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Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: Tre on June 30, 2006, 12:29:46 PM

Title: Don Long Meltdown Rant
Post by: Tre on June 30, 2006, 12:29:46 PM

Unless any of us is on the front lines in Don Long's camp, none of us really has enough information to know just how dire his health situation is or is not.  Yes, we hear the words 'kidney failure' and 'dialysis' and generally, the worst can be assumed.

But based on 'recent' photo evidence, the man appears to be in great shape and is still very much a bodybuilder. 

Chick is the male athletes' representative to the IFBB.  If, as a friend and/or iron game compatriot of Don Long, Chick is imploring the man not to compete - BASED ON THE INFORMATION HE (Chick) PRESENTLY HAS AVAILABLE TO HIM - then he's doing his job.  Chick has always maintained and has always demonstrated an "athletes first" philosophy and his actions in this case are evidence of that.

Those of you with the Don Long Death Wish really need to examine your priorities in life because, for you to wish harm upon a man just because you want to 'stick it to the IFBB' is one of the saddest displays of inhumanity I've ever seen on these boards. 

Title: Re: Don Long Meltdown Rant
Post by: bb doc on June 30, 2006, 12:34:33 PM
I dunno - I don think "supplemts" directly affect the kidneys, so I'd guess the only danger to him is trying to get ripped.

I think if he's got someone who knows WTF they're doing, and gets his blood tests done, he could be OK.

Title: Re: Don Long Meltdown Rant
Post by: HUGEPECS on June 30, 2006, 12:35:30 PM
I dont really know why these guys are so down on Don. But I, for one, is very glad if Don could get back on the stage and compete again. Met him a couple yrs back, great Man. it's so ridiculous, that people on here are making jokes on somebody's health. very sad
Title: Re: Don Long Meltdown Rant
Post by: G o a t b o y on June 30, 2006, 12:36:37 PM
If Chick doesn't want the man to compete because he's concerned about him, he'd pick up the phone and talk to him, not post shit here.

Title: Re: Don Long Meltdown Rant
Post by: Tre on June 30, 2006, 12:45:18 PM
I dunno - I don think "supplements" directly affect the kidneys, so I'd guess the only danger to him is trying to get ripped.

I think if he's got someone who knows WTF they're doing, and gets his blood tests done, he could be OK.

That sounds correct to me. 

I don't think the people closest to Don would describe him as "reckless". 
Title: Re: Don Long Meltdown Rant
Post by: G o a t b o y on June 30, 2006, 12:49:09 PM
I dunno - I don think "supplemts" directly affect the kidneys, so I'd guess the only danger to him is trying to get ripped.

I think if he's got someone who knows WTF they're doing, and gets his blood tests done, he could be OK.

From what I understand, he doesn't have any kidneys.

How do "supplements" effect a dialysis patient?
Title: Re: Don Long Meltdown Rant
Post by: Tre on June 30, 2006, 12:53:41 PM
This coming from you?  ???

I made it a point to state that Chick is the "male athletes' representative".  

I don't entirely disagree with those who feel that his job description should include the women, too, but he has defined his own role and it does not include them.  

Title: Re: Don Long Meltdown Rant
Post by: Tre on June 30, 2006, 12:55:16 PM
If Chick doesn't want the man to compete because he's concerned about him, he'd pick up the phone and talk to him, not post shit here.

What the crap on the board is all about is that 240 made Bob look bad by having better information than he did (well, actually Bob made himself look bad by attacking 240's credibility before even bothering to check the facts), and Bob is trying to save face rather than manning-up and saying "I was wrong... I spoke too soon".

But when the issue is as serious as this one has the potential to be, of what value is an escalating pissing match? 

Getting caught up in the chest-thumping and who-owns-who nonsense seems so terribly misplaced here. 

Title: Re: Don Long Meltdown Rant
Post by: body88 on June 30, 2006, 12:56:36 PM
Haha trying to justify Kidney transplant patients to dehydrate and compete. On top of obviously juicing.

O man this is great. Don long can do whatever he wants. Does not make him smart. He is obviously not all there. Why would you ever do anything to jeopardize your kidney or worsen the situation if you  received a transplant. Training for a show can only make his situation worse. losing water,eating excess protein.....What a genius! If he does not include these factors he is obviously not going to place.He is going to be water logged. Why the hell would he risk it for nothing? Idiot.

Only an IFBB bodybuilder would be insecure/dumb enough to die to look big. Or to look super ripped.



