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Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: BBSSchlemiel on November 25, 2023, 11:07:19 AM

Title: Paul Carter: “I went from around 175 to 205 that summer without much fat…”
Post by: BBSSchlemiel on November 25, 2023, 11:07:19 AM

“A lot of science nerds with spaghetti-noodle baby arms would scoff at it, because it’s built around a super-slow rep cadence protocol. But after doing two rounds of it (84 days) I went back to normal training (cadence wise) and in a few weeks I was busting past previous PR’s with ease. I went from around 175 to 205 that summer without a ton of fat accumulation.

It was that summer that I really learned what it meant to eat for gains, how important sleep was in terms of recovery (I was training six days a week), and how powerful a new training stimulus could really be.”
Title: Re: Paul Carter: “I went from around 175 to 205 that summer without much fat…”
Post by: IroNat on November 25, 2023, 11:11:49 AM
I did that routine one summer.^

It's eating very high calories and doing one all out set of superslow reps to failure per exercise.

I got fat.
Title: Re: Paul Carter: “I went from around 175 to 205 that summer without much fat…”
Post by: Van_Bilderass on November 25, 2023, 11:48:07 AM
Carter is propably the most off-putting character in this sphere. The audacity of his style and grand standing. :D

Unfortunately Carter doesn't allow any critique of his views - you get called names and banned. He even bans people who have liked some post by someone he doesn't like - on a completely different page. A real clown  :D

I once said I felt deadlifts do work the "back," which would to me to be a fairly innocuous comment. He answered that that's only because you have long arms and deadlift a lot LOL. "Deadlifts is NOT a back exercise!" He used to argue that wide grip pullups or lat pulldowns were again NOT a back exercise, "more like a latless pulldown!" Then suddenly he does a complete 180 of this opinion and anyone who asked about the sudden change was banned haha.
Title: Re: Paul Carter: “I went from around 175 to 205 that summer without much fat…”
Post by: joswift on November 25, 2023, 12:03:28 PM
Carter is propably the most off-putting character in this sphere. The audacity of his style and grand standing. :D

Unfortunately Carter doesn't allow any critique of his views - you get called names and banned. He even bans people who have liked some post by someone he doesn't like - on a completely different page. A real clown  :D

I once said I felt deadlifts do work the "back," which would to me to be a fairly innocuous comment. He answered that that's only because you have long arms and deadlift a lot LOL. "Deadlifts is NOT a back exercise!" He used to argue that wide grip pullups or lat pulldowns were again NOT a back exercise, "more like a latless pulldown!" Then suddenly he does a complete 180 of this opinion and anyone who asked about the sudden change was banned haha.

it doesnt work the erectors apart from isometric dynamic tension type excercise

Deadlift is more hip flexors and glutes
Title: Re: Paul Carter: “I went from around 175 to 205 that summer without much fat…”
Post by: Rmj11 on November 25, 2023, 12:07:00 PM
Paul Carter? Guy's a tool. Another marketing con man claiming his way works the best. 😆😆😆
Title: Re: Paul Carter: “I went from around 175 to 205 that summer without much fat…”
Post by: BBSSchlemiel on November 25, 2023, 12:45:24 PM
Carter is propably the most off-putting character in this sphere. The audacity of his style and grand standing. :D

Unfortunately Carter doesn't allow any critique of his views - you get called names and banned. He even bans people who have liked some post by someone he doesn't like - on a completely different page. A real clown  :D

I once said I felt deadlifts do work the "back," which would to me to be a fairly innocuous comment. He answered that that's only because you have long arms and deadlift a lot LOL. "Deadlifts is NOT a back exercise!" He used to argue that wide grip pullups or lat pulldowns were again NOT a back exercise, "more like a latless pulldown!" Then suddenly he does a complete 180 of this opinion and anyone who asked about the sudden change was banned haha.

