Getbig Bodybuilding, Figure and Fitness Forums

Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: ratherbebig on July 09, 2017, 06:23:55 AM

Title: how many of you guys hit the iron 6 times a week?
Post by: ratherbebig on July 09, 2017, 06:23:55 AM
now sundays is for church so that leaves out 7 times per week.

but 6 times, i feel is optimal if youre serious about the iron game.

im currently putting together a 6 times per week routine, any suggestions welcome!! ill probably hit each muscle group 3 times per week, looks like it.

here's some benefits:

1 - if you feel good going to the gym its better to feel good every day than just a few times a week.
2 - if you get energy after being in the gym, say you start your day off, then its better to do that every day.
3 - if you got discpline problems going to the gym, it's easier if it's a every day thing, rather than just a few times a week.
4 - if you miss a day its not a big deal, however let's say you only train legs once a week and miss that, then you have to wait a whole week before you can try again.
5 - more is better formula, works out like this:

person 1 - train legs once a week  = 52 times per year.
person 2 - train legs three times per week = 156 times per year.

even with less intensity chances are pretty good person 2 will have better gains.
Title: Re: how many of you guys hit the iron 6 times a week?
Post by: Marty Champions on July 09, 2017, 06:31:57 AM
better be consuming 1 large tablespoon a day of epsom salt for recovery
Title: Re: how many of you guys hit the iron 6 times a week?
Post by: ratherbebig on July 09, 2017, 06:35:59 AM
good point, with more frequent training recovery becomes more important.

but i feel diet to gets easier if you train every day, you dont make a difference between diet and supplements on training days vs off-days. you eat the same every day. it's easier to establish a habit when its every day the same thing.

Title: Re: how many of you guys hit the iron 6 times a week?
Post by: Nether Animal on July 09, 2017, 06:36:13 AM
Every other day.
Title: Re: how many of you guys hit the iron 6 times a week?
Post by: ratherbebig on July 09, 2017, 06:38:10 AM
another point.

say there's a hot chic at the gym would you rather bump into her once a twice a week, if lucky or would you want to increase your chances by being at the gym EVERY DAY?

imagine that scenario:

person 1 - a complete moron who thought going to the gym once or twice a gym was enough because he was afraid of "overtraining", ended up being alone on a msg board.

person 2 - hit the gym every single day, got noticed by the chics for being serious and not just a casual lifter but someone who lives the lifestyle, ended up being with a hot chic.

Title: Re: how many of you guys hit the iron 6 times a week?
Post by: Marty Champions on July 09, 2017, 06:55:18 AM
either have a nuturing or tare down approach for gains
Title: Re: how many of you guys hit the iron 6 times a week?
Post by: robcguns on July 09, 2017, 07:01:32 AM
4 days a week,used to be 6-7 until joint pain caught up with me.Would still be doing 6 if elbow and shoulder didn't ache.
Title: Re: how many of you guys hit the iron 6 times a week?
Post by: dj181 on July 09, 2017, 07:12:02 AM
12 to 14 times per week ie. usually twice a day

addiction of peace
Title: Re: how many of you guys hit the iron 6 times a week?
Post by: robcguns on July 09, 2017, 07:19:42 AM
12 to 14 times per week ie. usually twice a day

addiction of peace

Your joints hold up under all that?how old are you?
Title: Re: how many of you guys hit the iron 6 times a week?
Post by: dj181 on July 09, 2017, 07:24:36 AM
Your joints hold up under all that?how old are you?

early 40s

yeah my joints are fine but I did fuck up my foot sprinting behind a weighted sled, got 2 stress fractures from it
Title: Re: how many of you guys hit the iron 6 times a week?
Post by: ratherbebig on July 09, 2017, 08:06:00 AM
i couldnt do twice a day

maybe if i lived next to golds gym venice beach
Title: Re: how many of you guys hit the iron 6 times a week?
Post by: ratherbebig on July 09, 2017, 09:11:39 AM
im thinking of making it really short and simple. just three exercises per day. of course no deads or squats!

just three exercises in and out the gym. boom! probably something like 3 sets of 10. tried 5x5 but im not digging it, feels like just when youre getting started you have to stop.
Title: Re: how many of you guys hit the iron 6 times a week?
Post by: rangerwil on July 09, 2017, 09:13:11 AM
6 is usually where I'm at.
5 minimum.
Title: Re: how many of you guys hit the iron 6 times a week?
Post by: ratherbebig on July 09, 2017, 09:16:10 AM
6 is usually where I'm at.
5 minimum.

