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Getbig Misc Discussion Boards => Conspiracy Theories Board => Topic started by: SAMSON123 on November 09, 2010, 01:09:00 AM

Title: The Washingtonians
Post by: SAMSON123 on November 09, 2010, 01:09:00 AM
Saw this and wondered if it is true as every conspiracy always has a thread or more of truth in it.

What if everything we believe about our sacred icons of American history turned out to be a complete lie? Suppose, for example, that The Father of our Country was actually a blood-crazed cannibal? Jonathon Schaech and Saul Rubinek star in this gruesome tale about the discovery of a Revolutionary War artifact that proves George Washington's famed wooden teeth hungered for more than just liberty. How far will a group of homicidal historians go to keep a hero's grisly legacy alive? Would our government deliberately hide the truth to cover-up the meat of the matter? A feast of answers -- complete with huge helpings of human carnage -- will all be served at the final banquet of The Washingtonians.
Title: Re: The Washingtonians
Post by: 24KT on November 09, 2010, 10:34:41 PM
Do you have a website for the trailer? The video clip you posted is unavailable in Canada
Title: Re: The Washingtonians
Post by: Cy Tolliver on November 09, 2010, 10:38:28 PM
Title: Re: The Washingtonians
Post by: Hugo Chavez on November 09, 2010, 10:51:05 PM
I've watched all the Masters of Horror episodes and no, it's not true and silly to suggest... But I did LOL at the "washingtonians." It was a pretty good story.  Dario Argento's Jenifer was my favorite in the series.
Title: Re: The Washingtonians
Post by: SAMSON123 on November 10, 2010, 07:03:20 AM
Do you have a website for the trailer? The video clip you posted is unavailable in Canada

Oh No...That  youtube vid is the entire movie (about an hour long). The Masters Of Horror was on TV so there really isn't a trailer. See if you can watch the whole movie using this link

Title: Re: The Washingtonians
Post by: SAMSON123 on November 10, 2010, 07:14:37 AM
I've watched all the Masters of Horror episodes and no, it's not true and silly to suggest... But I did LOL at the "washingtonians." It was a pretty good story.  Dario Argento's Jenifer was my favorite in the series.

How do you know it was not true? The vast majority of so called american history IS A LIE or has been distorted to make it palatable to certain ones. Much that has been claimed NOT TRUE in america has turned out to be true. MK Ultra, DARPA, NSA, D.U.M.B.S, War Reasons, Project Montauk, Blue Book, FBI, CIA etc etc etc.. people were ridiculed to hysteria for even suggesting these agencies/things existed in their time, before they finally became publicly known. With former presidents like Washington being tied to the OCCULT, Freemasonry, Luciferian and Satanic worship IT IS HIGHLY POSSIBLE that he/they were into cannibalism as the belief that having sex with a certain person, or drinking their blood or killing a person in a ritualistic way will EMPOWER them from the dark side.

Title: Re: The Washingtonians
Post by: 24KT on November 10, 2010, 11:59:33 AM
Oh No...That  youtube vid is the entire movie (about an hour long). The Masters Of Horror was on TV so there really isn't a trailer. See if you can watch the whole movie using this link

I can't watch hulu. For some reason they like to block all Canadian IP addresses.
Title: Re: The Washingtonians
Post by: OzmO on November 10, 2010, 12:02:08 PM
Cute  lol
Title: Re: The Washingtonians
Post by: 24KT on November 10, 2010, 12:09:05 PM
Cute  lol

Don't believe me? Send a hulu link to one of your friends or relatives in Canada.
See if they're able to view it.
Title: Re: The Washingtonians
Post by: OzmO on November 10, 2010, 12:12:02 PM
Don't believe me? Send a hulu link to one of your friends or relatives in Canada.
See if they're able to view it.

No need, figured that out last time I was in Toronto.  You'll figure out eventually what i thought was
Title: Re: The Washingtonians
Post by: SAMSON123 on November 10, 2010, 12:14:41 PM
I can't watch hulu. For some reason they like to block all Canadian IP addresses.

