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Getbig Main Boards => Politics and Political Issues Board => Topic started by: Howard on May 23, 2018, 03:02:23 PM

Title: Open question for all Trump supporters
Post by: Howard on May 23, 2018, 03:02:23 PM
I know how I feel about Trump and my views are well known on the forum.
I'd sincerely like to know how those on the "other side" think/feel.

Title: Re: Open question for all Trump supporters
Post by: Yamcha on May 23, 2018, 03:03:56 PM

1. Everything

2. Nothing
Title: Re: Open question for all Trump supporters
Post by: IroNat on May 23, 2018, 03:06:04 PM

Good negotiator
Bad Twitterer
Title: Re: Open question for all Trump supporters
Post by: polychronopolous on May 23, 2018, 03:21:20 PM
See Howard, you ARE capable of making a thread that is actually relevant to this subform and is not just some excuse to segway into one of your tedious, repetitive life stories that we've all heard 100 times before.
Title: Re: Open question for all Trump supporters
Post by: Board_SHERIF on May 23, 2018, 03:37:50 PM
1. Everything

2. Nothing

Title: Re: Open question for all Trump supporters
Post by: Soul Crusher on May 23, 2018, 04:33:31 PM
1. Everything

2. Nothing
Title: Re: Open question for all Trump supporters
Post by: lilhawk1 on May 23, 2018, 06:00:34 PM
1. Everything

2. Nothing

Unbelievably insightful.  This is what a typical Trump supporter has to say.  Basically you have no fucking clue so thats's all you can say.  Kind of like saying Hillary, Obama, etc.  Duh!
Title: Re: Open question for all Trump supporters
Post by: Dos Equis on May 23, 2018, 06:05:02 PM
Unbelievably insightful.  This is what a typical Trump supporter has to say.  Basically you have no fucking clue so thats's all you can say.  Kind of like saying Hillary, Obama, etc.  Duh!

Irony.  Your response isn't insightful at all. 
Title: Re: Open question for all Trump supporters
Post by: Agnostic007 on May 23, 2018, 09:20:36 PM
Unbelievably insightful.  This is what a typical Trump supporter has to say.  Basically you have no fucking clue so thats's all you can say.  Kind of like saying Hillary, Obama, etc.  Duh!

I ask that question of my friends once in a while. what could Trump do that would cause you to stop singing his praises. The answer paraphrased is "as long as he remains rich, white, and hates minorities, I'm with him. If he uses the "N" word, I'll feign disgust for about a week until that passes, then I will continue to post fake memes in support.   
Title: Re: Open question for all Trump supporters
Post by: Coach is Back! on May 23, 2018, 09:26:01 PM
I know how I feel about Trump and my views are well known on the forum.
I'd sincerely like to know how those on the "other side" think/feel.

1. What personal aspects  of Trump's leadership as POTUS, do you like and/or admire?

2. What , if anything would need to happen for you to stop supporting him?

Thanks !

After a year and half what exact policies do you disagree with and why?
Title: Re: Open question for all Trump supporters
Post by: chaos on May 23, 2018, 09:26:23 PM
I ask that question of my friends once in a while. what could Trump do that would cause you to stop singing his praises. The answer paraphrased is "as long as he remains rich, white, and hates minorities, I'm with him. If he uses the "N" word, I'll feign disgust for about a week until that passes, then I will continue to post fake memes in support.   
Title: Re: Open question for all Trump supporters
Post by: Coach is Back! on May 23, 2018, 09:26:56 PM
See Howard, you ARE capable of making a thread that is actually relevant to this subform and is not just some excuse to segway into one of your tedious, repetitive life stories that we've all heard 100 times before.

He’ll fuck it up somehow, watch
Title: Re: Open question for all Trump supporters
Post by: loco on May 24, 2018, 04:08:17 AM
I ask that question of my friends once in a while. what could Trump do that would cause you to stop singing his praises. The answer paraphrased is "as long as he remains rich, white, and hates minorities, I'm with him. If he uses the "N" word, I'll feign disgust for about a week until that passes, then I will continue to post fake memes in support.  

So you associate and make friends with racist, dishonest bastards?

