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Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: Pet shop boys on August 16, 2021, 12:52:04 PM

Title: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Pet shop boys on August 16, 2021, 12:52:04 PM
Hard to believe this summer marks the 20th anniversary of legend Mike Mentzer's passing.....

Anyways  not sure if this has been posted here before ...... But this dude claims that when he was a young BBer, released from prison and looking for a Mentzer invited him over to his place and tried to take advantage of him"  while the young muscle dude was desperately  trying to sell knives and change his life for the better....

Very disappointing if this is true  :'(

Woshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh    LE VRO NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: poonhead on August 16, 2021, 01:37:01 PM
It's all true
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: BB on August 16, 2021, 02:50:02 PM
The amphetamine thing is well known, years ago people surmised that was part of what flipped him out. I could see him mething out later in life.

There was a guy on Misc.Fitness.Weights that claimed that he knew a guy that was Mentzer's fuck buddy for many years, but never elaborated on the subject.

At the end, he mentions Lacy H Rich. Lacy was a gay fella who hated Arnold, and would post to bodybuilding newsgroups back then in the early mid 90's. His stories read a lot like Basile's, some insider knowledge, some venom.

He died in the late 90's, a few years before Mentzer. He had AIDS, and the well attested to rumor was that he killed himself with an insulin overdose.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: BB on August 16, 2021, 02:58:19 PM
 An example of Lacy Rich's postings, he had tons more that have vanished - .

You might have to scroll through the threads to see them, old newsgroup postings don't keep well.

You'll also see a young Tim Fogarty in many of those threads.

Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: BB on August 16, 2021, 03:35:28 PM
More Lacy Rich, from the book "Fantastic" by Laurence Leamer -

Wendy Leigh, Lacy Rich, and Stallone supposedly connected -

"Leigh went ahead with the book. Behind the scenes, she claims, Stallone orchestrated much of the project. He found her an agent and put her in touch with Arnold’s former publicist Paul Bloch. He lined up three other sources to attest that Arnold had an affair with Nielsen. He put the journalist in contact with Lacy H. Rich Jr., a gay aficionado of the bodybuilding world obsessed with hurting Arnold, and he became Leigh’s crucial guide and confidant. Stallone also put Leigh in touch with a detective who led her to one of Arnold’s former girlfriends. The star was obsessed with Arnold. “I think of Schwarzenegger every night before I go to sleep,” Leigh recalled Stallone telling her."


More from the book -

"As Arnold basked in the warm glow of adulation from his Hollywood peers, he had a strange, determined foe obsessed with destroying him. His name was Lacy H. Rich Jr. Though he made his living reproducing photos, his main goal was to bring down Arnold. He lived in a cluttered apartment in North Hollywood overrun with files, faxes, newspapers, dirty ashtrays, and unwashed dishes. Rich told some people that his hatred began when his friend Mike Mentzer was so devastated by his defeat in Sydney at the 1980 Mr. Olympia that he began a precipitous emotional decline. Rich managed the apartment building where the sadly diminished Mentzer lived, and Rich wanted to get even. But that is hardly enough to explain the depth of his hatred.

“We are talking today about a bodybuilder turned ‘actor,’ who potentially could become senator or governor, then President of the United States, if he could get the Constitution changed,” Rich told Schwarzenegger biographer Nigel Andrews in an unattributed interview. “And with Arnold’s track record I’m not sure he couldn’t manage that. And I’m damned if I’m going to see this hypocrisy elected to public office in this country.”

Rich did not like to be seen in person. He was a voice on the phone. He was a mysterious fax arriving in the middle of the night, pages and pages of material, everything from frontal nudes of Arnold to stills from porno movies involving Arnold’s past associates to allegations of all kinds of excesses and crimes. Some revelations were true, more were partially true, and many were demonstrably false or had nothing to do with Arnold, all of them blended together in a venomous stew. He sought to bait Arnold and those who tried to protect him. He tried in every way to create a media confrontation.

Rich called Charlotte Parker and faxed her pages of the material that he was also sending to journalists and anyone else in the media. He said he went to see Joe Weider and tried to get to Arnold through him. He picketed the Weiders. “He hated everybody,” Weider said. “He had a group walking in front of my house, saying that I hire illegals and create bodybuilders who are homosexuals and all that kind of crap.”

Arnold ignored Rich’s activities. “I paid absolutely no attention,” he said. “He was no obstacle to my career, period. Absolutely none. He was just a lunatic that was sending around pictures of me in underwear and saying, ‘Oh, Arnold had gay relationships.’ You know, it was so ludicrous because everyone that knew me knew that this guy was totally out of whack. He was a sick guy and that was the end of that. Otherwise, I would have sued him if I would have felt that he was really doing anything to my career.”

When the satire magazine Spy published a devastating article on Arnold in March 1992, Rich’s name was not mentioned but he had played a role. The writer of the piece, Charles Fleming, says that Rich supplied a nude photo of Arnold that illustrated the story, but Rich’s contributions probably went beyond that. Afterward, Rich talked about the piece as if he had almost written it, saying people had called to say that he “had a lot of courage to buck the system.”

“Here was the star of these huge movies, making this huge amount of money, and yet there were these appalling things about him that nobody was willing to say,” said Fleming. “Nobody was willing to discuss it, because of the way that he was wielding his Hollywood power—and that made him a target. Because he was behaving like such a bully, he was worth shooting at.

Spy was a witty magazine with an upscale audience, and the fact that it published the article suggested the distinction between the tabloids and the mainstream media was beginning to crumble and anyone and anything was fair game. Much of the material was scurrilous and ugly and based almost exclusively on anonymous sources. “All right, so what if the rumors confirmed for Spy by a businessman and longtime friend of Arnold’s that in the 1970s he enjoyed playing and giving away records of Hitler’s speeches are true?” the article asked. “There’s the journalist who mirthfully tells of the star’s back lot misdeed show he surprised Arnold in flagrante delicto during the filming of one of his blockbusters and how Arnold said, ‘Ve von’t tell Maria about dis’ but who will never commit that story to print. And there’s the movie executive who will tell you only in private, and never for attribution, about Arnold’s occasional suggestions to the owner of a store where he shops that the two find some chicks who will perform an act Arnold calls ‘polishing the helmet.’ Arnold’s rationalization, according to the store owner? ‘It’s not being unfaithful. It’s only some blo-jobs.’

Probably no one will ever quote the Hollywood producer who pals around with Arnold and says, ‘He’s an unstoppable womanizer, even worse than the Kennedys.’” Fleming detailed in Spy how with Parker’s help, Arnold controlled and manipulated his image, a task made easy by the symbiotic relationship between the entertainment reporters and Hollywood. The article stated that “by all accounts, he hopes to run for governor of California or the U.S. Senate” and “you can’t help but wonder, for example, how campaign reporters would have treated the dinner at the Simon Wiesenthal Center. If Arnold were in the middle of a political campaign and were honored by a Holocaust philanthropy, some intrepid reporter would be digging into his past associations.”

Fleming was one of the first reporters to write about Arnold’s political ambition. He recalls how reporters came up to his desk at Variety after the article appeared, to “whisper things like ‘Senator Schwarzenegger’ and fall all over themselves laughing. And I just kept saying, ‘Get off my back. I didn’t say he was running for office. But you watch. You just watch.... ’ ”

The Spy article had documented one of the essential problems of Arnold’s putative political career. If Arnold decided to run for political office, these accusations and stories might spill over into the mainstream political media, irreparably sullying his reputation. Rich’s efforts were a painful way for Arnold to see just how far these stories would go. Rich had already orchestrated a tabloid article alleging that Arnold had played Nazi music at a party in the early 1980s, and contributed to the Spy article.

In September 1992 Rich sent out yet another fax to a list of journalists and publicists, including Parker. “Coming in October will be the most complete outing Hollywood has ever seen. Thrill to week after week of gay outings of Hollywoods [sic] elite in words and picture. All the good ole boys that made Arnold possible. Yes they banded around him to cover his lies, now see if they band together to protect their own butts.” Beneath the words was a full frontal nude of Arnold with the caption: “A Smoking Gun? Republican Moral Values? Bush sure can pick ’em!!”

October came and went without the media picking up on any of Rich’s charges, and he continued his futile, doomed crusade. He wrote a pamphlet about his struggle against Arnold and in June 1995 placed several chapters on the Internet. Rich had become more and more marginalized, more and more possessed. In September he committed suicide. He and his obsession were gone, but his tales and accusations lived on as part of a whispered underground about Arnold’s life."
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: BayGBM on August 16, 2021, 03:41:07 PM
It's all true

Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: D.O.A. on August 16, 2021, 05:04:46 PM
Hard to believe this summer marks the 20 anniversary of legend Mike Mentzer's passing.....

Anyways  not sure if this has been posted here before ...... But this dude claims that when he was a young BBer, released from prison and looking for a Mentzer invited him over to his place and tried to take advantage of him"  while the young muscle dude was desperately  trying to sell knives and change his life for the better....

Very disappointing if this is true  :'(

Woshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh    LE VRO NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
I don't believe him! He says at the 4min. mark:" and then we took an double EXpresso"! Lol
C'mon man, it messes up everything..
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Pet shop boys on August 16, 2021, 06:04:30 PM
not a very sharp young blade ?

Give him a break, He was a teenager already hanging out with pro bodybuilders, he probably looked up to Mike his "bodybuilding hero "..... like most of us did
 at some point. :'(

Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Pet shop boys on August 16, 2021, 06:05:02 PM
An example of Lacy Rich's postings, he had tons more that have vanished - .

You might have to scroll through the threads to see them, old newsgroup postings don't keep well.

You'll also see a young Tim Fogarty in many of those threads.

Thanks .

Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Pet shop boys on August 16, 2021, 06:10:28 PM
I don't believe him! He says at the 4min. mark:" and then we took an double EXpresso"! Lol
C'mon man, it messes up everything..

He also says that G4P was prevalent in the 80's!!!  and bodybuilders even got to pay very cheap rent thanks to that .

Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: wes on August 16, 2021, 06:12:51 PM
An example of Lacy Rich's postings, he had tons more that have vanished - .

You might have to scroll through the threads to see them, old newsgroup postings don't keep well.

You'll also see a young Tim Fogarty in many of those threads.

Christ BB,how long have you been posting on the boards?

I never saw "misc. fitnes weights" only heard about it.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: BB on August 16, 2021, 06:41:53 PM
Christ BB,how long have you been posting on the boards?

I never saw "misc. fitnes weights" only heard about it.

I've lurked here and there on fitness boards for 25ish years. was a wild place, a lot of industry people posted there, and would gossip because they figured they wouldn't get caught, etc.... Titus melted down there when a fitness girl dumped him. Frank Sepe melted down, and threatened to sue a troll that said he caught AIDS from a schmoe. Vic Richards, Nicole Bass, a bunch of others were there too.

Also you really couldn't ban anyone from posting there, and you could tag /cross post in other groups. So you could have a thread going with bodybuilders from Misc.Fitness.Weights, gays from soc.motss, schmoes from, fat people from, and an odd group like rec.survivalism all fighting in one giant thread at times.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: wes on August 16, 2021, 07:15:05 PM
I've lurked here and there on fitness boards for 25ish years. was a wild place, a lot of industry people posted there, and would gossip because they figured they wouldn't get caught, etc.... Titus melted down there when a fitness girl dumped him. Frank Sepe melted down, and threatened to sue a troll that said he caught AIDS from a schmoe. Vic Richards, Nicole Bass, a bunch of others were there too.

Also you really couldn't ban anyone from posting there, and you could tag /cross post in other groups. So you could have a thread going with bodybuilders from Misc.Fitness.Weights, gays from soc.motss, schmoes from, fat people from, and an odd group like rec.survivalism all fighting in one giant thread at times.
Wow,that`s a long time !!

The place sounded like a real zoo makes this place look tame.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: SOMEPARTS on August 16, 2021, 07:52:38 PM
I've lurked here and there on fitness boards for 25ish years. was a wild place, a lot of industry people posted there, and would gossip because they figured they wouldn't get caught, etc.... Titus melted down there when a fitness girl dumped him. Frank Sepe melted down, and threatened to sue a troll that said he caught AIDS from a schmoe. Vic Richards, Nicole Bass, a bunch of others were there too.

Also you really couldn't ban anyone from posting there, and you could tag /cross post in other groups. So you could have a thread going with bodybuilders from Misc.Fitness.Weights, gays from soc.motss, schmoes from, fat people from, and an odd group like rec.survivalism all fighting in one giant thread at times.

Was Basile a mod?  :D
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Kwon on August 17, 2021, 04:16:05 AM
I've lurked here and there on fitness boards for 25ish years. was a wild place, a lot of industry people posted there, and would gossip because they figured they wouldn't get caught, etc.... Titus melted down there when a fitness girl dumped him. Frank Sepe melted down, and threatened to sue a troll that said he caught AIDS from a schmoe. Vic Richards, Nicole Bass, a bunch of others were there too.

Also you really couldn't ban anyone from posting there, and you could tag /cross post in other groups. So you could have a thread going with bodybuilders from Misc.Fitness.Weights, gays from soc.motss, schmoes from, fat people from, and an odd group like rec.survivalism all fighting in one giant thread at times.

Imagine if we had people from other forums being able to crosspost to Getbig-threads :D

Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: BB on August 17, 2021, 05:12:28 AM

Was Basile a mod?  :D

Ha, I don't remember Basile around back then, I do remember a lot of "HIT" people, that were similar. I think I first ran into Basile in the early 2000's, I think around 2002 or so. Same Vince we have now.


Imagine if we had people from other forums being able to crosspost to Getbig-threads :D

It would be awesome, it was one of the best things about that type of group. I remember some gay guy that would cross post bodybuilder erotic fiction. Shawn Ray must've been his favorite because the stories always ended with Shawn fucking or getting fucked. I can't find them anymore, but they were hilarious.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 17, 2021, 05:20:06 AM
One thing is for sure. Homos like to claim they know the sexuality of people who are dead. Sure sounds like speculation and conjecture. Now because one loser typing from his mom's basement Mentzer will always be labeled a homo.  If he was or if he wasn't the proof isn't there because someone typed smoking a joint on his computer held together with duct tape.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Pet shop boys on August 17, 2021, 06:42:11 AM
One thing is for sure. Homos like to claim they know the sexuality of people who are dead. Sure sounds like speculation and conjecture. Now because one loser typing from his mom's basement Mentzer will always be labeled a homo.  If he was or if he wasn't the proof isn't there because someone typed smoking a joint on his computer held together with duct tape.

