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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Training Q&A => Topic started by: Trainerbrian85 on March 23, 2006, 12:57:30 PM

Title: Lagging Biceps
Post by: Trainerbrian85 on March 23, 2006, 12:57:30 PM
So I've been training for about 3 years now and have made some excellent gains and am ready to start competing in the near future.  My weak point is definitely my biceps.  In the last 2 months I have gained an inch on my arms and they stand at 17" cold.  I am convinced that most if not all of that inch has come from my triceps.

I'd like to get the opinion of some guys with bigger arms as to whether they lift heavy for bi's or if you go more for the feel and pump of the biceps.
Title: Re: Lagging Biceps
Post by: mesmorph78 on March 24, 2006, 06:21:25 PM
heavy olympic bar curls..

heavy dumbell curls seated

straight bar preacher curls
Title: Re: Lagging Biceps
Post by: pumpster on March 24, 2006, 07:02:05 PM
As stated above; olympic bar is optional though. Reps 6-10. Try re-arranging the exercises though.
Title: Re: Lagging Biceps
Post by: L.T. on March 24, 2006, 08:45:24 PM
lets go a diffrent route I'm sure you are already using barbells and db's try using just machines and really isolate the bicep. Scott able which one of the top trainers gave me the same advice. the gains came much quicker,  leave the free weights for the heavy rows and deads.   

heres his site check it out 
Title: Re: Lagging Biceps
Post by: pumpster on March 24, 2006, 09:54:21 PM
Absolutely; machines only especially leverage, 4-6 weeks. Then try cables.
Title: Re: Lagging Biceps
Post by: dontknowit on March 27, 2006, 02:34:58 AM
Have you tried other excersises which involve biceps,
like pull-up with close grip, or lowerhand rows?
Title: Re: Lagging Biceps
Post by: Eric2 on March 27, 2006, 08:24:01 AM
I have found that what works best (for me) is to ram as much blood into the working muscle i,e the biceps. With light weight high reps and relative quick pace of 2 sets no counting on the reps.
   I then move into standing cambered curl bar for a heavier weight and curl till I am in pain, again not counting the reps.
   Counting only tells you one thing, how far you are going to go. Why not let the muscle tell you how far IT can go? Let the muscle cancel its own ass into failure. Go til it bleeds!!
   Ram the weight up towards the shoulders but never all the way to the top, this takes away from the tension on the muscle. Do not lower all the way to the bottom as this takes away from the constant tension as well.
   In short "Constant tension" will get the job done sometimes in one set if done properly.
   Get a pump first
   Do not count reps
   Do not pause
   Do not perform a full range of motion.
   Try this before you knock it ;)

   The huksters in the magazines and the books will hardly ever tell you how to correctly train. they want you to fail so you can come back for the new improved rehashed workout.
Title: Re: Lagging Biceps
Post by: JPM on March 27, 2006, 08:26:10 AM
Might try:

1) Incline DB curls..letting the DB's hang loose from the bottom position (palms facing each other) for a second or two (dead stop) as you lay back fully on the incline bench, no half way sitting up as you curl.
2) Reverse BB curl..a very overlooked bicep mass builder..some guy's find new growth by using this as their only bicep exercise. Elbows to the side throughout, wrist straight.
1) BB curl..three positioned; wide, middle and very narrow grip, so narrow that the elbows resting against the abs...two sets each.
One and one half system..usually best with a EZ or straight bar.  Rest-Pause and 7's are other systems. Running the Rack is also a winner for a lot of guy's with lagging biceps.
1) BB curl...heavy cheating curl's but not to the point of making it a reverse clean.
Any form of curls that are done in the middle range only...never all the way up or all the way down with this exercise....and done at a fast pace.  If I had a dollar for every Pro, top BB'er or strongman, with huge biceps, I've seen do their biceps  exercise this way I would be very wealthy.

Dozens of more biceps exercises, styles of training, systems out there. Just have to explore a bit and see which one(s) works for you. All men (and women) are not created equal. Good Luck.

Title: Re: Lagging Biceps
Post by: Unknown8471 on March 28, 2006, 08:49:51 PM
change your program, sometimse that helps.
Title: Re: Lagging Biceps
Post by: Shadyadam on March 29, 2006, 12:40:44 PM
Try this routine, my BI's reacted great to it!

Seated Preacher Curl - Outside grip. This will help the inner part or your BI's for that "peak" look

Seated Reverse Curls- On a Lat pull down machine grip a straight bar with your palms facing you. Then curl by keeping your elbows straight and use full range of motion. Great exercise if done properly!

Standing Cable Curls - Again outside grip

Seated Hammers - Adds width and a great ender to finish off the BI's

The reason I choose mostly seated exercises is because you'll keep yourself from using that swinging motion and use momentum for the lift instead of your BI's. Try this out and see if you like it!
Title: Re: Lagging Biceps
Post by: Wombat on April 03, 2006, 02:04:48 AM
take a good look at your bis...Do you have a good peak...If so that means you have a good inner bicep...So i would do alot of close grip stuff to get more outer bicep and then vice verca if you don't have a good peak...I've trained for years not understanding this and now that i do understand it, its made a huge difference...
Title: Re: Lagging Biceps
Post by: tadolfi on April 03, 2006, 07:07:07 PM
I think you need both in any bicep routine - Heavy and for feel and pump.
My 2 cents is that the whole burn doesn't grow the bicep much -
it is load and overall intensity that does it.
Isolation will accomplish it for a while and then you need to shock them again.
Maybe work them with back...after a few weeks work them with Triceps.
Then hit the machines again.

I've grown my Bi's an inch and a half in 2.5 years mixing things up like this.
Started at 16.5 and now at 18.
I'm 5' 08" and 215 pounds.

Keep pumpin brother!
Just takes a little more time.