From what I've observed through the years, he literally gets angry if someone thinks something different about exercise or doesn't care for what he has to say about it. If I recall correctly, he went on several-days-lasting online warpaths over such differences. There was time in which he presented himself as amazing family member and father, relationship advisor, and good Christian. Then he went back to being 24-7-angry guy who insults people and routinely losing his temper.

What was his reasoning for wide-grip pulldowns and pull-ups and deadlifts not being back exercises? How can one even give good effort in any deadlift variation without using lats to have the bar close to the body and keep a tight upper back?
Title: Re: Paul Carter: “I went from around 175 to 205 that summer without much fat…”
Post by: BB on November 25, 2023, 01:45:34 PM
Not a fan of this guy. He used to be on the old "Power and Bulk" message board before he got famous. He'd short stroke reps to claim PR's, go on multi-post rants when someone would mention that his super sized TRT dose wasn't TRT, and was one of the main reasons for his jumps in strength. He also did one power meet where he had a good, but very average total, and blamed on an injured hamstring that seemed to heal up mighty quick. Always been one of those guys that was bad about criticism.

Also I remember him going nuts when someone said he looked like a Dr Who Sontaran, when he was patting himself on the back -


Lucky guy from the push he got from being friendly with Rippetoe and Wendler when the whole "teach you how to be a man" arc was happening in fitness.                                       

Title: Re: Paul Carter: “I went from around 175 to 205 that summer without much fat…”
Post by: BBSSchlemiel on November 25, 2023, 02:51:08 PM
Not a fan of this guy. He used to be on the old "Power and Bulk" message board before he got famous. He'd short stroke reps to claim PR's, go on multi-post rants when someone would mention that his super sized TRT dose wasn't TRT, and was one of the main reasons for his jumps in strength. He also did one power meet where he had a good, but very average total, and blamed on an injured hamstring that seemed to heal up mighty quick. Always been one of those guys that was bad about criticism.

Also I remember him going nuts when someone said he looked like a Dr Who Sontaran, when he was patting himself on the back -

Lucky guy from the push he got from being friendly with Rippetoe and Wendler when the whole "teach you how to be a man" arc was happening in fitness.                                     

I remember he said he reason why he came in second place in the one bodybuilding show in which he participated was because of poor posing. Then I looked up who came in first place, and it was clear the guy thoroughly outdid Carter. He did not include the winner in photographs of the show.

Edit: I looked up the show results on NPC Online. Carter came in third. Here are pictures of him and the first-place winner.

Lol at "teach you how to be a man" arc.

This past summer Rip A. Toe said that set of ten reps will not build the brutal size that is only supposedly achieved with sets of five reps or below.

I'm so sick of all these guys' shit.
Title: Re: Paul Carter: “I went from around 175 to 205 that summer without much fat…”
Post by: Van_Bilderass on November 25, 2023, 04:53:41 PM
it doesnt work the erectors apart from isometric dynamic tension type excercise

Deadlift is more hip flexors and glutes

It does "build" the erectors despite the very short range of motion. Just like it builds the traps despite almost no range of motion. How to build erectors otherwise, I think Brignole had those zero external load roll-ups against a wall. Deads will build even the lats to some degree. That's just like my opinion, man. There are some exercise physiologists or whatever you call them, who do think deads are an important back exercise, like one who said the 2 most important are deads and one arm lat pulldowns, the way where you sit straight up and extend the arm completely, forget his name.
Title: Re: Paul Carter: “I went from around 175 to 205 that summer without much fat…”
Post by: Marty Champions on November 25, 2023, 05:14:20 PM
X-Effort/time =gains
Title: Re: Paul Carter: “I went from around 175 to 205 that summer without much fat…”
Post by: BBSSchlemiel on December 06, 2023, 12:48:43 PM
Ever notice nearly all his posts involve proving someone wrong or disproving something or some other bitching?
Title: Re: Paul Carter: “I went from around 175 to 205 that summer without much fat…”
Post by: ProudVirgin69 on December 07, 2023, 02:36:48 AM
It does "build" the erectors despite the very short range of motion. Just like it builds the traps despite almost no range of motion. How to build erectors otherwise, I think Brignole had those zero external load roll-ups against a wall. Deads will build even the lats to some degree. That's just like my opinion, man. There are some exercise physiologists or whatever you call them, who do think deads are an important back exercise, like one who said the 2 most important are deads and one arm lat pulldowns, the way where you sit straight up and extend the arm completely, forget his name.