Did you see the interview ?

Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: FitnessFrenzy on August 17, 2021, 06:46:48 AM
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: BayGBM on August 17, 2021, 07:34:42 AM
One thing is for sure. Homos like to claim they know the sexuality of people who are dead. Sure sounds like speculation and conjecture. Now because one loser typing from his mom's basement Mentzer will always be labeled a homo.  If he was or if he wasn't the proof isn't there because someone typed smoking a joint on his computer held together with duct tape.

You want a video tape? ;D
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Humble Narcissist on August 17, 2021, 08:01:03 AM
One thing is for sure. Homos like to claim they know the sexuality of people who are dead. Sure sounds like speculation and conjecture. Now because one loser typing from his mom's basement Mentzer will always be labeled a homo.  If he was or if he wasn't the proof isn't there because someone typed smoking a joint on his computer held together with duct tape.
Homos are also known for claiming every hetero is actually gay.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Pet shop boys on August 17, 2021, 12:33:46 PM

I wonder how Mike got paid for this gig  ;D

Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: The Scott on August 17, 2021, 12:53:24 PM
in the seventes I used to hear stories about a lot of the top guys including Mentzer .  He got hooked on speed and literally ruined his life.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Van_Bilderass on August 17, 2021, 12:55:58 PM
That Leo Rex guy thinks meth can make you a homo.

in the seventes I used to hear stories about a lot of the top guys including Mentzer .  He got hooked on speed and literally ruined his life.

He emulated his idol Ayn Rand who was a speed freak for decades.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Humble Narcissist on August 17, 2021, 01:01:49 PM
That Leo Rex guy thinks meth can make you a homo.

He emulated his idol Ayn Rand who was a speed freak for decades.
Rand and Mentzer probably thought speed was good because it made you think faster whereas they looked down on weed because it makes you slower.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Van_Bilderass on August 17, 2021, 01:10:51 PM
Rand and Mentzer probably thought speed was good because it made you think faster whereas they looked down on weed because it makes you slower.

Sure. Though I don't know if they looked down on weed. Even a speedfreak can appreciate weed at night.

Speed is great if you can be moderate. Again, that Leo Rex says speed changed his whole life trajectory, it made him want to read all day. It's been positive iow. He says he uses on 5 on 2 off schedule.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Humble Narcissist on August 17, 2021, 01:16:05 PM
Sure. Though I don't know if they looked down on weed. Even a speedfreak can appreciate weed at night.

Speed is great if you can be moderate. Again, that Leo Rex says speed changed his whole life trajectory, it made him want to read all day. It's been positive iow. He says he uses on 5 on 2 off schedule.
Rand specifically condemned weed.  She said, "happy, confident men do not need to get stoned."  She must have thought they do need speed.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: ThisisOverload on August 17, 2021, 04:11:10 PM
One thing is for sure. Homos like to claim they know the sexuality of people who are dead. Sure sounds like speculation and conjecture. Now because one loser typing from his mom's basement Mentzer will always be labeled a homo.  If he was or if he wasn't the proof isn't there because someone typed smoking a joint on his computer held together with duct tape.

Mentzer was a homo or at least bi.

There is plenty of information on it if you know where to look.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 17, 2021, 04:27:13 PM
Mentzer was a homo or at least bi.

There is plenty of information on it if you know where to look.

I guess I'm not on gay bodybuilding sites except this one. The first I heard of it was here and it seemed it was one poster on another site with all the "inside" information. Could he be a bull shit artist?  We have a poster here who is a complete liar with all his tales. Writes elaborate prose on events that are fictionalized. I know this because I caught him several times in telling tales. 
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: harmankardon1 on August 17, 2021, 04:27:44 PM

I wonder how Mike got paid for this gig  ;D


Funny how menzter is somehow supposed to be the "man" in this clip looking down at the musicians yet he is the weirdo walking around in a thong flexing with oil on his body......

It's bbing epitomised really.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: BayGBM on August 17, 2021, 04:46:44 PM
Funny how menzter is somehow supposed to be the "man" in this clip looking down at the musicians yet he is the weirdo walking around in a thong flexing with oil on his body......

It's bbing epitomised really.

You… have… connected… the… dots. Congratulations!  ;D
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: The Scott on August 17, 2021, 04:59:28 PM
Meth is a cruel mistress.  This is no less true for Reality as when the addict becomes aware of what has become of them they are introduced to her.  And that mistress is a Bitch.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Hypertrophy on August 17, 2021, 05:07:55 PM
Years ago Mentzer wrote an article in Muscle and Fitness magazine about gays in BB and how to ward them off, lol. Maybe somebody like ND has a scan of it?
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Pet shop boys on August 17, 2021, 05:19:04 PM
I guess I'm not on gay bodybuilding sites except this one. The first I heard of it was here and it seemed it was one poster on another site with all the "inside" information. Could he be a bull shit artist?  We have a poster here who is a complete liar with all his tales. Writes elaborate prose on events that are fictionalized. I know this because I caught him several times in telling tales.

Again ,  I made this thread because I had no idea Mike was bi or gay or whatever .... with a  recent interview taken  from youtube ( not Getbig) the guy there says he even LIVED with Mike and yet you keep whining that only here a loser from a broken computer is making up BS story about Mentzer  .... I dont' know why that hurts your feelings so much .

If you want  pictures or videos now that's a different story.

  Btw MENTZER in the rock video with the police hat and mustache looks like a juiced Freddy Mercury  ;D

That's as far LGBTQ as I have seen him online ....But keep searching

WoooSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH  mama mia figaroooooooooooo
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: BB on August 17, 2021, 05:29:19 PM
We can say that Mike was at least very supportive to the gays. Here he was in 1982 raising money for an AIDS related charity - .
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Van_Bilderass on August 18, 2021, 12:57:38 AM
Rand specifically condemned weed.  She said, "happy, confident men do not need to get stoned."  She must have thought they do need speed.

I did not know that, thanks. Yeah, I guess she "needed" speed lol, and cigarettes  :D
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Taffin on August 18, 2021, 07:34:31 AM
I guess I'm not on gay bodybuilding sites except this one. The first I heard of it was here and it seemed it was one poster on another site with all the "inside" information. Could he be a bull shit artist?  We have a poster here who is a complete liar with all his tales. Writes elaborate prose on events that are fictionalized. I know this because I caught him several times in telling tales.


Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Humble Narcissist on August 18, 2021, 11:57:30 AM
Funny how menzter is somehow supposed to be the "man" in this clip looking down at the musicians yet he is the weirdo walking around in a thong flexing with oil on his body......

It's bbing epitomised really.
Everyone in the band got more pussy than "the man" Mentzer.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Royalty on August 18, 2021, 12:03:16 PM
in the seventes I used to hear stories about a lot of the top guys including Mentzer .  He got hooked on speed and literally ruined his life.

That’s too bad. I think that Menter had a lot of potential and a lot of talent.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Humble Narcissist on August 18, 2021, 12:12:26 PM
That’s too bad. I think that Menter had a lot of potential and a lot of talent.
Could have won multiple O's if he didn't flip out and go crazy.  The fans would not have stood for Franco and Dickerson winning over Mentzer and he was closing in on Zane.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Rambone on August 18, 2021, 04:15:37 PM


Lol! Bro!

Could have won multiple O's if he didn't flip out and go crazy.  The schmoes would not have stood for Franco and Dickerson winning over Mentzer and he was closing in on Zane.

Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: BEEFYHEAVYWEIGHT on August 19, 2021, 07:09:54 PM
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Hypertrophy on August 19, 2021, 11:00:23 PM

It's only gay if you....Oh never mind, lol
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: pellius on August 19, 2021, 11:43:19 PM
Mentzer was a homo or at least bi.

There is plenty of information on it if you know where to look.

Where do you look?
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: King Shizzo on August 19, 2021, 11:54:45 PM
Where do you look?
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Army of One on August 20, 2021, 12:03:13 AM

Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: MAXX on August 20, 2021, 10:34:39 AM
I think he had more enemies than anyone and that's why these gay rumors spread. Mentzer was crass and frank in his views on other people. Called anyone who didn't agree with him a complete moron basically. And said most bodybuilders are illiterate idiots(probably true though). So that way he got alot of enemies.

Kind of like the rumors that Adolf Hitlers cousin spread about Hitler being part jewish, gay, etc. because Hitler was a man of principles/idealism and was strongly against nepotism, thus didn't give his relatives any free rides.

Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Humble Narcissist on August 20, 2021, 10:55:42 AM
I think he had more enemies than anyone and that's why these gay rumors spread. Mentzer was crass and frank in his views on other people. Called anyone who didn't agree with him a complete moron basically. And said most bodybuilders are illiterate idiots(probably true though). So that way he got alot of enemies.

Kind of like the rumors that Adolf Hitlers cousin spread about Hitler being part jewish, gay, etc. because Hitler was a man of principles/idealism and was strongly against nepotism, thus didn't give his relatives any free rides.
Mentzer wasn't nearly as smart as he thought himself to be.  Perfect example of Dunning-Kruger effect.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Hypertrophy on August 20, 2021, 11:15:17 AM
Biggest insult you can give a male bodybuilder is calling him gay, it seems. How come we don't hear all the female bodybuilders being called lesbians as a swipe?

Such a double standard, lol
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: MAXX on August 20, 2021, 11:28:14 AM
Mentzer wasn't nearly as smart as he thought himself to be.  Perfect example of Dunning-Kruger effect.
maybe abit of a grandiose self image  :D But he wasn't a sheep/cookiecutter, and I appreciate people like that.

here's another interview about Mentzer. Sad when he says Mike had to steal scrap food from hotel lobbys at one point of his life  :'(

Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Humble Narcissist on August 20, 2021, 11:28:56 AM
Biggest insult you can give a male bodybuilder is calling him gay, it seems. How come we don't hear all the female bodybuilders being called lesbians as a swipe?

Such a double standard, lol
Many non lifting civilians call bodybuilders gay out of envy.  Instead of working out themselves and looking good it's easier to sport a dad bod while questioning the sexuality of everyone else.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Kwon on August 20, 2021, 11:29:30 AM
Everyone in the band got more pussy than "the man" Mentzer.

That’s too bad. I think that Menter had a lot of potential and a lot of talent.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Humble Narcissist on August 20, 2021, 11:38:35 AM
That’s too bad. I think that Menter had a lot of potential and a lot of talent.
He did and he didn't actually do too bad in the lady department either.  Didn't he date Rachel McLish? :P
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: MAXX on August 20, 2021, 11:54:38 AM
He did and he didn't actually do too bad in the lady department either.  Didn't he date Rachel McLish? :P
I think that was Ray.

Mike was with this lady for a long time
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Humble Narcissist on August 20, 2021, 12:31:56 PM
Which one?
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: BB on August 20, 2021, 12:42:26 PM
I think that was Ray.

Mike was with this lady for a long time

Which one?

Pretty sure the standing one is Cathy Gelfo, she left Mike for Clint Beyerle in the mid 80's. This is her and Clint now -


Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 20, 2021, 01:05:41 PM
Mentzer was rich at one point but he lost it all trying to start a magazine and buying out of date movie production equipment that he didn't even know how to use. Clint had his act together. He had a good job and might have come from money.  When Mike's girlfriend dumped him he went nuts combined with the death of his mother. It wasn't the 1980 Olympia in all probability.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Pet shop boys on August 20, 2021, 01:29:00 PM
We can say that Mike was at least very supportive to the gays. Here he was in 1982 raising money for an AIDS related charity - .

That's  impressive ...considering that AIDS was just discovered months before that and they were already doing fund raising ,good for mentzer  ...

Great find

Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: wes on August 20, 2021, 01:35:38 PM
They both look great!!
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: pellius on August 20, 2021, 10:47:42 PM
He did and he didn't actually do too bad in the lady department either.  Didn't he date Rachel McLish? :P

That was his brother, Ray. But Mike did have a reputation for getting tons of poon. Mike wasn't your typical meathead bber. Besides, few could sport a mustache like he could. Ed Corney/Tom Sellect level.

Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: AbrahamG on August 21, 2021, 01:04:27 AM
They both look great!!

^Outed^  ;D
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Vince B on August 21, 2021, 01:41:59 AM
Ray and Rachel. When Ray stayed at our place in Sydney I asked him about him and Rachel. He said she was too religious or something like that. Ray didn't like homosexuals. He and others used to tease Bob Paris at contests.

Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Flexacon on August 21, 2021, 02:26:36 AM
There is a phenomenon I hear about quite often that guys who get tons of quality poon end up getting "bored" and might start banging a twink or 2
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Army of One on August 21, 2021, 03:03:21 AM
There is a phenomenon I hear about quite often that guys who get tons of quality poon end up getting "bored" and might start banging a twink or 2

very common with actors/musicians
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Phantom Spunker on August 21, 2021, 03:12:49 AM
There is a phenomenon I hear about quite often that guys who get tons of quality poon end up getting "bored" and might start banging a twink or 2

Shizzo, can you speak on this? Is it true?
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Humble Narcissist on August 21, 2021, 03:24:39 AM
Ray and Rachel. When Ray stayed at our place in Sydney I asked him about him and Rachel. He said she was too religious or something like that. Ray didn't like homosexuals. He and others used to tease Bob Paris at contests.
If Rachel was too religious I think I would be a convert.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: pamith on August 22, 2021, 07:05:53 PM
Brutal if true
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: pamith on August 22, 2021, 07:12:52 PM
Funny how menzter is somehow supposed to be the "man" in this clip looking down at the musicians yet he is the weirdo walking around in a thong flexing with oil on his body......

