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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Steroids Info & Hardcore => Topic started by: kntsx44 on April 22, 2006, 08:43:18 AM

Title: Just Starting
Post by: kntsx44 on April 22, 2006, 08:43:18 AM
My buddy is hooking me up w/ some d-bol and wintrol tabs i think.  I was doing some research about the side effects and he told me that the worst that happens w/ only 1 cycle is backnye.  If i only do one cycle would there be any other effects like liver damage, baldness, etc.??
Title: Re: Just Starting
Post by: Rimbaud on April 22, 2006, 09:30:05 AM
Let me be the first to tell you: Do more research & Get some Test.
Title: Re: Just Starting
Post by: freeagain on April 22, 2006, 10:20:19 AM
My buddy is hooking me up w/ some d-bol and wintrol tabs i think.  I was doing some research about the side effects and he told me that the worst that happens w/ only 1 cycle is backnye.  If i only do one cycle would there be any other effects like liver damage, baldness, etc.??

its different for everyone .... if you are not predisposed to male pattern baldness you wont lose a single hair.. if you are predisposed it may accelerate it.

you will get some acne... remember the last time you had ragin hormones durin your adolescence ?
i wasnt a particularly spotty kid ... and it holds true for cycles.. i get the odd zit on my chin , eyebrow furrows for some reason and a few on the back on the sholuders.. but nothin noticeable.

my body loves roids.. i grow like a loaf in the oven and get very few side effects.. you wouldnt know i was cyclin by look in at me (apart from my clothes suddenly lookin smaller).

yeah ... chuck some testosterone in there ... pins are nothin to be scared of .. in fact i look forward to pin day and so will you ..... test plus an oral WILL TRANSFORM YOU !!

Title: Re: Just Starting
Post by: SLYY on April 22, 2006, 11:13:07 AM
My buddy is hooking me up w/ some d-bol and wintrol tabs i think.  I was doing some research about the side effects and he told me that the worst that happens w/ only 1 cycle is backnye.

One of my buddies said that if I took steroids I could fly like an airplane!  I think I'll try them and take his word for it!
Title: Re: Just Starting
Post by: DIVISION on April 22, 2006, 03:40:47 PM
My buddy is hooking me up w/ some d-bol and wintrol tabs i think.  I was doing some research about the side effects and he told me that the worst that happens w/ only 1 cycle is backnye.  If i only do one cycle would there be any other effects like liver damage, baldness, etc.??

Can your buddy hook you up with a "gently used" prostitute as well?

If you only have sex with her once, should you use protection?

Let me know, holmes....

Title: Re: Just Starting
Post by: freakfestMD on April 24, 2006, 04:38:04 AM
Can your buddy hook you up with a "gently used" prostitute as well?

Bwahhhhhhhhhhawwwwww.  He also told me that if I wipe the mouth of his "Real Doll" with alcohol it can blow me and I won't catch anthing.
Title: Re: Just Starting
Post by: jpeso on April 24, 2006, 06:28:07 AM
LMAO!!!!  :D Maybe this will give the origingal poster an indication of how foolish he/she sounds!
Title: Re: Just Starting
Post by: blondmusclhunk on April 24, 2006, 08:38:27 AM
It looks like you haven't takent the time to find out information on your own. Go on the internet look at all the properties of all the  steroids and what they are used for ie bulking, cutting etc:  Look at the side effects.  And the differenced and how they work.  Understand your receptors and on and off cylces.  Why would you blindly take what a friend give you??  taking two orals is a bad idea. Especially if youve never taken any before.  You have to have some form of test with every cycle you do dude!  If your a beginner you should start off with Test only 500 mgs a week Test E .  Latter after this cylce and an off period you could throw in dianabol and test.  It depends too on you goals cutting or mass building??
Title: Re: Just Starting
Post by: kntsx44 on April 24, 2006, 12:35:13 PM
I'm not goin in blind, i researched a lot.  i know the side effects, i was just askin if it happens in the 1st cycle or down the road.  why is it bad to take 2 orals?
Title: Re: Just Starting
Post by: SLYY on April 24, 2006, 12:38:09 PM
I'm not goin in blind, i researched a lot.  i know the side effects, i was just askin if it happens in the 1st cycle or down the road.  why is it bad to take 2 orals?

It's apparent you did lots of research....I think you are ready
Title: Re: Just Starting
Post by: DIVISION on April 24, 2006, 03:17:03 PM
I'm not goin in blind, i researched a lot.  i know the side effects, i was just askin if it happens in the 1st cycle or down the road.  why is it bad to take 2 orals?

One oral is taxing on liver, so multiply that by two and depending on dosage, it might actually be higher than that.

It's common sense, man.

Orals aren't candy.  There are always possible consequences.

Title: Re: Just Starting
Post by: kntsx44 on April 24, 2006, 06:32:36 PM
I'm not taking them at the same time, im taking d-bol for 4 weeks then the win at week 4.
Title: Re: Just Starting
Post by: SLYY on April 24, 2006, 06:43:33 PM
oh it is a dbol---winny cycle?
Title: Re: Just Starting
Post by: bigjohn_bluesfan on April 24, 2006, 06:47:05 PM
My buddy is hooking me up w/ some d-bol and wintrol tabs i think.  I was doing some research about the side effects and he told me that the worst that happens w/ only 1 cycle is backnye.  If i only do one cycle would there be any other effects like liver damage, baldness, etc.??

I think you should quit half stepping and get some real gear.... allthat shit  you talked about... that oral shit... thats just extras to a cycle.... I knopw you're not a big pussy so just shove the damn needle in your self... you can hit your quad or delt or ass... the damn needle is so sharp you cant feel shit and after a couple times you will be looking forard to sticking yourself... I love it

hey man.... those freakin orals arent going to do shit.... even on a real cycle its a struggle to eat alot and train hard for good results... remember, the typical Joe on the street thinks "whoa steroids... Im getting huge" but there is a whole logical approach to this which judging by your post you know absolutely nothing about.... you havent reearched shit!!! You would be better off taking your money and going to buy a steak....
Title: Re: Just Starting
Post by: Princess L on April 24, 2006, 07:34:49 PM
Some people should just say
Title: Re: Just Starting
Post by: DIVISION on April 24, 2006, 07:55:35 PM
Some people should just say

^I think you should post more often Lil' Princess.

We could use the humor.