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Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: affeman on December 06, 2023, 12:29:14 AM

Title: New Deadlift all time world record !!
Post by: affeman on December 06, 2023, 12:29:14 AM
505 kg (1113 pds) @99 kg (217 pds) bodyweight; unf*ckingbelievable


Title: Re: New Deadlift all time world record !!
Post by: Humble Narcissist on December 06, 2023, 12:30:49 AM
DAMN!!! :o
Title: Re: New Deadlift all time world record !!
Post by: pamith on December 06, 2023, 12:37:08 AM
My nikka
Title: Re: New Deadlift all time world record !!
Post by: Van_Bilderass on December 06, 2023, 02:27:18 AM
Didn't watch the video. Two things: the bar bends so much it's not comparable to much.
Look his grip! I actually bought figure 8 straps for this purpose, a little cheat, but didn't get around to trying them yet (due to weakness).
Or is he using regular traps?!
Title: Re: New Deadlift all time world record !!
Post by: joswift on December 06, 2023, 02:33:25 AM
Didn't watch the video. Two things: the bar bends so much it's not comparable to much.
Look his grip! I actually bought figure 8 straps for this purpose, a little cheat, but didn't get around to trying them yet (due to weakness).
Or is he using regular traps?!

top tip

If your hands cant hold it maybe you shouldnt be trying to lift it

Maybe your hands are your strength barometer
Bypass that with straps and you might hurt yourself
Title: Re: New Deadlift all time world record !!
Post by: Gym Rat on December 06, 2023, 02:36:07 AM
Straps are legal in Strongman. So is hitching.
This of course is a Strongman style DL with straps. (Not a PL record).
The guys arms are so long, and with the bar bend (and Sumo) he just straightens his knees a tiny bit. A feat all on its own I suppose.

Strong fukker just to move it I guess..
Title: Re: New Deadlift all time world record !!
Post by: wes on December 06, 2023, 02:43:48 AM
Strong guy...........but he can fuck off with that BS.

He`s no Vince Anello by a long shot.....Vince did REAL deadlifts !
Title: Re: New Deadlift all time world record !!
Post by: bhank on December 06, 2023, 02:57:47 AM
One side only came off the ground about 4 inches. Still give credit he got it all off the ground for a split second but that's a small range of motion and it never looked stable. I would think a quality deadlift bar wouldn't bend like that?
Title: Re: New Deadlift all time world record !!
Post by: wes on December 06, 2023, 03:01:00 AM
One side only came off the ground about 4 inches. Still give credit he got it all off the ground for a split second but that's a small range of motion and it never looked stable. I would think a quality deadlift bar wouldn't bend like that?
Too bad he wasn`t wearing elbow sleeves...he would have gotten it if  he did.
Title: Re: New Deadlift all time world record !!
Post by: gib on December 06, 2023, 03:04:19 AM
As a powerlifter, I can tell you, these are not "real" deadlifts. Not a IPF sanctioned event. Not full lockouts (many lifts would have been failed). And of course they are all using straps (prohibited by IPF). We use these in training, but not in actual competitive lifts.

But still, good vibe and nice to see these guys having fun. And damn strong nevertheless.
Title: Re: New Deadlift all time world record !!
Post by: bhank on December 06, 2023, 04:04:23 AM
Too bad he wasn`t wearing elbow sleeves...he would have gotten it if  he did.

Turns out according to Matt those are actually knee sleeves Matt is wearing on his elbows which give even more support than elbow sleeves.
Title: Re: New Deadlift all time world record !!
Post by: Hulkotron on December 06, 2023, 04:07:22 AM
Strong lift obviously but the bar bending that much basically makes it a rack pull.
Title: Re: New Deadlift all time world record !!
Post by: Gym Rat on December 06, 2023, 04:10:48 AM
One side only came off the ground about 4 inches. Still give credit he got it all off the ground for a split second but that's a small range of motion and it never looked stable. I would think a quality deadlift bar wouldn't bend like that?

Deadlift bars are made to bend, they are much less stiff, to give a person an advantage...
Title: Re: New Deadlift all time world record !!
Post by: wes on December 06, 2023, 04:12:43 AM
Turns out according to Matt those are actually knee sleeves Matt is wearing on his elbows which give even more support than elbow sleeves.
OK Hercules,whatever.
Title: Re: New Deadlift all time world record !!
Post by: BB on December 06, 2023, 04:17:23 AM
Left hand opened and it was saved by the strap, still an interesting strength curiosity. He's strong, but I'm not even sure I want to call it a strapped or strongman deadlift, because of how that left side was lifted.     
Title: Re: New Deadlift all time world record !!
Post by: IroNat on December 06, 2023, 04:47:33 AM
Real world practicality...

