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Getbig Misc Discussion Boards => Religious Debates & Threads => Topic started by: Butterbean on May 06, 2006, 04:56:44 PM

Title: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: Butterbean on May 06, 2006, 04:56:44 PM

Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made
Post by: Butterbean on May 06, 2006, 04:59:05 PM

Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made
Post by: knny187 on May 06, 2006, 05:04:44 PM
Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: gtbro1 on May 06, 2006, 05:37:46 PM
Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: 24KT on May 06, 2006, 11:36:46 PM
Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: 24KT on May 06, 2006, 11:39:46 PM
Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: 24KT on May 06, 2006, 11:47:53 PM
Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: 24KT on May 06, 2006, 11:51:44 PM
Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: Johnny Apollo on May 07, 2006, 02:57:51 PM
Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: ToxicAvenger on May 07, 2006, 03:09:23 PM
mount K2 in paki


lenticular clouds




below is time lapsed..

Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made
Post by: Johnny Apollo on May 07, 2006, 03:15:21 PM

Noahs flood made that!

Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: gtbro1 on May 07, 2006, 04:43:59 PM
Johnny that pic is pretty cool.
Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: 24KT on May 08, 2006, 05:32:55 AM
Sorry Cavalier, ...I don't think God had a hand in those.
The credit goes to man on that, with the assistance and guidance of something rather UN-Godly.
Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: Johnny Apollo on May 08, 2006, 05:35:34 AM
Silly Asians..Always getting decimated!

God must have some kind of a fetish for water!

Noah's flood

Asian Tsunami


Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: Bast175 on May 08, 2006, 06:32:31 AM
Silly Asians..Always getting decimated!

God must have some kind of a fetish for water!

Noah's flood

Asian Tsunami



God must not like Asians or Southern African Americans Johnny.
Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: Butterbean on May 08, 2006, 06:34:32 AM
The title of the thread begins with "Positive thread."

Bast and you think it's odd that you think those pics are positive?   :-\
Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: Johnny Apollo on May 08, 2006, 06:36:04 AM
The title of the thread begins with "Positive thread."

Bast and you think it's odd that you think those pics are positive?   :-\

All of the lords work is positive!

Praise Jesus!
Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: Butterbean on May 08, 2006, 06:40:09 AM

All of the lords work is positive!

Praise Jesus!

Quoted for posterity :D
Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: Bast175 on May 08, 2006, 06:43:20 AM
The title of the thread begins with "Positive thread."

Bast and you think it's odd that you think those pics are positive?   :-\

It depends on how you look at it Stella.  Parts of Asia are highly over populated, so a tsunami getting rid of thousands of asians helps that problem.   

It's like that cup half full idea....   :)
Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: Johnny Apollo on May 08, 2006, 06:49:50 AM
A Christian prespective of the glorious Tsunami.

Not since the time of Noah has God used water so effectively to harass sinners and wreak havoc upon those who don't flatter Him with sufficient regularity.  As unsaved, impoverished Hindus toiled in beachside shacks on Christmas instead of exchanging expensive gifts from American department stores to celebrate the Baby Jesus' Birthday, the Lord was plotting their horrific, briny demise. True Christians know from the Great Flood that one of God's favorite ways to indiscriminately kill enormous swaths of children is by drowning them and watching them gasp for air and while floating like little discarded Styrofoam cups in the tide.  Sometimes, He extends an enormous hand as if He is about to rescue the bobbing tot, only to retract it at the last minute to teach the drowning child a valuable lesson about the ineffable nature of God's love.

While American Christians have long delighted in the carnage that resulted from the Lord's irascibility as depicted in countless, grisly episodes in the Old Testament, the present-day flooding in Asia brought home the enormous power of their deity more vividly because of its immediacy.  After all, there were no 24-hour news cycles in Samaria.  As Pastor Deacon Fred said during Wednesday evening services, "My stars! It really is something to see the glorious purity of God's Biblical wrath unfold on a 62-inch plasma wide screen in HDTV from the comfort of your own Christian living room. These are certainly amazing times for technology when the Almighty's insatiable appetite for snatching little infants from their unsaved mothers' arms are transported directly from the pages of the Bible right into your home theater!  We ran plum clean out of popcorn! Praise Jesus!"

