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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Steroids Info & Hardcore => Topic started by: equipoise on November 19, 2016, 09:48:03 AM

Title: Best country for juicers
Post by: equipoise on November 19, 2016, 09:48:03 AM
I vote thailand. AAS OTC, cheap girls and food, nice beaches and weather. Which country gets your vote?
Title: Re: Best country for juicers
Post by: Mad-scientist on November 19, 2016, 03:21:14 PM
I would agree with your answer
Title: Re: Best country for juicers
Post by: herraisland on November 20, 2016, 11:51:26 AM
For me it's "Iceland". My good friend owns the best ug lab here and I have good contact for pharma grade steroid wich I buy in wholesale 3-4times a month and also he is one of few here who can legally get hgh and import it(still expensive)
Title: Re: Best country for juicers
Post by: herraisland on November 20, 2016, 11:52:38 AM
Otherwise it's prolly turkey and thailand
Title: Re: Best country for juicers
Post by: body24 on December 14, 2016, 01:39:52 AM
If i good to understood in England it is legal to use for yourself just illegal to resell
Title: Re: Best country for juicers
Post by: falco on December 14, 2016, 03:30:14 AM
In Turkey you can buy rimobolan and anapolon in pharmacies, as much as you want. Cheap pricing also.
Title: Re: Best country for juicers
Post by: body24 on December 14, 2016, 03:54:31 AM
Most what they sell in turkey pharma is fake
Had experiences with geno quick pens was fake along with abdi anapolon
Bayer aswell all fake
Title: Re: Best country for juicers
Post by: Breakycpk on December 14, 2016, 05:59:24 AM
In thailand you got alpha pharma and meditech products in pharmacies, so dont expect some miracles lol :-D not like old days, GH there is pure UG. Its very regulated not like it use to be before. Also most of the time if some1 offer too many pharma grade steroids its suspicious, its not that easy to get stuff from pharmacy, you most likely get working fake and you live with feeling and placebo that you have pharma. :-)
Title: Re: Best country for juicers
Post by: light weight baby on December 14, 2016, 07:04:29 AM
dominican republic was pretty neato

not that cheap but at least legit gear in the pharmacy
Title: Re: Best country for juicers
Post by: a_pupil on December 15, 2016, 09:47:02 AM
pakistan. only for juicing though as the place is a shithole. brb hg humatrope, testoviron, sustanon, deca for peanuts from the pharmacy.
Title: Re: Best country for juicers
Post by: mrzodiactr on December 18, 2016, 12:20:56 PM
I am from Turkey , You can get rimabolon (new name for schering primabolon), anapolon , sustanon , hgh (genotropin,humotrope) in pharmacies without prescription also you can get hcg pregnll,proviron,nolvadex,clomid,dostinex,letrozole, all of the stuffs are pharma grade, pharmacies cant sell bunk or fake products We own a pharmacy in Turkey so I am pretty sure anything you're going to get in pharmacy in turkey will be pharma grade.
Title: Re: Best country for juicers
Post by: deadpan on December 26, 2016, 07:18:08 PM
I think most PEDs are legal in Russia so that might not be the worst place from that standpoint. they got some bigass dudes over there. I hear they are legal in Japan as well but didn't really check into it. if so I vote Japan.

Title: Re: Best country for juicers
Post by: ESFitness on December 26, 2016, 08:58:19 PM
I am from Turkey , You can get rimabolon (new name for schering primabolon), anapolon , sustanon , hgh (genotropin,humotrope) in pharmacies without prescription also you can get hcg pregnll,proviron,nolvadex,clomid,dostinex,letrozole, all of the stuffs are pharma grade, pharmacies cant sell bunk or fake products We own a pharmacy in Turkey so I am pretty sure anything you're going to get in pharmacy in turkey will be pharma grade.

Turkish girls are pretty.  Add thatbtonthe top 4
Title: Re: Best country for juicers
Post by: falco on December 27, 2016, 02:41:50 AM
I am from Turkey , You can get rimabolon (new name for schering primabolon), anapolon , sustanon , hgh (genotropin,humotrope) in pharmacies without prescription also you can get hcg pregnll,proviron,nolvadex,clomid,dostinex,letrozole, all of the stuffs are pharma grade, pharmacies cant sell bunk or fake products We own a pharmacy in Turkey so I am pretty sure anything you're going to get in pharmacy in turkey will be pharma grade.

Does your pharmacy makes deliveries in Germany?
Title: Re: Best country for juicers
Post by: ESFitness on December 27, 2016, 05:13:44 AM
Does your pharmacy makes deliveries in Germany?

Mine does. Lol.

Srsly.... If in were to move, if wouldn't be the freedom to USE anabolic/peds that would sway me. It'd be the freedom to operate a business (ugl). I.e. how easilynincould import/obtain rates and supplies (lab equipment), as well as customs & shipping times coming into that country and customs scrutiny groing from that country to another (namely US). Over a decade ago shipping from Mexico to the U.S. was a pain in the ass. Either having to have a mule bring it across into National City and ship from there, or shipping from Baja Mex to Poland/England/Italy/etc to a remailier and have it repackaged/relabled and shipped from (European country) to the US or Canada.

I'd say...

Saudi Arabia
Title: Re: Best country for juicers
Post by: youandme on December 27, 2016, 01:54:29 PM
Title: Re: Best country for juicers
Post by: ESFitness on December 27, 2016, 03:19:31 PM

Wipe the ass with their hands... Dress up young boys as girls and run trains on them in the mountians.

Title: Re: Best country for juicers
Post by: youandme on January 01, 2017, 04:08:06 PM
Wipe the ass with their hands... Dress up young boys as girls and run trains on them in the mountians.


Yeah, but good gear selection. 

They run trains on goats as well.  Apparently they have town hall type meetings and only men are allowed and then they have gay get-togethers. 

Heard some crazy stuff going on in the ME from buddies in the forces.
Title: Re: Best country for juicers
Post by: ESFitness on January 01, 2017, 04:53:27 PM
Yeah, but good gear selection. 

They run trains on goats as well.  Apparently they have town hall type meetings and only men are allowed and then they have gay get-togethers. 

Heard some crazy stuff going on in the ME from buddies in the forces.

Mountian tribes dress up little boys as girls, die their hair red and put eye liner and makeup on em. Creepy as fuck.
Title: Re: Best country for juicers
Post by: youandme on January 02, 2017, 06:08:55 AM
Mountian tribes dress up little boys as girls, die their hair red and put eye liner and makeup on em. Creepy as fuck.

They used to or still do in some places cut their balls off too so the boys don't go through puberty and become a bit feminine
Title: Re: Best country for juicers
Post by: The Wizard of Truth on January 14, 2017, 07:13:58 AM
Ireland its legal for personal use, and to import on your person (not by mail), we used get pharmacy gh but since the scene has got so big now there's a lot of counterfeit out there. Easy get great quality ug gear but pharmacy grade test etc is usually fake. I don't expect this legality to last long more though as everyone in gyms is on gear now ang young lads think they are superman on it and can't handle gear with alcohol or coke so go cracked and the cops are gonna get on top of this
Title: Re: Best country for juicers
Post by: theworm on January 18, 2017, 05:37:46 AM
My vote is USA

Can get as much test as you want if u know what ur doing
Can also get HGH, deca and anavar from a pharmacy.

It's only pretty pricey!
Title: Re: Best country for juicers
Post by: illuminati on January 18, 2017, 06:05:50 AM
We do ok here in the UK.
As most things just know the right people.

Some very decent UG gear out there, & as usual a load of fake crap.

Some real stuff to - tends to be expensive.