Author Topic: How much protein?  (Read 2802 times)


  • Getbig II
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How much protein?
« on: April 20, 2007, 09:34:13 PM »
I got a few questions. How much protein needs to be used in protein synthesis in order to grow one new pound of muscle? Also how much protein needs to be consumed in order for that amount to be used for building one new pound of muscle? I'm curious as having adhered to an ultra high protein (200-350gms a day) intake all my seven yrs of bodybuilding (well four actually) I have recently reduced my overall protein intake but to my surprise I have been gaining more muscle faster. Wondering what you people's thoughts are on this?


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Re: How much protein?
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2007, 09:39:23 PM »
1 gram every other week should do the you money
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Re: How much protein?
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2007, 09:42:26 PM »
HAHAHAHa!! I'll try it thanks! But anyway I know muscle tissue is not completely protein and is made up of different things but I can't remember the ratios and even of those how much of it is water?

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Re: How much protein?
« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2007, 09:51:55 PM »
In my opinion, 1g/lb/day is more than sufficient.  Even that is overkill according to any legitimate studies that have been done.  These idiots like Dante that suggest 400+ g/day or more are smoking crack.
Ron: "I am lazy."


  • Getbig II
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Re: How much protein?
« Reply #4 on: April 20, 2007, 09:58:19 PM »
After seven years Of training/ bodybuilding I have began to question alot of what some might consider gospel as far as nutritional requirements are concernd. Now I am not to the extreme of others on this board are but the only protein I really pay attention to is the protein i consume post workout and first thing in the morning. Anyone have the answers for my questions about protein synthesis ect?


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Re: How much protein?
« Reply #5 on: April 21, 2007, 12:27:41 AM »
At least 5 grams per pound. Stop being a pussy!  >:(


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Re: How much protein?
« Reply #6 on: April 21, 2007, 02:59:08 PM »
I copyed this off someone a while back off my experience also this protein thing is all bullshit.

I have the RDI sometimes over with out trying , and gains are no different , if not better as theres more room for good fats and carbs.

If you paid me to say X amount of protein = more muscle id preach it like no tommoro.

This is a topic that is an interesting one mainly because of all the hype and advertising we see from the supplement companies .

I have given this advice before over the last few years here at Getbig, and that advice is: Dont waste your money on most supplements-------put that money in a savings account instead !!!

Training is of course the most important thing to building muscle.

I have been training since I was 11 years old (35 years of training), and I have seen a lot of people working out over the years in the gym who only ate regular meals and couldnt tell you what a supplement was---and made great gains.

I myself have used protein powders, liquid protein, vitamin tablets, dessicated liver tablets, creatine, and I can truly say that only creatine made any difference in my gains !

I was taking up to 350 or so grams of protein a day at a body weight close to 200 lbs at 5'6" tall--during one of my training binges.

I was eating the 6 meals a day blah blah blah---------and I did gain weight, but it was mainly just fat weight------my stomach gained a few inches, my face got bloated, I was just distributing fat all over my body.

The best thing I can say about that high protein diet was that I rarely ate any junk food at all (and I love junk food), and the reason I wasnt eating any junk food was because I was too full from stuffing my face every couple of hours !!!  So I did not crave sweets.

I have made just as good gains when I paid absolutely no attention to my diet--------there were days when I was maybe only getting only 50 or 60 grams of protein, and days when I was getting 150 grams -----whatever I ate, I ate. My gains were still the same.

The one supplement that I always see results from is Creatine !!!

No matter what I say, People are going to have to see for themselves, because even I get caught up in the hype--------if I was going to do all out training, I sure as heck was going to make sure I did absolutely everything I could (not steriods) to ensure the best gains possible----and of course I bought in to hype that maximum gains are not possible without supplements !!!   

So I've been there done that numerous times.

I have learned that protein supplements make my wallet lighter, and more trips to the bathroom too, but I have learned that I see results within days from using Creatine !!!

