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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Steroids Info & Hardcore => Topic started by: strength and honor on April 19, 2006, 09:01:03 PM

Title: M1T
Post by: strength and honor on April 19, 2006, 09:01:03 PM
hey guys,
  i have some questions regarding M1T.  first off, do you guys think it is even worth taking?  second of all, if i do take it should i treat it as seriously as i would with real AAS?  should i use anti-aromatase and PCT with it? 
Title: Re: M1T
Post by: SLYY on April 19, 2006, 10:24:48 PM
1)  It is worth taking

2)  Take it as seriously as any other AAS (it is real)

3)  No need for anti-aromatase

4)  Take Nolvadex as PCT
Title: Re: M1T
Post by: whitewidow on April 19, 2006, 11:11:17 PM
stack it with test cyp- will help with the lethargy and eliminate other potential sides- dont stack any other orals with it-its pretty harsh.
Title: Re: M1T
Post by: Bypass on April 20, 2006, 05:12:46 AM
Okay, can someone give me more information on M1T? I've never even heard of it, what does it do? What dosage would one take of it, you know just the basic run down, I know I could search and google for this stuff, but the topics here are getting a bit redundant, so this seems like something á component we don't often hear about, could someone elaborate on it please, give us pros and cons and maybe some experiences with it?
Title: Re: M1T
Post by: strength and honor on April 20, 2006, 05:51:55 AM
1)  It is worth taking

2)  Take it as seriously as any other AAS (it is real)

3)  No need for anti-aromatase

4)  Take Nolvadex as PCT
why wouldnt i need an anti-aromatase for it and why nolvadex as  pct instead of clomid? what is a good duration of a cycle and how many mg a day?  thanks alot for the help, fellas.
Title: Re: M1T
Post by: Rimbaud on April 20, 2006, 10:20:45 AM
I personally don't think it's worth taking. I had worse sides with M1T then I did with Dbol. I had horrible headaches & my BP went through the roof.
Title: Re: M1T
Post by: SLYY on April 20, 2006, 10:26:25 AM
why wouldnt i need an anti-aromatase for it and why nolvadex as  pct instead of clomid? what is a good duration of a cycle and how many mg a day?  thanks alot for the help, fellas.

-M1T does not aromatase, so you dont need an anything for that.

-I personally like Nolvadex better, Clomid would work as well. 

-You can take M1T for 2-5 weeks, your choice- see how your gains are after 2 weeks. 

-You can take anywhere from 10mg-20mg a day.  However, this depends on you prior cycle history and your bodyweight.  If this is your first time trying any AAS try 10mg a day.

-I have never had a side effect with M1T other than a little bit of hairloss (nothing serious though).
Title: Re: M1T
Post by: Rimbaud on April 20, 2006, 10:44:13 AM
-I have never had a side effect with M1T other than a little bit of hairloss (nothing serious though).

Lucky I was so fucking tired I had to fight just to get to the gym. The pumps were great though.
Title: Re: M1T
Post by: strength and honor on April 20, 2006, 11:00:09 AM
-M1T does not aromatase, so you dont need an anything for that.

-I personally like Nolvadex better, Clomid would work as well. 

-You can take M1T for 2-5 weeks, your choice- see how your gains are after 2 weeks. 

-You can take anywhere from 10mg-20mg a day.  However, this depends on you prior cycle history and your bodyweight.  If this is your first time trying any AAS try 10mg a day.

-I have never had a side effect with M1T other than a little bit of hairloss (nothing serious though).
since m1 does not aromatize i wont need to worry about gyno, is that correct?  also, i take proscar as a preventative to baldness.  so i wont have to worry about the hairloss issue?  my last question is regarding pct.  how should i take the nolvadex?  should i only take it post cycle, or should i take it during too.....just to make sure that there is no estrogen increase?  thanks for the responses.
Title: Re: M1T
Post by: SLYY on April 20, 2006, 01:33:34 PM
since m1 does not aromatize i wont need to worry about gyno, is that correct?  also, i take proscar as a preventative to baldness.  so i wont have to worry about the hairloss issue?  my last question is regarding pct.  how should i take the nolvadex?  should i only take it post cycle, or should i take it during too.....just to make sure that there is no estrogen increase?  thanks for the responses.