Oh for Christ's sake what kind of country are you living in 24K with all of these restrictions. Lemme see if I can find another source
Title: Re: The Washingtonians
Post by: 24KT on November 10, 2010, 12:23:38 PM
Oh for Christ's sake what kind of country are you living in 24K with all of these restrictions. Lemme see if I can find another source

I think it's a CRTC thing. As well broadcasters don't want things released in certain markets before they negotiate fees for distribution into those markets. If they had allowed ie: HBO's  "Sex and the city" it would have interfered with the amount they could charge in licensing fees for this market. It may also be that Hulu hasn't negotiated ad revenue from Canadians. Makes me wish I was still on aol. MY IP always traced back to Virginia then.  :-\
Title: Re: The Washingtonians
Post by: SAMSON123 on November 10, 2010, 12:27:59 PM
I think it's a CRTC thing. As well broadcasters don't want things released in certain markets before they negotiate fees for distribution into those markets. If they had allowed ie: HBO's  "Sex and the city" it would have interfered with the amount they could charge in licensing fees for this market. It may also be that Hulu hasn't negotiated ad revenue from Canadians. Makes me wish I was still on aol. MY IP always traced back to Virginia then.  :-\

Try this

If this doesn't work then you will have to move ASAP from Canada which in German means Auschwitz. 
Title: Re: The Washingtonians
Post by: 24KT on November 10, 2010, 01:22:04 PM
Try this

If this doesn't work then you will have to move ASAP from Canada which in German means Auschwitz. 

It's still a Hulu link  :'(

"We're sorry, currently our video library can only be streamed within the United States. For more information on Hulu's international availability, click here.

If you're inside the United States and believe you've received this message in error, please click here."

I just sent out an S.O.S., so hopefully I might get the work-around solution to this soon.
Thanks for trying tho.  :)

Title: Re: The Washingtonians
Post by: OzmO on November 10, 2010, 01:29:13 PM
Cute lol
Title: Re: The Washingtonians
Post by: 24KT on November 10, 2010, 01:35:21 PM
Cute lol

OzmO, you're driving me crazy dude. lol. What the heck is so cute?  ???
Title: Re: The Washingtonians
Post by: Hugo Chavez on November 10, 2010, 07:01:40 PM
How do you know it was not true? The vast majority of so called american history IS A LIE or has been distorted to make it palatable to certain ones. Much that has been claimed NOT TRUE in america has turned out to be true. MK Ultra, DARPA, NSA, D.U.M.B.S, War Reasons, Project Montauk, Blue Book, FBI, CIA etc etc etc.. people were ridiculed to hysteria for even suggesting these agencies/things existed in their time, before they finally became publicly known. With former presidents like Washington being tied to the OCCULT, Freemasonry, Luciferian and Satanic worship IT IS HIGHLY POSSIBLE that he/they were into cannibalism as the belief that having sex with a certain person, or drinking their blood or killing a person in a ritualistic way will EMPOWER them from the dark side.

because I'm not a moron like some people...
Title: Re: The Washingtonians
Post by: Hugo Chavez on November 10, 2010, 07:05:22 PM
Oh for Christ's sake what kind of country are you living in 24K with all of these restrictions. Lemme see if I can find another source
BWHAHAHAHAhahahahahahahahahahahahahah ::)  Hi Capt. Obvious....
Title: Re: The Washingtonians
Post by: Cy Tolliver on November 10, 2010, 08:09:20 PM
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahv
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahv
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahv
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahv
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahv
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahv
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahv
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahv
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahv
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahv
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahv
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahv
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahv
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahv
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahv
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahv
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahv
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahv
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahv
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahv
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahv
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahv
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahv
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahv
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahv
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahv
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahv
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahv
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahah
hahahahahhahahahahhahaha hahhahahahahhahahahahhah ahahahhahahahahhahahahah hahahahahhahahahah
Title: Re: The Washingtonians
Post by: SAMSON123 on November 10, 2010, 10:33:00 PM
because I'm not a moron like some people...

