Author Topic: How the democrats destroyed Americas economy (video)  (Read 930 times)

George Whorewell

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How the democrats destroyed Americas economy (video)
« on: October 06, 2008, 12:00:02 PM »
I have said on numeous occasions the frannie and freddy disasters are a by product of the democrats.

The Community Reinvestment Act was signed into law by Jimmy Carter in 1977, and that was the start of where the bad loans came from. Then, Bill Clinton and Janet Reno decided to aggressively purue any lender that was requiring prudence in loaning out their money (a down payment, suitable earnings, a reasonable debt ratio, etc.) So the Democrats, through the power of the Justice Department (led by Janet Reno), was directly involved in getting loans for people who did not deserve them. Then, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were forced to aquire those loans (since the govt. guaranteed them, there was no risk for them).
In 2004 and 2005 republican sponsored bills calling for oversight on frannie and freddie went to the senate—which dems controlled at that time and both times the bills were unanimously voted down by the democrats and unanimously voted for by the republicans. John McCain went before the Senate and actually gave a presentation in 2006 calling for oversight, which was ignored by the democratic chairman overseeing the banking comittee.

Chris Dodd= Chairman of the banking committee: Highest campaign contributions in the senate from Frannie and Freddie- over 120k

Obama: Only been in senate for 3 years= Over 100k in campaign contributions.

Obamas solution: Obama wants to spend  $850 Billion(over 10 years) for his Global Anti-Poverty Act, S. 2433. That has got to raise taxes. It's a U.N. we're all one world(paid for by us of course)program.

While most people ignore the facts, someone on you tube made a video-->


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Re: How the democrats destroyed Americas economy (video)
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2008, 03:59:05 PM »
I'm surprised there are not more comments on that video.

But in the end BOTH parties failed us and BOTH parties passed the 850 billion corporate bail out bill.

Fuck 'em both.


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Re: How the democrats destroyed Americas economy (video)
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2008, 04:22:26 PM »
I'm surprised there are not more comments on that video.

But in the end BOTH parties failed us and BOTH parties passed the 850 billion corporate bail out bill.

Fuck 'em both.

Most people are too glazed over to see that.


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Re: How the democrats destroyed Americas economy (video)
« Reply #3 on: October 06, 2008, 05:20:33 PM »
I'm surprised there are not more comments on that video.

Nobody's commenting b/c the conclusion that the democrats's support of FM loans as the cause of the subprime mortgage scandal is a lie and the worst sort of propaganda appealing to demagogues.

It's a crap theory.

The video is a fool's vehicle.

Look at the history of our country.  Look at how de or un-regulated business practices end up.  Unaccountable greed made this mess.  Government intervention did not make this mess.

When unsecured credit is used to offer new and exciting real estate investments for 401k plans and speculative investors, and the brokers involved make more money if the underlying investment is left unexamined, and everyone's making fistfulls of dollars, well then gee golly, where does the governmental interference allegedly causing this mess come into the picture?

It doesn't.  This happened before with the S & L scandal--same principle and same result:  remove oversight and accountability and let the tax payer bail out the bigwigs.  B/c if they fail, we all hurt.

That's what gov. is for--to bail out irresponsible business gambles.

Here's a report that lays out the causes of this mess:

The study identifies five causes of the subprime meltdown:
-Convoluted loan products that consumers didn’t understand.
-Credit ratings that didn’t do a good job highlighting the risks contained in subprime-backed securities.
-Lack of incentives for institutional investors to do their own research (they just relied on the credit ratings).
-Predatory lending and borrowing (which I think means fraud perpetrated by borrowers).
-Significant errors in the models used by credit rating agencies to assess subprime-backed securities.


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Re: How the democrats destroyed Americas economy (video)
« Reply #4 on: October 06, 2008, 05:38:50 PM »
Sorry, Decker, I disagree.

I blame them both.

It happened on Bush's watch and it happened with Democrats running both houses of Congress.

This is a combination of bad government policy and Wall Street greed.