62,984,828 Americans voted for Trump, and few of them are anything like your friends.
Title: Re: Open question for all Trump supporters
Post by: Soul Crusher on May 24, 2018, 04:28:50 AM
I ask that question of my friends once in a while. what could Trump do that would cause you to stop singing his praises. The answer paraphrased is "as long as he remains rich, white, and hates minorities, I'm with him. If he uses the "N" word, I'll feign disgust for about a week until that passes, then I will continue to post fake memes in support.   
Title: Re: Open question for all Trump supporters
Post by: Yamcha on May 24, 2018, 04:29:19 AM
I ask that question of my friends once in a while. what could Trump do that would cause you to stop singing his praises. The answer paraphrased is "as long as he remains rich, white, and hates minorities, I'm with him. If he uses the "N" word, I'll feign disgust for about a week until that passes, then I will continue to post fake memes in support.   

what are fake memes?

god, you are such a boomer. fuck off and die.
Title: Re: Open question for all Trump supporters
Post by: Soul Crusher on May 24, 2018, 04:51:12 AM
This is so simple - on the issues that matter - Trump is awesome and best in my lifetime thus far.  His enemies too signal too me all I need to know as well. 

What could he do to make me abandon him?  Amnesty for the Illegal Alien Nightmares, tax hikes, gun control stuff, etc.

Trump has been far better than I thought he would be as POTUS, the twitter stuff aside. 

What is really the alternative, communist democrats?   GTFO  - they can all go to hell.   

Title: Re: Open question for all Trump supporters
Post by: loco on May 24, 2018, 04:52:28 AM
We all know what stuff he did, both good and bad.

I was curious  what Trump supporters (like you) admired about his leadership style.
That, and what (if anything) would need to happen to change your mind on him.

Thanks, Howard

Howard, why do you care that nearly 1/2 of all voters chose Trump over Hillary?  

Why would you want to change their mind?  Isn't that a little intolerant?  

Why are you such a Hillary evangelist?
Title: Re: Open question for all Trump supporters
Post by: loco on May 24, 2018, 05:47:24 AM
1. I'm trying to understand how Trump supporters think about the man.

2. I've often posted that Hillary is irrelevant now. This is about Trump's leadership style.
Why they dislike Hillary is a different topic.

3. I'm not trying to change minds or political opinions.
I simply want to know more about how OTHERS think ,that are different from me.

Okay.  So Trump made a bunch of promises to his supporters, and in very little time he has so far kept those promises.  What president or any other politician, from any country, in our lifetime has ever done that?

Those promises Trump made are very unpopular to the left, and because he actually kept them that makes him all the more unpopular to the left.

Now, why is it so hard to understand what it is Trump supporters like and admire about him?

What would change their mind?  I suppose turning back time and having Trump not keep the promises he made and so far kept.
Title: Re: Open question for all Trump supporters
Post by: Soul Crusher on May 24, 2018, 05:55:34 AM
Trump wants the 'whole package' in an immigration deal....
washingtonexaminer ^ | 5/24/2018 | Melissa Quinn
Posted on 5/24/2018, 8:49:23 AM by caww

Trump stressed in a new interview that he still wants a "full package" immigration deal from Congress that includes funding for his border wall, an end to chain migration and the visa lottery system, and a permanent fix for current recipients of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.

He told Fox News host Brian Kilmeade that it's “time to get the whole package,” and stressed that border security is a key piece that he must have.

“Unless it includes a wall — and I mean a wall, a real wall — and unless it includes border security, there will be no approvals from me, because I have to either approve it or not,” Trump told Fox News in an interview that aired Thursday... the "full package" also includes limits to chain migration and ending the visa lottery.

“It's ridiculous. We’re going to change the system. We have no choice for the good of our country,” he said.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Title: Re: Open question for all Trump supporters
Post by: mazrim on May 24, 2018, 07:50:55 AM
Agnostic revealing his racism quite a bit lately. Seems to bring up skin color more and more.
Title: Re: Open question for all Trump supporters
Post by: loco on May 24, 2018, 07:59:03 AM
Agnostic revealing his racism quite a bit lately. Seems to bring up skin color more and more.

