Author Topic: Iran's reaction to 911  (Read 909 times)

Mr. Cortisol

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Iran's reaction to 911
« on: November 03, 2007, 10:07:12 AM »
So what was Iran’s reaction to the 9/11 attacks?

their leader said this-

"On behalf of the Iranian government and the nation, I condemn the hijacking attempts and terrorist attacks on public centers in American cities which have killed a large number of innocent people," President Khatami said in reaction to the worst attack on American soil since Pearl Harbor. ... "My deep sympathy goes out to the American nation, particularly those who have suffered from the attacks and also the families of the victims," he said, noting, "terrorism is doomed and the international community should stem it and take effective measures in a bid to eradicate it." Khatami added that the Islamic Republic of Iran is treading a road to uproot terrorism and to this end, he noted, it will spare no efforts.

And related news stories included:

“Iranians Honor U.S. with Moment of Silence” (NY Post)

“Khatami Condemns ‘Terrorist’ Attacks on U.S. Targets (People’s Daily, Iran)

“US calls Iran’s response ‘positive’” (Economic Times)

“Terror attacks transform U.S. image in Iran’s media” (Gulf News)

“Powell sees hope in Iran, Syria response to attack” (Reuters)

“'Iran News’ deplores attacks on major US landmarks” (Iran News)

“Iran expresses rare sympathy for U.S. over attacks” (Reuters)

“Iran ayatollah says he is heart-broke over U.S. attack” (Gulf News)

“Iran seals Afghanistan border” (AP)


did you know-

Iran has the largest Jewish population in the Middle East

outside of Israel?
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Re: Iran's reaction to 911
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2007, 10:53:29 AM »
So what was Iran’s reaction to the 9/11 attacks?

their leader said this-

"On behalf of the Iranian government and the nation, I condemn the hijacking attempts and terrorist attacks on public centers in American cities which have killed a large number of innocent people," President Khatami said in reaction to the worst attack on American soil since Pearl Harbor. ... "My deep sympathy goes out to the American nation, particularly those who have suffered from the attacks and also the families of the victims," he said, noting, "terrorism is doomed and the international community should stem it and take effective measures in a bid to eradicate it." Khatami added that the Islamic Republic of Iran is treading a road to uproot terrorism and to this end, he noted, it will spare no efforts.

And related news stories included:

“Iranians Honor U.S. with Moment of Silence” (NY Post)

“Khatami Condemns ‘Terrorist’ Attacks on U.S. Targets (People’s Daily, Iran)

“US calls Iran’s response ‘positive’” (Economic Times)

“Terror attacks transform U.S. image in Iran’s media” (Gulf News)

“Powell sees hope in Iran, Syria response to attack” (Reuters)

“'Iran News’ deplores attacks on major US landmarks” (Iran News)

“Iran expresses rare sympathy for U.S. over attacks” (Reuters)

“Iran ayatollah says he is heart-broke over U.S. attack” (Gulf News)

“Iran seals Afghanistan border” (AP)


did you know-

Iran has the largest Jewish population in the Middle East

outside of Israel?

Interesting.  Surprising. 

I guess they didn't get the conspiracy memo?   :) 

Mr. Cortisol

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Re: Iran's reaction to 911
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2007, 12:26:00 PM »
I would like to see peace in the Middle East.  Iran's population is made up of many good people, including many jewish people.  Americans who are ready to drop bombs should know that. 

Additionally, recently there have been efforts by America's media to somehow tie iran to 9/11, even though no mention of that has been uttered in 6 years. 

Afghanistan was needed.  Iraq was questionable.  Iran is completely unnecessary, although to me it looks like we're just talking tough.  Condi opening up talks with iran is very promising - we didn't see that with Iraq.
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Re: Iran's reaction to 911
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2007, 01:22:35 PM »
Iran is unnecessary.......I'd argue that they need a boot in the ass more so then Iraq. But i don't need to are some facts.

Iran remained the most active state sponsor of terrorism. Its Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) were directly involved in the planning and support of terrorist acts and continued to exhort a variety of groups, especially Palestinian groups with leadership cadres in Syria and Lebanese Hizballah, to use terrorism in pursuit of their goals. In addition, the IRGC was increasingly involved in supplying lethal assistance to Iraqi militant groups, which destabilizes Iraq.

Iran continues to be unwilling to bring to justice senior al-Qaida members it detained in 2003. Iran has refused to identify publicly these senior members in its custody on "security grounds." Iran has also resisted numerous calls to transfer custody of its al-Qaida detainees to their countries of origin or to third countries for interrogation and/or trial.

Iran maintained a high-profile role in encouraging anti-Israeli terrorist activity -- rhetorically, operationally, and financially. Supreme Leader Khamenei and President Ahmadi-Nejad praised Palestinian terrorist operations, and Iran provided Lebanese Hizballah and Palestinian terrorist groups -- notably HAMAS, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command -- with extensive funding, training, and weapons.

