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Getbig Main Boards => Politics and Political Issues Board => Topic started by: Red Hook on August 11, 2016, 12:18:24 PM

Title: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: Red Hook on August 11, 2016, 12:18:24 PM
Washington (CNN)Donald Trump said Thursday that he meant exactly what he said when he called President Barack Obama the "founder of ISIS" and objected when a conservative radio show host tried to clarify the GOP nominee's position.
Trump was asked by host Hugh Hewitt about the comments Trump made Wednesday night in Florida, and Hewitt said he understood Trump to mean "that he (Obama) created the vacuum, he lost the peace."

Trump objected.
"No, I meant he's the founder of ISIS," Trump said. "I do. He was the most valuable player. I give him the most valuable player award. I give her, too, by the way, Hillary Clinton."
Hewitt pushed back again, saying that Obama is "not sympathetic" to ISIS and "hates" and is "trying to kill them."
"I don't care," Trump said, according to a show transcript. "He was the founder. His, the way he got out of Iraq was that that was the founding of ISIS, okay?"

And to make this bodybuilding related :  What type of man purse will Heath aka "over the white line" wear after he wins?
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: tom joad on August 11, 2016, 12:22:57 PM
Hannity is melting down every night.
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: Nails on August 11, 2016, 12:25:00 PM
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: mr.turbo on August 11, 2016, 12:42:58 PM
Evidence that Trump has no intention of actually running a serious race for president is everywhere and has been for months. Someone whose goal is to actually win does not fight with the family of a fallen U.S. solider for days, or pick endless fights with members of his own party, or ignore terrible economic reports he could use to rip up his opponent, or suggest his opponent be assassinated and then refuse to fix it, or fail to run any serious TV campaign or set up a legitimate ground game in any swing state.
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: 240 is Back on August 11, 2016, 12:45:52 PM
how is trump doing with TV time?  Hasn't bought any?
How about building a campaign team/GOTV effort?  Not yet?

and every time hilary steps in shit with her email or other issue, trump is there to rescue her from the headline.  She has the ORL shooter's dad - so Trump makes fun of her, turning around to say "of course we know our audience who sits this close", and in that audience is a pedo disgraced ex-congressman.   

nobody can be that bumbling on purpose.  It's impossible.  Trump is too smart a man.
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: 240 is Back on August 11, 2016, 01:03:56 PM
TODAY: Donald Trump Says He’s OK With Losing the Election

On Thursday while calling in to CNBC’s “Squawk Box” morning show, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said he’s “ok” with losing the election.

“All I do is tell the truth, and if at the end of 90 days I’ve fallen short because I’m somewhat politically correct, even though I’m supposed to be the smart one, and even though I’m supposed to have a lot of good ideas, it’s ok, you know, I go back to a, a very good way of life. It’s not what I’m looking to do I think we’re going to have a victory, but we’ll see.”
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: Nails on August 11, 2016, 01:19:25 PM
"At the end, it's either going to work or I'm going to have a very, very nice long vacation" - TRUMP (
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: 240 is Back on August 11, 2016, 01:20:54 PM
Money dries up next.  He totally screwed over the republican party.

Sick, old hilary in all this trouble gets to run against someone who concedes 88 days before the election.

If only we had seen this coming... the lifelong democat and hilary wedding buddy trashing every repub ever, painting repubs are racist meanies... the party sees it now.  Taking away the money will effectively end things.

Dozens of Republicans to urge RNC to cut off funds for Trump

Source: Politico

More than 70 Republicans have signed an open letter to Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus urging him to stop spending any money to help Donald Trump win in November and shift those contributions to Senate and House races.

The letter comes as a number of Republican senators and high-profile GOP national security officials have come forward saying they cannot vote for Trump.

“We believe that Donald Trump’s divisiveness, recklessness, incompetence, and record-breaking unpopularity risk turning this election into a Democratic landslide, and only the immediate shift of all available RNC resources to vulnerable Senate and House races will prevent the GOP from drowning with a Trump-emblazoned anchor around its neck,” states a draft of the letter obtained by POLITICO. “This should not be a difficult decision, as Donald Trump’s chances of being elected president are evaporating by the day.”

Former Sen. Gordon Humphrey of New Hampshire and former Reps. Chris Shays of Connecticut, Tom Coleman of Missouri and Vin Weber of Minnesota are among the Republicans lending their name to the letter. Close to 20 of the co-signers are former RNC staffers, including Mindy Finn (former RNC chief digital strategist), Christine Iverson Gunderson (former RNC press secretary), Virginia Hume Onufer (former RNC deputy press secretary), Beth Miller (former RNC field communications division director), Heather Layman (former deputy press secretary), B. Jay Cooper (former RNC communications director under four chairmen) and Patrick Ruffini (former RNC ecampaign director).

Read more:
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: 240 is Back on August 11, 2016, 01:28:58 PM
Is Donald Trump trying to throw this election?

Conspiracy theories are almost never true, and they're fun only to the extent that people don't actually believe them. That said, it's hard not to consider David Axelrod's assessment Thursday on CNN, following a rocky week for the 2016 Republican presidential nominee: "If Donald Trump were trying to lose this election — and I'm not saying he is — but if he were, I'm not sure he'd behave any differently than he has in the last few days."

