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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Steroids Info & Hardcore => Topic started by: deadz on August 29, 2019, 08:55:27 AM

Title: Steroids and Health
Post by: deadz on August 29, 2019, 08:55:27 AM
Just received my cardiac ct scan results, my score was 0. This is after 12 years of being on Test, never went under 500mg weekly. My blood work on my chemistry panel was all in range. So for those of you who think you can't use gear safely you're wrong.
Title: Re: Steroids and Health
Post by: IroNat on August 29, 2019, 12:05:44 PM
You've been on steroids for 12 years straight?  How are those gonads working?

Why did you have a cardiac ct scan?

Why is a heart CT scan performed?

Your doctor may order a heart CT scan to look for certain conditions, including:

    congenital heart disease, or birth defects in the heart
    buildup of a hard substance known as lipid plaque that may be blocking your coronary arteries
    defects or injury to the heart’s four primary valves
    blood clots within the heart’s chambers
    tumors in or on the heart

A heart CT scan is a common test for people experiencing heart problems. This is because it allows your doctor to explore the structure of the heart and the adjacent blood vessels without making any incisions.
Title: Re: Steroids and Health
Post by: deadz on August 29, 2019, 12:24:20 PM
You've been on steroids for 12 years straight?  How are those gonads working?

Why did you have a cardiac ct scan?

Why is a heart CT scan performed?

Your doctor may order a heart CT scan to look for certain conditions, including:

    congenital heart disease, or birth defects in the heart
    buildup of a hard substance known as lipid plaque that may be blocking your coronary arteries
    defects or injury to the heart’s four primary valves
    blood clots within the heart’s chambers
    tumors in or on the heart

A heart CT scan is a common test for people experiencing heart problems. This is because it allows your doctor to explore the structure of the heart and the adjacent blood vessels without making any incisions.

In 12 years i've only taken 3-4 months off to get my wife pregnant. Had a healthy boy in 2016. My doctor, lol, i'm my doctor, I elected to get this test as it's an excellent indicator of cardiovascular disease or stroke. I also have labs done 3-4 times per year. I'm 6' 205, been training since I was 16 now middle aged, BP is always low, Cholesterol was in the 140's recently, prostate etc. perfect. I was on a gram a week  8 months out of 2019, now at 750mgs per week. Yes steroids kill if you're a dummy.
Title: Re: Steroids and Health
Post by: IroNat on August 29, 2019, 12:26:52 PM
Why do you need to take steroids all the time?

Do you take steroids so you can have muscles?

Are you addicted to steroids mentally?  

If you went off steroids would you feel small, weak and inadequate and less of a man?

6' 205 is just a normal size.  I am 6'2" and 216 and do not take steroids.

Title: Re: Steroids and Health
Post by: deadz on August 29, 2019, 12:31:54 PM
Why do you need to take steroids?

To have muscles?
Don't need to I want to. My hobby is bodybuilding. At a certain point, if you're looking to add muscle, there is not point lifting if your body is producing minimal Test. I don't want to experience the age related decline most do as they enter middle age. Steroids have allowed me to avoid those pitfalls. Sure I could use TRT doses but I currently see no reason to do so.
Title: Re: Steroids and Health
Post by: IroNat on August 29, 2019, 12:37:59 PM
I'm busting your balls a little but I don't understand why you need to be on steroids all the time.

If you are leading up to a show and go on for 6-12 weeks I understand but why all the time?

What do you need emotionally that taking drugs gives you? 

You are not happy with yourself as you really are.   This is why most people take drugs. 

Nowadays everybody can tell someone is on steroids. 
Title: Re: Steroids and Health
Post by: deadz on August 29, 2019, 12:38:37 PM
Why do you need to take steroids all the time?

Do you take steroids so you can have muscles?

Are you addicted to steroids mentally?  

If you went off steroids would you feel small, weak and inadequate and less of a man?

6' 205 is just a normal size.  I am 6'2" and 216 and do not take steroids.

Bud, your body composition is way different then mine I guarantee you. I'm lean and muscular you're likely pudgy.
Title: Re: Steroids and Health
Post by: deadz on August 29, 2019, 12:39:28 PM
I'm busting your balls a little but I don't understand why you need to be on steroids all the time.

If you are leading up to a show and go on for 6-12 weeks I understand but why all the time?

What do you need emotionally that taking drugs gives you? 

You are not happy with yourself as you really are.   This is why most people take drugs. 

