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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Training Q&A => Topic started by: bash31 on March 06, 2006, 12:51:23 AM

Title: Sore elbows
Post by: bash31 on March 06, 2006, 12:51:23 AM
Need some help here lads.
Been doing Db press flat and incline for months now, as hit a plateau with bench, plus is aggrivated my shoulders. Last week, thought I'd give the bench another try and did 3 sets on flat and incline and my elbows killed me, any advice, want to build my chest up, as its the only lagging part of my body.
Title: Re: Sore elbows
Post by: pumpster on March 06, 2006, 01:45:27 AM
Make sure you're always warming up first, and keep the reps 10-12.

If that doesn't work, and considering that you've felt it in both elbows and shoulders, it might be time to write off the exercise as not for you and go with dumbbell press and fly motions, dips and weighted pushups instead. Pushups have a similar effect as presses but from a different angle that I find isn't as tough on the joints and actually more direct on the chest.

Another thing you can do is supersets of any of the exercises.

It's not necessary at all to do barbell presses if they're causing problems.
Title: Re: Sore elbows
Post by: GET_BIGGER on March 06, 2006, 08:50:33 AM
I tweak an elbow every now and then and get arthritis.  I just go lighter for more reps and it usually gets better over time (2-3 weeks).  Just take it easy and work through it.  It will be a good time to switch a few exercises also. 
Title: Re: Sore elbows
Post by: Jr. Yates on March 06, 2006, 12:07:04 PM
you could always try wraps or something or try going wider grip so there isn't so much of a bend in the elbows maybe??
Title: Re: Sore elbows
Post by: blazer000 on March 06, 2006, 01:06:08 PM
ive got bad tendoinitis in my left bow
i wear the cloth elbow sleeves from and i love them
i always used them for upper body, and they do make a difference. well worth the 15 bucks
Title: Re: Sore elbows
Post by: kicker on March 06, 2006, 05:37:11 PM
ive got bad tendoinitis in my left bow
i wear the cloth elbow sleeves from and i love them
i always used them for upper body, and they do make a difference. well worth the 15 bucks

I'm thinking getting a pair of valeo elbow sleeves.  They are neoprene, not cotton.  Right now I'm using elbow wraps but I wonder if sleeves are better.  I've noticed that over time the wraps don't feel as tight anymore.
Title: Re: Sore elbows
Post by: bash31 on March 07, 2006, 04:47:42 AM
Cheers for the help lads, I only did bench to switch up my routine as I always use db's. Best stick with db's I suppose as I have no pain at all when using them, always wear elbow wraps. Just wanted to put more meat on my chest asits the only part lacking in size adn didn't see much of a change using db's. Use compound movements for everything else, also hurts when I go heavy on push downs and close grip, oh well. Will just have to work around it.
Title: Re: Sore elbows
Post by: pumpster on March 07, 2006, 05:40:48 AM
That's a little pessimistic, it's not a matter of making do. Try some new options including non-compounds, such as flys, pulley crossovers and pec deck. I've had some of the same problems as you and found these were actually better for development, if you're open to them. If DB presses aren't helping with development, BB presses aren't going to either.
Title: Re: Sore elbows
Post by: bash31 on March 07, 2006, 05:51:40 AM
But in the general train of thought for a mass building movement, should i not do db's instead of bb. I was thinking that peck dec, flys etc, where just a shaping movement. But I am more than willing to try new routines.
Title: Re: Sore elbows
Post by: pumpster on March 07, 2006, 06:23:34 AM
DB presses and weighted pushups are just as good as BB presses.

Heavy non-compounds using moderate reps are as good or better than compounds for size.

It's about feeling it in the muscle. If you work up to heavy weights in non-compounds using mdoerate reps, you'll be huge. Oliva & Coleman's favorite triceps size builder are non-compound extensions. Cables are often better than free weights even for size, which is why Coleman's favorite bicep size builder is cable curls. One of Yate's top lat exercises is machine pullovers, not a compound exercise. Bob Chic has had the same experience with benches that you and I have, and only does fly motions for chest, with better results.
Title: Re: Sore elbows
Post by: bash31 on March 08, 2006, 01:10:34 AM
Pumpster, man thanks for the help and info/facts. Wil try your advice and others and see how it goes for the time being-you have been a big help.