Donald Trump says the kinds of things few modern politicians would ever consider saying, even in private, on a daily—sometimes hourly—basis. Trump’s supporters have so far greeted his statements mostly with apparent glee. His detractors, on the other hand, have gone through a range of reactions, from initially dismissing him entirely, to then speculating that he would alienate himself too much to ever win the Republican nomination to, now, suggesting that his outrageous statements might signal that he doesn’t even want the presidency at all.
Could it be?
This latest theorizing has its strongest roots in a comment from the former communications director for the pro-Trump Make America Great Again super PAC. “I don’t even think Trump thought he would get this far. And I don’t even know that he wanted to, which is perhaps the scariest prospect of all,” Stephanie Cegielski wrote for xoJane back in March. Last week, David Axelrod, the former senior adviser to President Barack Obama, speculated along a similar line. Axelrod qualified some of Trump’s more recent comments—like his purely fanciful claim that the NFL had sent him a letter regarding scheduling of football games that coincide with fall debates— are “crazy stuff.”
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: Soul Crusher on August 11, 2016, 01:30:12 PM
TODAY: Donald Trump Says He’s OK With Losing the Election

On Thursday while calling in to CNBC’s “Squawk Box” morning show, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said he’s “ok” with losing the election.

“All I do is tell the truth, and if at the end of 90 days I’ve fallen short because I’m somewhat politically correct, even though I’m supposed to be the smart one, and even though I’m supposed to have a lot of good ideas, it’s ok, you know, I go back to a, a very good way of life. It’s not what I’m looking to do I think we’re going to have a victory, but we’ll see.”

I posted that earlier.  Now is the excuses phase
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: 240 is Back on August 11, 2016, 01:31:19 PM
I posted that earlier.  Now is the excuses phase

From Trump?  Or his supporters that called us crazy when we said for a year that he's just doing this to hurt the GOP and hand the white house to hilary?

Where's coach?  He should be shifting to "I never supported trump anyway" mode by nightfall. 
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: TheShape. on August 11, 2016, 01:34:53 PM
Trump has done a number on your brain this year hasn't he?
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: 240 is Back on August 11, 2016, 01:35:13 PM
As Trump is losing ground in battleground states, hes not traveling to them to save the ship.

No, he is traveling to connecticut, where a repub hasn't won since 1988.

As a new poll shows him potentially losing South Carolina, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has announced that he will be holding a rally in deep blue Connecticut, which hasn't gone Republican since 1988.
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: 240 is Back on August 11, 2016, 01:36:54 PM
Trump has done a number on your brain this year hasn't he?

The number is -7 1/2 right now, according to RCP.    I'm sure it'll be 10 or 11 in another week or two. 

If we've moved from "Trump is tanking it" to "240 sucks", I think that's a good thing.   

Time for that libertarian to move up in the debates now (if they actually happen).  I'm not in love with him, but he's 100x better than hilary or turmp.
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: tom joad on August 11, 2016, 01:38:47 PM
Republicans may never win the White House again haha

Good job, Donald!
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: Nails on August 11, 2016, 01:43:02 PM
And in 8years The Republican Party will lose to Bruce Jenner and his tits
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: TheShape. on August 11, 2016, 01:49:56 PM

If we've moved from "Trump is tanking it" to "240 sucks", I think that's a good thing.   
More like "240 is delusional and needs to stop spamming the board"
The media is in a frenzy trying to make Trump unpopular, twisting his words, making false claims... these people will go at any length to keep their power. If he wasn't doing well in polls I'd be shocked, the media wouldn't see him as the threat they see him now and he wouldn't have sold out arenas twice a day. Clinton just doesn't have that kind of support. Between her unpopularity, stress, criminal investigations, and health issues I wouldn't be surprised if she drops out. It's all more likely that Clinton is a Trump plant, she really is that terrible. When you have to pay a group of people millions of dollars to go online and say good things about you, you aren't doing well.
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: mr.turbo on August 11, 2016, 01:52:46 PM
More like "240 is delusional and needs to stop spamming the board"
The media is in a frenzy trying to make Trump unpopular, twisting his words, making false claims... these people will go at any length to keep their power. If he wasn't doing well in polls I'd be shocked, the media wouldn't see him as the threat they see him now and he wouldn't have sold out arenas twice a day. Clinton just doesn't have that kind of support. Between her unpopularity, stress, criminal investigations, and health issues I wouldn't be surprised if she drops out. It's all more likely that Clinton is a Trump plant, she really is that terrible. When you have to pay a group of people millions of dollars to go online and say good things about you, you aren't doing well.

