Getbig Bodybuilding, Figure and Fitness Forums

Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: thegamechanger on April 22, 2015, 01:32:57 AM

Title: life is short lets not waste any more time guys
Post by: thegamechanger on April 22, 2015, 01:32:57 AM
the window of opportunity is closing... what if we have just one more shot at putting on as much muscle as we can and hit that PEAK, get in shape or whatever.
im telling you, it's time to get serious! im gonna start doing 4 sets rather than 3 in the legpress and drink one more proteinshake per day from now on!
Title: Re: life is short lets not waste any more time guys
Post by: BigRo on April 22, 2015, 01:34:24 AM
there is no higher and more urgent task than to know who you really are.
Title: Re: life is short lets not waste any more time guys
Post by: The Italian Lifter on April 22, 2015, 01:49:19 AM
he's a great motivator
Title: Re: life is short lets not waste any more time guys
Post by: Svengoolie on April 22, 2015, 03:51:17 AM
there is no higher and more urgent task than to know who you really are.

That's deep bro
Title: Re: life is short lets not waste any more time guys
Post by: beverast on April 22, 2015, 04:02:03 AM
Great post. Gonna inject 10cc instead of 5 tonight.
Title: Re: life is short lets not waste any more time guys
Post by: Chacka on April 22, 2015, 04:58:59 AM
this will most likely be the most important post today. God bless the game changer
Title: Re: life is short lets not waste any more time guys
Post by: Tapeworm on April 22, 2015, 06:05:07 AM
there is no higher and more urgent task than to know who you really are.

You're big ro.  It's written right there in the top left corner of the screen, dimbulb.
Title: Re: life is short lets not waste any more time guys
Post by: Tennisballz on April 22, 2015, 09:37:36 AM
I guess that means we all better hop on a healthy dose of DNP for the upcoming summer.  Maybe 8 pills or so to start.
Title: Re: life is short lets not waste any more time guys
Post by: Las Vegas on April 22, 2015, 12:56:29 PM
Yeah, well I am gonna go 95-mph to the gym instead of 65!!  FUCK YES!!!
Title: Re: life is short lets not waste any more time guys
Post by: funk51 on April 22, 2015, 01:01:27 PM
 ;D   now that's the getbigger spirit i'm talking about gung lo.....
Title: Re: life is short lets not waste any more time guys
Post by: BigRo on April 22, 2015, 02:12:54 PM
You're big ro.  It's written right there in the top left corner of the screen, dimbulb.

Ones true nature is beyond name and form, time and space, there is an eternal deathless, infinite and supremely blissful part of your being which is who you really are. It is not a selfish thing to awaken to this but the most needed thing in our world.
Title: Re: life is short lets not waste any more time guys
Post by: Skylge on April 22, 2015, 02:16:44 PM
;D   now that's the getbigger spirit i'm talking about gung lo.....

Live 50 years like a....
Live 90 years like a....
Title: Re: life is short lets not waste any more time guys
Post by: BigRo on April 22, 2015, 03:11:27 PM
There is no scientific proof for the Divine that can be peer reviewed and accepted by hard materialist science.

Meditation, awakening the deeper emotions of devotion, divine love, compassion, benevolence, and fearlessness all this helps the consciousness grow out of its skin wrapped condition in to a state of universal connection and transcendental identity.

The I am the body alone idea causes us most of our sufferings. All bodies, all beings, the earth is a ripple on the surface of our eternal supreme being. We literally are the supreme divine being in which all this cosmos takes its stand.

We are Buddhas but asleep, therefore waking up to who we trully are fufills the purpose of birth and heals the divisions and discords in our world if it happens on a collective level.

"That which permeates all, which nothing transcends and which, like the universal space around us, fills everything from within and without, that Supreme non-dual Brahman - that thou art." Adi Shankara

Title: Re: life is short lets not waste any more time guys
Post by: BigRo on April 22, 2015, 03:34:55 PM
sit in a dark room for 30 minutes with your eyes closed then report back to me about what you felt. Chances are you could use some meditative training whatever you wish to believe. Immediate experience after all is what's important not beliefs.
Title: Re: life is short lets not waste any more time guys
Post by: Primemuscle on April 22, 2015, 11:23:25 PM
Interesting stuff BigRo. How did you come to realise this? every thing i read of science seems to indicate that conciousness cannot exist outside of the brain. Once the brain is dead, that's it.
If you are correct in your premise however,and it is somehow proven, then why would this be the most needed thing in our world? Given that religious nuts believe in an afterlife and an eternal part of their being anyway? and it's not exactly been very beneficial to the world.