Nowadays everybody can tell someone is on steroids. 
I don't compete, 0 interest. I explained why I use.
Title: Re: Steroids and Health
Post by: IroNat on August 29, 2019, 12:43:58 PM
Bud, your body composition is way different then mine I guarantee you. I'm lean and muscular you're likely pudgy.

Yes, because you are on drugs.  I am not disputing that steroids work.  They work great.

I am very muscular but not on drugs.  I cannot be as lean and muscular as a steroid user.

This does not answer why you feel you have to always be on steroids.  That is a mental health problem.

You are mentally addicted to steroids.  Plus if you went off you're natural test level would be very low because you have shut your testes off.
Title: Re: Steroids and Health
Post by: deadz on August 29, 2019, 12:49:36 PM
Yes, because you are on drugs.  I am not disputing that steroids work.  They work great.

I am very muscular but not on drugs.  I cannot be as lean and muscular as a steroid user.

This does not answer why you feel you have to always be on steroids.  That is a mental health problem.

You are mentally addicted to steroids.  Plus if you went off you're natural test level would be very low because you have shut your testes off.
Again, since you missed my post above...

Don't need to I want to. My hobby is bodybuilding. At a certain point, if you're looking to add muscle, there is not point lifting if your body is producing minimal Test. I don't want to experience the age related decline most do as they enter middle age. Steroids have allowed me to avoid those pitfalls. Sure I could use TRT doses but I currently see no reason to do so.

Title: Re: Steroids and Health
Post by: IroNat on August 29, 2019, 12:55:01 PM
Ok, Deadz.

Thank you for being a good sport.

Title: Re: Steroids and Health
Post by: AbrahamG on August 29, 2019, 03:59:49 PM
In 12 years i've only taken 3-4 months off to get my wife pregnant. Had a healthy boy in 2016. My doctor, lol, i'm my doctor, I elected to get this test as it's an excellent indicator of cardiovascular disease or stroke. I also have labs done 3-4 times per year. I'm 6' 205, been training since I was 16 now middle aged, BP is always low, Cholesterol was in the 140's recently, prostate etc. perfect. I was on a gram a week  8 months out of 2019, now at 750mgs per week. Yes steroids kill if you're a dummy.

750mg's to a gram?  6' & 205?  You must have the same connection as DJ181.

Title: Re: Steroids and Health
Post by: deadz on August 29, 2019, 04:25:57 PM
750mg's to a gram?  6' & 205?  You must have the same connection as DJ181.

Not looking to get fat and puffy. I'm right where I need to be diced and muscular.  ;) Called knowing how to diet...try it sometime. BTW I only use Pharma grade Test.
Title: Re: Steroids and Health
Post by: AbrahamG on August 29, 2019, 04:49:36 PM
Not looking to get fat and puffy. I'm right where I need to be diced and muscular.  ;) Called knowing how to diet...try it sometime. BTW I only use Pharma grade Test.

That's an absurd amount of testosterone.  I am 46.  6' tall and weigh 212lbs with abs. I take 100mgs per week of test cyp.  I've been working out/training since high school.  I'll be the first to admit that my genetics suck.  The last real cycle I ran which was back in 2013 was 500 test and 400 deca.  After 10 weeks I was 239 with abs. 

I follow a diet keto-esque but have one cup of mixed berries daily.  I cheat on Sundays.  I do 30 minutes on the treadmill daily in additon to walking the dog a handful of times per week. 

Do whatever floats your boat but that is some horrible return on your investment. 

Title: Re: Steroids and Health
Post by: falco on August 30, 2019, 03:49:11 AM
In 12 years i've only taken 3-4 months off to get my wife pregnant. Had a healthy boy in 2016. My doctor, lol, i'm my doctor, I elected to get this test as it's an excellent indicator of cardiovascular disease or stroke. I also have labs done 3-4 times per year. I'm 6' 205, been training since I was 16 now middle aged, BP is always low, Cholesterol was in the 140's recently, prostate etc. perfect. I was on a gram a week  8 months out of 2019, now at 750mgs per week. Yes steroids kill if you're a dummy.

Title: Re: Steroids and Health
Post by: deadz on August 30, 2019, 11:26:33 AM
I could easily be a fat, puffy but muscular 280lbs. I choose not to be. I like having low blood pressure and perfect lab work. Thanks for your concern.
Title: Re: Steroids and Health
Post by: Tovarishch_Smert on August 31, 2019, 09:21:05 AM
BTW I only use Pharma grade Test.