The Bible teaches us that God Almighty holds the world record for genocide with Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin arguing over bragging rights for second and third place that are rendered so miniscule by the Lord's body count they are irrelevant. While a tornado or mudslide is seen as God's calling card, many Christians have been growing concerned by the less-impressive scale of Heavenly-provoked disasters recently.  "I don't know," said Sister Inez, "it was almost as if the Lord was getting too old to really stir things up any more.  Even them hurricanes that ran through Florida barely killed anyone.  I was mighty concerned of late that the Lord was downsizing.  And no one wants to worship a god that can't kill as many folks as that phony Muslim god over there in them sand countries."

For those of us who are permitted to watch secular television, last week was a heartening reminder that the Lord has not lost his knack for slaughter on an impressive scale.  For churchgoers who catch their news on the 700-Club, you will probably hear about this major world event in a few months, so this might come as quite a shock. God used what unsaved Chinese people call a "sashimi" to wipe out over 100,000 yellow unbelievers in one fell splash . What used to take 40 days and 40 nights, the Lord is now able to accomplish in a single day. Church officials agree it is very likely that God picked the last week of December to initiate this massive undertaking because He was far behind in meeting His annual quota to populate Hell.

Landover Baptist Creation Scientists who track the Lord's killing patterns globally 24/7 predicted earlier this year that God could be getting testy because his Christian troops in Iraq were pansy footing as far as the killing goes, and making Him look bad. "We thought that He was gearing up for something," said Creation Scientist, Dr. Jonathan Edwards. "A little earthquake here, a hurricane, a few tornadoes, some epidemics - and still no lead story. Well, we all know what happens when the Lord gets bumped out of the front page. The Bible says he is a jealous God. You don't want to stand in the way of a jealous God, especially one who enjoys killing en-masse just to get the lead story for a few days."

President Bush has been slow in responding with aid in this tragedy, and rightly so. "The UN has been making sniping remarks about our cloistered President not making a public statement earlier about this so-called tragedy," said Mrs. Betty Bowers, America's Best Christian, "but I think his advisers wisely chose to keep him away from microphones when he would have to wrangle with the word, 'Phuket.'"  Further, there were simply not enough Americans affected to warrant our President's attention. Unlike Florida, no aid relief to Thailand would translate into votes. Besides, President Bush is a True Christian™ and although he will admit this is a great tragedy, he knows the greater tragedy is that 99% of those who perished were unsaved, and according to the Bible, they are being tortured in eternal hellfire right now.   "I bet they are missing all that cool water that killed them right about now," said Mr. Bush in Crawford.

"What saddens me the most," says Pastor Deacon Fred, "is that that those who perish in countries I can't pronounce were never able to visit America so they could have met someone who could have led them to Christ. These ignorant folks could have avoided going to Hell and being tortured for eternity after dying such horrible deaths if they would have had the common sense to buy a plane ticket and fly somewhere to hear the Gospel. Instead, those Hindus and Buddhists spent their lives praying to statues of demons with six arms and pointy heads - that sort of behavior aggravates the Lord to no end, and we see where it gets you!"
Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: OzmO on May 08, 2006, 09:47:54 AM
Not since the time of Noah has God used water so effectively to harass sinners and wreak havoc upon those who don't flatter Him with sufficient regularity.

To me this is very derespectful to the unfortunate people who perished in the tsunami. 

The people who subscribe to this type of thinking or participate where this kind of "dogma" is preached will be made to feel even more righteous and in turn they will feel more justified in their damantion of anyone who is does not believe as they do.

Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: Cavalier22 on May 08, 2006, 11:50:56 AM
well, you see it is positive what lengths man will endure to fight for what they believe in, or defend their homeland from murderous hordes (stalingrad pic)

its positive that the american army liberated those poor kids you see in the picture.

its all in how you look at it
Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: Cavalier22 on May 08, 2006, 11:54:07 AM
and besides, god made man. man was behind holocaust, wars etc.  or, one can say satan is behind them. well, god could destroy satan if he wanted. but he hasnt.
Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: OzmO on May 08, 2006, 11:55:16 AM
Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: 24KT on May 10, 2006, 06:31:35 PM
OK, ...lets get this puppy back on track.  :P
Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: Butterbean on May 10, 2006, 06:44:18 PM
Gosh, Jag!  That IS a cute puppy!!!


You know I had to do it Jag! ;D
Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: 24KT on May 10, 2006, 06:55:59 PM
Gosh, Jag!  That IS a cute puppy!!!


You know I had to do it Jag! ;D

{rotflmao}  Ah STella, you deleted my graphics  :o  ...what do you have against snow? ???

