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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Steroids Info & Hardcore => Topic started by: The Jackel on February 26, 2006, 08:51:56 AM

Title: Synovex H Conversion
Post by: The Jackel on February 26, 2006, 08:51:56 AM
I am having a hell of time converting Synovex H to prop with the kit from,  I have used Dazed kits several times before with no problems at all, but dazed has gone out of business. Here is my problem, crushed up the pellets, dissolved in methanol, filtered out, added Estrogen Solubilizer, then added distilled water, filtered out prop powder.  Know this where I ran into problems, added the magic solution (BA and BB) to the powder, headed it up and it was still a little more foggy than I remember, so when to filter and it pushed thought the filter like it was nothing, and the what came out looked just like the unfiltered stuff and left now residue in the filter. Tried 2 filters with same results, although they gave me some kind of filter that I have never used before called Millex GP .22um. In the past I have always used a Whatman .45um filter.  Has anyone had this problem with this kit and have i totally screwed my conversion. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