"Pharma Grade".... lol now thats a good one!!! If it isnt from a US pharmacy, IT IS NOT pharma grade...

Just cause your good old local UGL source says "pharma grade" doesnt mean anything.... he gets hi spowder from China and we all know how fucked up their shit is - heavy metals, fillers, and who knows what!!! Just image the amount of heavy metals flowing through your system with all that UGL "pharma grade" gear......

Lets just call it what it is... Chinese powder, cooked up in someones kitchen, in what is most likely not a very sterile environment, most likely under-dosed... and definitely not a "pharma grade" lab environment!
Title: Re: Steroids and Health
Post by: deadz on August 31, 2019, 10:24:12 AM
"Pharma Grade".... lol now thats a good one!!! If it isnt from a US pharmacy, IT IS NOT pharma grade...

Just cause your good old local UGL source says "pharma grade" doesnt mean anything.... he gets hi spowder from China and we all know how fucked up their shit is - heavy metals, fillers, and who knows what!!! Just image the amount of heavy metals flowing through your system with all that UGL "pharma grade" gear......

Lets just call it what it is... Chinese powder, cooked up in someones kitchen, in what is most likely not a very sterile environment, most likely under-dosed... and definitely not a "pharma grade" lab environment!
My Schering Amps are UGL. Wow you’re a genius.
Title: Re: Steroids and Health
Post by: OlympiaGym on August 31, 2019, 11:41:02 AM
That's an absurd amount of testosterone.  I am 46.  6' tall and weigh 212lbs with abs. I take 100mgs per week of test cyp.  I've been working out/training since high school.  I'll be the first to admit that my genetics suck.  The last real cycle I ran which was back in 2013 was 500 test and 400 deca.  After 10 weeks I was 239 with abs. 

I follow a diet keto-esque but have one cup of mixed berries daily.  I cheat on Sundays.  I do 30 minutes on the treadmill daily in additon to walking the dog a handful of times per week. 

Do whatever floats your boat but that is some horrible return on your investment. 

This is totally unfair. What you get out of X amount of test has zero to do with what the next guy gets out of the same amount of test even if you’re both pulling from the same vial. There are a million variables when it comes to how people’s bodies react to gear.
Title: Re: Steroids and Health
Post by: Tovarishch_Smert on August 31, 2019, 03:51:36 PM
My Schering Amps are UGL. Wow you’re a genius.

Well... considering Bayer took over Schering AG long time ago... around 2006 and re-branded all drugs as Bayer, I would say you amps are highly suspect if they are marked only as Schering, and Schering AG ceased operations in 2006 buddy!

Schering-Plough is what you should be stating. SP was merged with  Merck in 2009. However, i believe they also re-branded some of SP's older tests under the Merck name... so again, hope you really "know" your source!

And yes... I am a fucking genius. Peace
Title: Re: Steroids and Health
Post by: deadz on August 31, 2019, 05:26:59 PM
Well... considering Bayer took over Schering AG long time ago... around 2006 and re-branded all drugs as Bayer, I would say you amps are highly suspect if they are marked only as Schering, and Schering AG ceased operations in 2006 buddy!

Schering-Plough is what you should be stating. SP was merged with  Merck in 2009. However, i believe they also re-branded some of SP's older tests under the Merck name... so again, hope you really "know" your source!

And yes... I am a fucking genius. Peace
Good to know and yes they do say Bayer on them. I haven’t used UGL in over a decade when I tried Balkan which was garbage.
Title: Re: Steroids and Health
Post by: OlympiaGym on September 01, 2019, 08:36:04 AM
Well... considering Bayer took over Schering AG long time ago... around 2006 and re-branded all drugs as Bayer, I would say you amps are highly suspect if they are marked only as Schering, and Schering AG ceased operations in 2006 buddy!

Schering-Plough is what you should be stating. SP was merged with  Merck in 2009. However, i believe they also re-branded some of SP's older tests under the Merck name... so again, hope you really "know" your source!

And yes... I am a fucking genius. Peace

With all your real-world knowledge you must be a big, shredded beast. The only thing left is for you to put up some pics to show us all how your gear expertise comes into play.
Title: Re: Steroids and Health
Post by: Tovarishch_Smert on September 01, 2019, 04:54:03 PM
With all your real-world knowledge you must be a big, shredded beast. The only thing left is for you to put up some pics to show us all how your gear expertise comes into play.

Never gonna happen.... LOL. Sorry, but I just cant do it, regardless of how proud I am of the physique I built.