Regardless of what may happen in the future, one should live each day to the fullest and like it is their last day. The way to make the most out of your life is to make everyday the best day you can.
Title: Re: life is short lets not waste any more time guys
Post by: thegamechanger on April 22, 2015, 11:59:23 PM
i am the body. and thats all i am!
Title: Re: life is short lets not waste any more time guys
Post by: Army of One on April 23, 2015, 12:07:50 AM
Ones true nature is beyond name and form, time and space, there is an eternal deathless, infinite and supremely blissful part of your being which is who you really are. It is not a selfish thing to awaken to this but the most needed thing in our world.

Are you going to plagiarise all of Elkhart Tolle?
Title: Re: life is short lets not waste any more time guys
Post by: BigRo on April 23, 2015, 01:14:27 AM

Are you going to plagiarise all of Elkhart Tolle?

Eckhart himself has pulled his words from the wisdom traditions of the world, we all share the same language.
Title: Re: life is short lets not waste any more time guys
Post by: BigRo on April 23, 2015, 01:19:47 AM
I agree prime. I'm sure bigRo does too, i guess we just have different ways of thinking about it. I personally find it far more fufilling to realise the reality that when you die, there's no coming back so make the most of it.

Have you sat with this thought, idea, feeling about complete termination of you, your body, your mind, awareness? You will probably picture your corpse rotting and try and imagine a complete full stop, go in to that complete nothingness of self fully, if anything you can make yourself more fearless in the face of death this way, and we all fear death because of the great unknown it presents us.
Title: Re: life is short lets not waste any more time guys
Post by: Julio Ceasar on April 23, 2015, 01:39:02 AM
the window of opportunity is closing... what if we have just one more shot at putting on as much muscle as we can and hit that PEAK, get in shape or whatever.
im telling you, it's time to get serious! im gonna start doing 4 sets rather than 3 in the legpress and drink one more proteinshake per day from now on!

Doing one more set in the legpress is great! But the extra proteindrink will only make u look more fat!
Title: Re: life is short lets not waste any more time guys
Post by: BigRo on April 23, 2015, 01:41:58 AM
it is amazing, that we are alive, you seem to think anything spiritual is a fabrication but real spirituality is about living in the present moment fully. The fearlessness that is born from deep meditation is not a convincing of oneself or a deluding of oneself but seeing and feeling reality very clearly, there are no concepts arising in that state saying you are this or you are that, there is a complete standstill of cognition, so how can it be a delusion?
Title: Re: life is short lets not waste any more time guys
Post by: King Shizzo on April 23, 2015, 01:45:11 AM
Eckhart himself has pulled his words from the wisdom traditions of the world, we all share the same language.
Nice! I will use this the next time I copy/paste something.
Title: Re: life is short lets not waste any more time guys
Post by: thegamechanger on April 23, 2015, 01:45:46 AM
Nice! I will use this the next time I copy/paste something.
Title: Re: life is short lets not waste any more time guys
Post by: BigRo on April 23, 2015, 01:50:57 AM
Nice! I will use this the next time I copy/paste something.

I did not copy and paste, these thoughts are second nature to me.
Title: Re: life is short lets not waste any more time guys
Post by: King Shizzo on April 23, 2015, 01:52:16 AM
I did not copy and paste, these thoughts are second nature to me.
I did not copy and paste, these thoughts are second nature to me. We all share the same language  :-*
Title: Re: life is short lets not waste any more time guys
Post by: BigRo on April 23, 2015, 02:00:29 AM
Shizzo is a voracious cum drinker!
Title: Re: life is short lets not waste any more time guys
Post by: King Shizzo on April 23, 2015, 02:01:34 AM
Shizzo is a voracious cum drinker!
Hahaha.....not copying that.
Title: Re: life is short lets not waste any more time guys
Post by: thegamechanger on April 23, 2015, 02:11:56 AM
looks like we can agree on that the mind may, or may not move on.
but! the body, the body does not!
which makes the body the most important thing, you only get one chance to get the perfect body!!
so lets flex those arms baby!!!
Title: Re: life is short lets not waste any more time guys
Post by: Primemuscle on April 23, 2015, 02:01:43 PM
Have you sat with this thought, idea, feeling about complete termination of you, your body, your mind, awareness? You will probably picture your corpse rotting and try and imagine a complete full stop, go in to that complete nothingness of self fully, if anything you can make yourself more fearless in the face of death this way, and we all fear death because of the great unknown it presents us.

