Author Topic: Alla or Jesus Christ?  (Read 1570 times)


  • Getbig II
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Alla or Jesus Christ?
« on: April 07, 2008, 07:21:52 PM »
...A Bit Scary
>                                      This is very interesting and just a
>                                      bit scary .
>                                      The Muslim religion is the fastest
>                                      growing religion per capita in the
>                                       United States , especially in the
>                                      minority races!!!
>                                      Allah or The Lord Jesus Christ? ... By
>                                      Rick Mathes
>                                      Last month I attended my annual
>                                      training session that's required for
>                                      maintaining my state prison security
>                                      clearance. During the training session
>                                      there was a presentation by three
>                                      speakers representing the Roman
>                                      Catholic, Protestant and Muslim
>                                      faiths, who explained each of their
>                                      beliefs.
>                                      I was particularly interested in what
>                                      the Islamic Imam had to say.  The Imam
>                                      gave a great presentation of the
>                                      basics of Islam, complete with a
>                                      video.
>                                      After the presentations, time was
>                                      provided for questions and answers.
>                                      When it was my turn, I directed my
>                                      question to the Imam and asked:
>                                      "Please, correct me if I'm wrong, but
>                                      I understand that most Imams and
>                                      clerics of Islam have declared a holy
>                                      jihad [Holy war] against the infidels
>                                      of the world and, that by killing an
>                                      infidel, (which is a command to all
>                                      Muslims) they are assured of a place
>                                      in heaven.  If that's the case, can
>                                      you give me the definition of an
>                                      infidel?"
>                                      There was no disagreement with my
>                                      statements and, without hesitation, he
>                                      replied, "Non-believers! "
>                                      I responded, "So, let me make sure I
>                                      have this straight.  All followers of
>                                      Allah have been commanded to kill
>                                      everyone who is not of your faith so
>                                      they can have a place in heaven. Is
>                                      that correct?"
>                                      The expression on his face changed
>                                      from one of authority and command to
>                                      that of "a little boy who had just
>                                      been caught with his hand in the
>                                      cookie jar."
>                                      He sheepishly replied, "Yes."
>                                      I then stated, "Well, sir , I have a
>                                      real problem trying to imagine Pope
>                                      John Paul commanding all Catholics to
>                                      kill those of your faith or Dr.
>                                       Stanley ordering all Protestants to do
>                                      the same in order to guarantee them a
>                                      place in heaven!"
>                                      The Imam was speechless!
>                                      I continued, "I also have problem with
>                                      being your 'friend' when you and your
>                                      brother clerics are telling your
>                                      followers to kill me!  Let me ask you
>                                      a question.  Would you rather have
>                                      your Allah, who tells you to kill me
>                                      in order for you to go to heaven, or
>                                      my Jesus who tells me to love you
>                                      because I am going to heaven and He
>                                      wants you to be there with me?"
>                                      You could have heard a pin drop as the
>                                      Imam hung his head in shame.  Needless
>                                      to say, the organizers and/or
>                                      promoters of the 'Diversification'
>                                      training seminar were Not happy with
>                                      Rick's way of dealing with the Islamic
>                                      Imam and exposing the truth about the
>                                      Muslims' beliefs.
>                                      In twenty years there will be enough
>                                      Muslim voters in the U.S. To elect the
>                                      President!  I think everyone should be
>                                      required to read this, but with the
>                                      Liberal justice system, liberal media
>                                      and the ACLU, there is no way this
>                                      will be widely publicized.
>                                      Please pass this on to all your e-mail
>                                      contacts.
>                                      This is a true story and the author,
>                                      Rick Mathes, is a well-known leader in
>                                      prison ministry.
>                                      The Man who walks with God always gets
>                                      to his destination.
>                                      If you have a pulse you have a
>                                      purpose.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Alla or Jesus Christ?
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2008, 07:28:38 PM »
wow that guy really pinned the Imam. great post and thank you.


  • Getbig II
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  • Posts: 276
Re: Alla or Jesus Christ?
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2008, 07:58:25 PM »
I'm no Bible thumper either but I think everyone should have the freedom to religion peacefully unimpeded.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Alla or Jesus Christ?
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2008, 09:22:47 PM »
DB mang..yall really need to get out...i ws brought up in a muslim household and taught to respect Christians and the Jews for they were considered "ahlel kitab"  ie " people of the book"  ie they worship the same god and must be treated in reverence..the version if Islam i ws taught very much resembled a skewed doctrine of "king Aurthur and the kinglet's of the round table"  yanno..chivalry...treat folks and woman and children good...etc etc....

i've said it a million times..i'd consider myself muslim if only i believed in a god...

i see it as such a shame and it annoys me to no end that the worst extreme  of a religion i grew up with is now gleefully  (and i put that in bold for a reason, seen as backward....

yanno..WE ARMED  ALQUEDA...remember Afghanistan..russia..... .lol osama is CIA trained...oops..was CIA trained...a man with renal failure cant survive in the mountains...but for that news you actually gotta pay for BBC London... :-\
carpe` vaginum!

Nordic Superman

  • Getbig V
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Re: Alla or Jesus Christ?
« Reply #4 on: April 12, 2008, 05:12:39 AM »
i've said it a million times..i'd consider myself muslim if only i believed in a god...

This doesn't make sense and the rest of your post is nonsense.

Egypts the muslim brotherhood the precursor to most modern islamist organisation existed prior to the cold war and even WW2. But maybe the time machine on the alien craft that crashed in Area 51 allowed the CIA to travel back in time to create this organisation?

You have no understand of the koran. Sure it says jews and Christians are people of the book in it's chronologically early pages, but you have to understand that  later verses which contradict earlier verses supersede the earlier ones - FACT!

Again, it might be true how you were taught in YOUR HOUSEHOLD, but your household isn't an authority on islam. You remind me of one of those self righteous muslims who will drink and go to strip joints only to argue that islam is so great at some other point in time.
الاسلام هو شيطانية