Title: Re: Steroids and Health
Post by: OlympiaGym on September 01, 2019, 05:41:37 PM
Never gonna happen.... LOL. Sorry, but I just cant do it, regardless of how proud I am of the physique I built.

I know it’s never going to happen.
Title: Re: Steroids and Health
Post by: Tovarishch_Smert on September 02, 2019, 12:09:14 PM
I know it’s never going to happen.

at least now you know something.... LMAO!
Title: Re: Steroids and Health
Post by: AbrahamG on September 03, 2019, 05:07:45 AM
This is totally unfair. What you get out of X amount of test has zero to do with what the next guy gets out of the same amount of test even if you’re both pulling from the same vial. There are a million variables when it comes to how people’s bodies react to gear.

I agree with you in general. He's taking a gram a week to he 205 pounds at 6 feet tall. That is ridiculous. Not too mention one of these days the chickens will come home to roost.

TRT? Yes, 100mg for me might be equal to 200 for someone else. But 750-1000 in no way equates to trt.
Title: Re: Steroids and Health
Post by: deadz on September 04, 2019, 10:27:52 AM
I agree with you in general. He's taking a gram a week to he 205 pounds at 6 feet tall. That is ridiculous. Not too mention one of these days the chickens will come home to roost.

TRT? Yes, 100mg for me might be equal to 200 for someone else. But 750-1000 in no way equates to trt.
Yes I’m 205 but I look like I’m 225. You don’t get it, not everyone on gear is a bloated mess. I have a 32” waist and need xxl shirts. Keep permabulking buddy.
Title: Re: Steroids and Health
Post by: Primemuscle on September 04, 2019, 02:25:32 PM
Just received my cardiac ct scan results, my score was 0. This is after 12 years of being on Test, never went under 500mg weekly. My blood work on my chemistry panel was all in range. So for those of you who think you can't use gear safely you're wrong.

Right on!

Just today had my annual physical. My blood work is all good, heart's doing fine and I feel good. I must be doing something right, including the HRT.
Title: Re: Steroids and Health
Post by: illuminati on September 04, 2019, 02:41:59 PM
Yes I’m 205 but I look like I’m 225. You don’t get it, not everyone on gear is a bloated mess. I have a 32” waist and need xxl shirts. Keep permabulking buddy.

Good health to you
Do what you want it’s your body
No need to explain or answer why you choose to use steroids
There’s umpteen far more harmful things you could be doing or taking.
Far to Many Experts on here & so much hate / jealousy.

This is Getbig we’re all Steroid experts all Preping for the Mr Olympia
Yet None Of Us Want to Post Pics . Yes That includes Me.
It’s Hilarious 😂 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
Title: Re: Steroids and Health
Post by: AbrahamG on September 04, 2019, 03:17:55 PM
Yes I’m 205 but I look like I’m 225. You don’t get it, not everyone on gear is a bloated mess. I have a 32” waist and need xxl shirts. Keep permabulking buddy.

That's great.  You almost sound like my twin.  No permabulker here.  I just don't see any reason for you to take a gram per week.  I've got roughly the same stats at 100mg's per week.  You should try life on only 200 for a while.  Just because your labs and health seem good/unaffected now, doesn't mean that can't change in a heartbeat. 

At the end of the day, you are a grown man and can make your own decisions.  No more bickering from me.  Best of luck.
Title: Re: Steroids and Health
Post by: WalterWhite on September 04, 2019, 10:18:30 PM
Good health to you
Do what you want it’s your body
No need to explain or answer why you choose to use steroids
There’s umpteen far more harmful things you could be doing or taking.
Far to Many Experts on here & so much hate / jealousy.

This is Getbig we’re all Steroid experts all Preping for the Mr Olympia
Yet None Of Us Want to Post Pics . Yes That includes Me.
It’s Hilarious 😂 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣

What class are you in brother? I'm ready to take on Breon at my massive 180lbs (well now about 175). Actually I might be better off in mens physique. :-\
Title: Re: Steroids and Health
Post by: Orhan on September 05, 2019, 02:53:17 AM
Yes, because you are on drugs.  I am not disputing that steroids work.  They work great.

I am very muscular but not on drugs.  I cannot be as lean and muscular as a steroid user.

This does not answer why you feel you have to always be on steroids.  That is a mental health problem.