It's bbing epitomised really.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 22, 2021, 07:20:19 PM
Rachel was holding out for a millionaire husband. She wasn't going to waste her incredible looks on a bodybuilder with no future. She married a movie producer and agent. 
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: pamith on August 22, 2021, 07:24:14 PM
Meth turned Mike gay, bi
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Humble Narcissist on August 23, 2021, 02:02:24 AM
Rachel was holding out for a millionaire husband. She wasn't going to waste her incredible looks on a bodybuilder with no future. She married a movie producer and agent.
Smart girl.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: FitnessFrenzy on August 23, 2021, 03:29:28 AM
Rachel was holding out for a millionaire husband.

I hope the same is true for Goodrum.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: BayGBM on August 23, 2021, 04:26:27 AM
Meth turned Mike gay, bi

Meth or Joe?
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Kwon on August 23, 2021, 04:59:57 AM
Meth or Joe?

Meth Weider
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: ProudVirgin69 on August 23, 2021, 05:04:38 AM
There is a phenomenon I hear about quite often that guys who get tons of quality poon end up getting "bored" and might start banging a twink or 2

I've always theorized this is what turns the powerful elite to pedophilia.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: King Shizzo on August 23, 2021, 05:17:05 AM
Shizzo, can you speak on this? Is it true?
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: pamith on August 23, 2021, 10:30:07 AM
Meth or Joe?
Meth, very dangerous drug
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: pellius on August 23, 2021, 02:59:56 PM
There is a phenomenon I hear about quite often that guys who get tons of quality poon end up getting "bored" and might start banging a twink or 2

I believe this is true. When a guy is in his late teens/early twenties (and perhaps beyond) it is quite a coup to find a hottie that gives it up on demand. It takes work. And you're grateful when you get it. But say you are a rock star, pro athlete, popular actor, extremely good looking, and charismatic... getting poon is effortless.

I remember reading about Mike Jagger and his perversions. Human wants are like a black hole. It is never satisfied. For someone like Jagger getting hotties to bang at such a young age when most guys are struggling to get anything gets old. Now you want two at a time. Then you want to do things to women that most women wouldn't tolerate for regular guys. But for Mick Jagger -- anything goes. For someone like Jagger you start looking for new thrills. And, yes, that included teen or preteen girls and then eventually boys.

Unless someone is morally grounded always getting what you want whenever you want can be corrupting.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: oldschoolfan on August 24, 2021, 04:18:58 AM
according to people close to mike , he was doing well for himself before he died, not hurting for money by no means. he turned himself around financially unfortunately mike had very bad habits and quit working out ,  a shame , cause at one time he looked like a million dollars .  joe weider was paying him a  150 k a year in the early 80's and he had his books that sold well, mike was the only bodybuilder of that era to approach arnold levels of popularity
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: pamith on August 24, 2021, 07:23:35 AM
according to people close to mike , he was doing well for himself before he died, not hurting for money by no means. he turned himself around financially unfortunately mike had very bad habits and quit working out ,  a shame , cause at one time he looked like a million dollars .  joe weider was paying him a  150 k a year in the early 80's and he had his books that sold well, mike was the only bodybuilder of that era to approach arnold levels of popularity
A true legend of the sport
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Taffin on August 24, 2021, 08:00:35 AM
Meth or Joe?


So that there appears to be the absolute definition of 'hiding in plain sight'...
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: pamith on August 24, 2021, 08:17:59 AM
Joe didn't do anything bad he was just helping them pose better
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: BayGBM on August 24, 2021, 10:16:18 AM
Joe didn't do anything bad he was just helping them pose better

Um, ok.  ;D
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: oldschoolfan on August 24, 2021, 12:41:15 PM
Here is another great pic of mike
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Taffin on August 24, 2021, 12:46:41 PM
Joe didn't do anything bad he was just helping them pose better

Um, ok.  ;D
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Van_Bilderass on August 24, 2021, 12:50:44 PM
If you like crime stories this Larry Pollock vid is pretty funny and entertaining. Great soundtrack as well  :D

Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: oldschoolfan on August 24, 2021, 12:55:40 PM
If you like crime stories this Larry Pollock vid is pretty funny and entertaining. Great soundtrack as well  :D

i listened to his podcast he did about mentzer,  he said mentzer was skinny and blew up fast 300 of deca every other day was his stack that was it. pollock does good interviews he seems a bit high strung though. still pretty lean. not bloated
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Pet shop boys on August 24, 2021, 01:28:35 PM
Many non lifting civilians call bodybuilders gay out of envy.  Instead of working out themselves and looking good it's easier to sport a dad bod while questioning the sexuality of everyone else.


Maybe "non lifting civilians  see something Gayish from oiled up dudes? , shaved legs talking about glutes ,pecs, abs posing in thongs and looking themselves in the mirror  everyday ....( not saying that means gay by default ) but I can assure you the average Joe cant envy that lifestyle .

Besides, nobody out there questions sexuality more than Bodybuilders themselves within its own lame industry

WoooSHHHHH quater trun to the right Bitch !
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Van_Bilderass on August 24, 2021, 01:28:47 PM
pollock does good interviews he seems a bit high strung though.

Yeah maybe high strung but also nerves of steel the way he talks about being tortured by the cartel, it made him merely "irritated."  :D

Mentzer being a fag is pretty disappointing. I don't doubt what Pollock said  :D

Interesting about Rich Piana as well, saying he was a rat who tried to set him up.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Pet shop boys on August 24, 2021, 01:35:43 PM
according to people close to mike , he was doing well for himself before he died, not hurting for money by no means. he turned himself around financially unfortunately mike had very bad habits and quit working out ,  a shame , cause at one time he looked like a million dollars .  joe weider was paying him a  150 k a year in the early 80's and he had his books that sold well, mike was the only bodybuilder of that era to approach arnold levels of popularity

So Mike was making $150.000 a year during the early 80's and not even Lee Haney was making that kind of money winning the Mr.O by the end of the decade.

Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Pet shop boys on August 24, 2021, 01:38:38 PM
Joe didn't do anything bad he was just helping them pose better

Actually , in the interview that started this topic, the dude says Weider loved to touch guys (rub oil) Europeans bodybuilders but wasn't really comfortable while others were "watching him doing it "

Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: BB on August 24, 2021, 03:06:08 PM
So Mike was making $150.000 a year during the early 80's and not even Lee Haney was making that kind of money winning the Mr.O by the end of the decade.


I remember an old article where he said it was between $150-200,000. Mentzer mentioned having to go to the post office with a couple of army duffel bags a week to pick up everything.


Speaking of good articles, this one is great - .

You can map Mike's downfall from it.

He was using amphetamines from the late 70's - onward. He had no problem with them because they made him productive, and if he was productive then there is no problem was his line of thought.

“I was in love with being conscious – amphetamines have that effect on a lot of people. I’d read the literature on amphetamines and had never heard of any long-term physical damage, but I did know that it could possibly result in acute episodes of psychosis. I saw no problem for me because I was convinced I was focused enough and that my use was channeled in a positive direction.

“I didn’t think there was anything wrong in taking stimulants to make me work as hard as I was. A lot of people drink coffee and smoke cigarettes to stay stimulated and be productive. I was a productive genius, but I had lost sight of the fact that the body and the mind have limitations.”

Late 70's, very close to the 1980 Olympia, his mother is very sick, near death it looks like.

He almost burns himself out training for 1979 and 1980 contests.

He loses the 1979 Overall Mr. O to Zane, and goes 5th at the 1980, behind Zane and Arnold.

After the 80 O, he leaves everything having to do with Weider and The IFBB. By 1982, he's almost broke.

Early 83, Nautilus / Jones hire him and Ray for promo work. They separate after about 1/2 a year, he makes up with Weider, but leaves in late 1983 to work for start up "Workout" magazine.

He ups the amphetamines to deal with the workload.

1985 looms, and his financial backers fold "Workout". He also loses his father, who, he was tremendously close to. Cathy Gelfo would leave later that year also.

From 1985 - 1990 it would be a string of arrests and hospital commitments.

Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Pet shop boys on August 24, 2021, 07:35:42 PM
I remember an old article where he said it was between $150-200,000. Mentzer mentioned having to go to the post office with a couple of army duffel bags a week to pick up everything.


Speaking of good articles, this one is great - .

You can map Mike's downfall from it.

He was using amphetamines from the late 70's - onward. He had no problem with them because they made him productive, and if he was productive then there is no problem was his line of thought.

“I was in love with being conscious – amphetamines have that effect on a lot of people. I’d read the literature on amphetamines and had never heard of any long-term physical damage, but I did know that it could possibly result in acute episodes of psychosis. I saw no problem for me because I was convinced I was focused enough and that my use was channeled in a positive direction.

“I didn’t think there was anything wrong in taking stimulants to make me work as hard as I was. A lot of people drink coffee and smoke cigarettes to stay stimulated and be productive. I was a productive genius, but I had lost sight of the fact that the body and the mind have limitations.”

Late 70's, very close to the 1980 Olympia, his mother is very sick, near death it looks like.

He almost burns himself out training for 1979 and 1980 contests.

He loses the 1979 Overall Mr. O to Zane, and goes 5th at the 1980, behind Zane and Arnold.

After the 80 O, he leaves everything having to do with Weider and The IFBB. By 1982, he's almost broke.

Early 83, Nautilus / Jones hire him and Ray for promo work. They separate after about 1/2 a year, he makes up with Weider, but leaves in late 1983 to work for start up "Workout" magazine.

He ups the amphetamines to deal with the workload.

1985 looms, and his financial backers fold "Workout". He also loses his father, who, he was tremendously close to. Cathy Gelfo would leave later that year also.

From 1985 - 1990 it would be a string of arrests and hospital commitments.

Interesting ....

In all seriousness ; Netflix should make a documentary " HEAVY DUTY " about Mike's life and impact he had in bobybuilding .....
Interesting character all around, no doubt

Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: pellius on August 24, 2021, 10:59:29 PM
according to people close to mike , he was doing well for himself before he died, not hurting for money by no means. he turned himself around financially unfortunately mike had very bad habits and quit working out ,  a shame , cause at one time he looked like a million dollars .  joe weider was paying him a  150 k a year in the early 80's and he had his books that sold well, mike was the only bodybuilder of that era to approach arnold levels of popularity


I remember when I first saw that pic. I was just blown away. He looked so solid and dense there. I missed the days when a standing relax pose was just like how Mike is doing it here. I hate when they flare their arms out now. It flattens out the delts and just seems kind of juvenile. It reminds me of how people stand when they are mimicking and mocking bodybuilders.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: pellius on August 24, 2021, 11:26:02 PM
One thing that always kind of puzzled me was that Mike seemed like such a pure mesomorph and that it was easy for him to develop his muscles. But his back just seemed so lacking. I see nigs in the park basketball court with better traps and mid-back. His lats didn't look like it was lacking from the front but from the back, he didn't have that dramatic flare that I noticed even Mike Katz had in PI.

Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: AbrahamG on August 25, 2021, 12:16:20 AM
One thing that always kind of puzzled me was that Mike seemed like such a pure mesomorph and that it was easy for him to develop his muscles. But his back just seemed so lacking. I see nigs in the park basketball court with better traps and mid-back. His lats didn't look like it was lacking from the front but from the back, he didn't have that dramatic flare that I noticed even Mike Katz had in PI.


You have no idea how fucking hard I'm laughing right now.  I've got tears streaming down my face.  Sweet Jesus that gets me every time you do it.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: pellius on August 25, 2021, 04:30:41 AM
You have no idea how fucking hard I'm laughing right now.  I've got tears streaming down my face.  Sweet Jesus that gets me every time you do it.

I just feel it's important to distinguish between civilized Blacks and those inner-city thugs. I use to say the full word, and again not to be disparaging, but just to be very specific as to whom I am referring to, but nowadays it's the absolute worse thing you can say. You can shit in the streets and people just walk away with that "there's nothing to see here" attitude but say n*gg*r and you will lose your job and even have family and friends disown you. So I just say "nig" so there's no confusion. People seem to accept it and I've never had anyone call me out on it.

Of course, when I'm referring to an actual Black person I refer to them as "my n*gga".  ;D
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: wes on August 25, 2021, 05:19:11 AM

Of course, when I'm referring to an actual Black person I refer to them as "my n*gga".  ;D
Jesus dude I just choked on my coffee !!  LOL  ;D
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: pamith on August 25, 2021, 06:22:32 AM
Actually , in the interview that started this topic, the dude says Weider loved to touch guys (rub oil) Europeans bodybuilders but wasn't really comfortable while others were "watching him doing it "

Well the oil makes the definition show better (why does everything has to be sexual or homo?)
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Dieter on August 25, 2021, 07:02:05 AM
I'm surprised this video wasn't posted yet, so I'll do it. Taken just days before Mike and Ray's untimely deaths.

Mike Mentzer taught what no gym trainer could. He was a legend. a great human being...this is not by judging the tightness of his skin but by the content of his noble character. Mike taught to think outside the realize that precise training is the best and finally to have an objectivist view of life.

I'd doubt he was a h0m0 either  ::) ::)

Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: pamith on August 25, 2021, 09:01:57 AM
I remember an old article where he said it was between $150-200,000. Mentzer mentioned having to go to the post office with a couple of army duffel bags a week to pick up everything.


Speaking of good articles, this one is great - .

You can map Mike's downfall from it.

He was using amphetamines from the late 70's - onward. He had no problem with them because they made him productive, and if he was productive then there is no problem was his line of thought.

“I was in love with being conscious – amphetamines have that effect on a lot of people. I’d read the literature on amphetamines and had never heard of any long-term physical damage, but I did know that it could possibly result in acute episodes of psychosis. I saw no problem for me because I was convinced I was focused enough and that my use was channeled in a positive direction.

“I didn’t think there was anything wrong in taking stimulants to make me work as hard as I was. A lot of people drink coffee and smoke cigarettes to stay stimulated and be productive. I was a productive genius, but I had lost sight of the fact that the body and the mind have limitations.”

Late 70's, very close to the 1980 Olympia, his mother is very sick, near death it looks like.

He almost burns himself out training for 1979 and 1980 contests.

He loses the 1979 Overall Mr. O to Zane, and goes 5th at the 1980, behind Zane and Arnold.

After the 80 O, he leaves everything having to do with Weider and The IFBB. By 1982, he's almost broke.

