Author Topic: What if God posted on getbig?  (Read 9131 times)


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Re: What if God posted on getbig?
« Reply #25 on: December 27, 2006, 08:27:37 AM »
Question is, did you understand my question? Read it well.
As for your answer, who gives you the right to question a thought? I don't give a damn about religions, however I have an opinion. And who are you to tell me that I am wrong in this kind of issue. I don't give a damn in what you believe, I am not blided by anything, I think about all the matters that I want, and no "moemon" tells me what to do.
Hope this helps!

ya i understood your post, it was an assumption with no backing. not even a logical backing by you, you just made an assertion that you assume is correct.

nothing gives me the right, my point about this whole god/no god thing is not one fucking atheist on this board has given me one thing to think about or can answer a simple question. they just hold on to there dogmatic beleif like religious people yet they ridicule them. im not religious, im open to reason, you and the other atheists are closed minded reductionist materialists. thanks for answering my question by the way, i guess if everyone avoids it they wont have to admit how stupid there position truly is. keep singing about being an atheist and grilling religious people, while your doing the same thing as them all along.

What created the universe?


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Re: What if God posted on getbig?
« Reply #26 on: December 27, 2006, 08:29:32 AM »
this is a discussion/debate board isnt it.


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Re: What if God posted on getbig?
« Reply #27 on: December 27, 2006, 08:35:50 AM »

A god is a being created by humans and given supernatural powers or attributes such as immortality, omniscience, telekinesis, and invisibility. These creations serve many purposes, such as imaginary protection from enemies or explanations for the origin of such things as good and evil, fire and wind, or life and death.

Gods are often the central figures around which religions are built. It is often claimed that religion began in fear and superstition. The same might be said for gods.

Some religions maintain that there is just one God and that all the gods of all religions except theirs were created by human beings. Yet, everyone who believes in a god of some sort believes their god is real.

Since gods are supernatural, they exist outside the bounds and laws of space and time. They can possess any of an infinite array of magical powers. Hence, there is no way to prove or disprove their reality. One might say: If gods exist, anything goes!

god springs from the knowledge within each of us that a) we will die b) we dont want to die ... hes the perfect solution to our mortality and he happens to keep 95% of the world who are too stupid to behave in line


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Re: What if God posted on getbig?
« Reply #28 on: December 27, 2006, 08:39:37 AM »
ya i understood your post, it was an assumption with no backing. not even a logical backing by you, you just made an assertion that you assume is correct.

nothing gives me the right, my point about this whole god/no god thing is not one fucking atheist on this board has given me one thing to think about or can answer a simple question. they just hold on to there dogmatic beleif like religious people yet they ridicule them. im not religious, im open to reason, you and the other atheists are closed minded reductionist materialists. thanks for answering my question by the way, i guess if everyone avoids it they wont have to admit how stupid there position truly is. keep singing about being an atheist and grilling religious people, while your doing the same thing as them all along.

What created the universe?
Well i am no scientist but I interest myself about it... I don't believe in the "seven days universe creation", I try to mantain my thoughts pragmatic and listen/read some rational explanations, and that's all we have, because no religion has the answer, religion proves nothing... Here it goes:

Observations of the expanding universe

Our modern picture of the universe began in 1924, when Edwin Hubble discovered galaxies external to our own. He measured their distances with the aid of Cepheid variable stars. The luminosity of Cepheids is directly proportional to their period of variation. He also discovered the recession speed of the galaxies from observing their red shifts. We now know there are around 1011 such galaxies in our universe. Through determining their distances and velocities, we also know they originated at the same point in space.

Albert Einstein's model of the universe

In 1915, Einstein completed his general theory of relativity. His equations predicted that the universe should be expanding. But Einstein, with all other leading scientists, believed the Universe was static. He therefore added a "cosmological constant" to his equations to give them a static solution. This represented a force opposing space-time's inbuilt tendency to expand. Only Alexander Friedmann was willing to take general relativity at face value.

Alexander Friedmann's model of the universe

Friedmann assumed that, from wherever in the universe we look, the universe looks identical in every direction. Then in 1922, before Hubble's discoveries, Friedmann took Einstein's equations (without the cosmological constant) and produced explicit models of an expanding universe. Friedmann’s work was unknown in the West until similar models were discovered in 1935 by Howard Robertson and Arthur Walker.