You are mentally addicted to steroids.  Plus if you went off you're natural test level would be very low because you have shut your testes off.

you fucking douchebag..
Title: Re: Steroids and Health
Post by: illuminati on September 05, 2019, 05:02:24 AM
What class are you in brother? I'm ready to take on Breon at my massive 180lbs (well now about 175). Actually I might be better off in mens physique. :-\

Ha ha
The old mans 0ver 100kg class

I’m sure you’ll do very well with that Conditioning & Physique 👍🏻
Title: Re: Steroids and Health
Post by: WalterWhite on September 05, 2019, 09:12:55 AM
Ha ha
The old mans 0ver 100kg class

I’m sure you’ll do very well with that Conditioning & Physique 👍🏻

 ;D. as a spectator
Title: Re: Steroids and Health
Post by: IroNat on September 05, 2019, 01:09:24 PM
you fucking douchebag..

Title: Re: Steroids and Health
Post by: mazrim on September 24, 2019, 06:26:20 PM
This thread went way off track. The dumbest responses are from individuals who think that someone's weight matters in relation to aas.

Why the heck was Serge Nubret taking loads of steroids to only be just over 200lbs? Very logical argument...
Title: Re: Steroids and Health
Post by: AbrahamG on September 24, 2019, 06:43:26 PM
This thread went way off track. The dumbest responses are from individuals who think that someone's weight matters in relation to aas.

Why the heck was Serge Nubret taking loads of steroids to only be just over 200lbs? Very logical argument...

Doubt Serge took "loads".  Probably not a gram a week like the op.  Plus, I'm quite certain the op looks nothing like Serge.
Title: Re: Steroids and Health
Post by: deadz on September 25, 2019, 04:47:04 PM
Doubt Serge took "loads".  Probably not a gram a week like the op.  Plus, I'm quite certain the op looks nothing like Serge.
No African genetics here. Although I look better than 99% of middle age men that’s a guarantee. Does it occur to you that I don’t respond well to low dosages after being on so long? Anyway, I’m happy with the way I look and feel. I look better now than I did when I was 20, and I’ve been lifting since 16.
Title: Re: Steroids and Health
Post by: mazrim on September 26, 2019, 07:53:16 PM
Doubt Serge took "loads".  Probably not a gram a week like the op. 
It's posts like these (and the other) where you show a lack of common sense/understanding. You are delusional if you believe that Nubret did not take a gram a week.

Your post was just dumb. You were/are wrong.

Title: Re: Steroids and Health
Post by: AbrahamG on September 26, 2019, 10:14:59 PM
It's posts like these (and the other) where you show a lack of common sense/understanding. You are delusional if you believe that Nubret did not take a gram a week.

Your post was just dumb. You were/are wrong.

Whatever you say champ.  Everything he ever took was pharm grade and it was a different era.  His genetics were also elite.  Guys back then weren't taking test the way they do now.  I personally know a guy who took 2nd at the North Americans.  He took a total of 700mg's per week plus a couple iu's of GH per day and a little clen.  Now go back to fucking your mother.
Title: Re: Steroids and Health
Post by: IroNat on September 27, 2019, 04:07:11 AM
Robert Kerr, MD, noted for his supervision of steroid taking athletes in the 1970s, said "Bodybuilders think testosterone is better.  It's better alright...better for unwanted side effects."

Chart of androgenic (unwanted side effects) vs. anabolic (muscle building effects) of various steroids.

Title: Re: Steroids and Health
Post by: Primemuscle on September 27, 2019, 01:21:28 PM
Robert Kerr, MD, noted for his supervision of steroid taking athletes in the 1970s, said "Bodybuilders think testosterone is better.  It's better alright...better for unwanted side effects."

Chart of androgenic (unwanted side effects) vs. anabolic (muscle building effects) of various steroids.


Great informational chart. Aside from trt, the only steroid I've used is Dianabol and that was for a very limited amount of time and with a low dosage. In my case, the effects of D-bol were dramatic and quick.
Title: Re: Steroids and Health
Post by: dexitrim on September 27, 2019, 04:18:44 PM
Robert Kerr, MD, noted for his supervision of steroid taking athletes in the 1970s, said "Bodybuilders think testosterone is better.  It's better alright...better for unwanted side effects."

Chart of androgenic (unwanted side effects) vs. anabolic (muscle building effects) of various steroids.