Title: Re: New Deadlift all time world record !!
Post by: Flexacon on December 06, 2023, 04:58:02 AM
Reminded me of the rolling/hitching the do in strict curling.

Big lookiing guy for 99kg
Title: Re: New Deadlift all time world record !!
Post by: sculpture on December 06, 2023, 06:13:15 AM
What a joke
Title: Re: New Deadlift all time world record !!
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 06, 2023, 07:15:03 AM
Have you guys deadlifted with these new deadlift bars?  They start bending with 315lbs.  With more weight it cuts the range of motion. Sumo deadlifts are bullshit cause they are barely getting the plates off the floor.  Having said that it's very impressive that he got that off the floor.

That's why I like Olympic lifting.  Get it over your head or you didn't do the lift. No way to cheat it. 
Title: Re: New Deadlift all time world record !!
Post by: Van_Bilderass on December 06, 2023, 06:10:52 PM
top tip

If your hands cant hold it maybe you shouldnt be trying to lift it

Maybe your hands are your strength barometer
Bypass that with straps and you might hurt yourself

"If you need a belt for your frail back maybe you shouldn't lift."

"If you need heels to hit depth in the squat maybe that's your body telling you to stop."

"If you need wrist wraps maybe that's your body telling you your bones aren't made for this."


And the raw divisions "needed" an allowance for knee sleeves. But why exactly? Completely abitrary rule (actually made only to recoup some of the losses from selling PL gear). Of course then they started manipulating them too, everyone was wearing sleeves they couldn't even get on by themselves and maybe needed to be cut off. I think at least some orgs now need to see the athlete put them on by themselves Lol.

My grip never once failed me. I think I have pretty weak hands but for some reason I can hold on to "anything", probably 100lbs more than my raw max so I'd never get that point.
The trick and "cheat" with figure 8 straps that I mentioned is that you might be able to hold the bar 2cm or lower down your hands, which means your hips could be slighty higher in the start, improving leverages. It's a tiny tiny thing but might translate to some poundage increase - only likely relevant to some "deadlift specialist". I seem to remember some Westsider hung the bar lower in his hands which he thought gave him an advantage. There might have even been a couple who mentioned it. Of course it only applies to those whose hands this style fits. And sometimes you grab the bar wrong by mistake but somehow you hold on regardless.

Regarding the arbitrariness of powerlifting rules, think about something like the "correct" diameter of the plates. Who said this was the correct height to deadlift from? Completely arbitrary.
Title: Re: New Deadlift all time world record !!
Post by: Van_Bilderass on December 06, 2023, 06:23:02 PM
Have you guys deadlifted with these new deadlift bars?  They start bending with 315lbs.  With more weight it cuts the range of motion. Sumo deadlifts are bullshit cause they are barely getting the plates off the floor.  Having said that it's very impressive that he got that off the floor.

That's why I like Olympic lifting.  Get it over your head or you didn't do the lift. No way to cheat it.

Olympic bars are the soft bars. :D I like Olympic lifting too, pretty "pure" as far as sports go, unless you associate pureness with being drug free haha. Are they even allowed in the Olympics anymore? It should be like in the top 3 as far as my "ideals" measuring human performance.

Deadlift bars have been a thing for decades in PL in the US, I only got to try one a few years ago. Powerlifters feel like it stresses the body less, softer and less jerky, just feels better and lighter. It does feel different, but not necessarily easier if you haven't practised with the bars before. Pulling the slack out the bar does make it feel smoother. American powerlifters also feel that KILO plates weigh more than LBS plates believe it or not, seriously it's a pervasive though even among top lifters. Some go as far as switching gyms if the comp they are entering uses KILO plates.
Title: Re: New Deadlift all time world record !!
Post by: The Scott on December 06, 2023, 06:28:33 PM
If your grip is incapable of holding onto the bar?  You didn't lift it.   Sumo deadlifting should not be legal in competition.  This ego based BS of wearing a special elastic suit to help you lift the weight is wrong.  It is done because men can only become so strong even on drugs and then...That's it. 
Title: Re: New Deadlift all time world record !!
Post by: Rusty Trombone on December 06, 2023, 06:29:54 PM
1. Sumo doesn't count (acccording to some on this forum),shortened ROM

2. Bar is super soft,bends like spaghetti,shortened ROM

3. Did not lock out -fail

4. Did not even straighten out - fail

5. affeman is a schmoe who doesn't lift,so he does not know what is a proper deadlift
Title: Re: New Deadlift all time world record !!
Post by: ThisisOverload on December 06, 2023, 06:35:49 PM
Garbage lift.

