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Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: NickEdge779 on October 05, 2020, 08:32:29 PM

Title: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: NickEdge779 on October 05, 2020, 08:32:29 PM
Been with a girl for 2 years, and her and her family are pressuring me hardcore to get married to her. I don't see that our relationship will be enjoyable in marriage and we don't have enough in common to go the distance. I feel like we will grow apart and we will be miserable. Divorce is not an option. She is head over heels for me and I just have that feeling that I would be making a mistake. Any advice? I am 29
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: Dave D on October 05, 2020, 08:36:13 PM
Nick if this is how you feel you have all the advice you need bro. You won’t be able to end this nicely if she is in love with you as you think she is.

The sooner you end it the better.
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: tres_taco_combo on October 05, 2020, 09:00:12 PM
do you live with her?

just so i can get some background
what nationality are you? her? what state do you live in?

just be honest and say you arent ready to settle down

life will get better if you play your cards right as a male in your 30s FYI
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: Earl1972 on October 05, 2020, 09:12:50 PM
tell her you lost your job and you're broke

Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: Teutonic Knight 1 on October 05, 2020, 09:31:54 PM
Been with a girl for 2 years, and her and her family are pressuring me hardcore to get married to her. I don't see that our relationship will be enjoyable in marriage and we don't have enough in common to go the distance. I feel like we will grow apart and we will be miserable. Divorce is not an option. She is head over heels for me and I just have that feeling that I would be making a mistake. Any advice? I am 29

29yo & asking for advice , get real !.
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: Kwon on October 06, 2020, 02:42:33 AM
Been with a girl for 2 years, and her and her family are pressuring me hardcore to get married to her. I don't see that our relationship will be enjoyable in marriage and we don't have enough in common to go the distance. I feel like we will grow apart and we will be miserable. Divorce is not an option. She is head over heels for me and I just have that feeling that I would be making a mistake. Any advice? I am 29

I remember i got cold feet in my early-mid 30s when she wanted to do the same (get married, get a house together, kids etc), so eventually it ended after a few years.

In retrospect maybe i shouldn't have (she was a good woman but i wasn't sure i wanted kids with her at that point in time), maybe it could have worked. It's easy to be "efterklok" (a saying we have in Sweden, meaning it's easy to be wise/know what's right AFTER the event). Hindsight is what you amerigo vespuccians call it.
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: IroNat on October 06, 2020, 04:17:53 AM
Join the military and request a posting in a foreign land.
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: Dokey111 on October 06, 2020, 04:23:07 AM

Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: Mayday on October 06, 2020, 04:52:27 AM
Break it off.

She wants what you don't. Do the.right thing, don't ruin her life.
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: The Scott on October 06, 2020, 05:11:11 AM
Just show her some of the threads here...
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: MAXX on October 06, 2020, 05:16:05 AM
Don't be a people pleaser.

Tell her you're against marriage if she can't handle it split...
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: R.A.M. on October 06, 2020, 05:41:28 AM
Sounds like you have your mind made up. Follow through. Please record the aftermath.
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: Kwon on October 06, 2020, 05:42:33 AM

It's your life too! Don't bend backwards to try to please others if you're not sure yourself!

It's too big of a decision to half-ass it!

Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: Purge_WTF on October 06, 2020, 05:49:34 AM
Break it off.

She wants what you don't. Do the.right thing, don't ruin her life.

 Her life?
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: IRONWORKER on October 06, 2020, 05:50:45 AM
Hindsight is always 20/20. Looking back on my life i can tell you for sure that you should never go against your gut feelings.

Don’t even consider marrying her.
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: Mr Anabolic on October 06, 2020, 05:53:07 AM
Been with a girl for 2 years, and her and her family are pressuring me hardcore to get married to her. I don't see that our relationship will be enjoyable in marriage and we don't have enough in common to go the distance. I feel like we will grow apart and we will be miserable. Divorce is not an option. She is head over heels for me and I just have that feeling that I would be making a mistake. Any advice? I am 29

Sure, she feels that way now, but what about in the future, especially after the kids come?  All women have the agenda... finding a suitor, a fantasy wedding, emotional and financial security  and fulfilling their biological reason for being (i.e. having kids). 

Always trust your gut.  Don't be a simp.  Break it off now.
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: SOMEPARTS on October 06, 2020, 06:24:26 AM

It's not going to go "nice" .... that's just a stalling tactic in the male mind.
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: WoogsRaven on October 06, 2020, 06:27:37 AM
Been with a girl for 2 years, and her and her family are pressuring me hardcore to get married to her. I don't see that our relationship will be enjoyable in marriage and we don't have enough in common to go the distance. I feel like we will grow apart and we will be miserable. Divorce is not an option. She is head over heels for me and I just have that feeling that I would be making a mistake. Any advice? I am 29

First off, her parents should mind their fucking business and not pressure you in any way. They're already putting the heat on their own daughter to settle down and start working on grandkids. They shouldn't be doing the same to you. Fucking can't stand hearing shit like that about nosey, meddling parents.

That being said, is SHE pressuring you or is it just the parents? How old is she? If she isn't pressuring you then just relax and take it as it goes.

But if she is pressuring you, then it's time to HEADZ FOR ZE HILLS!
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: TheShape. on October 06, 2020, 06:44:18 AM
Why aren’t you married already loser? There’s more to life than being a self serving hedonist. Raise some children.
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: harmankardon1 on October 06, 2020, 07:02:22 AM
tell her you lost your job and you're broke


X2 lol, watch how quick she doesn't like you anymore then.
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: El Diablo Blanco on October 06, 2020, 07:06:45 AM
2 years together is nothing.  Do you guys live together?  Marriage fucks things up when you start to manage finances together, depend on each other more and potentially have a kid.

Instead of letting her down, be a man and talk to her.  Tell her how you feel.  Say you do want to get married but not now.  2 years is not much and you wand to keep building your relationship with her.  The day will come but you want it to happen organically and not be forced to do it because of her parents or external pressure to do so.

If that doesn't work.  Tell her you have AIDS.

Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: joswift on October 06, 2020, 07:09:27 AM
fuck her sister, or even better her brother...
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: Andy Griffin on October 06, 2020, 07:25:30 AM
Drug her, shave her head, and fuck her sister.  Careful, though, because she might show up at your door (I speak from experience)

Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: Kwon on October 06, 2020, 07:34:54 AM
You rarely escape things like these "nicely"...
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: IroNat on October 06, 2020, 09:18:52 AM
Tell her you are a homo and in love with another man.  Guaranteed to work.
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: LurkerNoMore on October 06, 2020, 09:21:34 AM
You already have the reasons not to.... the fact that her parents are pressuring you is the last nail in the coffin.
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: ThisisOverload on October 06, 2020, 09:21:45 AM
Don't ever let someone or some family members force you into making a decision this big.  Just remember, if you have a good relationship with her now and don't feel like getting married, it's only going to get worse over time.  As she gets older and you have kids, she is going to become more and more distant from you.

I was in a similar position but i dated the girl for almost 4 years.  Her family was pushing the issue really hard.  There was a point i considered getting married to her but i knew it would be great for a couple years and then go downhill once we had children.  Her two sisters and mother were complete cu nts, constantly using the children against their fathers.  I knew the very first time we got into a big fight, she would do the same.  Looking back almost 10 years later i don't have any regrets, but i do think if i ever was going to get married she would have been the best option.

Marriage is bondage, i know very few people who are happily married.  They may act like it, but deep down they are just settling for what they have.  All my married friends come over to drink beer a few times a month and do nothing but talk about how horrible married life is.  Other than my parents, i can't think of anyone who is happily married.
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: Henda on October 06, 2020, 09:33:11 AM
Just stop bathing and grooming and start pissing the bed nightly, she will sharp fuck off
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: Thin Lizzy on October 06, 2020, 09:50:55 AM
fuck her sister, or even better her brother...

You lost me on that last part.👎
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: Thin Lizzy on October 06, 2020, 09:55:00 AM
The one time this happened to me I got the “Where is this going?” speech. I responded by saying that I was happy with things as they were. She eventually decided it was time to move on. In hindsight, it’s a good way to handle that situation.

Good advice given here about not letting the parents pressure you. They just want the daughter out of their hair. They don’t give a fuck about you.
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: WoogsRaven on October 06, 2020, 10:00:00 AM
Don't ever let someone or some family members force you into making a decision this big.  Just remember, if you have a good relationship with her now and don't feel like getting married, it's only going to get worse over time.  As she gets older and you have kids, she is going to become more and more distant from you.

I was in a similar position but i dated the girl for almost 4 years.  Her family was pushing the issue really hard.  There was a point i considered getting married to her but i knew it would be great for a couple years and then go downhill once we had children.  Her two sisters and mother were complete cu nts, constantly using the children against their fathers.  I knew the very first time we got into a big fight, she would do the same.  Looking back almost 10 years later i don't have any regrets, but i do think if i ever was going to get married she would have been the best option.

Marriage is bondage, i know very few people who are happily married.  They may act like it, but deep down they are just settling for what they have.  All my married friends come over to drink beer a few times a month and do nothing but talk about how horrible married life is.  Other than my parents, i can't think of anyone who is happily married.

Good post. About as dead on balls accurate as it gets.
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: ghcard on October 06, 2020, 10:05:44 AM
next time you two get together just "forget" your phone unlocked near her with this topic opened while you go take a dump or do something.

the universe and your fate will do the rest.

if she does not look at your phone, perhaps it is the universe showing that you have to think if you really want to lose her. Not many people will trust you in this life so much that won't spy on you given the chance.
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: El Diablo Blanco on October 06, 2020, 12:07:01 PM
next time you two get together just "forget" your phone unlocked near her with this topic opened while you go take a dump or do something.

the universe and your fate will do the rest.

if she does not look at your phone, perhaps it is the universe showing that you have to think if you really want to lose her. Not many people will trust you in this life so much that won't spy on you given the chance.

You know what man, this is spot on.  The universe has its ways.  When I was married, near the end the marriage was dead but I was a chicken shit to end it, meanwhile I fell in love with another chick and was dating her for a year.  I kept thinking how I can get out.  One day I left my computer unlocked and my Imessage chat open and went to do something.  Apparently my ex went into my office to get something and say the chat open and read some of it.  She caught some steamy shit we were talking about.  It ended it right there.  The universe works in mysterious ways.
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: joswift on October 06, 2020, 12:12:57 PM
start wiping your arse back to front...
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: Atlas pump on October 06, 2020, 12:48:19 PM
Being in a long term relationship with someone you have barely anything in common with is shit. After that romance fades what else are you left with. Eventually  that goes stale. The most successful relationships are usually partners how are those who are deeply infatuated but are also best friends.  Personality is key for long lasting compatibility.

It seems like you already see the light. You guys are together then what, do you want to become glorified roommates either a bond attached to you. Its gets complicated when marriage becomes involved.

Better question being, do you live together? Have you truly seen this person at there best and worst. Thats the abaolute minimum you should do with someone that you plan on staying with long term.
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: Walter Sobchak on October 06, 2020, 02:20:39 PM
Been with a girl for 2 years, and her and her family are pressuring me hardcore to get married to her. I don't see that our relationship will be enjoyable in marriage and we don't have enough in common to go the distance. I feel like we will grow apart and we will be miserable. Divorce is not an option. She is head over heels for me and I just have that feeling that I would be making a mistake. Any advice? I am 29

Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: JustPlaneJane on October 06, 2020, 02:36:31 PM
Just stop bathing and grooming and start pissing the bed nightly, she will sharp fuck off

Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: Mothballs on October 06, 2020, 02:52:29 PM
This is how it’s done

Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: joswift on October 06, 2020, 03:18:29 PM
This is how it’s done

hahaha thats great
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: denarii on October 06, 2020, 04:48:29 PM
Tell her you are following the Bob Chic code to life of ambiguity and questionable make friends
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: LurkerNoMore on October 06, 2020, 04:59:47 PM
Better do something and fast... before she gets preggers on you and forces you to stay....
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: youandme on October 06, 2020, 05:06:52 PM
Her life?

Lol right? Wha I said also.

