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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Positive Bodybuilding Discussion & Talk => Natural Bodybuilding => Topic started by: The Luke on May 14, 2006, 08:01:24 PM

Title: NOTICE: Fellow Natural Boarders
Post by: The Luke on May 14, 2006, 08:01:24 PM
My fellow Natural Boarders,

It's now been several weeks since I promised to follow up my somatotyping article by posting an article on genetics and how they relate to bodybuilding. My apologies, circumstances have contrived to thwart my best efforts.

Since I've started writing this second article I've had two chest infections which required antibiotics to treat them. I've also been busily organising my impending adventure holiday in the US (Wisconsin), a trip which required my losing twenty pounds of blubber off my midsection (in 6 weeks, not bad) and ninety minutes of cardio everyday. Add to this, I've been recruited to help a friend of mine with yet another of his short film projects. (Last one took a week to shoot and cost $80k, good fun though... I was SWAT team member number 4)

Two jobs (one of them loading furniture), a snap of unseasonably cold weather and surprise, surprise another bout of illness.

Having gone to the doctor a third time with my current unshakable cough I've been informed my previous short cycle antibiotic treatments were simply suppressing, but not eradicating my ailment: pneumonia. The result: two weeks of cough suppressants and heavy dose antibiotics (big as horse tablets).

I'll try to finish the article before the end of the month (and my trip to Wisconsin), nothing else to do as my doctor has ordered bed rest.

If I don't survive my adventure getaway.... please.... remember me fondly.

The Luke
Title: Re: NOTICE: Fellow Natural Boarders
Post by: War-Horse on May 14, 2006, 09:38:17 PM
Wow, bro.   You need a vacation just to heal up.   Busy man.    We'll be here when you get back.