Getbig Bodybuilding, Figure and Fitness Forums

Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: Julio Ceasar on April 24, 2017, 09:53:04 PM

Title: Health Problems steroids...
Post by: Julio Ceasar on April 24, 2017, 09:53:04 PM
What if you only take some low dose of shit who generate 15 extra pound of bodyweight and keep lean all year round at 200...would it affect your health to the better or worse....compared being a normal fat dude at 200
Title: Re: Health Problems steroids...
Post by: Zillotch on April 24, 2017, 10:05:24 PM
its better to be dead, than a slob.... so go for the gear.
Title: Re: Health Problems steroids...
Post by: heenok on April 25, 2017, 12:55:10 AM
Its imposible to say. Depends on the person.
If you want to keep a look year round then you have to use certain dose year round. The only stuff you can use year round without damaging your health would be test and HGH at low dosages.
200lbs lean isnt too heavy unless you are really short. But i think 200lbs lean on anavar and tren is more unhealthy than a chubby 200lbs natural.
200lbs lean on 200mg of test and 2iu of HGH can be healthy.
Title: Re: Health Problems steroids...
Post by: Bulgarian_enforcer on April 25, 2017, 04:32:41 AM
Its imposible to say. Depends on the person.
If you want to keep a look year round then you have to use certain dose year round. The only stuff you can use year round without damaging your health would be test and HGH at low dosages.
200lbs lean isnt too heavy unless you are really short. But i think 200lbs lean on anavar and tren is more unhealthy than a chubby 200lbs natural.
200lbs lean on 200mg of test and 2iu of HGH can be healthy.

2 iu is for babies, keep it 4-5 year round.
Title: Re: Health Problems steroids...
Post by: falco on April 25, 2017, 04:41:48 AM
Diet makes lean. Steroids help, but their major goal, in small amounts, its to prevent muscle loss when dieting.
You sound like a lazy person who doesnt want to bother to do diet.
Title: Re: Health Problems steroids...
Post by: illuminati on April 25, 2017, 04:50:48 AM
What if you only take some low dose of shit who generate 15 extra pound of bodyweight and keep lean all year round at 200...would it affect your health to the better or worse....compared being a normal fat dude at 200

Jeez - So many other things out there in life to worry about damaging your health !!
How do you manage to get through each day.

It's a wee bit of gear.
Take it or don't take it - quit the endless worrying.
Title: Re: Health Problems steroids...
Post by: Spike on April 25, 2017, 04:52:35 AM
2 iu is for babies, keep it 4-5 year round.

Been doing 6 for 1.5years straight

250lbs at 6ft abs all year

Idk of I'm healthy , I think with the aas I'll prob end up with dementia or have a heart attack - fck it tho

Seeing people spend $ at Whole Foods , avoid gluten all week , then EVERYONE fckn drinks alcohol ? That shit is terrible to put in ur body and people don't fckn think twice about

Put down that fckn beer and pick up a damn syringe

/Rambo out
Title: Re: Health Problems steroids...
Post by: illuminati on April 25, 2017, 04:55:25 AM
Been doing 6 for 1.5years straight

250lbs at 6ft abs all year

Idk of I'm healthy , I think with the aas I'll prob end up with dementia or have a heart attack - fck it tho

/Rambo out

Likely as much possibility of either of them happening, as to many other factors in our lives.
Title: Re: Health Problems steroids...
Post by: deadz on April 25, 2017, 08:06:34 AM
High dose - issues
Low dose 250/300 weekly not so much.
Title: Re: Health Problems steroids...
Post by: d0nny2600 on April 25, 2017, 09:12:36 AM
Been doing 6 for 1.5years straight

250lbs at 6ft abs all year

Idk of I'm healthy , I think with the aas I'll prob end up with dementia or have a heart attack - fck it tho

Seeing people spend $ at Whole Foods , avoid gluten all week , then EVERYONE fckn drinks alcohol ? That shit is terrible to put in ur body and people don't fckn think twice about

Put down that fckn beer and pick up a damn syringe

/Rambo out

Would you have to agree with this
Title: Re: Health Problems steroids...
Post by: a_pupil on April 25, 2017, 09:16:49 AM
take a few small cycles when you're young to get to your genetic max then maintain for a few decades is the best possible scenario for health.

trt when you get old and still want to look good.
Title: Re: Health Problems steroids...
Post by: Bulgarian_enforcer on April 25, 2017, 01:38:09 PM
Been doing 6 for 1.5years straight

