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Getbig Main Boards => General Topics => Topic started by: SF1900 on May 19, 2018, 10:41:40 AM

Title: SF1900's rants against pitbulls
Post by: SF1900 on May 19, 2018, 10:41:40 AM

Gulfport Police said the two pit bulls who attacked and killed an elderly woman on Wednesday, have been put down.

Their owner, Emily Craft, who is facing charges because of another attack last year, voluntarily gave up the two dogs to Gulfport Animal Control Officers after the woman was killed. They were then taken to the Gulfport Humane Society.

GPD said "Animals with aggressive tendencies can not be adopted out into the public. Animals that can not be adopted are euthanized. The pit bulls in this case have shown by a prior allegation of attacking another dog, and by killing a person, that they are aggressive, and cannot be adopted to the public."

Gulfport Police said an elderly woman was mauled to death by two pit bulls Wednesday morning.

The attack happened just before 8 a.m. on Deidra Court. When officers arrived on the scene, they found the 75-year-old victim dead.

“We heard a cry, a scream…There was pieces of clothing and stuff all in the front yard… I hit the floor when I found out it was her,” said next door neighbor Diana Jones. “She had a lot of love in her heart."

Investigators said the woman was on a walk when she opened a gate into a fenced yard of a neighbor. While in the yard, police said two pit bulls attacked her.

Her family has identified her as Georgia Ruth Morgan, known around the neighborhood as "the can lady." She collected people’s cans to donate money to her church, so she roamed the neighborhood almost every day. And in the same way she was well-known on that street, so were the pit bulls.

The dog owner, 32-year-old Emily Craft, surrendered the pit bulls to Gulfport Animal Control after the attack. She was later arrested on charges unrelated to the deadly dog attack. Those charges are Dog at Large, and Vicious Animal. Police said Craft's arrest stems from an incident that happened in July 2017. In that case, police said Craft's pit bulls attacked another dog on Deidra Court.

That dog, was Jones', the same next door neighbor who saw the aftermath of Wednesday's attack, quoted above. She said her dog has been attacked by the pit bulls more than once, but the first time, she didn't press charges.

She told us, Craft's pit bulls have always been aggressive.

“They would get through here [the fence], and they was crawling under the fence.”

And just like Jones and other neighbors, Morgan’s family is in shock too.

“It was horrific, it was just terrible to see that call that, that had happened to her. It’s terrible, I mean she was such a sweet lady…she loved the Lord, and her family,” the victim's niece, Laquita Maxwell told FOX10 News.

Wednesday's dog attack is still under investigation and no charges for that incident have been filed.

All content © 2018, WALA; Mobile, AL. (A Meredith Corporation Station). All Rights Reserved.  
Title: Re: Elderly Gulfport woman killed in pit bull attack; dogs put down
Post by: muscleman-2017 on May 19, 2018, 11:04:00 AM
I really hope Emily does time in jail for this.
Title: Re: Elderly Gulfport woman killed in pit bull attack; dogs put down
Post by: IroNat on May 19, 2018, 11:42:38 AM
Owners of pitbulls usually respond that their pitbull is just the sweetest and so gentle and would never harm anyone.

Then they post pics of their dog who looks just darling.

A chihuahua could also bite someone but the results are not as spectacular.

Kind of like comparing a BB gun to a shotgun.

Title: Re: Elderly Gulfport woman killed in pit bull attack; dogs put down
Post by: benchmstr on May 19, 2018, 12:00:23 PM
Terrible owners=terrible dogs

I have always owned bull breeds and never had an issue...but once these hood rats with violent tendencies who can’t keep themselves or their kids out of jail decide to get a powerful dog? What do you expect will happen?

Title: Re: Elderly Gulfport woman killed in pit bull attack; dogs put down
Post by: ESFitness on May 19, 2018, 06:41:17 PM
Maybe she shoulda stayed out of other peoples yards. Was probably littering her neighbors doors with carp about her churchs luncheon that weekend.
Title: Re: Elderly Gulfport woman killed in pit bull attack; dogs put down
Post by: Royalty on May 19, 2018, 06:44:05 PM
Maybe she shoulda stayed out of other peoples yards. Was probably littering her neighbors doors with carp about her churchs luncheon that weekend.

Title: Re: Elderly Gulfport woman killed in pit bull attack; dogs put down
Post by: muscleman-2017 on May 19, 2018, 08:38:20 PM
Maybe she shoulda stayed out of other peoples yards. Was probably littering her neighbors doors with carp about her churchs luncheon that weekend.

