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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Positive Bodybuilding Discussion & Talk => Natural Bodybuilding => Topic started by: Acerimmer1 on March 13, 2006, 01:34:48 PM

Title: Lets learn some stuff!
Post by: Acerimmer1 on March 13, 2006, 01:34:48 PM
Okay post your mistakes here any problems in your training that you have since corrected post them here. So that we can all learn something.

Infact you can post anything which you think would be helpful to others.

I'd say the most important thing I've learned is that it's more important how you do the exercises than which exercises you do. So if you can't feel your chest when you bench press and you end up thrashing your deltoids there are 3 sensible options.

1) Learn to do it properly
2) Don't do it at all
3) Include bench Presses in your deltoid workout
Title: Re: Lets learn some stuff!
Post by: Bast175 on March 13, 2006, 07:06:17 PM
use a wider grip
Title: Re: Lets learn some stuff!
Post by: ARMZ on March 13, 2006, 08:31:05 PM
don't ever flat bench. Wish someone told me that 3 years ago!
Title: Re: Lets learn some stuff!
Post by: Bast175 on March 13, 2006, 08:49:02 PM
don't ever flat bench. Wish someone told me that 3 years ago!

I disagree.  Maybe for some guys but it works well for me.
Title: Re: Lets learn some stuff!
Post by: gcb on March 13, 2006, 09:08:58 PM
Going to failure on every set is not always necessary, although you should often push at least one exercise every
work out.
Title: Re: Lets learn some stuff!
Post by: gibberj2 on March 13, 2006, 09:25:22 PM
dont do cardio. circuit train. it's the same thing for your heart but it's with weights and it's not catabolic.
Title: Re: Lets learn some stuff!
Post by: GET_BIGGER on March 14, 2006, 09:04:48 AM
Don't take a s**t within an hour of working out....
Title: Re: Lets learn some stuff!
Post by: Bast175 on March 14, 2006, 09:38:55 AM
dont do cardio. circuit train. it's the same thing for your heart but it's with weights and it's not catabolic.

yea if you want to be unhealthy, small and out of shape.
Title: Re: Lets learn some stuff!
Post by: Prime on March 14, 2006, 10:06:20 AM
don't ever flat bench. Wish someone told me that 3 years ago!
havent done it in a year and dont miss it

Don't take a s**t within an hour of working out....

i always clear the bowels before legs.  Otherwise i risk shitting myself on leg presses.
Title: Re: Lets learn some stuff!
Post by: Bast175 on March 14, 2006, 10:15:05 AM
i always clear the bowels before legs.  Otherwise i risk shitting myself on leg presses.

I don't get that one either.
Title: Re: Lets learn some stuff!
Post by: GET_BIGGER on March 14, 2006, 10:38:00 AM
havent done it in a year and dont miss it
i always clear the bowels before legs.  Otherwise i risk shitting myself on leg presses.

Dang, especially on legs, if I take a s**t before I workout I lose a lot of energy.  Same with my partner.  Kinda wierd.
Title: Re: Lets learn some stuff!
Post by: Ursus on March 14, 2006, 02:44:46 PM
for gods sake dip and chin.

also cycle your weights, every so often. think of it as trying to break down a wall, u can just stand and batter it, or u can take up a big run up and get a lot furthur.

at times less is often more. not always tho. u wont know unless you try.
Title: Re: Lets learn some stuff!
Post by: gibberj2 on March 14, 2006, 04:31:39 PM
If you wanna be unhealthy huh? why is that?

Aren't we smart enough here to realize that "cardio" can be done in many different ways. What's the point of so called cardio? To raise your heart rate. When you circuit train with weights you're lifting at a pace that raises your heart rate just the same as so called cardio does and you're also not wasting your time or your muscles.

Here's the workout I'm about to go do.

-3X  Incline dumbell presses & seated dumbell curls superset
NO REST between sets... one set for chest, one set for bi's

-3X Decline cable flyes &  cable curls
NO REST between sets same as above

-3X Bar dips & incline dumbell curls
NO REST between sets same as above

8 sets of triceps exercises 30-40 seconds rest between sets

This whole workout is done with no rest between sets exept for when i get to triceps.

Pro's can do tons of cardio because of good genetics and drugs. If regular people did that much cardio they'd lose a lot of muscle.