Jackass, Imbecile, Fool, Retard, special ed, knucklehead, brain damaged, slow... which adjective best describe you then? Or should I just say WHITE and that covers them all?
Title: Re: The Washingtonians
Post by: 24KT on November 11, 2010, 12:22:48 AM
Thanks a million Samson. It finally worked, ...but I only have it for 3 days.
I'll let you know the nightmare to finally get it... watching it now.  :)
Title: Re: The Washingtonians
Post by: Cy Tolliver on November 11, 2010, 12:25:50 AM
Jackass, Imbecile, Fool, Retard, special ed, knucklehead, brain damaged, slow... which adjective best describe you then? Or should I just say WHITE and that covers them all?

I guess we've all got our faults...

Title: Re: The Washingtonians
Post by: Hugo Chavez on November 11, 2010, 12:42:10 AM
lol at the samson who thinks all Jews are evil and George Washington was a cannibal calling me stupid.  samson, look at the fearmongering you do and yet you call out Alex Jones for fearmongering.  You really are pure hypocrite.  when people point out simple facts or ask good questions that are contrary to your theories, you either attack them or ignore them.  Then you call me out for being close minded?  100% Grade A Pure Hypocrite...

move to have the forum renamed to: "SAMSONENTERPRISE'S DON'T ASK, JUST LISTEN"
Title: Re: The Washingtonians
Post by: 24KT on November 11, 2010, 01:24:09 AM
Saw this and wondered if it is true as every conspiracy always has a thread or more of truth in it.

What if everything we believe about our sacred icons of American history turned out to be a complete lie? Suppose, for example, that The Father of our Country was actually a blood-crazed cannibal? Jonathon Schaech and Saul Rubinek star in this gruesome tale about the discovery of a Revolutionary War artifact that proves George Washington's famed wooden teeth hungered for more than just liberty. How far will a group of homicidal historians go to keep a hero's grisly legacy alive? Would our government deliberately hide the truth to cover-up the meat of the matter? A feast of answers -- complete with huge helpings of human carnage -- will all be served at the final banquet of The Washingtonians.

I swear if I hadn't seen some of my friends in that, I wouldn't be able to sleep tonight!

You gotta warn a vegetarian about some of those scenes.  :o
I thought the restaurant scene was turning my stomach, but the feast at the lodge?!?!?!  :o   :o   :o   :-X

If I end up in therapy, I'm sending the bills to you Samson  ;D

ps: They probably had a blast filming that scene tho.
Title: Re: The Washingtonians
Post by: SAMSON123 on November 11, 2010, 10:13:53 AM
lol at the samson who thinks all Jews are evil and George Washington was a cannibal calling me stupid.  samson, look at the fearmongering you do and yet you call out Alex Jones for fearmongering.  You really are pure hypocrite.  when people point out simple facts or ask good questions that are contrary to your theories, you either attack them or ignore them.  Then you call me out for being close minded?  100% Grade A Pure Hypocrite...

move to have the forum renamed to: "SAMSONENTERPRISE'S DON'T ASK, JUST LISTEN"

I think I have just discovered that you and BERZERK are the same Gimmick. Same mentality at work, same stalking, same mindless tripe being spoken, same non acceptance of knowledge.

BTW...It is YOU who that is attacking. You can not show anyone a single post where i attacked you in that Farrakhan thread yet I bare the blame for your total mental meltdown and breakdown. Sad shame that it is, you need more time OFF the board and a lot more time actually LIVING LIFE to clear up the delusions you have about it. So far as attacking someone or ignoring them...I only do that if someone is acting like an ASS!!!!... Now could you stop posting these lame ass posts, no one gives a shit about how you feel...And what was that comment you made about KEEPING THE INTEGRITY OF THE BOARD...yeah right. Practice what you preach.

Title: Re: The Washingtonians
Post by: SAMSON123 on November 11, 2010, 10:26:09 AM
I swear if I hadn't seen some of my friends in that, I wouldn't be able to sleep tonight!

You gotta warn a vegetarian about some of those scenes.  :o
I thought the restaurant scene was turning my stomach, but the feast at the lodge?!?!?!  :o   :o   :o   :-X

If I end up in therapy, I'm sending the bills to you Samson  ;D

ps: They probably had a blast filming that scene tho.

