Author Topic: 07-06-07: Ron Brady Sr. talks about his son  (Read 3496 times)


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07-06-07: Ron Brady Sr. talks about his son
« on: July 06, 2007, 11:56:57 AM »
     Thank you for posting my last letter on the Titus and Ryan Investigation and a copy my ad on GetBig. What I am about to say is only for your information and to provide a factual background of the events as they have happened to date.

     Do I believe that my son is innocent? Yes, of course. This belief, however, was not how I felt in the beginning. Prior to my discovery of my son becoming the central figure in this alleged murder-for-hire plot, I believed like most law biding citizens, that Craig Titus and Kelly Ryan were probably guilty of murder. Now, I question the entire case. I keep asking myself, “if the Police and DA have all the evidence they need to convict Craig and Kelly, why a murder-for-hire plot?

     My belief, like most people I have discussed this alleged crime, was based upon my (our) belief that our Police Officers along with the District Attorneys verbal statements in front of the court, written pleadings, testimony to the Grand Jury, written statements and the record of others would be, “the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.” I have since learned that I was living in a ferry tail world.

     Our justice system is an adversary system or game if you prefer. In our system of justice, like most games, there are at least two sides, the DA for the People and the Defense Attorney for the defendant. There are strict rules that “should” be followed as there are in any game. Believe me when I say this is a game. The problem we are experiencing is that it has become a game of, “hide and seek.” Evidence as I listed in the ad as an example. If the game were being played fair on a level playing field, any kind of evidence requested would have and should have been presented without question. According to the American Bar Association, The Nevada Bar Association and The American District Attorneys Association, one of the first requirements of a prosecutor is to, “prosecute the guilty to the full extent of the law and to set the innocent free.”

     What the Titus/Ryan defense and the Brady defense are fighting here is referred to as “Prosecutorial Misconduct,” by not exposing AND reporting both “exculpatory” evidence (evidence that tends to explain the actions of a defendant) along with any evidence that would tend to prove the defendant committed the crime as charged.

     Prosecutorial Misconduct in Las Vegas, along with many other Cities in the United States, can only be stopped by the Defense Attorneys who are supposed to be representing their client by standing up to the DA and demanding that they provide ALL evidence. For me, (my son) it has been worse than pulling teeth getting our attorneys off their ass and filing a Motion to Compel the DA to provide this evidence With my ad I hope to find officers and or officials at the Clark County Detention Center who will not be afraid to tell the truth no matter what the truth may be.

     I believe that this case will turn out to be more serious than the recent case filed against Raleigh South Carolina Prosecutor Michael Nifong in the Duke Lacrosse rape case.

     What I have learned and can prove at this time about the Clark County Detention center is; 1) there was NEVER an “Incentive Module.” 2) No “Point System” ever existed, 3) Prisoners cannot transfer themselves between cells. 4) Protocol and “Rules” Manuals do exist, etc, etc, etc.

     Ronnie did not transfer himself into the module with the snitch Cassim. If he had been able to pull that off we would have been provided with the “paper trail” in the beginning. However, this statement from Cassim snitch was reported by the police and never followed-up on in any type of an investigation. Had Ronnie been able to “transfer himself” the DA would have handed us those papers before we ever had a chance to ask.

     The Motion to Compel I refer to should be filed next Wednesday, July 11th and I will forward you a copy at that time. You will be surprised as to what I have requested from DA Daskas and he will fight it tooth and nail to the bitter end.

     On your site, “About” you talk about the purpose of this site to deliver news and do not claim the innocence or guilt of the parties. For this, I applaud your continued efforts. Additionally, I thank you for allowing me to tell your readers the facts as they relate to Craig Titus and my son Ron Brady, Jr. only in this alleged “Murder-for Hire” scheme. I intend to only quote the facts and I believe you have all the information to corroborate these statements should it become necessary.

     I have also attached the Nevada law as it pertains to prisoners making un-recorded calls as well as what the law says about what is necessary to “monitor” calls and why it is not permitted under Nevada law. I was thinking that you may want to post it in your “Nevada Law” section on your site. Our next motion will be a Motion to Suppress soon after the Motion to Compel, (the production of evidence).


Ron Brady, Sr.


  • Getbig III
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Re: 07-06-07: Ron Brady Sr. talks about his son
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2007, 01:10:47 PM »
The judicial process is labyrinthine, is it not?  I had a friend who was unfairly fired, & his lawyer repeatedly requested work records she had the legal right to see.  She never got them.  Finally my friend ran out of money & the case to reinstate him ended at that time.  This is what unethical people involved hope will happen, & it often does. 

Benito Mutumbo

  • Getbig IV
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Re: 07-06-07: Ron Brady Sr. talks about his son
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2007, 12:16:35 PM »
This illustrates just how desperate the defense really is.  Maybe the recordings will get tossed out of court.  I really doubt they will.  The recordings are the least of their worries.

The fact that Titus & wife have publicly admitted they burned the body in a heinous manner in order to avoid bad publicity pretty much ties them into the murder charge.  It won't take a big leap of the imagination for even an incompetent DA too swing a jury or judge into believing that Titus & wife committed murder.

At the very least Titus will serve about 15-20 years even if he evades a murder conviction....which I doubt he will do.

As for Mr. Brady, he's just grasping at straws.  Blaming the state despite the fact that there is substancial evidence pointing towards guilt of his son is a standard reaction of parents whose offspring are up on charges on vicious crimes.  I feel for can't be easy for Mr. Brady, but I think he's misdirecting his energy.  I doesn't seem to bother him that his son is most likely a paid killer.  He seems more interested in a loophole.