Early 83, Nautilus / Jones hire him and Ray for promo work. They separate after about 1/2 a year, he makes up with Weider, but leaves in late 1983 to work for start up "Workout" magazine.

He ups the amphetamines to deal with the workload.

1985 looms, and his financial backers fold "Workout". He also loses his father, who, he was tremendously close to. Cathy Gelfo would leave later that year also.

From 1985 - 1990 it would be a string of arrests and hospital commitments.
Poor soul
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: MAXX on August 25, 2021, 09:11:45 AM
I remember an old article where he said it was between $150-200,000. Mentzer mentioned having to go to the post office with a couple of army duffel bags a week to pick up everything.


Speaking of good articles, this one is great - .

You can map Mike's downfall from it.

He was using amphetamines from the late 70's - onward. He had no problem with them because they made him productive, and if he was productive then there is no problem was his line of thought.

“I was in love with being conscious – amphetamines have that effect on a lot of people. I’d read the literature on amphetamines and had never heard of any long-term physical damage, but I did know that it could possibly result in acute episodes of psychosis. I saw no problem for me because I was convinced I was focused enough and that my use was channeled in a positive direction.

“I didn’t think there was anything wrong in taking stimulants to make me work as hard as I was. A lot of people drink coffee and smoke cigarettes to stay stimulated and be productive. I was a productive genius, but I had lost sight of the fact that the body and the mind have limitations.”

Late 70's, very close to the 1980 Olympia, his mother is very sick, near death it looks like.

He almost burns himself out training for 1979 and 1980 contests.

He loses the 1979 Overall Mr. O to Zane, and goes 5th at the 1980, behind Zane and Arnold.

After the 80 O, he leaves everything having to do with Weider and The IFBB. By 1982, he's almost broke.

Early 83, Nautilus / Jones hire him and Ray for promo work. They separate after about 1/2 a year, he makes up with Weider, but leaves in late 1983 to work for start up "Workout" magazine.

He ups the amphetamines to deal with the workload.

1985 looms, and his financial backers fold "Workout". He also loses his father, who, he was tremendously close to. Cathy Gelfo would leave later that year also.

From 1985 - 1990 it would be a string of arrests and hospital commitments.
1983 here

Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Pet shop boys on August 25, 2021, 01:42:30 PM
I'm surprised this video wasn't posted yet, so I'll do it. Taken just days before Mike and Ray's untimely deaths.

Mike Mentzer taught what no gym trainer could. He was a legend. a great human being...this is not by judging the tightness of his skin but by the content of his noble character. Mike taught to think outside the realize that precise training is the best and finally to have an objectivist view of life.

I'd doubt he was a h0m0 either  ::) ::)

Sad.. how old and unhealthy they both look in that video  :'(

 looking  like poster boys  for a Not to do type of thing"..

Hard to believe they didn't even reach 50 .


Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: falco on August 25, 2021, 02:32:28 PM
Saw a podcast where the host suspected they died from DNP overdose.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Dave D on August 25, 2021, 03:18:41 PM
Saw a podcast where the host suspected they died from DNP overdose.

DNP? Does it have any other use besides fat loss? Those boys werent concerned with losing weight at the end, watch the video. Ray couldn’t figure out how to get a girlfriend.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 25, 2021, 06:04:03 PM
They looked like they never trained before their death.  Late 40's and they looked like hell. 
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: BayGBM on August 25, 2021, 07:09:34 PM
They looked like they never trained before their death.  Late 40's and they looked like hell.

x2.  Almost wish that video was never seen.  I recall the first time I saw it… Looked like they had never been in a gym—ever!  Just random “old” guys sitting around shooting the shit… only to check out shortly thereafter.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: The Scott on August 25, 2021, 07:56:35 PM
x2.  Almost wish that video was never seen.  I recall the first time I saw it… Looked like they had never been in a gym—ever!  Just random “old” guys sitting around shooting the shit… only to check out shortly thereafter.

If not only your physique but your ego are built on PEDs and speed ...Both Mentzers were victims of the mirror of their mind.  And the Mentzers were neither the first nor last to do so.  There are far, far too many victims of their own ego.   And when the mirror breaks?

Watch the end of "The Picture of Dorian Gray". 
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Humble Narcissist on August 26, 2021, 03:00:54 AM
Sad.. how old and unhealthy they both look in that video  :'(

 looking  like poster boys  for a Not to do type of thing"..

Hard to believe they didn't even reach 50 .


They moved like 80 year old men.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: pamith on August 26, 2021, 08:37:14 AM
They looked like they never trained before their death.  Late 40's and they looked like hell.
This, I remember, it was sad
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: pamith on August 26, 2021, 08:39:50 AM
If not only your physique but your ego are built on PEDs and speed ...Both Mentzers were victims of the mirror of their mind.  And the Mentzers were neither the first nor last to do so.  There are far, far too many victims of their own ego.   And when the mirror breaks?

Watch the end of "The Picture of Dorian Gray".
Ego is the worst thing, is best to be humble, srs
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Pet shop boys on August 26, 2021, 01:12:16 PM
October 4, 1980..

In pictures, (October 4.1980)  The last great/important day" in Mentzer's life,  from the next day on everything went gradually down for him

Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Humble Narcissist on August 27, 2021, 05:00:16 AM
For someone who valued the mind and rational thinking he sure was mentally fragile.  Is there any athlete or bodybuilder in history who had a bigger meltdown after a loss?
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Flexacon on August 27, 2021, 05:08:08 AM
For someone who valued the mind and rational thinking he sure was mentally fragile.  Is there any athlete or bodybuilder in history who had a bigger meltdown after a loss?

Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Pet shop boys on August 27, 2021, 08:06:28 AM

LMAO  I'm sure that wasn't a forever and ever meltdown like Mentzer's....

but great find  ;D

Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: BayGBM on August 27, 2021, 08:30:06 AM
If not only your physique but your ego are built on PEDs and speed ...Both Mentzers were victims of the mirror of their mind.  And the Mentzers were neither the first nor last to do so.  There are far, far too many victims of their own ego.   And when the mirror breaks?

Watch the end of "The Picture of Dorian Gray".

That video destroyed the Mentzer fantasy.  Forever.  Just think of all the guys in their 40s, 50s, or even 60s today who still have killer physiques… or decent physiques that put them to shame.  :-\
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Kwon on August 27, 2021, 09:19:52 AM
For someone who valued the mind and rational thinking he sure was mentally fragile.  Is there any athlete or bodybuilder in history who had a bigger meltdown after a loss?

It's a special thing being of a gifted mind and then seeing a multitude of morons being gifted things that should have been yours, only because that the morons had allowed Joe enter their poopchute.

Huge blow to the ego

It's like when a good looking bird chooses Shizzo over you :D
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Humble Narcissist on August 27, 2021, 11:20:17 AM
It's a special thing being of a gifted mind and then seeing a multitude of morons being gifted things that should have been yours, only because that the morons had allowed Joe enter their poopchute.

Huge blow to the ego

It's like when a good looking bird chooses Shizzo over you :D
Mike wasn't nearly as good as he thought he was, especially at the 80 Olympia.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: MAXX on August 27, 2021, 11:41:31 AM
Mike wasn't nearly as good as he thought he was, especially at the 80 Olympia.
sorry but Mentzer obviously killed Arnold in 1980.

just look at the difference in leg mass, arm size and just width alone in this photo


Arnolds win here was just a Weider gift to Arnold(just like their gift to Columbo in 81) and revenge on Mentzer.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Hypertrophy on August 27, 2021, 11:44:23 AM
Mentzer was built like a tank and next to Arnold was a bodybuilder I was most interested in for a long time. It is a pity that he and his brother died so young.

Nowadays there isn't anyone i find even remotely as fascinating. Honestly, they all look and sound the same.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Humble Narcissist on August 27, 2021, 12:01:31 PM
sorry but Mentzer obviously killed Arnold in 1980.

just look at the difference in leg mass, arm size and just width alone in this photo


Arnolds win here was just a Weider gift to Arnold(just like their gift to Columbo in 81) and revenge on Mentzer.
Sorry but Mentzer was fifth.  If anyone had a beef with Arnold winning it should have been Roger Walker.  One picture does not a contest make.  Look at all the photos and the limited video and you will see Mentzer was nowhere close to best on that day.  He over dieted because of his loss to Zane in 79 not knowing Arnold was entering the contest.  He came in fifth so it didn't matter.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Taffin on August 27, 2021, 12:18:15 PM
Sad.. how old and unhealthy they both look in that video  :'(

Right off the bat, Ray talks about his dialysis regime

Was that common knowledge?  I certainly didn't know he'd encountered 'the usual genetic abnormality'..
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: MAXX on August 27, 2021, 12:19:25 PM
Sorry but Mentzer was fifth.  If anyone had a beef with Arnold winning it should have been Roger Walker.  One picture does not a contest make.  Look at all the photos and the limited video and you will see Mentzer was nowhere close to best on that day.  He over dieted because of his loss to Zane in 79 not knowing Arnold was entering the contest.  He came in fifth so it didn't matter.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Humble Narcissist on August 27, 2021, 12:39:43 PM

Do you think Mentzer won the 80 Olympia?
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: MAXX on August 27, 2021, 12:53:53 PM
Do you think Mentzer won the 80 Olympia?
Yes. And Roger Walker 2nd place.

The whole contest was redicilous and the placings. Dickerson, Zane and Boyer got 2nd,3rd, 4th. over Mentzer(5'th) and Walker(7th!). Mentzer, Walker and Zane boycotted the Olympia after that. It was fixed end of story.

Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: MAXX on August 27, 2021, 12:57:08 PM
following year another fixed contest by Arnold

Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: joswift on August 27, 2021, 03:10:20 PM
following year another fixed contest by Arnold

he won with half a body
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: oldschoolfan on August 27, 2021, 05:12:44 PM
Read muscle smoke and mirrors volume 3 by randy roach

It gives a very detailed information about the 80 and 81 Olympia

Arnold basically got e Olympia banned from tv cbs was going to broadcast the 80 Olympia

After Arnold won they refused to air the show even cbs believed it was fixed
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: AbrahamG on August 27, 2021, 05:14:17 PM
Read muscle smoke and mirrors volume 3 by randy roach

It gives a very detailed information about the 80 and 81 Olympia

Arnold basically got e Olympia banned from tv cbs was going to broadcast the 80 Olympia

After Arnold won they refused to air the show even cbs believed it was fixed

Sounds like the butt hurt opinion of some whiny bitch named randy cockroach.  Arnold won the 80 Olympia hands down.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Sissysquats on August 27, 2021, 05:24:35 PM
following year another fixed contest by Arnold


  I’d lie to see the heavyweights pull a vacuum these days
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: The Scott on August 27, 2021, 05:44:31 PM
Chris "Curious George" Dickerson's (those EARS) win was the biggest travesty of all when he won in '82.  Padilla was robbed again.  The only way Dickerson could've made it to the top was by bottoming for every freakin' judge that year.


Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: AbrahamG on August 27, 2021, 05:56:16 PM
Chris "Curious George" Dickerson's (those EARS) win was the biggest travesty of all when he won in '82.  Padilla was robbed again.  The only way Dickerson could've made it to the top was by bottoming for every freakin' judge that year.


I think he fucked a few asses also.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Dave D on August 27, 2021, 06:14:10 PM
Read muscle smoke and mirrors volume 3 by randy roach

It gives a very detailed information about the 80 and 81 Olympia

Arnold basically got e Olympia banned from tv cbs was going to broadcast the 80 Olympia

After Arnold won they refused to air the show even cbs believed it was fixed

 Yeah the old,  “CBS was going to air the contest, but Arnold won” story. CBS was airing the NBA finals at late night on tape delay in 1980….

Looking at the landscape back then it seems odd to believe that they would have aired a niche competition like the Mr. Olympia.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Humble Narcissist on August 28, 2021, 02:45:38 AM
Yes. And Roger Walker 2nd place.

The whole contest was redicilous and the placings. Dickerson, Zane and Boyer got 2nd,3rd, 4th. over Mentzer(5'th) and Walker(7th!). Mentzer, Walker and Zane boycotted the Olympia after that. It was fixed end of story.
It may have been fixed but no way was Mentzer the best on stage.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: pellius on August 28, 2021, 02:56:05 AM
following year another fixed contest by Arnold


Franco's quads were worse than Arnold's. Not cut to be seen. Just a smooth, bow-legged disgrace.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Body-Buildah on August 28, 2021, 03:26:29 AM
Sounds like the butt hurt opinion of some whiny bitch named randy cockroach.  Arnold won the 80 Olympia hands down.

Roach's books are outstanding. Not a whiny bitch at all actually, very mellow/detailed guy who did amazing work.
Everything Arnie did to even get into the contest was rigged (rules were broken), so he should have even been in it.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: oldschoolfan on August 28, 2021, 06:03:21 AM
Roach's books are outstanding. Not a whiny bitch at all actually, very mellow/detailed guy who did amazing work.
Everything Arnie did to even get into the contest was rigged (rules were broken), so he should have even been in it.

His books are great I have all 3 volumes randy lost his eye site while writing the books he is also a nice guy he does respond to emails
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Pet shop boys on August 28, 2021, 12:39:12 PM
Read muscle smoke and mirrors volume 3 by randy roach

It gives a very detailed information about the 80 and 81 Olympia

Arnold basically got e Olympia banned from tv cbs was going to broadcast the 80 Olympia

After Arnold won they refused to air the show even cbs believed it was fixed

If that was the case, More reasons to air the show/contest  ... controversy always equals ratings

Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Never1AShow on August 28, 2021, 12:50:52 PM
Sounds like the butt hurt opinion of some whiny bitch named randy cockroach.  Arnold won the 80 Olympia hands down.

