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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Steroids Info & Hardcore => Topic started by: EurasianAesthetics on July 24, 2015, 01:29:22 AM

Title: Perma blasting (6 months +)
Post by: EurasianAesthetics on July 24, 2015, 01:29:22 AM
I know people often speak of cycling between blast and cruise cycles. But what about blasting for longer periods like 6 - 12 months, or even for years straight.

Putting health risks aside, would you keep gaining if you ran say 3g+ a week for such long periods without a break?

Or is a break really necessary or beneficial in comparison, to improve your gains. I suppose it'd be interesting to know who would be bigger if one guy cruises sometimes and another guy never does.

Anybody have experience?
Title: Re: Perma blasting (6 months +)
Post by: tatoo on July 24, 2015, 05:15:49 AM
I was on for two years straight at one point. 2-3 gram average. rotate your gear in and out. you may want to "cut" every now and again to keep bf levels in the 10-12 range. that's just me personally. I gain the most muscle at that bf level. plus im a fat fuck and like to eat. I "cruised" every now and again just because I was sick of pinning. but to answer your question.. the more you take, the longer youre on, the bigger you will be in the end.
Title: Re: Perma blasting (6 months +)
Post by: harry123 on July 24, 2015, 06:06:12 AM

i am on since about 10 years and i dont get off!!! i check all year my bloodlevels thats it. ist all ok.
at moment i am on 3000mg test E and 4iu hgh

Title: Re: Perma blasting (6 months +)
Post by: Jizmo on July 24, 2015, 06:15:55 AM

i am on since about 10 years and i dont get off!!! i check all year my bloodlevels thats it. ist all ok.
at moment i am on 3000mg test E and 4iu hgh

wanna throw up some pics?
Title: Re: Perma blasting (6 months +)
Post by: harry123 on July 24, 2015, 06:22:41 AM

the last 10 year i was an about 500mg - 1000mg test and some other gear. now since 4 weeks i am on 3000mg test and hgh.

my Focus was in the last 10 years to get a good Quality 100kg musclebody. now i want get higher.... dont know how much kg but more.
i dont post pics at inet.. must stay annonym. is better.
Title: Re: Perma blasting (6 months +)
Post by: tatoo on July 24, 2015, 08:32:23 AM

the last 10 year i was an about 500mg - 1000mg test and some other gear. now since 4 weeks i am on 3000mg test and hgh.

my Focus was in the last 10 years to get a good Quality 100kg musclebody. now i want get higher.... dont know how much kg but more.
i dont post pics at inet.. must stay annonym. is better.

what have the results been over the last 4 weeks on the 3000mg now??
Title: Re: Perma blasting (6 months +)
Post by: ritch on July 24, 2015, 08:48:14 AM
Get bloodwork.
Title: Re: Perma blasting (6 months +)
Post by: kevthekid on July 24, 2015, 09:50:35 AM
I was on 500-750mg test e and 400mg tren ace for 6 months straight....Blood levels were fine but blood pressure was slightly elevated maybe like 10-20 above normal. Everyone noticed I got a lot fucking bigger though and my parents started accusing me of taking steroids and I just played it off as pro hormones that I bought online until they found my stash haha talk about an awkward conversation
Title: Re: Perma blasting (6 months +)
Post by: equipoise on July 24, 2015, 11:30:02 AM
I was on 500-750mg test e and 400mg tren ace for 6 months straight....Blood levels were fine but blood pressure was slightly elevated maybe like 10-20 above normal. Everyone noticed I got a lot fucking bigger though and my parents started accusing me of taking steroids and I just played it off as pro hormones that I bought online until they found my stash haha talk about an awkward conversation

How did you explain/negotiate the AAS use with them? If i was living with parents I would rent a locker somewhere and pin outside of home
Title: Re: Perma blasting (6 months +)
Post by: kevthekid on July 24, 2015, 12:00:54 PM
How did you explain/negotiate the AAS use with them? If i was living with parents I would rent a locker somewhere and pin outside of home

They took all of it and had a talk with me about not doing it again. I've been looking to do that I really should find a locker and just keep it all there but my gym doesn't have any rentable ones and they cut the locks off and throw your stuff away if you leave it there over night
Title: Re: Perma blasting (6 months +)
Post by: Davidtheman100 on July 24, 2015, 08:26:08 PM
I know people often speak of cycling between blast and cruise cycles. But what about blasting for longer periods like 6 - 12 months, or even for years straight.

Putting health risks aside, would you keep gaining if you ran say 3g+ a week for such long periods without a break?

Or is a break really necessary or beneficial in comparison, to improve your gains. I suppose it'd be interesting to know who would be bigger if one guy cruises sometimes and another guy never does.

Anybody have experience?