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Re: How the democrats destroyed Americas economy (video)
« Reply #5 on: October 06, 2008, 05:45:22 PM »
I'll stick to listening to Peter Schiff.  :)


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Re: How the democrats destroyed Americas economy (video)
« Reply #6 on: October 06, 2008, 05:54:36 PM »
Do you realy think Obama or Mc Caine will change this country or make life better for us? NO!!!
It's all about them and filling there greedy pockets and telling you what you want to hear.
All talk and no action, don't you idiots get it. Da......It's all about power and ego.
Having freedom and keeping this country free is important and killing the nuts out there who want to take it from us.Like the Tela Ban, Al Kida, Hizbala, Iran, North Korea and the rest of those sick Muslems who teach there children to hate us, just look at the company and friends Obama has asociated with, one was a terroist in the 60's and 70's, and Rev. Wright who says GOD DAMM AMERICA and one racist guy who should't be preaching. They are suppose to preach the word of GOD, and theres more.
How about Obama's top 3 advisiors, they were CEO's of those big Mortgage companies on wall street that went down and the goverment bailed out with your tax money. And there going to advise Obama on how to fix the Economy? Ya Right, we will be in good shape then. At least Mc Caine will keep this country FREE
Can't say that about Obama, he dosent know how to handle foreign pollicy. Can you name one accomplishment Obama has made in his barely 2 yrs in the senate, Uh Uh i don't know bro let me think about it and i'll get back to you.


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Re: How the democrats destroyed Americas economy (video)
« Reply #7 on: October 07, 2008, 07:16:52 AM »
Sorry, Decker, I disagree.

I blame them both.

It happened on Bush's watch and it happened with Democrats running both houses of Congress.

This is a combination of bad government policy and Wall Street greed.

Read the paper I linked.  It shows the antecedents of the meltdown.  It's facile (not to mention incorrect) to point out that it's the fault of both parties.


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Re: How the democrats destroyed Americas economy (video)
« Reply #8 on: October 07, 2008, 07:21:09 AM »
Read the paper I linked.  It shows the antecedents of the meltdown.  It's facile (not to mention incorrect) to point out that it's the fault of both parties.

Good paper.


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Re: How the democrats destroyed Americas economy (video)
« Reply #9 on: October 07, 2008, 08:41:07 AM »
Decker, many respected bankers verify the governments involvement in pushing loans to unqualified risky lessees which forced the banks to relax typical economic screening for these individuals.  It is in part directly responsible for the lending/banking problems.  People need to listen more closely to this.  McCain and a few others are on record trying to stop the gov influence into the banking industry.  It may not be PC but these banks loaned $ to many poor people and minorities who have/are defaulting on the loans.  The cause is threefold.  #1 the greedy (preditory) lenders who told people they could borrow beyond their means and made $ off the loans, #2 the government pushing housing for the poor & minorities against traditional loaning pre-requisits, #3 the lack of personal responsibility and ability to budget one's $.

The blame is on gov as a whole but the fault of #2 above is primarily liberals who forced banks like Freddie and Fanny to give subprime loans to risky lessees that couldn't pay them back.


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Re: How the democrats destroyed Americas economy (video)
« Reply #10 on: October 07, 2008, 08:43:34 AM »
"That's what gov. is for--to bail out irresponsible business gambles"

I respectfully disagree.  Those lenders and people that took gambles need to fall on their face.
I believe some general oversight & regulation is necessary, both to protect against greed and to protect against government forcing risky loans for PC/political purposes.

"This is a combination of bad government policy and Wall Street greed"
Absolutely, without a doubt.

George Whorewell

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Re: How the democrats destroyed Americas economy (video)
« Reply #11 on: October 07, 2008, 11:35:35 AM »
A serious debate isn't warranted here. The two fat frauds Chris Dodd and Barney Frank point the dirty end of the stick at the republicans when they themselves said on numerous occasions that enhanced oversight over Freddie and Fannie was not warranted. Two republican bills submitted were voted down. Nuff said.

In addition, John McCain cosponsored this bill in 2005. HE had the vision, NOT Barry Obama. Democrats blocked it.

Federal Housing Enterprise Regulatory Reform Act of 2005 - Amends the Federal Housing Enterprises Financial Safety and Soundness Act of 1992 to establish: (1) in lieu of the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), an independent Federal Housing Enterprise Regulatory Agency which shall have authority over the Federal Home Loan Bank Finance Corporation, the Federal Home Loan Banks, the Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae), and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac); and (2) the Federal Housing Enterprise Board.
Sets forth operating, administrative, and regulatory provisions of the Agency, including provisions respecting: (1) assessment authority; (2) authority to limit nonmission-related assets; (3) minimum and critical capital levels; (4) risk-based capital test; (5) capital classifications and undercapitalized enterprises; (6) enforcement actions and penalties; (7) golden parachutes; and (8) reporting.

