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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Steroids Info & Hardcore => Topic started by: EasternHammer on April 02, 2016, 07:18:53 AM

Title: Blood Work Is In-Advice on Estrogen
Post by: EasternHammer on April 02, 2016, 07:18:53 AM
  So I have been on test prop 2ml EOD for 30 days now.  Huge improvements in strength and mass.  I decided to get blood work because I wasn't seeing any androgenic or estrogenic effects.  I mean no change in mood, energy level, no difference in erection quality/frequency, no gyno symptoms, no sense of being "on" anything other than getting bigger and stronger.  Here is what my bloodwork showed, 24 hours after a pin. 

Total Testosterone: 5105. 
Free Test: >50
Estradiol: 240

  Obviously the estradiol is off the charts-I think it should be under 50 at the most?  Do I need to add in an AI?  Regardless of estrogenic sides or lack thereof?  Thanks for any advice.
Title: Re: Blood Work Is In-Advice on Estrogen
Post by: equipoise on April 02, 2016, 07:44:18 AM
Actually Estro contributes to gains also (see William Llewyllen's) Anabolics book, i think through increased IGF and various other mechanisms. Water retention also helps with joints, and keeping estro higher helps with HDL. I keep my estro lower though because high estro can cause blood clots
Title: Re: Blood Work Is In-Advice on Estrogen
Post by: Jizmo on April 02, 2016, 08:47:56 AM
to a certain degree higher estrogen is okay when your test is really high too. depends on the test:estro ratio mostly. i would keep still it below 100-120 or so though... normal to highish estrogen can be beneficial regarding gains and health, however really high estrogen (id personally call 100-150+ really high) has a myriad of other sides worse than gyno... cardiovascular health mostly, but also mental sides