your leaders calls to violence are criminally dangerous

his attacks on gold stars families are nothing short of barbaric

denounce the demagogue and withdraw your support immediately or face the consequences
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: mr.turbo on August 11, 2016, 02:08:51 PM
the only way to confirm that's he's working to lose is to carefully track the post election fallout

if doors start to open for "the leader" magically, you know the fix was in

in politics there's always a quid pro quo, the GOP representative has done A LOT for the other team!
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: V Man on August 11, 2016, 02:20:39 PM
I'm still in disbelief that out of a country with over 300 million people in it, Trump and Hillary are the 2 best candidates for the Presidency. I legit feel sorry for you guys.
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: TheShape. on August 11, 2016, 02:20:59 PM
your leaders calls to violence are criminally dangerous

his attacks on gold stars families are nothing short of barbaric

denounce the demagogue and withdraw your support immediately or face the consequences
What calls to violence? The Khan family was paid $375,000 by the Clumton Foundation to insult Mr. Trump over their sons death which Trump protested and Hillary voted for. Their son was a hero killed by radical Islam the very same thing we do not want in our country. Mr. Kahn also has worked for a law firm that specializes in Saudi immigration and has written positive things about Sharia law. We will continue to fight against the media machine that is only protecting the self interests of the wealthy and foreign interests. If we do not turn this country around now there won't be one in 20 years. America will come first!
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: Board_SHERIF on August 11, 2016, 02:24:53 PM
Trump is correct in all he says! he wins either way..he has exposed obummer/ClintShit for the corrupt incompetent weasels they are, the corrupted Media, and politics in general which is legalized crime.
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: mr.turbo on August 11, 2016, 02:29:50 PM
What calls to violence? The Khan family was paid $375,000 by the Clumton Foundation to insult Mr. Trump over their sons death which Trump protested and Hillary voted for. Their son was a hero killed by radical Islam the very same thing we do not want in our country. Mr. Kahn also has worked for a law firm that specializes in Saudi immigration and has written positive things about Sharia law. We will continue to fight against the media machine that is only protecting the self interests of the wealthy and foreign interests. If we do not turn this country around now there won't be one in 20 years. America will come first!

did you notice in the other thread where the supporters of "the GOP representative" were called out for making false claims..?

this is the part where we do that.

go ahead and show us the proof mr.khan (gold star father!) was paid $375k by the clinton foundation

looking forward to seeing this!
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: Rambone on August 11, 2016, 02:31:11 PM
TODAY: Donald Trump Says He’s OK With Losing the Election

On Thursday while calling in to CNBC’s “Squawk Box” morning show, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said he’s “ok” with losing the election.

“All I do is tell the truth, and if at the end of 90 days I’ve fallen short because I’m somewhat politically correct, even though I’m supposed to be the smart one, and even though I’m supposed to have a lot of good ideas, it’s ok, you know, I go back to a, a very good way of life. It’s not what I’m looking to do I think we’re going to have a victory, but we’ll see.”

lol I watched that live this morning and thought "Oh my god. 240 might actually be right about this."
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: The Abdominal Snoman on August 11, 2016, 02:48:05 PM
Trump isn't the only one throwing the election. Many Republican politicians who are speaking out about the candidate are basically doing the same thing. George Bush Jr doesn't talk shit about anyone and even he came out against Trump couple of weeks ago. It's as if they are all lining up to put Hillary and Bill back into the White house...
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: 240 is Back on August 11, 2016, 03:00:25 PM
Trump is correct in all he says! he wins either way..he has exposed obummer/ClintShit for the corrupt incompetent weasels they are, the corrupted Media, and politics in general which is legalized crime.

He wins by "exposing" hilary, and giving her a massive win, and 4 to 8 years of crazy power?

He wins by shutting out a very strong republican field?

He wins by repubs at senate and house levels losing their races because people don't bother to vote president?

Well... He wins if he's a democrat and this was the goal all along.  Never in history are we hearing, 88 days from an election, "I'm okay with losing this election..." on the same day the RNC prepares to pull the money plug from him.
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: 240 is Back on August 11, 2016, 03:02:29 PM
lol I watched that live this morning and thought "Oh my god. 240 might actually be right about this."

I give you props for watching some CNBC in the mornings.   
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: Soul Crusher on August 11, 2016, 03:08:08 PM
I give you props for watching some CNBC in the mornings.   

its sad how people only now realizing what a sham this entire thing has been
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: 240 is Back on August 11, 2016, 03:11:51 PM
its sad how people only now realizing what a sham this entire thing has been

Real Clear Politics is on board with it too now.

RCP: A Rigged Outcome? Trump May Be Engineering It Himself

It appears that Donald Trump may be rigging himself an exit ramp from the presidential election. His self-created meltdown might suggest he isn't trying to win in November.

Trump's bizarre kamikaze mission has offended many, even some mothers at his Virginia rally on Tuesday when he asked that a crying baby be removed from the audience. In addition to Trump's no-regrets feud with a Gold Star family, his refusal to endorse House Speaker Paul Ryan, Sen. John McCain and Sen. Kelly Ayotte and his criticism of all three of them, Trump accepted the gift of a Purple Heart from a veteran Tuesday, joking that he had always wanted one and that receiving it at his rally was “much easier” than earning it in combat.

nd Trump, who lags 23 points behind Hillary Clinton with among female voters in the latest Fox News poll, told USA Today he hoped that if his daughter was sexually harassed she “would find another career or another company” to her employ her.

