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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Steroids Info & Hardcore => Topic started by: NickEdge779 on November 10, 2016, 09:12:45 PM

Title: What is your LEAST favorite Anabolic?
Post by: NickEdge779 on November 10, 2016, 09:12:45 PM
Mine so far has got to be deca. Not because of side effects, but because I literally get nothing from it except some added strength and joint support. I can get just as good of muscle gains with just test. Disappointed in my results with deca.
Title: Re: What is your LEAST favorite Anabolic?
Post by: Jizmo on November 11, 2016, 12:14:01 AM
headaches, anxiety, hunger, no gains
Title: Re: What is your LEAST favorite Anabolic?
Post by: tatoo on November 11, 2016, 07:02:06 AM
Title: Re: What is your LEAST favorite Anabolic?
Post by: StackedDec on November 11, 2016, 12:17:57 PM
My least favorite is Sust.  Rather just do 1 CC a week of Enan or Cyp and .5 cc of Prop/day.

Title: Re: What is your LEAST favorite Anabolic?
Post by: Weedlejuice on November 11, 2016, 01:37:57 PM
Overdosed short esters, my ass hurts enough with out the volatile knots and inflammation
Title: Re: What is your LEAST favorite Anabolic?
Post by: pestosterone on November 11, 2016, 05:36:03 PM
Dbol, it's not that I don't lIke it but it's bottom of my list and causes acne on my shouldersite not that bad though.
Title: Re: What is your LEAST favorite Anabolic?
Post by: drum on November 11, 2016, 10:21:15 PM
My least favorite is Sust.  Rather just do 1 CC a week of Enan or Cyp and .5 cc of Prop/day.

Why is that?
Title: Re: What is your LEAST favorite Anabolic?
Post by: efanhowz on November 11, 2016, 11:47:11 PM
headaches, anxiety, hunger, no gains

It's useless, given it many chances too

I'm running tren at a high dose 6-700mg right now and it's actually counterproductive bc I have no appetite, no sleep means I'm tired and useless all day, horrible heartburn too. Not even mentioning how it makes you a paranoid batshit mess. I'll stick with below 500

Title: Re: What is your LEAST favorite Anabolic?
Post by: heenok on November 12, 2016, 04:17:52 AM
headaches, anxiety, hunger, no gains


And test prop. But its just that im allergic to the esther i love test.
Title: Re: What is your LEAST favorite Anabolic?
Post by: theworm on November 12, 2016, 05:04:07 AM
Mine so far has got to be deca. Not because of side effects, but because I literally get nothing from it except some added strength and joint support. I can get just as good of muscle gains with just test. Disappointed in my results with deca.

I love the idea of deca, and i keep doing it only to my disappointment , I look better if I just increase the test and add a non aromatizing oral

I think many believe deca is a great mass builder cause they are also using a gram of test, I've run plenty of high deca and low test, and I'm not impressed at all, plus it destroys my recovery efforts
Title: Re: What is your LEAST favorite Anabolic?
Post by: StackedDec on November 12, 2016, 10:40:19 AM
Why is that?

To get the full benefit of Sust you have to pin EOD and it just makes more sense as a TRT product than as an anabolic. 

I can't believe someone said primo.  If you are in good shape and want to polish up your look, primo is amazing for hardness, to reduce sub-q water retention, and just overall quality of muscle.  Good quality primo at 60-100mg/day for 6 to 8 weeks at the end of your cycle and your appearance will improve substantially.
Title: Re: What is your LEAST favorite Anabolic?
Post by: drum on November 13, 2016, 01:08:29 AM

To get the full benefit of Sust you have to pin EOD and it just makes more sense as a TRT product than as an anabolic. 

I can't believe someone said primo.  If you are in good shape and want to polish up your look, primo is amazing for hardness, to reduce sub-q water retention, and just overall quality of muscle.  Good quality primo at 60-100mg/day for 6 to 8 weeks at the end of your cycle and your appearance will improve substantially.

I pin everyday 125mg sust, works very nice for me.  Just wondered why you'd rather pin a long ester 1 x week and prop every day rather than just pin sust eod..  Whatever works for each of us though.
Title: Re: What is your LEAST favorite Anabolic?
Post by: lilhawk1 on November 13, 2016, 10:05:54 AM

To get the full benefit of Sust you have to pin EOD and it just makes more sense as a TRT product than as an anabolic. 

I can't believe someone said primo.  If you are in good shape and want to polish up your look, primo is amazing for hardness, to reduce sub-q water retention, and just overall quality of muscle.  Good quality primo at 60-100mg/day for 6 to 8 weeks at the end of your cycle and your appearance will improve substantially.