250lbs at 6ft abs all year

Idk of I'm healthy , I think with the aas I'll prob end up with dementia or have a heart attack - fck it tho

Seeing people spend $ at Whole Foods , avoid gluten all week , then EVERYONE fckn drinks alcohol ? That shit is terrible to put in ur body and people don't fckn think twice about

Put down that fckn beer and pick up a damn syringe

/Rambo out

I agree with you man. Alchohol and blow is shit that kills the body not test and hgh. atleast with the latter you can fulfill your body potential and go beyond genetic limits. i stay on hgh year round at 4-5 ui ed and blast from time to time. i rest from aas about 3-4 months a year to get good blood work and repeat.
Title: Re: Health Problems steroids...
Post by: wes on April 25, 2017, 02:02:17 PM
Up the dosage!!
Title: Re: Health Problems steroids...
Post by: Spike on April 25, 2017, 02:35:07 PM
Just saying

People pour $ into alcohol , to 'socialize', 'have a good time', impress girls , meet girls


But it's an endeavor nomtheless and an expensive one , monetarily as well as physically

All I'm saying is why not sub some of that bullshit out for some real chemicals

Injesting empty calories and liquid false hopes
Title: Re: Health Problems steroids...
Post by: cephissus on April 25, 2017, 02:35:17 PM

And there's non such thing as a normal fat dude.its a choice.

You're gonna ask the same question 4 dozen times and mull it over for the next 5 yrs until you just quit training all together because you're still just a "normal fat dude"... And if you do actually use some anabolics, you won't use enough because you're too afraid and you believe what you want to believe,& that is the guys who say you only need a little blah blah blah get the most Out of small doses... But yet you still don't know how to manipulatebyour body without drugs.. So you'll do the half ass way and get 1/4 ass results (of probably an oral only cycle for 4-6weeks at that).

No?  ???

What question are you answering, exactly?

Given the fact you obviously don't have the attention span to read a whopping two sentence post before shitting out an incoherent 'answer', I suppose I shouldnt be surprised that you never realized Julio is in better shape than you've probably ever been in, well into his late thirties.

Title: Re: Health Problems steroids...
Post by: Van_Bilderass on April 25, 2017, 02:54:20 PM
You can't compare vices and decide which is healthier. Genetics dictate a lot.

But the OP's question is the classic question and the answer is that this plan of "just a little something" for "just a little gains" and then maintain never happens in real life.
Title: Re: Health Problems steroids...
Post by: Don_Dada on April 25, 2017, 05:01:56 PM
Spoken as if you have any clue what "shape ive ever been in", much less what shape any of my hundreds of clients have ever been in or contests theyve won, be it fitness,figure,bikini, physique, bodybuilding, powerlifting, crossfit, male or female. Form your own little view of me that you need to to make yourself feel better. Whatever i speak of here, i speak from experience. Not repeating shit i heard or read from someone else's experience or what theyve "heard or read".

you're really starting to sound like the trainer
Title: Re: Health Problems steroids...
Post by: Anna Recksiek on April 25, 2017, 06:05:51 PM
Do a moderate dose of test, work out a lot, eat a lot, and drink a lot
and do some moderate amounts of blow = party time
Title: Re: Health Problems steroids...
Post by: cephissus on April 25, 2017, 06:21:30 PM
Spoken as if you have any clue what "shape ive ever been in", much less what shape any of my hundreds of clients have ever been in or contests theyve won, be it fitness,figure,bikini, physique, bodybuilding, powerlifting, crossfit, male or female. Form your own little view of me that you need to to make yourself feel better. Whatever i speak of here, i speak from experience. Not repeating shit i heard or read from someone else's experience or what theyve "heard or read".

You have never posted a picture being anywhere near Julio's shape.  On the other hand, we've seen plenty of pictures of you looking like shit.

That said, whether you've been in better shape than him or not is beside the point.  There's plenty of evidence on this board to show your little analysis of Julio to be way off, yet it surprises no one that youre ignorant of it and spout off carelessly.

This is why your posts are so irritating: you recklessly vomit out the first thing that comes to mind.  Of course, being so worldly and accomplished we should all sit down and take notes.... Except there's zero evidence of anything you claim, and every reason to be suspicious of your histrionic stories.