Friedmann's model predicted that about ten billion years ago the distance between galaxies must have been zero. At that point in space-time, the density of the universe would have been infinite. Mathematics cannot handle infinite numbers, so general relativity breaks down at this point. Such a point is called a singularity. In 1922, Friedmann suggested the Universe emerged from such a point-like singularity—this was the origin of the big bang model. But the proof of this suggestion would have to wait for Hawking and Penrose in the 1960s. In Hawking's own words:

"Penrose and I could prove that in the mathematical model of general relativity, time must have a beginning in what is called the big bang ...[where]... the whole universe we observe is contained within a region whose boundary shrinks to zero... This would be a singularity, a place where the density of matter would be infinite and classical general relativity would break down."1

In summary, the mathematical model of general relativity breaks down when you approach the big bang. Our best model of cosmology does not provide an exact model for the origin of the universe. Neither do more recent scientific theories, from string theory to loop quantum gravity.

An oscillating universe?

Einstein preferred that there should be no beginning to time, because a singularity takes the origin of the universe beyond the reach of science. But Hubble's observations of galactic red-shifts ruled out the idea of a static universe.

The Russian scientists Lifshitz and Khalatnikov in 1963 claimed to prove that solutions of Einstein's equations involved sideways velocities that would would prevent the formation of a singularity. They thought that before its current expansion, the universe may have contracted. In going from contraction to expansion, they thought, a big bang singularity might be avoided.

But Roger Penrose and Stephen Hawking proved their mathematics was wrong, but being subject to a repressive Soviet regime the Russians could not admit this. They later claimed singularities as a Soviet discovery!

But if there is a density of the Universe beyond which general relativity breaks down, then surely there is room for "sideways velocities". If relativity breaks down then anything could happen. So an oscillating universe does then become a possibility.

Did the universe have an origin?

Beyond the problems with scientific models of the origin of the universe, are philosophical problems. These were first discussed in detail by Immanuel Kant2. Bryan Magee has made a popular presentation of these, which he first encountered as a child.

"I know there was a day before yesterday, and a day before that, and a day before that, and so on .... [but] the idea of going back for ever and ever was something I could not get hold of."3

Magee later encountered Kant's presentation of this problem in the form of a paradox. We are here; but, to get here, an infinite number of moments would have to be traversed if there is no origin of the universe. But an infinite number of moments can never be completed, therefore we cannot be here. This paradox can also be cast in terms of causal events.

The principle of sufficient reason is an old philosophical rule, going back at least to Leibniz. This states that every event is caused by an earlier event. It implies every event must be preceded by an infinite number of events. This means there can be no originating event, if the principle of sufficient reason is correct. But it also means we cannot be here to experience an event, because an infinity of events must have happened before we could exist.

Magee continues...

"So, perhaps, after all, there must have been a beginning somewhere. But if there was a beginning, what had been going on before that? Well obviously, nothing ... otherwise it could not be the beginning."

If there was an origin of the universe what can you say about the time before the origin? Nothing. There was no time before the origin! If the big bang occurred 13.7 billion years ago, what was there 13.8 billion years ago? You can't even say there was nothing. All you can do is reject the question as silly, like asking about the volume of a line.


However difficult it is to think of there being an origin of the universe, including an origin of time, it at least seems possible. The only other alternative involves the traversal of an infinity of moments.

Given these philosophical considerations, Hubble's observations, and Friedmann's model it seems reasonable to believe there was an origin of the universe; and we know roughly when it happened. Most modern cosmologists, including Stephen Hawking4  believe that time did not exist before the origin of the universe. It's a belief that has been held by many great thinkers throughout history, and was probably introduced by St. Augustine who believed that God created time.


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Re: What if God posted on getbig?
« Reply #29 on: December 27, 2006, 08:41:31 AM »
god springs from the knowledge within each of us that a) we will die b) we dont want to die ... hes the perfect solution to our mortality and he happens to keep 95% of the world who are too stupid to behave in line
You answared to my questions. Plain and simple. Functional thoughts! (see my post with the questions, and then the criticism someone made)


  • Getbig V
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Re: What if God posted on getbig?
« Reply #30 on: December 27, 2006, 09:02:13 AM »
yes your post says exactly what i have been saying all along. there was a singularity, hence there universe had a beginning. if the universe has a beginning then it was created, why?" entropy shows that matter is not eternal.

so your left with one last explanation. the universe is eternal somehow or it was created. the thing that created it must be immaterial, all-powerful, operate outside of time and be eternal and infinite. this is what i call god.

do you agree with my creator? or do you have a different explantion. i wont go over it again but nothing cannot create something.

this is what im getting at, eventually people will be forced into a spiritual realm as science goes along. also, a vaccum is not nothing because is contains zero-point fields which outlined by heisenberg show that everything has a slight jiggle, or remains in motion, and zero-points make up vaccums. zero-points are technical but you get the point.