Yup, the act of keeping the bar close to the body directly involves the lats contracting.  More noticeable on RDLs but still important with deadlifts.

I used to read Paul Carter’s stuff a lot, like ten years ago, and thought it was pretty decent stuff.  I remember he emphasized cardio training at a time when that was still seen as counterproductive for strength athletes.  His PJR pullovers are an incredible tricep exercise, too.

Not surprised to see he’s gone off the deep end though.  Seems like an inevitable outcome for fitness guru types as they get older.
Title: Re: Paul Carter: “I went from around 175 to 205 that summer without much fat…”
Post by: BBSSchlemiel on December 07, 2023, 02:44:35 AM

Not surprised to see he’s gone off the deep end though.  Seems like an inevitable outcome for fitness guru types as they get older.

Haha! You noticed that too? I made a thread about middle-aged gurus inevitably losing their minds and in some cases becoming perma-angry.

Carter seems to have a petulant personality disorder. He seems like a sociopath and compulsive liar.
Title: Re: Paul Carter: “I went from around 175 to 205 that summer without much fat…”
Post by: Gym Rat on December 08, 2023, 12:07:17 AM
Did Carter mention he toon Anabolic in order to gain the 30 lbs?? No method of training will do that to an already maxed out Natty, sorry...
You'll gain some if you go from a life long cable-pumper to a brutal Powerlifting/Hypertrophy progression, not 30 lbs  ::)
Title: Re: Paul Carter: “I went from around 175 to 205 that summer without much fat…”
Post by: Humble Narcissist on December 08, 2023, 12:09:33 AM
I did that routine one summer.^

It's eating very high calories and doing one all out set of superslow reps to failure per exercise.

I got fat.
:D That's what happens.
Title: Re: Paul Carter: “I went from around 175 to 205 that summer without much fat…”
Post by: wes on December 08, 2023, 12:54:36 AM
I think that Rmj11 would be well advised to shove his head up OAKS ass.

Totally obsessed with a guy that passed away decades ago........get a life you loser.
Title: Re: Paul Carter: “I went from around 175 to 205 that summer without much fat…”
Post by: ProudVirgin69 on December 08, 2023, 02:34:41 AM
Haha! You noticed that too? I made a thread about middle-aged gurus inevitably losing their minds and in some cases becoming perma-angry.

Carter seems to have a petulant personality disorder. He seems like a sociopath and compulsive liar.

Yes, and to be fair I think I first read about the concept in your thread  ;D

It’s remarkable how often it happens though.  I don’t keep up with the “scene” the way
I used to but just off the top of my head I remember Lyle McDonald, Charles Poliquin, Emeric Delczeg, Phil Hernon all going off the deep end to various degrees.

Paul Carter is jacked, tall, seems to be successful in his arena, and has a hot wife.  WTF reason does a guy like that have to be so short-tempered?  Makes me appreciate my life even more
Title: Re: Paul Carter: “I went from around 175 to 205 that summer without much fat…”
Post by: BBSSchlemiel on December 08, 2023, 06:47:06 AM
Yes, and to be fair I think I first read about the concept in your thread  ;D

It’s remarkable how often it happens though.  I don’t keep up with the “scene” the way
I used to but just off the top of my head I remember Lyle McDonald, Charles Poliquin, Emeric Delczeg, Phil Hernon all going off the deep end to various degrees.

