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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Steroids Info & Hardcore => Topic started by: ANAL DISCHARGE on March 26, 2006, 05:39:15 AM

Title: Non test stack
Post by: ANAL DISCHARGE on March 26, 2006, 05:39:15 AM
Do any of you gentlemen have some suggestions as to a good stack without using test or other compounds that aromatize?  Perhaps something for superior condition, sustainable gains and general perpetual glory?  Long or short duration, I would like to view some ideas.

How do you think PCT should differ (if at all) following a cycle that hasn't used test?

Any one used BD masteron?  (masterol I think) - I notice it comes in both a 100mg/ml and 200mg/ml formula.  Are the esters different?

I thank you.
Title: Re: Non test stack
Post by: DIVISION on April 03, 2006, 12:33:06 PM
Do any of you gentlemen have some suggestions as to a good stack without using test or other compounds that aromatize?  Perhaps something for superior condition, sustainable gains and general perpetual glory?  Long or short duration, I would like to view some ideas.

Drugs that don't aromatize at all?

You'd have to go with something like Tren/Halo....but the Tren might supress you sexually.

Not sure you want to go that route.

How about you give me a cycle and I'll change it to fit what I think you need?

You'll have to add some Testosterone though.......or I won't recommend it.

Title: Re: Non test stack
Post by: Loomis on April 04, 2006, 12:52:00 PM
Tren/Winny/Primo, maybe add some proviron.
Title: Re: Non test stack
Post by: bigjohN79 on April 04, 2006, 02:41:18 PM
No test in the cycle, you can kiss my advice cause I aint going to give you any advice!!! I would be doing an injustice to you, but telling you to do a cycle without test!!!! ANd yes I feel very strongly about this subject!!!
Title: Re: Non test stack
Post by: DIVISION on April 04, 2006, 03:44:46 PM
Tren/Winny/Primo, maybe add some proviron.

^Like John said........I won't recommend this cycle.

That cycle will supress you sexually.........

You need Test.

That's my last word.

Title: Re: Non test stack
Post by: Bypass on April 04, 2006, 03:51:37 PM
In the world of Finanance Cash is the world of AAS....Test is King....
Title: Re: Non test stack
Post by: MarkyM on April 05, 2006, 02:45:28 AM
In the world of Finanance Cash is the world of AAS....Test is King....

Well said!  ;D
Title: Re: Non test stack
Post by: Loomis on April 05, 2006, 10:41:13 PM
AD, Any perticular reason for avoiding Test?
Title: Re: Non test stack
Post by: ZEEK on April 05, 2006, 10:45:24 PM
not TEST no HELP

your looking for some terrable results
you need to rethink test into your cycle
Title: Re: Non test stack
Post by: theworm on April 06, 2006, 06:25:26 PM
Someone has a post on the gossip section that Lee Preist uses non-test cycles...???
Title: Re: Non test stack
Post by: ZEEK on April 06, 2006, 08:41:45 PM
are you LEE? NO
so you need to be concerned with yourself and whats going to help you
Title: Re: Non test stack
Post by: theworm on April 07, 2006, 04:10:23 PM
ok Zeek, according to that logic, we should never answer anybodies questions?  The guy asked about a non-test cycle and I state that a pro does this, and you get all pissy?
99% of answers on here are opinions anyway!
Title: Re: Non test stack
Post by: ZEEK on April 07, 2006, 06:40:03 PM
your right.

i just cant see someone not useing test??

its beon me

but i guess we cant make everything right.
Title: Re: Non test stack
Post by: DIVISION on April 09, 2006, 12:10:59 AM
Someone has a post on the gossip section that Lee Preist uses non-test cycles...???

Yes, because Lee said that in an interview.

Lee is full of shit.  He also says he only uses a small amount of GH and Deca for his cycles.


Title: Re: Non test stack
Post by: theworm on April 09, 2006, 05:44:19 PM
Yeah I agree, no way in hell is this guy using 200 of deca a week and keeping his own next to the top 5 BB in the world. 
Title: Re: Non test stack
Post by: DIVISION on April 10, 2006, 11:55:31 AM
Yeah I agree, no way in hell is this guy using 200 of deca a week and keeping his own next to the top 5 BB in the world. 

I called him on it over on Gossip and he sticks to his story.

I don't care.  He's full of shit.