He certainly admitted that he's a friend of racists.  
Title: Re: Open question for all Trump supporters
Post by: Pray_4_War on May 24, 2018, 09:21:44 AM
1. Everything

2. Nothing

Title: Re: Open question for all Trump supporters
Post by: Agnostic007 on May 24, 2018, 11:09:20 AM
Okay.  So Trump made a bunch of promises to his supporters, and in very little time he has so far kept those promises.  What president or any other politician, from any country, in our lifetime has ever done that?

Those promises Trump made are very unpopular to the left, and because he actually kept them that makes him all the more unpopular to the left.

Now, why is it so hard to understand what it is Trump supporters like and admire about him?

What would change their mind?  I suppose turning back time and having Trump not keep the promises he made and so far kept.

The Promise: “They should build a safe zone. Take a big piece of land in Syria and they have plenty of land, believe me. Build a safe zone for all these people, because I have a heart, I mean these people, it’s horrible to watch, But, they shouldn’t come over here. We should build a safe zone.”
Update April 5th, 2018: No progress on building safe zones for Syrian refugees amidst troop withdrawal announcements

The Promise: “I’m not going to cut Social Security like every other Republican and I’m not going to cut Medicare or Medicaid.”
Update February 14th, 2018: Administration revives previous proposal to cut Social Security disability programs

The Promise: “I’m not going to cut Social Security like every other Republican and I’m not going to cut Medicare or Medicaid.”
Update February 14th, 2018: White House still wants Medicaid overhaul that would likely produce cuts

"If I'm elected president, I will push for a constitutional amendment to impose term limits on all members of Congress."

“One of the first things I’d do in terms of executive order, if I win, will be to sign a strong, strong statement that would go out to the country, out to the world, that anybody killing a police man, a police woman, a police officer, anybody killing a police officer, the death penalty is going to happen,”

“I will ask, to appoint a special prosecutor. We have to investigate Hillary Clinton, and we have to investigate the investigation.”   

“We're cutting Common Core. We're getting rid of Common Core. We're bringing education locally."

"A hiring freeze on all federal employees to reduce federal workforce through attrition (exempting military, public safety, and public health)."

"A complete ban on foreign lobbyists raising money for American elections."

"I would defund it because of the abortion factor, which they say is 3 percent. I don't know what percentage it is. They say it's 3 percent. But I would defund it, because I'm pro-life."

"Immediately add an additional federal investment of $20 billion towards school choice."

"I'm going to open up our libel laws so when they write purposely negative and horrible and false articles, we can sue them and win lots of money.”

Speaking of ISIS, "We're losing a lot of people because of the Internet and we have to do something. We have to go see Bill Gates and a lot of different people that really understand what's happening. We have to talk to them, maybe in certain areas closing that Internet up in some way. Somebody will say, 'oh, freedom of speech, freedom of speech.' These are foolish people… we've got to maybe do something with the Internet because they (ISIS) are recruiting by the thousands, they are leaving our country and then when they come back, we take them back."

“I would bring back waterboarding, and I’d bring back a hell of a lot worse than waterboarding,”

“One of my first acts as president will be to establish a commission on radical Islam which will include reformist voices in the Muslim community who will hopefully work with us."

“We can provide six weeks of paid maternity leave to any mother with a newborn child whose employer does not provide the benefit.”

"Allow individuals to fully deduct health insurance premium payments from their tax returns under the current tax system."

"Allow individuals to use Health Savings Accounts (HSAs). Contributions into HSAs should be tax-free and should be allowed to accumulate."

"Require price transparency from all health care providers, especially doctors and health care organizations like clinics and hospitals."

“Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what the hell is going on.”

"A Trump Administration will also ensure that we start using American steel for American infrastructure." 

“I'm putting the people on notice that are coming here from Syria, as part of this mass migration, that if I win, if I win, they're going back.”

"Instruct the Treasury Secretary to label China a currency manipulator."

We’ve got to get rid of the $19 trillion in debt. ... Well, I would say over a period of eight years. And I’ll tell you why.”

"I would not be a president who took vacations. I would not be a president that takes time off.”  :)

“I’m under a routine audit and it'll be released, and as soon as the audit is finished it will be released."