Great informational chart. Aside from testosterone, the only steroid I've used is Dianabol, Winstrol, Anavar, Anadrol, Turinabol, Proviron, EQ, Deca, NPP, Tren, Mast, Primo, DHB, Trestolone Enanthate and that was for a very extensive amount of time and with a moderate to high dosage. In my case, the effects of D-bol were dramatic and quick.
Title: Re: Steroids and Health
Post by: Primemuscle on September 27, 2019, 04:23:08 PM
Great informational chart. Aside from testosterone, the only steroid I've used is Dianabol, Winstrol, Anavar, Anadrol, Turinabol, Proviron, EQ, Deca, NPP, Tren, Mast, Primo, DHB, Trestolone Enanthate and that was for a very extensive amount of time and with a moderate to high dosage. In my case, the effects of D-bol were dramatic and quick.

Title: Re: Steroids and Health
Post by: WalterWhite on October 02, 2019, 10:42:12 PM
Great informational chart. Aside from trt, the only steroid I've used is Dianabol and that was for a very limited amount of time and with a low dosage. In my case, the effects of D-bol were dramatic and quick.

Back in the day Ciba D-bol was everywhere when legal or the generic Rugby. You could see changes with a week. Average dose a Dr would prescribe was one with each meal which was about 15mg a day and you didn't need more then that to make huge strength gains.

Title: Re: Steroids and Health
Post by: illuminati on October 03, 2019, 08:43:58 AM

Back in the day Ciba D-bol was everywhere when legal or the generic Rugby. You could see changes with a week. Average dose a Dr would prescribe was one with each meal which was about 15mg a day and you didn't need more then that to make huge strength gains

Yet so many Still say That the underground Gear is just the same as Pharma  ::)
Title: Re: Steroids and Health
Post by: WalterWhite on October 03, 2019, 10:37:13 AM
Yet so many Still say That the underground Gear is just the same as Pharma  ::)

Until they get ahold of some pharma gear.  I know sites like Meso RX tests some UG but there is so much counterfeit floating around you just never know what your getting.

And China GH..yikes.
Title: Re: Steroids and Health
Post by: Tovarishch_Smert on October 03, 2019, 03:25:25 PM
Until they get ahold of some pharma gear.  I know sites like Meso RX tests some UG but there is so much counterfeit floating around you just never know what your getting.

And China GH..yikes.

I really think there is a difference between counterfeit and fake.
There are a good amount of counterfeited pharma brands floating around and you really need to know how to spot it as well as test it. The average bro will see all the labeling and logos and think he has legit pharma, but in a good amount of cases its counterfeit or even fake.
so-called pharma from Mexico is a perfect example.... I never buy anything that comes out of Mexico.
Most UGL that label their own shit are selling fake gear, or gear thats severely underdosed or not what you expect (prefect example is UGL Primo that is really EQ or test).

Chinese powders used by UGLs are notorious for being stacked with heavy metals and other "fillers". It has just enough of the base product to pass a ROIDTEST, but is nowhere near the quality the UGL buyer expects. Then the UGL cooks that shit up in an unsterile kitchen and further underdoses it. Its just complete bullshit!

Yes, as I have said many times prior, the only HGH worth using is the real deal from real pharma. Expensive, yes, but worth every penny if you can get it. I laugh my ass off when i hear these dudes say they have just bought 100u Jintropin for 200$... LMAO
100u of real norditropin costs me close to 1800$... people have no clue what they are putting in their bodies when it comes to the Chinese HGH.

Just some of my thoughts
Title: Re: Steroids and Health
Post by: Sissysquats on October 04, 2019, 06:59:11 AM
“I don’t need to, I want to”. Drug addicts say the same thing
Title: Re: Steroids and Health
Post by: illuminati on October 04, 2019, 06:49:37 PM
“I don’t need to, I want to”. Drug addicts say the same thing

So do many people who do things.
Title: Re: Steroids and Health
Post by: WalterWhite on October 10, 2019, 03:58:12 PM
I really think there is a difference between counterfeit and fake.
There are a good amount of counterfeited pharma brands floating around and you really need to know how to spot it as well as test it. The average bro will see all the labeling and logos and think he has legit pharma, but in a good amount of cases its counterfeit or even fake.
so-called pharma from Mexico is a perfect example.... I never buy anything that comes out of Mexico.
Most UGL that label their own shit are selling fake gear, or gear thats severely underdosed or not what you expect (prefect example is UGL Primo that is really EQ or test).

Chinese powders used by UGLs are notorious for being stacked with heavy metals and other "fillers". It has just enough of the base product to pass a ROIDTEST, but is nowhere near the quality the UGL buyer expects. Then the UGL cooks that shit up in an unsterile kitchen and further underdoses it. Its just complete bullshit!