Now tell us all again how we mischaracterize you, how we spend so much time fantasizing false images of you, etc. etc... I'm sure if you repeat it a few more hundred times, we'll all become convinced ::)
Title: Re: Health Problems steroids...
Post by: Simple Simon on April 26, 2017, 12:25:23 AM
Zero evidence? Lol.. Yea, like everything i do im thinking i better get a notorized statement to prove to bums like you when something jogs my memory and i tell the story so i have "evidence" to prove it.maybe insecure little twerps like yourself and other trolls may think of that, but i cant relate. I do what i do and if something reminds me of itnin the future, i tell the story. I also have a memory like a videotape, so i include details that dumbfucks like yourself  
 and your butt-buddy jeffery would forget. Nevermind the fact you insecure shut-ins do nothing and have no social skills, so if you introverts could never have trained Fabio, then there's no way that i couldve either, especially at 20yrs old. And the fact that i can recall first meeting him at a coffee shop on Sunset at about 10am while heading to the Borders bookstore in Westwood with my ex so she could study. Being stuck in traffic and she had to pee and couldnt wait another 25mins so we stopped there.. Walking in i noticed an old 95 honda cbr 600 with miguel duhammels Smokin Joes paint scheme in the parking lot, then noticing a helmet on a table  with a guy and realizing it was Fabio and stuck up a conversation about his bike while she was peeing.. Me being surprised a guy like him was riding a $2k bike and not a Ducati and him noticing my HDT teeshirt i got working a booth at the previous olympia expo and talking about nutrition and started workingbwith him thatbweek and continued the next 2 months till he left for new york...... But people likebyou have never done that, so anybody else must notnhave either, right?  

I dont understand people like you. I understand how people like you align yourselves with like-minded people, but i cant relate to your insecurities and bitterness towards people who have or who have done or tried, even if they failed, things you wish you could.

will it ever dawn on you that most people on this board are pretty much sick of your bullshit?

now for the last time post a pic of you at anything less than 12% BF

ps, you forgot to add a prison or toughness reference.
Title: Re: Health Problems steroids...
Post by: bigmc on April 26, 2017, 01:27:52 AM
Been doing 6 for 1.5years straight

250lbs at 6ft abs all year

Idk of I'm healthy , I think with the aas I'll prob end up with dementia or have a heart attack - fck it tho

Seeing people spend $ at Whole Foods , avoid gluten all week , then EVERYONE fckn drinks alcohol ? That shit is terrible to put in ur body and people don't fckn think twice about

Put down that fckn beer and pick up a damn syringe

/Rambo out

sounds expensive

how much does that set you back
Title: Re: Health Problems steroids...
Post by: Simple Simon on April 26, 2017, 03:33:04 AM
Endless obcession with me.. Maybe look into getting some counseling.

Have you ever contributed anything here? Aside from trolling me or making smug snide remarks in others threads? Your bitch ass follows me to every thread and every post it really shows how soft and womanlike you are.. And just plain useless you are here. What do you have to offer? Seriously what is it? Training knowledge? Lol .. With your awesome understanding of kinesiology physiology and anatomy? Lol "just do dips and pushdowns and you can build epic 14inch arms like me"... Or your diet advice? Lol... Eat nothing and vomit like a bulemic and take laxatives and get a ripped stringy anorexic body like mine" ?? Lol.... Of course youre bitter. I would be to if nobody could stand my endless negative shit.. I bet youre a blast to be around.
and with all your valuable contributions you still cant come anywhere near my level of conditioning.
I obviously have no idea what Im talking about and with your encyclopaedic knowledge of absolutely fucking everything you look like a smacked out meth head.

Im pretty sure I know who I would be listening to.
Title: Re: Health Problems steroids...
Post by: illuminati on April 26, 2017, 10:09:27 AM
Endless obcession with me.. Maybe look into getting some counseling.

Have you ever contributed anything here? Aside from trolling me or making smug snide remarks in others threads? Your bitch ass follows me to every thread and every post it really shows how soft and womanlike you are.. And just plain useless you are here. What do you have to offer? Seriously what is it? Training knowledge? Lol .. With your awesome understanding of kinesiology physiology and anatomy? Lol "just do dips and pushdowns and you can build epic 14inch arms like me"... Or your diet advice? Lol... Eat nothing and vomit like a bulemic and take laxatives and get a ripped stringy anorexic body like mine" ?? Lol.... Of course youre bitter. I would be to if nobody could stand my endless negative shit.. I bet youre a blast to be around.