I'm sure if she was collecting for the local synagogue you'd be deeply disturbed by matter.

Oy Vey you low life shabbos goy.
Title: Re: Elderly Gulfport woman killed in pit bull attack; dogs put down
Post by: SF1900 on May 20, 2018, 02:10:31 AM
In the wake of two reported attacks by pit bulls in the last week — one fatally killing a 75-year-old woman and another biting a 9-year-old girl — Gulfport police have released numbers of reported dog bites over the last two years.

The numbers include reported incidents of dogs biting people from May 2016 until May 2018.

In the past two years, Gulfport police say there have been 106 incidents of dogs "at large" biting people, compared to 13 of dogs that weren't "at large."

Pit bulls accounted for 63 of the total incidents, including 56 "at large" incidents. The next breed was the shepherd with all six incidents happening "at large."

Labradors accounted for five total incidents, followed by boxers with four and both Rottweiler and Chihuahua with three apiece.

Bulldogs and chows both had two reported incidents apiece.
Title: Florida boy, 4, attacked by pit bull in Winn-Dixie parking lotto
Post by: SF1900 on May 20, 2018, 02:13:50 AM

A dog owner says he will try to retrieve his pet from animal services after it attacked a small child in Southwest Florida.

The incident happened Friday in the parking lot of Winn Dixie in St. Jame City, Fla.

The 4-year-old child involved in the attack was flown to Tampa General Hospital for injuries on his face, but his family said he is expected to make a speedy recovery.

Meanwhile, Sage, the 4-year-old pit bull, is quarantined at Lee County Animal Services until May 21. Surveillance video showed the dog dart between cars and take down the child. Despite the incident, her owner believes Sage is a sweet dog, and said the incident was an accident.

Animal control officers in Fort Myers could not comment on the incident specifically, but said a dog is not automatically euthanized because of an attack.

"It depends on the severity of the bite or scratch, or if there is a propensity," said Karen Fordiani, Public Information Specialist at Lee Animal Services.

According to Fordiani, in the case of dog attacks, animal services may designate a pet as a "dangerous animal."

A pet owner can either appeal the designation, or accept it, and get their dog back under very strict conditions.

"If they decide to do that, they'll have to pay a $1,500 registration fee for their animal, they'll have to have signs at every entrance and exit of their residence, we have to come inspect," she said.

The owner would have to comply with regular inspections from animal control to make sure their residence is secure, their dog would have to be muzzled and on a harness any time it leaves home and pay a $500 annual fee to have their pet.

Fordiani said the law is designed this way so that if a pet owner follows all guidelines pertaining to the dangerous animal designation, there should not be a second attack.

The dog's owner plans to go through the process to get his pet returned to him and said he wishes the child well.
Title: Re: Elderly Gulfport woman killed in pit bull attack; dogs put down
Post by: Bevo on May 20, 2018, 02:17:02 AM
In the wake of two reported attacks by pit bulls in the last week — one fatally killing a 75-year-old woman and another biting a 9-year-old girl — Gulfport police have released numbers of reported dog bites over the last two years.

The numbers include reported incidents of dogs biting people from May 2016 until May 2018.

In the past two years, Gulfport police say there have been 106 incidents of dogs "at large" biting people, compared to 13 of dogs that weren't "at large."

Pit bulls accounted for 63 of the total incidents, including 56 "at large" incidents. The next breed was the shepherd with all six incidents happening "at large."

Labradors accounted for five total incidents, followed by boxers with four and both Rottweiler and Chihuahua with three apiece.

Bulldogs and chows both had two reported incidents apiece.

They are shit dogs made worse by the people that own them

Bostin Lloyd’s pitbull is going to kill their son one day while biting off his micro dick a long the way

His stupid girl already had an incident with one and decides to get another one ::)

Title: Re: Florida boy, 4, attacked by pit bull in Winn-Dixie parking lotto
Post by: DroppingPlates on May 20, 2018, 02:24:50 AM
Maybe the pit bull ate a slice of Ezekiel bread?
Title: injuries of two-month-old girl who was attacked in her bouncy chair by pitbull
Post by: SF1900 on May 20, 2018, 02:33:42 AM

A two-month-old girl is in hospital after being attacked by her neighbor's pit bull as she played in her bouncy chair.

Baby Jemma-Linda Gonzalez was in the backyard of her home in San Diego, California, with her mother when their neighbor's dog sprung at her on Monday afternoon.

She was sitting in a bouncy chair and the motion is believed to have triggered the dog. 