Yes, as I have said many times prior, the only HGH worth using is the real deal from real pharma. Expensive, yes, but worth every penny if you can get it. I laugh my ass off when i hear these dudes say they have just bought 100u Jintropin for 200$... LMAO
100u of real norditropin costs me close to 1800$... people have no clue what they are putting in their bodies when it comes to the Chinese HGH.

Just some of my thoughts

Agree especially with your thoughts on GH.  Also I find people are very impatient when it comes to GH and expect fast results like steroids. ::) 

I tell people they are going to pay for the real deal and to buy for the long haul to maximize results. If they can't afford three months minimum at a 2iu average x5 then skip it.
Title: Re: Steroids and Health
Post by: Primemuscle on October 10, 2019, 06:34:32 PM

Back in the day Ciba D-bol was everywhere when legal or the generic Rugby. You could see changes with a week. Average dose a Dr would prescribe was one with each meal which was about 15mg a day and you didn't need more then that to make huge strength gains.

I was taking (as per my prescription) 5 mg per day. My body changed a lot in a very short time.
Title: Re: Steroids and Health
Post by: WalterWhite on October 10, 2019, 09:05:57 PM
I was taking (as per my prescription) 5 mg per day. My body changed a lot in a very short time.

And I bet your strength went up with fast as you gained size!
Title: Re: Steroids and Health
Post by: Primemuscle on October 10, 2019, 10:23:13 PM
And I bet your strength went up with fast as you gained size!

Probably. It was so long ago that it's hard to remember how much it increased. What I do know is that at 75, my strength ain't what it used to be.  :(
Title: Re: Steroids and Health
Post by: WalterWhite on October 11, 2019, 09:41:40 AM
Probably. It was so long ago that it's hard to remember how much it increased. What I do know is that at 75, my strength ain't what it used to be.  :(

But you made it and are healthy! Lost track of how many of my HS classmates alone are gone. :-\
Title: Re: Steroids and Health
Post by: Mad-scientist on October 12, 2019, 07:17:48 PM
The truth is you can get all the scan's and blood work you want but it will never tell you the whole story. Pumping your self full of steroids is causing dammage to your body no matter who you are. Look at somebody like Matt Porter who died just a while ago and took all the pre cautions you can possibly take to be safe on steroids. 

 I quit steroids and TRT about a year ago and I thank my self every day I had the courage to stop.
Title: Re: Steroids and Health
Post by: Mad-scientist on October 12, 2019, 07:26:45 PM
Honestly after getting off steroids and not frequenting brain washing steroid forums anymore I can see all the lie's steroid users tell them selfs to feal safe about what they are doing. People taking 500mgs of test a week for years and years and they actually believe they are healthy the truth is they are drug addicts lying to them selfs about the effects of steroids. I worry about a lot of the people on here and wish they would see the light.
Title: Re: Steroids and Health
Post by: illuminati on October 12, 2019, 10:03:19 PM
Honestly after getting off steroids and not frequenting brain washing steroid forums anymore I can see all the lie's steroid users tell them selfs to feal safe about what they are doing. People taking 500mgs of test a week for years and years and they actually believe they are healthy the truth is they are drug addicts lying to them selfs about the effects of steroids. I worry about a lot of the people on here and wish they would see the light.

Why would you worry for people you don’t know.?
No doubt there are potential side effects / health issues involved with using steroids
Only if Steroids are so awfully dangerous heath damaging drugs
Why are Millions of ill people on them from cradle to grave & they’re given out
Like sweets by doctors & hospitals in there many different forms.

I’m not looking to or trying to justify steroid use age - I’m taking a real world
View of Steroids & potentially how bad they are health wise.
Title: Re: Steroids and Health
Post by: WalterWhite on October 13, 2019, 05:07:43 PM
I spent my career in cardiac surgery before moving to VC work. Steroids can be used safely; however, if one ignores warning signs, avoids bloodwork, uses crazy doses for long periods and blows their weight up, there can/will be health consequences.

The one study I post often shows the microscopic damage to kidneys in bodybuilders. One patient in the cohort needed a kidney transplant because he didn't listen to the Dr's.!  Bigorexia is real in bodybuilding.  Sudden death from LVH or a widow maker (blockage of LAD) is a risk in sports and especially bodybuilding (unabated blood thickening has consequences). However Matt Porter is a bad example because he didn't take all precautions.  He initially stopped and went off for a reason. He also had a family history.

