Author Topic: Iran thread  (Read 1476 times)


  • Getbig V
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Iran thread
« on: September 12, 2007, 09:10:25 AM »
I'm going to try to tie in all the latest news about iran into one thread as it seems we're going down the road.

British forces have been sent from Basra to the volatile border with Iran amid warnings from the senior US commander in Iraq that Tehran is fomenting a "proxy war".
In signs of a fast-developing confrontation, the Iranians have threatened military action in response to attacks launched from Iraqi territory while the Pentagon has announced the building of a US base and fortified checkpoints at the frontier....,7340,L-3448829,00.html

....believes that North Korea has been supplying Syria and Iran with nuclear materials, a Washington defense official told the New York Times. “The Israelis think North Korea is selling to Iran and Syria what little they have left,” he said.  Damascus warns that international community's silence on Israel's violation of Syrian airspace will have tragic consequences The official added that recent Israeli reconnaissance flights over Syria revealed possible nuclear installations that Israeli officials estimate might have been supplied with material from North Korea. Meanwhile on Wednesday the Nazareth-based Israeli Arab newspaper The Assennara cited anonymous Israeli sources as saying that Israeli jets "bombed a Syrian-Iranian missile base in northern Syria that was financed by Iran... It appears that the base was completely destroyed.....



  • Getbig V
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Re: Iran thread
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2007, 11:16:40 AM »
This fomenting of war has to stop.

Israel pointing the finger at another country re allegations of illegal nuclear development is hypocritical in the largest sense.

I wonder how the american public would feel if China conquered Canada and amassed troops along the US/Canadian border including multiple destroyers off the coast of New York. 

My guess is that they'd feel a lot like the Iranians currently feel.


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Re: Iran thread
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2007, 11:38:02 AM »
Since Israel won't supply enemies of boh the US and the West with nuclear weapons that threaten us, I'm rerally not worried. I am worried about Iran and Syria and anybody else who might supply or directly threaten the West. China doesn't have a large blue water navy and Canada is a NATO ally so I'm pretty sure the American people would be bracing for invasion anyway ; long as they could do it after the NFL seaon...i think i'd be ok with it.


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Re: Iran thread
« Reply #3 on: September 12, 2007, 12:15:22 PM »
going to war with iran would actually show some consistency from the bush admin..if they really ARE the bad guys we should have started with them first and used iraq as our dumping ground...

china couldn't conquer canada..i don't know many chinese guys who can ice skate...
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Re: Iran thread
« Reply #4 on: September 12, 2007, 12:33:10 PM »
hahaha....That's great guys.  That's the last time I pick the Chinese to make a point.


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Re: Iran thread
« Reply #5 on: September 12, 2007, 12:56:32 PM »
Sometimes we get to serious on this board...based on the topics I guess it has to be. I'll use this thread as adumping ground for all things Iran. Rocky...I completely agree.


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Re: Iran thread
« Reply #6 on: September 12, 2007, 03:51:29 PM »
I'm going to try to tie in all the latest news about iran into one thread as it seems we're going down the road.

British forces have been sent from Basra to the volatile border with Iran amid warnings from the senior US commander in Iraq that Tehran is fomenting a "proxy war".
In signs of a fast-developing confrontation, the Iranians have threatened military action in response to attacks launched from Iraqi territory while the Pentagon has announced the building of a US base and fortified checkpoints at the frontier....,7340,L-3448829,00.html

....believes that North Korea has been supplying Syria and Iran with nuclear materials, a Washington defense official told the New York Times. “The Israelis think North Korea is selling to Iran and Syria what little they have left,” he said.  Damascus warns that international community's silence on Israel's violation of Syrian airspace will have tragic consequences The official added that recent Israeli reconnaissance flights over Syria revealed possible nuclear installations that Israeli officials estimate might have been supplied with material from North Korea. Meanwhile on Wednesday the Nazareth-based Israeli Arab newspaper The Assennara cited anonymous Israeli sources as saying that Israeli jets "bombed a Syrian-Iranian missile base in northern Syria that was financed by Iran... It appears that the base was completely destroyed.....

and guess who is at the root of all this shit?
ISRAEL. in my opinion those countries have every reason to react the way they do about that illigitimate little 'country' and the west's blind, baseless support of them.
we need to get our own guys out of there. their quarrel is with israel, not us...its only with us as long as we are standing behind israel. we cant let israel drag us into a huge war, how long are we going to be their puppet/guard dog/security blanket?