The animal savaged her in front of her mother and its owner, puncturing her eyesockets and leaving her covered in blood and with broken bones in her little face.

Eventually, the dog's owner was able to pry it off of her by sticking his hand in its mouth.

Jemma-Linda was taken away by ambulance to hospital where she remains in a serious but stable condition after undergoing surgery.

The dog was put down afterwards.

Now, the infant's family are fundraising to pay her medical bills. They hope to raise $10,000 through a GoFundMe page found here.

'She has a broken nose, punctured eye sockets, misplaced jawline, fractured cranium, a torn lip, brain punctured, & a crack behind her ear.
Title: Re: injuries of two-month-old girl who was attacked in her bouncy chair by pitbull
Post by: Conker on May 20, 2018, 02:35:38 AM
ban pitbull triggering bouncy chairs
Title: Re: injuries of two-month-old girl who was attacked in her bouncy chair by pitbull
Post by: muscleman-2017 on May 20, 2018, 02:39:25 AM
Maybe she shoulda stayed out of bouncy chairs and attracting the attention of innocent dogs.
Title: Re: Florida boy, 4, attacked by pit bull in Winn-Dixie parking lotto
Post by: muscleman-2017 on May 20, 2018, 02:40:41 AM
Maybe she shoulda stayed out of public streets, running and playing probably set that poor dog off.  Goddamned kid.
Title: Re: Florida boy, 4, attacked by pit bull in Winn-Dixie parking lotto
Post by: BayGBM on May 20, 2018, 04:42:58 AM
If your dog is darting between cars and attacking a 4 year old in a parking lot then it is not “a sweet dog.”  In all cases, the dog owner is responsible.  Why wasn’t the dog on a leash and under the control of the owner?  Anything with teeth can bite—including cats—but if your dog can do serious damage when it bites, you have a special obligation to make sure it is always under your control.  There can never be an exception to this.  I raised my pit since she was a puppy.  All the kids in my neighborhood watched her grow up and played with her during that time.  She knows all my neighbors and all the nearby dogs.  Even so, when she interacts with small children or small dogs she is on a short leash and under my complete control.  If she were to attack an innocent 4 year old I would have her put down without a second thought, and I would not be defending her as a sweet dog.
Title: Re: Elderly Gulfport woman killed in pit bull attack; dogs put down
Post by: Kwon on May 20, 2018, 05:31:19 AM

Soon it'll happen in San Diego and Florida as well..
Title: Re: Florida boy, 4, attacked by pit bull in Winn-Dixie parking lotto
Post by: Kwon on May 20, 2018, 05:31:53 AM

Soon it'll happen in San Diego and Gulfport as well...
Title: Re: injuries of two-month-old girl who was attacked in her bouncy chair by pitbull
Post by: Kwon on May 20, 2018, 05:32:38 AM

Soon it'll happen in Gulfport and Florida as well...
Title: Re: Elderly Gulfport woman killed in pit bull attack; dogs put down
Post by: Parker on May 20, 2018, 05:39:59 AM

They are shit dogs made worse by the people that own them

Bostin Lloyd’s pitbull is going to kill their son one day while biting off his micro dick a long the way

His stupid girl already had an incident with one and decides to get another one ::)

And these are the types of people who have kids these days.
Title: Re: Florida boy, 4, attacked by pit bull in Winn-Dixie parking lotto
Post by: obsidian on May 20, 2018, 07:39:45 AM

A dog owner says he will try to retrieve his pet from animal services after it attacked a small child in Southwest Florida.