THIS ^^^

And even if he wasn't the obvious clear winner, he was close enough for reasonable minds to disagree and Arnold was a bodybuilding legend and you don't give it to someone else in such a close situation
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Humble Narcissist on August 28, 2021, 02:05:49 PM
Sounds like the butt hurt opinion of some whiny bitch named randy cockroach.  Arnold won the 80 Olympia hands down.
The Mentzer fanboys judge that Arnold wasn't at HIS best so therefore he shouldn't have won.  The fact that he wasn't as good as he was in the 70's doesn't mean he wasn't the best onstage that day.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: oldtimer1 on August 28, 2021, 02:56:54 PM
Looking at the stills I wonder if Arnold was good enough.  Looking at the video and he won. An 85% Arnold was better than a 100% Mentzer.  Yes, Dickerson deserved second place. 
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: pamith on August 28, 2021, 08:16:11 PM
I just feel it's important to distinguish between civilized Blacks and those inner-city thugs. I use to say the full word, and again not to be disparaging, but just to be very specific as to whom I am referring to, but nowadays it's the absolute worse thing you can say. You can shit in the streets and people just walk away with that "there's nothing to see here" attitude but say n*gg*r and you will lose your job and even have family and friends disown you. So I just say "nig" so there's no confusion. People seem to accept it and I've never had anyone call me out on it.

Of course, when I'm referring to an actual Black person I refer to them as "my n*gga".  ;D
I prefer to say ''Nikka'' because it's less offensive
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: pamith on August 28, 2021, 08:25:18 PM
October 4, 1980..

In pictures, (October 4.1980)  The last great/important day" in Mentzer's life,  from the next day on everything went gradually down for him

The thing is Mike had no chest compared to Arnold. The chest is everything, either you got it or you don't. Everything else Mike was as good as Arnold, maybe his legs were ever better than Arnold's legs. Chest comes from volume, high intensity is great for back but not so great for chest
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: pamith on August 28, 2021, 08:32:29 PM
sorry but Mentzer obviously killed Arnold in 1980.

just look at the difference in leg mass, arm size and just width alone in this photo


Arnolds win here was just a Weider gift to Arnold(just like their gift to Columbo in 81) and revenge on Mentzer.
One picture means nothing, look at ALL the pictures AND video, you'll see Arnold was better
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: pamith on August 28, 2021, 08:36:14 PM
Mentzer was built like a tank and next to Arnold was a bodybuilder I was most interested in for a long time. It is a pity that he and his brother died so young.

Nowadays there isn't anyone i find even remotely as fascinating. Honestly, they all look and sound the same.
Dorian is similar to Mike, just bigger, more massive
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: pamith on August 28, 2021, 08:43:08 PM
Yes. And Roger Walker 2nd place.

The whole contest was redicilous and the placings. Dickerson, Zane and Boyer got 2nd,3rd, 4th. over Mentzer(5'th) and Walker(7th!). Mentzer, Walker and Zane boycotted the Olympia after that. It was fixed end of story.
No, you are crazy, Arnold was taller, wider, bigger chest, more aesthetic, Mentzer was not at the same level sorry
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: pamith on August 28, 2021, 08:45:18 PM
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: pamith on August 28, 2021, 08:47:39 PM
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: pamith on August 28, 2021, 08:53:05 PM
The Mentzer fanboys judge that Arnold wasn't at HIS best so therefore he shouldn't have won.  The fact that he wasn't as good as he was in the 70's doesn't mean he wasn't the best onstage that day.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: pamith on August 28, 2021, 08:58:07 PM
following year another fixed contest by Arnold

One picture doesn't mean anything, Franco won fair and square, Tom's body was imbalanced, huge legs but the upper body was not as massive, Padilla looked good but his upper body looked small next to same height bodybuilder Franco who looked extremely dense and rugged with a herculean physique. Upper body is king, then and now, legs are important but a bodybuilder with a great upper body beats a bodybuilder with great legs
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Dave D on August 28, 2021, 11:25:32 PM
One picture doesn't mean anything, Franco won fair and square, Tom's body was imbalanced, huge legs but the upper body was not as massive, Padilla looked good but his upper body looked small next to same height bodybuilder Franco who looked extremely dense and rugged with a herculean physique. Upper body is king, then and now, legs are important but a bodybuilder with a great upper body beats a bodybuilder with great legs

Tell it to Bhanks.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: AbrahamG on August 29, 2021, 01:14:36 AM
Tell it to Bhanks.

You mean Glutezilla?
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: pellius on August 29, 2021, 05:21:38 PM
I prefer to say ''Nikka'' because it's less offensive

Not when you're a fellow brotha.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: pellius on August 29, 2021, 05:24:34 PM
The Mentzer fanboys judge that Arnold wasn't at HIS best so therefore he shouldn't have won.  The fact that he wasn't as good as he was in the 70's doesn't mean he wasn't the best onstage that day.

Why did the crowd boo? And they were booing the most popular bber in history whom the majority would have loved to see Arnold wipe the floor with his competition.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: pellius on August 29, 2021, 05:28:14 PM
One picture doesn't mean anything, Franco won fair and square, Tom's body was imbalanced, huge legs but the upper body was not as massive, Padilla looked good but his upper body looked small next to same height bodybuilder Franco who looked extremely dense and rugged with a herculean physique. Upper body is king, then and now, legs are important but a bodybuilder with a great upper body beats a bodybuilder with great legs

Platz unbalanced? Not Franco? Franco had a huge upper body but his legs were not even at a pro bber level. I see better legs than that at the beach here in Hawaii except they don't have Franco's bow legs.

What was the most common comment by the experts, those who make their living doing this shit, was how Platz brought up his upper body to match his legs.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: pellius on August 29, 2021, 05:32:54 PM
One picture doesn't mean anything, Franco won fair and square, Tom's body was imbalanced, huge legs but the upper body was not as massive, Padilla looked good but his upper body looked small next to same height bodybuilder Franco who looked extremely dense and rugged with a herculean physique. Upper body is king, then and now, legs are important but a bodybuilder with a great upper body beats a bodybuilder with great legs

You keep saying that. But it's not one picture. There's ton's of pictures. And a picture means a lot. You use the argument when it suits you.

And it's funny how people always say that it's not just size that wins but conditioning at that level. That's why Zane won the Olympia. But now to conform to your narrative it's size that counts. Platz made Franco look tiny.

Now go find on the net where Franco looks better than Platz of Padilla.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: pamith on August 29, 2021, 05:33:26 PM
Platz unbalanced? Not Franco? Franco had a huge upper body but his legs were not even at a pro bber level. I see better legs than that at the beach here in Hawaii except they don't have Franco's bow legs.

What was the most common comment by the experts, those who make their living doing this shit, was how Platz brought up his upper body to match his legs.
What matters is the upper body, not the legs. For Platz to match his lower body he would need the upper body of Branch Warren
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: pamith on August 29, 2021, 05:39:30 PM
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: pamith on August 29, 2021, 05:42:04 PM
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: pamith on August 29, 2021, 05:45:36 PM
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: ChristopherA on August 29, 2021, 05:50:03 PM
Franco getting owned in all those pics. Right up there with '97 for the worst Mr. O judging ever
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: pamith on August 29, 2021, 05:54:02 PM
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: pamith on August 29, 2021, 06:10:54 PM
I admit it I'm a huge fan of Franco because I'm Italian myself
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: pamith on August 29, 2021, 06:12:22 PM
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Humble Narcissist on August 30, 2021, 02:27:58 AM
They didn't know what to do with Platz.  He came along 10 years too early.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: MAXX on August 30, 2021, 10:08:40 AM

Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: pamith on August 30, 2021, 11:43:42 AM
Franco won!
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Humble Narcissist on August 30, 2021, 01:38:28 PM
Franco won!
With epic gyno and no legs.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Pet shop boys on September 02, 2021, 01:51:53 PM
Joe -  " you're shaking too much Mike,  let me fix that "

Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: ProudVirgin69 on September 02, 2021, 02:52:36 PM

He didn't deserve the win but his upper body is so freaky looking, always stands out from his contemporaries
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Taffin on September 02, 2021, 03:26:11 PM
Joe -  " you're shaking too much Mike,  let me fix that "



Hiding in plain sight

1. Hidden in plain sight
Concealed or unseen despite being in full, unrestricted view:
       - Oh, I hide my candy in plain sight—I just put it in that old, empty coffee can on the counter!
See also: hidden, plain, sight

2. Hide (someone or something) in plain sight
To conceal someone or something so that they or it go unnoticed despite being in full, unrestricted view:
       - Oh, I hide my candy in plain sight—I just put it in that old, empty coffee can on the counter!
       - I wouldn't be surprised if they're hiding the kidnapped girl in plain sight. They probably ducked into a crowded store and are blending in with their surroundings.
       - Nobody would suspect him of being gay.  It's normal to hang round half naked bodybuilders while fully clothed, touching them longingly with an erection hard as nails

See also: hide, plain, sight, full homo

3. Hide in plain sight
1. To remain unseen despite being in full, unrestricted view:
       - You know, I bet those crooks are hiding in plain sight. They probably ducked into a crowded store and are blending in with the other customers.
2. To remain unchanged without protest or complaint despite being plainly or obviously apparent.
       - The inequality of living conditions faced by people of different backgrounds in this city has been hiding in plain sight for decades.
       - His Wife was obviously a beard.  He arranged for top bodybuilders to run trains on her on a regular basis while he watched from the closet, masturbating furiously

See also: hide, plain, sight, cuck, beard, full homo

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2015 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Pet shop boys on September 03, 2021, 02:08:18 PM
Remember when we all thought that being "inspected"  by the master blaster was some kind of a blessing ?

How naive we were ?

WoooSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH  Levroneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Body-Buildah on September 03, 2021, 02:31:22 PM
Arn-Cuck was promotor for 81 Mr. O.
Franco wins it (his best friend), nothing to see here, just move along...
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Humble Narcissist on September 03, 2021, 02:35:14 PM
Arn-Cuck was promotor for 81 Mr. O.
Franco wins it (his best friend), nothing to see here, just move along...
Had Mentzer competed in 81 he would have had an even bigger meltdown knowing Arnold was the promoter.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Kwon on September 03, 2021, 03:31:53 PM
Had Wes competed in 81, Bhanks would have had an even bigger Meltdown
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: BB on September 03, 2021, 06:31:30 PM
Remember when we all thought that being "inspected"  by the master blaster was some kind of a blessing ?

How naive we were ?

WoooSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH  Levroneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


"Danny, is Uncle Joe gonna have to take it?"

Jeez, that pic is aggressively homosexual.

( I'm now imagining Joe and Danny in this classic movie scene -
, Just replace Big Al with Joe, Miklo with Danny, and the prison with the Weider Research Clinic that used to be in old ads. It works pretty well :). )
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Body-Buildah on September 04, 2021, 02:19:50 AM
I have a bunch of these DVD's (got from a guy at the AOBS dinners).
Arthur was one of the 1st to have guys get off gear (like Boyer, Casey) and then start the Nautilus program (while jumping back on the gear) and building back up.
Classic before/after scenario.

Many went on to use this process to sell programs, supps, equipment, etc.
You would think people would learn over time, but not so as man becomes more dumb as time goes on. (Think modern day mindless retards).
Supplement sales are higher than ever (good for the brands) and expensive urine is being flushed all across the globe.

Big Ramy (320 lbs) now promoting Tony Huge supps and tons of Arabs are probably buying that shit up like crazy.

Clown World...

Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Humble Narcissist on September 04, 2021, 03:15:16 AM
The Colorado experiment was an example of this.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: IroNat on September 04, 2021, 04:04:54 AM
I have a bunch of these DVD's (got from a guy at the AOBS dinners).
Arthur was one of the 1st to have guys get off gear (like Boyer, Casey) and then start the Nautilus program (while jumping back on the gear) and building back up.
Classic before/after scenario.

Many went on to use this process to sell programs, supps, equipment, etc.
You would think people would learn over time, but not so as man becomes more dumb as time goes on. (Think modern day mindless retards).
Supplement sales are higher than ever (good for the brands) and expensive urine is being flushed all across the globe.

Big Ramy (320 lbs) now promoting Tony Huge supps and tons of Arabs are probably buying that shit up like crazy.

Clown World...


Both guys can barely keep from laughing.

Coe off drugs looks only slightly better than your typical gym member who shows up once every other week.

Proves drugs are just the finishing touch of 2%.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 04, 2021, 04:10:58 AM
Coe looks amazing off drugs. Most guys off steroids look like hell. You can see Coe's natural base before a cycle.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: IroNat on September 04, 2021, 04:22:53 AM
Coe looks amazing off drugs. Most guys off steroids look like hell. You can see Coe's natural base before a cycle.

Yes, Coe looks in shape and if he flexed you'd see he's put together well and he's not fat.

To say he looks "amazing" is a bit of a stretch.  If you saw him on the Boardwalk you wouldn't look twice.

If he looks "amazing" then I look utterly "fantastic" and I'm 63 and natty.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 04, 2021, 06:25:15 PM
Yes, Coe looks in shape and if he flexed you'd see he's put together well and he's not fat.

To say he looks "amazing" is a bit of a stretch.  If you saw him on the Boardwalk you wouldn't look twice.

If he looks "amazing" then I look utterly "fantastic" and I'm 63 and natty.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: pamith on September 04, 2021, 06:27:37 PM

Both guys can barely keep from laughing.

Coe off drugs looks only slightly better than your typical gym member who shows up once every other week.

Proves drugs are just the finishing touch of 2%.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: pellius on September 05, 2021, 03:03:35 AM
Yes, Coe looks in shape and if he flexed you'd see he's put together well and he's not fat.

To say he looks "amazing" is a bit of a stretch.  If you saw him on the Boardwalk you wouldn't look twice.

If he looks "amazing" then I look utterly "fantastic" and I'm 63 and natty.

Useless without pics.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: oldtimer1 on September 05, 2021, 09:03:49 AM
Useless without pics.

He looks as good as Coe off drugs.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: The Scott on September 05, 2021, 10:39:46 AM
A natural Coe is proof that stayroids is the final 90% of the equation that is bodybuilding.  Genetics being the most important (upper!) 10% of course.  ;D
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: IroNat on September 05, 2021, 11:21:57 AM
He looks as good as Coe off drugs.

Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: 6 Reps on September 06, 2021, 07:04:04 AM
For $10 you can order a DVD of Mike and Ray working out:
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: usmcdevildoc on September 06, 2021, 08:48:24 AM
For $10 you can order a DVD of Mike and Ray working out:

Were they 'house guests'??
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: mphgrove on September 06, 2021, 09:50:19 AM
Were they 'house guests'??