Just like with 500mg of test, 600mg of test etc there is no "receptor burnout" so to speak..If you stay on the gear and you haven't reached your natural peak for gear-alone or your natural peak for those dosages (if they aren't enough to get you to natural gear peak)..Then you will keep gaining as you keep the dosages high, and consistent..If you were putting health risks aside and were just worried about looking good year round...I would almost split the gear in half and use these compounds ranging from what you should use the most, to the least... Tren, Mast, Test and every couple months run 4 weeks of winstrol and would use albut for my PWO... Primo as well if you can afford it.. No point in running 2-3g test if you have not ventured into GH yet.. Will look dry and shredded year round..
Title: Re: Perma blasting (6 months +)
Post by: EurasianAesthetics on July 25, 2015, 12:58:34 AM
Just like with 500mg of test, 600mg of test etc there is no "receptor burnout" so to speak..If you stay on the gear and you haven't reached your natural peak for gear-alone or your natural peak for those dosages (if they aren't enough to get you to natural gear peak)..Then you will keep gaining as you keep the dosages high, and consistent..If you were putting health risks aside and were just worried about looking good year round...I would almost split the gear in half and use these compounds ranging from what you should use the most, to the least... Tren, Mast, Test and every couple months run 4 weeks of winstrol and would use albut for my PWO... Primo as well if you can afford it.. No point in running 2-3g test if you have not ventured into GH yet.. Will look dry and shredded year round..

My bloods come back very good on high doses and i have a lot of catching up to do having only 3 years lifting under my belt at 26. Had some guy well into the commumity approach me and give me his number who liked my shape, just need way more lean mass. Want as possible, asap.
Title: Re: Perma blasting (6 months +)
Post by: oni on July 25, 2015, 02:44:41 AM
I've been on over a gram now for over a year.
I was on tren for 6 months... eventually stopped because my liver stopped producing bile and my stomach lining got damaged
I stopped the tren, upped test to a gram. Now I am ok

Blood work is fine
If I take orals, I grind them up or empty the caps in olive oil and add 2g of fibre husk and this protects the liver / stomach. I do not take them with food
I eat all my protein from fish, all my carbs with white rice or potato and my fats from coconut oil

I am young though, that helps a lot
Title: Re: Perma blasting (6 months +)
Post by: EurasianAesthetics on July 25, 2015, 04:25:47 AM
I've been on over a gram now for over a year.
I was on tren for 6 months... eventually stopped because my liver stopped producing bile and my stomach lining got damaged
I stopped the tren, upped test to a gram. Now I am ok

Blood work is fine
If I take orals, I grind them up or empty the caps in olive oil and add 2g of fibre husk and this protects the liver / stomach. I do not take them with food
I eat all my protein from fish, all my carbs with white rice or potato and my fats from coconut oil

I am young though, that helps a lot

Damm - yeah it  seems to be tren and orals that cause the most damage. I always get bad liver readings after blasting tren so don't like to stay on it too long but test and deca don't affect me much.

Are you still gaining now? Or have gains stalled. I've read a few people say that gains stall not that far into a long cycle and you have to get off for a bit to reset before jumping back on. But then I read that's not true.

Personally i'd love to stay on over 12 months as well, but only if i'm getting something from it.

Title: Re: Perma blasting (6 months +)
Post by: equipoise on July 25, 2015, 05:34:33 AM
I really want to get off the tren now. It's been 9 weeks and it's fucking with my sleep a lot. I was thinking of switching to high dose primo to maintain the hard dry look. But quite frankly there are many days when I consider just fucking off and doing yoga instead
Title: Re: Perma blasting (6 months +)
Post by: Damios on July 25, 2015, 07:25:21 AM
Tren, Mast, Test and every couple months run 4 weeks of winstrol and would use albut for my PWO... Primo as well if you can afford it.. No point in running 2-3g test if you have not ventured into GH yet.. Will look dry and shredded year round..

It will be more dependent on diet. Even with Test+Tren+Mast it is easy to be fat on calories surplus.
Title: Re: Perma blasting (6 months +)
Post by: Davidtheman100 on July 25, 2015, 07:29:10 AM
It will be more dependent on diet. Even with Test+Tren+Mast it is easy to be fat on calories surplus.

if you started lean and are taking albut PWO? I don't think so...At least for me and everyone i know..Can eat like a horse during the offseason  only totaling dosages at around 2g and not put on a bit of fat..I'm not talking 6-7cal..I'm talking around 4.5-5k..This is why i put tren at highest dosage 
Title: Re: Perma blasting (6 months +)
Post by: oni on July 25, 2015, 08:03:46 AM
Damm - yeah it  seems to be tren and orals that cause the most damage. I always get bad liver readings after blasting tren so don't like to stay on it too long but test and deca don't affect me much.

Are you still gaining now? Or have gains stalled. I've read a few people say that gains stall not that far into a long cycle and you have to get off for a bit to reset before jumping back on. But then I read that's not true.