Absolutely agree on the primo..  It works unbelievably well on a diet. 
Title: Re: What is your LEAST favorite Anabolic?
Post by: Henda on November 13, 2016, 12:19:02 PM
Hate sustanon, both times used it in place of test e or c have felt and looked off, have to use over twice the amount compared to test and it's still not comparable
Title: Re: What is your LEAST favorite Anabolic?
Post by: Disco187 on November 14, 2016, 07:38:32 AM
Deca = zero sex drive
dbol = fat bloated face
anadrol = fat bloated complete mess along with the back pumps
Title: Re: What is your LEAST favorite Anabolic?
Post by: Dr.V.P.C. on November 19, 2016, 05:02:47 AM
Anadrol ( Hemogenin here in Brazil)
Bloating effect, feeling sick, loss of apetite.
Title: Re: What is your LEAST favorite Anabolic?
Post by: AbrahamG on November 19, 2016, 09:12:27 AM
Jeez, haven't seen hemogenin since the late 90's.
Title: Re: What is your LEAST favorite Anabolic?
Post by: theworm on November 20, 2016, 05:12:47 AM
Would anyone say superdrol?
Heard it makes you tired and lethargic
Title: Re: What is your LEAST favorite Anabolic?
Post by: triggerhappy on November 20, 2016, 05:59:19 PM
New one for me is EQ the anxiety was through the roof. sent me a bit loopy. 400mg i was fine 800mg i lost my shit
Title: Re: What is your LEAST favorite Anabolic?
Post by: StackedDec on November 20, 2016, 06:34:32 PM
Yeah 800mg of anything and it can get a little weird.   I've ran primo and test that high and I felt weird.  Not anxiety but jumpy.

Like day 4 to 5 of Tbol but all the time.
Title: Re: What is your LEAST favorite Anabolic?
Post by: triggerhappy on November 20, 2016, 07:15:53 PM
Yeah 800mg of anything and it can get a little weird.   I've ran primo and test that high and I felt weird.  Not anxiety but jumpy.

Like day 4 to 5 of Tbol but all the time.

No stranger to high doses so its not that def something about the compound. 1400 tren ace and no issues.
Title: Re: What is your LEAST favorite Anabolic?
Post by: Mad-scientist on November 21, 2016, 09:31:06 AM
Masteron is what fucked me up the most it really takes test to the next level it gave me horrible acne. It's a good drug if your body can handle it though.
Title: Re: What is your LEAST favorite Anabolic?
Post by: Mad-scientist on November 21, 2016, 09:40:26 AM
Lol it will get people to wonder what is up with you at 600mgs a week it had me emotionless.
Title: Re: What is your LEAST favorite Anabolic?
Post by: darkrid3r on November 21, 2016, 12:15:30 PM
I hate all products with benzyl benzonate in them. Its not required unless your going upwards of 250mg per ml, then its a must.
The reality is that 350mg test whatever, is not 350, its closer to 320.
My test is underdosed at 230 ish, but I can run grams and grams without a single pip. not one.

I also hate short esters, I just dont do well on them at all, sustanon makes me break out, even pinned EoD, Tren A im a full on asshole.

Just my 2 cents.
Title: Re: What is your LEAST favorite Anabolic?
Post by: ChristopherA on November 26, 2016, 08:58:01 AM
To each his own, love EQ
Title: Re: What is your LEAST favorite Anabolic?
Post by: drum on November 26, 2016, 01:17:29 PM
To each his own, love EQ

Can you elaborate... what does it do for you... what dose do you run... anything to make it a more comfortable run re: the anxiety & loss of libido.... e.g. stack with test, don't run with tren etc... any infos appreciated.
Title: Re: What is your LEAST favorite Anabolic?
Post by: Fandangle on November 26, 2016, 01:31:29 PM
Can you elaborate... what does it do for you... what dose do you run... anything to make it a more comfortable run re: the anxiety & loss of libido.... e.g. stack with test, don't run with tren etc... any infos appreciated.

Some respond very well to bold, even at a lower dose, without the sides that u mentioned.

Find a vet grade version, run it solo, and see what happens. 
Title: Re: What is your LEAST favorite Anabolic?
Post by: ChristopherA on November 27, 2016, 08:29:08 AM
Can you elaborate... what does it do for you... what dose do you run... anything to make it a more comfortable run re: the anxiety & loss of libido.... e.g. stack with test, don't run with tren etc... any infos appreciated.
Crazy pumps, vascularity, blows my shoulders up. I've run it alone with test and gotten good size and strength from it. Running 600mgs right now. Don't get anxiety or any sides from it. I'll just say I respond well to just about everything and rarely get sides, ya I'm an asshole LoL. My buddy ran same exact EQ as me and the anxiety CRIPPLED him
Title: Re: What is your LEAST favorite Anabolic?
Post by: ChristopherA on November 27, 2016, 08:32:25 AM
I'll also say if a compound doesn't treat you well, switch!! Plenty of diff kinds of AAS out there to choose from. Why be miserable in every day life for what's a hobby to most of us?
Title: Re: What is your LEAST favorite Anabolic?
Post by: TheFranchise on November 27, 2016, 12:55:59 PM
I'd have to say EQ or Mast Prop
Title: Re: What is your LEAST favorite Anabolic?
Post by: drum on November 28, 2016, 07:17:05 AM
Crazy pumps, vascularity, blows my shoulders up. I've run it alone with test and gotten good size and strength from it. Running 600mgs right now. Don't get anxiety or any sides from it. I'll just say I respond well to just about everything and rarely get sides, ya I'm an asshole LoL. My buddy ran same exact EQ as me and the anxiety CRIPPLED him

Title: Re: What is your LEAST favorite Anabolic?
Post by: drum on November 28, 2016, 07:18:16 AM
Some respond very well to bold, even at a lower dose, without the sides that u mentioned.