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Re: What if God posted on getbig?
« Reply #31 on: December 27, 2006, 09:09:24 AM »
yes your post says exactly what i have been saying all along. there was a singularity, hence there universe had a beginning. if the universe has a beginning then it was created, why?" entropy shows that matter is not eternal.

so your left with one last explanation. the universe is eternal somehow or it was created. the thing that created it must be immaterial, all-powerful, operate outside of time and be eternal and infinite. this is what i call god.

do you agree with my creator? or do you have a different explantion. i wont go over it again but nothing cannot create something.

this is what im getting at, eventually people will be forced into a spiritual realm as science goes along. also, a vaccum is not nothing because is contains zero-point fields which outlined by heisenberg show that everything has a slight jiggle, or remains in motion, and zero-points make up vaccums. zero-points are technical but you get the point.

"so your left with one last explanation. the universe is eternal somehow or it was created. the thing that created it must be immaterial, all-powerful, operate outside of time and be eternal and infinite. this is what i call god."

Now we are starting to share real thoughts. Your argument is plausible, in my opinion. How can one describe "nothing". "Nothing" is a word created by men to define emptiness, vacuum, etc. But emptness and vacuun aren't "nothing". "Nothing" doesn't exist, no human can imagine the "nothing", that is why I find your argument plausible.


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Re: What if God posted on getbig?
« Reply #32 on: December 27, 2006, 11:40:43 AM »
God would have noticed what has happened to the topic about what Shawn Ray actually did at the Emerald Cup!

This part was funny:

Quote the mid-90’s you actually spray painted your head to hide the bald spots...

Was there a rebuttal from Shawn anywhere?


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Re: What if God posted on getbig?
« Reply #33 on: December 27, 2006, 11:45:28 AM »
This part was funny:

Was there a rebuttal from Shawn anywhere?

I suppose it is true then.   ;D


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Re: What if God posted on getbig?
« Reply #34 on: December 27, 2006, 12:07:01 PM »
"so your left with one last explanation. the universe is eternal somehow or it was created. the thing that created it must be immaterial, all-powerful, operate outside of time and be eternal and infinite. this is what i call god."

Now we are starting to share real thoughts. Your argument is plausible, in my opinion. How can one describe "nothing". "Nothing" is a word created by men to define emptiness, vacuum, etc. But emptness and vacuun aren't "nothing". "Nothing" doesn't exist, no human can imagine the "nothing", that is why I find your argument plausible.
"so your left with one last explanation. the universe is eternal somehow or it was created. the thing that created it must be immaterial, all-powerful, operate outside of time and be eternal and infinite. this is what i call god."

Now we are starting to share real thoughts. Your argument is plausible, in my opinion. How can one describe "nothing". "Nothing" is a word created by men to define emptiness, vacuum, etc. But emptness and vacuun aren't "nothing". "Nothing" doesn't exist, no human can imagine the "nothing", that is why I find your argument plausible.

bro, ive been posting this stuff for ages and have argued with people. some even said they may be alternate forms of nothing, or that nothing was a concept of hte mind. obviously these arguments are ridiculous, but yes something has always existed, logically it is the only satisfying conclusion. atheists are forced to argue against this reality, or come up with some fantasy like multi-verse to maintain there positions. with no proof  for there arguments yet they flame on religious or spiritual folks for taking a stand, when there position takes just as much faith. then there is the ignorant ones who dont even adress the question and act like god has been disproven by a rational world. a rational world were we can even make sense is evidence in itself of a rational creator.

god to me is the infinite potential that seeks to experience itself by contrast. if you had a million bucks in the bank would it make you happy not to spend it? no it wouldnt god cannot experience himself if he is all that exists. thus creating the actuality from this potential(us) is how god experiences himself. we are god but we are not god. god lives and experiences himself through us.