Dog owner is not qualified to have this dog. Dog should have been on a leash period. Dog owner qualifies for impalement and should worry about that instead! Dumb fuck!
Title: Re: Florida boy, 4, attacked by pit bull in Winn-Dixie parking lotto
Post by: NarcissisticDeity on May 20, 2018, 07:41:58 AM
Ban 4 year olds
Title: Re: Florida boy, 4, attacked by pit bull in Winn-Dixie parking lotto
Post by: obsidian on May 20, 2018, 07:48:59 AM
Ban 4 year olds
Good idea. Pitbull was 4 years old lol! I love animals and would not want to see a Pit bull suffer but you have to realize when you have a fuck up on your hands with some of these breeds - created by man. A Pit bull darting through traffic hunting down a 4 year old kid is not a good situation at all. Kid is lucky to be alive.
Title: Re: Florida boy, 4, attacked by pit bull in Winn-Dixie parking lotto
Post by: Ronnie Rep on May 20, 2018, 08:10:04 AM
Good idea. Pitbull was 4 years old lol! I love animals and would not want to see a Pit bull suffer but you have to realize when you have a fuck up on your hands with some of these breeds - created by man. A Pit bull darting through traffic hunting down a 4 year old kid is not a good situation at all. Kid is lucky to be alive.
Amen. It's a sweet dog. Bread to attack and fight.
Title: Re: Florida boy, 4, attacked by pit bull in Winn-Dixie parking lotto
Post by: Rascal full on May 20, 2018, 09:37:12 AM
If your dog is darting between cars and attacking a 4 year old in a parking lot then it is not “a sweet dog.”  In all cases, the dog owner is responsible.  Why wasn’t the dog on a leash and under the control of the owner?  Anything with teeth can bite—including cats—but if your dog can do serious damage when it bites, you have a special obligation to make sure it is always under your control.  There can never be an exception to this.  I raised my pit since she was a puppy.  All the kids in my neighborhood watched her grow up and played with her during that time.  She knows all my neighbors and all the nearby dogs.  Even so, when she interacts with small children or small dogs she is on a short leash and under my complete control.  If she were to attack an innocent 4 year old I would have her put down without a second thought, and I would not be defending her as a sweet dog.

Looks like a lovely dog you have there. I want to believe it is nurture not nature that causes these attacks but you always have to be aware of what they are capable of and act accordingly.
Title: Re: Florida boy, 4, attacked by pit bull in Winn-Dixie parking lotto
Post by: BayGBM on May 20, 2018, 10:05:22 AM
Looks like a lovely dog you have there. I want to believe it is nurture not nature that causes these attacks but you always have to be aware of what they are capable of and act accordingly.

Agreed. I am very mindful that if she were to aggressively bite someone the damage would be considerable.  That is one reason I wanted to raise her from a puppy.  Adopted dogs have a past that you know nothing about; you don't know what words, behaviors, or scenes might trigger aggression in them.  I nurtured her personality and she has never been exposed to aggressive behavior.  My cousin has a dog and they play well together... but never in an aggressive manner.  Even so, if she were to become aggressive or bite someone she would be history... and I have told her this.  Believe it or not, I have no doubt that she understands me when I speak to her.
Title: Re: Florida boy, 4, attacked by pit bull in Winn-Dixie parking lotto
Post by: The Scott on May 20, 2018, 10:17:29 AM
Agreed. I am very mindful that if she were to aggressively bite someone the damage would be considerable.  That is one reason I wanted to raise her from a puppy.  Adopted dogs have a past that you know nothing about; you don't know what words, behaviors, or scenes might trigger aggression in them.  I nurtured her personality and she has never been exposed to aggressive behavior.  My cousin has a dog and they play well together... but never in an aggressive manner.  Even so, if she were to become aggressive or bite someone she would be history... and I have told her this.  Believe it or not, I have no doubt that she understands me when I speak to her.

Well said.  Dogs are pretty smart!  Your pooch is a real beauty.  I used to have an English Bull Terrier.  Long gone because of attitude problems.  He was a rescue and ultimately had to be put down.  The most powerful dog I have ever been around. 

Built like a freakin' tank and incredibly powerful.   Had him for about two weeks during which we all tried to get him to acclimate but he was far too aggressive to risk having him around our family let alone friends or strangers.
Title: Re: SF1900's rants against pitbulls
Post by: Coach is Back! on May 20, 2018, 10:18:44 AM
Keep kids in school to protect them from Pitbulls
Title: Re: Florida boy, 4, attacked by pit bull in Winn-Dixie parking lotto
Post by: Montague on May 20, 2018, 10:34:52 AM
If your dog is darting between cars and attacking a 4 year old in a parking lot then it is not “a sweet dog.”  In all cases, the dog owner is responsible.  Why wasn’t the dog on a leash and under the control of the owner?  Anything with teeth can bite—including cats—but if your dog can do serious damage when it bites, you have a special obligation to make sure it is always under your control.  There can never be an exception to this.  I raised my pit since she was a puppy.  All the kids in my neighborhood watched her grow up and played with her during that time.  She knows all my neighbors and all the nearby dogs.  Even so, when she interacts with small children or small dogs she is on a short leash and under my complete control.  If she were to attack an innocent 4 year old I would have her put down without a second thought, and I would not be defending her as a sweet dog.

