. Even Phil Heath still trains his arms. Im curious what your arms measure to have such a problem. And didn't you say your max bench was only 315? It seems that you would still be in the phase of building a base where you need mass everywhere. I think you're doing yourself a huge disservice by not training arms regularly.
Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: kevthekid on April 18, 2015, 04:18:02 PM
With all due respect I find this hard to believe. Even Phil Heath still trains his arms. Im curious what your arms measure to have such a problem. And didn't you say your max bench was only 315? It seems that you would still be in the phase of building a base where you need mass everywhere. I think you're doing yourself a huge disservice by not training arms regularly.

I posted pics on other threads you can find them if you look. Also my arms are so much bigger than the rest of my body is because for the first 2 years I weightlifted, (7-8th grade) I did arms EVERY DAY not kidding I didn't even work shoulders and barely worked chest because I just wanted big arms. Towards the end of 9th grade I was still training arms 4-5x a week going heavy weight low rep one day then low weight high rep the next. That's the reason my arms are bigger and more out of proportion with the rest of my body
Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: Diesel618 on April 18, 2015, 04:24:36 PM
I posted pics on other threads you can find them if you look. Also my arms are so much bigger than the rest of my body is because for the first 2 years I weightlifted, (7-8th grade) I did arms EVERY DAY not kidding I didn't even work shoulders and barely worked chest because I just wanted big arms. Towards the end of 9th grade I was still training arms 4-5x a week going heavy weight low rep one day then low weight high rep the next. That's the reason my arms are bigger and more out of proportion with the rest of my body

I see, I will look for them. I hope my post didn't come across as attacking you in any way. I think you are probably on a higher level than me it is just odd for me to hear someone say they don't train arms because they are stubborn as shit for me!
Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: kevthekid on April 18, 2015, 04:28:29 PM
I see, I will look for them. I hope my post didn't come across as attacking you in any way. I think you are probably on a higher level than me it is just odd for me to hear someone say they don't train arms because they are stubborn as shit for me!

No I don't take offense to it all because I understand how for a majority of people it's hard to grow your arms. For me, my shoulders and legs are the biggest pain to grow and I hit them really hard so I know the feeling of having a stubborn body part not getting bigger. All I want in life is big capped delts and big quads haha
Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: Diesel618 on April 18, 2015, 04:30:03 PM
Start pinning those delts bro trust me! And lots of dropsets on side laterals
Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: kevthekid on April 18, 2015, 04:32:35 PM
Start pinning those delts bro trust me! And lots of dropsets on side laterals

I might start pinning delts and just deal with the pip. And I know side laterals and one arm dumb bell presses in the rep range of 15-25 is really one of the only exercises that gives me a good delt pump. I start tren on Sunday so I'll pin delts and see how it goes!
Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: Diesel618 on April 18, 2015, 04:34:46 PM
I might start pinning delts and just deal with the pip. And I know side laterals and one arm dumb bell presses in the rep range of 15-25 is really one of the only exercises that gives me a good delt pump. I start tren on Sunday so I'll pin delts and see how it goes!

Good man! Just make sure your heat the oil under hot water before you pin and the pip should subside after a couple shots. You will notice a definite cap to your delts in the days following the pin and you will get more blood in there when you train them. You're only 19? Shit dude you're gonna be an absolute monster if you keep at it!
Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: kevthekid on April 18, 2015, 04:39:37 PM
Good man! Just make sure your heat the oil under hot water before you pin and the pip should subside after a couple shots. You will notice a definite cap to your delts in the days following the pin and you will get more blood in there when you train them. You're only 19? Shit dude you're gonna be an absolute monster if you keep at it!

Yeah I'll definitely try that! I tried delts once on my last tren cycle and the pip was so bad that I couldn't lift my arm for like 2 days so I never shot them again lol and thanks bro! I've been wanting to compete since I was a kid so I wanted to get a good base started early so I started gear at 18 so I might do one of the shows down in Miami this year if i get the chance and get over my fear of being on stage lol
Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: Diesel618 on April 18, 2015, 05:26:30 PM
Yeah I'll definitely try that! I tried delts once on my last tren cycle and the pip was so bad that I couldn't lift my arm for like 2 days so I never shot them again lol and thanks bro! I've been wanting to compete since I was a kid so I wanted to get a good base started early so I started gear at 18 so I might do one of the shows down in Miami this year if i get the chance and get over my fear of being on stage lol

same boat man I want to compete but I refuse to step on stage until I know I can be competitive. I'm 25 though so you're way ahead of me. I've got another year until I graduate school so I'll give myself a couple more years of putting on as much clean size as I can and then I'll hopefullu be able to afford GH by that point and start thinking about doing a prep.
Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: kevthekid on April 18, 2015, 05:30:56 PM
same boat man I want to compete but I refuse to step on stage until I know I can be competitive. I'm 25 though so you're way ahead of me. I've got another year until I graduate school so I'll give myself a couple more years of putting on as much clean size as I can and then I'll hopefullu be able to afford GH by that point and start thinking about doing a prep.