You’re 29 - do not get married. You’re not even at your peak. You’re uneasy on this girl cause you know you can do better.
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: Mayday on October 06, 2020, 05:58:18 PM
Her life?

I'll expand.

She is madly in love. Wants to marry.

He does not want to marry.

Therefore if they do not marry it makes zero impact on him because he doesn't want to marry. However it impacts her if she stays with him hoping he will change his mind.

It would be gentlemanly to break it off with her to give her the chance while young to find another guy to start a family with.

It is a common scenario for girls to hang around guys who won't commit and consequently lose their best fertile years. Hence it can ruin a young girl's life. Meanwhile guys can have kids at 60.
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: FitnessFrenzy on October 06, 2020, 10:02:58 PM
Been with a girl for 2 years, and her and her family are pressuring me hardcore to get married to her. I don't see that our relationship will be enjoyable in marriage and we don't have enough in common to go the distance. I feel like we will grow apart and we will be miserable. Divorce is not an option. She is head over heels for me and I just have that feeling that I would be making a mistake. Any advice? I am 29

You print out a photo of prime Johnny Falcon. Then sprinkle some body lotion over the image, and place some curled up tissue paper next to it. Then place it so she will find it "by accident". Problem solved!  :D
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: IroNat on October 07, 2020, 03:48:15 AM
This is how it’s done

Californication was great.  She was Raylen Givens wife in Justified.

I'd still go with the "I've discovered I'm gay" strategy.
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: Primemuscle on October 07, 2020, 05:05:43 PM
Divorced, single people giving advice on relationships.  ::) ::) ::)
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: Walter Sobchak on October 07, 2020, 05:15:09 PM
Divorced, single people giving advice on relationships.  ::) ::) ::)

Adulterers criticizing the behavior of others from their gloryhole of condescension.
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: The Scott on October 07, 2020, 05:16:33 PM
Divorced, single people giving advice on relationships.  ::) ::) ::)

I'm married. I would say don't get married to her if you don't truly love her.  Marriage is meant to be for life and not to be felt as a "life sentence". 

In all honesty, most marriages today are nothing but a contract on the man and his worth, i.e., earning power.  Women are often scum. I had three homosexual friends get divorced over the last few years, two are men and the other is a woman.

They lost nearly everything to what they felt was the "love of their life".   They fell for the whole "equality to heterosexuals bullshit".  This is LOVE...FTN.   

Women swing from branch to branch in an effort to steal as much wealth as they can.  They will marry fat, fugly piles of shit, sleep with Harvey Weinsteins and worse just to have "more". 

If you don't truly love her, you already know that.  Don't harm your entire life just because you don't want to "hurt her feeeeeeeeeeeeewings".  She'll get over you.

Which when you think about it, is a lot better than her running over you.
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: Walter Sobchak on October 07, 2020, 05:20:29 PM

They will marry fat, fugly piles of shit, sleep with Harvey Weinsteins and worse just to have "more". 

Howard and Jay Milton Osborne, III are definitely proof of that.
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: BBSSchlemiel on October 07, 2020, 06:06:01 PM
Been with a girl for 2 years, and her and her family are pressuring me hardcore to get married to her. I don't see that our relationship will be enjoyable in marriage and we don't have enough in common to go the distance. I feel like we will grow apart and we will be miserable. Divorce is not an option. She is head over heels for me and I just have that feeling that I would be making a mistake. Any advice? I am 29

Why are you even with her this long considering this? Why did you end it long ago?
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: AbrahamG on October 07, 2020, 06:18:39 PM
You print out a photo of prime Johnny Falcon. Then sprinkle some body lotion over the image, and place some curled up tissue paper next to it. Then place it so she will find it "by accident". Problem solved!  :D

Wiser words have never been spoken.  Add this to your getbig quote thread.  You've earned it.
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: TheShape. on October 07, 2020, 06:43:55 PM
Divorced, single people giving advice on relationships.  ::) ::) ::)
Didn’t you cheat on your dying wife at a homosexual gloryhole?
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: Earl1972 on October 07, 2020, 07:34:28 PM
  Don't harm your entire life just because you don't want to "hurt her feeeeeeeeeeeeewings".  She'll get over you.

this is the best point made in the thread

if she's still in her 20's and decent looking she will meet another guy and it will be like you never existed, young decent looking women easily move on

Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: Walter Sobchak on October 07, 2020, 07:37:39 PM
this is the best point made in the thread

if she's still in her 20's and decent looking she will meet another guy and it will be like you never existed, young decent looking women easily move on


Or tell her that you like her, but her nasty looking pussy makes you feel like you’re fucking Bill Murray’s face.
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: IroNat on October 08, 2020, 03:59:24 AM
Don't live with a woman you're not married to.

I truly believe doing so is a mistake.
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: WoogsRaven on October 08, 2020, 07:00:35 AM
Don't live with a woman you're not married to.

I truly believe doing so is a mistake.

So with that theory, how are unmarried men and women in a relationship supposed to know what it's like to be around one another in the same residence if marriage is intended to be in their future?

Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: Mr Anabolic on October 08, 2020, 07:28:50 AM
Don't live with a woman you're not married to.

I truly believe doing so is a mistake.

Living with ANY woman is a big mistake.
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: lightweight83 on October 08, 2020, 07:36:25 AM
You rarely escape things like these "nicely"...


I was nearly in the EXACT same situation as the OP years ago.  I was 30 and had been with my gf for 2.5 years.  Lived together for almost 2 of those years and got along with her and her family really well.  So well that in time her mom/dad already considered me their son in law and her grandparents actually called me that.  She would watch "say yes to the dress" with her sister and mom and talk about how she wants a dress/wedding just like that when her and I get married. 

All the while I'm sitting there damn near sick to my stomach.  Mostly because I got married at 23 and my wife changed COMPLETELY shortly after her I got married!  She was decent to be around when we were just dating, but once we got married she turned into the biggest girl on earth!  I thank god every single day that I didn't knock her up, or I would have probably killed myself by now! LOL! I left her ass when I was 27 and told myself I would never marry a chick again unless she was unimaginably wealthy, regardless of how much I liked her!