Excellent post, Bay!!
Title: Re: Florida boy, 4, attacked by pit bull in Winn-Dixie parking lotto
Post by: BayGBM on May 20, 2018, 01:06:49 PM

Well said.  Dogs are pretty smart!  Your pooch is a real beauty.  I used to have an English Bull Terrier.  Long gone because of attitude problems.  He was a rescue and ultimately had to be put down.  The most powerful dog I have ever been around. 

Built like a freakin' tank and incredibly powerful.   Had him for about two weeks during which we all tried to get him to acclimate but he was far too aggressive to risk having him around our family let alone friends or strangers.

I would never adopt a pit bull.  The risk is too great: you have no way of knowing what their history is and what will set them off.  Their personality is already set, but you have no way of knowing how it is likely to manifest.  My dog has played with my neighbor's kids (one is as young as two years old), but she is always on leash and subject to my control.  That family also has a dog and the kids have no sense of fear or anxiety about playing with or petting my dog (even if I do).

Obviously, I love dogs--especially mine, but I have no illusions about the damage they can do if they are aggressive.  And I hate when a dog mauls someone and the owner tries to defend it as "sweet."  It is no different from when some thug commits a horrible crime and his mother is telling the news media what a "good boy" he is.  There are a lot of bad parents out there... and a lot of bad dog owners.
Title: Re: Florida boy, 4, attacked by pit bull in Winn-Dixie parking lotto
Post by: chaos on May 20, 2018, 05:16:05 PM
I would never adopt a pit bull.  The risk is too great: you have no way of knowing what their history is and what will set them off.  Their personality is already set, but you have no way of knowing how it is likely to manifest.  My dog has played with my neighbor's kids (one is as young as two years old), but she is always on leash and subject to my control.  That family also has a dog and the kids have no sense of fear or anxiety about playing with or petting my dog (even if I do).

Obviously, I love dogs--especially mine, but I have no illusions about the damage they can do if they are aggressive.  And I hate when a dog mauls someone and the owner tries to defend it as "sweet."  It is no different from when some thug commits a horrible crime and his mother is telling the news media what a "good boy" he is.  There are a lot of bad parents out there... and a lot of bad dog owners.
Tell me you're not wearing socks with sandals please. :-[
Title: 6 year Old KILLED by FAMILY pitbull.
Post by: SF1900 on May 26, 2018, 04:05:42 PM

(ALTOONA, Pa.) — Authorities say a pit bull has attacked and killed a 6-year-old boy in Pennsylvania.

The Blair County coroner says the child died of blunt-force trauma from the dog attack that occurred just before 6 p.m. Thursday in Lakemont.

Family friend Rick Vaughan, tells The Altoona Mirror the boy’s father heard the mother screaming and found the dog on top of the boy. The father pulled the dog away, but the child succumbed to his injuries.

Authorities say the dog that killed the boy is now dead, but they haven’t disclosed further details about its death. The family also asked police to take a second dog from the home for an undisclosed reason.

Family friend Rick Vaughan told the newspaper that the boy's father heard the mother screaming at about 6 p.m. and found the dog on top of the boy. The father pulled the dog away, but the child succumbed to his injuries,

The boy’s name has not been released.

Title: Re: 6 year Old KILLED by FAMILY pitbull.
Post by: Agnostic007 on May 26, 2018, 04:27:44 PM
But pit bulls are only as mean as how they are raised. Otherwise they are loving caring blah blah blah blah.
Title: Re: 6 year Old KILLED by FAMILY pitbull.
Post by: SF1900 on May 26, 2018, 04:38:04 PM
But pit bulls are only as mean as how they are raised. Otherwise they are loving caring blah blah blah blah.

Yup. It smashes the narrative that the only bad pitbulls are raised by bad families.

This pitbull was supposedly raised by a good family.
Title: Re: 6 year Old KILLED by FAMILY pitbull.
Post by: falco on May 26, 2018, 04:42:42 PM
Poor boy. Horrible.
Title: Re: 6 year Old KILLED by FAMILY pitbull.
Post by: Zillotch on May 26, 2018, 04:46:22 PM
by the numbers (randomly pulled off the net with no research whatsoever, lol): (


To compare characteristics of gender, age, body part and breed in dog bites.


We reviewed 14 956 dog bites (4195 paediatric) reported to the Allegheny County Health Department, USA, between 2007 and 2015. Using predefined age groups, we performed linear regression to assess for subject age and bite frequency and used binary logistic regression to evaluate for differences in gender and body part. We used chi‐squared test with Bonferroni correction to evaluate for differences in reported breeds with age.