Personally i'd love to stay on over 12 months as well, but only if i'm getting something from it.

Tren always works forever, for some reason it never loses it's efficacy
Everything else I just rotate, body keeps trying to get equilibrium, so just keep rotating, even esters helps. Multi esters keeps you gaining longer also, harder for the body to find equilibrium with differing levels of hormones entering and leaving the body

I like a sustanon I get which is just enanthate and prop mix. 80mg prop, the rest enanthate 250mg/ml. Pin it every day I find that works very well. Then you can change to undecanoate for a few months then enanthate and the differing timing of the hormone fluctuations keeps the body from adapting by increasing the myostatin and cortisol

brologic 101, I'm pretty sure there is some studies out there though
Title: Re: Perma blasting (6 months +)
Post by: ritch on July 25, 2015, 09:11:25 AM
Tren always works forever, for some reason it never loses it's efficacy
Everything else I just rotate, body keeps trying to get equilibrium, so just keep rotating, even esters helps. Multi esters keeps you gaining longer also, harder for the body to find equilibrium with differing levels of hormones entering and leaving the body

I like a sustanon I get which is just enanthate and prop mix. 80mg prop, the rest enanthate 250mg/ml. Pin it every day I find that works very well. Then you can change to undecanoate for a few months then enanthate and the differing timing of the hormone fluctuations keeps the body from adapting by increasing the myostatin and cortisol

brologic 101, I'm pretty sure there is some studies out there though

Gotta disagree. Guys lose size when on tren for too long. I think it's precurser to Palumboism even.
Title: Re: Perma blasting (6 months +)
Post by: Jizmo on July 25, 2015, 10:49:32 AM
Gotta disagree. Guys lose size when on tren for too long. I think it's precurser to Palumboism even.
naah thats pure speculation...

the only thing thats bad about being on tren for too long (apart from wrecked lipids) is that it suppresses cortisol
and its pretty damn good at that

if you dont counteract that youre gonna burn out
your body needs cortisol for a ton of reasons

ive never seen anyone losing size from being on tren for a long time...
if you dont eat enough yeah then tren is gonna make you stringy, but not the longer you are on it...

im PRETTY sure that the whole palumboism thing comes from insulin resistance via GH abuse (and being on insulin 24/7. btw... NOT rapid insulin... rapid insulin is COMPLETELY HARMLESS and does NOT cause any kind of desensitization unless you blast ungodly amounts of it all at once or are on it 24/7)

palumboism = diabetes look

i have no idea why the extremities (especially triceps and legs) shrink in paluboism though... someone mentioned pinched nerves from carpal tunnel syndrome etc from the GH... not sure.
Title: Re: Perma blasting (6 months +)
Post by: Thong Maniac on July 25, 2015, 11:07:47 AM
I know people often speak of cycling between blast and cruise cycles. But what about blasting for longer periods like 6 - 12 months, or even for years straight.

Putting health risks aside, would you keep gaining if you ran say 3g+ a week for such long periods without a break?

Or is a break really necessary or beneficial in comparison, to improve your gains. I suppose it'd be interesting to know who would be bigger if one guy cruises sometimes and another guy never does.

Anybody have experience?

Life is precious man, your playing with fire. Use moderation
Title: Re: Perma blasting (6 months +)
Post by: ritch on July 25, 2015, 11:28:08 AM
naah thats pure speculation...

the only thing thats bad about being on tren for too long (apart from wrecked lipids) is that it suppresses cortisol
and its pretty damn good at that

if you dont counteract that youre gonna burn out
your body needs cortisol for a ton of reasons

ive never seen anyone losing size from being on tren for a long time...
if you dont eat enough yeah then tren is gonna make you stringy, but not the longer you are on it...

im PRETTY sure that the whole palumboism thing comes from insulin resistance via GH abuse (and being on insulin 24/7. btw... NOT rapid insulin... rapid insulin is COMPLETELY HARMLESS and does NOT cause any kind of desensitization unless you blast ungodly amounts of it all at once or are on it 24/7)

palumboism = diabetes look

i have no idea why the extremities (especially triceps and legs) shrink in paluboism though... someone mentioned pinched nerves from carpal tunnel syndrome etc from the GH... not sure.

Well, I've seen this in person a few times. They could be doing other lifestyle stuff that is messing up their physiques though, dunno. But the constant tren use seems to be part of it. I see their shoulders lose size and they get narrow for some odd reason.
Title: Re: Perma blasting (6 months +)
Post by: Davidtheman100 on July 25, 2015, 11:44:14 AM
Well, I've seen this in person a few times. They could be doing other lifestyle stuff that is messing up their physiques though, dunno. But the constant tren use seems to be part of it. I see their shoulders lose size and they get narrow for some odd reason.

