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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Steroids Info & Hardcore => Topic started by: bigjohn_bluesfan on March 16, 2006, 07:00:35 AM

Title: 22 gauge or 20 gauge
Post by: bigjohn_bluesfan on March 16, 2006, 07:00:35 AM
Has anyone used 20 gauge because i am usin 22 right now and it goes through to slow and sometimes takes too much pressure to push the plunger down..... thanks
Title: Re: 22 gauge or 20 gauge
Post by: muscle19 on March 16, 2006, 07:12:44 AM
i have always used a 22g needle, never can get a hold of 25g. there have been times where it can get pretty difficult to get the gear through but i have always managed

Title: Re: 22 gauge or 20 gauge
Post by: bigjohn_bluesfan on March 16, 2006, 07:30:05 AM
i guess 20 gauge would be  a little painful huh
Title: Re: 22 gauge or 20 gauge
Post by: Captain Equipoise on March 16, 2006, 09:19:52 AM
i guess 20 gauge would be  a little painful huh

Anything larger then a 21g is just pointless.. you're gonna be leaving big ass red injection marks all over yourself, I personally use a 23g and  the gear goes in just fine.
Title: Re: 22 gauge or 20 gauge
Post by: SubcultureS10 on March 16, 2006, 09:30:30 AM
I've used 20x1 pinz & I had NO problems with site holes, nor leakage. But everyones different. These were used in my guads btw. I've been asked if they hurt? Not really cause I love pain

But thats me, next time ill be using 25x1 due to so many injections each week.
Title: Re: 22 gauge or 20 gauge
Post by: ZEEK on March 16, 2006, 11:55:04 AM
use a 22 or 23 and get use to it,
what are you in a hurry for anyways
Title: Re: 22 gauge or 20 gauge
Post by: liftnbig on March 16, 2006, 02:37:47 PM
22 or 23. Like ZEEK said take your time. Ive even used 25s without any trouble just takes a min.
Title: Re: 22 gauge or 20 gauge
Post by: Arnold jr on March 16, 2006, 02:39:53 PM
Has anyone used 20 gauge because i am usin 22 right now and it goes through to slow and sometimes takes too much pressure to push the plunger down..... thanks
23g-25g should be all you ever need. If it feels tough and is slow going in, well, just push harder, it won't hurt anything. Just 2min ago I pined my sust and hcg, same syringe, into my delt. I used a 25g 1" pin and the whole process went by pretty quickly. Just stick bury, and push hard.
Title: Re: 22 gauge or 20 gauge
Post by: bigjohn_bluesfan on March 16, 2006, 07:39:52 PM
23g-25g should be all you ever need. If it feels tough and is slow going in, well, just push harder, it won't hurt anything. Just 2min ago I pined my sust and hcg, same syringe, into my delt. I used a 25g 1" pin and the whole process went by pretty quickly. Just stick bury, and push hard.

ok awesome arnold thats what i will do... it only is hard when i am all jacked up when the rotation leads me to putting it in my right delt (left handed)...thanks for advice bro
Title: Re: 22 gauge or 20 gauge
Post by: ignorance on March 16, 2006, 09:47:32 PM
Like what Jr. said, I've own used 25x1 and yes it does take awhile to get it in there but hell when going into the leg, I'm already sitting down so I can wait.
Quick question: I shot in the morning 2 hours before gym time, can I work out the muscle group I just shot or should i wait a day?  8)
Title: Re: 22 gauge or 20 gauge
Post by: freakfestMD on March 17, 2006, 07:46:37 AM
Like what Jr. said, I've own used 25x1 and yes it does take awhile to get it in there but hell when going into the leg, I'm already sitting down so I can wait.
Quick question: I shot in the morning 2 hours before gym time, can I work out the muscle group I just shot or should i wait a day?  8)

You should be able to work it without much problem if you wish to.  I find that the day after the shot I'm more sore.  I also don't pin the smaller muscle groups--basically just thighs and glutes.  Vastus medialis is working out really well---thanks to bravo for suggesting it.
Title: Re: 22 gauge or 20 gauge
Post by: davinci on March 17, 2006, 08:43:37 AM
Like what Jr. said, I've own used 25x1 and yes it does take awhile to get it in there but hell when going into the leg, I'm already sitting down so I can wait.
Quick question: I shot in the morning 2 hours before gym time, can I work out the muscle group I just shot or should i wait a day?  8)
pin the muslce group that your goin to work out that day about an hour before/// i.e. if you pin your quad hit legs an hour later.. this enables alot of blood flow into the quad to help disperse the test and cuts down on soreness due to injection...