Title: Re: how many of you guys hit the iron 6 times a week?
Post by: keanu on July 09, 2017, 09:35:00 AM
1-3 now just to keep the structure strong ( I have been at it almost 30 years). Outside the gym I do a lot of brisk walking, and have a physical job on top.
Title: Re: how many of you guys hit the iron 6 times a week?
Post by: Darren Avey on July 09, 2017, 09:44:18 AM
3 times a week battling with the iron and at least 3 times a week doing MMA baby.
Title: Re: how many of you guys hit the iron 6 times a week?
Post by: tres_taco_combo on July 09, 2017, 10:12:53 AM
6 days a week

Monday chest
tuesday quads/hams (longest workout)
wednesday shoulders
thursday back
friday arms
saturday train a weak spot so this week I did chest on saturday - and when i am 12 weeks in or less pose with my coach for 30 minutes
sunday nothing

no longer train for the #s all for show. so i was stronger at 19 than now  ??? ;D

i train calves and abs for 30 minutes each day every other day

during prep mode i go evening to do cardio

i see a chiro/sports med doc every 2 weeks to stretch me out - big ole 315lb powerlifter hurts me good

I spend a shit ton of time at the gym
Title: Re: how many of you guys hit the iron 6 times a week?
Post by: ratherbebig on July 09, 2017, 10:28:41 AM
good to hear.

im looking forward to this. i have a real hard time just going a few times a week, some shit comes up or ill get sick and before i know it its been weeks since last time...

i think its far easier to establish a habit by doing it every day.

i also think something can be said for doing somekind of exercise every day for the body, i just feel its better.
Title: Re: how many of you guys hit the iron 6 times a week?
Post by: Simple Simon on July 09, 2017, 11:35:07 AM
12 to 14 times per week ie. usually twice a day

unemployed sponging off the state layabout of peace


hang on, sorry, I forget

"trust fund kid of peace"
Title: Re: how many of you guys hit the iron 6 times a week?
Post by: Henda on July 09, 2017, 11:40:30 AM
4 days usually, sometimes 5
If off work for a few weeks sometimes train every day, mainly due to boredom
Title: Re: how many of you guys hit the iron 6 times a week?
Post by: Simple Simon on July 09, 2017, 11:41:43 AM
5 days a week
Sunday through Wednesday Thursday and Saturday off.
Title: Re: how many of you guys hit the iron 6 times a week?
Post by: NaturalWonder83 on July 09, 2017, 12:13:05 PM
If u feel good and it's fun -just go
If you're tired just stay home
Title: Re: how many of you guys hit the iron 6 times a week?
Post by: HockeyFightFan on July 09, 2017, 12:17:25 PM
3 times a week battling with the iron and at least 3 times a week doing MMA baby. what's final answer on letting getbig film a group of black men having sex with you?

And I don't understand the PM about bringing them "round Tulisa's flat"?

Who or what is Tulisa and why is she/he round or flat?
Title: Re: how many of you guys hit the iron 6 times a week?
Post by: BEEFYHEAVYWEIGHT on July 09, 2017, 12:42:32 PM
6 days per week. Each bodypart twice per week. 20 sets per bodypart. Even upper forearms. Rory and Chet Yorton style.
Title: Re: how many of you guys hit the iron 6 times a week?
Post by: Rudee on July 09, 2017, 01:11:56 PM
3 days/week during the summer, 4 days/week during the rest of the year. 
Title: Re: how many of you guys hit the iron 6 times a week?
Post by: BBSSchlemiel on July 09, 2017, 01:20:13 PM
That's a great split for people with other shit going on in their lives.
Title: Re: how many of you guys hit the iron 6 times a week?
Post by: oldtimer1 on July 09, 2017, 04:25:05 PM
Three days a week. On off days I try to get my runs in. I try to train with what is for me heavy weights. I would burn out if I did 6 days a week. Maybe if I used moderate weight it would work.
Title: Re: how many of you guys hit the iron 6 times a week?
Post by: Marty Champions on July 09, 2017, 06:50:26 PM
squat 100 pounds around 30 reps and 10 to 15 knuckle pushups 5 days a week is my best effort, squatting everyday is a real rude awakening  , its tuff to even eat enough too keep up with work and this, drinking lots of water eating lots of trail mix and nuts and vegan high calorie bigmacs
Title: Re: how many of you guys hit the iron 6 times a week?
Post by: Powerlift66 on July 10, 2017, 06:37:16 AM
4 days is plenty for me.