There was a negative correlation (−0.80, r2 = 0.64) between age and bite frequency. Children 0–3 years had a higher odds ratio (OR) of bites to the face [21.12, 95% confidence interval (CI): 17.61–25.33] and a lower OR of bites to the upper (OR: 0.14, 95% CI: 0.12–0.18) and lower (OR: 0.19, 95% CI: 0.14–0.27) extremities. ‘Pit bulls’ accounted for 27.2% of dog bites and were more common in children 13–18 years (p < 0.01). Shih‐Tzu bites were more common in children three years of age and younger (p < 0.01).


Dog bites occur with higher frequency at younger ages, and head and neck injuries are more common in younger children. Pit bull bites are more common in adolescents and Shih‐Tzu bites more common in younger children.

Dog bites in a U.S. county: broken down by

Breed - Total no. bites - 0–3 years - Four to six years - Seven years to 12 years - 13–18 years - >18 years    No. county registrations (%)a

Pit Bull    1687 (27.2%)    66 (20.7%)    90 (6.0%)    207 (30.4%)    184 (36.7%)    1140 (26.4%)    886 (4.9%)
German Shepherd    647 (10.5%)    29 (9.1%)    33 (8.9%)    75 (11.0%)    46 (9.2%)    464 (10.7%)    930 (5.2%)
Labrador Retriever    448 (7.2%)    24 (0.8%)    30 (8.1%)    52 (7.6%)    30 (6.0%)    312 (7.2%)    1787 (10.0%)
Boxer    282 (4.6%)    14 (4.4%)    13 (3.5%)    29 (4.3%)    20 (4.0%)    206 (4.8%)    580 (3.3%)
Rottweiler    240 (3.9%)    9 (2.8%)    12 (3.2%)    20 (2.9%)    27 (5.3%)    172 (4.0%)    241 (1.4%)
Beagle    202 (3.3%)    17 (5.3%)    6 (1.6%)    24 (3.5%)    18 (3.6%)    137 (3.2%)    682 (3.8%)
Jack Russell    181 (2.9%)    8 (2.5%)    12 (3.2%)    20 (2.9%)    9 (1.8%)    132 (3.1%)    153 (0.86%)
Bulldog    177 (2.9%)    10 (3.1%)    13 (3.5%)    24 (3.5%)    12 (2.4%)    118 (2.7%)    395 (2.2%)
Chihuahua    160 (2.6%)    11 (3.4%)    13 (3.5%)    18 (2.6%)    6 (1.2%)    112 (2.6%)    778 (4.4%)
Husky    145 (2.3%)    7 (2.2%)    9 (2.4%)    6 (0.9%)    13 (2.6%)    110 (2.5%)    226 (1.3%)
Golden Retriever    140 (2.3%)    6 (1.9%)    9 (2.4%)    6 (2.8%)    14 (2.8%)    90 (2.1%)    1062 (6.0%)
Dachshund    137 (2.2%)    9 (2.8%)    7 (1.9%)    14 (2.1%)    9 (1.8%)    98 (2.3%)    504 (2.8%)
Mastiff    116 (1.9%)    5 (1.6%)    6 (1.6%)    14 (2.1%)    9 (1.8%)    82 (1.9%)    158 (0.90%)
Shih‐Tzu    115 (1.9%)    18 (5.6%)    12 (3.2%)    13 (1.9%)    8 (1.6%)    64 (1.5%)    756 (4.2%)
Poodle    79 (1.6%)    7 (2.2%)    0 (0%)    4 (0.6%)    14 (2.8%)    74 (1.7%)    371 (2.1%)
Cocker Spaniel    90 (1.5%)    7 (2.2%)    6 (1.6%)    7 (1.0%)    5 (1.0%)    65 (1.5%)    271 (1.5%)
Yorkshire Terrier    84 (1.4%)    1 (0.3%)    9 (2.4%)    10 (1.5%)    8 (1.6%)    56 (1.3%)    633 (3.6%)
Great Dane    79 (1.3%)    5 (1.6%)    8 (2.2%)    11 (1.6%)    0 (0%)    55 (1.2%)    96 (0.54%)