Paul Carter is jacked, tall, seems to be successful in his arena, and has a hot wife.  WTF reason does a guy like that have to be so short-tempered?  Makes me appreciate my life even more

There’s something wrong with him. This popped up in my feed today on IG. Always bitching.
Title: Re: Paul Carter: “I went from around 175 to 205 that summer without much fat…”
Post by: Titus Pullo on December 08, 2023, 03:43:57 PM
I think that Rmj11 would be well advised to shove his head up OAKS ass.

Totally obsessed with a guy that passed away decades ago........get a life you loser.

Agreed, Tim, but he's purely here to troll.  You recall that hateful shit he said about BigRo's father, I'm sure.
Title: Re: Paul Carter: “I went from around 175 to 205 that summer without much fat…”
Post by: BBSSchlemiel on December 08, 2023, 05:48:11 PM
Did Carter mention he toon Anabolic in order to gain the 30 lbs?? No method of training will do that to an already maxed out Natty, sorry...
You'll gain some if you go from a life long cable-pumper to a brutal Powerlifting/Hypertrophy progression, not 30 lbs  ::)

Recently he made a post about natural limits and said natties can expect to gain 30 to 40 pounds of muscle, or something similar. So Paul did that in one summer. :)
Title: Re: Paul Carter: “I went from around 175 to 205 that summer without much fat…”
Post by: BBSSchlemiel on December 08, 2023, 06:17:03 PM
Yes, and to be fair I think I first read about the concept in your thread  ;D

It’s remarkable how often it happens though.  I don’t keep up with the “scene” the way
I used to but just off the top of my head I remember Lyle McDonald, Charles Poliquin, Emeric Delczeg, Phil Hernon all going off the deep end to various degrees.

Paul Carter is jacked, tall, seems to be successful in his arena, and has a hot wife.  WTF reason does a guy like that have to be so short-tempered?  Makes me appreciate my life even more

I remember Hernon would fire off on Facebook about sociopolitical issues. In one post, in response to me, he spoke about income inequality and how fast food workers and doctors both work hard, and because of that, fast-food workers should be paid more.

Did you see a few years ago Lyle McDonald went on a warpath because of a conversation with Mike Israel that went in a way he didn't like.

Imagine getting angry in one's fifties about ideas about lifting?
Title: Re: Paul Carter: “I went from around 175 to 205 that summer without much fat…”
Post by: Humble Narcissist on December 09, 2023, 12:33:41 AM
I remember Hernon would fire off on Facebook about sociopolitical issues. In one post, in response to me, he spoke about income inequality and how fast food workers and doctors both work hard, and because of that, fast-food workers should be paid more.

Did you see a few years ago Lyle McDonald went on a warpath because of a conversation with Mike Israel that went in a way he didn't like.

Imagine getting angry in one's fifties about ideas about lifting?
Do fast food workers go to school/training for 10 years?
Title: Re: Paul Carter: “I went from around 175 to 205 that summer without much fat…”
Post by: wes on December 09, 2023, 02:14:20 AM
Agreed, Tim, but he's purely here to troll.  You recall that hateful shit he said about BigRo's father, I'm sure.
Yes I do my friend.....I hated his ridiculous trolling but the remark about BigRos father has made me literally hate him.

Who does that sort of thing............only an asshole is my answer.

All the best brother!  ;)
Title: Re: Paul Carter: “I went from around 175 to 205 that summer without much fat…”
Post by: BBSSchlemiel on March 20, 2024, 08:57:30 AM

A weird video post. Do you guys think he has something going on with his teeth?
Title: Re: Paul Carter: “I went from around 175 to 205 that summer without much fat…”
Post by: BB on March 20, 2024, 09:48:29 AM
Big Fake Choppers.
Title: Re: Paul Carter: “I went from around 175 to 205 that summer without much fat…”
Post by: BBSSchlemiel on March 20, 2024, 10:58:01 AM
Big Fake Choppers.