As i've said there is no receptor burnout. If someone has not reached their genetic AAS limit before venturing into other avenues then the tren will keep working. I can tell you the most likely scenario...If someone is blasting 6 months of tren chances are they're not using the same UGL for that whole extended period..where someone is using 500mg from one lab, in 2 months time using 500mg from another lab that is severely under-dosed..If their test is low and they are only using 2 compounds, that could really shrinken and flatten out the physique especially if they were carrying and exceptional amount of muscle beforehand...
Title: Re: Perma blasting (6 months +)
Post by: ritch on July 25, 2015, 11:56:04 AM
As i've said there is no receptor burnout. If someone has not reached their genetic AAS limit before venturing into other avenues then the tren will keep working. I can tell you the most likely scenario...If someone is blasting 6 months of tren chances are they're not using the same UGL for that whole extended period..where someone is using 500mg from one lab, in 2 months time using 500mg from another lab that is severely under-dosed..If their test is low and they are only using 2 compounds, that could really shrinken and flatten out the physique especially if they were carrying and exceptional amount of muscle beforehand...

Same UG was used! But not same batch, but it's still the same as it's always the same...
Title: Re: Perma blasting (6 months +)
Post by: oni on July 25, 2015, 06:18:46 PM
I definitely found it hard to eat while on tren for a long time
But then again, this can be fixed by taking less
Title: Re: Perma blasting (6 months +)
Post by: Damios on July 25, 2015, 09:30:53 PM
About Tren and eating... Do You Guys notice that with Tren Your body respond better to carbs? Or You always prefer stay with low carb diets?
Title: Re: Perma blasting (6 months +)
Post by: oni on July 25, 2015, 10:46:14 PM
About Tren and eating... Do You Guys notice that with Tren Your body respond better to carbs? Or You always prefer stay with low carb diets?

I didn't notice any difference
I try to make drug use "incidental" and diet the same way as I would if I were natural
Title: Re: Perma blasting (6 months +)
Post by: Davidtheman100 on July 26, 2015, 06:18:55 AM
About Tren and eating... Do You Guys notice that with Tren Your body respond better to carbs? Or You always prefer stay with low carb diets?

When bulking i get healthy fats in BUT you want to limit alot of fats when in a caloric surplus on high doses of tren for best experience...Eat lots of food but have it mostly be protein and carbs...When using high doses of tren you will experience much hotness when eating carbs which is the thermo effect getting rid of all the carbs you're taking in the hotter you get the more carbs you're eating...Harder for the body to get rid of high fats before fat storing takes place in a caloric surplus..
Title: Re: Perma blasting (6 months +)
Post by: EurasianAesthetics on July 26, 2015, 07:48:50 AM
3 months in and aiming to stay on for up to 8 months or more. Did 7 weeks tren ace initially, now high doses of test. Next will move onto Deca and then back to the tren.
Title: Re: Perma blasting (6 months +)
Post by: equipoise on July 26, 2015, 02:24:40 PM
About Tren and eating... Do You Guys notice that with Tren Your body respond better to carbs? Or You always prefer stay with low carb diets?

Yes I can eat tonnes of carbs and wake up leaner. But I think I will get off the tren tomorrow because I feel like shit haha
Title: Re: Perma blasting (6 months +)
Post by: oni on July 26, 2015, 07:45:20 PM
Yes I can eat tonnes of carbs and wake up leaner. But I think I will get off the tren tomorrow because I feel like shit haha

I disagree with this for most people
Title: Re: Perma blasting (6 months +)
Post by: Damios on July 26, 2015, 09:32:30 PM
I noticed when i'm on Tren; 10-15mins after meal ( i.e 7oz chicken breast + 3/4 cup of dry brown rice ) i feel tired and sleepy as fuck... It happen only when i have in my stack Trenbolone  ???
Title: Re: Perma blasting (6 months +)
Post by: oni on July 26, 2015, 09:41:32 PM
I noticed when i'm on Tren; 10-15mins after meal ( i.e 7oz chicken breast + 3/4 cup of dry brown rice ) i feel tired and sleepy as fuck... It happen only when i have in my stack Trenbolone  ???

What ratio to other hormones?
I found tren best when it was an "addition" rather than a main compound

IE 1g test, 350-500 tren
Or 500 test, 600 deca, 350 tren
Title: Re: Perma blasting (6 months +)
Post by: harry123 on July 26, 2015, 09:48:06 PM
what have the results been over the last 4 weeks on the 3000mg now??

first the sides: elbows and knees hurting a little bit. i dont know why? Little headache in the second week.
i dont have gynoproblems but i take 1,25mg letro E3D.

the results: moore Hunger, Strenge goes up and i am pumped the full day, i have way more muscle sorreness!
Libido goes up like a rocket..ggg

the weight is light up becaus i look to build no fat! i had Little water but thats not much.