Find a vet grade version, run it solo, and see what happens. 

I've run some good quality Med tech EQ man, it was with low test and tren in the mix tho... I ended up a fucking mess.  May try again without the tren in and test higher... may just leave it alone, doing pretty good on deca atm.
Title: Re: What is your LEAST favorite Anabolic?
Post by: Fandangle on November 28, 2016, 11:17:23 AM
Maybe an outdated concept these days but u really need to experiment with different compounds one at a time to see how ur body respond... this is invaluable knowledge not attained in any other way.

most have no patience for this, and simply jump on multiple hormones from the get go... like dummies  ;D
Title: Re: What is your LEAST favorite Anabolic?
Post by: TheFranchise on November 29, 2016, 03:56:08 PM
Maybe an outdated concept these days but u really need to experiment with different compounds one at a time to see how ur body respond... this is invaluable knowledge not attained in any other way.

most have no patience for this, and simply jump on multiple hormones from the get go... like dummies  ;D

X2.... Only way to know which specific compound doesn't work or is giving you trouble.
Title: Re: What is your LEAST favorite Anabolic?
Post by: aintitgrand on December 08, 2016, 06:59:09 AM
I will never run winstrol again. My left shoulder is still fucked and its like 7 months later. Maybe if I was fatter and ran it, it wouldn't have ruined my joints. But I'm never touching that shit again.
Title: Re: What is your LEAST favorite Anabolic?
Post by: Zillotch on December 08, 2016, 12:56:10 PM
I will never run winstrol again. My left shoulder is still fucked and its like 7 months later. Maybe if I was fatter and ran it, it wouldn't have ruined my joints. But I'm never touching that shit again.

what was ur dose/duration?
Title: Re: What is your LEAST favorite Anabolic?
Post by: aintitgrand on December 09, 2016, 05:30:02 AM
what was ur dose/duration?

Started with 25mg/day and eventually went up to 100mg/day. Ran it for 4 weeks, iirc... maybe more. I used it until the bottle ran out, which couldn't have been more than 5 weeks. First 4 days or so I was on 25mg/day, then I bumped it up to 50mg, and then the last 2 weeks and a bit I ran it at 100.
Title: Re: What is your LEAST favorite Anabolic?
Post by: youandme on December 09, 2016, 09:32:29 AM
Maybe an outdated concept these days but u really need to experiment with different compounds one at a time to see how ur body respond... this is invaluable knowledge not attained in any other way.

most have no patience for this, and simply jump on multiple hormones from the get go... like dummies  ;D

Lol, yes outdated.  Old timers used to tell me to switch up things every 2 weeks or so.

But yeah, I used to do one compound for 3 weeks at a time and then switch...get to see how your body responds, longer esters I'd hit for 6 weeks then switch to cyp, omanadren, sust, or e.

You'll learn a lot from doing the above about what works for you.

Least favorite anabolic is deca - I would get moon face from it even when dieted down. 
Title: Re: What is your LEAST favorite Anabolic?
Post by: Sadovnik on July 15, 2017, 11:54:43 PM
TrenA , where is my appetite?
Dbol , why I have such a big belly?
GABA , never felt so weird , really , wtf is this sh1t? I felt like I need 2smoke g of hash
Title: Re: What is your LEAST favorite Anabolic?
Post by: subunit on August 15, 2017, 05:17:40 PM

obviously youve never had real primo or didn't run it high enough and long enough for results. primo is hands down the best aas of them all.
Title: Re: What is your LEAST favorite Anabolic?
Post by: Bulgarian_enforcer on August 17, 2017, 08:24:26 AM
obviously youve never had real primo or didn't run it high enough and long enough for results. primo is hands down the best aas of them all.
lol, 2x

EQ is shite...winny tabs are shit...tren ace for me is shit cause i get crazy.

gh (not aas but important!), test, primo, var get those.
Title: Re: What is your LEAST favorite Anabolic?
Post by: AbrahamG on August 17, 2017, 05:26:55 PM
hate deca
hate dbol
Title: Re: What is your LEAST favorite Anabolic?
Post by: 2whitelights on August 23, 2017, 10:32:07 PM
I hate everything that's not test, tren, npp, and growth hormone.

If I really had to pick one it would be a toss up between EQ and Anavar. When it comes to my personal response to them I consider them absolutely fucking worthless.
Title: Re: What is your LEAST favorite Anabolic?
Post by: AusBB on August 24, 2017, 12:02:27 AM
It's useless, given it many chances too

I'm running tren at a high dose 6-700mg right now and it's actually counterproductive bc I have no appetite, no sleep means I'm tired and useless all day, horrible heartburn too. Not even mentioning how it makes you a paranoid batshit mess. I'll stick with below 500

EQ is not useless to everyone, believe me. Usually gives steady gains with literally zero side effects.