He said he has good teeth and forearms.

Title: Re: Paul Carter: “I went from around 175 to 205 that summer without much fat…”
Post by: BBSSchlemiel on April 08, 2024, 04:52:29 PM
I’m starting to think this guy has mental problems, including echolalia, as he repeats the same things over and over and over again.
Title: Re: Paul Carter: “I went from around 175 to 205 that summer without much fat…”
Post by: oldtimer1 on April 08, 2024, 05:14:59 PM
How come people keep reinventing the wheel? We had basic whole body routines that have been used for many decades recycled as HST. We have light weight pumping routines that were called muscle spinning in the 60's called ROB as in Rest only briefly.  Nothing new under the sun.

This super slow protocol was made popular by Ken Hutchins. He might have had medical issues but he always looked out of shape to me. Super slow was what Ken Hutchins came up with for a twist on Arthur Jones one set to failure on his machines. Hutchins wanted the rep slowed to a ridiculous level. He took Jones's MedX machines and modified the cam. Jones was furious with this and he also said he never recommended super slow reps. In some cases 10 seconds up and 10 seconds down. Ken Hutchins talked about training like he had all the answers but he looked out of shape.

It's good training protocol for rehab but where in sports do you do any training super slow?
Title: Re: Paul Carter: “I went from around 175 to 205 that summer without much fat…”
Post by: Humble Narcissist on April 09, 2024, 12:27:34 AM
How come people keep reinventing the wheel? We had basic whole body routines that have been used for many decades recycled as HST. We have light weight pumping routines that were called muscle spinning in the 60's called ROB as in Rest only briefly.  Nothing new under the sun.

This super slow protocol was made popular by Ken Hutchins. He might have had medical issues but he always looked out of shape to me. Super slow was what Ken Hutchins came up with for a twist on Arthur Jones one set to failure on his machines. Hutchins wanted the rep slowed to a ridiculous level. He took Jones's MedX machines and modified the cam. Jones was furious with this and he also said he never recommended super slow reps. In some cases 10 seconds up and 10 seconds down. Ken Hutchins talked about training like he had all the answers but he looked out of shape.

It's good training protocol for rehab but where in sports do you do any training super slow?
That was my least favorite routine ever. It was excruciating routine and the gains were non existent. I actually lost strength and size.
Title: Re: Paul Carter: “I went from around 175 to 205 that summer without much fat…”
Post by: dj181 on April 09, 2024, 08:18:42 AM
That was my least favorite routine ever. It was excruciating routine and the gains were non existent. I actually lost strength and size.

same thing happened to jordan peters when he tried big bad dyke isrealtels reps in reserve horseshit
Title: Re: Paul Carter: “I went from around 175 to 205 that summer without much fat…”
Post by: Humble Narcissist on April 10, 2024, 12:26:36 AM
same thing happened to jordan peters when he tried big bad dyke isrealtels reps in reserve horseshit
Title: Re: Paul Carter: “I went from around 175 to 205 that summer without much fat…”
Post by: Gym Rat on April 11, 2024, 02:18:02 AM
same thing happened to jordan peters when he tried big bad dyke isrealtels reps in reserve horseshit

Is Peters still on "TRT only"  ::) ::)

Looks bloated beyond belief... ???
Title: Re: Paul Carter: “I went from around 175 to 205 that summer without much fat…”
Post by: Van_Bilderass on April 11, 2024, 02:23:52 AM
Is Peters still on "TRT only"  ::) ::)

Looks bloated beyond belief... ???

I just shudder to think about the amount of food he is ingesting. And of course the drug regimen that is a job in itself.

He is one stacked fella though. Just the neck is nuts.

I "like" him.
Title: Re: Paul Carter: “I went from around 175 to 205 that summer without much fat…”
Post by: joswift on April 11, 2024, 03:36:59 AM
I just shudder to think about the amount of food he is ingesting. And of course the drug regimen that is a job in itself.