"The Trump plan will rewrite the tax code to allow working parents to deduct from their income taxes child care expenses for up to four children and elderly dependents."

"The Trump Plan will collapse the current seven tax brackets to three brackets."

"As part of this reform, we will eliminate the carried interest deduction and other special interest loopholes that have been so good for Wall Street investors, and for people like me, but unfair to American workers."

"It can be done. ... It will take place and it will go relatively quickly.  ... If you have the right people, like, in the agencies and the various people that do the balancing ... you can cut the numbers by two pennies and three pennies and balance a budget quickly and have a stronger and better country."

"President Obama wants to change the name of Mt. McKinley to Denali after more than 100 years. Great insult to Ohio. I will change back!"

"I won't have time to play golf"

While he has kept some promises, there are many he hasn't yet. Maybe he will before he leaves office.
Title: Re: Open question for all Trump supporters
Post by: loco on May 24, 2018, 11:20:51 AM
The Promise: “They should build a safe zone. Take a big piece of land in Syria and they have plenty of land, believe me. Build a safe zone for all these people, because I have a heart, I mean these people, it’s horrible to watch, But, they shouldn’t come over here. We should build a safe zone.”
Update April 5th, 2018: No progress on building safe zones for Syrian refugees amidst troop withdrawal announcements

The Promise: “I’m not going to cut Social Security like every other Republican and I’m not going to cut Medicare or Medicaid.”
Update February 14th, 2018: Administration revives previous proposal to cut Social Security disability programs

The Promise: “I’m not going to cut Social Security like every other Republican and I’m not going to cut Medicare or Medicaid.”
Update February 14th, 2018: White House still wants Medicaid overhaul that would likely produce cuts

"If I'm elected president, I will push for a constitutional amendment to impose term limits on all members of Congress."

“One of the first things I’d do in terms of executive order, if I win, will be to sign a strong, strong statement that would go out to the country, out to the world, that anybody killing a police man, a police woman, a police officer, anybody killing a police officer, the death penalty is going to happen,”

“I will ask, to appoint a special prosecutor. We have to investigate Hillary Clinton, and we have to investigate the investigation.”   

“We're cutting Common Core. We're getting rid of Common Core. We're bringing education locally."

"A hiring freeze on all federal employees to reduce federal workforce through attrition (exempting military, public safety, and public health)."

"A complete ban on foreign lobbyists raising money for American elections."

"I would defund it because of the abortion factor, which they say is 3 percent. I don't know what percentage it is. They say it's 3 percent. But I would defund it, because I'm pro-life."

"Immediately add an additional federal investment of $20 billion towards school choice."

"I'm going to open up our libel laws so when they write purposely negative and horrible and false articles, we can sue them and win lots of money.”

Speaking of ISIS, "We're losing a lot of people because of the Internet and we have to do something. We have to go see Bill Gates and a lot of different people that really understand what's happening. We have to talk to them, maybe in certain areas closing that Internet up in some way. Somebody will say, 'oh, freedom of speech, freedom of speech.' These are foolish people… we've got to maybe do something with the Internet because they (ISIS) are recruiting by the thousands, they are leaving our country and then when they come back, we take them back."

“I would bring back waterboarding, and I’d bring back a hell of a lot worse than waterboarding,”

“One of my first acts as president will be to establish a commission on radical Islam which will include reformist voices in the Muslim community who will hopefully work with us."

“We can provide six weeks of paid maternity leave to any mother with a newborn child whose employer does not provide the benefit.”

"Allow individuals to fully deduct health insurance premium payments from their tax returns under the current tax system."

"Allow individuals to use Health Savings Accounts (HSAs). Contributions into HSAs should be tax-free and should be allowed to accumulate."

"Require price transparency from all health care providers, especially doctors and health care organizations like clinics and hospitals."

“Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what the hell is going on.”

"A Trump Administration will also ensure that we start using American steel for American infrastructure." 

“I'm putting the people on notice that are coming here from Syria, as part of this mass migration, that if I win, if I win, they're going back.”

"Instruct the Treasury Secretary to label China a currency manipulator."

We’ve got to get rid of the $19 trillion in debt. ... Well, I would say over a period of eight years. And I’ll tell you why.”