yeah the only issue I have is money I'm in college too and I'm going to be supporting myself since I'm moving out of the state for college in July so it'll be hard having enough money to cover living expenses, school, gear and food but I gotta make do with what I got. I also agree with you I refuse to step on stage unless I feel like I'm 100% ready. I know of a REALLY good men's physique coach that gets all his guy in contest shape and a majority of them win 1st in their class
Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: Diesel618 on April 18, 2015, 06:03:36 PM
My plan for the next couple years is to stock up on test and tren and just rotate orals every blast. Easily the most bang for your buck. I'll keep my test around a gram to 1200 and tren between 350 and 700 and cruise on 600 mg test or so in between. Just the bread and butter.

Oh and research chem letro and cialis, and cabaser and bitiron from aurapharm.
Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: ritch on April 18, 2015, 08:17:23 PM
My plan for the next couple years is to stock up on test and tren and just rotate orals every blast. Easily the most bang for your buck. I'll keep my test around a gram to 1200 and tren between 350 and 700 and cruise on 600 mg test or so in between. Just the bread and butter.

Oh and research chem letro and cialis, and cabaser and bitiron from aurapharm.

generous dose to cruise on.
Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: flinstones1 on April 18, 2015, 09:00:08 PM
LOL at you guys planning doses with ugl shit. Should I take 750 mg of sustanon or 500 mg? ::)umm... You really think it makes jack shit difference at the end of the day? I really doubt that  bottle of sustanon contains 250mg of sustanon lol.    Go pin an entire 3000mg bottle of test, you might get  a gram of  actual testosterone if your lucky. Bottom line unless you are running pharm grade gear you cant really say what kind of doses you've used, only doses you think you've used.
Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: Diesel618 on April 18, 2015, 09:48:05 PM
LOL at you guys planning doses with ugl shit. Should I take 750 mg of sustanon or 500 mg? ::)umm... You really think it makes jack shit difference at the end of the day? I really doubt that  bottle of sustanon contains 250mg of sustanon lol.    Go pin an entire 3000mg bottle of test, you might get  a gram of  actual testosterone if your lucky. Bottom line unless you are running pharm grade gear you cant really say what kind of doses you've used, only doses you think you've used.

thanks for setting us straight  ::)
Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: Diesel618 on April 18, 2015, 09:51:13 PM
generous dose to cruise on.

I'm trying to get big. There is actually literature supporting TRT doses of up to 600/wk being relatively safe, but don't get me wrong I am well aware that I will be crossing the line from use to abuse but I intend to get on stage one day and with my genetics this is what it will take.
Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: ritch on April 18, 2015, 10:14:54 PM
I'm trying to get big. There is actually literature supporting TRT doses of up to 600/wk being relatively safe, but don't get me wrong I am well aware that I will be crossing the line from use to abuse but I intend to get on stage one day and with my genetics this is what it will take.

I heard the same about 600mg being safe, but can you recover health wise using that dose from a blast is the question you need to ask yourself.

Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: Diesel618 on April 19, 2015, 04:45:34 PM
I heard the same about 600mg being safe, but can you recover health wise using that dose from a blast is the question you need to ask yourself.

Duly noted. I get bloodwork done 4X/yr and the only things that have thus far come back out of range have been liver enzymes and lipids. My hematocrit runs at the high end of normal but hes never seemed concerned about that. Even my lipid profiles have not been concerning, he just told me to start doing cardio and stop eating so much fast food. Obviously if my bloodwork comes back severely out of whack I will be taking the necessary time to let things correct themselves, but I plan to take my body to its absolute limit for the next 10-15 years.
Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: equipoise on April 19, 2015, 05:09:12 PM
Duly noted. I get bloodwork done 4X/yr and the only things that have thus far come back out of range have been liver enzymes and lipids. My hematocrit runs at the high end of normal but hes never seemed concerned about that. Even my lipid profiles have not been concerning, he just told me to start doing cardio and stop eating so much fast food. Obviously if my bloodwork comes back severely out of whack I will be taking the necessary time to let things correct themselves, but I plan to take my body to its absolute limit for the next 10-15 years.