Are you saying you'd rather see images of people being swept away by tsunami's, or suffering behind the barbed wire fences of concentration camps... than pictures of pretty snow sculptures that depict positive life affirming situations? ??? {lol} bad moderator  >:(    ;)
Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: Butterbean on May 10, 2006, 07:01:57 PM
Thank you Jag!  All I needed was someone else to express dismay over those other pics before I deleted I wouldn't look biased!!!! ;D

(actually they were far off topic from the line of the thread anyway-quite "deletable" according to the "rules") :)
Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: Johnny Apollo on May 10, 2006, 07:04:58 PM
Thank you Jag!  All I needed was someone else to express dismay over those other pics before I deleted I wouldn't look biased!!!! ;D

Everyone knows you're Bias.

You erase pictures of natural occurences (Presumably caused by God)

Yet don't erase pictures of concentrantion camps?

Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: Butterbean on May 10, 2006, 07:06:48 PM

Everyone knows you're Bias.

You erase pictures of natural occurences (Presumably caused by God)

Yet don't erase pictures of concentrantion camps?



They are gone Johnny.
Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: Johnny Apollo on May 10, 2006, 07:10:53 PM

They are gone Johnny.

And why erase pictures of natural occurences?

God doesn't cause Tsunami's?

They are "positive"? Many would disagree and say anything caused by God is positive.

It's obvioius you don't like the idea of God killing people so you looked for a reason to erase it.
Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: Butterbean on May 10, 2006, 07:12:31 PM

And why erase pictures of natural occurences?

God doesn't cause Tsunami's?

They are "positive"? Many would disagree and say anything caused by God is positive.

It's obvioius you don't like the idea of God killing people so you looked for a reason to erase it.

Honey, please take a chill pill.   :)
Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: 24KT on May 10, 2006, 07:17:43 PM
ok, if snow sculptures are verboten, about vegetables?
They come from nature? You don't have a problem with vegetables do you?  ;)
Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: Johnny Apollo on May 10, 2006, 07:21:56 PM
Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: 24KT on May 10, 2006, 07:25:17 PM
Thank you Jag!  All I needed was someone else to express dismay over those other pics before I deleted I wouldn't look biased!!!! ;D

Ooops. So you used me huh? Gee thanks.  ::) Like I haven't taken enough flack in my life over deleted posts. {lol}

So now I gotta ask ya, ...which one of the brave souls in here possibly objected to my snow people?

sounds pretttttty fishy to me... you sure that wasn't just a unilateral move on your part?  ;)
Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: Butterbean on May 10, 2006, 07:25:27 PM
It's nature, it's stays!!!

It even made Johnny laugh!  Good job Jaguar! :D
Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: Johnny Apollo on May 10, 2006, 07:26:15 PM
No, I'm actually completly offended by it!

Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: Butterbean on May 10, 2006, 07:27:35 PM

Too late!
Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: Butterbean on May 10, 2006, 07:28:25 PM
No, I'm actually completly offended by it!

And this was funny! :)
Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: Butterbean on May 10, 2006, 07:31:10 PM
Ooops. So you used me huh? Gee thanks.  ::) Like I haven't taken enough flack in my life over deleted posts. {lol}

So now I gotta ask ya, ...which one of the brave souls in here possibly objected to my snow people?

sounds pretttttty fishy to me... you sure that wasn't just a unilateral move on your part?  ;)

Hey, I helped you get some tiramisu!! ;D

The snow was made by God....the sculptures weren't ;D

Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: 24KT on May 10, 2006, 07:49:38 PM
Hey, I helped you get some tiramisu!! ;D

That's true.

The snow was made by God....the sculptures weren't ;D

( ...the sculptures were in settings God made...
...composed of materials god made, ...and depicted scenes of positive life affirming situations ???  :-\

Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: Migs on May 11, 2006, 05:53:21 AM
ok, if snow sculptures are verboten, about vegetables?
They come from nature? You don't have a problem with vegetables do you?  ;)

hahahahah...ok i needed to laugh today
Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: Butterbean on May 11, 2006, 06:29:31 AM
That's true.

( ...the sculptures were in settings God made...
...composed of materials god made, ...and depicted scenes of positive life affirming situations ???  :-\

I understand the point you were trying to make Jag, but they don't qualify!  Maybe you could start a different  thread on GT for them?

