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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Training Q&A => Injury and Rehabilitation => Topic started by: Painlayer420 on July 14, 2006, 10:56:29 PM

Title: Sharp pinching sensatiom in trapezious muscle
Post by: Painlayer420 on July 14, 2006, 10:56:29 PM
Anyone ever get this? it feels like someone has a needle stuck in my left trap, especially after a heavy back day. And it lasts for 1-2 weeks at a time

Any input appreciated, thanx
Title: Re: Sharp pinching sensatiom in trapezious muscle
Post by: Jr. Yates on July 15, 2006, 07:44:22 PM
My friend once did dumbell shrugs super heavy without warming up. It was very bad form. He ended up doing something in the middle of his first set and I could tell he hurt himself. His left side of his trap was killing him. He couldn't turn his head or anything. I think he had just pulled it really badly but over the next few weeks he did whatever he could to make it better. Hottub,massage,painkillers. It just took some time but he was alright. Im sure you'll be alright, just warm up good and be careful and hopefully it gets better.
Title: Re: Sharp pinching sensatiom in trapezious muscle
Post by: Painlayer420 on July 15, 2006, 07:51:08 PM
But the thing is it has done this since before i even starting lifting at 18 yrs old. Its really bad at work i constantly have to rub it down maybe my traps are just weaker than they should be compared to the rest of my back. could that be why?
Title: Re: Sharp pinching sensatiom in trapezious muscle
Post by: triple_pickle on July 17, 2006, 06:49:25 PM
1.  ice your traps twice a day: 20 min ice, 20 min break, 20 min ice
2.  find a good massage therapist
Title: Re: Sharp pinching sensatiom in trapezious muscle
Post by: benchmstr on July 18, 2006, 02:36:42 AM
you had a heart attack and will probably die soon ;D
Title: Re: Sharp pinching sensatiom in trapezious muscle
Post by: Painlayer420 on July 24, 2006, 10:49:21 AM
Really funny guy its people like you that make boards like this not worth it
Title: Re: Sharp pinching sensatiom in trapezious muscle
Post by: benchmstr on July 24, 2006, 08:08:29 PM
Really funny guy its people like you that make boards like this not worth it
don't cry yourself to sleep over me tough guy ;)
Title: Re: Sharp pinching sensatiom in trapezious muscle
Post by: Overload on July 25, 2006, 02:21:29 PM
this happens to me a couple times a year during shrugs. the doc has never been able to pin point the problem. it will hurt for about a week and i can barely turn my head to the left without pain. it's always in the same spot and feels identical every time! i usually just have my girl message my shoulders every night and it helps a bit.

Title: Re: Sharp pinching sensatiom in trapezious muscle
Post by: Painlayer420 on July 27, 2006, 09:13:59 AM
Yep same exact thing here bro its the left side and always after a heavy shoulder or back day hurts like hell. If i put some icy hot or something like that on it it really helps but always comes back
Title: Re: Sharp pinching sensatiom in trapezious muscle
Post by: MikeThaMachine on August 05, 2006, 10:31:56 PM
I have had this happen recently, for me it was just from goin a little overboard when working my traps, try just letting your traps rest for a few workout days (days you focus on traps) until the pain has completely gone away. Then just slowly start working them again going lighter for 1-2 workouts to evaluate whether you are fully recovered. :)

Just my 2 cents 8)

Actually how do you work out your traps to begin with?
Title: Re: Sharp pinching sensatiom in trapezious muscle
Post by: Big Freak on November 21, 2006, 05:00:59 PM
have had this injury like 5-6 times now. in fact Im having it right now-hurts like a muther. Of course  I did heavy shrugs-like the stupid fuck I am. This is it.never again heavy shrugs. just light-feel the muscles-strict form. Its actually not the trap in my case..its the mucles from back of the neck.alomst from the head down the back almost down to the romboid muscle. Been to many so called dr they allways say "U train to much" Duh.. Yeah I wanna stop training and look like u doctor.
Title: Re: Sharp pinching sensatiom in trapezious muscle
Post by: HBK on November 29, 2006, 11:24:24 AM
I'm with you guys. I'm currently waiting for my right trap/neck area to heal up. Over the course of this year, I've strained my left or right side twice each, and each time, I could not train for the life of me....sometimes I can't sleep. I came on here to see if you guys think deep tissue massage could help.
Title: Re: Sharp pinching sensatiom in trapezious muscle
Post by: Acerimmer1 on December 07, 2006, 03:10:02 AM
I'm with you guys. I'm currently waiting for my right trap/neck area to heal up. Over the course of this year, I've strained my left or right side twice each, and each time, I could not train for the life of me....sometimes I can't sleep. I came on here to see if you guys think deep tissue massage could help.

I'd tend to say it's a streched or trapped nerve think about it why would you feel like somebody was sticking a pin in your trap? A muscle tear... Yeah right! Your probably stretching or trapping the nerve as you lower the weight. PS deep tissue might make it worse.
Title: Re: Sharp pinching sensatiom in trapezious muscle
Post by: Acerimmer1 on December 07, 2006, 04:05:41 PM
PS more than likely you have tight scalenes forming part of the problem so make sure you are breathing correctly ie in/out at the correct time when you exercise (this means breathe out not in when you press etc).
Title: Re: Sharp pinching sensatiom in trapezious muscle
Post by: BuffGoddess on December 10, 2006, 10:48:51 PM
This is most likely a pinched nerve. You have a host of nerves that come out of the spine in that area. Obviously one of them is getting pinched and pissed off. Ice is not your friend here, when things get pinched they cause muscle to contract and the ice will only make it worse. Heating pad, anti-inflammatories and stretch the neck forward, chin on your chest, when the area is warm. Then stretch your arms across your chest to stretch out the trap area. Hopefully this will give you some relief.
Title: Re: Sharp pinching sensatiom in trapezious muscle
Post by: Big Freak on December 11, 2006, 03:06:35 PM
yes.Itīs most definetly a pinched nerve, not the muscles itself. I guess If u have it once ur bound to get it a few times more. Massage doesnt help shit for this.not in my case anyway...Warm pads like someone else said-try stretch the area-and the most important thing always warm up and stretch the neck before every session.
Its always when Im sloppy with my warmups and stretching for a while the shit comes back: I never learn :-\
Title: Re: Sharp pinching sensatiom in trapezious muscle
Post by: Knowledge on December 12, 2006, 05:55:24 PM
If its the upper trap the brachial plexus I do believe runs through their, maybe similar to what is called a "stinger or Burner" do to the shrugging action.  If there is tingling down the arm more than likely what it is, chiro may work well but rest and NSAIDs is best IMHO