LOLOLOL...I forgot about your vegetarian status. Yeah those gore scenes where really gory. Did you see that the Washingtonians represented the Illuminati and their desire to get the Washington letter was actually their attempt at keeping their Secret Society... SECRET. The couple that got the house from the grandmother represented those who are researching and finding out what the Illuminati and Freemasons are really about and doing so brought the wrath of the Illuminati down on them. Also the many scenes of the people having such an interest in the young daughter is part of the ACTUAL RITUAL the Illuminati go through...Especially in their Bohemian Grove events where they sacrifice a child (Cremation of Care) to their god Moloch for the sake of not having emotional ties to the evils they commit against the worlds people. I especially like the part where the professor comes in and explains what the Washingtonians(Illuminati) are really about, what their goals are and how the world must know about it...for the sake of stopping their plans of world domination.

I thought it was a good little show..albeit GORY (I will warn you the next time) maybe if you wore your BLU BLOCKER glasses those scenes would have disappeared like Catalina Island and save your eyeballs form having to view the "meat eating"...lololol
Title: Re: The Washingtonians
Post by: 24KT on November 11, 2010, 09:18:02 PM
I think I have just discovered that you and BERZERK are the same Gimmick. Same mentality at work, same stalking, same mindless tripe being spoken, same non acceptance of knowledge.

BTW...It is YOU who that is attacking. You can not show anyone a single post where i attacked you in that Farrakhan thread yet I bare the blame for your total mental meltdown and breakdown. Sad shame that it is, you need more time OFF the board and a lot more time actually LIVING LIFE to clear up the delusions you have about it. So far as attacking someone or ignoring them...I only do that if someone is acting like an ASS!!!!... Now could you stop posting these lame ass posts, no one gives a shit about how you feel...And what was that comment you made about KEEPING THE INTEGRITY OF THE BOARD...yeah right. Practice what you preach.

Samson, haven't you yet figured it out?

The no-trolling, no baseless attacks, no racism, no off-topic, no baiting, etc rules go out the window if it's done to people the moderator doesn't like. Then it's open season.
Title: Re: The Washingtonians
Post by: Hugo Chavez on November 11, 2010, 09:44:33 PM
Samson, haven't you yet figured it out?

The no-trolling, no baseless attacks, no racism, no off-topic, no baiting, etc rules go out the window if it's done to people the moderator doesn't like. Then it's open season.
you and your gimmick started it.  There's no difference between telling someone to fuck off and just typing up offensive innuendo.  One is just more directly to the point.  You and your gimmick are actually worse.  You'll post your petty insults and then deny it.  On opinions, I am usually open to what others have to say, you and your gimmick are closed off to questions or facts that stand in your way.  Then you launch into your petty suggestive insults.  Your mockery for those who challenge you is at least as bad if not worse than anything we had going in political.  Ozmo admitted he liked mocking people that challenged him.  You mock and deny it happened and then get righteous on me for not putting up with it.  Well if you just want me to take your shit and do nothing, sorry, you're in for a big disappointment.  You're a hypocrite of the worst kind Samsonjag.
Title: Re: The Washingtonians
Post by: Hugo Chavez on November 11, 2010, 09:47:39 PM
Oh yea, good luck getting people to think I'm BF lololol.... go for it.
Title: Re: The Washingtonians
Post by: SAMSON123 on November 11, 2010, 10:11:07 PM
you and your gimmick started it.  There's no difference between telling someone to fuck off and just typing up offensive innuendo.  One is just more directly to the point.  You and your gimmick are actually worse.  You'll post your petty insults and then deny it.  On opinions, I am usually open to what others have to say, you and your gimmick are closed off to questions or facts that stand in your way.  Then you launch into your petty suggestive insults.  Your mockery for those who challenge you is at least as bad if not worse than anything we had going in political.  Ozmo admitted he liked mocking people that challenged him.  You mock and deny it happened and then get righteous on me for not putting up with it.  Well if you just want me to take your shit and do nothing, sorry, you're in for a big disappointment.  You're a hypocrite of the worst kind Samsonjag.