Liver enzymes might just be from exercise. I get slightly elevated AST and ALT even when completely natural (mostly because I usually do bloods 1 or 2 days after traiing)
Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: spiro on April 19, 2015, 05:22:58 PM
LOL at you guys planning doses with ugl shit. Should I take 750 mg of sustanon or 500 mg? ::)umm... You really think it makes jack shit difference at the end of the day? I really doubt that  bottle of sustanon contains 250mg of sustanon lol.    Go pin an entire 3000mg bottle of test, you might get  a gram of  actual testosterone if your lucky. Bottom line unless you are running pharm grade gear you cant really say what kind of doses you've used, only doses you think you've used.

I think switching to shorter ester can help eliminate this problem. I need a lot less test ace or prop to get the look I want compared to the longer ester tests from ugls. I think it's prob going to be a lot more accurately dosed. I switched to test ace recently and the fullness with 3-4 ccs is right there with the amount of sustanon I was using.
Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: ritch on April 19, 2015, 08:20:34 PM
Duly noted. I get bloodwork done 4X/yr and the only things that have thus far come back out of range have been liver enzymes and lipids. My hematocrit runs at the high end of normal but hes never seemed concerned about that. Even my lipid profiles have not been concerning, he just told me to start doing cardio and stop eating so much fast food. Obviously if my bloodwork comes back severely out of whack I will be taking the necessary time to let things correct themselves, but I plan to take my body to its absolute limit for the next 10-15 years.

Wow, 4x's a year for blood work is really good!

Post workout cardio for just 10 min in the 120-130bpm range can help you out. Right after my last set I quickly head to the treadmill and pretty much start in my target range or get there quickly.
Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: ritch on April 19, 2015, 08:21:53 PM
LOL at you guys planning doses with ugl shit. Should I take 750 mg of sustanon or 500 mg? ::)umm... You really think it makes jack shit difference at the end of the day? I really doubt that  bottle of sustanon contains 250mg of sustanon lol.    Go pin an entire 3000mg bottle of test, you might get  a gram of  actual testosterone if your lucky. Bottom line unless you are running pharm grade gear you cant really say what kind of doses you've used, only doses you think you've used.

Too bad the UG scene blows in your area. It's not fuckin' notch in Canada.
Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: OTHstrong on April 20, 2015, 12:00:35 AM
Well my training partners r fuck tards when it comes to taking photos for that purpose lol mega dosed to gain 10 lbs nah man I just raise my calories up I am not eating enough for fear of gaining fat right now I could get up there not  same bodyfat though. I won't mega dose I have no need ide try gh just to see what it would do here im bloated up from a bad eating event
great fucken physique man. Not many who are over 6 feet can pull off a front double like you.
Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: pestosterone on April 20, 2015, 02:26:18 AM
great fucken physique man. Not many who are over 6 feet can pull off a front double like you.
Thank u sir.
Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: pestosterone on April 20, 2015, 02:32:17 AM
I believe the hammer curls have helped my arms improve most in the last year they were way fuxking worse believe me. So basically I do arms every day at the gym at least 6 sets for a bi and tri some times just to pump them up. And I'll hit them harder on an arms only day or seperate them on like back or shoulder or chest day it's slowly improving and always changing shit now so Mayb I can fill out my damn 6ft wing span
Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: OTHstrong on April 20, 2015, 07:16:08 AM
I believe the hammer curls have helped my arms improve most in the last year they were way fuxking worse believe me. So basically I do arms every day at the gym at least 6 sets for a bi and tri some times just to pump them up. And I'll hit them harder on an arms only day or seperate them on like back or shoulder or chest day it's slowly improving and always changing shit now so Mayb I can fill out my damn 6ft wing span
good stuff but you also have a small midsection as well
Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: pestosterone on April 20, 2015, 11:13:31 AM
It's small but not fat free lol I can wear like size 30s in the waste with a compact .45 in the waste band but legs and ass won't allow the legs sizes I fcking hate pants all are made for people who don't lift
Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: ritch on April 20, 2015, 11:35:03 AM
It's small but not fat free lol I can wear like size 30s in the waste with a compact .45 in the waste band but legs and ass won't allow the legs sizes I fcking hate pants all are made for people who don't lift

I buy all 38 waist pants to fit legs, get them taylored at the waist and all is good.
30 inch waste for real??? Seems everyone has a 30-32 inch waste. Would mean you have like 28 inch  waste when really lean. Or less even.
You sure about those stats???
Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: kevthekid on April 20, 2015, 11:56:41 AM
Lol damn a 38?? I wear a 28-30 depending on the brand of jeans I wear but it's getting hard to fit in them since my legs have been growing a lot
Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: ritch on April 20, 2015, 12:04:00 PM
Lol damn a 38?? I wear a 28-30 depending on the brand of jeans I wear but it's getting hard to fit in them since my legs have been growing a lot

36 would be the absolute smallest to fit legs. Before getting them taylored, looked like I was wearing diapers, lol, they were so big and I do not have the biggest ass to fill out the back part....