-I have never had a problem with gyno on M1T(It does not aromatize).  Some people have reported some water retention which can suggest that a moderate progestational activity inherent in this steroid....which can sometimes mimic the effects of estrogen (LLewellyn, 168).  Therefore, have Nolvadex on hand- just in case.

-I would only take nolvadex after the cycle.  Take 40mg/day first week.  30mg/day second week.  20mg/day third week.

-As for hairloss, I dont know if M1T works with proscar or not.

Title: Re: M1T
Post by: Arnold jr on April 20, 2006, 06:18:39 PM
hey guys,
  i have some questions regarding M1T.  first off, do you guys think it is even worth taking?  second of all, if i do take it should i treat it as seriously as i would with real AAS?  should i use anti-aromatase and PCT with it? 
Is it worth taking? Absolutely not! The benefits are small, the product is not worth the cost, and the side affects far outweigh the gains.

In short, stay away from all the prohormone based products. Go with the real deal or don't go at'll be much more satisfied, as well as in a safer position.
Title: Re: M1T
Post by: SLYY on April 20, 2006, 06:26:19 PM
Is it worth taking? Absolutely not! The benefits are small, the product is not worth the cost, and the side affects far outweigh the gains.

In short, stay away from all the prohormone based products. Go with the real deal or don't go at'll be much more satisfied, as well as in a safer position.

I disagree.... it was only called a "prohormone" because M1T was made legally due to a loophole in the law.  But, everyone has their own opinion based on the results they achieved.... 
Title: Re: M1T
Post by: DIVISION on April 20, 2006, 08:55:22 PM
hey guys,
  i have some questions regarding M1T.  first off, do you guys think it is even worth taking?  second of all, if i do take it should i treat it as seriously as i would with real AAS?  should i use anti-aromatase and PCT with it? 


Why are people so wrapped up in these gray market supplements?

There's a reason they weren't sold as AAS by any major pharmaceutical companies.

They are inefficient have bad sides.

Title: Re: M1T
Post by: Captain Equipoise on April 20, 2006, 09:12:36 PM
I agree with DIV, get some real gear and dump that garbage. In my experience I've had more side effects with prohormones then with real gear, the worst is the mood swings and headaches.
Title: Re: M1T
Post by: DIVISION on April 20, 2006, 09:38:01 PM
I agree with DIV, get some real gear and dump that garbage. In my experience I've had more side effects with prohormones then with real gear, the worst is the mood swings and headaches.

......then again.......I don't like EQ either.   ;D

Remember that.

Title: Re: M1T
Post by: whitewidow on April 20, 2006, 10:47:32 PM
M1T is one of the most potent oral steroids ever developed- stacked with the right test its great- without test you will suffer- probably the best way to jumpstart a cycle-IMO. I seen it work with my own eyes- not just for me but lots of others-
Title: Re: M1T
Post by: strength and honor on April 21, 2006, 04:15:22 AM
M1T is one of the most potent oral steroids ever developed- stacked with the right test its great- without test you will suffer- probably the best way to jumpstart a cycle-IMO. I seen it work with my own eyes- not just for me but lots of others-
its one of the most potent orals ever? i dont think its better than dbol or 'drol, i just thought it was a very good prohormone.  what do you mean if i dont take it with test "ill suffer"?  ive known guys who just take it by itself, with some nolvadex or clomid after and been fine.  i was just going to take it solo and with some nolvadex thrown in for good measure.  is this a bad idea?  how much weight could i expect to gain from a 6 week cycle, starting at 10mg a day...pyramiding up to 30mg a day, and then dropping back down?
Title: Re: M1T
Post by: DIVISION on April 21, 2006, 11:11:59 AM
M1T is one of the most potent oral steroids ever developed- stacked with the right test its great- without test you will suffer- probably the best way to jumpstart a cycle-IMO. I seen it work with my own eyes- not just for me but lots of others-

^That's bullshit, widow.

M1T is harsh and not nearly as potent as Halotestin.

Give me a break....