Still strong.

The best part is the color profile of the room.

Adding to my "Top 10 Places to Retire" list.

Knew a Mexican dude years ago that was 5'4" and 155 pounds, could sumo pull 600 pounds.

Put that weight on a Texas power bar and let's talk.
Title: Re: New Deadlift all time world record !!
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 06, 2023, 06:42:30 PM
Olympic bars are the soft bars. :D I like Olympic lifting too, pretty "pure" as far as sports go, unless you associate pureness with being drug free haha. Are they even allowed in the Olympics anymore? It should be like in the top 3 as far as my "ideals" measuring human performance.

Deadlift bars have been a thing for decades in PL in the US, I only got to try one a few years ago. Powerlifters feel like it stresses the body less, softer and less jerky, just feels better and lighter. It does feel different, but not necessarily easier if you haven't practised with the bars before. Pulling the slack out the bar does make it feel smoother. American powerlifters also feel that KILO plates weigh more than LBS plates believe it or not, seriously it's a pervasive though even among top lifters. Some go as far as switching gyms if the comp they are entering uses KILO plates.

Back in my day there were Olympic bars and Power lifting bars. The power lifting bars had just about zero bend intentionally to handle the big weights of power lifting. Now the deadlift bars are incredibly soft and bendable. Purposely made to cut the range of motion yet strong enough to not break. Just another cheat like lifting apparel. Olympic bars have some bend in them but you will see a slight bend with 315lbs. Yes they bend with 400 plus but that doesn't help lifting the bar over head. They are not doing a deadlift.  How many guys on the Olympia stage could clean and jerk 315lbs. I will answer. None.
Title: Re: New Deadlift all time world record !!
Post by: Van_Bilderass on December 06, 2023, 06:50:24 PM
Back in my day there were Olympic bars and Power lifting bars. The power lifting bars had just about zero bend intentionally to handle the big weights of power lifting. Now the deadlift bars are incredibly soft and bendable. Purposely made to cut the range of motion yet strong enough to not break. Just another cheat like lifting apparel. Olympic bars have some bend in them but you will see a slight bend with 315lbs. Yes they bend with 400 plus but that doesn't help lifting the bar over head. They are not doing a deadlift.  How many guys on the Olympia stage could clean and jerk 315lbs. I will answer. None.

Except a soft bar doesn't guarantee bigger numbers always. I know from experience. If you don't time it right the bar can sort of wobble and take you off from your groove.
Title: Re: New Deadlift all time world record !!
Post by: ThisisOverload on December 06, 2023, 07:02:58 PM
Except a soft bar doesn't guarantee bigger numbers always. I know from experience. If you don't time it right the bar can sort of wobble and take you off from your groove.

Years ago when i was into powerlifting, i went to Costa Rica and went to a local gym on San Jose.

I worked up to 315 on squats and the bar was whipping up and down so bad i almost lost my balance.

405 felt dangerous so i stopped.

I know these guys are strong, but i'm curious what they would pull with a real bar, even with all the equipment i bet it's ~20% difference.
Title: Re: New Deadlift all time world record !!
Post by: Van_Bilderass on December 06, 2023, 07:03:30 PM
If your grip is incapable of holding onto the bar?  You didn't lift it.   Sumo deadlifting should not be legal in competition.  This ego based BS of wearing a special elastic suit to help you lift the weight is wrong.  It is done because men can only become so strong even on drugs and then...That's it.

Some have claimed to me a belt can add 30-40lbs to a deadlift. They probably never tested their beltless max but they feel it adds a lot in any case. Why should that be allowed? You already have a belt, the adominals, like Konstantinov said.

I don't think the knee sleeves make squats safer either, though that is given as a reason, they are used to increase poundage, even if only by a little bit. Bench shirts and suits and wraps were also marketed as "safety tools."

