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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Nutrition, Products & Supplements Info => Topic started by: 1more on August 22, 2006, 05:01:13 AM

Title: Sugar free soft drink
Post by: 1more on August 22, 2006, 05:01:13 AM
Hi everyone,

I have recently started cutting and was having only water or protein shakes(with water) to drink. I always thought soft drink contained a huge amount of calories...but have seen cans of that sugar free cola and stuff with less than 5 calories. Surely there has to be something I'm missing??? I wouldn't mind being able to bring it into my very bland cutting diet but I feel there must be a catch.

Any advice would be appreciated

Title: Re: Sugar free soft drink
Post by: youandme on August 22, 2006, 08:01:42 AM
You can still have diet cokes sugar free things here and there but try to get some crystal light or some sugar free tang nad make a gallon of that to drink alot of sugar free mixins wth water out now
Title: Re: Sugar free soft drink
Post by: Princess L on August 22, 2006, 09:35:00 PM
These (packets) are pretty good.
Title: Re: Sugar free soft drink
Post by: 1more on August 22, 2006, 11:12:43 PM
Yer I'm not from the states and we dont have like a big market for that stuff here. They have like coke zero which has 1.8 calories. Is this stuff still alright?

Title: Re: Sugar free soft drink
Post by: ronian on August 23, 2006, 05:17:29 PM
Go ahead with a few cans a day, there is artificial sweetners and some sodium but other then that it's fine.

Another vote for crystal lite if you can find it where you're at.
Title: Re: Sugar free soft drink
Post by: Ex Coelis on August 23, 2006, 06:52:21 PM
According to Melvin Anthony (BFTO 2003) Crystal Light eats away your stomach lining.

I enjoy diet caffeine-free colas. No calories. No sugar. No caffeine. Just delicious cola flavour (yeah I buy the generic brands - they're like half price)

In Canada it's illegal to have caffeine in clear beverages, so I can drink diet Sprite without worrying over being jacked up all night.

Title: Re: Sugar free soft drink
Post by: Dball on August 24, 2006, 05:34:13 PM
i tried coke zero today for the first time and i think it tastes worse that regular diet coke.  chalk another one up for crystal light or sugar free tang.
Title: Re: Sugar free soft drink
Post by: pobrecito on August 24, 2006, 05:47:31 PM
According to Melvin Anthony (BFTO 2003) Crystal Light eats away your stomach lining.

I enjoy diet caffeine-free colas. No calories. No sugar. No caffeine. Just delicious cola flavour (yeah I buy the generic brands - they're like half price)

In Canada it's illegal to have caffeine in clear beverages, so I can drink diet Sprite without worrying over being jacked up all night.


diet soda is not 0 calorie. It's simply a technality with the FDA