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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Steroids Info & Hardcore => Topic started by: AbrahamG on April 30, 2016, 06:50:48 PM

Title: Moderate Summer Cycle
Post by: AbrahamG on April 30, 2016, 06:50:48 PM
Here is my upcoming summer cycle.  Will have been off for a year when I commence with this run.  Last summers run was test 500, deca 450 and dbol 25mg.  Physique was impressive but side effects scared the shit out of me.  Felt early onset gyno even though was running adex.  Switched to letro till it was gone and continued for another week after symptoms were gone.  Replaced letro with adex for remainder of cycle and used aromasin for pct.  Also, blood pressure got really high and liver values were slightly elevated.  Needed lisinopril to get bp back to normal.  Lesson learned.  For me, doses were too high and I don't do well with 19-nor's and never ever again for dbol.  This run will be:

250mg test cyp weeks 1-12
100mg primo weeks 1-10
20mg anavar weeks 1-7
25mg proviron weeks 8-14
50mg clomid weeks 15-18
20mg ostarine weeks 15-20
20mg gw15 weeks 15-20
12.5mg exemestane weeks 16-19 (in case of any estro rebound after clomid)

I don't expect any estro issues but have the big 3 on hand should need arise. 

Last year was running a total of 1,125mg's per week.l
This year at the peak will only be 525mg's.

Will use cycle support supplements throughout in addition to two servings of brocolli and a garden salad every day.
Diet will be low carb with a cheat day.
30 minutes of cardio daily.

Last but not least, I am 43 years old and have not been out of the gym for any significant length of time in over 20 years.

Ok.  Now, let me have it. LOL.
Title: Re: Moderate Summer Cycle
Post by: popeye150 on May 01, 2016, 05:55:04 AM
Why even do 100mg a week of primo? Imo it is not enough to to justify the cost of it.
Title: Re: Moderate Summer Cycle
Post by: heenok on May 01, 2016, 06:33:28 AM
What a shitty cycle lol
Primo 100mg a week wut ? Unless you are a female this is ridiculous.
20mg of var, unless its pharma grade well you wont see shit from it.
Also drop those useless sarms especially ostarine in your pct if you want your test level to recover.

Honestly just run the test and proviron.
Title: Re: Moderate Summer Cycle
Post by: Qwert II on May 01, 2016, 08:48:32 AM
I'd say this is a "I want to do a cycle but I'm afraid to do a cycle" cycle.

Probably one of the worst put together cycle I've ever seen here.

WHY are you doing this?  ???
Title: Re: Moderate Summer Cycle
Post by: Bulgarian_enforcer on May 01, 2016, 09:20:15 AM
primo should be run 600mg ew to see some shit from it... i do that now and am not so impressed but i can train ed and feel good with no crazy mood swings like on tren or eq. tren/mast/low test is best imo, but i cannot handle tren and gte gassed when i grapple or box.
Title: Re: Moderate Summer Cycle
Post by: AbrahamG on May 01, 2016, 10:39:33 AM
Appreciate the opinions.  Even the shitty commentary.  LOL.  I'm not going pro.  I don't want to die young.  Also, from previous cycles I've learned for myself that less is more.  Also, I've gone back to the source that I used in the 90's.  Back when 2 primo amps, 2 winstrol amps and 2 propionate amps did wonders.  May very well knock the primo all the way up to 200mg but that's the only change I'm considering.  I don't have great genetics but am a decent responder.  Off season used to be 250mg testoviron depot every 5-7 days and precontest was the primo, winstrol and test prop cycle I described above. 

On second thought, I like the suggestion of just doing the test and proviron.  Keep it simple, keep it safe.  You guys can have the 2-4 gram cycles.  I hope it works for you.  I'm skeptical of what kind of damage this will do long term and also of the legitimacy/quality of todays gear.
Title: Re: Moderate Summer Cycle
Post by: popeye150 on May 01, 2016, 11:09:45 AM
You could consider a low dose of mast also.
Title: Re: Moderate Summer Cycle
Post by: Zillotch on May 01, 2016, 11:49:04 AM
I'd bump the primo to 200mg, and run it along with the cyp at 250mg straight through week 1-20… anavar as you see fit.
Title: Re: Moderate Summer Cycle
Post by: AbrahamG on May 01, 2016, 03:09:01 PM
I'd bump the primo to 200mg, and run it along with the cyp at 250mg straight through week 1-20… anavar as you see fit.

I may do this.  Also thinking about just doing the proviron and cyp or getting some mast and running just that and the cyp.  Or any of these scenarios with with var added. 
Title: Re: Moderate Summer Cycle
Post by: Disco187 on May 02, 2016, 05:55:55 AM
agree with all the posts above.

why not run stanozol (winstrol)

drop the primo unless u bump it way up  and the ostarine that stuffs just b.s .

you could def use your money to up the anavar and run some winstrol or mast instead i garantee you would be more happier with your look.  Then you could prob drop the pirovon to if you ran mast or winstrol. 

Title: Re: Moderate Summer Cycle
Post by: theworm on May 02, 2016, 07:49:32 AM
Most say the sweet spot for primo is 600-1000

I'd say 400 should be the minimum for primo
Title: Re: Moderate Summer Cycle
Post by: pestosterone on May 02, 2016, 09:29:00 AM
Ide just run 500mg test and more var. Add exemestane if needed for your ai and you should be side effect free.

You over thinking shit imo with all the ostarine is garbage just take more test. It's cheap works and is basically side effect free for most experienced users that know how to cycle test.

500mgs test with an AI only would blow your above outlined cycle out of the water. Diet dictates how u look body fat wise
Title: Re: Moderate Summer Cycle
Post by: theworm on May 02, 2016, 09:46:41 AM
Ide just run 500mg test and more var. Add exemestane if needed for your ai and you should be side effect free.

You over thinking shit imo with all the ostarine is garbage just take more test. It's cheap works and is basically side effect free for most experienced users that know how to cycle test.

500mgs test with an AI only would blow your above outlined cycle out of the water. Diet dictates how u look body fat wise
X 2
Title: Re: Moderate Summer Cycle
Post by: a_pupil on May 02, 2016, 11:38:11 AM
1 cc test, fill the rest of your mgs with winstrol. simples.