Author Topic: When Hilary is President...  (Read 1435 times)

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When Hilary is President...
« on: December 18, 2007, 12:08:32 PM »
what will the place be like?

She's still the vegas pick to win the job.

Let's say she wins, and she inherits all the secretive power that Bush has had for the last 7 years.  Whether or not you agree with what they've done, I think we can all agree that from warrantless wiretapping/searches here, to torture, to "losing" millions of white house emails, to using "exec privledge" to hide anything, politically motivated firings, etc...

Well, Bush is the most powerful president in history without a doubt. 

Do you republicans know that you'll be giving Hilary these powers too, if she wins? 

Will be interesting to see the mindset of "if you have nothing to hide, who cares?" when Prez Hilary's new anti-steroid initiative has her scouring your hard drive for anything about gear.


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Re: When Hilary is President...
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2007, 02:04:33 PM »
what will the place be like?

She's still the vegas pick to win the job.

Let's say she wins, and she inherits all the secretive power that Bush has had for the last 7 years.  Whether or not you agree with what they've done, I think we can all agree that from warrantless wiretapping/searches here, to torture, to "losing" millions of white house emails, to using "exec privledge" to hide anything, politically motivated firings, etc...

Well, Bush is the most powerful president in history without a doubt. 

Do you republicans know that you'll be giving Hilary these powers too, if she wins? 

Will be interesting to see the mindset of "if you have nothing to hide, who cares?" when Prez Hilary's new anti-steroid initiative has her scouring your hard drive for anything about gear.

If she is as evil & corrupt as many claims, ...I wonder what she would do to all those anti-universal healthcare peeps.

I mean, ...if someone who is against universal healthcare, comes down with a horrible disease, ...or their kids, ...and cannot get treatment for themselves or their kids, ...they might change their minds pretty quick don't you think?

Do you think she'd be evil enough to abuse her inherited powers, ...and purposely infect people?

I mean,'s not like certain agencies didn't suggest it was hightime to resume the release of infectious agents into the environment using American citizens as guinea pigs is it? To do that would be feeding 2 birds with one worm wouldn't it? You'd get your test results, and more allies for your agenda of universal healthcare.


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Re: When Hilary is President...
« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2007, 03:06:43 PM »

Donkeys will be flying and she'll have all dissenters 'suicided'. 


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Re: When Hilary is President...
« Reply #3 on: December 18, 2007, 04:02:56 PM »

Let's say she wins, and she inherits all the secretive power that Bush has had for the last 7 years. 


video google and watch Seceret government...even clinton ws kept out of the loop....

the reason hilairy will win is the same reason diana ws killed...
carpe` vaginum!


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Re: When Hilary is President...
« Reply #4 on: December 18, 2007, 04:26:35 PM »
Impossible, she's a woman...won't win

no offense
tank u jesus


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Re: When Hilary is President...
« Reply #5 on: December 18, 2007, 04:47:02 PM »

video google and watch Seceret government...even clinton ws kept out of the loop....

the reason hilairy will win is the same reason diana ws killed...

That's a little too 'cold-blooded' for most people to accept.  :P

(sometime's i just crack myself up)  ;D


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Re: When Hilary is President...
« Reply #6 on: December 18, 2007, 05:55:01 PM »
what will the place be like?

She's still the vegas pick to win the job.

Let's say she wins, and she inherits all the secretive power that Bush has had for the last 7 years.  Whether or not you agree with what they've done, I think we can all agree that from warrantless wiretapping/searches here, to torture, to "losing" millions of white house emails, to using "exec privledge" to hide anything, politically motivated firings, etc...

Well, Bush is the most powerful president in history without a doubt. 

Do you republicans know that you'll be giving Hilary these powers too, if she wins? 

Will be interesting to see the mindset of "if you have nothing to hide, who cares?" when Prez Hilary's new anti-steroid initiative has her scouring your hard drive for anything about gear.

For someone who has claimed to have given up you still do pay a lot of lip service to politics; why don't you just join the revolution and help instead of giving into cynicism?