INSANITY is something else...Like a snake, it creeps up real stealthfully and grabs hold without warning.

OK BerzerkHugo.... Hey that has a nice ring of truth to it
Title: Re: The Washingtonians
Post by: Hugo Chavez on November 11, 2010, 10:19:32 PM
whatever jag, I have no clue of what you're spewing.  Just keep being a hypocritical idiot, you make the case against yourself here.
Title: Re: The Washingtonians
Post by: SAMSON123 on November 11, 2010, 10:21:55 PM
Samson, haven't you yet figured it out?

The no-trolling, no baseless attacks, no racism, no off-topic, no baiting, etc rules go out the window if it's done to people the moderator doesn't like. Then it's open season.

Now I see... Foolish me to think a moderator would stick to the rules. IN any case let him live in his world...he should know by now I do not speak INNUENDO I come right out and say what needs to be said. Sad character indeed...
Title: Re: The Washingtonians
Post by: SAMSON123 on November 11, 2010, 10:24:28 PM
whatever jag Samson, I have no clue of what you're spewing.  Just keep being a hypocritical idiot, you make the case against yourself here.

And that explains it all. You don't understand, your mental shortcoming show, you fail to ask, you OVER REACT, you make an ass of yourself. Man up and get over it...
Title: Re: The Washingtonians
Post by: Hugo Chavez on November 11, 2010, 10:26:44 PM
Now I see... Foolish me to think a moderator would stick to the rules. IN any case let him live in his world...he should know by now I do not speak INNUENDO I come right out and say what needs to be said. Sad character indeed...
You are a hypocrite.  Again, don't ask me to take your nasty mocking and insults and be silent just because I'm a mod. If you can dish it out, you better be willing to take it.  If you don't want to see it, don't dish it out to start with.  If you don't want to be considered a hypocrite, don't dish it out then cry like a little bitch when it comes back at you.
Title: Re: The Washingtonians
Post by: Hugo Chavez on November 11, 2010, 10:28:27 PM
And that explains it all. You don't understand, your mental shortcoming show, you fail to ask, you OVER REACT, you make an ass of yourself. Man up and get over it...
no, I really don't care to get your stupid insanity snake reference. ::)  It sounds fucking stupid.
Title: Re: The Washingtonians
Post by: 24KT on November 12, 2010, 12:35:25 AM
you and your gimmick started it.  There's no difference between telling someone to fuck off and just typing up offensive innuendo.  One is just more directly to the point.  You and your gimmick are actually worse.  You'll post your petty insults and then deny it.  On opinions, I am usually open to what others have to say, you and your gimmick are closed off to questions or facts that stand in your way.  Then you launch into your petty suggestive insults.  Your mockery for those who challenge you is at least as bad if not worse than anything we had going in political.  Ozmo admitted he liked mocking people that challenged him.  You mock and deny it happened and then get righteous on me for not putting up with it.  Well if you just want me to take your shit and do nothing, sorry, you're in for a big disappointment.  You're a hypocrite of the worst kind Samsonjag.

Hugo, get some help. SERIOUSLY!  I'm embarrassed for you.

I don't think you and BerzerkFury are the same people, that's Samson's opinion, not mine.
I don't even think he believes it. I think he's just trying to illustrate to you how ridiculous you're being.

Seriously, get some help.
Title: Re: The Washingtonians
Post by: Hugo Chavez on November 12, 2010, 12:56:44 AM
Hugo, get some help. SERIOUSLY!  I'm embarrassed for you.

I don't think you and BerzerkFury are the same people, that's Samson's opinion, not mine.
I don't even think he believes it. I think he's just trying to illustrate to you how ridiculous you're being.