One of my other workouts is legs and shoulder supersets. 12 sets for legs and 12 sets for shoulders taking turns non stop. That's real cardio.
Title: Re: Lets learn some stuff!
Post by: myseone on March 15, 2006, 10:17:24 PM
Here's a few

Learn as much as you can about weight training, read from as many different sources as you can, use what seems logical and test them in the trenches.

Don't get stuck on what one particular guru preaches because as much as he/she knows he/she will not know everything.

Obvious but many ignire this one; if you get pain (the bad kind) from doing a particular exercise in good form subsitute it for one that does'nt cause pain, Ignoring it will not make it go away.

Title: Re: Lets learn some stuff!
Post by: Bast175 on March 15, 2006, 10:35:02 PM
If you wanna be unhealthy huh? why is that?

Aren't we smart enough here to realize that "cardio" can be done in many different ways. What's the point of so called cardio? To raise your heart rate. When you circuit train with weights you're lifting at a pace that raises your heart rate just the same as so called cardio does and you're also not wasting your time or your muscles.

Here's the workout I'm about to go do.

-3X  Incline dumbell presses & seated dumbell curls superset
NO REST between sets... one set for chest, one set for bi's

-3X Decline cable flyes &  cable curls
NO REST between sets same as above

-3X Bar dips & incline dumbell curls
NO REST between sets same as above

8 sets of triceps exercises 30-40 seconds rest between sets

This whole workout is done with no rest between sets exept for when i get to triceps.

Pro's can do tons of cardio because of good genetics and drugs. If regular people did that much cardio they'd lose a lot of muscle.

One of my other workouts is legs and shoulder supersets. 12 sets for legs and 12 sets for shoulders taking turns non stop. That's real cardio.

That workout is terrible.  Resting so little will only mean you'll have to use less weight meaning less stimulation on the muscles.   Secondly, your heart rate won't get high enough to be effective cardio.
Title: Re: Lets learn some stuff!
Post by: gibberj2 on March 15, 2006, 10:46:44 PM
you dont know what you're talking about because you dont try it. it's a workout for when you're trying to cut down. you do raise your heart rate to the 120-130 level... i would know because i do the workout. if it's not raising your heart rate your pace is too slow and your poundage is too low. why would i wanna stimulate muscle growth when i'm trying to lose fat? also when one is not trying to lose fat they dont need to do cardio. cardio as most people know it is catabolic. the guys on steroids don't have a problem with it but others do; like me. this health stuff with cardio is extremely over rated. oh my heart isn't strong enough... i'm gonna get a heart attack. that's nonsense. people are getting heart attacks because they eat like shit. people who lift weights have better cardio capacity than the average folks which is good enough for what you're doing... building muscles. it's not about running marathons here. if you wanna train as an athelete then run but it has to have a purpose.
Title: Re: Lets learn some stuff!
Post by: monster triceps on March 16, 2006, 05:40:01 AM
Taking gibberj2 as a case study; never do circuit training. Ever.
Cardio @ 3mph for the win.
Title: Re: Lets learn some stuff!
Post by: jonno gb on March 16, 2006, 06:39:16 AM
Check out in the articles section entitled Muscle Metamorphosis.It advocates getting into contest shape without cardio but by reducing rest periods between sets.Interesting stuff.
Title: Re: Lets learn some stuff!
Post by: myseone on March 16, 2006, 09:52:24 AM
Check out in the articles section entitled Muscle Metamorphosis.It advocates getting into contest shape without cardio but by reducing rest periods between sets.Interesting stuff.

I agree cardio does not have to be done to get ripped. I have achieved competition development without doing cardio and I know other competitors who do none also. Its really a matter of burning more calories than you take in, which can be done with weight training.

Of course there is more than one way to skin a cat.

Title: Re: Lets learn some stuff!
Post by: brianX on March 16, 2006, 09:08:19 PM
Dang, especially on legs, if I take a s**t before I workout I lose a lot of energy.  Same with my partner.  Kinda wierd.