"I would not be a president who took vacations. I would not be a president that takes time off.”  :)

“I’m under a routine audit and it'll be released, and as soon as the audit is finished it will be released."

"The Trump plan will rewrite the tax code to allow working parents to deduct from their income taxes child care expenses for up to four children and elderly dependents."

"The Trump Plan will collapse the current seven tax brackets to three brackets."

"As part of this reform, we will eliminate the carried interest deduction and other special interest loopholes that have been so good for Wall Street investors, and for people like me, but unfair to American workers."

"It can be done. ... It will take place and it will go relatively quickly.  ... If you have the right people, like, in the agencies and the various people that do the balancing ... you can cut the numbers by two pennies and three pennies and balance a budget quickly and have a stronger and better country."

"President Obama wants to change the name of Mt. McKinley to Denali after more than 100 years. Great insult to Ohio. I will change back!"

"I won't have time to play golf"

While he has kept some promises, there are many he hasn't yet. Maybe he will before he leaves office.

Title: Re: Open question for all Trump supporters
Post by: Agnostic007 on May 24, 2018, 11:34:23 AM
To sum it up, each one of those are promises Trump made that he hasn't followed through on. Some are broken, some are just unfulfilled and he may eventually get to them.
Title: Re: Open question for all Trump supporters
Post by: loco on May 24, 2018, 11:57:58 AM
Ok, that's quite alaundry  list and deals with real issues.
I understand that it's tough to separate issues from personal traits, but you're trying.

I'd appreciatte you expanding more on the PERSONAL Traits of Trump's leadership you like or admire.


Howard, you quoted the wrong person.
Title: Re: Open question for all Trump supporters
Post by: chaos on May 24, 2018, 12:02:26 PM
To sum it up, each one of those are promises Trump made that he hasn't followed through on. Some are broken, some are just unfulfilled and he may eventually get to them.
If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.

As we're forced to buy a shitty product or face heavy fines. ::)
Title: Re: Open question for all Trump supporters
Post by: Agnostic007 on May 24, 2018, 07:49:34 PM
If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.

As we're forced to buy a shitty product or face heavy fines. ::)

Good example of one of Obamas "lies". How about the laundry list of Trumps?
Title: Re: Open question for all Trump supporters
Post by: chaos on May 24, 2018, 08:59:04 PM
Good example of one of Obamas "lies". How about the laundry list of Trumps?
Do we really need to list ALL of Obamas lies for you to get the point? Trump has been in office less than a year and a half, lets see how the next 6 1/2 go before judging him.
Title: Re: Open question for all Trump supporters
Post by: Agnostic007 on May 24, 2018, 09:06:06 PM
Do we really need to list ALL of Obamas lies for you to get the point? Trump has been in office less than a year and a half, lets see how the next 6 1/2 go before judging him.

cool beans...
Title: Re: Open question for all Trump supporters
Post by: chaos on May 25, 2018, 06:34:02 AM
I know you weren't the only one, but Obama ( or Hillary) has NOTHING to do with my question.

AGAIN - I just want to learn what "leadership traits"  Trump supporters like or admire .


What ( if anything) needs to happen to change your opinion of him?

I know how I feel , but, I'd like to LEARN how Trump supporters feel .
The fact that he calls it like he sees it without sugarcoating shit, right or wrong.

Time is the only thing that can change that. You guys hate him cause he hurts your feelings, if I'm going to hate him it's going to be for doing a shitty job, like Obama.
Title: Re: Open question for all Trump supporters
Post by: Agnostic007 on May 25, 2018, 12:15:40 PM
The fact that he calls it like he sees it without sugarcoating shit, right or wrong.

Time is the only thing that can change that. You guys hate him cause he hurts your feelings, if I'm going to hate him it's going to be for doing a shitty job, like Obama.