Iran pursued a variety of policies in Iraq, some of which appeared to be inconsistent with its stated objectives regarding stability in Iraq and with the objectives of the Iraqi Transitional Government and the Multi-national Forces in Iraq. Senior Iraqi officials have publicly expressed concern over Iranian interference in Iraq, and there were reports that Iran provided funding, safe passage, and arms to insurgent elements.

State sponsors of terrorism pose a grave WMD terrorism threat. A WMD program in a state sponsor of terrorism could enable a terrorist organization to acquire a sophisticated WMD. State sponsors of terrorism and nations that fail to live up to their international obligations deserve special attention as potential facilitators of WMD terrorism. Iran presents a particular concern, given its active sponsorship of terrorism and its continued development of a nuclear program. Iran is also capable of producing biological and chemical agents or weapons. Like other state sponsors of terrorism with WMD programs, Iran could support terrorist organizations seeking to acquire WMD


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Re: Iran's reaction to 911
« Reply #4 on: November 03, 2007, 01:23:47 PM »
The U.S. State Department has called Iran the world’s “most active state sponsor of terrorism.” U.S. officials say Iran continues to provide funding, weapons, training, and sanctuary to numerous terrorist groups based in the Middle East and elsewhere, posing a security concern to the international community. Iran’s declarations that it has successfully enriched uranium and developed new missile technology have heightened alarm in the United States and a growing number of other states. Iran asserts its rights under an international treaty to pursue nuclear power and that it is only interested in nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. But it has faced growing sanctions, through the UN Security Council as well as international financial bodies, out of concern over its motives.

The U.S. government first listed Iran as a terrorist sponsor in 1984. Among its activities have been the following:

Observers say Iran had prior knowledge of Hezbollah attacks, such as the 1988 kidnapping and murder of Colonel William Higgins, a U.S. Marine involved in a UN observer mission in Lebanon, and the 1992 and 1994 bombings of Jewish cultural institutions in Argentina.
Iran still has a price on the head of the Indian-born British novelist Salman Rushdie for what Iranian leaders call blasphemous writings about Islam in his 1989 novel The Satanic Verses.
U.S. officials say Iran supported the group behind the 1996 truck bombing of Khobar Towers, a U.S. military residence in Saudi Arabia, which killed nineteen U.S. servicemen.


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Re: Iran's reaction to 911
« Reply #5 on: November 03, 2007, 01:25:53 PM »
The bottom line is that the government of Iran are bad folks..I'm sure the people don't want war and would prefer peace. I'd rather see them take care of their own governmnet instead of us becoming involved in a bombing campaign. I'd rather see a Cold War approach..diplomacy, espinonage and a collapse from within.

Mr. Cortisol

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Re: Iran's reaction to 911
« Reply #6 on: November 03, 2007, 01:47:53 PM »
The U.S. State Department has called Iran the world’s “most active state sponsor of terrorism.”

The US State Dept also said Saddam had WMD, right?
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Re: Iran's reaction to 911
« Reply #7 on: November 03, 2007, 01:58:12 PM »
And Iran's prez, while loony, never really said anything about Israel being wiped off of the map.

If you read the original translation from farsi. Distorting a simple quote into a threat..  ::) The translation into english is totally different, wish I had it.

Iran is dangerous though. Any country that hangs 16 year olds because they were accused of homosexuality isn't right. Women are treated like shit there. They are religious nujobs.

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Re: Iran's reaction to 911
« Reply #8 on: November 03, 2007, 05:14:50 PM »
And Iran's prez, while loony, never really said anything about Israel being wiped off of the map.

He's been talking for 20 years, and all we have is one LOOSE translation of it, that he denies saying.

If he truly was a madmean bent on destroying Isr, he'd be shouting it in every speech.

He has zero power to declare war.  He's #3 in his nation.  He's nancy pelosi there - a shrill, unpopular mouthpiece.  And, he is going to lose re-election.

So everyone all jacked up to send the poor neighbor's kid to die in Iran, do your research on the guy.  He's a moron, but he's powerless and will be out of office soon.

Everyone knows there's a pipeline being built to both borders of Iran lol... they either let us put it there, or we remoe them from power.  We did it with UK in 1952, and we did it alone in 79.  It's been 30 years... time to do it again.  Grow the fck up if you think we're going to invade over some loose translation he may have said ONCE.  It's about oil.


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Re: Iran's reaction to 911
« Reply #9 on: November 04, 2007, 10:07:19 AM »
Its like talking to a wall.

We're doomed to make the same mistakes over and over again because of a handfull of idiots in power and many, many idiots in the general public who don't want to read and investigate on their own or because people are too busy chasing "the dream" to care for the truth.