Title: Re: Lets learn some stuff!
Post by: jianjohn24 on March 17, 2006, 09:44:56 PM
you dont know what you're talking about because you dont try it. it's a workout for when you're trying to cut down. you do raise your heart rate to the 120-130 level... i would know because i do the workout. if it's not raising your heart rate your pace is too slow and your poundage is too low. why would i wanna stimulate muscle growth when i'm trying to lose fat? also when one is not trying to lose fat they dont need to do cardio. cardio as most people know it is catabolic. the guys on steroids don't have a problem with it but others do; like me. this health stuff with cardio is extremely over rated. oh my heart isn't strong enough... i'm gonna get a heart attack. that's nonsense. people are getting heart attacks because they eat like shit. people who lift weights have better cardio capacity than the average folks which is good enough for what you're doing... building muscles. it's not about running marathons here. if you wanna train as an athelete then run but it has to have a purpose.

Oh wow, this is horrible advice.  Cardio isn't catabolic if you back it up with sound nutrition. Take some complex carbs w/ some protein ior BCAA's pre cardio, and also take some protein n carbs post cardio. Also, I've found high intensity cardio in the range of 16-20 minutes will melt fat, and not breakdown any muscle whatsoever.  Being catabolic is mainly from dieting.  WEIGHT TRAINING should NEVER be considered as an AEROBIC exercise. OVERLOAD builds muscles, Bast was right, if your not resting long enough, you're gonna be lifting pussy weights.  You ask "Why would I wanna stimulate muscle growth when I'm trying to lose fat?" well, the more muscle you build, the more calories you'll burn period. Muscles can only do 3 things: they can grow in response to heavier loads placed upon em, stay the same (using the same weights all the time), or 3: they can shrink in response to lighter loads (i.e-lifting light weight!).
Title: Re: Lets learn some stuff!
Post by: benchthis on March 18, 2006, 12:24:21 AM
juice to the max for max growth
Title: Re: Lets learn some stuff!
Post by: gibberj2 on March 18, 2006, 01:33:26 AM
that's why vince gironda didn't believe in so called cardio and he is considered the best trainer of all time for natural bodybuilders anyway.
Title: Re: Lets learn some stuff!
Post by: buffbong on April 15, 2006, 03:30:07 PM
1. free wieghts rule
2. eat whole foods  most overeat though
3. learn to know when adding more pounds on the scale doesnt help your body anymore most pros dont know this lol.
4. squats deadlifts do not make your waist bigger the 20 pounds u just gained in 4 months did it would have grown with machine rows and hack squats. hate that statment from people about waists getting bigger.
5. dont rush wieght gain. anyway u slice it real muscle is gained slow even though ive heard on alot of new trends of gaining 40 pounds in a year but they are bloated as a seal which ? doesnt prove to me muscle gains are speeded up
6. u dont have to follow the current trend, dorian spoke about this saying how new bbs dont do shit on there own someone makes there diet makes there drug regimine plans out there workouts. kinda takes the fun out of trial and error when someone is doing everything for you i even see the current champ having someone changing the wieghts for him wtf.
7.4 days is good for most trainers. recovery gets longer with age.
8. powerlifting is awsome,for mass
Title: Re: Lets learn some stuff!
Post by: candidate2025 on April 15, 2006, 06:38:39 PM
the one thing i have earned during the time ive trained is........"leave your ego at the door".   thats the biggest one for me.
Title: Re: Lets learn some stuff!
Post by: myseone on April 15, 2006, 10:04:15 PM
the one thing i have earned during the time ive trained is........"leave your ego at the door".   thats the biggest one for me.

Wipe down your equipment after you sweat on it,

Take the 100lbs off the leg press so the lil old lady or big guy can use it,

Don't read a newpaper while sitting on the machine between sets

Don;t stare at the hottie in the skin tight cloths, because shes laughing at you
Title: Re: Lets learn some stuff!
Post by: shiftedShapes on April 15, 2006, 10:19:55 PM

bodybuidling nutritional advice is intended for 250lb roid monsters.  For naturals eating 6 meals a day just means getting fat.

Title: Re: Lets learn some stuff!
Post by: myseone on April 15, 2006, 10:41:35 PM

bodybuidling nutritional advice is intended for 250lb roid monsters.  For naturals eating 6 meals a day just means getting fat.