Always a possibility (back yard?)
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Humble Narcissist on September 06, 2021, 11:40:32 AM
For $10 you can order a DVD of Mike and Ray working out:
Why, so you can know how not to train if you don't want to be crippled or dead by 50?
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: FitnessFrenzy on September 06, 2021, 12:31:33 PM
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: pellius on September 07, 2021, 03:09:53 AM
For $10 you can order a DVD of Mike and Ray working out:

Going by the sample clip, the clip that is to most entice you to buy the vid, this is not a vid of Mike and Ray training for real like, say, Dorian's "Blood and Guts".
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Pet shop boys on September 08, 2021, 01:11:19 PM
Joe - " If you forget about The" Heavy Duty System" thing and start pushing the " Weider principles "  from now on;
I'll make you the star of the 80's" ...what do you say ?"

Mike - " Nah, I just want to beat Arnold's ass on stage, which I'm certain I can do with no help"


Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Megalodon on September 08, 2021, 03:13:28 PM
No one could have predicted someone so focused on their BMI could end up a BMA.   :P
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Pet shop boys on December 28, 2021, 06:10:52 AM
No one could have predicted someone so focused on their BMI could end up a BMA.   :P

Mike was on his way to be the face of bodybuilding for the 80's ......  a leader, articulated , strong ,manly ,charismatic with a macho alpha mustache that was marketable by 70's/80's standars .....

All of that changed by fall 1980

Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: _bruce_ on December 28, 2021, 10:27:49 AM
I've lurked here and there on fitness boards for 25ish years. was a wild place, a lot of industry people posted there, and would gossip because they figured they wouldn't get caught, etc.... Titus melted down there when a fitness girl dumped him. Frank Sepe melted down, and threatened to sue a troll that said he caught AIDS from a schmoe. Vic Richards, Nicole Bass, a bunch of others were there too.

Also you really couldn't ban anyone from posting there, and you could tag /cross post in other groups. So you could have a thread going with bodybuilders from Misc.Fitness.Weights, gays from soc.motss, schmoes from, fat people from, and an odd group like rec.survivalism all fighting in one giant thread at times.

"Good times".
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Rmj11 on February 16, 2022, 12:49:21 PM
Yep. Mike was gay.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Humble Narcissist on February 16, 2022, 12:51:15 PM
Yep. Mike was gay.
His girlfriends would disagree.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Pet shop boys on February 16, 2022, 01:58:45 PM
His girlfriends would disagree.

Bisexual  ?

Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Royalty on February 16, 2022, 03:27:32 PM
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Vince B on February 16, 2022, 03:54:20 PM
Ray Mentzer lived at our house as well as his girlfriend and daughter, Dagny. He named her after the heroine in 'Atlas Shrugged' by Ayn Rand.

When you saw Ray in person you realised how big he was as a bodybuilder. Much bigger than Mike. Ray tried but never won the Mr Universe like Mike did.

Ray told me how his Dad favoured Mike. That bothered Ray. He claimed that one day Mike had some mates in his car on the way to school but didn't pick

Ray up. I related that story to Mike in 1992 at Golds after Ray set up a meeting. Mike couldn't remember doing that! The truth is Ray felt Mike was getting

more attention at home.

Ray looked serious with his moustache and glasses. Truth is he just wanted to be left alone. One New Year's Eve we went out to visit a friend who wanted

to meet Ray. Ray wasn't interested in her but fell for her friend who he eventually married. I stayed with them in Torrance in 1992. Ray had to pick up

his daughter, then 5 years old, from the police station because his ex girlfriend wasn't comfortable being around him. Dagny would be 35 now.

Anyway, muscle for muscle, Ray was one of the biggest bodybuilders I have seen. Arthur Jones measured his arms at over 20 inches cold. Lots of photos of

Ray don't portray his size. If he was standing behind Mike, Ray didn't look so big. However, look at the photo below and be amazed.

Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: AbrahamG on February 16, 2022, 04:06:08 PM
Ray Mentzer lived at our house as well as his girlfriend and daughter, Dagny. He named her after the heroine in 'Atlas Shrugged' by Ayn Rand.

When you saw Ray in person you realised how big he was as a bodybuilder. Much bigger than Mike. Ray tried but never won the Mr Universe like Mike did.

Ray told me how his Dad favoured Mike. That bothered Ray. He claimed that one day Mike had some mates in his car on the way to school but didn't pick

Ray up. I related that story to Mike in 1992 at Golds after Ray set up a meeting. Mike couldn't remember doing that! The truth is Ray felt Mike was getting

more attention at home.

Ray looked serious with his moustache and glasses. Truth is he just wanted to be left alone. One New Year's Eve we went out to visit a friend who wanted

to meet Ray. Ray wasn't interested in her but fell for her friend who he eventually married. I stayed with them in Torrance in 1992. Ray had to pick up

his daughter, then 5 years old, from the police station because his ex girlfriend wasn't comfortable being around him. Dagny would be 35 now.

Anyway, muscle for muscle, Ray was one of the biggest bodybuilders I have seen. Arthur Jones measured his arms at over 20 inches cold. Lots of photos of

Ray don't portray his size. If he was standing behind Mike, Ray didn't look so big. However, look at the photo below and be amazed.

Ray is hanging some legit dong here Vinny.  Did he ever get the ole breezeway special while staying at your crib?
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Royalty on February 16, 2022, 04:28:12 PM
Ray Mentzer lived at our house as well as his girlfriend and daughter, Dagny. He named her after the heroine in 'Atlas Shrugged' by Ayn Rand.

When you saw Ray in person you realised how big he was as a bodybuilder. Much bigger than Mike. Ray tried but never won the Mr Universe like Mike did.

Ray told me how his Dad favoured Mike. That bothered Ray. He claimed that one day Mike had some mates in his car on the way to school but didn't pick

Ray up. I related that story to Mike in 1992 at Golds after Ray set up a meeting. Mike couldn't remember doing that! The truth is Ray felt Mike was getting

more attention at home.

Ray looked serious with his moustache and glasses. Truth is he just wanted to be left alone. One New Year's Eve we went out to visit a friend who wanted

to meet Ray. Ray wasn't interested in her but fell for her friend who he eventually married. I stayed with them in Torrance in 1992. Ray had to pick up

his daughter, then 5 years old, from the police station because his ex girlfriend wasn't comfortable being around him. Dagny would be 35 now.

Anyway, muscle for muscle, Ray was one of the biggest bodybuilders I have seen. Arthur Jones measured his arms at over 20 inches cold. Lots of photos of

Ray don't portray his size. If he was standing behind Mike, Ray didn't look so big. However, look at the photo below and be amazed.

Which arm pic is 20” ??

Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Royalty on February 16, 2022, 04:29:08 PM
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Henda on February 16, 2022, 04:33:06 PM
Ray is hanging some legit dong here Vinny.  Did he ever get the ole breezeway special while staying at your crib?

Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: BEEFYHEAVYWEIGHT on February 17, 2022, 07:05:38 AM
Heavy Duty?
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Rambone on February 17, 2022, 07:46:54 AM
Was he sexual?
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Humble Narcissist on February 17, 2022, 11:40:49 AM
Was he sexual?
Didn't he have a long relationship with Rachel McLish?
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Palumboism on March 27, 2022, 02:21:11 PM
Read muscle smoke and mirrors volume 3 by randy roach

It gives a very detailed information about the 80 and 81 Olympia

Arnold basically got e Olympia banned from tv cbs was going to broadcast the 80 Olympia

After Arnold won they refused to air the show even cbs believed it was fixed

Yep.  Boyer Coe tells the story....

Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: pamith on March 27, 2022, 02:30:28 PM
Was he sexual?
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Pet shop boys on July 21, 2022, 07:41:14 AM

Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: pamith on July 21, 2022, 11:47:32 PM
Was Ray the ''ugly'' brother?
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Taffin on July 22, 2022, 02:05:58 AM
Was Ray the ''ugly'' brother?

I think 'ugly' is unfair... but there are certainly pictures where for some reason I can't quite put my finger on, he comes across as a bit of a 'tard...  He dated Rachel McLish, didn't he?  So he's hardly likely to have been retarded, but there you go...

Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Pet shop boys on July 22, 2022, 05:46:52 AM
I think 'ugly' is unfair... but there are certainly pictures where for some reason I can't quite put my finger on, he comes across as a bit of a 'tard...  He dated Rachel McLish, didn't he?  So he's hardly likely to have been retarded, but there you go...


He was the the little brother of a Dude that was becoming the face of bodybuilding ... Just about everyone was expecting Mike  to take the Mr.O title from Zane and become both Arnold/Weider at the same time ........    think about it .

Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Pet shop boys on July 25, 2022, 06:23:42 AM
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: ESFitness on August 07, 2022, 01:36:05 AM
Christ BB,how long have you been posting on the boards?

I never saw "misc. fitnes weights" only heard about it. was the only thing we had up till 1996/1997…... Where I first had contact with duchaine, pat arnold, will brink, Stephanie & bill star, Craig Titus, fogerty, Bruce Keller, etc etc...
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: wes on August 07, 2022, 01:55:27 AM was the only thing we had up till 1996/1997…... Where I first had contact with duchaine, pat arnold, will brink, Stephanie & bill star, Craig Titus, fogerty, Bruce Keller, etc etc...
That must have been great.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: AbrahamG on August 11, 2022, 08:33:34 PM
I think 'ugly' is unfair... but there are certainly pictures where for some reason I can't quite put my finger on, he comes across as a bit of a 'tard...  He dated Rachel McLish, didn't he?  So he's hardly likely to have been retarded, but there you go...


@ Breezeway - a little advices, get yourself a sock and watch some Kevin Levroneeeee (whoosh) videos. 
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: pamith on August 11, 2022, 10:11:40 PM
I think 'ugly' is unfair... but there are certainly pictures where for some reason I can't quite put my finger on, he comes across as a bit of a 'tard...  He dated Rachel McLish, didn't he?  So he's hardly likely to have been retarded, but there you go...

I'm just saying, he's like the goofy version of Mike Mentzer, lmfao, we all seen sisters where one is super hot beyond belief and the other one is the ''ugly'' one
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Humble Narcissist on August 12, 2022, 01:55:59 AM
I'm just saying, he's like the goofy version of Mike Mentzer, lmfao, we all seen sisters where one is super hot beyond belief and the other one is the ''ugly'' one
Ray was the stronger brother. If the stories about his strength are true he was in the wrong sport. Should have done powerlifting.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: MAXX on August 12, 2022, 03:13:55 AM

When Mentzer confronted Arnold the bully and scared him

Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Humble Narcissist on August 13, 2022, 10:52:45 AM
Arnold completely owned his mind and he never got over it. Years later he had to beg Arnold to pay his bills for him. It must have driven him even more mad.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: illuminati on August 13, 2022, 11:15:32 AM
When Mentzer confronted Arnold the bully and scared him

Ah Yes He Ran over to Arnold & stopped 4 foot away & pointed his finger  ::)
At Arnold who was sitting down with an un-fussed look on his face
Dream on Mike - Put the Meth Pipe down.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Rambone on September 07, 2022, 11:08:43 AM
 The guy from Glow is a distinct blend of Mentzer and Weider #kindasexy
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Pet shop boys on September 07, 2022, 01:21:16 PM
I don't know but I get a feeling that someday (not far away)  a lot of weird porn videos and pictures involving Mentzer {Rick Drasin style) will emerge ...Given that all these rich schmoes as well as bodybuilding legends are up in age......   So its just a matter of them kicking the bucket and  close friends and relatives  giving/selling their OLD personal stuff away lol........Isn't that what exactly happened to Macho R. Draisin ?

Those have  always been bodybuilding not so secrets archives" anyways...

Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: a_pupil on September 07, 2022, 01:33:28 PM
I don't know but I get a feeling that someday (not far away)  a lot of weird porn videos and pictures involving Mentzer {Rick Drasin style) will emerge ...Given that all these rich schmoes as well as bodybuilding legends are up in age......   So its just a matter of them kicking the bucket and  close friends and relatives  giving/selling their OLD personal stuff away lol........Isn't that what exactly happened to Macho R. Draisin ?

Those have  always been bodybuilding not so secrets archives" anyways...


Arnold owes his career to the rich schmoe who never revealed his pornos/nudes
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Humble Narcissist on September 08, 2022, 01:37:41 AM
Arnold owes his career to the rich schmoe who never revealed his pornos/nudes
He's probably still getting paid.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: _bruce_ on September 08, 2022, 02:09:37 AM
Seems like Ray was the more unrefined Mentzer - maybe a career as a mass monster would have kept him more afloat.
I recently watched the tape with the "HIT prodigy" Markus and it's still baffling what had become of the two.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Humble Narcissist on September 08, 2022, 02:12:17 AM
Seems like Ray was the more unrefined Mentzer - maybe a career as a mass monster would have kept him more afloat.
I recently watched the tape with the "HIT prodigy" Markus and it's still baffling what had become of the two.
It's sad. They were both a mess. Probably in terrible shape for over a decade.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: _bruce_ on September 08, 2022, 02:22:24 AM
It's sad. They were both a mess. Probably in terrible shape for over a decade.

Yep, they had given up it seems.

How Mentzer smoked those cigarettes around the minute mark still gives me lung burns.

Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Humble Narcissist on September 08, 2022, 02:25:07 AM
He prided himself on being logical and yet he smoked, drank and did drugs. I think he may have been suffering from some kind of mental illness.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Rambone on September 08, 2022, 02:51:11 AM
Yep, they had given up it seems.

How Mentzer smoked those cigarettes around the minute mark still gives me lung burns.

Damn. Looked like a couple of semi-homeless guys sitting outside of a bowling alley. Brutal
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: beakdoctor on September 08, 2022, 05:47:46 AM
So, was Ray just as pushy with the HIT stuff? Did Ray even train Heavy Duty? He's not really associated with it despite being Mike's brother.

Btw they're 48 years old at most in that clip. Shocking. They both act like they're 60 minus gray hair.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Rambone on September 08, 2022, 06:10:11 AM
So, was Ray just as pushy with the HIT stuff? Did Ray even train Heavy Duty? He's not really associated with it despite being Mike's brother.