Title: Re: Perma blasting (6 months +)
Post by: equipoise on July 27, 2015, 01:35:33 AM
I noticed when i'm on Tren; 10-15mins after meal ( i.e 7oz chicken breast + 3/4 cup of dry brown rice ) i feel tired and sleepy as fuck... It happen only when i have in my stack Trenbolone  ???

Yes it's true after a meal on tren I always feel like garbage. Which is one reason I want to get off... I like my food
Title: Re: Perma blasting (6 months +)
Post by: Damios on July 27, 2015, 01:47:14 AM
What ratio to other hormones?
I found tren best when it was an "addition" rather than a main compound

IE 1g test, 350-500 tren
Or 500 test, 600 deca, 350 tren

1:1:1. 500mg Test P + 500mg Tren A + 500mg Master P.

Yes it's true after a meal on tren I always feel like garbage. Which is one reason I want to get off... I like my food

It's about blood sugar level or maybe crushed cortisol?  ::)
Title: Re: Perma blasting (6 months +)
Post by: Davidtheman100 on July 27, 2015, 03:43:07 AM
1:1:1. 500mg Test P + 500mg Tren A + 500mg Master P.

This is great erectile dysfunction cycle
Title: Re: Perma blasting (6 months +)
Post by: jb14972 on August 02, 2015, 05:03:08 AM
I have a buddy that has been on 900-1200mg test for 2 years. Done 2 blasts at 3.5g test plus some orals. His bloods are good and he is jacked! He works pretty hard manual labor job and works out 1-2 week and maintains 5'6" 200lb single digit bf with ease. Strength stays through the roof also, 485 bench pr at 198

Wouldn't recommend this to anyone tho it's definitely a lot of wasted gear imo, hard work and proper diet and this guy could make history but it's not him
Title: Re: Perma blasting (6 months +)
Post by: Jizmo on August 02, 2015, 06:46:40 AM
tomorrow ill have an appointment for bloodwork
i just finished my 12 week blast of test/tren/npp, had some orals in for a couple weeks too in place of npp (sdrol and m1t)
dosages were... well, lets just say, very high (grams).
used slin (novolog) for the whole 12 weeks too. by the way, my insulin sensitivity has NOT suffered at all. in fact my fasting blood sugar is still in the 70s every single morning and i go hypo just as fast as in the beginning. just for the guys who claim insulin makes you insulin resistant. complete myth.

i was cruising for 4 weeks before that blast, however i havent been under 1.5g for about 2 years now (since i started blast/cruise), only for these 4 weeks and another 6 weeks or so cruise in total.
last bloodwork was over a year ago and was kind of fine, however my HDL was very low (i think 15), but LDL was low too (~60).

im excited to see how wrecked my bloodwork will be after that run. nutrition and health supplementation was pretty good throughout (apart from the 150g simple sugars i used with the slin on workout days). nonetheless im pretty sure my HDL will be single digits, if theres any left at all. other than that, im not worried.
blood pressure will be back in check within 1-2 weeks of cutting, but cholesterol is the one thing that got me worried.

when i got the results im gonna post them here.

any ideas on how to raise HDL are welcome already though lol!
only thing that seems to be worth it is high dose niacin, which ive been looking into.
Title: Re: Perma blasting (6 months +)
Post by: pestosterone on August 02, 2015, 01:26:58 PM
This is great erectile dysfunction cycle
This cycle would have me hard 24/7 quite the opposite for me
Title: Re: Perma blasting (6 months +)
Post by: oni on August 02, 2015, 04:33:08 PM
tomorrow ill have an appointment for bloodwork
i just finished my 12 week blast of test/tren/npp, had some orals in for a couple weeks too in place of npp (sdrol and m1t)
dosages were... well, lets just say, very high (grams).
used slin (novolog) for the whole 12 weeks too. by the way, my insulin sensitivity has NOT suffered at all. in fact my fasting blood sugar is still in the 70s every single morning and i go hypo just as fast as in the beginning. just for the guys who claim insulin makes you insulin resistant. complete myth.

i was cruising for 4 weeks before that blast, however i havent been under 1.5g for about 2 years now (since i started blast/cruise), only for these 4 weeks and another 6 weeks or so cruise in total.
last bloodwork was over a year ago and was kind of fine, however my HDL was very low (i think 15), but LDL was low too (~60).

im excited to see how wrecked my bloodwork will be after that run. nutrition and health supplementation was pretty good throughout (apart from the 150g simple sugars i used with the slin on workout days). nonetheless im pretty sure my HDL will be single digits, if theres any left at all. other than that, im not worried.
blood pressure will be back in check within 1-2 weeks of cutting, but cholesterol is the one thing that got me worried.

when i got the results im gonna post them here.

any ideas on how to raise HDL are welcome already though lol!
only thing that seems to be worth it is high dose niacin, which ive been looking into.