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Re: What if God posted on getbig?
« Reply #35 on: December 27, 2006, 12:39:21 PM »
Question is, do you believe in God?
Do you think that our main "curse" is our intelligence, and the fact that we don't accept that we are mere mortals and that there is no live beyond death? And that being aware of that makes us frustrated beings?

NO!   someday people will wake up.............. and realise the big hoaxe
are you delusional?


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Re: What if God posted on getbig?
« Reply #36 on: December 27, 2006, 12:47:13 PM »

NO!   someday people will wake up.............. and realise the big hoaxe
yes this is more correct then you meant it to be. if you were a fish you would have no conception of the dimension up. the top of the water is the end, you can see the end. the dimension of up does not exist. we say this is all there is and that is it, because it is all we can see. but why do we think that? because we see nothing superior, we are under an illusion. during NDE's people talk about remembering everything, everythng we forgot. god creates something, from the everything he is. and we are god manifest, we have just forgotten. this is in line with the esteroic traditions and writings and science. i have answered the question on why god created. he didnt create us because he wanted children, this implies that perfection has wants which is inconsistent with the traditional christian ideology.

this paragraph is a clusterfuck of ideas, if anyone wants me to expand on anything i will, as what im saying may be a little philosophical.


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Re: What if God posted on getbig?
« Reply #37 on: December 28, 2006, 08:59:28 PM »

i have yet to get an answer on WHAT CREATED THE UNIVERSE? one of you guys care to answer.

I'll answer it...

You created it...In your own reality...


  • Getbig V
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Re: What if God posted on getbig?
« Reply #38 on: December 29, 2006, 08:56:39 AM »

I'll answer it...

You created it...In your own reality...

this makes no sense, i dont even know what you mean.


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Re: What if God posted on getbig?
« Reply #39 on: December 29, 2006, 09:34:25 AM »
I think God would deserve his stars.

Sure, he'd have Matt C and others telling him that he didn't exist.

Bob Chic would tell God how the earth was actually created by a great man with a Weider Blazer.

Valentino would have a story about he, God, and a bar fight that ended in dual defecation.

240 would try to sell God a website.

Wayne Demilia would try to talk God into joining the PDI.

Shawn Ray would PM God and ask him for some height.

Special Ed would make God LOL.

Bast would show God a few pics of his...

Blockhead would ask God if his homies went to heaven or hell.

True Adonis would reveal God's personal information.

Darth Muscle would promise to meet God, then no-show.

Derek Anthony would make a nice blasphemous youtube clip for God.

Pro Bbing weekly would get God on as a guest before MD would.

Hedgehog would move God's posts.

King would threaten to sue God.

Add yours!
bottom line he would own us all 8)


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Re: What if God posted on getbig?
« Reply #40 on: December 29, 2006, 12:16:41 PM »
240 would call GOD's post a conspiracy!   ;D ;D


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Re: What if God posted on getbig?
« Reply #41 on: December 29, 2006, 01:38:59 PM »
this makes no sense, i dont even know what you mean.

some believe that we are all god...We are all one...We created ourselves..God is you...


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Re: What if God posted on getbig?
« Reply #42 on: December 29, 2006, 06:32:10 PM »
some believe that we are all god...We are all one...We created ourselves..God is you...

yes those people are me. in the beginning god is all that exists. thus god could not experience himself, to exp. something is to experience differences or polarity. thus from the infinite perfection god creates finite imperfections to experience his/its exsistence. we are god manifest with the sole act of experiencing. this theory goes along with evolution and inflation theory. more universes = more experience, slow evolution equals more experience. only through imperfection can perfection experience itself. we are a finite slice of the infinite, with god being pure consciousness. we are the body of god but not the godhead. we understand the laws of physics because we made them. we made a rational world. theres alot more to this idea but it fits with everything neatly and has alot more technical stuff on consciousnous. it explains why god created, and why? we are god but we are not GOD.

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Re: What if God posted on getbig?
« Reply #43 on: December 30, 2006, 01:26:00 AM »
240 would call GOD's post a conspiracy!   ;D ;D

ozmo, this is the 3rd post you've used to insult me.  yet you refuse to answer the 5 Qs i posted today after I thoroughly researched the points. 

you're a shitty debater, dude.