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Re: Iran thread
« Reply #7 on: September 13, 2007, 06:56:55 AM »

CNN) -- Iran wants "peace and friendship for all," the country's president said Wednesday while again denying Western assertions his nation is pursuing nuclear weapons and trying to destabilize Iraq.
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad speaks at the Natanz nuclear facility in April.
But Mahmoud Ahmadinejad took a hard line against Israel, calling it "an invader" and saying it "cannot continue its life......

All while wearing his Members only jacket..... ::)


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Re: Iran thread
« Reply #8 on: September 13, 2007, 07:16:26 AM »

CNN) -- Iran wants "peace and friendship for all," the country's president said Wednesday while again denying Western assertions his nation is pursuing nuclear weapons and trying to destabilize Iraq.
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad speaks at the Natanz nuclear facility in April.
But Mahmoud Ahmadinejad took a hard line against Israel, calling it "an invader" and saying it "cannot continue its life......

All while wearing his Members only jacket..... ::)

Thankfully, Ahmadinejad is on his way out.

But if Bush persists with pushing an aggressive policy towards Iran, it's easier for a nutjob like Ahmadinejad to stay in power with his anti-American rhetorics.

It becomes much harder for reformists like Rafsanjani and Khatami.
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Re: Iran thread
« Reply #9 on: September 13, 2007, 07:30:29 AM »
I agree...let if fall apart from within. I'm all for helping em crumble..but not overtly.


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Re: Iran thread
« Reply #10 on: September 13, 2007, 08:47:41 AM »
What do you guys make of this article?

Squeeze Play
September 13, 2007 1:00 AM
Are there finally signs that Iran and Syria, two of the world’s leading supporters of terrorism are getting squeezed? Jules Crittenden has his fingers crossed.
by Jules Crittenden

Is it too much to hope for, that what we’re seeing is the beginnings of a serious effort to put two of the world’s leading supporters of terrorism in a box?

It’s been confirmed by the United States that Israeli jets overflew Syria last week and dropped munitions. Unclear what they hit. As the UK’s Telegraph newspaper noted, it could be arms bound for Hezbollah in Lebanon … could be arms bound for the Palestinian al-Qaeda offshoots, currently experiencing difficulties with the Lebanese Army, for that matter.

Or, the Telegraph notes, it may have been decided that the Russian Pantsyr air defense system recently shipped to Syria with provisions for transfer to Iran, under the military and economic cooperation deals between these two pariah-nation neighbors, was an unacceptable arrangement. The Telegraph speculates this may have been in furtherance of U.S. interests, in the event of a much-rumored attack on Iran.

We have seen recently the leaking of the broad outlines of Pentagon planning, calling for the destruction not only of Iran’s air defenses and nuclear facilities, but the destruction of a wide range of military facilities. To hobble Iran military. To prevent Iran from meddling in Iraq, from menacing shipping in the Persian Gulf, from threatening its Arab neighbors across the gulf, from coming to dominate some of the most valuable and strategically important real estate in the world.

Iran, after the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, was seen to be nervous, flanked by the Great Satan. But as events have played out, we’ve seen how Iran, and its partner in terrorism and regional destabilization, Syria, have managed to flank the United States in Iraq. War is a difficult game that way. Like chess, wrestling, football, choose your game, things can turn quickly.

Which raises the question. Is what we’re seeing now a squeeze play on Iran? A shot across Syria’s bow as well. The Israeli Army is on full alert on the Syrian border, though I doubt Syria cares to revisit the humiliations of a direct military confrontation with Israel. Syria knows who wins that one, and Syria wouldn’t be likely to get any help from Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, et all this time. Even Hezbollah and Hamas aren’t in much of a position to be more than a nuisance.