I don't like him because he is ultra unethical. He has no problem lying, especially if it affects his perception of himself. I think for a person in a position of power, he doesn't contemplate the issue before tweeting, partly because he knows he can back off what he just said if it turns out he is wrong or looks stupid. I would prefer he get counsel from advisors, weigh the pros and cons, possible unintended consequences and then implement the decision through the proper channels to be vetted. Announcing major military decision on Tweeter where the Generals see it at the same time the public, just makes for a clusterf%@k they have to fix. He hasn't hurt my feelings once, but he has embarrassed me as an American citizen on several occasions. 
Title: Re: Open question for all Trump supporters
Post by: Straw Man on May 25, 2018, 01:14:36 PM
Do we really need to list ALL of Obamas lies for you to get the point? Trump has been in office less than a year and a half, lets see how the next 6 1/2 go before judging him.

LOL - that is truly hilarious

Never heard any Republicans make that suggestion about Obama

I remember Tea Party people freaking out before he had even taken office and judged him every second of every day from the moment he was sworn in....often on shit that only existed in their imagination.

Title: Re: Open question for all Trump supporters
Post by: Agnostic007 on May 25, 2018, 01:48:41 PM
LOL - that is truly hilarious

Never heard any Republicans make that suggestion about Obama

I remember Tea Party people freaking out before he had even taken office and judged him every second of every day from the moment he was sworn in....often on shit that only existed in their imagination.

That is absolutely true. It is also true that Republicans vowed to stop Obama at every turn no matter if it was good for the country or not. Its also true that people defended Bill Clinton because the economy was doing good and the deficit was being reduced, and she was an adult and the sex was consensual. There is a long history of both parties doing unethical or wrong things and then calling out the other party for doing the exact same thing. Delaying court picks and filibustering are just a couple examples. What I would love to do is to have all sides agree that from this day on, we have to start focusing on what is going on now, and stop pointing back and saying "But so and so did it" It was wrong then, it is wrong now and just because others did it doesn't mean we have to accept it now. But that will likely never come, and the cycle will continue for decades with little changing.  
Title: Re: Open question for all Trump supporters
Post by: Straw Man on May 25, 2018, 02:00:03 PM
That is absolutely true. It is also true that Republicans vowed to stop Obama at every turn no matter if it was good for the country or not. Its also true that people defended Bill Clinton because the economy was doing good and the deficit was being reduced, and she was an adult and the sex was consensual. There is a long history of both parties doing unethical or wrong things and then calling out the other party for doing the exact same thing. Delaying court picks and filibustering are just a couple examples. What I would love to do is to have all sides agree that from this day on, we have to start focusing on what is going on now, and stop pointing back and saying "But so and so did it" It was wrong then, it is wrong now and just because others did it doesn't mean we have to accept it now. But that will likely never come, and the cycle will continue for decades with little changing.  

Mitch McConnell in October of 2010

The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.

I don’t want the president to fail; I want him to change.
Title: Re: Open question for all Trump supporters
Post by: Agnostic007 on May 25, 2018, 02:04:59 PM
Mitch McConnell in October of 2010

that was one example I was thinking of. I thought he was wrong for that. I would think the same thing about anyone saying that about Trump, specifically, it doesn't matter if what he proposes is good for America, because it is coming from a Republican/Trump we will block it. That is unpatriotic in my opinion. We need more Rhinos. 
Title: Re: Open question for all Trump supporters
Post by: Soul Crusher on May 25, 2018, 02:07:13 PM
That is absolutely true. It is also true that Republicans vowed to stop Obama at every turn no matter if it was good for the country or not. Its also true that people defended Bill Clinton because the economy was doing good and the deficit was being reduced, and she was an adult and the sex was consensual. There is a long history of both parties doing unethical or wrong things and then calling out the other party for doing the exact same thing. Delaying court picks and filibustering are just a couple examples. What I would love to do is to have all sides agree that from this day on, we have to start focusing on what is going on now, and stop pointing back and saying "But so and so did it" It was wrong then, it is wrong now and just because others did it doesn't mean we have to accept it now. But that will likely never come, and the cycle will continue for decades with little changing.  
Title: Re: Open question for all Trump supporters
Post by: chaos on May 25, 2018, 02:53:27 PM
That is absolutely true. It is also true that Republicans vowed to stop Obama at every turn no matter if it was good for the country or not. Its also true that people defended Bill Clinton because the economy was doing good and the deficit was being reduced, and she was an adult and the sex was consensual. There is a long history of both parties doing unethical or wrong things and then calling out the other party for doing the exact same thing. Delaying court picks and filibustering are just a couple examples. What I would love to do is to have all sides agree that from this day on, we have to start focusing on what is going on now, and stop pointing back and saying "But so and so did it" It was wrong then, it is wrong now and just because others did it doesn't mean we have to accept it now. But that will likely never come, and the cycle will continue for decades with little changing.