Time to get serious on leg day man....
Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: Overload on April 20, 2015, 12:13:49 PM
I have a 30" waist and have to wear 36" jeans in order to fit into them.  Anything smaller than that and they are skin tight in the crotch/quad area.  All the jeans i have are wide leg jeans, i can't even fit into most "normal" jeans these.  Always wear a belt and you're golden.

My ex-girlfriend tried to get me in some skinny jeans.  Even the 36" pants wouldn't fit past my knee.  It really goes to show how small the normal man is these days.


Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: ritch on April 20, 2015, 12:24:36 PM
well I sure as hell don't have no 30 inch waste. 32ish when in shape but I got real good shoulders so not like it's a problem...
Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: pestosterone on April 20, 2015, 12:26:04 PM
These I have on are shorts they r 32inchs polo and I have 1 Springfield 45 inside the waiste could fit 2 of these fuckers if I needed. I also buy bigger pants injust hate the damn bigger waste all bunched up under the belt and shit. My wife just bought me a pair of athletic fit Levi's its a new cut stretches in the legs the 33swaste do nice in me only have one pair so far decent fit bitches b lookin they r good
Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: pestosterone on April 20, 2015, 12:34:10 PM
I have a 30" waist and have to wear 36" jeans in order to fit into them.  Anything smaller than that and they are skin tight in the crotch/quad area.  All the jeans i have are wide leg jeans, i can't even fit into most "normal" jeans these.  Always wear a belt and you're golden.

My ex-girlfriend tried to get me in some skinny jeans.  Even the 36" pants wouldn't fit past my knee.  It really goes to show how small the normal man is these days.

Glad she's your ex fuck skinny jeans. its worse when fat chubby dudes where tight shirts and skinny jeans ide shoot mybself if I looked like them skinny jeans wtf is that lol

Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: aintitgrand on April 21, 2015, 08:35:36 AM
I have a 30" waist and have to wear 36" jeans in order to fit into them.  Anything smaller than that and they are skin tight in the crotch/quad area.  All the jeans i have are wide leg jeans, i can't even fit into most "normal" jeans these.  Always wear a belt and you're golden.

My ex-girlfriend tried to get me in some skinny jeans.  Even the 36" pants wouldn't fit past my knee.  It really goes to show how small the normal man is these days.


LOL my brother wears skinny jeans but he's 6' and 150#. I accidentally picked up a pair to try on (they were misplaced, I was looking for straight leg), and I could barely fit a calf into them, let alone my upper leg. I give my brother shit all the time when he wears skinny jeans, but it hasn't hindered his getting laid abilities, the kid gets way more pussy than I do. I guess its what college girls like these days. I'll never understand it, and I'm only 25.
Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: Overload on April 21, 2015, 02:57:41 PM
LOL my brother wears skinny jeans but he's 6' and 150#. I accidentally picked up a pair to try on (they were misplaced, I was looking for straight leg), and I could barely fit a calf into them, let alone my upper leg. I give my brother shit all the time when he wears skinny jeans, but it hasn't hindered his getting laid abilities, the kid gets way more pussy than I do. I guess its what college girls like these days. I'll never understand it, and I'm only 25.

All the younger chicks i know love those stupid jeans.  Nothing like a super hot chick telling you that you would look good in a pair of them.  I told her they don't make them in mens' sizes so i can't wear them.

Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: f450 on April 21, 2015, 03:37:13 PM
All the younger chicks i know love those stupid jeans.  Nothing like a super hot chick telling you that you would look good in a pair of them.  I told her they don't make them in mens' sizes so i can't wear them.


A fitted Brioni with nice wingtips beats out those faggy jeans all day...  you stand out, you look sharp, you look rich.. helps if you're moderately good looking too. That 50 shades fantasy ...
Title: Re: I will sum up bodybuilding
Post by: equipoise on April 23, 2015, 09:45:35 AM
All the younger chicks i know love those stupid jeans.  Nothing like a super hot chick telling you that you would look good in a pair of them.  I told her they don't make them in mens' sizes so i can't wear them.


If your legs are too huge skinny jeans will just look weird. the whole look that people are going for is the skinny european model look; it's best to be tall and skinny with good face nowadays. muscles not needed lmao