I found the sides from niacin unbearable
Title: Re: Perma blasting (6 months +)
Post by: ritch on August 02, 2015, 07:04:07 PM
I found the sides from niacin unbearable

did you get the "non flush" kind?
Title: Re: Perma blasting (6 months +)
Post by: oni on August 02, 2015, 11:06:13 PM
did you get the "non flush" kind?

naw I flushed the fuck up, cartoon devil style
literally had people ask why I was so red and you gotta take it 3x a day etc, fuck that
Title: Re: Perma blasting (6 months +)
Post by: Jizmo on August 03, 2015, 03:47:54 AM
the non flush is useless for cholesterol

been thinking about getting the flush niacin and dosing it 2-3 grams a day.
someone posted here a couple weeks ago that its the shit for HDL at these dosages.

i would obviously start at 500mg or so and then ramp up.
i imagine the flush feels like high dose beta alanine? i fucking hated the stuff, but if it does my cholesterol good im down with it.

taking an aspirin an hour beforehand is supposed to help, maybe try that oni.
Title: Re: Perma blasting (6 months +)
Post by: gettingbetter on August 03, 2015, 05:47:13 PM
the non flush is useless for cholesterol

been thinking about getting the flush niacin and dosing it 2-3 grams a day.
someone posted here a couple weeks ago that its the shit for HDL at these dosages.

i would obviously start at 500mg or so and then ramp up.
i imagine the flush feels like high dose beta alanine? i fucking hated the stuff, but if it does my cholesterol good im down with it.

taking an aspirin an hour beforehand is supposed to help, maybe try that oni.

Yeah, Niacin does help quite a lot. Only thing that ever worked for me in any case. You get used to the flush quite rapidly imo but I got my HDL up with 800 mg a day divided in three doses, so it is not so bad.

Good luck and do keep us posted.
Title: Re: Perma blasting (6 months +)
Post by: Davidtheman100 on August 03, 2015, 05:52:10 PM
Yeah, Niacin does help quite a lot. Only thing that ever worked for me in any case. You get used to the flush quite rapidly imo but I got my HDL up with 800 mg a day divided in three doses, so it is not so bad.

Good luck and do keep us posted.

agreed here
Title: Re: Perma blasting (6 months +)
Post by: Jizmo on August 04, 2015, 10:19:04 AM
okay, results are as expected.
HDL 7 <--- ouch. doc wasnt worried about that at all though lol
LDL 66
he said my kidneys are damaged because creatinine was slightly over the upper reference range.
told him this is normal because i was lifting the day before.
my t3 is 3x the reference range, on 70mcg t3 a day, lol. t4 is essentially zero. doctor was like wtf.

what got me thinking are the liver values though
AST 227 and ALT 109.
expected them to be elevated but not that high... ive been off orals for 3 weeks, so superdrol mustve wrecked my liver HARD. i only ran it for a bit more than 3 weeks, however at over 50mg a day.
wont do that shit again, even though gains were great  ;D

so basically only thing thats worrysome is cholesterol, as expected. LDL seems to always stay low for me, no matter what i do. but HDL gets wrecked. i definitely expected that from that blast though.
niacin powder already ordered.
Title: Re: Perma blasting (6 months +)
Post by: pestosterone on August 04, 2015, 10:38:16 AM
That damn superdrol is so harsh but it works so good.
Title: Re: Perma blasting (6 months +)
Post by: gettingbetter on August 04, 2015, 02:53:54 PM
okay, results are as expected.
HDL 7 <--- ouch. doc wasnt worried about that at all though lol
LDL 66
he said my kidneys are damaged because creatinine was slightly over the upper reference range.
told him this is normal because i was lifting the day before.
my t3 is 3x the reference range, on 70mcg t3 a day, lol. t4 is essentially zero. doctor was like wtf.

what got me thinking are the liver values though
AST 227 and ALT 109.
expected them to be elevated but not that high... ive been off orals for 3 weeks, so superdrol mustve wrecked my liver HARD. i only ran it for a bit more than 3 weeks, however at over 50mg a day.
wont do that shit again, even though gains were great  ;D

so basically only thing thats worrysome is cholesterol, as expected. LDL seems to always stay low for me, no matter what i do. but HDL gets wrecked. i definitely expected that from that blast though.
niacin powder already ordered.

Not too bad.

Were your kidneys actually damaged or did he just deduce that from your high creatinine levels?

Liver values are nothing to worry about but three weeks is more than enough to recover... Something else might be at play there...

Anyways, thanks for posting, very useful info right there and almost everyone says "Get your bloodworkd done" yet, no one post their results.

Thanks for being honest and a good informative poster too.