Australian Shepherd    70 (1.1%)    2 (0.6%)    6 (1.6%)    9 (1.3%)    3 (0.6%)    50 (1.2%)    177 (0.99%)
Doberman Pinscher    68 (1.1%)    5 (1.6%)    3 (0.8%)    10 (1.5%)    6 (1.2%)    44 (1.0%)    147 (0.82%)
Boston Terrier    67 (1.1%)    4 (1.3%)    9 (2.4%)    5 (0.7%)    7 (1.4%)    42 (1.0%)    200 (1.1%)
Border Collie    66 (1.1%)    5 (1.6%)    5 (1.4%)    6 (0.9%)    1 (0.2%)    49 (1.1%)    186 (1.0%)
Akita    64 (0.9%)    3 (0.9%)    7 (1.9%)    11 (1.6%)    4 (0.8%)    39 (0.9%)    31 (0.12%)
Collie    63 (1.0%)    1 (0.3%)    6 (1.6%)    7 (1.0%)    8 (1.6%)    41 (0.9%)    100 (0.56%)
Title: Re: 6 year Old KILLED by FAMILY pitbull.
Post by: robcguns on May 26, 2018, 04:49:40 PM
That must of been horrific.all pit bulls should be destroyed.
Title: Re: 6 year Old KILLED by FAMILY pitbull.
Post by: NarcissisticDeity on May 26, 2018, 05:05:28 PM
Ban families
Title: Re: 6 year Old KILLED by FAMILY pitbull.
Post by: SF1900 on May 26, 2018, 05:54:43 PM
I was raised and bred pits my whole life. First dog that bit me was shih tzu. Never been bit by another dog. I think part of the problem is young kids are rough with the dogs, and most of these dogs are raised by beta males.

You have to be the pack leader. Dont get a big dog if you are not going to train it properly and be domimant. Get a cat if you dont plan on training them.

But a shitzu will unlikely kill you.

A pitbull will tear your face off and eat your insides.
Title: Re: 6 year Old KILLED by FAMILY pitbull.
Post by: Purge_WTF on May 26, 2018, 05:59:47 PM
 Pit Bulls are naturally aggressive dogs and aren't very even-tempered.
Title: Re: 6 year Old KILLED by FAMILY pitbull.
Post by: SF1900 on May 26, 2018, 06:06:01 PM
Obviously. Shih tzus are my favorite breed but pits are not bad you just cant be beta with them.

There is too much evidence to say they are not “bad” dogs.
Title: Re: 6 year Old KILLED by FAMILY pitbull.
Post by: Dokey111 on May 26, 2018, 06:07:46 PM
Pit Bulls are naturally aggressive dogs and aren't very even-tempered.

and don't forget DUMB
Title: Re: 6 year Old KILLED by FAMILY pitbull.
Post by: Bevo on May 26, 2018, 06:09:39 PM
Obviously. Shih tzus are my favorite breed but pits are not bad you just cant be beta with them.

I just don’t understand why go through all that just to have a pit bull

Get a Yorkie, husky, shiba, golden retriever and save the hassle

Don’t have to be afraid of guests getting mauled or killed esp little kids
Title: Re: 6 year Old KILLED by FAMILY pitbull.
Post by: Zillotch on May 26, 2018, 06:10:30 PM
There is too much evidence to say they are not “bad” dogs.

badass, maybe... like a bear, or lion
Title: Re: 6 year Old KILLED by FAMILY pitbull.
Post by: Bevo on May 26, 2018, 06:11:55 PM
Pit Bulls are naturally aggressive dogs and aren't very even-tempered.

Ding ding ding

Combine that with trash owners and you get what you ge t
Title: Re: 6 year Old KILLED by FAMILY pitbull.
Post by: nativeMUSCLE on May 26, 2018, 06:26:10 PM
Buncha slack jawed f@ggot$ in this thread.
Title: Re: 6 year Old KILLED by FAMILY pitbull.
Post by: Bevo on May 26, 2018, 06:28:55 PM
Buncha slack jawed f@ggot$ in this thread.

Predator was such a great movie
Title: Re: 6 year Old KILLED by FAMILY pitbull.
Post by: Agnostic007 on May 26, 2018, 06:57:34 PM
I was raised and bred pits my whole life. First dog that bit me was shih tzu. Never been bit by another dog. I think part of the problem is young kids are rough with the dogs, and most of these dogs are raised by beta males.

You have to be the pack leader. Dont get a big dog if you are not going to train it properly and be domimant. Get a cat if you dont plan on training them.

Could  be but there is more than one story where husband comes home, finds wife torn apart from their family pit bull. At some point, it starts to really feel the odds of being attacked by your pit bull (and be devastating or fatal ) are higher than other breeds so why risk it
Title: Re: 6 year Old KILLED by FAMILY pitbull.
Post by: rocket on May 26, 2018, 08:14:20 PM
The bigger question is whether the dog shows signs of aggression, prior to the incident.