Btw they're 48 years old at most in that clip. Shocking. They both act like they're 60 minus gray hair.

Still waiting on Ray’s training video to drop. I want to learn how to supinate my wrist during curls to bring out superior muscle growth. I wonder if there’ll be a health and wellness section going over sleep protocols (2:30AM-5:00 is the anabolic sleep window) and what to look for when choosing your dialysis center.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: beakdoctor on September 08, 2022, 06:36:52 AM
Still waiting on Ray’s training video to drop. I want to learn how to supinate my wrist during curls to bring out superior muscle growth. I wonder if there’ll be a health and wellness section going over sleep protocols (2:30AM-5:00 is the anabolic sleep window) and what to look for when choosing your dialysis center.

There's no lack of sleep that amphetamines can't make up for!
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Rambone on September 08, 2022, 06:51:30 AM
There's no lack of sleep that amphetamines can't make up for!

Nowadays everyone is on adderall. Once again, the Mentzers were WAY ahead of their time.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Dave D on September 08, 2022, 07:42:33 AM
Still waiting on Ray’s training video to drop. I want to learn how to supinate my wrist during curls to bring out superior muscle growth. I wonder if there’ll be a health and wellness section going over sleep protocols (2:30AM-5:00 is the anabolic sleep window) and what to look for when choosing your dialysis center.

It will be a good video but I’m concerned if he’s going to lead with line ,”I can’t get a girl. Plus they’re all young.” 

He would be better saying adjusting the comment to something like, “Don’t worry about the girls, take care of the schmoe’s and everything will fall in place,”
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Megalodon on September 08, 2022, 08:16:23 AM
Yep, they had given up it seems.

How Mentzer smoked those cigarettes around the minute mark still gives me lung burns.

Mike Mentzer vocabulary-shaming his cameraman at 5:35. The hallmark of a true intellectual.  :D

And Ray needed more bone structure in his face to support his edema.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Rambone on September 08, 2022, 08:19:11 AM
It will be a good video but I’m concerned if he’s going to lead with line ,”I can’t get a girl. Plus they’re all young.” 

He would be better saying adjusting the comment to something like, “Don’t worry about the girls, take care of the schmoe’s and everything will fall in place,”

 Schmoes before hos! Speaking of schmoes, I’ve been clipping Lonnie Tepper content to make a tribute video to the ultimate schmoe. “He won’t peel!”
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: GymnJuice on September 08, 2022, 10:48:14 AM
Still waiting on Ray’s training video to drop. I want to learn how to supinate my wrist during curls to bring out superior muscle growth. I wonder if there’ll be a health and wellness section going over sleep protocols (2:30AM-5:00 is the anabolic sleep window) and what to look for when choosing your dialysis center.

I'm not sure if that machine had been invented during Ray's lifetime.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Rambone on September 08, 2022, 11:44:09 AM
I'm not sure if that machine had been invented during Ray's lifetime.

There’s no such thing as a biceps supination machine and never will be. I can guarantee you that!
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Gym-Rat on September 08, 2022, 11:47:54 AM
Imagine people taking 'advices' from those 2 whack-jobs??   ???
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: beakdoctor on September 08, 2022, 12:06:28 PM
Imagine people taking 'advices' from those 2 whack-jobs??   ???

That's the funny part. Some people don't just take their advice, they have a cult-like devotion to it. And if you openly doubt Mentzers approach be preparred for a never ending debate on the merits of Heavy Duty, Arthur Jones, Mentzer, HIT etc etc
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: ThisisOverload on September 08, 2022, 01:14:18 PM
Imagine people taking 'advices' from those 2 whack-jobs??   ???

This is the first time i've actually watched that entire video.

Holy shit, they are completely mental.

Fried brains with drugs or just plain insane.

It's kind of hard to watch.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Pet shop boys on September 08, 2022, 02:23:48 PM
Damn. Looked like a couple of semi-homeless guys sitting outside of a bowling alley. Brutal

Hard to believe.. Like someone mentioned they both looked terrible for over a decade ....and don't forget they were just in their late 40"s!!!!!!  ....think about it .....
most pros are still competing at that age nowadays

Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Taffin on September 08, 2022, 03:34:56 PM
This is the first time i've actually watched that entire video.

Holy shit, they are completely mental.

Fried brains with drugs or just plain insane.

It's kind of hard to watch.

Totally - Ray sounded like a retard, and Mike was clearly drunk in the middle of the day... :-\
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Palumboism on September 09, 2022, 07:22:32 PM

1976 to 1978 in his own words.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Humble Narcissist on September 10, 2022, 02:21:51 AM
So, was Ray just as pushy with the HIT stuff? Did Ray even train Heavy Duty? He's not really associated with it despite being Mike's brother.

Btw they're 48 years old at most in that clip. Shocking. They both act like they're 60 minus gray hair.
He was stronger than Mike but I don't think he was as HIT as him. Both of them should have gone into powerlifting.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Palumboism on September 11, 2022, 09:37:56 AM

Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: hipolito mejia on September 18, 2022, 08:35:39 AM
He prided himself on being logical and yet he smoked, drank and did drugs. I think he may have been suffering from some kind of mental illness.

And yet he used to say that Arnold was the one doing cocaine during the 80 mr.O.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: beakdoctor on September 18, 2022, 09:22:46 AM
He prided himself on being logical and yet he smoked, drank and did drugs. I think he may have been suffering from some kind of mental illness.

The way you say that sounds like you believe there's something wrong with being a bisexual meth addict.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Humble Narcissist on September 19, 2022, 01:42:32 AM
The way you say that sounds like you believe there's something wrong with being a bisexual meth addict.
"Not that there's anything wrong with that." Seinfeld
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Rmj11 on September 26, 2022, 07:26:39 AM
Ah Yes He Ran over to Arnold & stopped 4 foot away & pointed his finger  ::)
At Arnold who was sitting down with an un-fussed look on his face
Dream on Mike - Put the Meth Pipe down.

More John Little guff trying so hard to revise history in Mentzer's favour but failing dismally.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Pet shop boys on September 26, 2022, 07:43:38 AM
I heard Mike had his rent covered by a wealthy  bisexual who owned several apartments /condos

Was the Schmoe movement around 40 years ago when Mike was on his prime ?  If so he would have made even more cash for his Recreational drugs

WoooSHHHHH  HEAVY DUTTY  Killed the Weider principles star
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Desolate on September 28, 2022, 08:04:14 PM
I've lurked here and there on fitness boards for 25ish years. was a wild place, a lot of industry people posted there, and would gossip because they figured they wouldn't get caught, etc.... Titus melted down there when a fitness girl dumped him. Frank Sepe melted down, and threatened to sue a troll that said he caught AIDS from a schmoe. Vic Richards, Nicole Bass, a bunch of others were there too.

Also you really couldn't ban anyone from posting there, and you could tag /cross post in other groups. So you could have a thread going with bodybuilders from Misc.Fitness.Weights, gays from soc.motss, schmoes from, fat people from, and an odd group like rec.survivalism all fighting in one giant thread at times.

A big place to rip on MuscleMedia 2000 and Bill Phillips back in the day.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Humble Narcissist on September 29, 2022, 07:38:49 AM
A big place to rip on MuscleMedia 2000 and Bill Phillips back in the day.
Why did they hate Phillips? Was it just envy or were they pissed he exposed the steroid use?
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: oldgolds on September 30, 2022, 10:52:38 AM
Bullshit....Gays like to think that all Men are either gay or bi-sexual...wishful thinking...
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Pet shop boys on September 30, 2022, 01:14:32 PM
Bullshit....Gays like to think that all Men are either gay or bi-sexual...wishful thinking...

The minute you find out someone is gay or bisexual you automatically think of everything gay related to that person 24/7  .
I think that's called the Homo filter

Wooossshhhhhhh  you better work

Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Desolate on October 01, 2022, 02:59:21 PM
Why did they hate Phillips? Was it just envy or were they pissed he exposed the steroid use?

They claimed his new anti-steroid stance that MM20000 started to push was closing down suppliers and scaring sellers.

I don't see how?

Plus, they ripped on his lifestyle.

The purple Lamborghini Countach, the helicoptor, the new headquarters in Golden, CO., etc.

Made fun of his free Supplement Review books and really ripped on stuff like Phosphagain.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Humble Narcissist on October 02, 2022, 01:31:50 AM
They claimed his new anti-steroid stance that MM20000 started to push was closing down suppliers and scaring sellers.

I don't see how?

Plus, they ripped on his lifestyle.

The purple Lamborghini Countach, the helicoptor, the new headquarters in Golden, CO., etc.

Made fun of his free Supplement Review books and really ripped on stuff like Phosphagain.
He was only a state level competitor who made millions from bodybuilding. I got his magazine from the first issue. Nothing but respect from me.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Pet shop boys on January 27, 2023, 01:59:03 PM
He prided himself on being logical and yet he smoked, drank and did drugs. I think he may have been suffering from some kind of mental illness.[/font]

And a Genious

Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Humble Narcissist on January 28, 2023, 01:38:19 AM

And a Genious

He was a member of a genous but was not a genius.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Pet shop boys on January 28, 2023, 11:10:11 AM
During the hey days of mustaches,  it was known that Mike had the most alpha mustache in the industry

Rumor has it Joe Weider was jealous and suggested him to shave it off if he wanted to be featured in the cover of his publications more often

Imagine Mike in this hashtags social media times;  pushing his image, philosophy ,training methods ,fart powder,  beard oil handlebar mustache technics and alpha male products.....  (specially now under the gigantic LGBTQ umbrella) $$$$$$$$$$

He would have been todays face of fitness,  Shitting on todays IFBB judges, attending expos, with fans all over the world downloading his heavy duty app

Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: hipolito mejia on July 23, 2023, 11:20:50 AM
Mentzer was gay.

when he was on his way to become a pro bodybuilder he used to have guys stay with him where they would pay for his food and bills along with sexual favours.
Long After October 4th 1980 it was pretty much the other around, he would “coach”help share his secrets to youngsters upcoming bodybuilders for sexual favors only to never do anything for them at the end. 
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Humble Narcissist on July 24, 2023, 12:25:47 AM
Mentzer was gay.

when he was on his way to become a pro bodybuilder he used to have guys stay with him where they would pay for his food and bills along with sexual favours.
Long After October 4th 1980 it was pretty much the other around, he would “coach”help share his secrets to youngsters upcoming bodybuilders for sexual favors only to never do anything for them at the end.
Where did you learn this?
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Rmj11 on July 24, 2023, 03:55:17 AM
Mentzer was gay.

when he was on his way to become a pro bodybuilder he used to have guys stay with him where they would pay for his food and bills along with sexual favours.
Long After October 4th 1980 it was pretty much the other around, he would “coach”help share his secrets to youngsters upcoming bodybuilders for sexual favors only to never do anything for them at the end.

Probably includes John Little.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Humble Narcissist on July 25, 2023, 12:27:58 AM
Probably includes John Little.
:D For sure.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Bevo on July 25, 2023, 01:01:15 AM
For some reason I always thought Mike Mentzer was a Mensa member
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Humble Narcissist on July 25, 2023, 01:03:27 AM
For some reason I always thought Mike Mentzer was a Mensa member
I'm sure he applied.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Pet shop boys on July 25, 2023, 05:23:22 AM
If there's a ton of gay porn videos in some vaults in both California and Europe from alpha male family man Rick Draisin  (among others)

I wouldn't be surprised with bitter loser self absorbed  mr.Heavy Duty findings" and how he really made a living  1980-1990 years while spending his "earnings" on drugs

A lot of Getbiggers will be forever heartbroken though.

Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Gym Rat on October 27, 2023, 12:32:23 PM

Sitting alone in the psychiatric ward he had been confined to for four weeks, he stared at the clinically scrubbed walls. It was the last day of January 1990, and he knew that nearly five years of trauma, despair, pain and grieving were about to be brought to a shattering resolution. During those five years, he had been institutionalized several times, been arrested, indulged in bizarre behavior and been written off as “a crazy” by the vast majority of those who were once peers, friends and associates.

Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Dalnet on October 27, 2023, 12:57:35 PM

Sitting alone in the psychiatric ward he had been confined to for four weeks, he stared at the clinically scrubbed walls. It was the last day of January 1990, and he knew that nearly five years of trauma, despair, pain and grieving were about to be brought to a shattering resolution. During those five years, he had been institutionalized several times, been arrested, indulged in bizarre behavior and been written off as “a crazy” by the vast majority of those who were once peers, friends and associates.


Lost it all. Bitterness and resentment killed him. To go from having a beautiful girlfriend that wanted to settle with him, and more money than he could imagine in contracts and business mail order stuff: to a broke meth addict that stopped training. What the actual fuck, Mike. All thrown away.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Rmj11 on October 27, 2023, 01:13:40 PM
Lost it all. Bitterness and resentment killed him. To go from having a beautiful girlfriend that wanted to settle with him, and more money than he could imagine in contracts and business mail order stuff: to a broke meth addict that stopped training. What the actual fuck, Mike. All thrown away.

Not a smart guy at all. Con man. Meth addict. Closet gaybo. Had an unhealthy obsession with Arnold. Guy was a total crackpot.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Pet shop boys on October 27, 2023, 01:15:36 PM
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Royalty on October 27, 2023, 01:22:36 PM
Not a smart guy at all. Con man. Meth addict. Closet gaybo. Had an unhealthy obsession with Arnold. Guy was a total crackpot.

You’re like a broken record. You are slowly becoming Mike Mentzer’s replacement on this earth...   obsessed with another man...  for months and years. It’s amazing to watch berate Mike, as you become Mike. We’ll all sit back and watch as you fall further into this pit of obsessive insanity.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Rmj11 on October 27, 2023, 01:27:02 PM
You’re like a broken record. You are slowly becoming Mike Mentzer’s replacement on this earth...   obsessed with another man...  for months and years. It’s amazing to watch berate Mike, as you become Mike. We’ll all sit back and watch as you fall further into this pit of obsessive insanity.

Nope. Just stating facts. Not my problem if you don't like them.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Royalty on October 27, 2023, 01:30:22 PM
Nope. Just stating facts. Not my problem if you don't like them.