(Quick abs, 20 mins of cardio every day I'm there (after weights).
Title: Re: how many of you guys hit the iron 6 times a week?
Post by: Grape Ape on July 10, 2017, 07:12:05 AM
Right now six, but one, like today,  is an active recovery day - mostly mobility and stretching plus a max distance run in 30 minute time frame.

Which means I will likely skip the mobility and stretching and just do the run.
Title: Re: how many of you guys hit the iron 6 times a week?
Post by: sync pulse on July 10, 2017, 10:50:04 AM
Resistance exercise three day...cardio three days, alternating.
Title: Re: how many of you guys hit the iron 6 times a week?
Post by: CalvinH on July 10, 2017, 12:45:09 PM
I play golf once a week so I'd say I hit my 6 iron a few times a round.
Title: Re: how many of you guys hit the iron 6 times a week?
Post by: Simple Simon on July 10, 2017, 12:46:07 PM
I play golf once a week so I'd say I hit my 6 iron a few times a round.

Real getbiggers only carry a driver and a putter.
Title: Re: how many of you guys hit the iron 6 times a week?
Post by: CalvinH on July 10, 2017, 12:51:36 PM
Real getbiggers only carry a driver and a putter.


My friends an I play a end of the year match where we are only allowed to use 3 clubs for the whole round.
Title: Re: how many of you guys hit the iron 6 times a week?
Post by: Henda on July 10, 2017, 01:27:24 PM
Favourite split which use 95% of the time

Mon - Chest and back
Tues - legs (including deadlifts)
Thur - delts traps and back
Fri - arms
Title: Re: how many of you guys hit the iron 6 times a week?
Post by: Grape Ape on July 10, 2017, 01:43:47 PM


My friends an I play a end of the year match where we are only allowed to use 3 clubs for the whole round.

I'm sure he cares about this.

I'd go.......Driver, 5 iron, 9 iron, and putt with the 5 iron.
Title: Re: how many of you guys hit the iron 6 times a week?
Post by: Howard on July 10, 2017, 02:23:27 PM
another point.

say there's a hot chic at the gym would you rather bump into her once a twice a week, if lucky or would you want to increase your chances by being at the gym EVERY DAY?

imagine that scenario:

person 1 - a complete moron who thought going to the gym once or twice a gym was enough because he was afraid of "overtraining", ended up being alone on a msg board.

person 2 - hit the gym every single day, got noticed by the chics for being serious and not just a casual lifter but someone who lives the lifestyle, ended up being with a hot chic.

Person 1- trains 4 days a week for an hr each workout. Goes on to be Mr Olympia 5x ( Dorian Yates)

Person 2 - trains every day for 2-3 hrs. Has no other life, ends up broke and alone ,posting on  getbig  ( Bart Blowfart)
Title: Re: how many of you guys hit the iron 6 times a week?
Post by: honest on July 10, 2017, 02:55:38 PM
6 days per week, every week sometimes even 7 I know its  to much especially with my age and lack of hormone abuse, but I have been doing it for over 30 years, its helped structure my life in a good way and I use it as therapy to deal with the people that I have to everyday. usually 5am everyday as well each day.
Title: Re: how many of you guys hit the iron 6 times a week?
Post by: Mr Anabolic on July 10, 2017, 03:09:18 PM
Did this all through my 20's and 30's.  Muscles were hit 2x week, religiously.  After I hit 40, I reduced it to 4 days/wk.  I needed more time to recover.  Now I only go 2-3x, which is fine for me.
Title: Re: how many of you guys hit the iron 6 times a week?
Post by: sceagacros on July 11, 2017, 04:42:21 AM
EOD, so 3.5x/wk for me. It's a push/pull so it really couldn't get much simpler. I've done my share of body part splits as well as full body but this area in-between the two is where frequency,volume and intensity seem to come together for my particular temperament, check it out:

Front Squat
Flat Bench
Behind neck press
Close grip press

Romanian Deadlift
BB Row (underhand grip)
Chinups (neutral grip)
Rear lateral raises
Concentration curl

The emphasis is firmly on moving my Front Squat, Romanian dead, Bench and BB Row numbers in the 3-8 rep range, the rest is purely volume so 5x10, 3x15 etc. , as long as the  total volume that workout is around 50 reps each accessory exercise , it's getting hit almost (but not quite) twice a week so those reps add up.

