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Getbig Bodybuilding Boards => Nutrition, Products & Supplements Info => Topic started by: triple_h on September 13, 2006, 11:48:16 AM

Title: need some thing to get charged
Post by: triple_h on September 13, 2006, 11:48:16 AM
guys recently since 3 wks to b precise, have stopped partying etc.

my problem is that now i sleep early at night like at 11.30pm and get up by 4.30 am and i m really FRESH but by afternoon   2 pm i feel sleepy so when i nap i literally sleep till 6.30 pm and have to be woken up!!!!

so since i exercise in the eveings my regime is screwed..

so im taking a sleeping pill in the nights so that i get my complete sleep at night...

now i want some thing to motivate me before i hit the gym(i wanna b the animal in the gym as i was befor) 

so any supplements here..
my 1 frnd adviced me taking ergopharms 1 NO.. WHAT Do u    advice..

no fat burners /caffine/ephedrine plz!
Title: Re: need some thing to get charged
Post by: Jr. Yates on September 13, 2006, 11:51:56 AM
go to and in the search put in a pros name or something...lots of vids with cool music, they get me all jacked but i am drinking coffee and stuff to get all ready.
Title: Re: need some thing to get charged
Post by: Adam Empire on September 13, 2006, 12:10:36 PM
Use ZMA at night to sleep deeper and better.  Also stay on a consistant schedule for a while so your body gets used to it.

Nothing wrong with naps.  I take a 1-2 hour one each evening before the gym.  Set an alarm too!  But if you are going to nap, do it everyday or never - again, to keep a routine.
Title: Re: need some thing to get charged
Post by: triple_h on September 13, 2006, 12:12:31 PM
no sites or vids mate,
some real stuff which will keep me beastly for my exercoise
Title: Re: need some thing to get charged
Post by: buffbodz on September 13, 2006, 12:21:10 PM
Ever give No-Explode a try.  Good pre workout drink.  Some take in the AM instead of coffee.
Title: Re: need some thing to get charged
Post by: triple_h on September 13, 2006, 12:37:48 PM
ya used no
but that taste suks mate

and now expensive here ,,,
how bout ergopharms 1 NO
Title: Re: need some thing to get charged
Post by: Princess L on September 13, 2006, 12:52:20 PM
What's the diet like?
Title: Re: need some thing to get charged
Post by: Jr. Yates on September 13, 2006, 12:55:27 PM
ok so you want to get jacked with no supplements,vids,music. umm ok maybe a training partner then??
Title: Re: need some thing to get charged
Post by: G.R.H. on September 14, 2006, 03:24:35 PM
try coccaine!
Title: Re: need some thing to get charged
Post by: Adam Empire on September 15, 2006, 02:14:09 PM
go to and in the search put in a pros name or something...lots of vids with cool music, they get me all jacked but i am drinking coffee and stuff to get all ready.

Choose the Rocky training videos or the Hulk Hogan old school theme song.  HA!