He’s an all-purpose offender: Military families and decorated veterans, check. Republicans who have endorsed him at risk to their own campaigns, check. Women, including some young moms, check.

Throughout his campaign Trump has rigged his rhetoric to convince his supporters that the fix is in nearly everywhere.  The economy, the political system, the media coverage of the campaign – all "rigged."
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: 240 is Back on August 11, 2016, 03:14:38 PM
Trump, a lifelong democrat, was given the keys to the GOPorsche.   And he is wrecking the fcker.  One man may crush the entire republican party.   

‘This sh*t’s not funny’: Strategist explains that Trump is causing an ‘extinction event’ for the GOP

“OK, this shit’s not funny anymore,” he began. “Trump is threatening elected GOPers at all levels in places that haven’t been competitive in decades… We are looking at an extinction-level event.”
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: Soul Crusher on August 11, 2016, 03:16:09 PM
I came back to GB partially to warn of this

Real Clear Politics is on board with it too now.

RCP: A Rigged Outcome? Trump May Be Engineering It Himself

It appears that Donald Trump may be rigging himself an exit ramp from the presidential election. His self-created meltdown might suggest he isn't trying to win in November.

Trump's bizarre kamikaze mission has offended many, even some mothers at his Virginia rally on Tuesday when he asked that a crying baby be removed from the audience. In addition to Trump's no-regrets feud with a Gold Star family, his refusal to endorse House Speaker Paul Ryan, Sen. John McCain and Sen. Kelly Ayotte and his criticism of all three of them, Trump accepted the gift of a Purple Heart from a veteran Tuesday, joking that he had always wanted one and that receiving it at his rally was “much easier” than earning it in combat.

nd Trump, who lags 23 points behind Hillary Clinton with among female voters in the latest Fox News poll, told USA Today he hoped that if his daughter was sexually harassed she “would find another career or another company” to her employ her.

He’s an all-purpose offender: Military families and decorated veterans, check. Republicans who have endorsed him at risk to their own campaigns, check. Women, including some young moms, check.

Throughout his campaign Trump has rigged his rhetoric to convince his supporters that the fix is in nearly everywhere.  The economy, the political system, the media coverage of the campaign – all "rigged."

Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: mr.turbo on August 11, 2016, 03:21:25 PM
this is why team freedom was careful to temper any comments about the "republican nominee" during the primaries

there's a good three months left so anything can happen but the trajectory looks terrible
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: mr.turbo on August 11, 2016, 03:26:44 PM
I came back to GB partially to warn of this

Just keep doing the same thing I'm doing right now and at the end, it's either going to work or I'm going to, you know -- I'm going to have a very, very nice, long vacation.
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: Parker on August 11, 2016, 03:46:11 PM
I'm still in disbelief that out of a country with over 300 million people in it, Trump and Hillary are the 2 best candidates for the Presidency. I legit feel sorry for you guys.
Well, take a look at what makes up the 300 million now. Once you do that, then you shouldn't be in disbelief. Look at what American culture is about now.
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: SF1900 on August 11, 2016, 03:47:34 PM
lol I watched that live this morning and thought "Oh my god. 240 might actually be right about this."

240 has been right all along. People are finally starting to catch on.
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: SaintAnger on August 11, 2016, 04:33:34 PM
When this is all over, I want Trump's motives to be made public.  I want the Trump voters to sit in it.  I want them to suffer.

As for Trump, who knows.  He may be a patriot for his actions after all (if 240's theory is true).
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: tom joad on August 11, 2016, 04:55:05 PM
When this is all over, I want Trump's motives to be made public.  I want the Trump voters to sit in it.  I want them to suffer.

unfortunately, hardcore Trump supporters are too dumb to ever figure out that their hero is laughing at their epic loserness.
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: Red Hook on August 11, 2016, 05:09:01 PM
Trump has played his role as a double agent to perfection.

1.  Make them trust you
2.  Make them anoint you as their leader
3.  Talk their language such that they will never question you.
4.  Create destruction from within but make it appear like you were the one fighting the enemy the most.
5.  After they are destroyed ensure that they still want you as their leader but walk away and blame others for the lost.

Donald "Agent Bourne" Trump deserve a purple star medal.
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: Never1AShow on August 11, 2016, 05:25:28 PM
Trump isn't the only one throwing the election. Many Republican politicians who are speaking out about the candidate are basically doing the same thing. George Bush Jr doesn't talk shit about anyone and even he came out against Trump couple of weeks ago. It's as if they are all lining up to put Hillary and Bill back into the White house...

George P. Bush just recently endorsed Trump.  The new generation.

All this hysteria is trying to damage Trump ahead of debates.  Hillary will get destroyed by him.  She hasn't had a press conference in a year, even in front of shill media.  Too too many skeletons and openly supporting open borders.  That alone is enough to sink her.
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: tom joad on August 11, 2016, 05:30:43 PM
Trump has played his role as a double agent to perfection.