Your kidding right?
Title: Re: Lets learn some stuff!
Post by: Mark1 on April 15, 2006, 11:14:38 PM
I realised along time ago not to worry about how much weight I use and concentrate on form and feeling the muscle work. I've gotten much better results doing this although I still love to go heavy from time to time...
Title: Re: Lets learn some stuff!
Post by: shiftedShapes on April 16, 2006, 06:47:50 AM
Your kidding right?

nope no joke

when I started eating less I dropped from 176 to 150 (at 5'9"), got stronger on the big lifts and kept all of my muscle.  It wasn't hard, just eat 3 normal meals a day, now I have a full chrismas tree, shredded glutes, decent quad seperation, and much improved vascularity all over.  I can't tell youy how much of a relief it is not to be hunting for lean protein all day, and not having to worry that I haven't eaten in 2 hours.

Not to mention my strength relative to bodyweight has skyrocketed.  I Know myseone that you lift extremely heavy poundages, but I'm doing weight for me that is very good.  chins with 90lbs (almost 2/3 my bodyweight) hanging for 3 reps, dips with the same weight for 4, 18 HSPUs, getting close to a full planche hold, and a full lever hold.
Title: Re: Lets learn some stuff!
Post by: Bast175 on April 16, 2006, 07:40:44 AM
Then you're more of a fitness guy than a bodybuilder SS.
Title: Re: Lets learn some stuff!
Post by: The BEAST on April 16, 2006, 11:06:00 AM
Then you're more of a fitness guy than a bodybuilder SS.

Hey don't insult me:) 

I eat probably 7 times a day and I seem to lost weight-have crazy vascularity and great seperation.  Eating that many times means your metabolism is working faster...a good thing for all dieters (naturals included) just don't gorge yourself at every meal and I guarantee you'll lose weight.
Title: Re: Lets learn some stuff!
Post by: gibberj2 on April 16, 2006, 12:52:03 PM
I had a helluva breakfast!
2 packets of oatmeal
5 whole eggs with 1 scoop of optimum whey, a teaspoon of fiber and 2 oz of milk
Title: Re: Lets learn some stuff!
Post by: myseone on April 16, 2006, 02:02:19 PM
nope no joke

when I started eating less I dropped from 176 to 150 (at 5'9"), got stronger on the big lifts and kept all of my muscle.  It wasn't hard, just eat 3 normal meals a day, now I have a full Christmas tree, shredded glutes, decent quad separation, and much improved vascularity all over.  I can't tell youy how much of a relief it is not to be hunting for lean protein all day, and not having to worry that I haven't eaten in 2 hours.

Not to mention my strength relative to bodyweight has skyrocketed.  I Know myseone that you lift extremely heavy poundages, but I'm doing weight for me that is very good.  chins with 90lbs (almost 2/3 my bodyweight) hanging for 3 reps, dips with the same weight for 4, 18 HSPUs, getting close to a full planche hold, and a full lever hold.

Awesome that you have found what works well for you, thats what we all should strive for.

I didn't say your kidding because I believe that eating only three times a day doesn't work, I know it does as I've done it in the past for years with great success. I said your kidding because you said that eating 6 meals a day is only for 250lb mass monsters, I don't agree with that.

I think that the most important factor is caloric intake, more so than the exact ratios of nutrients, or frequent feedings. You said that you cut back your meals to three, that right there caused your calories to drop which led to fat loss.

For me its easier to eat more frequently as I don't have a big appetite and get full quickly, so I spread my calories throughout the day.

I definitely feel that the meal frequency thing has been pushed by the magazines to promote meal replacements and protein shake purchases.

By the way, I actually have cut back on the poundages that I lift, choosing instead to make use of slower rep speeds, higher reps, pre-exhaust, etc... The change has actual worked really well in terms on an increase in muscle mass and strength endurance, not to mention the potential stress on the connective tissue and bone structure.
Title: Re: Lets learn some stuff!
Post by: shiftedShapes on April 16, 2006, 09:00:21 PM
Myseone, I agree with what you said pretty much.  Thing Is I have a desk job and spend a lot of time vegetating in front of the internet so it is really easy to go along time without eating during the day.  Then at night I can cluster my meals around my workout so I have plenty of energy even though my caloric intake is much reduced.  I mainly recomend 3 meals a day because I figure it's easier, but I definitely agree that there is nothing magic about 3, and for the most part I feel that a calorie is just a calorie so long as a reasonable percentage of your daily intake is nutritious.