So what equipment do you approve of? An example to pondet, years back it was common for some to bench with very high heels, it was ridiculous. Better grip for the whole foot and easier to use leg drive. Cheating or not?

Strapped deadlift is just another strength demonstrating move, it demonstrates something, even if not grip strength, nothing "unreal" about it, even if it doesn't fit your ideal. Like I said, a lot of rules are completely arbitrary.
Title: Re: New Deadlift all time world record !!
Post by: Moontrane on December 06, 2023, 07:10:46 PM
Garbage lift.

Still strong.

The best part is the color profile of the room.

Adding to my "Top 10 Places to Retire" list.

Knew a Mexican dude years ago that was 5'4" and 155 pounds, could sumo pull 600 pounds.

Put that weight on a Texas power bar and let's talk.


Title: Re: New Deadlift all time world record !!
Post by: oldtimer1 on December 06, 2023, 07:10:59 PM
Except a soft bar doesn't guarantee bigger numbers always. I know from experience. If you don't time it right the bar can sort of wobble and take you off from your groove.

Cutting the range down 8 plus inches absolutely gives your a bigger lift. Use an old power lifting bar with zero bend and raise the plates by 8 plus inches by putting the plates on plates to raise the bar. Instant better numbers on the deadlift.
Title: Re: New Deadlift all time world record !!
Post by: dj181 on December 06, 2023, 07:14:14 PM
Some have claimed to me a belt can add 30-40lbs to a deadlift. They probably never tested their beltless max but they feel it adds a lot in any case. Why should that be allowed? You already have a belt, the adominals, like Konstantinov said.

I don't think the knee sleeves make squats safer either, though that is given as a reason, they are used to increase poundage, even if only by a little bit. Bench shirts and suits and wraps were also marketed as "safety tools."

So what equipment do you approve of? An example to pondet, years back it was common for some to bench with very high heels, it was ridiculous. Better grip for the whole foot and easier to use leg drive. Cheating or not?

Strapped deadlift is just another strength demonstrating move, it demonstrates something, even if not grip strength, nothing "unreal" about it, even if it doesn't fit your ideal. Like I said, a lot of rules are completely arbitrary.

back in the mid 90s when demin bench shirts came out my x-coach Dr. JM Blakely yeah the guy who created the JM press flat out told me that some dudes were getting 300 pounds out of thier shirts :D :D :D
Title: Re: New Deadlift all time world record !!
Post by: Van_Bilderass on December 06, 2023, 07:27:08 PM
Cutting the range down 8 plus inches absolutely gives your a bigger lift. Use an old power lifting bar with zero bend and raise the plates by 8 plus inches by putting the plates on plates to raise the bar. Instant better numbers on the deadlift.

I have tried all sorts of variations of deadlifts, from 15-46 years of age, one 15 year stretch I was deadlifting 300kg+ every single week almost (save for Christmas and New Years eve - but sometimes lifted even then). If you raised a deadlift start position and had lots of experience with rack lifts, you'd know some lose strength by cutting the range of motion. Typically the just under the knee part is the hardest part they say, easier to pull from the floor, due to some momentum and some other things. I gain strength the shorter the range but not everyone is the same.
I'm telling you, I've used a a soft deadlift bar for a few years. Did not increase my max. Not saying it wouldn't over even a longer period of time, but it's not automatic. About 4 years ago I did 770 with a stiff bar and 760 with a deadlift bar.  I think the cheap bar was over max safe capacity to be honest, bent so much.
Title: Re: New Deadlift all time world record !!
Post by: The Scott on December 06, 2023, 07:46:15 PM
Some have claimed to me a belt can add 30-40lbs to a deadlift. They probably never tested their beltless max but they feel it adds a lot in any case. Why should that be allowed? You already have a belt, the adominals, like Konstantinov said.

I don't think the knee sleeves make squats safer either, though that is given as a reason, they are used to increase poundage, even if only by a little bit. Bench shirts and suits and wraps were also marketed as "safety tools."

So what equipment do you approve of? An example to pondet, years back it was common for some to bench with very high heels, it was ridiculous. Better grip for the whole foot and easier to use leg drive. Cheating or not?

Strapped deadlift is just another strength demonstrating move, it demonstrates something, even if not grip strength, nothing "unreal" about it, even if it doesn't fit your ideal. Like I said, a lot of rules are completely arbitrary.