I have not thought about this but that time is getting closer everyday. I won't rot. Ashes don't rot.
Title: Re: life is short lets not waste any more time guys
Post by: Dave D on April 23, 2015, 02:09:31 PM
What if we live as a less successful version of ourself on 2nd life?
Title: Re: life is short lets not waste any more time guys
Post by: Primemuscle on April 23, 2015, 02:20:28 PM
What if we live as a less successful version of ourself on 2nd life?

There is no evidence of this happening.
Title: Re: life is short lets not waste any more time guys
Post by: BigRo on April 23, 2015, 02:28:27 PM
what is evidence?

I look at older men and think if I was there age I would be even more focused on spiritual path than I am now. Just seems a shame to hold on to your precious evidence that you are no more than ashes therefore you have no spirit therefore you dont need to meditate.
Title: Re: life is short lets not waste any more time guys
Post by: Teutonic Knight on April 23, 2015, 02:44:16 PM
it is amazing, that we are alive, you seem to think anything spiritual is a fabrication but real spirituality is about living in the present moment fully. The fearlessness that is born from deep meditation is not a convincing of oneself or a deluding of oneself but seeing and feeling reality very clearly, there are no concepts arising in that state saying you are this or you are that, there is a complete standstill of cognition, so how can it be a delusion?

Screw spiritual world, I am on the beach café & very much into young slim physical pussy reality , you should join me big boy Ro  8)
Title: Re: life is short lets not waste any more time guys
Post by: BigRo on April 23, 2015, 02:48:01 PM
I would join you and slay some pussy and sleep on the beach after depleting my life forces.
Title: Re: life is short lets not waste any more time guys
Post by: Teutonic Knight on April 23, 2015, 04:11:52 PM
I would join you and slay some pussy and sleep on the beach after depleting my life forces.

Seeee Yaaa on the beach & don't worry only bull sharks & killer whales in those H20's  8)

Only "danger" could be Anusol Basile trying to photograph your private parts  >:(
Title: Re: life is short lets not waste any more time guys
Post by: BigRo on April 24, 2015, 02:10:38 AM
Evidence is being able to prove an assertion is true and valid...something that spirituality completely lacks. So i would argue that it is more of a shame to hold on to a belief that you are more than a physical body just because it's a nice idea.
I get the point though that meditation is giving you something, so I can't argue against you doing it...even if it is merely a placebo effect. I just don't see how you can tie this sense of wellbeing you get into somehow equating to an eternal life and a soul that survives death.

Show me the evidence that you and I are 100 percent material and that consciousness is a byproduct of the firing of neurons only.
Title: Re: life is short lets not waste any more time guys
Post by: BigRo on April 24, 2015, 03:25:46 AM
haha come on bigRo, i'm sure you know that the burden of proof is on you with these claims. I can't just come out with a statement like " i flew to the moon last night on a winged horse....prove i didn't"

And certainly all the scientific research into near death experiences which people tried to put down as proof of a spirit or soul...have been explained as the result of the brain/body dying. A huge rush of chemicals/DMT is released as the brain is starving of oxygen and preparing to die.

you yourself are making the claim and taking as fact and reality that consciousness is a by product of the brain. I want to know how you have come about this evidence for yourself. What you said is the typical atheists cop out.
Title: Re: life is short lets not waste any more time guys
Post by: BigRo on April 24, 2015, 03:38:18 AM
haha come on bigRo, i'm sure you know that the burden of proof is on you with these claims. I can't just come out with a statement like " i flew to the moon last night on a winged horse....prove i didn't"

And certainly all the scientific research into near death experiences which people tried to put down as proof of a spirit or soul...have been explained as the result of the brain/body dying. A huge rush of chemicals/DMT is released as the brain is starving of oxygen and preparing to die.