BTW, how long have you been training hard?

Title: Re: Lets learn some stuff!
Post by: myseone on April 16, 2006, 09:21:57 PM
Myseone, I agree with what you said pretty much.  Thing Is I have a desk job and spend a lot of time vegetating in front of the internet so it is really easy to go along time without eating during the day.  Then at night I can cluster my meals around my workout so I have plenty of energy even though my caloric intake is much reduced.  I mainly recomend 3 meals a day because I figure it's easier, but I definitely agree that there is nothing magic about 3, and for the most part I feel that a calorie is just a calorie so long as a reasonable percentage of your daily intake is nutritious.

BTW, how long have you been training hard?


I understand, I would prity much do the same in your situation.

Me working out? Way too long. I've been training hard for about 17 years, it took me about 10 years to get to aproximately 225lbs lean from a body weight of 155lbs. If I knew before what I know now I beleive I could have reached my highest bodyweight in a year and a half. 20/20 hindsight I guess.
Title: Re: Lets learn some stuff!
Post by: triple_pickle on April 23, 2006, 03:23:05 PM
If you wanna be unhealthy huh? why is that?

Aren't we smart enough here to realize that "cardio" can be done in many different ways. What's the point of so called cardio? To raise your heart rate. When you circuit train with weights you're lifting at a pace that raises your heart rate just the same as so called cardio does and you're also not wasting your time or your muscles.

Here's the workout I'm about to go do.

-3X  Incline dumbell presses & seated dumbell curls superset
NO REST between sets... one set for chest, one set for bi's

-3X Decline cable flyes &  cable curls
NO REST between sets same as above

-3X Bar dips & incline dumbell curls
NO REST between sets same as above

8 sets of triceps exercises 30-40 seconds rest between sets

This whole workout is done with no rest between sets exept for when i get to triceps.

Pro's can do tons of cardio because of good genetics and drugs. If regular people did that much cardio they'd lose a lot of muscle.

One of my other workouts is legs and shoulder supersets. 12 sets for legs and 12 sets for shoulders taking turns non stop. That's real cardio.

gibber, now i know why you look like shit.  sorry bro, but you will never be able to put on much muscle mass training like that.
Title: Re: Lets learn some stuff!
Post by: gibberj2 on April 23, 2006, 03:43:49 PM
i didn't say anything about putting on mass with THAT routine fool
Title: Re: Lets learn some stuff!
Post by: Oldschool Flip on April 24, 2006, 03:38:47 AM
If you wanna be unhealthy huh? why is that?

Aren't we smart enough here to realize that "cardio" can be done in many different ways. What's the point of so called cardio? To raise your heart rate. When you circuit train with weights you're lifting at a pace that raises your heart rate just the same as so called cardio does and you're also not wasting your time or your muscles.

Here's the workout I'm about to go do.

-3X  Incline dumbell presses & seated dumbell curls superset
NO REST between sets... one set for chest, one set for bi's

-3X Decline cable flyes &  cable curls
NO REST between sets same as above

-3X Bar dips & incline dumbell curls
NO REST between sets same as above

8 sets of triceps exercises 30-40 seconds rest between sets

This whole workout is done with no rest between sets exept for when i get to triceps.

Pro's can do tons of cardio because of good genetics and drugs. If regular people did that much cardio they'd lose a lot of muscle.