this method works wonders for me
Title: Re: 22 gauge or 20 gauge
Post by: ignorance on March 17, 2006, 08:53:14 AM
Funny I didn't think about that. Make perfect sense. Thanks
Title: Re: 22 gauge or 20 gauge
Post by: davinci on March 17, 2006, 08:57:31 AM
also i use a 25 pin... sure you have to push on it a little more but come on.. if your wantin to get jacked to gills and complainin about pushing a plunger a little harder then somethings wrong lol ... j/k but 25 works great... when i pin in the quad i never even feel the needle goin in
Title: Re: 22 gauge or 20 gauge
Post by: Arnold jr on March 17, 2006, 05:11:27 PM

Quick question: I shot in the morning 2 hours before gym time, can I work out the muscle group I just shot or should i wait a day?  8)
If I'm due for an injection I always inject the muscle I am about to train that day...actually helps with soreness. My advice, never ever inject a muscle that was just trained the day before. In my experience this can cause a very uncomfortable level of discomfort.
Title: Re: 22 gauge or 20 gauge
Post by: DIVISION on March 17, 2006, 05:24:46 PM
Has anyone used 20 gauge because i am usin 22 right now and it goes through to slow and sometimes takes too much pressure to push the plunger down..... thanks

If you think a 22 is hard, I can't imagine you trying to use a 25G.

If your hands aren't strong enough to push the oil through a 22, are you sure you need to be doing AAS in the first place?

It's just a matter of grip strength, bro.     :-\

Title: Re: 22 gauge or 20 gauge
Post by: Captain Equipoise on March 17, 2006, 06:10:14 PM
If you think a 22 is hard, I can't imagine you trying to use a 25G.

If your hands aren't strong enough to push the oil through a 22, are you sure you need to be doing AAS in the first place?

It's just a matter of grip strength, bro.     :-\


I agree so much with DIV here, maybe you just don't have a firm hold on the plunger, if you grip it properly it should be no problem.
Title: Re: 22 gauge or 20 gauge
Post by: davinci on March 17, 2006, 07:43:12 PM
i think first timers get thrown off by movies and the such when they think the plunger just flows right in like its nothing lol
Title: Re: 22 gauge or 20 gauge
Post by: bigjohn_bluesfan on March 17, 2006, 08:04:29 PM
I think you guys are all correct in my situation. The only time and site I have experienced difficulty is when i have tried to push 3mg in my delt left handed all uncoordinated and shit, and my left hand is all gimped up amyway from boxers fracture.... I guess I need to quit being a puss in shove that shit in..... i just thought initially ( like the gentleman said) that it was supposed to flow through like nothing.... thanks for feedback... j
Title: Re: 22 gauge or 20 gauge
Post by: DIVISION on March 17, 2006, 09:31:06 PM
i think first timers get thrown off by movies and the such when they think the plunger just flows right in like its nothing lol

I think first timers need to look at this website.

Title: Re: 22 gauge or 20 gauge
Post by: bigjohn_bluesfan on March 18, 2006, 10:00:36 AM
pin the muslce group that your goin to work out that day about an hour before/// i.e. if you pin your quad hit legs an hour later.. this enables alot of blood flow into the quad to help disperse the test and cuts down on soreness due to injection...

this method works wonders for me

it works wonders in your mind..... you could inject in your big toe and it would disperse into the body the same way..... your body moves a quart of blood through your vascular system every 45 secons..... it doesnt care where you inject the chemical son.
Title: Re: 22 gauge or 20 gauge
Post by: DIVISION on March 18, 2006, 01:45:55 PM
it works wonders in your mind..... you could inject in your big toe and it would disperse into the body the same way.....

Uh-huh.......very nice. 

Do you realize how ridiculous a statement that is?

I'm not even going to argue this.


Title: Re: 22 gauge or 20 gauge
Post by: sarcasm on March 18, 2006, 01:59:37 PM
the only time you really need a 20 or 19 gauge is when your pushing a water based product so you can get all the crystals through the needle but you shouldn't need anything bigger than a 23 to get oil based products through.
Title: Re: 22 gauge or 20 gauge
Post by: DIVISION on March 18, 2006, 02:23:39 PM
the only time you really need a 20 or 19 gauge is when your pushing a water based product so you can get all the crystals through the needle but you shouldn't need anything bigger than a 23 to get oil based products through.