And the pumpkin ones don't really fit either...sorry :(....maybe for your new thread on GT? :)
Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: OzmO on May 11, 2006, 01:26:21 PM
Now that's one way to turn lemons into lemonade!
Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: 24KT on May 11, 2006, 11:11:23 PM

You still haven't agreed to allow my snow sculptures on the board.

Don't make me bring out the eggplants!  >:(
Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: 24KT on May 12, 2006, 01:46:39 PM
{tapping my feet impatiently}

STella...... I'm waiting..............
Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: Butterbean on May 13, 2006, 11:35:56 AM
Now you've done it!  You've forced me to delete them all >:( (except the carrots, which are just as God made them)

No!  You don't get your snow sculptures!! >:(

(on the other hand, your vegetables would make an interesting thread on General Topics! ;D )
Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: 24KT on May 13, 2006, 05:54:47 PM
Now you've done it!  You've forced me to delete them all >:( (except the carrots, which are just as God made them)

Grrrrrrrrrrr!!! Now you've done it!  >:(

This is a clear display of not only your bias, ...but also your vindictiveness!!!

Those eggplants were just as God made them, so were the broccoli, the red pepper, and the pears.
God put that bounty on the earth for the nourishment, sustainence, and continued life of his creations.
And He would NOT have given us an appetite for them, had he not meant for us to satisfy that hunger.

I think you're being bias based on your own personal sensibilities, ...and this board needs another mod for balance.

No!  You don't get your snow sculptures!! >:(

 >:(  grrrrrrr! bad moderator! {spank} {spank} bad moderator!  >:(  >:(  >:(  >:(

(on the other hand, your vegetables would make an interesting thread on General Topics! ;D )

I happen to think they are an appropriate contribution to this thread. Hrmph!

First you say vegetables are fine, that God made 'em and they're good eating, ...but what about eggs plants? Are they not God's creation too, chock full of life giving nourishing goodness, vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants, and anthocyanins? Can you think of anything manmade that can equally support, feed, nourish life, and ensure the continued survival of humanity, than generous, healthy servings of nature's food harvest? No you can't! And on top of that, ...they're good eating too? Lemons are wonderful, they make lemonade, ...and can open up your gall bladder to release toxins trapped within. uh-huh. really. Tis a pity not all religious institutions teach the benefits and blessings of eating all one's veggies. Maybe if they did some people (who shall remain nameless) would not carry unnatural bias' against some vegetables into adulthood. tsk, tsk, shame.

Hmmm... what about lettuce, do you feel about lettuce?  :D
Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: 24KT on May 13, 2006, 07:16:30 PM

OK, well the thread title is Positive Thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )

It appears to me the definition of appropriate keeps changing based on your biased whims.  :-\

You say the carrots are fine because they are exactly as God made them... ok I can do that.

How about this positively hard rock formation?'s natural & just as God made it...  Is it ok too?  :P

Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: 24KT on May 13, 2006, 07:23:42 PM
And how about this spreading landscape shot? It's natural, and just as God made it? Does it qualify?  :P
Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: Butterbean on May 13, 2006, 07:57:02 PM
LOL  Jag, where are you getting these pics? ;D

Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: 24KT on May 14, 2006, 12:12:29 AM
LOL  Jag, where are you getting these pics? ;D

{whispering} I have them in my computer. {lol}  :D

I spend a fair bit of time online, and it can on occasion get a little boring & monotonous, every once in a while, I'll take a little peek in my funny graphics folder to give myself a laugh.

Consider yourself extremely fortunate I couldn't find my "gushing geyser" shot.
That one would have had you SCREAMING Uncle, and running for the hills! {lol}

STella, ...Canada basically has 2 seasons... winter & July.
I don't have much use for snow, ...and I get very little enjoyment from it. when I am able to appreciate the beauty of snow... DON'T EVEN CONSIDER MESSING WITH IT!  >:(
Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: Butterbean on May 14, 2006, 10:07:01 AM

Consider yourself extremely fortunate I couldn't find my "gushing geyser" shot.

Thank you for NOT sharing :P
Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: 24KT on May 14, 2006, 01:04:39 PM
You're welcome.  :)

But seriously though, ...lets examine this.

What was it about those eggplants that you found so "objectionable"?