I never competed in any powerlifting event.  I would say that if "raw" means unaided/unprotected then no belts, not bouncy straps or suits or shirts, no straps, no sleeves no ace bandages, nothing but you.

When I did bench pressing I raised both feet off the ground and crossed my ankles with legs bent at 90 degrees.  This removed any possibility of me arching a ridiculous amount or of my ass coming off the bench.  I wore sweatpants to squat in and tennis shoes.  No board beneath my ankles.  I also used ace bandages and a 4 inch belt but I had been challenged to do my squat workouts sans any belt or ace wraps and did so easily.  I used very light weights for sets of 20 or more reps.

Title: Re: New Deadlift all time world record !!
Post by: chaos on December 06, 2023, 07:56:31 PM
Sumo is not a real deadlift.
Title: Re: New Deadlift all time world record !!
Post by: Humble Narcissist on December 07, 2023, 12:16:10 AM
Have you guys deadlifted with these new deadlift bars?  They start bending with 315lbs.  With more weight it cuts the range of motion. Sumo deadlifts are bullshit cause they are barely getting the plates off the floor.  Having said that it's very impressive that he got that off the floor.

That's why I like Olympic lifting.  Get it over your head or you didn't do the lift. No way to cheat it.
I always felt like a total badass sumo deadlifting.
Title: Re: New Deadlift all time world record !!
Post by: falco on December 07, 2023, 02:15:52 AM
The bar flex so much he pretty much just locks up. Still, it's so much weight i have to give him props.
Title: Re: New Deadlift all time world record !!
Post by: Van_Bilderass on December 07, 2023, 05:46:27 AM
I never competed in any powerlifting event.  I would say that if "raw" means unaided/unprotected then no belts, not bouncy straps or suits or shirts, no straps, no sleeves no ace bandages, nothing but you.

When I did bench pressing I raised both feet off the ground and crossed my ankles with legs bent at 90 degrees.  This removed any possibility of me arching a ridiculous amount or of my ass coming off the bench.  I wore sweatpants to squat in and tennis shoes.  No board beneath my ankles.  I also used ace bandages and a 4 inch belt but I had been challenged to do my squat workouts sans any belt or ace wraps and did so easily.  I used very light weights for sets of 20 or more reps.

One piece of equipment that many powerlifters feel can "save you" in later years if worn diligenntly all your career. You know how the hips go  eventuallyon many powerlifters. So the advocate "briefs" always when deadllifting. The briefs are just like the bottom half of a squat suit, like extremely tight ball crushing underwear. I took to often wearing briefs where I'd cut off the top half of the suit. So many swear it saves the hips. I got maybe 10bs worth of extra pop from the bottom, hard to know exactly, but it does feel more forgiving, more stable, stronger.

Regarding suits, when I first tried someones deadlift suit in 2008 ,after a few practise sessions it gave me 115lbs on my max conventional.! My max was exactly 660lbs at that time.That's pretty much unheard of, sumo yes but sone don't get this even with sumo. Then there are many who don't get anything from a suit conventional. After this I trained for a decade until I could do my then suited max raw. Some know nothing said I hadn't gained anything, max was still the same, "but you don't understand, I've gained 115lbs on my raw deadlift!" Lol. Then the curious thing, trying on the old suit again it didn't give me anything extra! Very weird. I thought I might get 100lbs again, which would have landed me at 870lbs lol but I lost the benefit.

Regarding belts, I always deadlifted without a belt except for 1 rep max PRs. Then I wanted any possible advantage. I know they sell 2-3 inch sturdy powerlifting belts. Never got around to buying one, but the 4 inch can sometimes cut into your hips in the start position, make it too hard to breathe etc.
Title: Re: New Deadlift all time world record !!
Post by: Bestia on December 13, 2023, 09:31:29 AM
Sumo should be in a different category.  Conventional deadlift is "the deadlift".  Sumo-style is something different.  It would be like doing reverse grip bench press for the bench press record. 

Just my opinion
Title: Re: New Deadlift all time world record !!
Post by: Fortress on December 13, 2023, 10:48:15 AM
One side only came off the ground about 4 inches. Still give credit he got it all off the ground for a split second but that's a small range of motion and it never looked stable. I would think a quality deadlift bar wouldn't bend like that?