Please correct me if i am wrong -
Though it sounds like you are not to friendly a terms with 'Be There'
Title: Re: Health Problems steroids...
Post by: ilalin on April 26, 2017, 12:23:59 PM
to look good, eat healthy all year round, don't get too fat (over 12% bf), workout year round, not to heavy or too often (2x/week is ok). Come spring, IF diet with 500mg test/week, 250iu HCG 2x/week, 20mg tamoxifen after 12 weeks for 4 weeks and you're going to stay healthy and look great on the beach. No sides whatsoever.
If family history of any kind of cancer, don't do it.
Title: Re: Health Problems steroids...
Post by: ProudVirgin69 on April 26, 2017, 12:31:56 PM
High blood pressure is the biggest issue with steroid users .. uncontrolled hypertension will wreck your kidneys and heart.  Keep that controlled with medication and I suspect the negative effect of reasonable steroid use will be minimal.  I've seen some case studies suggesting that anabolic steroids are nephrotoxic--independent of their effect on blood pressure--but that's far from conclusive.

If you're going to use GH, then monitor your fasting blood glucose levels.  Use metformin and/or insulin to keep it in range if need be
Title: Re: Health Problems steroids...
Post by: ilalin on April 26, 2017, 12:34:52 PM
High blood pressure is the biggest issue with steroid users .. uncontrolled hypertension will wreck your kidneys and heart.  Keep that controlled with medication and I suspect the negative effect of reasonable steroid use will be minimal.  I've seen some case studies suggesting that anabolic steroids are nephrotoxic--independent of their effect on blood pressure--but that's far from conclusive.

If you're going to use GH, then monitor your fasting blood glucose levels.  Use metformin and/or insulin to keep it in range if need be

right. Monitor blood pressure and control with medication if need be.
Title: Re: Health Problems steroids...
Post by: residue on April 26, 2017, 01:01:27 PM
right. Monitor blood pressure and control with medication if need be.

they'll be 3d printing kidneys in the next 10 years. just hold out for a bit
Title: Re: Health Problems steroids...
Post by: Simple Simon on April 26, 2017, 01:01:37 PM

Please correct me if i am wrong -
Though it sounds like you are not to friendly a terms with 'Be There'

Oddly enough I dont actually mind him, he a constant source of amusement, he just doesnt get me, I have told him umpteen times im just trolling him but he keeps taking me seriously, he will take this as another insult and flip agin.
Title: Re: Health Problems steroids...
Post by: ilalin on April 26, 2017, 01:06:37 PM
they'll be 3d printing kidneys in the next 10 years. just hold out for a bit

i've done my fair share.
Title: Re: Health Problems steroids...
Post by: deadz on April 26, 2017, 01:07:51 PM
to look good, eat healthy all year round, don't get too fat (over 12% bf), workout year round, not to heavy or too often (2x/week is ok). Come spring, IF diet with 500mg test/week, 250iu HCG 2x/week, 20mg tamoxifen after 12 weeks for 4 weeks and you're going to stay healthy and look great on the beach. No sides whatsoever.
If family history of any kind of cancer, don't do it.
500mg a week with raise hemoglobin and hemocrit, no problem if you don't mind strokes. 500 will also raise liver enzymes and likely cause elevated LDL. 250 weekly is the most to avoid problems. Even at that dose you will likely need to donate blood every 8 weeks.  
Title: Re: Health Problems steroids...
Post by: ilalin on April 26, 2017, 01:14:48 PM
500mg a week with raise hemoglobin and hemocrit, no problem if you don't mind strokes. 500 will also raise liver enzymes and likely cause elevated LDL. 250 weekly is the most to avoid problems. Even at that dose you will likely need to donate blood every 8 weeks.  

not sure where you get your info from but you don't die from a 10 weeks (maybe) of raised hematocrit. Liver enzymes...barely, since it does not contain the methyl group. If dieting on it, cholesterol will be good. It actually might increase HDL. LDL will not increase with the proper diet.