In any event Billary would be a disaster; our entitlement debts will go beyond the 60 trillion we have...universal healthcare cannot work in the USA; it's too big in terms of population. Billary is a nightmare in the making.
I hate the State.


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Re: When Hilary is President...
« Reply #7 on: December 18, 2007, 06:10:57 PM »
In any event Billary would be a disaster; our entitlement debts will go beyond the 60 trillion we have...universal healthcare cannot work in the USA; it's too big in terms of population. Billary is a nightmare in the making.

Actually, it is your large population base that would infact make it so workable.
Of course it would help if manufacturers weren't allowed to poison the people, but hey,'s a start.  :D


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Re: When Hilary is President...
« Reply #8 on: December 18, 2007, 06:15:16 PM »

  If I were ever president, I would be the most power abusing mo fo ever.


  • Getbig V
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Re: When Hilary is President...
« Reply #9 on: December 18, 2007, 08:09:32 PM »
Actually, it is your large population base that would infact make it so workable.
Of course it would help if manufacturers weren't allowed to poison the people, but hey,'s a start.  :D

Wrong. Look at the tiny Scandinavian countries where the population is tiny and they have to fork over 50% of their income to the government; it works there because with 5 million or so people it's manageable or in Iceland which has the highest standard of living in the world; with 260,000 it's also manageable.

No corporate medicine, no socialised medicine; let free markets decide it and then the people, i.e. the consumers will be in charge and we will see how healthcare costs plummet downwards. Only in medicine do prices go up rather than down whereas every other product on the market becomes more affordable. They go up because of the private insurance companies; socialised medicine will be just about as bad. Medical services should be provided in the same fashion as when you go grocery shopping or buy a mobile phone or buy a computer. Let the market decide these things (the people), not the corporations or the government.

I hate the State.


  • Getbig V
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Re: When Hilary is President...
« Reply #10 on: December 18, 2007, 09:44:51 PM »
Wrong. Look at the tiny Scandinavian countries where the population is tiny and they have to fork over 50% of their income to the government; it works there because with 5 million or so people it's manageable or in Iceland which has the highest standard of living in the world; with 260,000 it's also manageable.

No corporate medicine, no socialised medicine; let free markets decide it and then the people, i.e. the consumers will be in charge and we will see how healthcare costs plummet downwards. Only in medicine do prices go up rather than down whereas every other product on the market becomes more affordable. They go up because of the private insurance companies; socialised medicine will be just about as bad. Medical services should be provided in the same fashion as when you go grocery shopping or buy a mobile phone or buy a computer. Let the market decide these things (the people), not the corporations or the government.

Maybe I have a different idea of how you think such a system would work, but it is MY belief that the larger the population base, ...the less expensive the system becomes.

Maybe it is more manageable in Canada because we only have 10 provinces as opposed to 50 states each with it's own bureaucracy, but when you have so many people paying into a system (a not for profit system) those costs are spread. it then becomes less expensive to insure individuals. Right now, the fox guards the henhouse, and it is the insurance companies that profit.

In Canada, health care premiums are not paid to insurance companies like in the US

I see universal healthcare as the people deciding, because they are essentially saying give us healthcare not a for profit industry. The US system as it stands now is NOT healthcare, it is an industry built on the backs of sick people who can afford to line the pockets of greedy CEO's. healthcare is when you are concerned with making the person well... regardless of their finances.

It's a system Canadians want. Not just canadians, but most of the civilized world.

It's really not the big scary boogey monster big US HMO's try to scare Americans into thinking it is.

This is all speculative, because if certain sources are to be believed, the big HMO's and insurance co's have long paid off the right people to ensure the introduction of universal healthcare would never come under a certain Democratic hopeful's watch were s/he ever to assume office.


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Re: When Hilary is President...
« Reply #11 on: December 19, 2007, 12:28:27 AM »
Maybe I have a different idea of how you think such a system would work, but it is MY belief that the larger the population base, ...the less expensive the system becomes.

Maybe it is more manageable in Canada because we only have 10 provinces as opposed to 50 states each with it's own bureaucracy, but when you have so many people paying into a system (a not for profit system) those costs are spread. it then becomes less expensive to insure individuals. Right now, the fox guards the henhouse, and it is the insurance companies that profit.