The list goes on and on
Title: Re: Don Long Meltdown Rant
Post by: Palpatine Q on June 30, 2006, 01:20:16 PM
Whatever language Chic couched his message in, the point is he doesn't want Don Long to fvcking kill himself just to get up onstage again. If he has to use whatever clout he has as Athlete's Rep to accomplish this and save Don from himself, so be it. Anybody who disagrees with this sentiment is truly an asshole.
Title: Re: Don Long Meltdown Rant
Post by: Palpatine Q on June 30, 2006, 01:31:30 PM
That may very well be true, but it's not his motivation for posting whatever he posted here.  If someone were concerned about something like this, they'd pick up the phone or use private email, not post shit on the boards.  Bob's goal in posting here was obviously to try to somehow spin 240's most recent owning of his sorry ass.

Your'e right about that. It baffles me that Bob lets 240 make an ass out of him time and time again. The ironic thing is that whatever credibility 240 has, it was kind of given to him by Bob himself by acknowledging his posts and defending the accusations 240 throws at him. If he would have dismissed 240 from jump street he wouldn't be in this position.
Title: Re: Don Long Meltdown Rant
Post by: body88 on June 30, 2006, 01:55:52 PM
Personally, I think an automatic spot on the kidney transplant waiting list should be given out with pro cards.

I agree. I was debating someone I think it was bluto as to the point of competing. I said there was no point he said there was.This is a perfect example of a guy competing for no reason other than to not feel like a has been. He literally can die from this. He already had a kidney transplant due to this sport and wants to step on stage again? Obviously some monster issues going on with him. How can he expect to compete when he cannot physically lose to much water? Cant eat high protein meals? He is literally competing for no reason.

I cannot fathom how guys do this.For nothing. Football players risk there health for millions and millions. Bodybuilders for ego and compensation.There is no competive drive when you are competing and could die. Plain stupidity.

This guy is one sick puppy.
Title: Re: Don Long Meltdown Rant
Post by: GHGut on June 30, 2006, 02:42:19 PM
Competitive bodybuilding has a way of eating its young.

Is bodybuilding all Don Long has going on in his life?

To place well one needs to be shredded, and we all know how these guys get shredded, and we know the effects of this on kidneys. It ain't Advil.

The IFBB shouldn't let him step onstage.

Title: Re: Don Long Meltdown Rant
Post by: body88 on June 30, 2006, 02:59:38 PM
Competitive bodybuilding has a way of eating its young.

Is bodybuilding all Don Long has going on in his life?

To place well one needs to be shredded, and we all know how these guys get shredded, and we know the effects of this on kidneys. It ain't Advil.

The IFBB shouldn't let him step onstage.

You said it perfectly. If the IFBB lets him compete they lose whatever little credibly they still have.
Title: Re: Don Long Meltdown Rant
Post by: 240 is Back on June 30, 2006, 03:24:39 PM
I agree no sane man withou no non-assisted renal function should ever compete as a Bber.

I agree the IFBB should prevent him.

however, doing so raises a lot of issues. why prevent Don by not TP or Wheeler?  The minute a nonprofit sportes org with zero ability to prevent rule-abiding, qualified athletes from competing, STARTS telling ppl not to compete, the floodgates open.

Long doesn't have a history of precontest health drama (Mustafa) or synthol (Milos) to be banned.  The IFBB LET prince and TP do their shows. They might have some issues should they deny him the ability to compete and earn.
Title: Re: Don Long Meltdown Rant
Post by: Vince G, CSN MFT on June 30, 2006, 03:29:16 PM
I agree no sane man withou no non-assisted renal function should ever compete as a Bber.

I agree the IFBB should prevent him.

however, doing so raises a lot of issues. why prevent Don by not TP or Wheeler?  The minute a nonprofit sportes org with zero ability to prevent rule-abiding, qualified athletes from competing, STARTS telling ppl not to compete, the floodgates open.

Long doesn't have a history of precontest health drama (Mustafa) or synthol (Milos) to be banned.  The IFBB LET prince and TP do their shows. They might have some issues should they deny him the ability to compete and earn.

Tom and Flex had a somewhat working kidney.

Don Long has vitually no kidneys.  His dialysis method is not as bad since he can do it in the convenience of his own home but its all the same basically.

I don't know how he's going to get onstage.  Once he dehydrates, the toxins in his body is going to rapidly build up and cause him serious despair.  This just isn't smart and I'm sure the IFBB will block him from going onstage just like they did Newman.
Title: Re: Don Long Meltdown Rant
Post by: Man of Steel on June 30, 2006, 03:38:24 PM
I agree no sane man withou no non-assisted renal function should ever compete as a Bber.

I agree the IFBB should prevent him.

however, doing so raises a lot of issues. why prevent Don by not TP or Wheeler?  The minute a nonprofit sportes org with zero ability to prevent rule-abiding, qualified athletes from competing, STARTS telling ppl not to compete, the floodgates open.

Long doesn't have a history of precontest health drama (Mustafa) or synthol (Milos) to be banned.  The IFBB LET prince and TP do their shows. They might have some issues should they deny him the ability to compete and earn.