Seriously, get some help.
you're the one that felt the need to keep this going after I started backing off.  now you're crying and telling me to get help?  lol... priceless... yet more hypocrisy from you.

you may not think I'm bf, but you are so obviously behind samson. 

you should go around telling people I'm BF.  That will be fun to watch.  unlike you and your samson account, bf and myself are polar opposites.  so please, go make even more of an ass of yourself.
Title: Re: The Washingtonians
Post by: Hugo Chavez on November 12, 2010, 01:12:45 AM
Jackass, Imbecile, Fool, Retard, special ed, knucklehead, brain damaged, slow... which adjective best describe you then? Or should I just say WHITE and that covers them all?
oh yea, so much for you farrakhan worshiping pricks not being racist to the core.  you just want to accuse others for being responsible for racism today while you post shit like this?  It's a never ending supply of hipocrisy with you...
Title: Re: The Washingtonians
Post by: 24KT on November 12, 2010, 01:26:45 AM
oh yea, so much for you farrakhan worshiping pricks not being racist to the core.  you just want to accuse others for being responsible for racism today while you post shit like this?  It's a never ending supply of hipocrisy with you...

Samson posted that, not me, so don't accuse me of being a racist.

btw: Now that you have accused me of being a racist, am I suppose to get mad at everyone in this thread, and go on a "SEARCH AND DESTROY" mission? Act like a dick, attacking everyone in sight, making snarkey racist comments, or other wild accusations I know deep in my heart to be untrue? Or do you suppose I should simply be content in my knowledge that you are mistaken, and simply carry on as usual secure in my own character? 
Title: Re: The Washingtonians
Post by: Hugo Chavez on November 12, 2010, 01:43:56 AM
Samson posted that, not me, so don't accuse me of being a racist.

btw: Now that you have accused me of being a racist, am I suppose to get mad at everyone in this thread, and go on a "SEARCH AND DESTROY" mission? Act like a dick, attacking everyone in sight, making snarkey racist comments, or other wild accusations I know deep in my heart to be untrue? Or do you suppose I should simply be content in my knowledge that you are mistaken, and simply carry on as usual secure in my own character? 
ha!  see you get confused.  I quoted samson, not 24k... 

I did't attack everyone, I resonded to you and your gimmick attacks... nothing more, nothing less.

I don't care what you do, but please stop the hypocrisy.  The difference is that comment above IS racist.  neither Ozmo or myself said anything racist when we were lumped in as part of the problem.
Title: Re: The Washingtonians
Post by: OzmO on November 12, 2010, 07:05:33 AM
Hugo, get some help. SERIOUSLY!  I'm embarrassed for you.

I don't think you and BerzerkFury are the same people, that's Samson's opinion, not mine.
I don't even think he believes it. I think he's just trying to illustrate to you how ridiculous you're being.

Seriously, get some help.

Actually lots of posters on get big have suspected it for quite sometime. 
Title: Re: The Washingtonians
Post by: 24KT on November 12, 2010, 05:13:01 PM
ha!  see you get confused.  I quoted samson, not 24k... 

I did't attack everyone, I resonded to you and your gimmick attacks... nothing more, nothing less.

I don't care what you do, but please stop the hypocrisy.  The difference is that comment above IS racist.  neither Ozmo or myself said anything racist when we were lumped in as part of the problem.

I'm not confused. I know who you quoted, however, you accused me of making the remark.
I don't disagree that comment posted by Samson was racist, however, the posting of racist comments by Samson has nothing to do with me. Or is it that you consider it hypocritical of me for not hitting RTM on it?
Title: Re: The Washingtonians
Post by: Hugo Chavez on November 12, 2010, 06:17:00 PM
I'm not confused. I know who you quoted, however, you accused me of making the remark.
I don't disagree that comment posted by Samson was racist, however, the posting of racist comments by Samson has nothing to do with me. Or is it that you consider it hypocritical of me for not hitting RTM on it?
Now your name is "oh yea" Where did I accuse you of it in that post?  Other than via accusing you of being one in the same person which I think is true.

And LOL that you don't think the comment is racist...  First, you have to back Samson in everything he says and he you... hmmmm....

Second, how can you say this isn't racist:

Samson just said White = Jackass, Imbecile, Fool, Retard, special ed, knucklehead, brain damaged and slow... He chose a race as an option that included all of the above.  And you don't think that's racist.  LOL at the times that you've called racism on others here and expected something to be done about it.  But when it's coming from a brother, well it doesn't count now huh?  Keep showing your a hypocrite. ;D  I'll just keep loving every minute of it ;)
Title: Re: The Washingtonians
Post by: SAMSON123 on November 12, 2010, 09:46:17 PM
Now your name is "oh yea" Where did I accuse you of it in that post?  Other than via accusing you of being one in the same person which I think is true.