10 weeks, not year round.
Title: Re: Health Problems steroids...
Post by: The Wizard of Truth on April 26, 2017, 01:20:32 PM
Oddly enough I dont actually mind him, he a constant source of amusement, he just doesnt get me, I have told him umpteen times im just trolling him but he keeps taking me seriously, he will take this as another insult and flip agin.
I don't take kindly to disrespect. not on the internet, not in person, not in a grocery store parking lot, not in like at walmart, not in a restaurant, not at the beach, not at the dry cleaners... anywhere.

ppl talk about the 'pussyfication' of America, yet they run their mouths thinking they won't get slapped and get their arm broken in front of their friends.

spent many yrs in a place where if you talk slick and say something out of line to somebody, you know that when you say it, you better be ready for what happens. most ppl here in the 'real world', aren't ready for what could happen.. and run their mouths like the world is a make believe cartoon. despite wearing nice slacks, polished shoes and a nice shirt, the guy you steal that parking spot from at the grocery store and proceed to flip off, may have just gotten out of prison and will have no problem identifying they bitch in you and proceed to teach you a lesson by taking you down to the ground and kicking out your teeth before you even know what happened.

the guy who's willing to go the furthest, wins. if you're not willing to go all the way, it's best you keep your mouth shut and move on, and make it to the next day.
Title: Re: Health Problems steroids...
Post by: illuminati on April 26, 2017, 01:47:54 PM
Oddly enough I dont actually mind him, he a constant source of amusement, he just doesnt get me, I have told him umpteen times im just trolling him but he keeps taking me seriously, he will take this as another insult and flip agin.

Ha - but it is funny, though clearly not for him. :'(
Title: Re: Health Problems steroids...
Post by: deadz on April 26, 2017, 02:55:56 PM
not sure where you get your info from but you don't die from a 10 weeks (maybe) of raised hematocrit. Liver enzymes...barely, since it does not contain the methyl group. If dieting on it, cholesterol will be good. It actually might increase HDL. LDL will not increase with the proper diet.

10 weeks, not year round.
got ya, I'm year round @ 250.
Title: Re: Health Problems steroids...
Post by: Taffin on April 26, 2017, 03:03:54 PM
Please correct me if i am wrong -
Though it sounds like you are not to friendly a terms with 'Be There'

Haha!  They always remind me of these two when they go at it .... (good film too, Ridley's first maybe?)

Title: Re: Health Problems steroids...
Post by: ilalin on April 26, 2017, 03:14:43 PM
got ya, I'm year round @ 250.

wish I could do that. You must feel good.
Title: Re: Health Problems steroids...
Post by: Simple Simon on April 26, 2017, 09:48:00 PM
got ya, I'm year round @ 250.
is that your systolic or diastolic reading?
Title: Re: Health Problems steroids...
Post by: Rusty Trombone on April 26, 2017, 10:01:10 PM
to look good, eat healthy all year round, don't get too fat (over 12% bf), workout year round, not to heavy or too often (2x/week is ok). Come spring, IF diet with 500mg test/week, 250iu HCG 2x/week, 20mg tamoxifen after 12 weeks for 4 weeks and you're going to stay healthy and look great on the beach. No sides whatsoever.
If family history of any kind of cancer, don't do it.

Any kind of cancer family history?

My grandma died of pancreatic cancer at 90, and my aunt had breast cancer with early diagnosis at 50 but survived and recovered fully for twenty years now.

I guess everyone has some in their larger family who got cancer.

Title: Re: Health Problems steroids...
Post by: Simple Simon on April 26, 2017, 10:04:40 PM
Any kind of cancer family history?

My grandma died of pancreatic cancer at 90, and my aunt had breast cancer with early diagnosis at 50 but survived and recovered fully for twenty years now.

I guess everyone has some in their larger family who got cancer.

cancer stats are on the up because people are living longer, cancer will get you if nothing else does first...
Title: Re: Health Problems steroids...
Post by: Spike on April 27, 2017, 02:39:26 AM
not sure where you get your info from but you don't die from a 10 weeks (maybe) of raised hematocrit. Liver enzymes...barely, since it does not contain the methyl group. If dieting on it, cholesterol will be good. It actually might increase HDL. LDL will not increase with the proper diet.

10 weeks, not year round.

HDL > 60 is actually a negative risk factor for heart disease

Cancel a bad one out
Title: Re: Health Problems steroids...
Post by: muscleman-2017 on April 27, 2017, 04:29:02 AM
What if you only take some low dose of shit who generate 15 extra pound of bodyweight and keep lean all year round at 200...would it affect your health to the better or worse....compared being a normal fat dude at 200

Also consider that it may fukk up your sperm and therefore your offspring.
Title: Re: Health Problems steroids...
Post by: Simple Simon on April 27, 2017, 04:41:58 AM
Also consider that it may fukk up your sperm and therefore your offspring.
that may explain esfitness "6 grams is the sweet spot" advice coming from his father....
Title: Re: Health Problems steroids...
Post by: ilalin on April 27, 2017, 06:25:00 AM
Any kind of cancer family history?