I ended up having a sit down conversation with my GF and told her that I wanted to be with her indefinitely, but that I would never get married again as long as I lived.  This sent her into a fit of tears, to which she confided in her parents over, and they then turned on me and looked at me as a monster.  I ended up leaving her shortly after this, because our whole relationship did a 180. 

After her and I split up, she started tons of rumors about how I was a cheating scumbag and was fucking multiple girls behind her back that I met at the gym.  I live in a very small down, and this did some serious damage to my reputation at the time.  Luckily for me, girls really don't give a fuck at the end of the day, as long as you look good and have a decent income, so I was always able to pull tail. 

Just keep my story in mind, as your situation might end up very similar! LOL.  In the end, I will say that I wouldn't have done anything differently. 
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: WoogsRaven on October 08, 2020, 10:58:45 AM
Reading stories like this ^^^^^ constantly reassure me that paying for weekend escorts once a month is the way to go.

Your situation sounded like a goddamn nightmare. As I stated in an earlier post, I could never stand when the parents of a girlfriend try to nudge you with subtle pressure to marry their daughter. I find it sickening and feel it's merely an extension of their own vanity.
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: IroNat on October 08, 2020, 12:23:24 PM
So with that theory, how are unmarried men and women in a relationship supposed to know what it's like to be around one another in the same residence if marriage is intended to be in their future?

You never know for sure.  The entire dynamic of the relationship changes with marriage.  Living together unmarried is not the same  There's no real commitment. If you aren't sure she's the one then move on or keep dating.  Don't move in with her or let her move in with you.

Living together creates too many issues financially.  Maintain your independence until you're willing to commit.
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: ThisisOverload on October 08, 2020, 12:28:00 PM
I believe you should live with your partner for a while to see how they "really" are before getting married.  I think living with women in general is a mistake though.  ;D

I've only lived with a few girlfriends over the years, most of them a short period of a few months, but i always had my own place.  We just kind of took turns staying at each others place, but they always felt more comfortable at their place.  I learned that living with someone for 2-3 months is very eye opening because they can't really fake anything or hide anything.  You get to see who they really are quickly.  For an independent person like me it's often a difficult experience.  I don't want to be connected at the hip with someone 24/7, it seems silly to me.

The thing i noticed about living together, is that it only takes one or two bad events to happen and it's never the same.  Seen it happen a dozen times; you get in a fight over something marginally important and the next 5-6 weeks are just pure hell; just have to wait until someone gets over it, even if you admit defeat and settle the argument, it's still "there" for a long time.  My best friend's wife thought he was cheating on her 2 years ago, no proof or anything, she just thought he was acting strange.  Still to this day she won't sleep in the same bed with him and believes he cheated on her.  My friend never did anything wrong, he said he came home drunk one night and she just started accusing him of things.  He just blew it off and she thinks because of this he's guilty.  She has no proof or evidence of anything at all, no name or time they got together, she just has a "feeling". Their daily lives suck, they live in the same house but are just friends, it's retarded.

I can go on and on, since i'm the last single guy anyone knows at my age, i'm like the one person everyone goes to with issues.  I find it funny because i've never been married but all my friends say i give the best advice.  I'm just logical, if it doesn't make sense to be with someone, don't bother.

My brother just got married and adopted her daughter.  He fell in love and got married within 18 months, i warned him to let it play out for a while.  They just bought a house together; he calls me almost every single Friday night after he's had a few beers and does nothing but complain.  It's so bad i've gotten to where i'll be stressed out by the things he's telling me.  People change so quickly when they get comfortable, it's both men and women.  But i'll tell you the women have a way to lure you in with bait and then once your hooked they do a 180, every single time.

Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: IroNat on October 08, 2020, 12:33:08 PM
I believe you should live with your partner for a while to see how they "really" are before getting married.  I think living with women in general is a mistake though.  ;D

I've only lived with a few girlfriends over the years, most of them a short period of a few months, but i always had my own place.  We just kind of took turns staying at each others place, but they always felt more comfortable at their place.  I learned that living with someone for 2-3 months is very eye opening because they can't really fake anything or hide anything.  You get to see who they really are quickly.  For an independent person like me it's often a difficult experience.  I don't want to be connected at the hip with someone 24/7, it seems silly to me.

The thing i noticed about living together, is that it only takes one or two bad events to happen and it's never the same.  Seen it happen a dozen times; you get in a fight over something marginally important and the next 5-6 weeks are just pure hell; just have to wait until someone gets over it, even if you admit defeat and settle the argument, it's still "there" for a long time.  My best friend's wife thought he was cheating on her 2 years ago, no proof or anything, she just thought he was acting strange.  Still to this day she won't sleep in the same bed with him and believes he cheated on her.  My friend never did anything wrong, he said he came home drunk one night and she just started accusing him of things.  He just blew it off and she thinks because of this he's guilty.  She has no proof or evidence of anything at all, no name or time they got together, she just has a "feeling". Their daily lives suck, they live in the same house but are just friends, it's retarded.

I can go on and on, since i'm the last single guy anyone knows at my age, i'm like the one person everyone goes to with issues.  I find it funny because i've never been married but all my friends say i give the best advice.  I'm just logical, if it doesn't make sense to be with someone, don't bother.

My brother just got married and adopted her daughter.  He fell in love and got married within 18 months, i warned him to let it play out for a while.  They just bought a house together; he calls me almost every single Friday night after he's had a few beers and does nothing but complain.  It's so bad i've gotten to where i'll be stressed out by the things he's telling me.  People change so quickly when they get comfortable, it's both men and women.  But i'll tell you the women have a way to lure you in with bait and then once your hooked they do a 180, every single time.

Some good points.  Keep your own place to live.  Maintain independence until marriage.

Also pick a quality woman for marriage.
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: BBSSchlemiel on October 08, 2020, 12:41:21 PM
I'm married. I would say don't get married to her if you don't truly love her.  Marriage is meant to be for life and not to be felt as a "life sentence". 

In all honesty, most marriages today are nothing but a contract on the man and his worth, i.e., earning power.  Women are often scum. I had three homosexual friends get divorced over the last few years, two are men and the other is a woman.