It's working well
I personally find body part splits too easy to overcomplicate , over think and end up "majoring in the minors" - but then we're all different.
I'm turning 50 this year and frankly even "on" -  more than 4 times a week would be counter productive unless either the  intensity or the volume per workout was laughable.
Title: Re: how many of you guys hit the iron 6 times a week?
Post by: falco on July 11, 2017, 06:14:58 AM
3 times a week does it for me. I have recovery issues.
Title: Re: how many of you guys hit the iron 6 times a week?
Post by: Desolate on July 11, 2017, 06:46:13 AM
Six times a week is serious overtraining... even with drug assistance.

I don't care what kind of split someone is using.

You are still seriously attacking the nervous system and thus cutting into recovery.

You grow at rest, not when you train.

Person 1- trains 4 days a week for an hr each workout. Goes on to be Mr Olympia 5x ( Dorian Yates)

Person 2 - trains every day for 2-3 hrs. Has no other life, ends up broke and alone ,posting on  getbig  ( Bart Blowfart)

Howard is correct. Learn from Yates...

Intensity of effort, not frequency and duration.
Title: Re: how many of you guys hit the iron 6 times a week?
Post by: ratherbebig on July 11, 2017, 06:57:50 AM
there's no such thing as overtraining just undereating.

ronnie coleman told me this when i met him at the LAX, february 2006.
Title: Re: how many of you guys hit the iron 6 times a week?
Post by: falco on July 11, 2017, 07:56:45 AM
there's no such thing as overtraining just undereating.

ronnie coleman told me this when i met him at the LAX, february 2006.

I believe it was Cutler who said that.
Title: Re: how many of you guys hit the iron 6 times a week?
Post by: ratherbebig on July 11, 2017, 10:05:52 AM
oh yeah it was cutler i met at LAX.
ronnie i met in church. he said "yeah buddy" and nothing else. didnt teach me a damn thing.
Title: Re: how many of you guys hit the iron 6 times a week?
Post by: Grape Ape on July 11, 2017, 10:05:57 AM
Six times a week is serious overtraining... even with drug assistance.

I don't care what kind of split someone is using.

You are still seriously attacking the nervous system and thus cutting into recovery.

You grow at rest, not when you train.

Howard is correct. Learn from Yates...

Intensity of effort, not frequency and duration.

It's not if a program includes active recovery.
Title: Re: how many of you guys hit the iron 6 times a week?
Post by: Coach is Back! on July 11, 2017, 08:02:23 PM
Back in the day six days was the norm and ideally is still best. Today I train when I can.

Saturdays - Chest, Bicep/Tricep, Calves
Sunday - Back, Rear delt, Traps, Abs

The weekends are the only days I can get normal training in meaning 3-4 sets per bodypart of 8-12, etc

The weekdays are hectic so training is short. Today was front/side delt w/only dumbbell work using the 100's system.....DB front raise of 100 reps and going until I reach 100 reps usually in 2-3 sets with :30-:60 rest.

Next was lateral raise w/bands, same set and rep scheme as front.

Calves were the same. Raises w/300lbs for 100 reps. Total time less than :30 min
Title: Re: how many of you guys hit the iron 6 times a week?
Post by: XFACTOR on July 11, 2017, 08:25:24 PM
Morning cardio fasted/Lunch or after work weights. 6x a week

Religiously. Skip cardio if I party too hard the night before

Title: Re: how many of you guys hit the iron 6 times a week?
Post by: jr on July 11, 2017, 08:43:37 PM
Day 1: Full body workout A
Day 2: Cardio
Day 3: Cardio
Day 4: Full body workout B
Day 5: Cardio
Day 6: Cardio
Day 7: Full body workout A
Day 8: Cardio
Day 9: Cardio
Day 10: Full body workout B


Cardio is optional.

Title: Re: how many of you guys hit the iron 6 times a week?
Post by: CalvinH on July 12, 2017, 08:29:24 AM
I'm sure he cares about this.

I'd go.......Driver, 5 iron, 9 iron, and putt with the 5 iron.

Seeing as I'm the reigning champ three year running {with the trophy to show for it 8)} I'd say you are totally wrong and would be easily defeated by me.
6 iron,wedge,putter. 
Title: Re: how many of you guys hit the iron 6 times a week?
Post by: mazrim on July 12, 2017, 10:12:31 AM
6 or 7
Title: Re: how many of you guys hit the iron 6 times a week?
Post by: Yanin on July 18, 2017, 03:29:16 AM
In my 20s 6-7 days religiously, even hungover or still high from the nights before, then around 27-28 my joints hurt too much so I took a 6 month break got I'm 31 and take various compounds and hiring 3-4x a week...