Bromance over.
Title: Re: Perma blasting (6 months +)
Post by: oni on August 04, 2015, 05:29:01 PM
My blood tests even say "Creatinine may be slightly out of range in individuals with large muscle mass" lol
Title: Re: Perma blasting (6 months +)
Post by: Thong Maniac on August 04, 2015, 06:09:24 PM
okay, results are as expected.
HDL 7 <--- ouch. doc wasnt worried about that at all though lol
LDL 66
he said my kidneys are damaged because creatinine was slightly over the upper reference range.
told him this is normal because i was lifting the day before.
my t3 is 3x the reference range, on 70mcg t3 a day, lol. t4 is essentially zero. doctor was like wtf.

what got me thinking are the liver values though
AST 227 and ALT 109.
expected them to be elevated but not that high... ive been off orals for 3 weeks, so superdrol mustve wrecked my liver HARD. i only ran it for a bit more than 3 weeks, however at over 50mg a day.
wont do that shit again, even though gains were great  ;D

so basically only thing thats worrysome is cholesterol, as expected. LDL seems to always stay low for me, no matter what i do. but HDL gets wrecked. i definitely expected that from that blast though.
niacin powder already ordered.

That HDL is scary bro, get that up. niacin 1g every night! High quality fish oil and lots of it. Carlson brand
Title: Re: Perma blasting (6 months +)
Post by: WalterWhite on August 04, 2015, 09:44:57 PM
okay, results are as expected.
HDL 7 <--- ouch. doc wasnt worried about that at all though lol
LDL 66
he said my kidneys are damaged because creatinine was slightly over the upper reference range.
told him this is normal because i was lifting the day before.
my t3 is 3x the reference range, on 70mcg t3 a day, lol. t4 is essentially zero. doctor was like wtf.

what got me thinking are the liver values though
AST 227 and ALT 109.
expected them to be elevated but not that high... ive been off orals for 3 weeks, so superdrol mustve wrecked my liver HARD. i only ran it for a bit more than 3 weeks, however at over 50mg a day.
wont do that shit again, even though gains were great  ;D

so basically only thing thats worrysome is cholesterol, as expected. LDL seems to always stay low for me, no matter what i do. but HDL gets wrecked. i definitely expected that from that blast though.
niacin powder already ordered.

So how was your hematocrit? With a low hdl and high crit that can leave a lot of plaque on vessel walls and raise your stroke risk. I worked in cardiac surgery a long time and hope you take at least three baby aspirin a day.
Title: Re: Perma blasting (6 months +)
Post by: Jizmo on August 05, 2015, 12:28:01 AM
Not too bad.

Were your kidneys actually damaged or did he just deduce that from your high creatinine levels?

Liver values are nothing to worry about but three weeks is more than enough to recover... Something else might be at play there...

Anyways, thanks for posting, very useful info right there and almost everyone says "Get your bloodworkd done" yet, no one post their results.

Thanks for being honest and a good informative poster too.

Bromance over.

no kidney damage at all. was just the creatinine. and it wasnt even high, just at top of the range...

That HDL is scary bro, get that up. niacin 1g every night! High quality fish oil and lots of it. Carlson brand

been taking 10ml fish oil every day for more than a year nonstop... might be the reason my LDL is low but doesnt do anything for HDL apparently. or it would be 0 without it lol

So how was your hematocrit? With a low hdl and high crit that can leave a lot of plaque on vessel walls and raise your stroke risk. I worked in cardiac surgery a long time and hope you take at least three baby aspirin a day.

luckily no issues in the blood thickness department.. hematokrit (44, even on the lower side) and RBCs (5.3) are perfectly normal...
maybe thats why the doc wasnt worried about the cholesterol, idk. ill still try to bring HDL up.
Title: Re: Perma blasting (6 months +)
Post by: equipoise on August 05, 2015, 03:05:02 AM
no kidney damage at all. was just the creatinine. and it wasnt even high, just at top of the range...

been taking 10ml fish oil every day for more than a year nonstop... might be the reason my LDL is low but doesnt do anything for HDL apparently. or it would be 0 without it lol

luckily no issues in the blood thickness department.. hematokrit (44, even on the lower side) and RBCs (5.3) are perfectly normal...
maybe thats why the doc wasnt worried about the cholesterol, idk. ill still try to bring HDL up.