And LOL that you don't think the comment is racist...  First, you have to back Samson in everything he says and he you... hmmmm....

Second, how can you say this isn't racist:

Samson just said White = Jackass, Imbecile, Fool, Retard, special ed, knucklehead, brain damaged and slow... He chose a race as an option that included all of the above.  And you don't think that's racist.  LOL at the times that you've called racism on others here and expected something to be done about it.  But when it's coming from a brother, well it doesn't count now huh?  Keep showing your a hypocrite. ;D  I'll just keep loving every minute of it ;)

24K why are you still engaging this AUTISTIC FAILURE? He has ZERO comprehension skills ...Here is the correct quote I said below


Re: The Washingtonians
« Reply #19 on: November 10, 2010, 10:33:00 PM »
Quote from: Hugo Chavez on November 10, 2010, 07:01:40 PM
because I'm not a moron like some people...

Jackass, Imbecile, Fool, Retard, special ed, knucklehead, brain damaged, slow... which adjective best describe you then? Or should I just say WHITE and that covers them all?

I guess he doesn't realize he is an EXTRAORDINARY MORON as opposed to the regular morons who can be EDUCATED.

Clearly he is trying desperately to make this a race/racist issue when it is a FACT ISSUE.

Hugo you wear that paranoia like a custom tailored suit. The TRUTH AND FACTS HURT and are painful to deal with and accept...having lived in your little dark closet all of these years of your life has done nothing but made you incredibly ignorant to much so that when reality is presented to you, it is too difficult for you to deal with.

Again I say...MAN UP

If you can't then it is time you start using one of these products to resolve your problem

(  (
Title: Re: The Washingtonians
Post by: Hugo Chavez on November 12, 2010, 10:07:25 PM
I didn't bother reading all that, but lol at the time you put into it.  scaling up each letter, posting pics only jag would search out... Meltdown.
Title: Re: The Washingtonians
Post by: 24KT on November 12, 2010, 11:04:13 PM
Now your name is "oh yea" Where did I accuse you of it in that post?  Other than via accusing you of being one in the same person which I think is true.

And LOL that you don't think the comment is racist...  First, you have to back Samson in everything he says and he you... hmmmm....

Second, how can you say this isn't racist:

Samson just said White = Jackass, Imbecile, Fool, Retard, special ed, knucklehead, brain damaged and slow... He chose a race as an option that included all of the above.  And you don't think that's racist.  LOL at the times that you've called racism on others here and expected something to be done about it.  But when it's coming from a brother, well it doesn't count now huh?  Keep showing your a hypocrite. ;D  I'll just keep loving every minute of it ;)

 :o  wtf?  Hugo, all I can say is, might want to re-read what I actually typed. {sigh}
Title: Re: The Washingtonians
Post by: Hugo Chavez on November 12, 2010, 11:12:22 PM
:o  wtf?  Hugo, all I can say is, might want to re-read what I actually typed. {sigh}
my bust on that, I though you said you disagree.  I read it wrong, sorry.  I see now this was just another one of your many attempts lately to seperate yourself from your gimmick ;D
Title: Re: The Washingtonians
Post by: 24KT on November 12, 2010, 11:16:12 PM

24K why are you still engaging this AUTISTIC FAILURE? He has ZERO comprehension skills

It's beginning to look that way {sigh}

...Here is the correct quote I said below

Actually Samson, I thought your comment to him was racist.

I guess he doesn't realize he is an EXTRAORDINARY MORON as opposed to the regular morons who can be EDUCATED.

Clearly he is trying desperately to make this a race/racist issue when it is a FACT ISSUE.

It's kinda looking that way huh?  :-\

Hugo you wear that paranoia like a custom tailored suit. The TRUTH AND FACTS HURT and are painful to deal with and accept...having lived in your little dark closet all of these years of your life has done nothing but made you incredibly ignorant to much so that when reality is presented to you, it is too difficult for you to deal with.