1.  Make them trust you
2.  Make them anoint you as their leader
3.  Talk their language such that they will never question you.
4.  Create destruction from within but make it appear like you were the one fighting the enemy the most.
5.  After they are destroyed ensure that they still want you as their leader but walk away and blame others for the lost.

Donald "Agent Bourne" Trump deserve a purple star medal.

3(b) Post photos of you pretending to dine on their same fast food such that they think you're just like them.
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: efirkey on August 11, 2016, 05:32:13 PM
Trump reminds me of the wrestler who goes from being the baby face to becoming the heal.  He plays both parts to perfection.  Wasn't Trump in a wrestlemania?
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: Primemuscle on August 11, 2016, 05:36:41 PM
how is trump doing with TV time?  Hasn't bought any?
How about building a campaign team/GOTV effort?  Not yet?

and every time hilary steps in shit with her email or other issue, trump is there to rescue her from the headline.  She has the ORL shooter's dad - so Trump makes fun of her, turning around to say "of course we know our audience who sits this close", and in that audience is a pedo disgraced ex-congressman.   

nobody can be that bumbling on purpose.  It's impossible.  Trump is too smart a man.

He's 70 years old. I suspect Alzheimer's or just plain dementia....maybe it's from taking too much Viagra to keep up with Melania.   ;D
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: mr.turbo on August 11, 2016, 05:38:33 PM
“We believe that Donald Trump’s divisiveness, recklessness, incompetence, and record-breaking unpopularity risk turning this election into a Democratic landslide, and only the immediate shift of all available RNC resources to vulnerable Senate and House races will prevent the GOP from drowning with a Trump-emblazoned anchor around its neck,”

Read more:

Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: obsidian on August 11, 2016, 06:05:14 PM
Evidence that Trump has no intention of actually running a serious race for president is everywhere and has been for months. Someone whose goal is to actually win does not fight with the family of a fallen U.S. solider for days, or pick endless fights with members of his own party, or ignore terrible economic reports he could use to rip up his opponent, or suggest his opponent be assassinated and then refuse to fix it, or fail to run any serious TV campaign or set up a legitimate ground game in any swing state.
It was the biased left media that blew the Kahn issue up. They were the ones that kept running the story for days. Trump was right, Kahn used his son's death as a political weapon. But the whore media (elite's propaganda arm) desperately will escalate anything Trump says and try to convince everyone else that is what he said. They are dishonest and a joke.

Trump for President!!!
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: obsidian on August 11, 2016, 06:16:07 PM
Is Donald Trump trying to throw this election?

Conspiracy theories are almost never true, and they're fun only to the extent that people don't actually believe them...
How would Peter Weber know this?

The West financed rebels in Syria. They armed them. They were trying to get rid of Assad. They meddled in Ukraine, Libya etc. This is no secret. They created Isis. It is another globalist production. In a few years they'll come up with something else (remember Al-Qaeda?). Lol this shit is hilarious. You gotta be a moron, totally gullible, very naive or a paid shill to believe the bullshit the elite is peddling.

From 2014: (
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: 240 is Back on August 11, 2016, 06:18:01 PM
I came back to GB partially to warn of this

it's an amazing part of history.  Trump will likely end the republican party then start a network and make a billion dollars for a years' work.
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: obsidian on August 11, 2016, 06:21:08 PM
Lots of progressives in this thread trying to push the dishonest media narrative that Trump is a plant.

Let's all hope Clinton strokes out before the election. Best thing that can happen to the USA.

You seriously want more of what Obama offered? Race relations are the worst they've been in a long time after Obama's failed "leadership".
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: obsidian on August 11, 2016, 06:28:28 PM
it's an amazing part of history.  Trump will likely end the republican party then start a network and make a billion dollars for a years' work.
What about all the "Democratic leaders" that had to resign recently? The "Democratic Party" is in disarray and a complete mess. They were conspiring against one of their own. Really sounds like they are a great team!! LMAO!! Soros paid protesters to create unrest at Trump rally's. Sounds like a really pathetic group of people that employs bully and intimidation tactics. 240, do you endorse this mess of a "Democratic Party"? There is nothing democratic about the party as it currently exists. It does not represent democracy or liberty. If you are a true democrat and liberal you should disassociate yourself from the "Democratic Party".

If you listen to the dishonest bought and paid for media you would think Trump is insane, has dementia, is destroying the Republican Party, is losing it etc.

We all know how seriously the media should be taken - with a grain of salt. They are so dishonest that at this point you need to consider the complete opposite of what they are broadcasting to discover the truth.
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: mr.turbo on August 11, 2016, 06:36:37 PM
obsidian, as much as team freedom endorses your agenda, the writing is on the wall.

I'd like to invite your attention to the climber fellow.  somebody is sending "the nominee" a message.

the situation is way out of control
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: 240 is Back on August 11, 2016, 08:19:55 PM
no, i'll never vote hliary.  if i vote remote, i'll take a pic of me smiling with my mail in gary johnson ballot.   hilary will never get my vote. 
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: 240 is Back on August 11, 2016, 08:27:05 PM
CLINTON going for the gary Johnson vote.   big move.