My grandma died of pancreatic cancer at 90, and my aunt had breast cancer with early diagnosis at 50 but survived and recovered fully for twenty years now.

I guess everyone has some in their larger family who got cancer.


cancer is inevitable. I guess, i should have said, earlier signs and symptomes, maybe before age of 80. Evolution will cause cells to make a genetic mutation while dividing. Usually, it's repaired by DNA repair mechanisms in our body. The older we get, the more mutation points are introduced in our DNA causing avoidance of apoptosis. Just one of the reasons for cancer. There is no evidence yet that cancer is caused by anabolic steroids. Fueled, if other factors are present and causing it, yes.
Title: Re: Health Problems steroids...
Post by: ilalin on April 27, 2017, 06:26:24 AM
HDL > 60 is actually a negative risk factor for heart disease

Cancel a bad one out

of course, Nothing in overabundance is good for you, not even pussy.
Title: Re: Health Problems steroids...
Post by: ilalin on April 27, 2017, 06:31:12 AM
Also consider that it may fukk up your sperm and therefore your offspring.

there is no 'sperm fukk up' with anabolic steroids. Anabolic steroids research studies have not shown genotoxic effects, not even trenbolone, even in extremely high dosages. If you are talking about the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis, it is easily solved with regular use of Human Chorionic Gonadotropic supplementation during and low doses of tamoxifen post-cycle.
Title: Re: Health Problems steroids...
Post by: Disgusted on April 27, 2017, 02:15:08 PM
there is no 'sperm fukk up' with anabolic steroids. Anabolic steroids research studies have not shown genotoxic effects, not even trenbolone, even in extremely high dosages. If you are talking about the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis, it is easily solved with regular use of Human Chorionic Gonadotropic supplementation during and low doses of tamoxifen post-cycle.

I would think that he is referring to  abnormalities in sperm motility and morphology during and after AAS use which is reversible after cessation.

Tamoxifen although not created for this use blocks actions of estrogen on mammary epithelium. I believe Tamoxifen was originally studied as a contraceptive. It also lowers IGF levels. Tamoxifen has zero use in bodybuilding as there are other drugs that can do what tamoxifen is intended for much better.
Title: Re: Health Problems steroids...
Post by: illuminati on April 27, 2017, 03:07:49 PM
I would think that he is referring to  abnormalities in sperm motility and morphology during and after AAS use which is reversible after cessation.

Tamoxifen although not created for this use blocks actions of estrogen on mammary epithelium. I believe Tamoxifen was originally studied as a contraceptive. It also lowers IGF levels. Tamoxifen has zero use in bodybuilding as there are other drugs that can do what tamoxifen is intended for much better.

Agreed -
And why would any one use Tamoxifen let alone a "Expert" Recomnend it.
Title: Re: Health Problems steroids...
Post by: local hero on April 27, 2017, 03:56:43 PM
Its cheap & Its still the number 1 go to for itchy or sore nipples for most gym rats..
Title: Re: Health Problems steroids...
Post by: Disgusted on April 27, 2017, 06:08:38 PM
Its cheap & Its still the number 1 go to for itchy or sore nipples for most gym rats..

It's all cheap these days. Like I said other stuff works better.
Title: Re: Health Problems steroids...
Post by: ilalin on April 28, 2017, 08:26:51 AM

Agreed -
And why would any one use Tamoxifen let alone a "Expert" Recomnend it.

Title: Re: Health Problems steroids...
Post by: ilalin on April 28, 2017, 08:29:29 AM

It's all cheap these days. Like I said other stuff works better.

duly noted. will have to look up. From my own experience (n=1), no statistical significance, I conceived 2 kids while on tamox. All healthy so far. 7 and 5. The third one (2) is "all natural". ::)
Title: Re: Health Problems steroids...
Post by: falco on April 28, 2017, 08:35:06 AM
Oddly enough I dont actually mind him, he a constant source of amusement, he just doesnt get me, I have told him umpteen times im just trolling him but he keeps taking me seriously, he will take this as another insult and flip agin.

He is going to kill your dog. You should back down.
Title: Re: Health Problems steroids...
Post by: Simple Simon on April 28, 2017, 09:04:38 AM
He is going to kill your dog. You should back down.
dont you talk about my Mrs like that....