The core members have little in common politically. Bret and Eric Weinstein and Ms. Heying were Bernie Sanders supporters. Mr. Harris was an outspoken Hillary voter. Ben Shapiro is an anti-Trump conservative.

But they all share three distinct qualities. First, they are willing to disagree ferociously, but talk civilly, about nearly every meaningful subject: religion, abortion, immigration, the nature of consciousness. Second, in an age in which popular feelings about the way things ought to be often override facts about the way things actually are, each is determined to resist parroting what’s politically convenient. And third, some have paid for this commitment by being purged from institutions that have become increasingly hostile to unorthodox thought — and have found receptive audiences elsewhere.

People who refuse to get tied into a Right or left, Democrat or Republican way of thinking and just want the truth.
Title: Re: Open question for all Trump supporters
Post by: George Whorewell on May 25, 2018, 08:07:20 PM

1. Fuck off
2. Go fuck yourself
Title: Re: Open question for all Trump supporters
Post by: George Whorewell on May 25, 2018, 08:19:15 PM
I don't like him because he is ultra unethical. He has no problem lying, especially if it affects his perception of himself. I think for a person in a position of power, he doesn't contemplate the issue before tweeting, partly because he knows he can back off what he just said if it turns out he is wrong or looks stupid. I would prefer he get counsel from advisors, weigh the pros and cons, possible unintended consequences and then implement the decision through the proper channels to be vetted. Announcing major military decision on Tweeter where the Generals see it at the same time the public, just makes for a clusterf%@k they have to fix. He hasn't hurt my feelings once, but he has embarrassed me as an American citizen on several occasions.  

LMAOOOOO he's ultra unethical? So let me understand--- Obama= Ethical? GW Bush= Ethical?  Bill Clinton= Ethical? Hillary Clinton= Ethical?

Please expand on your preference that Trump receive counsel from his advisers? I understand you have a handle on and watch cable news-- does that somehow make you privy to insider info regarding how the Trump White House operates? Please enlighten the rest of us. How does Donald Trump make decisions? Can you name a single decision he's made since taking office that has harmed the United States on the foreign or domestic front?

Watching you mental midgets/ political illiterates twist into self righteous frenzy is hysterical. Here's some friendly advice: Avoid forming strong opinions on topics that you know nothing about.  

Title: Re: Open question for all Trump supporters
Post by: Agnostic007 on May 25, 2018, 09:49:04 PM
LMAOOOOO he's ultra unethical? So let me understand--- Obama= Ethical? GW Bush= Ethical?  Bill Clinton= Ethical? Hillary Clinton= Ethical?

Please expand on your preference that Trump receive counsel from his advisers? I understand you have a handle on and watch cable news-- does that somehow make you privy to insider info regarding how the Trump White House operates? Please enlighten the rest of us. How does Donald Trump make decisions? Can you name a single decision he's made since taking office that has harmed the United States on the foreign or domestic front?

Watching you mental midgets/ political illiterates twist into self righteous frenzy is hysterical. Here's some friendly advice: Avoid forming strong opinions on topics that you know nothing about.  


weird. I always thought you were smart. One more time I've been wrong.
Title: Re: Open question for all Trump supporters
Post by: chaos on May 26, 2018, 07:23:35 AM
weird. I always thought you were smart. One more time I've been wrong.
Weird. Everyone that disagrees with you suddenly isn't smart anymore.
Maybe it's not them. ;)
Title: Re: Open question for all Trump supporters
Post by: Yamcha on May 26, 2018, 09:51:30 AM
I ask that question of my friends once in a while. what could Trump do that would cause you to stop singing his praises. The answer paraphrased is "as long as he remains rich, white, and hates minorities, I'm with him. If he uses the "N" word, I'll feign disgust for about a week until that passes, then I will continue to post fake memes in support.   

Trump is LITERALLY Hitler!  :-X