Deadlift bars are designed TO bend you total know-nothing bozo.

Any regular bar will start to sag over 500 pounds. Guess you’d know nothing about that, though.
Title: Re: New Deadlift all time world record !!
Post by: Fortress on December 13, 2023, 10:56:06 AM
… some dudes were getting 300 pounds out of their shirts.

Absolutely. Many get a lot more, even.
Title: Re: New Deadlift all time world record !!
Post by: robcguns on December 13, 2023, 11:02:13 AM
If your grip is incapable of holding onto the bar?  You didn't lift it.   Sumo deadlifting should not be legal in competition.  This ego based BS of wearing a special elastic suit to help you lift the weight is wrong.  It is done because men can only become so strong even on drugs and then...That's it.

Title: Re: New Deadlift all time world record !!
Post by: Donny on December 13, 2023, 11:04:24 AM
Sumo should be in a different category.  Conventional deadlift is "the deadlift".  Sumo-style is something different.  It would be like doing reverse grip bench press for the bench press record. 

Just my opinion
Sumo Deadlifts are different but in my opinion the best "economical" deadlift
Title: Re: New Deadlift all time world record !!
Post by: robcguns on December 13, 2023, 11:09:48 AM
Sumo should be in a different category.  Conventional deadlift is "the deadlift".  Sumo-style is something different.  It would be like doing reverse grip bench press for the bench press record. 

Just my opinion

You can reverse grip more than regular bench? That’s crazy. When I could bench 500 I think I reverse gripped 365. Very awkward movement.
Title: Re: New Deadlift all time world record !!
Post by: Dave D on December 13, 2023, 12:04:39 PM
Back in my day there were Olympic bars and Power lifting bars. The power lifting bars had just about zero bend intentionally to handle the big weights of power lifting. Now the deadlift bars are incredibly soft and bendable. Purposely made to cut the range of motion yet strong enough to not break. Just another cheat like lifting apparel. Olympic bars have some bend in them but you will see a slight bend with 315lbs. Yes they bend with 400 plus but that doesn't help lifting the bar over head. They are not doing a deadlift.  How many guys on the Olympia stage could clean and jerk 315lbs. I will answer. None.

Have you ever thought about joining an Olympic weightlifting forum?
Title: Re: New Deadlift all time world record !!
Post by: Humble Narcissist on December 14, 2023, 12:12:49 AM
Have you ever thought about joining an Olympic weightlifting forum?
Do they even exist?
Title: Re: New Deadlift all time world record !!
Post by: Bestia on December 14, 2023, 05:27:39 AM
You can reverse grip more than regular bench? That’s crazy. When I could bench 500 I think I reverse gripped 365. Very awkward movement.

Whether you can do more or less with reverse grip is dependent on the person.  My point is sumo deadlift is sumo deadlift.  Deadlift is the deadlift.  Bench press is bench press and reverse grip bench is not bench press.

As far as people doing more with reverse - check out old Anthony Clark footage.  He surged into the spotlight shortly after Arcidi and Lane were battling for the world record but Clark used reverse grip
Title: Re: New Deadlift all time world record !!
Post by: pamith on December 14, 2023, 10:29:23 AM
Ronnie was stronger
Title: Re: New Deadlift all time world record !!
Post by: chaos on December 14, 2023, 04:57:31 PM
Sumo should be in a different category.  Conventional deadlift is "the deadlift".  Sumo-style is something different.  It would be like doing reverse grip bench press for the bench press record. 

Just my opinion
Agreed Bestiality. Sumo isn't real deadlifting.

Ronnie was stronger
Was being the operative word there, Spamtits.
Title: Re: New Deadlift all time world record !!
Post by: Fortress on December 14, 2023, 04:59:27 PM
I reverse-pressed a very controlled and tight 405.
Title: Re: New Deadlift all time world record !!
Post by: chaos on December 14, 2023, 05:12:37 PM
I reverse-pressed a very controlled and tight 405.
Did she have a cute face?
Title: Re: New Deadlift all time world record !!
Post by: dj181 on December 14, 2023, 05:22:11 PM
Title: Re: New Deadlift all time world record !!
Post by: Bestia on December 15, 2023, 12:26:36 PM
Kirk Karwoski
Title: Re: New Deadlift all time world record !!
Post by: Hulkotron on December 15, 2023, 12:28:57 PM
Did she have a cute face?