He is one stacked fella though. Just the neck is nuts.

I "like" him.
he must feel like shit
I just dropped 10lb of water bloat in the last week or so and fell 100% better
Hes not long for this world
Title: Re: Paul Carter: “I went from around 175 to 205 that summer without much fat…”
Post by: BBSSchlemiel on April 13, 2024, 09:27:40 AM
I now train-wreck follow him. What is wrong with this man?
Title: Re: Paul Carter: “I went from around 175 to 205 that summer without much fat…”
Post by: Van_Bilderass on April 13, 2024, 09:56:59 AM
I now train-wreck follow him. What is wrong with this man?

It pisses people off when he's so hypocritical, sometimes he plays the sensitive man, sometimes he's the God fearing Christian and sometimes, or most often, the worst asshole. It did piss me off when he attacked me for something totally innocuous I said lol. If he'd at least let people respond in kind  :D
Title: Re: Paul Carter: “I went from around 175 to 205 that summer without much fat…”
Post by: dj181 on April 13, 2024, 10:04:36 AM
Is Peters still on "TRT only"  ::) ::)

Looks bloated beyond belief... ???

wow, what's up with that ???

look he's free to do as he wishes as i have zero right to tell him what to do, but man that can't be too healthy

i'm sad actually coz he's got good dude with a good soul

shit fucking sucks

but if he's healthy like that them more power to him coz it's his choice to be that massive
Title: Re: Paul Carter: “I went from around 175 to 205 that summer without much fat…”
Post by: BBSSchlemiel on April 13, 2024, 10:12:56 AM
It pisses people off when he's so hypocritical, sometimes he plays the sensitive man, sometimes he's the God fearing Christian and sometimes, or most often, the worst asshole. It did piss me off when he attacked me for something totally innocuous I said lol. If he'd at least let people respond in kind  :D

I usually don’t like to do psychoactive on people but I wonder what drives this.
Title: Re: Paul Carter: “I went from around 175 to 205 that summer without much fat…”
Post by: Van_Bilderass on April 13, 2024, 10:21:18 AM
wow, what's up with that ???

look he's free to do as he wishes as i have zero right to tell him what to do, but man that can't be too healthy

i'm sad actually coz he's got good dude with a good soul

shit fucking sucks

but if he's healthy like that them more power to him coz it's his choice to be that massive

Last time he quit because the gf said, "tell me, are you going to die soon?" JP says he feels he has one bulk and prep in him and he's confident he can can escape then and be healthy. But as we know, there are no guarantees. I don't have a problem with taking risks obviously, more power to him, I think he knows the risks.

Some have said the gf is the brains in that relationship, that she actually does all the diets and workout programming. I don't know.

One of the few bbers where I can actually watch them workout with some interest.

And like I said, imagine the food load. Probably like 1500- 2000 grams of carbs and 700 grams of protein lol. Just a guess but it's up there obviously.
Title: Re: Paul Carter: “I went from around 175 to 205 that summer without much fat…”
Post by: dj181 on April 13, 2024, 10:35:45 AM
Last time he quit because the gf said, "tell me, are you going to die soon?" JP says he feels he has one bulk and prep in him and he's confident he can can escape then and be healthy. But as we know, there are no guarantees. I don't have a problem with taking risks obviously, more power to him, I think he knows the risks.

Some have said the gf is the brains in that relationship, that she actually does all the diets and workout programming. I don't know.

One of the few bbers where I can actually watch them workout with some interest.