They lost nearly everything to what they felt was the "love of their life".   They fell for the whole "equality to heterosexuals bullshit".  This is LOVE...FTN.   

Women swing from branch to branch in an effort to steal as much wealth as they can.  They will marry fat, fugly piles of shit, sleep with Harvey Weinsteins and worse just to have "more". 

If you don't truly love her, you already know that.  Don't harm your entire life just because you don't want to "hurt her feeeeeeeeeeeeewings".  She'll get over you.

Which when you think about it, is a lot better than her running over you.

It’s hard to feel bad for women who go through this because if a woman is normal and a grown man doesn’t propose in a year she should know he likely won’t, and she’s free to leave.

Secondly the OP doesn’t seem like he wants children and I don’t even think it’s worth it to be with women if a man doesn’t want them.
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: WoogsRaven on October 08, 2020, 12:47:04 PM
If you're in your 40's and single, escorts are the way to go, fuck a relationship. I'm telling ya.

Once a month, just pay for the weekend 'girlfriend' treatment from a Russian or Ukrainian escort. Preferably one's named 'Svetlana' if possible. That one weekend by itself makes up for the other three weekends of the month where you're not getting laid.
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: ThisisOverload on October 08, 2020, 01:02:29 PM
If you're in your 40's and single, escorts are the way to go, fuck a relationship. I'm telling ya.

Once a month, just pay for the weekend 'girlfriend' treatment from a Russian or Ukrainian escort. Preferably one's named 'Svetlana' if possible. That one weekend by itself makes up for the other three weekends of the month where you're not getting laid.

One of my divorced friends does this now.  Once or twice a month he will pay for a full day with a gorgeous escort and just have sex all day, drink and party.  I've seen pictures of these women, they are 9's and 10's, top notch poontang.

He says it's still cheaper than being married to his ex wife.  :D

Not my thing, i enjoy the "hunt" so to speak.  Plus i'm not a fan of STD's or catching a case over it, but i know guys that do it; many are married. 

This guy i used to work with had this smoking hot Latina escort come over for a hour or two every Friday night.  He'd smash and then relax doing whatever he wanted the rest of the weekend.  Not too bad for him i guess.  I actually met her one time and she was super hot and had a good personality, i thought he was trying to date her for a while, but she moved to another state.  Then after a few months she calls him needing money, she got busted with counterfeit money and needed a lawyer.  Funny how things turn out i guess.

He said for the price of a fancy date night with his ex-girlfriend, he could get amazing sex with this Latina for a hour or two.  Not a bad trade off to some people i think.
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: WoogsRaven on October 08, 2020, 01:16:58 PM
One of my divorced friends does this now.  Once or twice a month he will pay for a full day with a gorgeous escort and just have sex all day, drink and party.  I've seen pictures of these women, they are 9's and 10's, top notch poontang.

He says it's still cheaper than being married to his ex wife.  :D

Not my thing, i enjoy the "hunt" so to speak.  Plus i'm not a fan of STD's or catching a case over it, but i know guys that do it; many are married. 

This guy i used to work with had this smoking hot Latina escort come over for a hour or two every Friday night.  He'd smash and then relax doing whatever he wanted the rest of the weekend.  Not too bad for him i guess.  I actually met her one time and she was super hot and had a good personality, i thought he was trying to date her for a while, but she moved to another state.  Then after a few months she calls him needing money, she got busted with counterfeit money and needed a lawyer.  Funny how things turn out i guess.

He said for the price of a fancy date night with his ex-girlfriend, he could get amazing sex with this Latina for a hour or two.  Not a bad trade off to some people i think.

I tend to agree. My girl that I hire one a month is 5'7" 130 pounds, shapely round ass. Nice natural C cup tits, athletic build. Blond hair with ivory toned skin. She's a solid 8.5. The Ukrainian accent is a huge turn on. Condoms are used so I'm not too concerned with the STD aspect. There's herpes to possibly worry about but that's skin on skin contact and not a fluid transfer, so there can also be that possibility. So far, so good. I'll keep doing it for now. Sex all day and night, she'll cook for you and cook well. Watch movies with you, sit and listen to any problems you have and strangely enough, give sound advice.

It works for me. It's cost effective and very low stress. But I'm also a rare bird amongst my friends. Mid 40's, no kids by choice, and saving up for an early retirement. Like also stated earlier by someone else, my married friends tend to gravitate to me for advice or to complain about their wives. I'm just logical when it comes to doling out advice.
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: Walter Sobchak on October 08, 2020, 01:39:40 PM
I tend to agree. My girl that I hire one a month is 5'7" 130 pounds, shapely round ass. Nice natural C cup tits, athletic build. Blond hair with ivory toned skin. She's a solid 8.5. The Ukrainian accent is a huge turn on. Condoms are used so I'm not too concerned with the STD aspect. There's herpes to possibly worry about but that's skin on skin contact and not a fluid transfer, so there can also be that possibility. So far, so good. I'll keep doing it for now. Sex all day and night, she'll cook for you and cook well. Watch movies with you, sit and listen to any problems you have and strangely enough, give sound advice.

It works for me. It's cost effective and very low stress. But I'm also a rare bird amongst my friends. Mid 40's, no kids by choice, and saving up for an early retirement. Like also stated earlier by someone else, my married friends tend to gravitate to me for advice or to complain about their wives. I'm just logical when it comes to doling out advice.

You can try to make that sound great all you want, but you’re buying pussy because you can’t pull any.
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: Primemuscle on October 08, 2020, 01:40:12 PM
You never know for sure.  The entire dynamic of the relationship changes with marriage.  Living together unmarried is not the same  There's no real commitment. If you aren't sure she's the one then move on or keep dating.  Don't move in with her or let her move in with you.

Living together creates too many issues financially.  Maintain your independence until you're willing to commit.

If you live in a State that Does Recognize Common Law Marriage
If you live in one of the above states and you “hold yourself out to be married” (by telling the community you are married, calling each other husband and wife, using the same last name, filing joint income tax returns, etc.), you can have a common law marriage. Common law marriage makes you a legally married couple in every way, even though you never obtained a marriage license. If you choose to end your relationship, you must get a divorce, even though you never had a wedding.