Was it is really the eggplants you objected to,
...or the thoughts you conjured up in your mind when viewing them?
...and how do you see these thoughts as not being positive?
Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: Migs on May 14, 2006, 08:32:35 PM
crap now i want to see the damn eggplant pics out of curiousty
Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: 24KT on May 14, 2006, 08:48:51 PM
crap now i want to see the damn eggplant pics out of curiousty

Migs, have you been following this thread from the beginning, or are you just picking it up now, ...but there has been alot deleted from it.
Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: Migs on May 14, 2006, 08:52:17 PM
i saw it when it first showed up, but never really checked it out much.  By the way how do you include a pic in a post?
Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: 24KT on May 14, 2006, 09:58:15 PM
i saw it when it first showed up, but never really checked it out much. 

Oh OK. Well just to bring you up to speed, people posted pics of beautiful things God made, ...then some people started posting pics of stuff that many could argue weren't beautiful things, and certainly not from God, ...and when questioned about it, they justified it with what I believe to be very racist rhetoric.  :(  So.... after seeing the thread a little stalled for a couple days, I decided to get the puppy back on track by posting a few pics of what I thought were beaut-i-ful snow sculptures  :D ...but a mean, mean, sourpuss of a moderator (who shall remain nameless) had the nerve, ...the audacity, ...the unmitigated gall, to actually go in, and alter my post, remove my snow sculptures, and replace them with a pic of her dog!  :o   >:(

She really frosted my cookies.  >:(  >:(  >:(

Since she's the moderator of this board, I'll respect her decision, ...but it doesn't mean I have to like it, or won't try to persuade her to reconsider.  :P  But for some reason... she appears to me to have a very narrow view of "the beautiful things God created." She told me vegetables were ok, ...and didn't mind my carrots, but when I posted additional examples of God's beautiful creations... curiously, it seemed to make her increasingly more uncomfortable. {shrug} She had a problem with my pumpkins, I gave her lemons with zucchini, a tomato, a lime and a little cilantro. {shrug} she didn't seem to respond very well to that  :-\, then I gave her a series of eggplant pics, with lemons, and a little red pepper... still she gave me the silent treatment. :'( When I posted some more eggplants, with celery, red peppers, and a few bosc pears thrown in, ...and suggested the next examples would be bananas...  :o she just kinda flipped out and deleted everything. {shrug} Poor girl. {sigh} I don't think STella is a vegetarian. she has a problem with vegetables. So I decided to move on to natural rock formations and landscapes.

By the way how do you include a pic in a post?

When you go to post a message, see where it says "Additional Options"? click that link, and it gives you the option of uploading & attaching a file from your computer.
Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: Migs on May 15, 2006, 03:58:56 PM

I think Migs would find as much beauty in God's bountiful fruit & vegetable harvest as I do.
...he may not be a vegetarian, but... what with him bein' a chef and all...  Wouldn't you agree?  :)

I agree, these are wonderous creations.  Thanks for letting me know about the pic posting.  iwas trying to post the other day and it didnt work.  by the way Jaguar, i enjoy your writing style
Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: Colossus_500 on May 24, 2006, 07:25:16 AM
Winter is my favorite season of the year! 
Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: 24KT on July 04, 2006, 10:25:17 AM
STella..........   doggoneit!

The girl's at it again... deleting my graphics!  >:(  >:(  >:(  >:(

Hrmph!  You're just extremely lucky that I'm so busy at the moment,
...or I'd post up a few that would give you a coronary before you could even hit the delete key! {lol}

{sigh}  ok, ...maybe this one is safe...
Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: Al-Gebra on July 04, 2006, 05:57:03 PM

everest on the left, w lhotse on the right. the plume of snow that streams out on the right side of the peak is torn from it at the point where everest pierces the jet stream.

lhotse is almost 28000 ft high . . . everest over a thousand feet higher.
Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: Butterbean on July 04, 2006, 06:29:33 PM
STella..........   doggoneit!

The girl's at it again... deleting my graphics!  >:(  >:(  >:(  >:(

Hrmph!  You're just extremely lucky that I'm so busy at the moment,
...or I'd post up a few that would give you a coronary before you could even hit the delete key! {lol}

{sigh}  ok, ...maybe this one is safe...

wha choo talkin' bout Jag?  I haven't deleted anything from this thread in months and months!  Your latest addition is very cute though!  And thanks for all that PM info you gave me!  Very informative and appreciated my friend!

Al_Gebra & Colossus---gorgeous pics..thank you both :D
Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: 24KT on July 04, 2006, 08:12:43 PM
wha choo talkin' bout Jag?  I haven't deleted anything from this thread in months and months!