Since when did sanity and bb have anything to do with each other?
Title: Re: Don Long Meltdown Rant
Post by: 240 is Back on June 30, 2006, 04:06:03 PM
I don't think it's up to Bob to define his own role.  If he thinks female bodybuilding is grotesque that's fine - Myself and 99.9% of straight men agree.  That doesn't mean it's appropriate for him to hold that opinion on a professional platform given his role in the IFBB.

Imagine the Athletes Rep for the NBA getting on a mic and insulting the WNBA.

Fact is, female Bbing is a part of the IFBB's draw, small as it may be. 

Anyone who gets on here and says that Chic bashing IFBB female BBers is a "great idea" or "good for business" isn't quite in touch with reality.

What do you think, goodrum?
Title: Re: Don Long Meltdown Rant
Post by: Vince G, CSN MFT on June 30, 2006, 04:14:07 PM
Imagine the Athletes Rep for the NBA getting on a mic and insulting the WNBA.

Fact is, female Bbing is a part of the IFBB's draw, small as it may be. 

Anyone who gets on here and says that Chic bashing IFBB female BBers is a "great idea" or "good for business" isn't quite in touch with reality.

What do you think, goodrum?

I agree however Betty Pariso is the Women's Rep and if she has any problems with Bob's comments, she can state it in a public forum such as this, directly to Bob, or directly to the female athletes.   

As far as the bashing is concerned, from what I remember about it,  Chick only brought up an unfortunate fact that no one really comes to see women's bodybuilding anymore and that its not bringing in the revenue.  I partially blame folks like Tre who exploit them and put them in degrading positions for only pocket change and embarrass the sport.

There's a difference between bashing and stating the facts.
Title: Re: Don Long Meltdown Rant
Post by: Tre on June 30, 2006, 04:40:30 PM
I don't think it's up to Bob to define his own role.  If he thinks female bodybuilding is grotesque that's fine - Myself and 99.9% of straight men agree.  That doesn't mean it's appropriate for him to hold that opinion on a professional platform given his role in the IFBB.

The IFBB membership obviously endorses his views, which is why he was not reprimanded or censured at all for those remarks.  The IFBB is *thrilled* that Bob feels the way he does, because what he said effectively decreases the unity among the male and female performers.  And if there's no unity, then they - the performers - have no collective bargaining power. 

The only people who spoke out against Bob for his comments were a small handful of female bodybuilders (both professional and amateur) and a few of their more vocal supporters. 

Title: Re: Don Long Meltdown Rant
Post by: hifrommike on June 30, 2006, 04:48:35 PM
Well, the figure competitions are carrying the men's competitions now, so what's the big deal about the men's carrying the women's BB?  Without figure, no sponsor would get within miles of any BB competition site anymore. 
Title: Re: Don Long Meltdown Rant
Post by: Tre on June 30, 2006, 04:49:35 PM
I agree however Betty Pariso is the Women's Rep and if she has any problems with Bob's comments, she can state it in a public forum such as this, directly to Bob, or directly to the female athletes.   

Betty has addressed this issue to Bob, to the federation, and to the bodybuilding public.   

As far as the bashing is concerned, from what I remember about it,  Chick only brought up an unfortunate fact that no one really comes to see women's bodybuilding anymore and that its not bringing in the revenue.  I partially blame folks like Tre who exploit them and put them in degrading positions for only pocket change and embarrass the sport.

You're too funny, but thanks just the same.  I'm happy to accept the blame.   ::)

No model is forced to do anything she doesn't want to do, but it is ironic that you - a self-proclaimed 'bodybuilder' - would argue that the flexing of one's muscles is 'degrading'. 

Title: Re: Don Long Meltdown Rant
Post by: ribonucleic on June 30, 2006, 04:55:34 PM
Let's not pretend for a second that Chick's running down of the women's division had even the most tenuous connection with his duties in representing the men. He was simply belching up his own sexist ignorance in response to a perceived threat to his apparently tenuous sense of masculinity. And while doing so may or may not have been a direct abrogation of his rep duties, it was a singularly classless move in either case. Especially for someone in his position.

I've never considered myself a Chick basher. I think he's actually more intelligent than the average bodybuilder [yeah, I know: scary] and he's not as much fun to pick on as Tamali. But between this sad move and his self-pwning on the main Don Long thread, I keep having to lower my estimation of him.
Title: Re: Don Long Meltdown Rant
Post by: stuntmovie on June 30, 2006, 05:30:48 PM
Did anyone consider the possibility that the IFBB could be "stuck" with female bodybuilding competitions?

If they were to drop it, it could open the doors and allow any other organization to take over and possibly make some changes that would entice the money paying public.