Hillary Clinton Campaign Says She Would Reschedule Marijuana

Source: Time Magazine 5 HOURS AGO

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton plans to reschedule marijuana if she is elected in November, according to a statement issued by the campaign.While the Drug Enforcement Administration denied a petition early Thursday to remove marijuana from its Schedule I list, leaving the drug lumped in with heroin, LSD and other elicit substances, the Clinton campaign thinks that rescheduling the drug serves a higher purpose.

“Marijuana is already being used for medical purposes in states across the country, and it has the potential for even further medical use,” Maya Harris, a senior policy advisor to Clinton’s campaign, said in a statement. “As Hillary Clinton has said throughout this campaign, we should make it easier to study marijuana so that we can better understand its potential benefits, as well as its side effects.

The DEA’s decision to keep pot as a Schedule I drug affirmed the federal government’s belief that there is insufficient evidence to show that any “specific benefits” the drug might offer would outweigh any of the “known risks.” Clinton, however, seems to disagree and the campaign contended that if elected, she would reclassify the drug to a Schedule II substance, which would mean acceptance that marijuana has a medical use for treatment.

“As president, Hillary will build on the important steps announced today by rescheduling marijuana from a Schedule I to a Schedule II substance. She will also ensure Colorado, and other states that have enacted marijuana laws, can continue to serve as laboratories of democracy,” Harris continue

Read more:
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: 240 is Back on August 11, 2016, 08:46:30 PM
“We believe that Donald Trump’s divisiveness, recklessness, incompetence, and record-breaking unpopularity risk turning this election into a Democratic landslide, and only the immediate shift of all available RNC resources to vulnerable Senate and House races will prevent the GOP from drowning with a Trump-emblazoned anchor around its neck,”

Read more:


BREAKING: RNC and Trump campaign holding "emergency meeting" on Friday
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: Never1AShow on August 11, 2016, 09:30:41 PM

BREAKING: RNC and Trump campaign holding "emergency meeting" on Friday

Butthurt Cruzbots and nevertrumpers.  Politico is a joke same as this story.
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: SF1900 on August 11, 2016, 09:33:32 PM

BREAKING: RNC and Trump campaign holding "emergency meeting" on Friday

240, the evidence is overwhelming regarding Trump being a democrat plant. Its time that people start taken seriously what youre saying.
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: 240 is Back on August 11, 2016, 09:37:56 PM
240, the evidence is overwhelming regarding Trump being a democrat plant. Its time that people start taken seriously what youre saying.

it's hard for them to admit they were duped for a year by trump.
and it's hard for hilary supporters to think she's shady by picking her opponent.

Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: Never1AShow on August 11, 2016, 09:38:17 PM
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: Coach is Back! on August 11, 2016, 09:40:39 PM
240 didn't predict shit. He saw it somewhere and went with it from day one. Are you freaking kidding
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: Never1AShow on August 11, 2016, 09:45:27 PM
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: SF1900 on August 11, 2016, 09:58:09 PM
it's hard for them to admit they were duped for a year by trump.
and it's hard for hilary supporters to think she's shady by picking her opponent.

Yup. 240, how long have you been saying that Trump is a democrat plant? I tried to search through getbig history but couldn't find your original post. Seems like you've been saying for longer than most anyone.
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: 240 is Back on August 11, 2016, 09:59:38 PM
240 didn't predict shit. He saw it somewhere and went with it from day one. Are you freaking kidding

i called trump a dem plant, on getbig, in 2011.  A year before he tanked the birther issue.

I wrote this in 2011:

rememebr my CT on this?

Trump is a lifelong liberal who only 'changed sides' the last 2 years FACT
Trump still donates lots of money to liberals FACT
Trump is paid tens of millions of dollars by a lib network FACT

If it was ANY OTHER person trying to suddenly say "Hey, I'm a repub now!  Let me be president?"...
You repubs would be laughing him out of the barn, calling him a phony, etc.

Yall just loved trump tho.  Anyone else, you would be calling them a liberal plant to make the GOP look terrible.
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: 240 is Back on August 11, 2016, 10:04:40 PM
Yup. 240, how long have you been saying that Trump is a democrat plant? I tried to search through getbig history but couldn't find your original post. Seems like you've been saying it since day one.

I just bumped the 2011 quote.  Almost 5 years ago I called Trump a dem plant, a year before the birther issue.

When coach says this:

240 didn't predict shit. He saw it somewhere and went with it from day one. Are you freaking kidding

He is mistaken.  I am hoping now that he sees the original post, he will smile and maybe not make such accusations.
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: SF1900 on August 11, 2016, 10:08:26 PM
I just bumped the 2011 quote.  Almost 5 years ago I called Trump a dem plant, a year before the birther issue.

When coach says this:

He is mistaken.  I am hoping now that he sees the original post, he will smile and maybe not make such accusations.

240, seriously, you may have been the first person to call Trump a democrat plant. It makes you wonder who reads getbig.
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: Primemuscle on August 11, 2016, 10:31:48 PM
it's an amazing part of history.  Trump will likely end the republican party then start a network and make a billion dollars for a years' work.