He has good genetics and he's short which means his muscles are going to be larger and fill out much better than a taller BB, but he's not that size from training and only a small amount of Deca/GH.

He doesn't use as much Test as some of the others, but he still uses.

Title: Re: Non test stack
Post by: Rimbaud on April 10, 2006, 12:30:09 PM
Yes, because Lee said that in an interview.

Lee is full of shit.  He also says he only uses a small amount of GH and Deca for his cycles.



I thought he said he doesn't use GH (but has tried it & saw no results). He also stated that he uses Winny, Clen, & Nolva when preparing for a show. 
Title: Re: Non test stack
Post by: DIVISION on April 10, 2006, 12:54:38 PM
I thought he said he doesn't use GH (but has tried it & saw no results). He also stated that he uses Winny, Clen, & Nolva when preparing for a show. 

I saw an interview where he said he used GH, low dose.


That's like saying he sticks to one bucket of KFC in the off-season.

Title: Re: Non test stack
Post by: Mr.Primo on April 10, 2006, 08:21:00 PM
Ok I know that Test should be on any cycle regardless if is for bulking or cutting, but how came in the Anabolics 2004 by William Llewelyn on pg 43 there is a potent cutting/hardening 8 week cycle with just Tren and winny and no  test.
Title: Re: Non test stack
Post by: DIVISION on April 11, 2006, 01:53:41 AM
Ok I know that Test should be on any cycle regardless if is for bulking or cutting, but how came in the Anabolics 2004 by William Llewelyn on pg 43 there is a potent cutting/hardening 8 week cycle with just Tren and winny and no  test.

William already answered this in another thread.

Those are real world cycles that have been reported.  It doesn't mean they are something you should run.  It just means they have been run by people. 

Title: Re: Non test stack
Post by: ANAL DISCHARGE on April 11, 2006, 05:03:30 AM
I think you have taken my question a little out of context.  Yes, I know test is king but I want some thought about alternatives.  Perhaps the conclusion will be that test is imperative.  So be it.   But let's think a little - can we get good results without test?  Why bother you may say?  Why indeed?  But then again, why not?

Glory and wisdom may be found in many quarters.  Will a Testless cycle lead to death?  Quite possibly. 

My idea for the testless death cycle is something like - 1iu hgh per hour, 100mg primo per day, 100mg masteron per day, a handful of Anavar with meals and beers and a viagra every morning.  I think that perpetual glory - and possibly even eternal life - will be attained through such an approach.

Title: Re: Non test stack
Post by: Shadyadam on April 11, 2006, 06:53:42 AM
Do any of you gentlemen have some suggestions as to a good stack without using test or other compounds that aromatize?  Perhaps something for superior condition, sustainable gains and general perpetual glory?  Long or short duration, I would like to view some ideas.

How do you think PCT should differ (if at all) following a cycle that hasn't used test?

Any one used BD masteron?  (masterol I think) - I notice it comes in both a 100mg/ml and 200mg/ml formula.  Are the esters different?

I thank you.

Heres my 10 cents....

First off there really isn't any good stack of an only oral cycle that I would suggest unless you have a spare liver on hand! With that said, I just can't justify at all even a Dbol cycle at 20mg a would get hardly any gains. And even if you started stacking this and that the side effects alone on your liver just isn't worth even 10 pounds of muscle!

As for PCT? Probably the norm. Nolva with HCG perhaps...

And as for your masteron ---->

Good luck with your TESTLESS cycle.... ;D
Title: Re: Non test stack
Post by: wannabebig on April 13, 2006, 11:21:50 AM
Testless cycle?  This all depends on if you care about your sex life?! :o  Of course your gonna get gains off the other gear without test, but your gonna be supressed with or without the test. So it's up to you if you want a limp noodle or not :-[
Title: Re: Non test stack
Post by: DIVISION on April 20, 2006, 06:43:08 PM
My idea for the testless death cycle is something like - 1iu hgh per hour, 100mg primo per day, 100mg masteron per day, a handful of Anavar with meals and beers and a viagra every morning.  I think that perpetual glory - and possibly even eternal life - will be attained through such an approach.

You're kidding right, AnalDis?

Supposing you megadosed on orals and used Viagra, you would still suffer from suppression of the HPTA and possibly a drop-off in libido as well.

What is the point of having Viagra when you have no desire for sex?  Those of you who have suffered from Decadick know what I mean.