In Canada, health care premiums are not paid to insurance companies like in the US

I see universal healthcare as the people deciding, because they are essentially saying give us healthcare not a for profit industry. The US system as it stands now is NOT healthcare, it is an industry built on the backs of sick people who can afford to line the pockets of greedy CEO's. healthcare is when you are concerned with making the person well... regardless of their finances.

It's a system Canadians want. Not just canadians, but most of the civilized world.

It's really not the big scary boogey monster big US HMO's try to scare Americans into thinking it is.

This is all speculative, because if certain sources are to be believed, the big HMO's and insurance co's have long paid off the right people to ensure the introduction of universal healthcare would never come under a certain Democratic hopeful's watch were s/he ever to assume office.

You are right. What is going on in the USA now is corporatism, not free markets; the Medical Industrial Complex must be ejected!

Whether socialised medicine ought to be is a political/philosophical question. I believe in self-reliance and individual responsibility/choice but you are right in that most people want free stuff; free healthcare, free money, free benefits of all sorts. People want to get something for nothing. The sad truth is that it is not free. In a country like Iceland (where I have lived) you fork over 50 percent of your income over to the government so you DO pay. Moreover cost of living is 3 to 5 times as much as any major American or Canadian city since the economy is essentially owned and controlled by the government. In Germany a 17 old girl gets knocked up by her delinquent boyfriend and she gets free baby money, apartment and living costs. FREE; wrong. I paid for it and other taxpayers paid for it. Why is it my responsibility to fork over my income to some reckless teen? Or alcoholics on the dole so they can indulge their addiction? What else should be provided by government? Mobile phones? Cars? Toys? Should the government put you on a diet for being overweight and tell you what to eat and drink? When is it enough? Why do people believe that the government can make better decisions for individuals than individuals can for themselves? If decisions were put back into the hands of doctors and patients in medicine things would quickly evolve, prices would go down. People speak of the horrors of profit but it is profit that has driven all innovation throughout modern history, be it in the realm of automobiles, communication, travel and yes, medicine! The people who developed lasers for eye surgery did so for profit, likewise the people who developed cat scans, x-rays and host of other innovations. People need to stop demonising profit; if there is one day a cure for cancer or alzheimers I will almost garantee it won't be the government discovering it but rather a person or group of persons looking to profit financially from such a discovery. It will save people's lives so who cares if someone made money off of it? They certainly deserve it. The government is not the answer to all questions and often lacks good solutions but some people for whatever reason believe in a nanny state.

This is why I am a life long Independent. The Republicans want to force their nonsense down everyone's throat and the Democrats want to force their junk down our throats; some of us just want to be left alone in a free market where we can keep what we earn and make choices (financial, medical, etc.) about our own lives without government interference and a nanny state dictating to us what we should and should not do.

I hate the State.


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Re: When Hilary is President...
« Reply #12 on: December 19, 2007, 12:49:51 AM »
Maybe I have a different idea of how you think such a system would work, but it is MY belief that the larger the population base, ...the less expensive the system becomes.

Maybe it is more manageable in Canada because we only have 10 provinces as opposed to 50 states each with it's own bureaucracy, but when you have so many people paying into a system (a not for profit system) those costs are spread. it then becomes less expensive to insure individuals. Right now, the fox guards the henhouse, and it is the insurance companies that profit.

In Canada, health care premiums are not paid to insurance companies like in the US

I see universal healthcare as the people deciding, because they are essentially saying give us healthcare not a for profit industry. The US system as it stands now is NOT healthcare, it is an industry built on the backs of sick people who can afford to line the pockets of greedy CEO's. healthcare is when you are concerned with making the person well... regardless of their finances.

It's a system Canadians want. Not just canadians, but most of the civilized world.

It's really not the big scary boogey monster big US HMO's try to scare Americans into thinking it is.

This is all speculative, because if certain sources are to be believed, the big HMO's and insurance co's have long paid off the right people to ensure the introduction of universal healthcare would never come under a certain Democratic hopeful's watch were s/he ever to assume office.


I hate the State.