I believe in the pendulum theory. Therefore, the republican party will rebound at some point. It could have been in this election cycle, but Trump has single-handedly fucked it up.
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: 240 is Back on August 11, 2016, 10:54:56 PM
I believe in the pendulum theory. Therefore, the republican party will rebound at some point. It could have been in this election cycle, but Trump has single-handedly fucked it up.

me too!  pendulum!

Trump is about as anti-obama as one can be.  we definitely see that in effect this election season.
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: Coach is Back! on August 11, 2016, 11:01:19 PM
I just bumped the 2011 quote.  Almost 5 years ago I called Trump a dem plant, a year before the birther issue.

When coach says this:

He is mistaken.  I am hoping now that he sees the original post, he will smile and maybe not make such accusations.

No, I still think you're full of shit, read it and went with it. Doesn't matter because as I HAVE said Killary can kill her entire family on the front yard of the White House with cameras rolling, get a pass and still win, just like Obama she's the chosen one......because it's gone so well in the last 8 years ::)
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: TuHolmes on August 11, 2016, 11:17:28 PM
I suppose Trump didn't win a primary. He was a gift to Hillary.
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: mazrim on August 12, 2016, 06:49:37 AM

240, seriously, you may have been the first person to call Trump a democrat plant. It makes you wonder who reads getbig.
Lol, I get the feeling you like egging this guy on a bit.
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: Yamcha on August 12, 2016, 06:58:38 AM

EDIT: Sorry, I forgot to mention that Hillary is up by 6 pts. in this poll. When they polled 15% more D's than R's.
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: Mr Anabolic on August 12, 2016, 07:03:24 AM
Trump can get away with saying almost anything and he'll still get the majority of votes.  However, TPTB will rig the vote and will not let him win.  It's blatantly obvious and disgraceful how the government, the polls and MSM are rigged for the criminal known as Hillary.  You hard leftists don't see this?... it doesn't disturb you at all?
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: mr.turbo on August 12, 2016, 07:19:55 AM

BREAKING: RNC and Trump campaign holding "emergency meeting" on Friday

the more I get into this the less likely it seems anything is fixable there

It's looking like all out war in the RNC right now

what are they going to discuss in this meeting?

I'm just not seeing any light at the end of the tunnel
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: Yamcha on August 12, 2016, 07:26:59 AM
Hillary Clinton has had more FBI investigations than press conferences this year.
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: Ronnie Rep on August 12, 2016, 07:48:54 AM
240 has been right all along. People are finally starting to catch on.
Agree. The man has gained enough favor with the Democrats and Hillary, to rescue him from all of his future failed business ventures.
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: 240 is Back on August 12, 2016, 07:56:58 AM
Agree. The man has gained enough favor with the Democrats and Hillary, to rescue him from all of his future failed business ventures.

True... Trump will be given his own wing in the democrat hall of fame.  It's not over yet... but its looking like he'll be remembered in 2016 as the man who single-handedly crushed a strong GOP field, wasted hundreds of millions of RNC dollars, made 20% of republican voters stay home, gave the Senate back to the Dems (and many House seats), and handed the white house and 40 states to a very disliked Hilary, embroiled in her own scandals and crimes.

It may truly be the death of the anti-intellectual wing of the repub party, those 44% that preferred trump in the primaries, shit on college degrees, mock anything saying the earth is older than 6000 years, and refuse to see logic most of the time.
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: dr.chimps on August 12, 2016, 08:15:12 AM
No, I still think you're full of shit, read it and went with it. Doesn't matter because as I HAVE said Killary can kill her entire family on the front yard of the White House with cameras rolling, get a pass and still win, just like Obama she's the chosen one......because it's gone so well in the last 8 years ::)
You've been a moron. Are a moron. Will always be a moron. Do. you. ever. stop. moron-ing?
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: mr.turbo on August 12, 2016, 08:21:06 AM
Trump can get away with saying almost anything and he'll still get the majority of votes.  However, TPTB will rig the vote and will not let him win.  It's blatantly obvious and disgraceful how the government, the polls and MSM are rigged for the criminal known as Hillary.  You hard leftists don't see this?... it doesn't disturb you at all?

don't forget how the RNC, intelligence services, and military is also rigged against the "the nominee"

it's quite the vast conspiracy
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: The Abdominal Snoman on August 12, 2016, 01:31:26 PM
Trump reminds me of the wrestler who goes from being the baby face to becoming the heal.  He plays both parts to perfection.  Wasn't Trump in a wrestlemania?


Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: Primemuscle on August 12, 2016, 04:25:49 PM
Trump can get away with saying almost anything and he'll still get the majority of votes.  However, TPTB will rig the vote and will not let him win.  It's blatantly obvious and disgraceful how the government, the polls and MSM are rigged for the criminal known as Hillary.  You hard leftists don't see this?... it doesn't disturb you at all?

Nope. Not at all.
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: Thin Lizzy on August 12, 2016, 04:56:29 PM
Trump can get away with saying almost anything and he'll still get the majority of votes.  However, TPTB will rig the vote and will not let him win.  It's blatantly obvious and disgraceful how the government, the polls and MSM are rigged for the criminal known as Hillary.  You hard leftists don't see this?... it doesn't disturb you at all?