One of my other workouts is legs and shoulder supersets. 12 sets for legs and 12 sets for shoulders taking turns non stop. That's real cardio.
Sorry gibber, but I disagree with circuit training if you are trying to gain mass. Anyone knows that the muscle has to be put under a certain amount of stress to "get it to grow". With no rest between sets, there is NO WAY you can put forth effort of 75% to 80% of one rep max for 8-10reps. If you're just trying to "avoid cardio work" then yes circuit training is a way to go. But I'm betting most of the people here are trying to GET BIG.
Title: Re: Lets learn some stuff!
Post by: blondmusclhunk on April 24, 2006, 12:50:41 PM
A big tip for beginners especially is to watch your form if you continously strain a muscle your doing something wrong.  Ask a a veteran around in your gym to take a look at your form.  When first starting to work out do not add weight in sacrafice of form.  Add weight but only when your form can be correct at the weight you are using
Title: Re: Lets learn some stuff!
Post by: gibberj2 on April 24, 2006, 03:49:06 PM
i was trying to lose fat for a short period of time. not any more.
Title: Re: Lets learn some stuff!
Post by: Shinobi on May 15, 2006, 04:56:47 AM
whats wrong with flat benching ? ???
Title: Re: Lets learn some stuff!
Post by: mancow on June 05, 2006, 07:59:44 PM
This site is full of good tips for natural bodybuilders
Title: Re: Lets learn some stuff!
Post by: gibberj2 on June 05, 2006, 08:02:27 PM
yea but none of the guys in that picture are natural.
Title: Re: Lets learn some stuff!
Post by: blondmusclhunk on June 08, 2006, 09:38:12 AM
Dont listen to Joe schmo trainer at the local gym.  Most trainers are not even certified. You will be better off reading info yourself on line or talking to a trainer that is certified and looks like he works out. 

Remember what works for one guy may not necessarily work for you stick with the basics as a beginner.
Title: Re: Lets learn some stuff!
Post by: lilwoday09smb on June 08, 2006, 09:43:33 AM
i think stick with the basics, and if something is to easy dont do it. if your doing am exercise for legs and your back hurts. your probaly doing it wrong.
Title: Re: Lets learn some stuff!
Post by: gibberj2 on June 08, 2006, 09:46:34 AM
a trainer that is certified by whom? have you seen the material for those tests? a lot of the info sucks.
Title: Re: Lets learn some stuff!
Post by: blondmusclhunk on June 08, 2006, 02:08:06 PM
Its true most trainers do suck! And most you wonder if they even work out.
Title: Re: Lets learn some stuff!
Post by: MB on June 08, 2006, 02:32:06 PM
As you get stronger, you should decrease the frequency of your workouts.  Especially with exercises like squats and deadlifts.  The lower back can take 2-3 weeks to recover after a heavy workout.
Title: Re: Lets learn some stuff!
Post by: Dat.Boi on June 08, 2006, 10:55:19 PM
stuffed up my shoudlers dunno how started with home weights didnt really know the right form so i screwed em up i went to physio but he didnt do ne thign really i think i might go get an MRI  scan to fund out what problem is
Title: Re: Lets learn some stuff!
Post by: marcie999 on June 09, 2006, 12:02:26 AM
Altering grip width. Keeps muscles guessing. ( On bench press and chin ups. ) 

Tuning out people around you helps. My worst injury was my left shoulder when I was benching and I let some shit talk directed at me, by total strangers piss me off. I pushed through a bad lift.  Took 3 months for the pain to go away, with weekly visits to the physio. I go to the gym off peak since then.


Title: Re: Lets learn some stuff!
Post by: littleguns on June 09, 2006, 06:22:14 AM
Don't do behind the neck presses where you are lowering the bar to your traps....absolutely terrible....
Title: Re: Lets learn some stuff!
Post by: rocket on June 11, 2006, 06:53:48 PM
Take some people with you to the gym, it is more effective than any natural supplement.
Title: Re: Lets learn some stuff!
Post by: alexxx on June 11, 2006, 08:14:09 PM
Keep your pants on in the gym.

Something gibber has yet to master.
Title: Re: Lets learn some stuff!
Post by: gibberj2 on June 11, 2006, 08:17:23 PM
Didn't I tell you to shave that little baby fuzz of your face. The cuban girls are not gonna like you that way.
Title: Re: Lets learn some stuff!
Post by: HERACLES on June 15, 2006, 03:06:00 PM
USe a weight you can control, and manhandle..going to heavy robs you from gains..the weigh gets dispersed to all the supporting muscle groups..isolate and just detroy the muscle group your training+good diet= nice gains.
Title: Re: Lets learn some stuff!
Post by: marcie999 on June 18, 2006, 09:26:18 PM
USe a weight you can control, and manhandle..going to heavy robs you from gains..the weigh gets dispersed to all the supporting muscle groups..isolate and just detroy the muscle group your training+good diet= nice gains.


I cannot STAND watching these guys flick their bodies into fish hook shapes trying to jerk up a Dumbell they couldnt hope to lift slowly. They think if they lift heavy, they make the grade somehow.   >:(