If You Live in a State that Does Not Recognize Common Law Marriage
There is no way to form a common law marriage, no matter how long you live with your partner. There is one catch: if you spend time in a state that does recognize common law marriage, “hold yourself out as married,” and then return or move to a state that doesn’t recognize it, you are still married.

My neighbors separated a couple of years ago after being together for around 25 years and having 3 children (all adults now). The woman moved out. They recently sold the house they lived in. It was once her parent's house. She didn't work, so one could assume he took care of the mortgage (if there was one) and maintenance costs. It would be interesting to know how they divided the proceeds.

My mom and step-dad were together for over 30 years. About 3 years into the relationship, they got married in Mexico. They later adopted my two sisters and the court recognized their marriage. When my dad started collecting SS, they discovered they weren't legally married according the Social Security office. So they married for a second time. This time in Los Angeles where they lived.   
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: Walter Sobchak on October 08, 2020, 05:01:07 PM
My mom and step-dad were together for over 30 years. About 3 years into the relationship, they got married in Mexico. They later adopted my two sisters and the court recognized their marriage. When my dad started collecting SS, they discovered they weren't legally married according the Social Security office. So they married for a second time. This time in Los Angeles where they lived.

So your Mom shacked up with an illegal Mexican and he had to marry her for citizenship.

He adopted your sisters and used you for a sex toy.

It’s no wonder that you’re so fucked up in the head.
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: IroNat on October 08, 2020, 06:11:37 PM
If you live in a State that Does Recognize Common Law Marriage
If you live in one of the above states and you “hold yourself out to be married” (by telling the community you are married, calling each other husband and wife, using the same last name, filing joint income tax returns, etc.), you can have a common law marriage. Common law marriage makes you a legally married couple in every way, even though you never obtained a marriage license. If you choose to end your relationship, you must get a divorce, even though you never had a wedding.

If You Live in a State that Does Not Recognize Common Law Marriage
There is no way to form a common law marriage, no matter how long you live with your partner. There is one catch: if you spend time in a state that does recognize common law marriage, “hold yourself out as married,” and then return or move to a state that doesn’t recognize it, you are still married.

My neighbors separated a couple of years ago after being together for around 25 years and having 3 children (all adults now). The woman moved out. They recently sold the house they lived in. It was once her parent's house. She didn't work, so one could assume he took care of the mortgage (if there was one) and maintenance costs. It would be interesting to know how they divided the proceeds.

My mom and step-dad were together for over 30 years. About 3 years into the relationship, they got married in Mexico. They later adopted my two sisters and the court recognized their marriage. When my dad started collecting SS, they discovered they weren't legally married according the Social Security office. So they married for a second time. This time in Los Angeles where they lived.   

And what does any of this have to do with my post?
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: WoogsRaven on October 09, 2020, 06:35:49 AM
You can try to make that sound great all you want, but you’re buying pussy because you can’t pull any.

What a naïve fucking statement if there ever was one. It's a choice, my inexperienced friend. I'm likely older than you are as well. Dating costs money. You're buying pussy one way or another if you're a single guy.
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: falco on October 09, 2020, 06:41:25 AM
Leave her or you will become her and her family bitch.
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: El Diablo Blanco on October 09, 2020, 06:44:54 AM
You can try to make that sound great all you want, but you’re buying pussy because you can’t pull any.

You always pay for pussy.  Whether financially, emotionally or intellectually.  Sometimes just having a hot whore fuck the shit out of you and leave is real nice.  No games, no attitude, nothing.
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: El Diablo Blanco on October 09, 2020, 06:46:12 AM
I tend to agree. My girl that I hire one a month is 5'7" 130 pounds, shapely round ass. Nice natural C cup tits, athletic build. Blond hair with ivory toned skin. She's a solid 8.5. The Ukrainian accent is a huge turn on. Condoms are used so I'm not too concerned with the STD aspect. There's herpes to possibly worry about but that's skin on skin contact and not a fluid transfer, so there can also be that possibility. So far, so good. I'll keep doing it for now. Sex all day and night, she'll cook for you and cook well. Watch movies with you, sit and listen to any problems you have and strangely enough, give sound advice.

It works for me. It's cost effective and very low stress. But I'm also a rare bird amongst my friends. Mid 40's, no kids by choice, and saving up for an early retirement. Like also stated earlier by someone else, my married friends tend to gravitate to me for advice or to complain about their wives. I'm just logical when it comes to doling out advice.

What does she cost you per weekend?  How did you find her?
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: WoogsRaven on October 09, 2020, 07:41:05 AM
What does she cost you per weekend?  How did you find her?

I found out about her through an escort I was with at the Bellagio in Las Vegas. She recommended her when I told her where I was from. She comes up from DC to Maryland. She used to come accompanied with a bodyguard but stopped after I hired her 3 times. Typically, I would have her come up Saturday afternoon and leave Sunday late morning. I don't get much sleep in between those hours so it's quality time spent. Ranges between $1,000-$1,500 depending on what our plans are. There are occasions during the year where I will go more than 6+ weeks before I see her again. I do have one other 'regular' woman that I see on the side from time to time. So I try to space it all out.
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: IroNat on October 09, 2020, 09:56:46 AM
Why buy when you can lease?
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: Gym Rat on May 04, 2024, 12:18:11 AM
Didn’t you cheat on your dying wife at a homosexual gloryhole?

Disgusting libtard  :-[
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: Amerian Muscle on May 04, 2024, 12:45:11 AM
Your life is on the line, run and never look back. Don't end up like me.
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: Humble Narcissist on May 04, 2024, 12:50:58 AM
Your life is on the line, run and never look back. Don't end up like me.
It isn't over for you yet.
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: Amerian Muscle on May 04, 2024, 03:33:03 AM
It isn't over for you yet.
I think it is. I am too weak to tell her to get lost.
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: bhank on May 04, 2024, 03:39:06 AM
I don't believe for a minute AM has a wife
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: Amerian Muscle on May 04, 2024, 04:26:35 AM
I don't believe for a minute AM has a wife
you also dont believe that you are bald, yet here we are
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: BBSSchlemiel on May 04, 2024, 05:31:22 AM
Same pertinent questions I’ll ask again:

1. What is the point of being “boyfriend and girlfriend” past 23 years old, the age at which most people are done with education or professional training?
2. Why do men live with women they are not going to form a family with or who share serious life goals with?