Whether by happy coincidence or design, what we appear to be witnessing may be shaping operations for a long overdue curtailing of the what are now the primary destabilizing forces of the Middle East … now that Saddam’s out of the way. As the Iraq Study Group stated nearly a year ago, both Syria and Iran needed to be spoken to. The Israeli-Palestinian situation needed to be addressed.

Hamas graciously saw to the latter, isolating itself in a spasm of unbelieveably murderous bloodshed that has given Mideast peace an unexpected boost. Iran and its partner Syria, with their intransigent meddling and obtuseness on several fronts, have given the United States an open to talks of a different sort than the disingenuous negotiations in Baghdad. At this late date, even Democratic presidential candidates who want us out of Iraq immediately say they are open to the idea of attacks on Iran.

Is it too much to hope for, that Iran and Syria are themselves being flanked?

Mons Venus

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Re: Iran thread
« Reply #11 on: September 13, 2007, 08:55:50 AM »
Not surprizing considering the Bush admin. ???


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Re: Iran thread
« Reply #12 on: September 13, 2007, 09:19:42 AM »
In order to get s sense of whats going on..u really need to back up and look at everything over the past year...this article really makes sense. 


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Re: Iran thread
« Reply #13 on: September 13, 2007, 10:37:40 AM »
i hear ahmadinejad has an excellent collection of z cavaricci pants to go with his members only collection. ;D
footloose and fancy free


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Re: Iran thread
« Reply #14 on: September 13, 2007, 10:50:21 AM »
I don't want WWIII.

This problem w/ Iran issues from the US's illegal presence in Iraq.

We don't belong in Iraq.

Our presence there will always be under a cloud of illegitimacy, regardless of our present intentions, b/c of this original sin.

The Iraq violence will continue and at some point Iran will be drawn into the fray.  Why will the violence in Iraq grow (contrary to the Petraeus propaganda report)?  B/c the US is occupying the Iraqi's own homeland.  We've killed them, brutalized them, robbed them and humiliated them.  There are centuries and centuries of sociological, ethnic and religious differences that the US did not account for with its invasion and a "Surge" in troops will not change those differences with respect to the feeble imposition of a nominal democracy.

The war will grow and thrive as long as the US occupies Iraq.


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Re: Iran thread
« Reply #15 on: September 13, 2007, 03:05:30 PM »
The best thing to do with Iran is to simply wait.  Very large sums of its younger population are very much pro-Western and in time with their education and future political power, will change the face of Iran and possibly into a potential US ally.  The religious nutjobs there have to lose power at some point with their backwards and barbaric policies. 

Also, I am amazed(more like disgusted) at what people think Iranians actually LOOK like physically.  More than a few at work and school actually think much of it is Africanized??? WTF??  Too much 300, perhaps? 


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Re: Iran thread
« Reply #16 on: September 14, 2007, 09:07:16 AM »
I think we need to give it time as well..however Whats to be done about the Nuclear question? Also while we wait i think we should hammer and of these Quds guys as well as Revolutionary guards trainers that we find in Iraq or elswhere.


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Re: Iran thread
« Reply #17 on: September 14, 2007, 09:27:01 AM »
Wait?  Wait for what?  I do not think that we can install a sociological change at the end of a gun barrel any more than we could install a democracy in the same manner.  It's hard to envision the Iraqi people waking up one day and doing a 180 about how they feel about the american occupation.  We are fighting Iraqis in Iraq.  They hate us b/c we occupy their homeland.

While we wait for these promised changes to occur, we are spending billions of dollars a month of US taxpayer money and squandering american lives.

Put yourself in their place a moment, I am certain you would be trying to kill an occupying force in the US as best you could.


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Re: Iran thread
« Reply #18 on: September 17, 2007, 06:58:19 AM »


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Re: Iran thread
« Reply #19 on: September 17, 2007, 07:40:24 AM »
It can't happen. It just can't. :'(

No more fcuking war. No more deaths.
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Re: Iran thread
« Reply #20 on: September 17, 2007, 08:10:10 AM »
Looks like ist full speed ahead....