I bet your nose just impaled your monitor. {lol}

Your latest addition is very cute though!

{mwahaha} It's probably scaring the bejeezus out of BammBamm right now. I've probably got an entire album's worth of shots like that of him as a baby... butt nekkid, and/or dressed up in all sorts of goofy getups. One of my favourites was when we dressed him up as "The Little Green Sprout". I always knew those shots would one day make good blackmail material.   8)

And thanks for all that PM info you gave me!  Very informative and appreciated my friend!

No Problem, ...glad i could help.  :)
Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: 24KT on July 04, 2006, 08:24:16 PM
Winter is my favorite season of the year! 

You Sir, are most definitey a Californian, ...and not just any Californian, who is heavily into drugs!  ;)
Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: Dos Equis on July 04, 2006, 10:39:45 PM
I love winter too.  A frosty 82 degrees.  Sun.  Tradewinds.  It's brutal.   ;D
Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: 24KT on July 04, 2006, 10:42:06 PM
I love winter too.  A frosty 82 degrees.  Sun.  Tradewinds.  It's brutal.   ;D

 >:(  you're a mean, mean man!  ;)
Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: OzmO on July 04, 2006, 10:49:47 PM
I love winter too.  A frosty 82 degrees.  Sun.  Tradewinds.  It's brutal.   ;D

Must be So. Cal or Hawaii  (tradewinds)
Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: Colossus_500 on July 05, 2006, 06:32:13 AM
Quote from: jaguarenterprises
You Sir, are most definitey a Californian, ...and not just any Californian, who is heavily into drugs!  ;)

Because I like winter?   :D 

I'm not from Cali.  Haven't been there since I was 3yrs old.
Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: 24KT on July 05, 2006, 06:37:26 PM
Because I like winter?   :D 

I'm not from Cali.  Haven't been there since I was 3yrs old.

I guess that just leaves the heavily into drugs part then huh?  ;)
Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: Dos Equis on July 05, 2006, 07:14:29 PM
>:(  you're a mean, mean man!  ;)

Who me?  I'm just "the coolest, greatest, most awesome dad there is."  But my kids are a little biased.   ;D
Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: Dos Equis on July 05, 2006, 07:16:31 PM
Must be So. Cal or Hawaii  (tradewinds)

Hawaii.  Sometimes the trades disappear for days and it gets a little muggy.

Actually, I think San Diego has slightly better daytime weather, because it's about 10 degrees cooler most of the year. 
Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: Colossus_500 on July 06, 2006, 05:49:55 AM
I guess that just leaves the heavily into drugs part then huh?  ;)

lol.   :D

you're just dying to "step on my neck" aren't you! 
Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: Hedgehog on July 09, 2006, 03:22:05 PM
Why would we celebrate Pretty things God made?

Should we celebrate or mourn the terrible things God made? Like the Tsunami, other nature disasters that kills people?

Are humans capable of having an understanding of Gods creation?

Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: Dos Equis on July 09, 2006, 07:01:18 PM
Why would we celebrate Pretty things God made?

Should we celebrate or mourn the terrible things God made? Like the Tsunami, other nature disasters that kills people?

Are humans capable of having an understanding of Gods creation?


Why celebrate disasters that kill people?  Sounds pretty morbid. 

Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: Hedgehog on July 10, 2006, 05:05:19 AM
Why celebrate disasters that kill people?  Sounds pretty morbid. 

I ask the question, since there are many who want to celebrate "Pretty things God made".

If we are to be grateful for what God makes that is pretty and wonderful, how should we feel about the things that are not so wonderful?

The point I am getting at, is if we considers some of the things that God makes "Pretty" or wonderful, then we are appreciating God's creation of other things less.

So, should we at all be specific, or should we love all aspects of the existance as much? Or at least try?

Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: Butterbean on July 10, 2006, 06:45:59 AM
I ask the question, since there are many who want to celebrate "Pretty things God made".

If we are to be grateful for what God makes that is pretty and wonderful, how should we feel about the things that are not so wonderful?

The point I am getting at, is if we considers some of the things that God makes "Pretty" or wonderful, then we are appreciating God's creation of other things less.

So, should we at all be specific, or should we love all aspects of the existance as much? Or at least try?


I think that to try to appreciate everything equally is unrealistic and legalistic in a way.

There is no way I'll appreciate a mosquito as much as I appreciate a peach. 
Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: Hedgehog on July 10, 2006, 09:41:35 AM
I think that to try to appreciate everything equally is unrealistic and legalistic in a way.