Being a “boyfriend” is one of the lowest positions a grown man can be in.
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: Flexacon on May 04, 2024, 05:47:42 AM
you also dont believe that you are bald, yet here we are

Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: BBSSchlemiel on May 04, 2024, 05:50:13 AM
I think it is. I am too weak to tell her to get lost.

Why do you want to leave her?
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: _bruce_ on May 04, 2024, 06:00:43 AM

Hand her over to getbig - problem solved.
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: Flexacon on May 04, 2024, 06:04:38 AM
Same pertinent questions I’ll ask again:

1. What is the point of being “boyfriend and girlfriend” past 23 years old, the age at which most people are done with education or professional training?
2. Why do men live with women they are not going to form a family with or who share serious life goals with?

Being a “boyfriend” is one of the lowest positions a grown man can be in.

Sounds more like you're looking for reasons to justify your marriage

You have it the wrong way round. Being a long term girlfriend is the lowest position.

 A long term "boyfriend" who is in control of the relationship dynamics can have all the benefits he would get in a marriage without giving the "girlfriend" the commitments that might be expected of him in a marriage.

It's actually a pretty selfish thing to do as the boyfriend is basically having his cake and eating it.
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: bhank on May 04, 2024, 06:16:32 AM
Life is hard but it is a lot easier with a good woman. I feel bad so many of you are grown and haven't found a good partner. Or maybe you have and just don't realize it and appreciate it. My only advice is find a woman your age that laughs at your jokes and actually enjoys your company. Look for a woman that is looking for you not some bimbo half your age that barely speaks English and just sits around in awkward silence.
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: BBSSchlemiel on May 04, 2024, 06:17:29 AM
Sounds more like you're looking for reasons to justify your marriage

You have it the wrong way round. Being a long term girlfriend is the lowest position.

 A long term "boyfriend" who is in control of the relationship dynamics can have all the benefits he would get in a marriage without giving the "girlfriend" the commitments that might be expected of him in a marriage.

It's actually a pretty selfish thing to do as the boyfriend is basically having his cake and eating it.

I do not seek to justification for what I do, let alone on the internet with strangers. I wanted a family, so that’s what I did. I’m inquiring about what the point of being a boyfriend is, which is investment of resources for… oh… I don’t know.

And yes, I’m aware of boyfriends in the positions of employers in the employer-employee dynamic of most boyfriend-girlfriend relationships. I do not think most boyfriends are the employers.
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: The Scott on May 04, 2024, 06:26:34 AM
Life is hard but it is a lot easier with a good woman. I feel bad so many of you are grown and haven't found a good partner. Or maybe you have and just don't realize it and appreciate it. My only advice is find a woman your age that laughs at your jokes and actually enjoys your company. Look for a woman that is looking for you not some bimbo half your age that barely speaks English and just sits around in awkward silence.

The next thing we will witness from this cuck is when he announces he is now in "love" with a '
"bioidentical feMale". 
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: Flexacon on May 04, 2024, 06:42:10 AM
I do not seek to justification for what I do, let alone on the internet with strangers. I wanted a family, so that’s what I did. I’m inquiring about what the point of being a boyfriend is, which is investment of resources for… oh… I don’t know.

Same reason some men get married. They are desperate and lonely (there are 2 examples on this page of this thread)

And yes, I’m aware of boyfriends in the positions of employers in the employer-employee dynamic of most boyfriend-girlfriend relationships. I do not think most boyfriends are the employers.

You must live in a town or small city or something where mens choices are limited, but I know a lot of guys who are leading their "girlfriends" on and giving very little back. A lot of times they don't even let the girl tell others that they're in a relationship.
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: BBSSchlemiel on May 04, 2024, 06:53:15 AM
Same reason some men get married. They are desperate and lonely (there are 2 examples on this page of this thread)

You must live in a town or small city or something where mens choices are limited, but I know a lot of guys who are leading their "girlfriends" on and giving very little back. A lot of times they don't even let the girl tell others that they're in a relationship.

I lived and worked for 37 years in four of the boroughs of NYC.

I’m aware of the sort of high-status men you speak of.
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: Amerian Muscle on May 04, 2024, 07:03:44 AM
Why do you want to leave her?
Fomo for younger women. I try to fight these thoughts because it's not right
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: BBSSchlemiel on May 04, 2024, 07:16:38 AM
Fomo for younger women. I try to fight these thoughts because it's not right

Do you have children? If not, why not just leave?
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: Amerian Muscle on May 04, 2024, 07:20:11 AM
Life is hard but it is a lot easier with a good woman. I feel bad so many of you are grown and haven't found a good partner. Or maybe you have and just don't realize it and appreciate it. My only advice is find a woman your age that laughs at your jokes and actually enjoys your company. Look for a woman that is looking for you not some bimbo half your age that barely speaks English and just sits around in awkward silence.
The only real benefit of having a wife is you no longer need to do grocery shopping, cooking, dishes, and laundry. Everything else is mostly downsides. Even sex is a chore because you are bored with the same person.
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: Amerian Muscle on May 04, 2024, 07:22:52 AM
Do you have children? If not, why not just leave?
we live in my home so i cannot just leave and i am not prepared to deal with the hell that will unleash when i kick her to the curb. I tried a few times in the past and it was total madness
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: Amerian Muscle on May 04, 2024, 07:25:28 AM
Just need to deal with the situation and pray for the strength to endure
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: Taffin on May 04, 2024, 08:33:19 AM
Life is hard but it is a lot easier with a good woman. I feel bad so many of you are grown and haven't found a good partner. Or maybe you have and just don't realize it and appreciate it. My only advice is find a woman your age that laughs at your jokes and actually enjoys your company. Look for a woman that is looking for you not some bimbo half your age that barely speaks English and just sits around in awkward silence.