Move on with your life. He died almost a quarter century ago.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Gym Rat on October 27, 2023, 01:40:27 PM
Not a smart guy at all. Con man. Meth addict. Closet gaybo. Had an unhealthy obsession with Arnold. Guy was a total crackpot.

Mike was his own worst enemy, and did himself in... I would guess most BB's arent playing with a full deck.
I mean, look what they do, oil up and pose down for ghey men...  ??? ???
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Royalty on October 27, 2023, 01:41:14 PM
Mike was his own worst enemy, and did himself in... I would guess most BB's arent playing with a full deck.
I mean, look what they do, oil up and pose down for ghey men...  ??? ???

He’s dead. Move on.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Gym Rat on October 27, 2023, 01:55:50 PM
He’s dead. Move on.

Ill do what, and talk about what I feel like. Stop babysitting people, move on...
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Royalty on October 27, 2023, 01:58:55 PM
Ill do what, and talk about what I feel like. Stop babysitting people, move on...

Stop bumping this thread. Talk about something interesting. You keep re-living the same moment
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Rmj11 on October 27, 2023, 03:45:25 PM
Move on with your life. He died almost a quarter century ago.

And yet you care enough to reply.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Gym Rat on October 27, 2023, 03:53:50 PM
Stop bumping this thread. Talk about something interesting. You keep re-living the same moment

I find Mike is interesting, that is all... Really looked up to him (in  the Mags of course) as a youngster.
I mean, who wouldnt want a physique like this??

Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: IroNat on October 27, 2023, 05:41:23 PM
Is Mentzer still dead?
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: oldtimer1 on October 27, 2023, 06:55:56 PM
Mike Mentzer had a smoking hot girlfriend Cathy Gelfo. She dumped him I guess because of him going insane with his drug use and she married bodybuilder  Clint Beyerle who had his life together with a good career. (For RMJ11 Clint used volume so he's alright with you.)
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Rmj11 on October 28, 2023, 06:31:27 AM
I find Mike is interesting, that is all... Really looked up to him (in  the Mags of course) as a youngster.
I mean, who wouldnt want a physique like this??


Not me.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Rmj11 on October 28, 2023, 06:33:12 AM
Mike Mentzer had a smoking hot girlfriend Cathy Gelfo. She dumped him I guess because of him going insane with his drug use and she married bodybuilder  Clint Beyerle who had his life together with a good career. (For RMJ11 Clint used volume so he's alright with you.)

They ALL used volume. Cathy also got sick of meth head's obsession with Ayn Rand and her philosophical bs. Cathy doged a bullet just in time and went on to bigger and better things while methzer relived the 1980 olympia every day for the rest of his life. 
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Rambone on October 28, 2023, 06:35:05 AM



It really doesn’t matter. By the end of this thread, we want to know one important thing. Was he SEXUAL?
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Rmj11 on October 28, 2023, 07:04:54 AM



It really doesn’t matter. By the end of this thread, we want to know one important thing. Was he SEXUAL?

With his brother? Probably. They were living together in a dmall apartment at the end.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Rambone on October 28, 2023, 07:22:34 AM
With his brother? Probably. They were living together in a dmall apartment at the end.

Chain smoking, amphetamines and slinging that sweet, sweet HIT dogma. Respect to Ray for backing his big bro. They must’ve laughed all the way to the grave.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: MajorDomo on October 28, 2023, 07:59:13 AM
I find Mike is interesting, that is all... Really looked up to him (in  the Mags of course) as a youngster.
I mean, who wouldnt want a physique like this??


If the 1980 Olympia is still being talked about, why not Mentzer ?  ;D
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Rambone on October 28, 2023, 08:03:23 AM
If the 1980 Olympia is still being talked about, why not Mentzer ?  ;D

In my mind, the 1980 Olympia never occurred and it will stay that way until CBS broadcasts the unedited version to the public.

9/11 Building 7

The Las Vegas Shooter

The 1980 Mr. Olympia
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: MajorDomo on October 28, 2023, 08:14:33 AM
In my mind, the 1980 Olympia never occurred and it will stay that way until CBS broadcasts the unedited version to the public.

9/11 Building 7

The Las Vegas Shooter

The 1980 Mr. Olympia

Great list Rambone!
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Rmj11 on October 28, 2023, 10:04:21 AM
In my mind, the 1980 Olympia never occurred and it will stay that way until CBS broadcasts the unedited version to the public.

9/11 Building 7

The Las Vegas Shooter

The 1980 Mr. Olympia

And what would the unedited version show, exactly? Absolutely nothing.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Rambone on October 28, 2023, 10:29:57 AM
Great list Rambone!

Thank you, MD!

And what would the unedited version show, exactly? Absolutely nothing.

Close-ups of bodybuilding’s first ab gut?  ???
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Rmj11 on October 28, 2023, 10:40:55 AM
Thank you, MD!

Close-ups of bodybuilding’s first ab gut?  ???

Already seen it.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: hipolito mejia on October 28, 2023, 10:41:35 AM
Is Mentzer still dead?

Ironically he is more alive in YouTube and social media in general with the so called   “ shorts” than he ever was.  And I’m not exaggerating. Look at the views/ engagement stuff related to him has today. 
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Rmj11 on October 28, 2023, 11:10:22 AM
Ironically he is more alive in YouTube and social media in general with the so called   “ shorts” than he ever was.  And I’m not exaggerating. Look at the views/ engagement stuff related to him has today.

Only for the methzer "hype" to be dying down now. Next year it'll be another fad resurrected.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Gym Rat on October 29, 2023, 02:38:55 PM
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: dj181 on October 29, 2023, 11:22:48 PM

my first training coach who was a bench press specialist went out to cali in the late 90s and he was telling me that the top pros all did g4p shit to place high and that guys like sonny schmidt who had an incredible physique didn't place high because he wasn't on the down low

i was shocked to hear this and he said something like "are you really that naive?" :D :D :D

but if that was really true i think it would have been well known by now

arthur jones said jew weider asked him for tips on how to pick up girls, but if this was true he should have been asking him how to pick up guys ;D
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Humble Narcissist on October 30, 2023, 12:32:58 AM
Remember the G4P ads in Musclemag International and other mags? I always wondered as a kid why you would pay some guy to come over and workout with you. I was very naive. :-[
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: FitnessFrenzy on October 30, 2023, 08:39:01 AM
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Gym Rat on October 30, 2023, 08:42:34 AM
Why would Palumbo release such a photo of his huge breastesses???

Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Pet shop boys on November 01, 2023, 06:42:28 AM

Bob Chickenrilo missing in that shot

Kai Greene a weird fella who thinks so highly of himself intellectually speaking 

Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Pet shop boys on February 08, 2024, 01:24:26 PM
Wondering if the Master Blaster was aware of some of Mike's source of Income...


Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Dorian Cutler on February 08, 2024, 02:04:58 PM
Why would a meth addict be interested in sex?
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Humble Narcissist on February 09, 2024, 12:10:49 AM
Why would a meth addict be interested in sex?
Meth makes a person obsess over it.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Rambone on February 09, 2024, 08:23:53 AM
This thread may be triggering for some Getbiggers
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Dorian Cutler on February 09, 2024, 09:11:29 AM
Meth makes a person obsess over it.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: BB on February 09, 2024, 09:32:03 AM
Meth makes a person obsess over it.

This. Most of the stimulants make people hypersexual. Now, it may not be great sex, but it will be more aggressive.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: pamith on February 09, 2024, 04:23:35 PM
Ephedrine makes you horny af too, and I heard it's related to meth
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: dj181 on February 09, 2024, 04:40:52 PM
This. Most of the stimulants make people hypersexual. Now, it may not be great sex, but it will be more aggressive.


I'm on a natural stimulant 😂
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Humble Narcissist on February 10, 2024, 12:59:44 AM
Ephedrine makes you horny af too, and I heard it's related to meth
I remember popping Yellow Jackets in the early 2000's to stay awake during the night shift. My girlfriend worked there and popped them as well. We always screwed after work. Never thought about the cause until now. ;D
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: pamith on February 10, 2024, 01:10:53 PM
I remember popping Yellow Jackets in the early 2000's to stay awake during the night shift. My girlfriend worked there and popped them as well. We always screwed after work. Never thought about the cause until now. ;D
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Humble Narcissist on February 11, 2024, 12:23:21 AM
Brutal but true.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Pet shop boys on March 21, 2024, 05:46:20 AM
Mentzer from 1981-2021 had a lifestyle that none of his nuthuggers here can justify.

Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Royalty on March 21, 2024, 05:48:05 AM
Mentzer from 1981-2021 had a lifestyle that none of his nuthuggers here can justify.


Arnold Schwarzenegger had gay sex with the promoter of the 1980 Mr Olympia

Just look at the people who protested by skipping the 1981 Mr Olympia: Zane, Beckles, Coe, Mentzer.

The word was out about Arnold and his gay relationship with the promoter. 
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Pet shop boys on March 21, 2024, 05:52:33 AM
Arnold Schwarzenegger has gay sex with the promoter of the 1980 Mr Olympia

Just look at the people who protested by skipping the 1981 Mr Olympia: Zane, Beckles, Coe, Mentzer.

The word was out about Arnold and his gay relationship with the promoter.

Nope they all "protested" because Arnold never told them he was going to comeback after 5 years layoff and make them all look like idiots .

Btw lets live Arnold and 1980 out of this groundbreaking Mentzer's thread please!

WooooSHHHHHHHHHHHh  Mentzer Meth Mustache
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Pet shop boys on March 21, 2024, 06:05:24 AM
Hard to believe this summer marks the 20th anniversary of legend Mike Mentzer's passing.....

Anyways  not sure if this has been posted here before ...... But this dude claims that when he was a young BBer, released from prison and looking for a Mentzer invited him over to his place and tried to take advantage of him"  while the young muscle dude was desperately  trying to sell knives and change his life for the better....

Very disappointing if this is true  :'(

Woshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh    LE VRO NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


Now Larry (Mentzer's victim)  is well known for being the disoriented quiet guy in the RXmuscle pack ...  the other two young Gentlemens are in heaven.


Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Dorian Cutler on March 23, 2024, 06:47:55 AM
Mike Mentzer had a decent everyday physique, a bit too much on the blocky, stumpy and narrow side to be considered a great physique though.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Royalty on March 23, 2024, 06:53:42 AM
Mike Mentzer had a decent everyday physique, a bit too much on the blocky, stumpy and narrow side to be considered a great physique though.

Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Humble Narcissist on March 24, 2024, 12:28:17 AM
Mike Mentzer had a decent everyday physique, a bit too much on the blocky, stumpy and narrow side to be considered a great physique though.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Dorian Cutler on March 24, 2024, 02:02:13 AM

He did very well with what he had.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Pet shop boys on March 25, 2024, 07:21:49 AM
Wondering if the Master Blaster was aware of some of Mike's source of Income...



Let me rephrase that....

Wondering if the master Blaster had a mustache fight up close with Mr.Heavyduty and at what point Mentzer felt he wanted/needed more than just "exposure" on Weider publications.

Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Royalty on March 25, 2024, 12:53:48 PM
Arnold had gay sex with the promoter of the 1980 Mr Olympia.

Beckles, Mentzer, Coe, and Zane found that out. They protested by not competing at the 1981 Olympia

Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Kwon on March 25, 2024, 12:56:13 PM
Arnold had gay sex with the promoter of the 1980 Mr Olympia.

Beckles, Mentzer, Coe, and Zane found that out. They protested by not competing at the 1981 Olympia

Who was the 1980s promoter? Joe Gold?
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Rambone on March 25, 2024, 01:02:18 PM
Who was the 1980s promoter? Joe Gold?

Royalty, roll that beautiful bean footage.
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Van_Bilderass on March 25, 2024, 01:13:31 PM
Why would a meth addict be interested in sex?

I've heard stories from guys taking amphetamines, how they jerked off or had sex for "12 hours" until the cock was a bleeding mess.

I've taken quite a bit of Vyvance in the past. The sex drive and the mental sex enhancement/pleasure is absolutely insane. Well it can and will shrivel up the cock too, as stims do, but there's the Cialis and Viagra. Add some MTII and your gf will hate you, well, love it for the first hour, not by the 3rd or 4th hour. I liked it. :D
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Royalty on March 25, 2024, 01:21:14 PM
Who was the 1980s promoter? Joe Gold?

Paul Graham
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Royalty on March 25, 2024, 01:22:55 PM

Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Royalty on March 25, 2024, 01:30:30 PM
Kwon go to 52:30

Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Pet shop boys on March 25, 2024, 01:49:21 PM
Arnold had gay sex with the promoter of the 1980 Mr Olympia.

Beckles, Mentzer, Coe, and Zane found that out. They protested by not competing at the 1981 Olympia

Even if Arnold indeed gave A blow job to Paul Graham to win the 1980 mr.O ,then it was the right dick to suck .....

Unlike Mentzer (not need to get in to details , just take a look at the mess his life became from 1981 to 2001 (year he was found dead, alone, broke, looking like a senior citizen when he was just 49 years old ) ......

In no way I am making fun of what Mentzer's life became after October 4th 1980, everything turned terribly wrong by the choices he made with his sad life ......  but I'm telling you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear ..

At this point you look creepy trying to worship someone like Mentzer.

WooooSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ~ Book !    Coach Greg here   ;D
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Royalty on March 25, 2024, 02:24:38 PM

Even if Arnold indeed gave A blow job to Paul Graham to win the 1980 mr.O ,then it was the right dick to suck .....

Unlike Mentzer (not need to get in to details , just take a look at the mess his life became from 1981 to 2001 (year he was found dead, alone, broke, looking like a senior citizen when he was just 49 years old ) ......

In no way I am making fun of what Mentzer's life became after October 4th 1980, everything turned terribly wrong by the choices he made with his sad life ......  but I'm telling you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear ..

At this point you look creepy trying to worship someone like Mentzer.

WooooSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ~ Book !    Coach Greg here   ;D

Did you ever expect to make that statement? 😂 Read your thread title. It looks like you have gone full circle. 
Title: Re: Mike Mentzer bisexual and meth addict ? WTF !
Post by: Humble Narcissist on March 26, 2024, 12:18:43 AM
All of this is speculation. We know for fact Mentzer made a gay video.