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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Training Q&A => Topic started by: Mars on September 13, 2006, 10:24:48 AM

Title: What's your Muscle Shocking Workout!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Mars on September 13, 2006, 10:24:48 AM
It's inspiring to hear some of Adonis and Daddywaddy's workouts to give the muscles a new inpulse.
What worked for you to accelerate some new growth on a bodypart?
Title: Re: What's your Muscle Shocking Workout!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: jaejonna on September 13, 2006, 10:25:45 AM
My former earth body use to do Bent Over Rows, 315 lbs for reps.
Title: Re: What's your Muscle Shocking Workout!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: BigWhoop on September 13, 2006, 10:27:51 AM
My former earth body use to do Bent Over Rows, 315 lbs for reps.
Your pictures do not indicate that you are able to do such an exercise. ::)
Title: Re: What's your Muscle Shocking Workout!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: affeman on September 13, 2006, 10:30:19 AM
Do squats, use a weight which you can handle for 10 reps, but make 20. That simple ;) (Powerrack highly recommended)
Title: Re: What's your Muscle Shocking Workout!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: BigWhoop on September 13, 2006, 10:33:45 AM
Do squats, use a weight which you can handle for 10 reps, but make 20. That simple ;) (Powerrack highly recommended)
I do not think that you need a powerrack for 135lbs though.
Title: Re: What's your Muscle Shocking Workout!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Mike on September 13, 2006, 02:51:51 PM
Do squats, use a weight which you can handle for 10 reps, but make 20. That simple ;) (Powerrack highly recommended)

20 Rep Breathing Squats...not for the faint of heart.
Title: Re: What's your Muscle Shocking Workout!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Gordon_Gekko on September 13, 2006, 04:12:00 PM
It's inspiring to hear some of Adonis and Daddywaddy's workouts to give the muscles a new inpulse.
What worked for you to accelerate some new growth on a bodypart?

1) Full pyramid: Do the usual 3-4 progressively heavier pyramid sets, followed by a couple of sets with the top weight. Then pyramid back down over 3-4 sets, doing as many reps as you can on each set. You will have done 8-10 sets total for one exercise, which means that you probably won't need to do a whole lot more (if anything else at all, depending upon the size of the given bodypart) for that bodypart that day. This works well for basic exercises like squats, benches, rows, military presses, closegrips, barbell curls, standing calf raises, and SL Deads.

2) Using the same basic exercises as above, do your normal workout for whatever bodypart(s), starting with several sets of one of the above basic exercises for each bodypart. After doing your normal complete full workout for each particular individual bodypart, go back to the first basic exercise you performed and do 1-2 lighter weight, high rep "endurance" type sets.

As an example, with quads I usually start with 5-6 sets of squats - several pyramid sets with at least one very heavy set, followed by a moderate backoff set with roughly 70% of the heaviest weight for higher reps. I then typically do 3 sets of leg presses, followed by 3 sets of hacks. Instead of finishing off with the typical 2-3 sets of leg extensions for 12-15 reps, I'll occasionally (about once a month) go back to squats. If my heaviest earlier set of squats was 455 (which I would have followed with a lighter backoff set of 315), I'll go down to 275 and do as many clean, deep reps as I can. If I'm really feeling masochistic, I'll drop down to 225 and do a second high rep set to finish. Very intense.
Title: Re: What's your Muscle Shocking Workout!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: figgs on September 13, 2006, 07:12:28 PM
I've always wanted to do Mentzer's HIT routine. I think I can handle it!!

20 rep squats!! I HAVE to do them!!!
Title: Re: What's your Muscle Shocking Workout!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Mars on September 14, 2006, 05:19:10 AM
1) Full pyramid: Do the usual 3-4 progressively heavier pyramid sets, followed by a couple of sets with the top weight. Then pyramid back down over 3-4 sets, doing as many reps as you can on each set. You will have done 8-10 sets total for one exercise, which means that you probably won't need to do a whole lot more (if anything else at all, depending upon the size of the given bodypart) for that bodypart that day. This works well for basic exercises like squats, benches, rows, military presses, closegrips, barbell curls, standing calf raises, and SL Deads.

2) Using the same basic exercises as above, do your normal workout for whatever bodypart(s), starting with several sets of one of the above basic exercises for each bodypart. After doing your normal complete full workout for each particular individual bodypart, go back to the first basic exercise you performed and do 1-2 lighter weight, high rep "endurance" type sets.

As an example, with quads I usually start with 5-6 sets of squats - several pyramid sets with at least one very heavy set, followed by a moderate backoff set with roughly 70% of the heaviest weight for higher reps. I then typically do 3 sets of leg presses, followed by 3 sets of hacks. Instead of finishing off with the typical 2-3 sets of leg extensions for 12-15 reps, I'll occasionally (about once a month) go back to squats. If my heaviest earlier set of squats was 455 (which I would have followed with a lighter backoff set of 315), I'll go down to 275 and do as many clean, deep reps as I can. If I'm really feeling masochistic, I'll drop down to 225 and do a second high rep set to finish. Very intense.

Title: Re: What's your Muscle Shocking Workout!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: davie on September 14, 2006, 06:02:04 AM
Iv tried the 20 rep squat workouts, mangaed like 2 sets bench rows dips after and i was pretty done.u kinda go into a zone without even meaning to and the reps kinda keep going, it wasnt the legs that wer so much the problem its the fact that the heavy weight get v uncomftorble on top ur shoulders, and u start feeling it in lower back alot even with v good form.

Title: Re: What's your Muscle Shocking Workout!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: headhuntersix on September 14, 2006, 10:53:06 AM
I DC so the burn set (20 reps) after the straight heavy squats sucks but normally every third leg workout I do 4 working sets pre exhaust with between 85-95 lbs dumbells (squats) and then hit the barbell sqauts between 225-315 .......15/12/10/ sucks.
Title: Re: What's your Muscle Shocking Workout!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: WOOO on September 14, 2006, 03:10:11 PM
My former earth body use to do Bent Over Rows, 315 lbs for reps.
bent at an 85 degree angle, and barely shruging the weight 2 inches....
Title: Re: What's your Muscle Shocking Workout!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: stealth_swimmer on September 26, 2006, 12:07:25 PM
To shock the muscles I usually will add an exercise or two for three sets each or I will superset antagonistic bodyparts for a week or two. Example:
Incline Dumbell Press/T-Bar Rows
Flat Flyes/Dumbell Rows
Flat Dumbell Press/Lat Pulldowns
Cable Crossovers/Seated V-Bar Cable Rows
I do each exercise for three sets and I rest once three sets of each superset is finished, meaning after incline/t-bars I rest, then the next time I rest would be after three supersets of flyes/dumbell rows.

Title: Re: What's your Muscle Shocking Workout!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Knives on September 26, 2006, 06:40:23 PM
I hook myself up to some jumper cables and a car battery
Title: Re: What's your Muscle Shocking Workout!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: JOHN MATRIX on September 26, 2006, 08:00:48 PM
just do different stuff everytime...or my favorite, supersetting.