^Test Suspension...... :-X

Title: Re: 22 gauge or 20 gauge
Post by: sarcasm on March 18, 2006, 02:26:40 PM
^Test Suspension...... :-X

old school baby, best fucking steroid ever made, nothing better than the old Steris test suspension.
Title: Re: 22 gauge or 20 gauge
Post by: davinci on March 18, 2006, 11:45:11 PM

it works wonders in your mind..... you could inject in your big toe and it would disperse into the body the same way..... your body moves a quart of blood through your vascular system every 45 secons..... it doesnt care where you inject the chemical son.

ok bigjohn but tell me this... if you have an oil in your muscle whats gonna get it dispersed better? pinnin it then just lettin taht muscle group sit overnight? or pinnin it then hittin a heavy workout with lots of muscle action and blood flow? ......... were not talkin about pumpin blood through veins were talkin about gettin blood flow into the muscle group you just pinned to disperse the substance better combined with heavy muscle action
Title: Re: 22 gauge or 20 gauge
Post by: DIVISION on March 19, 2006, 02:31:01 PM
ok bigjohn but tell me this... if you have an oil in your muscle whats gonna get it dispersed better? pinnin it then just lettin taht muscle group sit overnight? or pinnin it then hittin a heavy workout with lots of muscle action and blood flow? ......... were not talkin about pumpin blood through veins were talkin about gettin blood flow into the muscle group you just pinned to disperse the substance better combined with heavy muscle action

^Yes.  Davinci knows what works now.  We discussed this at length.

Pin the muscle.  Workout the muscle.  Blood circulating through the muscle disperses the oil.  It's a very simple process.

Title: Re: 22 gauge or 20 gauge
Post by: bigjohn_bluesfan on March 19, 2006, 03:00:02 PM
yeah... i think i was a little torqued up on test when I answered that one.... plus i was pissed because I dont like sticking anything but thighs and delts.... im learning though... i didnt thgink about it in terms of it being intramuscular. My response would be if you were taking it right in the vein which would kill you. hahaha
Title: Re: 22 gauge or 20 gauge
Post by: Arnold jr on March 19, 2006, 04:51:59 PM
I dont like sticking anything but thighs and delts....
I used to be that way, but eventually it something you just have to get over. Actually my favorite place to pin now is my pecs, DIV got me going on that, so props to him. For myself, pining the pec and then hitting chest is one of the best ways to disperse what was injected...give it a try and see what you think.

My next move is to start pinning my lats, haven't done this yet but will soon.

If there is one spot that is my least favorite to pin it would have to be bi's. For some reason unknown to me these can be excruciating, and no matter how hard I hit bi's that day it does not seem to help. I'm hopeful though that with time this will ease up a bit. If it doesn't, no big deal, I've got plenty of other spots to hit.

Oh, and one more thing about bi injections, does anyone else find this spot difficult to pin? I don't mean in terms of the actual pining, but almost every time I stick one of my bi's and then aspirate I get blood and have to re-inject another point. I'm not hitting a vein, I can see my veins and I am aware of the exact spots on the bicep to pin, but apparently I seem to be hitting some sort of blood vessel almost every time I first pin. I don't know, maybe it's just me, but it's kind of irritating.
Title: Re: 22 gauge or 20 gauge
Post by: davinci on March 19, 2006, 06:55:12 PM
yea div got me thinkin about hittin pecs to after i found out what a breeze quads where once you did them the right way.. and my girls goin to hit my lats this week to see what its like
Title: Re: 22 gauge or 20 gauge
Post by: DIVISION on March 20, 2006, 02:20:04 AM
yea div got me thinkin about hittin pecs to after i found out what a breeze quads where once you did them the right way.. and my girls goin to hit my lats this week to see what its like

Pecs are easy.....depending on how big your pecs are.

Mine are large, so I have alot of room to work with.  I rotate them...start with the outer, where they tie in with the delts....then go inside where they start to meet in the middle, then high, then low, then middle.

Pecs are easy, just have to make sure you rotate so you don't develop dense scar tissue.  It becomes routine.....slow, steady, balls deep, then one clean injection.  I use a 25G for all injections. 

When I get tired of pecs I'll move back to delts or quads.  Eventually I'll do biceps.

Title: Re: 22 gauge or 20 gauge
Post by: ignorance on March 20, 2006, 08:32:43 AM
Injecting today in my right outer quad [sweep], fucking wife won't don't it for me this time. I'm Doomed! Hahhaha Legs and Shoulders I find are best and they work for me. But other injection sites will come in time.
Title: Re: 22 gauge or 20 gauge
Post by: DIVISION on March 21, 2006, 02:19:12 PM
Injecting today in my right outer quad [sweep], fucking wife won't don't it for me this time. I'm Doomed! Hahhaha Legs and Shoulders I find are best and they work for me. But other injection sites will come in time.

Make the wife do it for you.

Her ignorance will not be tolerated!   >:(