There is no way I'll appreciate a mosquito as much as I appreciate a peach. 

I think these questions are interesting and also important.

Why are we showing love and care for those who are "good", loving, thankful and enlightened?

Why don't we concentrate our love towards pedophiles, murderers and molesters?

Why wouldn't it be fair to say that these horrible persons need love more than those who already are walking close to God?

Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: Al-Gebra on July 10, 2006, 09:49:43 AM
I think these questions are interesting and also important.

Why are we showing love and care for those who are "good", loving, thankful and enlightened?

Why don't we concentrate our love towards pedophiles, murderers and molesters?

Why wouldn't it be fair to say that these horrible persons need love more than those who already are walking close to God?


We're supposed to love our neighbors, true . . . but what has that got to do with appreciating what is beautiful?

the beautiful is inspiring b/c of its gracefulness or purposefulness, the sublime puts one in mind of that which is awe-inspiring . . . what has this got to do with loving your neighbor? who might be a pedophile etc? Just b/c you admire the beautiful doesn't mean that you have less emotion for your neighbor.

I guess if you focused all your attention on the beautiful, it would mean that you had less time for your neighbor . . . but let's be realistic here, we're not Julio-Claudians who can do whatever we please.  for most of us, nature is where we retreat from our neighbor-filled lives, not where we live full-time . . . well, at least I don't.

btw, last night's deadwood was great.
Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: Hedgehog on July 10, 2006, 11:30:59 AM

btw, last night's deadwood was great.

You just love to rub in the fact that I don't get Deadwood here in Sweden right now dontcha? >:( ;D

You fcuker...

Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: Camel Jockey on July 12, 2006, 10:31:04 AM
Praise the lord!
Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: Dos Equis on July 12, 2006, 10:58:48 AM
I ask the question, since there are many who want to celebrate "Pretty things God made".

If we are to be grateful for what God makes that is pretty and wonderful, how should we feel about the things that are not so wonderful?

The point I am getting at, is if we considers some of the things that God makes "Pretty" or wonderful, then we are appreciating God's creation of other things less.

So, should we at all be specific, or should we love all aspects of the existance as much? Or at least try?


I think everything God created is great.  Some of his creations have been corrupted by sin and I don't celebrate those things.  If you go back to the creation story, everything he created was perfect.  I celebrate those things. 
Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: Hedgehog on July 12, 2006, 01:35:53 PM
I think everything God created is great.  Some of his creations have been corrupted by sin and I don't celebrate those things.  If you go back to the creation story, everything he created was perfect.  I celebrate those things. 

How did you celebrate the Great Tsunami and other natural disasters?

Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: Dos Equis on July 12, 2006, 04:02:31 PM
How did you celebrate the Great Tsunami and other natural disasters?


I didn't. 
Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: 24KT on August 03, 2006, 07:19:18 PM
Rare cloud formation seen in Antarctica
Tue Aug 1, 7:35 PM ET

HOBART, Australia - Some of the coldest temperatures on Earth brought a rare cloud formation to the skies over Antarctica, scientists said Tuesday.

Meteorological officer Renae Baker captured spectacular images of the nacreous clouds, also known as polar stratospheric clouds, last week at Australia's Mawson station in Antarctica.

The clouds only occur at high polar latitudes in winter, requiring temperatures less than minus 176 degrees Fahrenheit. A weather balloon measured temperatures at minus 189 degrees Fahrenheit on the day the photos were taken.

Resembling airborne mother-of-pearl shells, the clouds are produced when fading light at sunset passes through water-ice crystals blown along a strong jet of stratospheric air more than six miles above the ground.

"Amazingly, the winds at this height were blowing at nearly 230 kilometers (143 miles) per hour," Baker said on the Australian government's Antarctic Division's Web site.

Australian Antarctic Division atmospheric scientist Andrew Klekociuk said the clouds are seldom seen, but are occasionally produced by air passing over polar mountains.

"You have to be in the right part of the world in winter, and have the sun just below your horizon to see them," he said.
Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: Lord Humungous on August 04, 2006, 05:37:19 AM
God made Twisted O
Title: Re: Postive thread: Pretty things God made (nature pics only please :) )
Post by: Lord Humungous on August 04, 2006, 05:38:43 AM
God made Flower so hot- umm on second thought she had some help!- Sorry Flowey  :-[