One risk factor they pointed out that's not looked at enough BMI alone and its impact on the kidneys. Packing on weight and training heavy has an impact on the left ventricle which can lead to arrhythmias. Dave Palumbo has an ICD for a reason.
Title: Re: Steroids and Health
Post by: Tovarishch_Smert on October 14, 2019, 07:52:45 AM
Dave Palumbo has an ICD for a reason.

Wow... I knew Dave had some issues resulting from his bodybuilding days, but I didnt know he had a defib!!!!
Title: Re: Steroids and Health
Post by: WalterWhite on October 14, 2019, 05:28:16 PM
Wow... I knew Dave had some issues resulting from his bodybuilding days, but I didnt know he had a defib!!!!

He mentioned in a video. I confirmed it with him directly.
Title: Re: Steroids and Health
Post by: Christo on October 19, 2019, 08:06:56 AM
Why would you worry for people you don’t know.?
No doubt there are potential side effects / health issues involved with using steroids
Only if Steroids are so awfully dangerous heath damaging drugs
Why are Millions of ill people on them from cradle to grave & they’re given out
Like sweets by doctors & hospitals in there many different forms.

I’m not looking to or trying to justify steroid use age - I’m taking a real world
View of Steroids & potentially how bad they are health wise.

The true is that in Europe Steroids seldom describes through doctors.. Doctors in Europe are very against steroids in communly cases.
Title: Re: Steroids and Health
Post by: illuminati on October 19, 2019, 08:56:17 AM
The true is that in Europe Steroids seldom describes through doctors.. Doctors in Europe are very against steroids in communly cases.

Hmmmm That’s Not The Case here in UK
Millions of Patients on Steroids
Title: Re: Steroids and Health
Post by: Primemuscle on October 19, 2019, 11:31:42 AM
The Russians have a long history of using steroid to enhance their athlete's performance.

Russia has had 43 Olympic medals stripped for doping violations – the most of any country, more than four times the number of the runner-up, and more than 30% of the global total. Wiki
Title: Re: Steroids and Health
Post by: Christo on October 20, 2019, 06:32:08 AM
Hmmmm That’s Not The Case here in UK
Millions of Patients on Steroids

For which reasons the UK doctors describe steroids?
TRT you mean?
Title: Re: Steroids and Health
Post by: honest on October 27, 2019, 07:26:19 PM
I really think there is a difference between counterfeit and fake.
There are a good amount of counterfeited pharma brands floating around and you really need to know how to spot it as well as test it. The average bro will see all the labeling and logos and think he has legit pharma, but in a good amount of cases its counterfeit or even fake.
so-called pharma from Mexico is a perfect example.... I never buy anything that comes out of Mexico.
Most UGL that label their own shit are selling fake gear, or gear thats severely underdosed or not what you expect (prefect example is UGL Primo that is really EQ or test).

Chinese powders used by UGLs are notorious for being stacked with heavy metals and other "fillers". It has just enough of the base product to pass a ROIDTEST, but is nowhere near the quality the UGL buyer expects. Then the UGL cooks that shit up in an unsterile kitchen and further underdoses it. Its just complete bullshit!

Yes, as I have said many times prior, the only HGH worth using is the real deal from real pharma. Expensive, yes, but worth every penny if you can get it. I laugh my ass off when i hear these dudes say they have just bought 100u Jintropin for 200$... LMAO
100u of real norditropin costs me close to 1800$... people have no clue what they are putting in their bodies when it comes to the Chinese HGH.

Only thing with your theory is I used a little Chinese Jins this last year only 1.6iu per day and the effects were ridiculous, to the point where I felt like it was way under dosed. I usually use one HGH cycle per year through my doc, usually Pharma grade Scitropin or humatrope,but  i got bigger and leaner on the chinese only thing was there was more water retention which I didn't like and this pushed up my resting heart rate so i stopped, but the pharma grade does that same but less so, I'm talking 62bpm  to 71 so its not much, but i use the least amount of anything to get the required benefit,this usually sits at 100mgs every 7-10 days test wise cycled on and off during year and 1-2 iu HGH for 3 months a year just to move some stubborn fat i might accumulate. But I do agree with you, I would love to know exactly whats in the vial. I stopped by the way, put on way too much weight, but felt great but I'm almost 50, thats a young mans game. Will go back and pay the doc 4 times the price to know what Im taking, but only time I have ever exploded back like that was in the 90s using insulin for the first time, yes that crossed my mind as well.