I read a study that said that niacin increases lp-pla2, which is implicated in plaque rupture (which is the thing that causes heart attacks/strokes). So it's a double edged sword really. You raise your HDL but increase your chance of plaque rupture. I was taking 2g of niacin a day and sure enough, i tested my lp pla2 levels and they were high. So I went off the niacin. I think low HDL is something you just have to accept as part of AAS use, I think it's impossible to get every single biomarker within a healthy range especially if you're on higher doses. I think as long as you eat clean and try to control the other risk factors that you can (e.g. eating healthy, not smoking, reducing inflammation, using fish oil like you said), then that's the best you can do, plus wake up and pray every morning that you won't get health problems. Plus you said that your LDL is low so if your HDL:LDL ratio isn't too bad I wouldn't worry too much about it (stress raises cortisol which is bad for cardiovascular health also lol). 
Title: Re: Perma blasting (6 months +)
Post by: EurasianAesthetics on August 05, 2015, 03:42:55 AM
I have a buddy that has been on 900-1200mg test for 2 years. Done 2 blasts at 3.5g test plus some orals. His bloods are good and he is jacked! He works pretty hard manual labor job and works out 1-2 week and maintains 5'6" 200lb single digit bf with ease. Strength stays through the roof also, 485 bench pr at 198

Wouldn't recommend this to anyone tho it's definitely a lot of wasted gear imo, hard work and proper diet and this guy could make history but it's not him

I love hearing stories like this. Very encouraging to say the least. It makes me laugh how the majority of forums still tout the cycle + PCT + time off Mantra. People doing that want the body you can only get from going a lot harder.
Title: Re: Perma blasting (6 months +)
Post by: Jizmo on August 05, 2015, 07:40:00 AM
I read a study that said that niacin increases lp-pla2, which is implicated in plaque rupture (which is the thing that causes heart attacks/strokes). So it's a double edged sword really. You raise your HDL but increase your chance of plaque rupture. I was taking 2g of niacin a day and sure enough, i tested my lp pla2 levels and they were high. So I went off the niacin. I think low HDL is something you just have to accept as part of AAS use, I think it's impossible to get every single biomarker within a healthy range especially if you're on higher doses. I think as long as you eat clean and try to control the other risk factors that you can (e.g. eating healthy, not smoking, reducing inflammation, using fish oil like you said), then that's the best you can do, plus wake up and pray every morning that you won't get health problems. Plus you said that your LDL is low so if your HDL:LDL ratio isn't too bad I wouldn't worry too much about it (stress raises cortisol which is bad for cardiovascular health also lol). 

well i had been looking into niacin anyway since it works so well to detox cells... kind of a super anti oxidant that attacks the root instead of the symptoms... it works to liberate toxins from fat cells basically.., then they reach the blood and can be scavenged by anti oxidants

niacin also has some huge GH increasing properties and increases lipolysis (it actually blocks lipolysis and depresses FFAs in your blood for about an hour after you take it, but afterwards you get a huge increase in GH and a huge rebound surge of FFAs, meaning it increases FFA oxidation way over baseline)
you HAVE to be fasted though, or at least fats in the bloodstream block the GH effect:

timing can be tricky though since the huge GH surge (after the small initial one) appears after 3-4 hours and you have to be fasted (the whole time? thats the question)
i could make that work with my cutting workout regimen, but ill have to tinker with timing.
not sure if it makes a singificant difference anyway but it kind of interests me.
Title: Re: Perma blasting (6 months +)
Post by: ritch on August 05, 2015, 11:21:46 AM
well i had been looking into niacin anyway since it works so well to detox cells... kind of a super anti oxidant that attacks the root instead of the symptoms... it works to liberate toxins from fat cells basically.., then they reach the blood and can be scavenged by anti oxidants

niacin also has some huge GH increasing properties and increases lipolysis (it actually blocks lipolysis and depresses FFAs in your blood for about an hour after you take it, but afterwards you get a huge increase in GH and a huge rebound surge of FFAs, meaning it increases FFA oxidation way over baseline)
you HAVE to be fasted though, or at least fats in the bloodstream block the GH effect:

timing can be tricky though since the huge GH surge (after the small initial one) appears after 3-4 hours and you have to be fasted (the whole time? thats the question)
i could make that work with my cutting workout regimen, but ill have to tinker with timing.
not sure if it makes a singificant difference anyway but it kind of interests me.

It won't. A lot of over thinking here, but hey, we all get bored now and then, lol!
Title: Re: Perma blasting (6 months +)
Post by: Jizmo on August 05, 2015, 11:58:25 AM
that peak lasts a bit longer (but is about 2-3 lower) than a single peak from a GHRP+GHRH...

and thats from 1 dose of 500mg... if you dose 700mg-1g twice or thrice a day (as im planning to) that might give similar results.

all experimental though. but if im gonna use it anyway ill make the best use of it too.
Title: Re: Perma blasting (6 months +)
Post by: Disco187 on August 10, 2015, 10:02:22 AM
About Tren and eating... Do You Guys notice that with Tren Your body respond better to carbs? Or You always prefer stay with low carb diets?

I used to eat a shitload of crappy food at night after i smoked weed and still managed to have semi decent abs on trenn.  i will say during the day my carbs were very low. but i do not smoke anymore so i dont know if i could get away with that since i am also three years older.