I remember one of the people I used to live with getting a pitbull to dogsit on the weekend for someone.  It was a walking cloud of anger.  It was just tied up outside so I thought I better give it something to do.  So I took it to the park and I'm sitting down, with it being all happy and shit it just snapped and absolutely angrily bellowed at me, right in my face and this is when I'm being pretty careful around what seemed to be an extremely temperamental dog.  Like, no prompt.  I'm not pulling his tail or anything.  It was absolutely unhinged.  It could have easily taken a bite out of my face at that moment.

I know for absolute sure whoever owned that dog must have known that their dog was a dog attack waiting to happen.
Title: Re: 6 year Old KILLED by FAMILY pitbull.
Post by: Matt on May 26, 2018, 08:39:51 PM

The first Unsolved Mysteries pre-Robert Stack special which aired on NBC featured a crook who escaped to Altoona:
Title: Re: 6 year Old KILLED by FAMILY pitbull.
Post by: obsidian on May 26, 2018, 09:40:22 PM
I think if one of my close relatives was ever killed viciously by a Pit bull that I would go on a mass murder rampage killing everything in sight until I am taken out. So for your own safety don't let your Pit bulls kill one of my relatives and get rid of them ASAP.
Title: Re: 6 year Old KILLED by FAMILY pitbull.
Post by: Powerlift66 on May 27, 2018, 03:21:15 AM
Im not too comfortable w/the one we have now. My dumb-ass neighbor stuck his hand over my fence, dog tried to tear his arm off.
I wont get another one after this one is gone...

Kinda sucks... I'm attached to her 'cause she is sweet w/ us,but I can see if a man comes near, he's done for. (She likes girls/woman though).
Must have been kicked around by a guy Im guessing... We got the muzzle for her anyways...
Title: Re: 6 year Old KILLED by FAMILY pitbull.
Post by: Skylge on May 27, 2018, 07:22:35 AM
Pitbulls and children do not mix....stupid parents should be put down
Title: Re: 6 year Old KILLED by FAMILY pitbull.
Post by: chaos on May 27, 2018, 07:44:23 AM
There is too much evidence to say they are not “bad” dogs.
Apply this logic to people and you're melting down about racism. ::)
Title: Re: 6 year Old KILLED by FAMILY pitbull.
Post by: SF1900 on May 27, 2018, 08:06:44 AM
Apply this logic to people and you're melting down about racism. ::)

Title: Re: 6 year Old KILLED by FAMILY pitbull.
Post by: Montague on May 27, 2018, 04:42:04 PM
Buncha slack jawed f@ggot$ in this thread.

Title: Re: SF1900's rants against pitbulls
Post by: SF1900 on May 28, 2018, 06:29:55 AM
Can we sticky this thread for future reference?
Title: 8 month old girl dies in pitbull attack
Post by: SF1900 on May 31, 2018, 02:00:17 AM,amp.html

A baby girl in a bouncy chair died Wednesday after one of her family’s three pit bulls attacked her.

The 8-month-old child was in the care of a grandmother during Wednesday’s attack outside the home in the 2400 block of Kingston Drive, police said

She was the best thing to ever happen to me," Brenda Villasin told reporters about her daughter, Liana Valino. “She was my world.”

Villasin said before she goes to work, she drops off her daughter at the grandmother's home. "Nobody wakes up in the morning and thinks they are going to lose the person they love," Villasin said, according to WPLG-Ch. 10.

The baby was bitten about 11:30 a.m. when “the child was in a bedroom and was in a bouncy chair,” Miramar Police Officer Yessenia Diaz said.

The male pit bull was 3 or 4 years old and was raised by the family since it was a puppy, Diaz said. Its sibling and mother, both pit bulls, also are kept by the family.

Early Wednesday afternoon, all three dogs were removed from the property. "I don't know what the outcome will be of the dog [suspected in the attack],” Diaz said.

Jackie Knapp, of New Jersey, was visiting her sister, Ivelisse Machado, who lives down the street from where the baby was attacked.

Title: Re: 8 month old girl dies in pitbull attack
Post by: falco on May 31, 2018, 11:16:23 AM
The website is blocked for european countries. Great! ::)
Title: Re: 8 month old girl dies in pitbull attack
Post by: Agnostic007 on May 31, 2018, 07:25:21 PM
If only there was a supernatural spirit, something that looks out for us, is responsible for my teams touchdowns. the cool job promotion, healing grandma's rheumatism, that could see an attack like that about to happen and intervene. That would be cool