Good advices.  I'd also add - try not to pick up anyone drunk on a beach, and avoid women who are good at slamming car doors
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: wes on May 04, 2024, 08:39:21 AM
you also dont believe that you are bald, yet here we are
OUCH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111   ;D
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: GymnJuice on May 04, 2024, 10:08:07 AM
Life is hard but it is a lot easier with a good woman. I feel bad so many of you are grown and haven't found a good partner. Or maybe you have and just don't realize it and appreciate it. My only advice is find a woman your age that laughs at your jokes and actually enjoys your company. Look for a woman that is looking for you not some bimbo half your age that barely speaks English and just sits around in awkward silence.

Around certain women the silence is never awkward. It is just a welcomed lull.
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: wes on May 04, 2024, 10:21:50 AM
Life is hard but it is a lot easier with a good woman. I feel bad so many of you are grown and haven't found a good partner. Or maybe you have and just don't realize it and appreciate it. My only advice is find a woman your age that laughs at your jokes and actually enjoys your company. Look for a woman that is looking for you not some bimbo half your age that barely speaks English and just sits around in awkward silence.
You know nothing at all about anyone's relationship with their wives or girlfriends on here fucking sad cornball.  :(
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: Amerian Muscle on May 04, 2024, 10:30:36 AM
OUCH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111   ;D
i am humbled by this token of recognition
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: joswift on May 04, 2024, 10:30:42 AM
Life is hard but it is a lot easier with a good woman. I feel bad so many of you are grown and haven't found a good partner. Or maybe you have and just don't realize it and appreciate it. My only advice is find a woman your age that laughs at your jokes and actually enjoys your company. Look for a woman that is looking for you not some bimbo half your age that barely speaks English and just sits around in awkward silence.
hahaha less than 3 years together FFS

you picked her because you thought she would be good for expunging your criminal history and she spotted a mark she could fleece
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: Amerian Muscle on May 05, 2024, 01:22:28 AM
Life is hard but it is a lot easier with a good woman. I feel bad so many of you are grown and haven't found a good partner. Or maybe you have and just don't realize it and appreciate it. My only advice is find a woman your age that laughs at your jokes and actually enjoys your company. Look for a woman that is looking for you not some bimbo half your age that barely speaks English and just sits around in awkward silence.
Wow you really are a broken record. This is a copy paste of what you posted a few days ago in another thread. Seems like you are coping hard about the age of your female companion. Also your pathological need for admiration is showing. Enjoy your company? Laugh at your jokes? Pathetic
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: wes on May 05, 2024, 01:37:10 AM
Wow you really are a broken record. This is a copy paste of what you posted a few days ago in another thread. Seems like you are coping hard about the age of your female companion. Also your pathological need for admiration is showing. Enjoy your company? Laugh at your jokes? Pathetic
In reality he`s a miserable prick because he got married and now has to be just a wee bit more responsible,as in paying for her kids.  :D
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: Flexacon on May 05, 2024, 01:55:14 AM
Life is hard but it is a lot easier with a good woman. I feel bad so many of you are grown and haven't found a good partner. Or maybe you have and just don't realize it and appreciate it. My only advice is find a woman your age that laughs at your jokes and actually enjoys your company. Look for a woman that is looking for you not some bimbo half your age that barely speaks English and just sits around in awkward silence.

Your wife makes you sleep in a different room to her..
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: Flexacon on May 05, 2024, 01:58:22 AM
I lived and worked for 37 years in four of the boroughs of NYC.

I’m aware of the sort of high-status men you speak of.

Not all of them. Some are just losers/addicts who struggle with life and keep a "GF" who is usually a whale as a sort of security net
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: BigRo on May 05, 2024, 02:04:46 AM
Your wife makes you sleep in a different room to her..

Preferable anyway, how is a man to let rip as needed.
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: Flexacon on May 05, 2024, 02:11:43 AM
Preferable anyway, how is a man to let rip as needed.

You let it rip regardless and she thanks you for not sticking her head under the duvet
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: Amerian Muscle on May 05, 2024, 02:34:29 AM
Preferable anyway, how is a man to let rip as needed.
if you werent stuffing yourself like a thanksgiving turkey in a futile attempt to get big enough, you wouldnt be blowing out your asshole like a flatulent pig
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: BigRo on May 05, 2024, 02:43:32 AM
if you werent stuffing yourself like a thanksgiving turkey in a futile attempt to get big enough, you wouldnt be blowing out your asshole like a flatulent pig

You have the word Muscle in your "name" its strange. I don't force feed, I wait for genuine hunger before eating. So you don't fart? Go and join the angels in heaven  ::)
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: Tapeworm on May 05, 2024, 03:39:34 AM
Me, I'd volunteer to do the shopping, arrive home without the Noshu keto candy bars, say the chick she hated in school told me they're for losers and the hated chick looked amazing. Talk about US politics during her favorite shows, and include obscure, meandering, and only marginally relevant historical anecdotes about the Roman empire. Cough into the fridge, wear socks for more than one day, and pop off as soon as she starts to cum.

Always use her towel. Grunt for no reason. Make the case that blowing your nose in the sink is good for the planet and so is Donald Trump. Leave the milk on the counter but put the butter in the freezer. Bake almond croissants when she's dieting. Play the banjo.

I wish I could tell you exactly how to be an asshole who will absolutely die alone but I can only point the way.
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: Amerian Muscle on May 05, 2024, 04:17:24 AM
You have the word Muscle in your "name" its strange. I don't force feed, I wait for genuine hunger before eating. So you don't fart? Go and join the angels in heaven  ::)

I don't usually fart in my bedroom indeed, I get most of them out when I use the toilet.
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: bhank on May 05, 2024, 04:40:35 AM
You guys also bring up previous failed relationships as if that is proof woman are bad far from it. Better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all.
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: IroNat on May 05, 2024, 05:56:16 AM
Your wife makes you sleep in a different room house town to her..
Title: Re: How to "nicely" escape a relationship where pressured to propose?
Post by: IroNat on May 05, 2024, 05:57:41 AM
You guys also bring up previous failed relationships as if that is proof woman are bad far from it. Better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all.

Em is a saint.

We just can't understand what she sees in you.

Does she have unrevealed mental issues?