Just me 2 cents-----but I have the experience and trial and error to justify my thoughts !!!  "


  • Getbig II
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Re: How much protein?
« Reply #7 on: April 21, 2007, 03:34:51 PM »
Now my supplemented protein is somewhere in the 100-110 gram range. The rest of my meals I don't care how much or how little I take in just that I get about 30 grams in the morning and about 60 post workout. I have recently stated back training after a four year layoff and following this type of diet I have gained about 40lbs. Granted I have muscle memory on my side but... I am so curious to know the protein consumed v.s protein utilized ratio. I think this differs from bioavalibilty. I've gained two inches on my arms and most other bodyparts and starting to think of optimal protein utilization and how to maximize this for supreme gains. There are 350+ grams in a pound right? But a pound of muscle is only like roughly 30% protein and alittle glycogen and 7-10 percent fat with the rest being water? So it would seem if you went through a 6 lbs bag of protein which is roughly 80% protein why do most people only gain like a pound or two, if that, off a whole bag? It would be reasonable to me if this is the supplemented protein that it should get absorbed at at least 60% - 80% efficiency, thereby producing a leanmass gain of 30lbs roughly? Since this does not happen ever! methinks it gets flushed away! Thanks for everyones input, any other thinkers?


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Re: How much protein?
« Reply #8 on: April 23, 2007, 08:31:16 AM »
I'm in the 240-280g per day range at 225lbs, but IMO, alot has to do with the way you ingest the protein, not just the amount.  In other words, I'm on a 24 per day regimen, where I'm waking up twice at night to ingest liver tabs and aminos, and I have a minimum of 8 feedings during the day.  The body can only assimilate so much at a time, so splitting it up as much as possible.  Also, the use of digestive enzymes (papin, amylase, protese, acidophilus) assists your body in the process.  1.5-2 gallons of water per day and high fiber (50g per day average) are also required to keep things moving.  If some of the protein is being wasted, that's the breaks, at least I know I'm not underconsuming.


  • Getbig II
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Re: How much protein?
« Reply #9 on: April 23, 2007, 11:44:08 AM »
You have a great grasp of protein utilization! I don't know how much total protein I get... but from supplemented protein I get about 100+ grams. I consume 1lbs of spaghetti and a pound of ground beef, spread throughout the day. Also, I consume fibers from bread, plus fiber laxatives, along with said enzymes. I have no doubt I have enough protein in my diet. The problem is that the math doesn't add up. When someone realizes the protein to water to fat ratios in a muscle cell/fiber. It shouldn't take anywhere near the amount consumed to produce the gains we see regularly in trained individuals of a pound or two max in a few weeks time frame. Even with utilizing insulin with carbs and sugar. i feel I need to do cardio to increase my own mass or bodyweight carring capacity. increased muscle = increased blood volume = more strain on the heart.

MidniteRambo, mind me asking you how much muscle/ lean mass you gain monthly?


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Re: How much protein?
« Reply #10 on: April 23, 2007, 02:15:28 PM »
I consume 1lbs of spaghetti and a pound of ground beef, spread throughout the day. . . 

Even with utilizing insulin with carbs and sugar. i feel I need to do cardio to increase my own mass or bodyweight carring capacity. increased muscle = increased blood volume = more strain on the heart.

MidniteRambo, mind me asking you how much muscle/ lean mass you gain monthly?

If you're concerned about strain on the heart, a pound of ground beef daily may not be the best option.  I would not cut out red meat, but I would rely more heavily on fish, chicken, egg whites etc.  That sounds like alot of spaghetti which translates into too many high glycemic carbs (I'm assuming you're not talking about whole wheat pasta).  I utilize whole wheat tortillas, ezekiel bread, sweet potatoes, small portions of fruit, brocolli, black beans and brussle sprouts for carbs. As far as gaining mass, no clue in terms of quantifying.  I know I'm getting stronger every month and looking better in the mirror and at this point of my life, that's what I care about.  Good luck.