You obviously haven't tried Halo or Methyltestosterone.

Title: Re: M1T
Post by: whitewidow on April 23, 2006, 11:06:11 PM
^That's bullshit, widow.

M1T is harsh and not nearly as potent as Halotestin.

Give me a break....

You obviously haven't tried Halo or Methyltestosterone.

Not bullshit- you have not tried M1T- stack it with some cyp and you will be lifting some heavy stuff- Its totally diffrent then halo- you cant compare the two- halo is stronger than test but not 16times as potent like M1T- M1T is like a cross between tren-primo and winstrol- if used right you will blow up like a mofo- with abnormal strength gains- like I said It works- I would personally opt for the halo because its not as dirty of a compound- more aggression on halo- probably safer too if you could belive it- M1T is probably the most hepatoxic stuff you could take. does not mean its not effective- like sust you just have to know how to use it right.

Title: Re: M1T
Post by: DIVISION on April 24, 2006, 03:00:04 PM
M1T is probably the most hepatoxic stuff you could take. does not mean its not effective- like sust you just have to know how to use it right.

^The hepatoxicity alone would make it a no-go, regardless of how strong it is.

If you take this in perspective, Tren is very harsh on the body as a whole.  It's not really that you notice so much when you're on, but when you come off Tren, you realize just ho suppressive it is. 

I can't imagine how rough M1T is on the body.

Title: Re: M1T
Post by: whitewidow on April 24, 2006, 10:21:18 PM
I would personally opt for halo myself - the aggression is much better- as far as strength they are about the same when used correctly- Alot of people were just buying M1T from max muscle and running it solo without test- they were setting themselves up for sides- run with Test cyp it works diffrent then when you run it solo- you dont get all lethargic and sick - Yeah its toxic- but I wouldnt say its not worth taking-
Title: Re: M1T
Post by: salu on April 25, 2006, 12:31:08 AM
i have to agree it works but it aint no dbol or drol and run it with test otherwise lethargy baby. M1t you be lucky if you keep 5 pds. honestly after pct. It aint no aas but it is number one in my books when it comes to prohormones.
Title: Re: M1T
Post by: strength and honor on May 01, 2006, 06:50:25 PM
I would personally opt for halo myself - the aggression is much better- as far as strength they are about the same when used correctly- Alot of people were just buying M1T from max muscle and running it solo without test- they were setting themselves up for sides- run with Test cyp it works diffrent then when you run it solo- you dont get all lethargic and sick - Yeah its toxic- but I wouldnt say its not worth taking-

do you keep any gains off of halo....and why test cyp instead of enanth or prop?
Title: Re: M1T
Post by: RET on May 01, 2006, 07:04:12 PM
I personally used it. I actually used it more than once. The first time i experimented with it i used the normal 6oxo which was highly recommended to use with any prohormone. The second time I purchased it i used nolvadex as a PCT and the results were phenomenal. Yet like allot of people have replied it is highly toxic to your body which you know it will then have negative side effects. But thats beside the point because I'm still alive and walking. But if your gonna toxify your body then i would recommend dbol. Though some say they have lost some strength with dbol i didn't lose much with m1t in fact i gained 20 pounds. It's your choice i hope my advice helps.
Title: Re: M1T
Post by: whitewidow on May 01, 2006, 07:06:13 PM
do you keep any gains off of halo....and why test cyp instead of enanth or prop?

Halo is just good for strength and aggression- good for cutting- its not any kind of serious mass builder. the cyp would just balance out the cycle more in terms of a balanced anabolic to androgenic ratio.
Title: Re: M1T
Post by: strength and honor on May 02, 2006, 11:16:24 AM
I personally used it. I actually used it more than once. The first time i experimented with it i used the normal 6oxo which was highly recommended to use with any prohormone. The second time I purchased it i used nolvadex as a PCT and the results were phenomenal. Yet like allot of people have replied it is highly toxic to your body which you know it will then have negative side effects. But thats beside the point because I'm still alive and walking. But if your gonna toxify your body then i would recommend dbol. Though some say they have lost some strength with dbol i didn't lose much with m1t in fact i gained 20 pounds. It's your choice i hope my advice helps.
you didnt use any anti-aromatase, while on arimidex?  i have heard people say that M1 doesnt aromatize, but do you think its still  good idea to use one?
Title: Re: M1T
Post by: SLYY on May 02, 2006, 11:52:27 AM
you didnt use any anti-aromatase, while on arimidex?  i have heard people say that M1 doesnt aromatize, but do you think its still  good idea to use one?