this is a sign of your immature mind to equate sitting in perfect stillness with flying to the moon on a winged horse. Just admit you lack the needed dedication for such a practise rather than throw these pebbles. No wonder your ex girlfriend left you!
Title: Re: life is short lets not waste any more time guys
Post by: thegamechanger on April 24, 2015, 04:48:32 AM
what if in the afterlife you get reborn as a smiley on getbig forum.

and your previous posts dictates which one.

some of you will be this:  :)

others will be this  ???

or this  :-[
Title: Re: life is short lets not waste any more time guys
Post by: BigRo on April 24, 2015, 05:27:16 AM
LOL, she's not my ex...i'm still with her, i just don't like revealing too much online. and my example was not to show immaturity...i think you've fried your head with too many mushrooms. The example was to show that anyone can make a giant and ridiculous claim, but unless they can actually back it up then it's you going on about an infinite self that transcends space and time!
you are trying to equate sitting in perfect stillness to some sort of higher power and relevance in life. I'm arguing that it's nothing more than a placebo effect that pseudo intellectuals and crackpots seem to benefit from.

And i'm not the one doing the research thankfully...the worlds best doctors and scientists are. You are choosing to ignore reality and evidence and instead blindly believe in things because they sound nice to you. I'm agnositic in the sense that i am willing to accept anything, and would truly love for it to be true that consciousness can survive death, but i'm not going to proclaim it as fact just because i like the idea of it...that's what morons do...big, juiced up meditating morons do that Ro!

Well you must do her head in on a regular basis!

So you have no way of knowing for yourself you have to take the world of some materialist doctors and scientists. At least I have a method of my own to find out.

You could use some magic mushrooms.
Title: Re: life is short lets not waste any more time guys
Post by: Donny on April 24, 2015, 05:30:35 AM
Well you must do her head in on a regular basis!

So you have no way of knowing for yourself you have to take the world of some materialist doctors and scientists. At least I have a method of my own to find out.

You could use some magic mushrooms.
serious question Ro.. do you still take them?
Title: Re: life is short lets not waste any more time guys
Post by: BigRo on April 24, 2015, 06:00:37 AM
Seldom, last time it made my back muscles very sore. Have loads of it stored in my freezer though.
Title: Re: life is short lets not waste any more time guys
Post by: Donny on April 24, 2015, 06:10:14 AM
Seldom, last time it made my back muscles very sore. Have loads of it stored in my freezer though.
never knew you could freeze them. I remember people dried them out and they looked a bit like tea leafs. Sold them in Match boxes. I have not taken them since i was 16 or so.
Title: Re: life is short lets not waste any more time guys
Post by: BigRo on April 24, 2015, 06:12:54 AM
yeah the potency is just as good I think, need to be fasted really for best result which doesnt happen with a bodybuilding diet.
Title: Re: life is short lets not waste any more time guys
Post by: Donny on April 24, 2015, 06:14:48 AM
yeah the potency is just as good I think, need to be fasted really for best result which doesnt happen with a bodybuilding diet.
They definitely work... ;D
Title: Re: life is short lets not waste any more time guys
Post by: Grape Ape on April 24, 2015, 08:07:24 AM
Have loads stored in my freezer though.

Outed for eating spermcicles
Title: Re: life is short lets not waste any more time guys
Post by: Ronnie Rep on April 24, 2015, 09:27:35 AM
what if in the afterlife you get reborn as a smiley on getbig forum.

and your previous posts dictates which one.

some of you will be this:  :)

others will be this  ???

or this  :-[
and some will be this :-*
Title: Re: life is short lets not waste any more time guys
Post by: BigRo on April 24, 2015, 11:10:06 AM
Outed for eating spermcicles

lol good one
Title: Re: life is short lets not waste any more time guys
Post by: BigRo on April 24, 2015, 12:06:39 PM
haha yes i'll concede that i do her head in regularly. she suffers from cognitive dissonance when presented with evidence contradicting her baseless opinions!

I took LSD by accident once. It was one of the worst experiences of my entire life. I hallucinated a nightmare for hours.

sounds like she would enjoy a good tantric shag from meself lols
Title: Re: life is short lets not waste any more time guys
Post by: BigRo on April 25, 2015, 02:27:47 PM
I was arguing her viewpoint and that's the thanks I get!

Wouldn't expect otherwise from most spiritual people though, they see the body and think, this guys an egocentric meathead.