And like I said, imagine the food load. Probably like 1500- 2000 grams of carbs and 700 grams of protein lol. Just a guess but it's up there obviously.

you think he eats that much protien?

big paul goes up to 1000 carb grams but 2000? fuck

i'm upping protien to a bit over 1 gram per pound after watching this vid, most guys seem to say 1.25 grams per pound like the guys in thinkbig bodybuilding

Title: Re: Paul Carter: “I went from around 175 to 205 that summer without much fat…”
Post by: Gym Rat on April 13, 2024, 10:40:16 AM
wow, what's up with that ???

look he's free to do as he wishes as i have zero right to tell him what to do, but man that can't be too healthy

i'm sad actually coz he's got good dude with a good soul

shit fucking sucks

but if he's healthy like that them more power to him coz it's his choice to be that massive

He tried to quit the gear for a bit and do "TRT only" (when everyone was seizing up from the clot-shot) but it didn't last long... Addicted...
Never watched any of his videos...
Title: Re: Paul Carter: “I went from around 175 to 205 that summer without much fat…”
Post by: dj181 on April 13, 2024, 10:54:03 AM
He tried to quit the gear for a bit and do "TRT only" (when everyone was seizing up from the clot-shot) but it didn't last long... Addicted...
Never watched any of his videos...

that's too bad

he def had some beast strength
Title: Re: Paul Carter: “I went from around 175 to 205 that summer without much fat…”
Post by: Van_Bilderass on April 13, 2024, 11:07:22 AM
you think he eats that much protien?

big paul goes up to 1000 carb grams but 2000? fuck

i'm upping protien to a bit over 1 gram per pound after watching this vid, most guys seem to say 1.25 grams per pound like the guys in thinkbig bodybuilding

I'm not sure but I'd say at least 500 grams protein easily.

I have a friend who isn't even in the same universe compared to JP and he eats 1500 carbs and 450 grams protein "easy," without even using shakes. This is on push phases, not all the time.

JPs forearms look pretty fat there, I think he must be pushing at an all time high food intake right now.

I never could eat more than 300 grams of protein a day. Not that it would have helped necessarily but I would have liked to see what would happen with say 400 grams for 3-4 months or whatever. All the studies say increased protein increases lbm almost automatically, but there are limitations to the studies, and obviously a ceiling effect to the protein. But high protein "works" to a degree I'm sure, it's not an accident all the all time freaks used extremely high proteins with the extreme PED stacks, some like Martin Kjellström here in my town went through 5 kilos of whey a week.
Title: Re: Paul Carter: “I went from around 175 to 205 that summer without much fat…”
Post by: dj181 on April 13, 2024, 11:23:52 AM
I'm not sure but I'd say at least 500 grams protein easily.

I have a friend who isn't even in the same universe compared to JP and he eats 1500 carbs and 450 grams protein "easy," without even using shakes. This is on push phases, not all the time.

JPs forearms look pretty fat there, I think he must be pushing at an all time high food intake right now.

I never could eat more than 300 grams of protein a day. Not that it would have helped necessarily but I would have liked to see what would happen with say 400 grams for 3-4 months or whatever. All the studies say increased protein increases lbm almost automatically, but there are limitations to the studies, and obviously a ceiling effect to the protein. But high protein "works" to a degree I'm sure, it's not an accident all the all time freaks used extremely high proteins with the extreme PED stacks, some like Martin Kjellström here in my town went through 5 kilos of whey a week.

yep he does have fat forearms and those wrists look 10 inches round

think he does a 5 day split, 2 on/1 off/1 on/1off on a push/pull/legs split
Title: Re: Paul Carter: “I went from around 175 to 205 that summer without much fat…”
Post by: pilosox on May 29, 2024, 03:55:36 PM
I got banned by carter as well only for @ing his name on another well know coach instagram post that was explaining something totally agains what he preaches. I honestly did it to start a healthy debate but he DM'd me some insults and blocked me.

I admired him, now i don't. hope he gets down one day as the man he really is. Not frendly and not honest.

Title: Re: Paul Carter: “I went from around 175 to 205 that summer without much fat…”
Post by: IroNat on May 30, 2024, 03:41:12 AM
I now train-wreck follow him. What is wrong with this man?

Flip-flopping hormone levels.