Again I say...MAN UP

If you can't then it is time you start using one of these products to resolve your problem


Hey!  >:(

First of all, don't bleed! ...or are you saying Hugo is not a man?
In any event, there's no need to inject sexism into this as well.

HELLO!!! I'm the only one who happens to actually be bleeding here, but everyone else appears to be PMS'ing.  :-\
Has everyone lost their mind?

oh sorry, was that a little TMI?  :D
Title: Re: The Washingtonians
Post by: Hugo Chavez on November 12, 2010, 11:18:12 PM
 ::)  please stop...  This shit is so obvious.  The entire 4 people that read this forum other than you know you're just talking to yourself.
Title: Re: The Washingtonians
Post by: 24KT on November 12, 2010, 11:18:31 PM
my bust on that, I though you said you disagree.  I read it wrong, sorry.  I see now this was just another one of your many attempts lately to seperate yourself from your gimmick ;D

What it is, is clear evidence of your having seen red, then gone charging in like a rampaging bull in a china shop.
Title: Re: The Washingtonians
Post by: Hugo Chavez on November 12, 2010, 11:21:07 PM
What it is, is clear evidence of your having seen red, then gone charging in like a rampaging bull in a china shop.
Are you admitting you're Samson?  Fucking finally.... 

Don't get all happy because I misread something, everything else I've said stands as pure truth and your sorry ass is now just looking for a way to avoid that.
Title: Re: The Washingtonians
Post by: 24KT on November 12, 2010, 11:22:11 PM
::)  please stop...  This shit is so obvious.  The entire 4 people that read this forum other than you know you're just talking to yourself.

I truly can't believe that you could be this dense, I can only conclude you're taking this position in an attempt to somehow try and irritate me. Don't bother. If I've managed to stay on an even keel this past week, no chance of it happening now, ...but there's always a month from now.  ;D
Title: Re: The Washingtonians
Post by: 24KT on November 12, 2010, 11:24:26 PM
Are you admitting you're Samson?  Fucking finally.... 

Don't get all happy because I misread something, everything else I've said stands as pure truth and your sorry ass is now just looking for a way to avoid that.


I'm tempted to outdo even Beach Bum on the eye roll thingy, but I won't.
One eye roll is sufficient. Just picture it multiplied a thousand fold.  ;D
Title: Re: The Washingtonians
Post by: Hugo Chavez on November 12, 2010, 11:24:45 PM
I truly can't believe that you could be this dense, I can only conclude you're taking this position in an attempt to somehow try and irritate me. Don't bother. If I've managed to stay on an even keel this past week, no chance of it happening now, ...but there's always a month from now.  ;D
I can't believe you and your gimmick are such hypocrites.
Title: Re: The Washingtonians
Post by: SAMSON123 on November 13, 2010, 09:46:53 AM
I can't believe you and your gimmick are such hypocrites.

You wanna see HYPOCRITE.....take a good long look in the mirror Hugo... if you can stand the sight
Great way of keeping INTEGRITY on the board Hugo?
We all now know why Ron was hesitant about you being a moderator Hugo?
What was that about personal attacks in the rules Hugo?
How about stalking and trolling Hugo?
You referred to Ozmo as not providing a BALANCED view... Is this you idea of a BALANCED VIEW Hugo?

Talk about a wolf parading around in sheep's clothing.... You are the Hippiest Crit ever Hugo

Title: Re: The Washingtonians
Post by: Hugo Chavez on November 13, 2010, 10:03:17 AM
wow, you guys even meltdown at the same time... hmmmm.... ;)

You wanna see HYPOCRITE.....take a good long look in the mirror Hugo... if you can stand the sight
Great way of keeping INTEGRITY on the board Hugo?
We all now know why Ron was hesitant about you being a moderator Hugo?
What was that about personal attacks in the rules Hugo?
How about stalking and trolling Hugo?
You referred to Ozmo as not providing a BALANCED view... Is this you idea of a BALANCED VIEW Hugo?

Talk about a wolf parading around in sheep's clothing.... You are the Hippiest Crit ever Hugo