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Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: Special Ed on June 15, 2006, 10:24:58 AM

Title: OZ (guest starring 240)
Post by: Special Ed on June 15, 2006, 10:24:58 AM
I think this deserves its own thread (or a Steeky!) instead of being buried in a pointless thread. So here it is again:

HBO Presents

OZ (Season Seven)

Guard walking down to the last cell on the tier.

ANGLE on JAZ HOYT, masturbating profuciously to a magazine cover featuring Tera Patrick.

GUARD: Awwww man, what the --

HOYT: f**k! Doesn't anybody knock anymore?

GUARD: This is prison Jaz, not Phoebe Cate's bathroom.

Hoyt puts penis back in pocket.

HOYT: So what's up, Screw?

GUARD: You ready for your new podmate?

HOYT: Podmate? Is that an accessory to my Ipod?

GUARD: C'mon Jaz. You know, Podmate, celly, cellmate, spermburglar...

HOYT: Ohhhhh, yeah. What's her name?

GUARD: Rob Ziruolo.

HOYT: Whoa...Sounds like a mafia guy.

GUARD: You may want to invite him to join the Brotherhood.

HOYT: Sure, send him in.

Guard signals for prisoner to enter. Rob Z nervously walks into the cell holding a towel and a toothbrush.

HOYT: So Rob ZeroZero, I hear you're a wop guinea f**cker...

240: Only my mother calls me Rob ZeroZero. Everyone else calls me 240.

HOYT: Why? You weigh 240?

240: I used to back when I was a bodybuilder.

HOYT: A bodybuilder, huh? That's hot.

240: Yeah.

HOYT: So what are you in for?

240: Slander and Libel.

Hoyt starts first to himself...then LOUDER until he's nearly HYSTERICAL.

240 is laughing with him.

SUDDENLY, Hoyt grabs 240 by his neck and pins him up against the wall.

HOYT: Get wise with me one more time and I will f**k you in the ass so hard your unborn children will have hemmorhoids.

240: Is that a threat?

HOYT (pinning 240 to the wall with his erection): No. It's a promise.

240: Ummm...Actually I'm in for racketeering and know, all that RICO stuff.

HOYT: Ohhh, so you're a real mobster huh?

240: No, I mean RICO MCCLINTON. I agreed to do his website for $300 but I charged him double.

HOYT spins 240 around and bends him over the lower bunk. He pulls his penis back out of his pocket.

HOYT: This is gonna hurt you more than it hurts me....heh heh heh.

240: I just want you to know that I'm not gay.

HOYT: Who are you kidding? I saw those naked photos of you all over the internet.

240: Ohhh, those. That was just a silly thing I did in my 20's.

HOYT: How old are you now?

240: In my 20's.

Hoyt grabs 240's pants and violently rips them down below 240's butt.
ECU on a tattoo of Jesus on Hoyt's erect penis.
ANGLE on 240's tattoo of a Bullseye on his rectum.

HOYT: Prepare to accept Jesus into your life.

240: Please don't. I have a baby and a wife on the way...I mean a life and a maybe on the way...I mean...

HOYT: Don't worry. This is how I introduce myself to all the inmates at Oz.

240: Haven't you heard of JDate or There might be a better way.

HOYT: You kidding? charges $40 bucks a month. I've been working in the prison cafeteria for 6 years, and all I've been able to save is $300 bucks.

Angle on 240's crotch bulging.

240: Did you say -- ARGGHHHH -- $300 bucks?

HOYT (grunting): Yeah.  Why?

240 (Now rocking to and fro, but with a gleam in his eye): Have you ever thought of ---ARRGGHH --- building a ----ARRGGHHH -- website?

HOYT (Now pounding away like a pornstar): A website? For $300 bucks? What planet do you live on?

240: ARRRGHHHH!!! It would be soup to --- ARRGGHHH!!! -- Nuts!

HOYT: With flash intros?

240: ARGGGH!!! @^&@^$&#@!!! Sure!

HOYT: Why would I need a website? I'm a prisoner doing life without parole in a maximum security penitentiary.

240: We could sell t-shirts, videos, books, used underwear, broken --- ARRGHHHH -- me. I'm a marketing genius.

HOYT: Okay, it's a deal. When can we start?

240: As soon as you remove your dick from my ass.

HOYT: That's not me bro. I finished 5 minutes ago.

240 turns around...

and sees....

240 (Looking back with sheer terror in his eyes): Ohhh noooo -- ARRGHHH -- it can't be you. It can't be!!!

