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Getbig Main Boards => General Topics => Topic started by: pumpster on August 25, 2006, 06:01:06 PM

Title: Schwarzenegger settles groping suit
Post by: pumpster on August 25, 2006, 06:01:06 PM
LOS ANGELES - Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger settled a libel lawsuit Friday with a British journalist who claimed she was groped by the Hollywood actor during a 2000 interview and later defamed by his aides during his 2003 campaign for governor.

"The parties are content to put this matter behind them and are pleased that this legal dispute has now been settled," said a two-sentence statement issued jointly in London by lawyers for Schwarzenegger and the journalist, Anna Richardson.

No details were released. The statement said Richardson and the three people she sued - the governor and two top aides, Sean Walsh and publicist Sheryl Main - reached a settlement "to all parties' satisfaction."

The settlement was confirmed by Walsh in a telephone interview. He said he had no comment beyond the lawyers' joint statement.

The agreement spares the governor from what could have been a potentially embarrassing trial as he campaigns for a second term this year.

Richardson, a former late-night TV personality, sued Schwarzenegger and his two aides in London in May 2004. She claimed Schwarzenegger fondled her breast during a December 2000 interview in London and that his staff later damaged her reputation by contending she encouraged his behavior.

Schwarzenegger's lawyers argued that Richardson did not give a truthful account of events during the interview.

The governor's office in Sacramento referred calls to his personal attorney, Martin Singer. Singer did not respond to phone messages. Main did not respond to telephone or e-mail messages.

About a week before the 2003 recall election, the Los Angeles Times published a lengthy report quoting several women, including Richardson, who said they had been groped and humiliated by Schwarzenegger on movie sets, in cafes and at other locations. Schwarzenegger responded with an apology for having "behaved badly sometimes" and doing some things that "were not right, which I thought were playful."

Schwarzenegger said he would address specifics of the allegations after the election but later changed course, dismissed them as "old news" and announced he would not appoint an investigator to look into the women's claims.

The incident involving Richardson revolves around her interview with Schwarzenegger while he was promoting his film, "The 6th Day." She claimed that he asked if her breasts were real and then reached out and grabbed one.

Main told The Times a different version of events, saying Richardson cupped her right breast and said, "What do you think of these?"

Figures released last year showed Schwarzenegger piled up legal bills of more than $500,000 to defend himself and campaign aides in libel cases related to groping allegations made during the recall election.

In 2004, a judge dismissed a similar libel lawsuit filed against Schwarzenegger by Rhonda Miller, who accused him of groping her. She said the campaign falsely labeled her a convicted criminal.
Title: Re: Schwarzenegger settles groping suit
Post by: Dos Equis on August 25, 2006, 11:44:37 PM

Figures released last year showed Schwarzenegger piled up legal bills of more than $500,000 to defend himself and campaign aides in libel cases related to groping allegations made during the recall election.

He probably could have paid less than half this amount early on to make this woman go away.  Bad business decision. 
Title: Re: Schwarzenegger settles groping suit
Post by: pumpster on August 26, 2006, 07:32:56 AM
$500,000 was likely to defend against all 12 or 13 cases!  ;D

That's in addition to what he must've paid here in this case to make it go away. This case might've been harder to dismiss given the circumstances, the person and the more recent timing.
Title: Re: Schwarzenegger settles groping suit
Post by: xxxLinda on August 26, 2006, 11:17:41 AM
waaa.  I hadn't even heard this story, so have no background info.  But I'm blown away.  Was she from the Sun newspaper and therefore trying to get a scoop?

Does she have massive tits and did she shove them in his face (or hands?

half a mill !!!!!!!!

Title: Re: Schwarzenegger settles groping suit
Post by: Dos Equis on August 26, 2006, 11:20:42 AM
$500,000 was likely to defend against all 12 or 13 cases!  ;D

That's in addition to what he must've paid here in this case to make it go away. This case might've been harder to dismiss given the circumstances, the person and the more recent timing.

True.  He could have probably paid $500,000 early on to make all 12 or 13 go away, and saved himself attorneys' fees and bad press.  This will teach him to keep his hands to himself.   :)
Title: Re: Schwarzenegger settles groping suit
Post by: xxxLinda on August 26, 2006, 11:29:09 AM
what's the other 12 or 13. 

Is this the first time he's been accusing of touching nice tits or has he done it 12 or 13x?

I think this is a funny story and the man shouldn't get done for groping anything that's thrown at you.

Title: Re: Schwarzenegger settles groping suit
Post by: xxxLinda on August 26, 2006, 11:54:10 AM
these women don't know what's happening.  Or know exactly

(or perhaps they just get a good lawyer and pr person.

This one
can you tell me her name and which paper she writes for>?  I'll find out, this is a funny story...

>>>?  she got half a mill for the privilege of having Mr best ever bodybuider, Mr Hollywood Actor, Mr Gov of Cal >touch her tit ?

She saw it coming.  Or planned it.

$500,000 haaaaaaaaaaa


the world is getting too politically correct.  and pricey.
Title: Re: Schwarzenegger settles groping suit
Post by: xxxLinda on August 26, 2006, 12:01:50 PM
is Maria Shriver still his wife?  Is she sticking by him?

We don't get much news of Arnie in England.

Maybe it'll be in the papers over the weekend,
Title: Re: Schwarzenegger settles groping suit
Post by: pumpster on August 26, 2006, 12:16:32 PM
Title: Re: Schwarzenegger settles groping suit
Post by: xxxLinda on August 26, 2006, 12:40:57 PM
ta pumpster.  I'll haveta read it in the morning though.  Thanks muchly.

It's 8:40pm here and I've got to go down the road  (We're supposed to be there at 8) to do steel drum appreciation.  An old neighbour and friend of mine is on.  Even though it's raining, my new neighbour and I are going to show up.

THis is the opening night of Carnival and it's pissing down.  pity the poor blokes with the steel drums.

I'd like to talk more about this silly woman though. I will log back when i return (if I'm not democratically voted off).  How can some tit gets half a mill for shoving themselves at a...

I'd love to tell my Stallone story (not Sly, his brother.
I should've gotten 3 or 5 mill for that (nowadays

give my love to Arnie

Title: Re: Schwarzenegger settles groping suit
Post by: xxxLinda on August 26, 2006, 12:53:04 PM
oh yeah.  I groped Dolph Lundgren once.  No I didn't.

This is a funny story.  We were walking down the road, me and a girlfriend, plus two big gay guys.  Dolph was with a bunch of big blokes, probably bodyguards.  I was on the inside, so had to pass next to them. 

After we passed them and they all looked 'round at us, I told everyone I'd pinched his ass.

I didn't
Title: Re: Schwarzenegger settles groping suit
Post by: bmacsys on August 28, 2006, 11:15:06 AM
So he grabbed some chicks ass or tits back in the 70's? Big deal.