Hillary is way ahead in the polls among voters with no personal pride.
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: TheShape. on August 12, 2016, 04:59:57 PM
Hillary is way ahead in the polls among voters with no personal pride.
They over sample democrats and people who live in urban areas. The real poll numbers must be frightening based on the media attacks the last 3 weeks.
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: Primemuscle on August 12, 2016, 06:12:45 PM
They over sample democrats and people who live in urban areas. The real poll numbers must be frightening based on the media attacks the last 3 weeks.

Two things. Who are 'they'? And why would they do this?

The urban population have the numbers to determine the results of any election. But yes, you'll usually find a predominance of Democrats in urban areas.
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: SaintAnger on August 12, 2016, 09:45:11 PM
I thinkthe timer is about to ding, fellas.  It may be time to stick a fork in Turkey Trump.
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: 240 is Back on August 13, 2016, 12:14:22 AM
Please anyone refute this.

The mainstream media is starting to openly discuss Trump as a dem plant.

They won't WANT to, because it undermines hilary and makes her look like a cheater.

And the repubs don't want to, because it means they were duped by Trump.

but they're starting to talk about it.  IMO, he won't tank completely until the ballots are closed in each state.  N Carolina just sealed theirs.  Trump will be on the ballot no matter what there, and no repub can replace him.  Wait until 40 or 50 of the states are sealed up - that is when trump just says screw it. 
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: 240 is Back on August 13, 2016, 11:45:17 PM
‘Does he want to win?’ - KARL ROVE

Republican political guru Karl Rove went from giving advice to GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump to focus on his campaign and not on personal slights, to launching a angry tirade after a Fox host suggested Trump should “hit back.”

After saying Trump has a precious “88 days left” to correct the downward spiral of wasting time on petty grievances the nominee can’t seem to ignore, host Charles Payne said that he understood “as a New Yorker” Trump’s need to “punch back.”

The former George W. Bush chief-of-staff grew visibly aggravated and launched into an increasingly angry tirade questioning whether Trump “wants to win.”

“Yeah, well, you know what?” Rove began. “If he does that between now and the election, what do you think is going to happen? The Clinton campaign is going to provoke him everyday to stay off of message. And he is going to fall for all of these things and waste valuable time. Does he want to win or does he want to respond? If he wants to be the New Yorker and punch back at everybody who comes his way — fine! That’s an open invitation for everybody to come his way with things like this.”

Rove was not done.

“He as 88 days to make his case,” he continued. “He has squandered the last three weeks by responding to the Gold Star mother. The day after he had his presidential nomination, he became the official nominee of the Republican Party. The first news conference he had was not devoted to laying out the case against Hillary Clinton or bashing Barack Obama or laying out what he wants to do as president. It’s renewing and revisiting all of things he said about Ted Cruz, who was yesterday’s news at that point!”

“And why? He felt compelled to do it. He ought to get control of his impulses and keep focused on the main target. Otherwise you’re going to have more of these Republicans saying ‘why do we want to stand by this guy when he just keeps going after the wrong target.'”
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: 240 is Back on August 13, 2016, 11:59:32 PM
TODAY: Donald Trump Says He’s OK With Losing the Election

On Thursday while calling in to CNBC’s “Squawk Box” morning show, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said he’s “ok” with losing the election.

“All I do is tell the truth, and if at the end of 90 days I’ve fallen short because I’m somewhat politically correct, even though I’m supposed to be the smart one, and even though I’m supposed to have a lot of good ideas, it’s ok, you know, I go back to a, a very good way of life. It’s not what I’m looking to do I think we’re going to have a victory, but we’ll see.”

He said he's not running against Hilary anyway - he claims he's running against the media.  That'll be a great way to start his network after he gives up on the 2016 presidential race.   Remember Rosie?  Trump always needs a nemesis.  Media is it now.

Source: The Hill

Donald Trump said Saturday that his true opponent in the general election is the media.

“I’m not running against crooked Hillary, I’m running against the crooked media,” Trump said at a rally in Fairfield, Conn. “That’s what I’m running against, I’m not running against crooked Hillary.”

Trump has repeatedly lashed out at media that he calls “dishonest” over the course of his campaign.

Earlier Saturday, he bashed the New York Times after a report came out in which sources characterized Trump as “sullen” and struggling to recover in light of lagging poll numbers.

Read more:
Title: Re: 240OrBust is right : Trump is trying to lose..right babe?
Post by: 240 is Back on August 14, 2016, 12:47:54 PM
today trump said he'd be up 20% if the media covered him fairly.

You know what he's doing - setting up a loss, and being able to claim a win except for the media.

This way, when he starts TRUMP tv, he'll already have his 'bad guy' to rally against.   Yes, he claimed 20%.   Has there ever been a presidential race where one candidate led by TWENTY PERCENT?   I'm not sure reagan even creamed mondale by that large of a margin.

Trump claims without the mean media, he would have the greatest margin of win in history, huh?   ;)