-I have never had a problem with gyno on M1T(It does not aromatize).  Some people have reported some water retention which can suggest that a moderate progestational activity inherent in this steroid....which can sometimes mimic the effects of estrogen (LLewellyn, 168).  Therefore, have Nolvadex on hand- just in case.

-I would only take nolvadex after the cycle.  Take 40mg/day first week.  30mg/day second week.  20mg/day third week.

I already answered that...come on now...
Title: Re: M1T
Post by: Manthus_X on May 03, 2006, 12:16:51 AM
I was about to start a M1T thread as the one from suppliments was deleted. I had some M1t but sold it to a friend who is bigger than me and works out more seriously than I do. He hasn't used any type of roids before so he wanted to know how to use it and I was going to get the info from the other thread. Since its not there anymore hopefully you can answer my questions.

1. Ive heard its best to frontload something for 2weeks prior to taking it, if so what product is best and where can it be purchased?

2. What is the best thing to take to prevent gyno?

3. What should taken for pct, for how long, and where can it be bought?

4. Is there anything else to know about taking M1T?

5. When I origionaly bought m1t it was through a friend who somehow convinced me to take this while im away at work and ill experence huge gains, that lead me to this site and after that I decided not to take it which is why I sold it. However I got a piece of paper with it saying what to take for a cycle since I don't have a scanner ill write it as best as I can and hopefully you can make more sence of it than I did.

Week 1 - 1/p day
Week 2 - 2/p day
Week 3 - OFF
Week 4 - 2/p day
Week 5 - 1/p day
Week 6 - OFF ---> 8-12 weeks
            /  Week 7  - 6 @ Beol
6-oxo  <   Week 8 - 6 @ Beol
            \  Week 9 - 3@ Beol
Week 10 - 3 @ Beol

Obviously I can make sence of the week 1-6 but im not sure what Beol is, it might be bed instead... its in hand writing. If I have to I can scan it unless its not needed.. im sure you all know what your talking about anyways and I won't need this paper.

Like I said I don't know where to buy any products of this kind as all ive used is pretty much creatine and that didn't do much so all I use is whey and multi vits... those are bought from GNC (in canada) so I would need to know where to buy the other products. I think someone said novalex or tamoxifen for pct but im not sure, and don't know ehre to get them. Do I need to order all the stuff of the net?

Thanks in advance, I know this post is long.. Thanks for the help.

Title: Re: M1T
Post by: SLYY on May 03, 2006, 12:21:36 AM
Holy shit!

Read the first page of this thread to answer your questions!

Now I know why DIV gets so annoyed with some of you people.....
Title: Re: M1T
Post by: Manthus_X on May 03, 2006, 12:26:51 AM
Dude, I read it all... do you understand you all speak greek to me... I don't understand all the abreviations. Like I said ive not taken any or this stuff nor do I know where to purchase it. Besides not all of my questions were even talked about in the previous posts, sure gyno was mentioned but no one said whats best to take or where to get it. Same with what to take before and after taking m1t, or the best way to take the cycle.

Sorry if I sound like an ass, but I don't know what half the stuff is thats mentioned on here... im new to all this stuff.

Title: Re: M1T
Post by: SLYY on May 03, 2006, 12:31:15 AM
-M1T does not aromatase, so you dont need an anything for that.

-I personally like Nolvadex better, Clomid would work as well. 

-You can take M1T for 2-5 weeks, your choice- see how your gains are after 2 weeks. 

-You can take anywhere from 10mg-20mg a day.  However, this depends on you prior cycle history and your bodyweight.  If this is your first time trying any AAS try 10mg a day.

-I have never had a side effect with M1T other than a little bit of hairloss (nothing serious though).