The camera pulls back revealing two incredibly muscular legs with posing trunks dangling by the ankles. The camera rises and we see a pair of muscular glutes slamming into 240, a water-laden back, and a bald head with a tattoo on the back on the neck.

SHOCK CUT to the delirious and blood-boiling face of:

TITUS: Welcome to the Brotherhood, Brother! HAHAHAHA!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!


JUMP CUT to Rob lying in bed on his back. His eyes are wide open. His breathing heavy. He's sweating. He looks over and sees his wife lying in bed next to him, with her back to him. He rolls over onto his side and wraps his arms around his wife.

ROB: Honey, I just had the scariest dream. I dreamt I was on the HBO series OZ and Evan Seinfeld of Biohazard was my cellmate and he and Craig Titus were having their way with me.

His wife turns to him, pulling the covers from her face...a wig falls off...

Titus: That was no dream, BROTHER!

As we pull away, we see the two of them lying on a bunk in a cell.


Special "Rated NC-17" Ed
Title: Re: OZ (guest starring 240)
Post by: NeverTrustABlonde on June 15, 2006, 10:39:51 AM
 :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

you have WAAAAAAAAAAY too much time on your hands............ although i throughly enjoyed reading that.... actually that just made me day
Title: Re: OZ (guest starring 240)
Post by: littleguns on June 15, 2006, 10:40:45 AM
You forgot the part where 240 pulls a blackberry out of his ass and logs onto Getbig
Title: Re: OZ (guest starring 240)
Post by: kiwiol on June 15, 2006, 10:41:56 AM
Great post as always Special Ed. But where's the trademark signature  ???
Title: Re: OZ (guest starring 240)
Post by: bigtmoney on June 15, 2006, 11:04:44 AM
Now that's some creative television.
Title: Re: OZ (guest starring 240)
Post by: kiwiol on June 15, 2006, 11:13:24 AM
Great post as always Special Ed. But where's the trademark signature  ???

You fixed it - cool  8)
Title: Re: OZ (guest starring 240)
Post by: anvil on June 15, 2006, 11:16:10 AM
Awesome stuff Ed!!  Missed ya while you were absent these last few weeks 8)
Title: Re: OZ (guest starring 240)
Post by: frizza on June 15, 2006, 11:55:17 AM
Possibly the funniest thing I have read on getbig thus far

and I like 240

and Titus
Title: Re: OZ (guest starring 240)
Post by: 240 is Back on June 15, 2006, 11:56:44 AM
i had tears in my eyes reading this...
Title: Re: OZ (guest starring 240)
Post by: kiwiol on June 15, 2006, 11:59:19 AM
i had tears in my eyes reading this...

Did it bring back fond memories ?  ;D
Title: Re: OZ (guest starring 240)
Post by: davidpaul on June 15, 2006, 01:02:50 PM
Title: Re: OZ (guest starring 240)
Post by: gordiano on June 15, 2006, 01:07:59 PM
Good shit! LOL!
Title: Re: OZ (guest starring 240)
Post by: jaejonna on June 15, 2006, 01:37:17 PM
Do you think we can have a cameo apperance with the likes of

Gator "The Skateboarder"
Title: Re: OZ (guest starring 240)
Post by: jaejonna on June 15, 2006, 01:40:02 PM
Gator: Yo Titus Dude ...

Titus: Sup man ?

Gator: Can I borrow your bitch brah ??

Titus: It'll cost you!

Gator: No problemo hombre.... two cartons equals two hours...

240: Im not something to be ....

(cutting off 240)
Titus: Speak when spoken to, hold gators pocket with one hand and suck your thumb with the other bitchboy

Gator: Most excellant!! aight Brah be back!
Title: Re: OZ (guest starring 240)
Post by: 240_Iz_Nutz on June 15, 2006, 03:39:40 PM
You forgot the part where 240 pulls a blackberry out of his ass and logs onto Getbig

Very true, it would take more than a little "hard time" to keep our boy off GB.  He and Titus could conspire on posts threatening the likes of Chic, Kamali, etc.   :P
Title: Re: OZ (guest starring 240)
Post by: Naked4Jesus on June 16, 2006, 08:11:02 AM
Very true, it would take more than a little "hard time" to keep our boy off GB.  He and Titus could conspire on posts threatening the likes of Chic, Kamali, etc.   :P

How romantic!
Title: Re: OZ (guest starring 240)
Post by: Hurricane Beef ! on June 16, 2006, 09:22:04 AM
Special Ed, that is fantastic :D

The Beef