I don't think that the IFBB is willing to surrender any aspect of bodybuilding to the competition.
Title: Re: Don Long Meltdown Rant
Post by: Vince G, CSN MFT on June 30, 2006, 05:41:22 PM
Betty has addressed this issue to Bob, to the federation, and to the bodybuilding public.   

You're too funny, but thanks just the same.  I'm happy to accept the blame.   ::)

No model is forced to do anything she doesn't want to do, but it is ironic that you - a self-proclaimed 'bodybuilder' - would argue that the flexing of one's muscles is 'degrading'. 

Notice that I use the word.....EXPLOIT.

You charge as low as a dime a minute for someone to gawk at the calves of a female bodybuilder.  Anyone who visits your site isn't looking for an appreciation of one "flexing her muscles".  They are looking for weird sexual arousal.  That's why they call it a fetish
Title: Re: Don Long Meltdown Rant
Post by: jameswdmb on June 30, 2006, 05:48:57 PM
  They are looking for weird sexual arousal.  That's why they call it a fetish

  I thought we were talking about female bodybuilders, not how vince feels when he looks at chick
Title: Re: Don Long Meltdown Rant
Post by: 240 is Back on June 30, 2006, 05:49:20 PM
Notice that I use the word.....EXPLOIT.
You charge as low as a dime a minute for someone to gawk at the calves of a female bodybuilder.  Anyone who visits your site isn't looking for an appreciation of one "flexing her muscles".  They are looking for weird sexual arousal.  That's why they call it a fetish

Female posing for $ is no different from the many men that pose for $.  People arrive to admire, learn, or JO... who cares?  There is no difference.
Title: Re: Don Long Meltdown Rant
Post by: Tre on June 30, 2006, 07:00:10 PM
Let's not pretend for a second that Chick's running down of the women's division had even the most tenuous connection with his duties in representing the men. He was simply belching up his own sexist ignorance in response to a perceived threat to his apparently tenuous sense of masculinity. And while doing so may or may not have been a direct abrogation of his rep duties, it was a singularly classless move in either case. Especially for someone in his position.

I've never considered myself a Chick basher. I think he's actually more intelligent than the average bodybuilder [yeah, I know: scary] and he's not as much fun to pick on as Tamali. But between this sad move and his self-pwning on the main Don Long thread, I keep having to lower my estimation of him.

This episode played out a year ago.  After his statements were published, I had an opportunity to speak with him about it in person, and he gave me the rationale for his beliefs on the subject.  Even though I may disagree with him, from his perception, the pro women are a drain on the money that could be going to the pro men, whereas I view the women as increasing the size of the total revenue pie.
Title: Re: Don Long Meltdown Rant
Post by: Tre on June 30, 2006, 07:01:41 PM
Did anyone consider the possibility that the IFBB could be "stuck" with female bodybuilding competitions?

If they were to drop it, it could open the doors and allow any other organization to take over and possibly make some changes that would entice the money paying public.

I don't think that the IFBB is willing to surrender any aspect of bodybuilding to the competition.

As I've said many times before, when it comes to women's bodybuilding, it's not about the IFBB, it's about the NPC.  Thankfully, the people who run the NPC love women's bodybuilding, but it's also very good for business. 
Title: Re: Don Long Meltdown Rant
Post by: G o a t b o y on June 30, 2006, 08:57:25 PM
Even though I may disagree with him, from his perception, the pro women are a drain on the money that could be going to the pro men...

Chick is wrong. The fan base is not the same. Bodybuilding fans typically find FBB gross, and FBB "fans" are typically schmoes and fetishists into their "thing" and couldn't care less about regular bodybuilding.
Title: Re: Don Long Meltdown Rant
Post by: HowieW on June 30, 2006, 09:29:51 PM
OK back to Don Long . I know him only as a bodybuilder and enjoyed seeing him and Prince go at it for the HVY wt title at the NPC Nationals in 1994 in New Orleans. It saddens me a great deal to see their health decline  along with the city they both competed in that year.
I think it is pretty sad that  extreme contest prep puts anyone at risk these days in major shows.
I wish that Don could put the sport behind him and be glad he is alive, but I understand how the iron bug can bite hard.
Title: Re: Don Long Meltdown Rant
Post by: Ron on June 30, 2006, 10:42:23 PM

For Don Long to go back and compete is dangerous, and I do agree with Bob on that. Don was given a second chance in a new start, he doesnt have to prove anything, and taking a chance just doesnt seem right.
Title: Re: Don Long Meltdown Rant
Post by: Chick on July 01, 2006, 07:00:27 AM
Chick is wrong. The fan base is not the same. Bodybuilding fans typically find FBB gross, and FBB "fans" are typically schmoes and fetishists into their "thing" and couldn't care less about regular bodybuilding.

You just said exactly what I said...TRE said what you're referring to.