-I have never had a problem with gyno on M1T(It does not aromatize).  Some people have reported some water retention which can suggest that a moderate progestational activity inherent in this steroid....which can sometimes mimic the effects of estrogen (LLewellyn, 168).  Therefore, have Nolvadex on hand- just in case.

-I would only take nolvadex after the cycle.  Take 40mg/day first week.  30mg/day second week.  20mg/day third week.

-As for hairloss, I dont know if M1T works with proscar or not.

Title: Re: M1T
Post by: Manthus_X on May 03, 2006, 12:48:44 AM
Ok, so the cycle I posted is fine then?

Nolvadex, Clomid, are these both for pct, if so how long are they to be taken. There is nothing to "frontload" for two weeks prior to taking them other than hawthorne and milk thistle?

Title: Re: M1T
Post by: SLYY on May 03, 2006, 12:56:18 AM
No, your cycle is not fine, reread my advice...

Again, reread my above post for your PCT

I dont get how you are missing what is in my post...that i had to repost for u....  ???
Title: Re: M1T
Post by: Manthus_X on May 03, 2006, 01:10:02 AM
Ok.. so basically just go by ear so to speak... with 10mg a day and take more if your body can handel it.. Don't bother with the two weeks on one week off method? Unless the sides are too much I guess?

Ill get some novalxed then... where can this be purchased as GNC (canadian health store) doesnt sell it. Can it be bought in store or do I have to order via the net?

I guess thats my main question where to get it.

Im sure I had heard to take something for two weeks prior to takeing it, but I was probably mistaken.

Again thanks for your patience and advice,

Title: Re: M1T
Post by: SLYY on May 03, 2006, 01:14:30 AM
You can take hawthorn berries and milk thistle before the cycle if you want to for liver safety.

If this is your first cycle of anything, then 10mg would be a good starting point for 5-6 weeks (no break)

You can buy your nolvadex here:

(it will be called Liquid Tamoxifen Citrate)
Title: Re: M1T
Post by: whitewidow on May 03, 2006, 11:51:37 AM
lol- this thread is getting funny- nolva at GNC-lol
Title: Re: M1T
Post by: Manthus_X on May 03, 2006, 05:05:31 PM
I never said they did have it... thats the only health store I use, I've only ever used creatine and it didn't do nothing, of that I only used two tubs. Now all I use is whey, Ive not used anything else so how would I know where to get it?

I've heard the M1T is good as my friend used it, ill see how my this other guy works on it and if its good maybe ill try some down the road.

Otherwise thanks a lot for the site.

Oh one more thing, the expirey date on M1T, is it good to take if the date is past eve if its yet unopened. The bottle I got expires early next year so if it was to be used for more than 1 cycle I assume it would be expired, Still ok though?

Thanks again slyy, youve been lots of help.

Title: Re: M1T
Post by: whitewidow on May 03, 2006, 05:41:10 PM

your best bet is  too sell it too me. ;) ill use it before the exp date for you :)

you dont sound like your down to inject- its really best when stacked with test- I predict you will have alot of sides- just by reading some of your post- you have no idea what nolva even is- you think you can just buy it at GNC-
Title: Re: M1T
Post by: Manthus_X on May 04, 2006, 11:40:32 AM
Im not going to use it, my friend is.

What is test, I assume it is a injection, and no your right im not down to inject, not at this point in my life.

Much would you buy it for, its a bottle of 80pills 10mg each.

Bindare_Dundat, how much did you gain, did you just do 1 cycle of 1pill a day for 5weeks, or more?

Title: Re: M1T
Post by: Manthus_X on May 04, 2006, 11:59:23 AM
Thats the same bottle I got andro tech... I didn't notice the two week on off thing on the bottle.. I gotta go check that now. haha

Title: Re: M1T
Post by: DIVISION on May 05, 2006, 10:34:51 PM
Halo is just good for strength and aggression- good for cutting- its not any kind of serious mass builder. the cyp would just balance out the cycle more in terms of a balanced anabolic to androgenic ratio.


Holy shit!

Read the first page of this thread to answer your questions!

Now I know why DIV gets so annoyed with some of you people.....


