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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Steroids Info & Hardcore => Topic started by: LILJOE on July 30, 2006, 05:29:37 PM

Title: No PCT
Post by: LILJOE on July 30, 2006, 05:29:37 PM
I am currently on my second week ot test cypionate at 400mg.  Next week I will be bumping to 500mg per week, as of now I have no form of PCT.  What do I need to watch out for in terms of gyno?  I have read that some get away with no pct on test and others don't.

Thanks in advance LILJOE
Title: Re: No PCT
Post by: Luv2Hurt on July 30, 2006, 06:23:14 PM
Get yourself some Nolvadex.  You can use 20 mg or10mg ED for PCT.  500mg Cyp will shut you down and cause some aromatase
Title: Re: No PCT
Post by: udeluz on July 30, 2006, 06:45:34 PM
Dude, If your only on your second week, you have plenty of time to get your PCT together
Title: Re: No PCT
Post by: bigjohn_bluesfan on July 30, 2006, 06:56:41 PM
Get yourself some Nolvadex.  You can use 20 mg or10mg ED for PCT.  500mg Cyp will shut you down and cause some aromatase

you can get cheap nolvadex for research purposes only at
Some a5re succeptable to gyno and some are not--- dont learn the hard way---- take anti-estrogen while on cycle and for PCT---ALWAYS..... let us know if you neeed anything else   ;)
Title: Re: No PCT
Post by: LILJOE on July 31, 2006, 04:10:28 AM
you can get cheap nolvadex for research purposes only at
Some a5re succeptable to gyno and some are not--- dont learn the hard way---- take anti-estrogen while on cycle and for PCT---ALWAYS..... let us know if you neeed anything else   ;)

I'm not seeing nolvadex on this website?  I am in The United States are you guys just having this stuff shipped to your door?
Title: Re: No PCT
Post by: mem on July 31, 2006, 06:38:12 AM

I am currently on my second week ot test cypionate at 400mg.  Next week I will be bumping to 500mg per week, as of now I have no form of PCT.  What do I need to watch out for in terms of gyno?  I have read that some get away with no pct on test and others don't.

Thanks in advance LILJOE

PCT - getting (or keeping) your natural test production going again - IS ONE THING . . .

Anti-Estrogen measures to prevent or limit gyno ARE COMPLETELY DIFFERENT things altogether

1) PCT (for the most part) - IS using HCG to *keep your balls from dying*
are a part of PCT post cycle OR better taken ever 5th day throughout cycle,
(to risk [further] confusion). Proviron or Clomid may warrent consideration...

2) Effective estrogen control or management could be done a number of ways
An estrogen blocker (like Nolvadex) is a start. An aromatase inhibitor IS FAR
better, yet another story altogether (like Arimidex) but they ARE not PCT
in and of themselves. Maybe a part of PCT with above mentioned.

I would advise considering both of these as a part of any effective cycle.

Title: Re: No PCT
Post by: bigjohn_bluesfan on July 31, 2006, 06:43:13 AM
I'm not seeing nolvadex on this website?  I am in The United States are you guys just having this stuff shipped to your door?

ypu have to look for the scientific name for it which is TAMOXIFEN CITRATE---- and no we do not have this stuff shipped right to our door-- we have the mailman drop it off at the oak tree outside
Title: Re: No PCT
Post by: LILJOE on July 31, 2006, 08:13:19 AM
So all I need is nolvadex to run a "safe" cycle?  The only thing I plan on taking is cypionate at 500mg for 12-16 weeks.  I know this isn't a huge cycle like others would opt to run but a few months back I ran a cycle of test-e and came out with 10 gained pounds all said and done.  Also what I meant by shipped to your door is nolvadex is illegal right?  Just concerned with getting something illegal shipped directly to my house.
Title: Re: No PCT
Post by: ZEEK on July 31, 2006, 10:23:26 AM
yes its delivered to your mail box. no big deal
Title: Re: No PCT
Post by: sportingsteroids on August 06, 2006, 11:54:12 PM
no big deal..
Title: Re: No PCT
Post by: Extreme Muscle on August 08, 2006, 02:21:12 AM
bro u better get ur pct stuff together...I screwed up like u a while back and had to start my pct late.

but bro u have tons of time!

I would buy some of this:  this will help u@ 2 mls/day=40mg/day it will get u on track.

remember not to start pct till about 2 weeks after ur last inject of the test cyp.

Good luck