Dude, I read it all... do you understand you all speak greek to me... I don't understand all the abreviations. Like I said ive not taken any or this stuff nor do I know where to purchase it. Besides not all of my questions were even talked about in the previous posts, sure gyno was mentioned but no one said whats best to take or where to get it. Same with what to take before and after taking m1t, or the best way to take the cycle.

Sorry if I sound like an ass, but I don't know what half the stuff is thats mentioned on here... im new to all this stuff.


If you don't understand what we are telling you, then perhaps it is you who need to educate yourself on what we are saying instead of repeating the same questions which we have answered over and over and over.......

If you don't understand basic terms, then how the hell do you expect us to explain it to you.  We're not speaking "greek", this is basic knowldege here. 

You need to do some reading on your own.  I am not going to handfeed you. 

Title: Re: M1T
Post by: Manthus_X on May 06, 2006, 01:53:13 AM
haha thats old news...  yer slow bud. Slyy already told me most of what I need to know.. and is this not a forum, do we not ask questions here?

All forums (well help/advice ones anyways) are asked the same questions over and over, you can go through all the recent posts from now to when the site was made and it will be all the same shit put into different words... there is no difference from this forum to anyother, beit a video game forum or movie or anything. People always have questions and generally someone has already asked that question before, nothing is new in our age.

If you don't want to offer help why post saying we aren't gonna help casue you don't understand, just save everyone the time and don't. He already helped me, and no one, when just starting, knows abreviations for all terms related to any topic, I bet you didn't when you were starting, nor did anyone else. No one asked you to hand feed anyone, I asked for anyone to offer some help/advice, again if you don't wana offer any then don't.. I didn't ask you personally to hand feed me.

Title: Re: M1T
Post by: DIVISION on May 06, 2006, 10:49:00 AM
haha thats old news...  yer slow bud. Slyy already told me most of what I need to know.. and is this not a forum, do we not ask questions here?

All forums (well help/advice ones anyways) are asked the same questions over and over, you can go through all the recent posts from now to when the site was made and it will be all the same shit put into different words... there is no difference from this forum to anyother, beit a video game forum or movie or anything. People always have questions and generally someone has already asked that question before, nothing is new in our age.

If you don't want to offer help why post saying we aren't gonna help casue you don't understand, just save everyone the time and don't. He already helped me, and no one, when just starting, knows abreviations for all terms related to any topic, I bet you didn't when you were starting, nor did anyone else. No one asked you to hand feed anyone, I asked for anyone to offer some help/advice, again if you don't wana offer any then don't.. I didn't ask you personally to hand feed me.


You newbies always want people to handfeed you.

It's the nature of the game.

Title: Re: M1T
Post by: 4thAD on May 08, 2006, 07:15:11 PM
How about 6oxo for PCT instead of nolvadex?
Title: Re: M1T
Post by: 4thAD on May 09, 2006, 05:41:56 PM
Bump ???
Title: Re: M1T
Post by: SLYY on May 09, 2006, 06:21:02 PM
Nolvadex is cheaper or the same price....depending on where you buy

Nolvadex works better, use it....
Title: Re: M1T
Post by: THE BAD GUY on May 09, 2006, 10:06:37 PM
Title: Re: M1T
Post by: mem on May 10, 2006, 05:03:48 PM
Same Old Sh!t




Title: Re: M1T
Post by: Beener on June 05, 2007, 08:50:00 PM
-M1T does not aromatase, so you dont need an anything for that.

-I personally like Nolvadex better, Clomid would work as well. 

-You can take M1T for 2-5 weeks, your choice- see how your gains are after 2 weeks. 

-You can take anywhere from 10mg-20mg a day.  However, this depends on you prior cycle history and your bodyweight.  If this is your first time trying any AAS try 10mg a day.

-I have never had a side effect with M1T other than a little bit of hairloss (nothing serious though).

Know a guy at college who took a bit of M1t. got gyno liek a guy.
Title: Re: M1T
Post by: g101 on June 06, 2007, 12:56:16 PM
ye and i know people who had no other side effects than a bit of lethargy and massive strengh/size gains  ;)