Explain to me how he is losing over the economy???

Here is another article that states the facts more succinctly-->

Dominic Lawson: Democrat fingerprints are all over the financial crisis

Friday, 3 October 2008
Of all the characteristics of a successful politician, none is more essential than bare-faced cheek. Never has this been more evident than in the past fortnight, as senior Democrat members of the US legislature have sought to lay all the blame for the country's financial crisis on the executive arm of Government and Wall Street.

Neither of these two institutions is blameless – far from it. Yet when I see such senior Democrats as Barney Frank, Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, and Christopher Dodd, Chairman of the Senate's Banking Committee, play the part of avenging angels – well, I can only stand in silent awe at the sheer tight-bottomed nerve of it. These are men with sphincters of steel.

What is the proximate cause of the collapse of confidence in the world's banks? Millions of improvident loans to American housebuyers. Which organisations were on their own responsible for guaranteeing half of this $12 trillion market? Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, the so-called Government Sponsored Enterprises which last month were formally nationalised to prevent their immediate and catastrophic collapse. Now, who do you think were among the leading figures blocking all the earlier attempts by President Bush – and other Republicans – to bring these lending behemoths under greater regulatory control? Step forward, Barney Frank and Chris Dodd.

In September 2003 the Bush administration launched a measure to bring Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac under stricter regulatory control, after a report by outside investigators established that they were not adequately hedging against risks and that Fannie Mae in particular had scandalously mis-stated its accounts. In 2006, it was revealed that Fannie Mae had overstated its earnings – to which its senior executives' bonuses were linked – by a stunning $9.3billion. Between 1998 and 2003, Fannie Mae's executive chairman, Franklin Raines, picked up over $90m in bonuses and stock options.

Yet Barney Frank and his chums blocked all Bush's attempts to put a rein on Raines. During the House Financial Services Committee hearing following Bush's initiative, Frank declared: "The more people exaggerate a threat of safety and soundness [at Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae], the more people conjure up the possibility of serious financial losses to the Treasury which I do not see. I think we see entities that are fundamentally sound financially." His colleague on the committee, the California Democrat Maxine Walters, said: "There were nearly a dozen hearings where we were trying to fix something that wasn't broke. Mr Chairman, we do not have a crisis at Freddie Mac and particularly at Fannie Mae under the outstanding leadership of Mr Franklin Raines."

When Mr Raines himself was challenged by the Republican Christopher Shays, to the effect that his ratio of capital to assets (that is, mortgages) of 3 per cent was dangerously low, the Fannie Mae boss retorted that "our assets are so riskless, we could have a capital ratio of under 2 per cent".


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Re: How the democrats destroyed Americas economy (video)
« Reply #12 on: October 07, 2008, 01:23:32 PM »
"That's what gov. is for--to bail out irresponsible business gambles"

I was being ironic with this statement.  Socializing the cost of business while privatizing the profit disgusts me.


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Re: How the democrats destroyed Americas economy (video)
« Reply #13 on: October 07, 2008, 01:28:15 PM »
Decker, many respected bankers verify the governments involvement in pushing loans to unqualified risky lessees which forced the banks to relax typical economic screening for these individuals.  It is in part directly responsible for the lending/banking problems.  People need to listen more closely to this.  McCain and a few others are on record trying to stop the gov influence into the banking industry.  It may not be PC but these banks loaned $ to many poor people and minorities who have/are defaulting on the loans.  The cause is threefold.  #1 the greedy (preditory) lenders who told people they could borrow beyond their means and made $ off the loans, #2 the government pushing housing for the poor & minorities against traditional loaning pre-requisits, #3 the lack of personal responsibility and ability to budget one's $.

The blame is on gov as a whole but the fault of #2 above is primarily liberals who forced banks like Freddie and Fanny to give subprime loans to risky lessees that couldn't pay them back.
"I think we can give Fannie and Freddie their due share of responsibility for the mess we're in, while acknowledging that they were nowhere near the biggest culprits in the recent credit bubble. They may finance most of the home loans in America, but most of the home loans in America aren't the problem; the problem is that very substantial slice of home loans that went outside the Fannie and Freddie box. "

You deserve a more elaborate response but I'm doing everything I can to keep from puking on my computer.  The flu's going around and yours truly is first in line.  I'm going home.  The blog I reference is not a Krugman blog, in fact, the author is not a krugman mouthpiece.


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Re: How the democrats destroyed Americas economy (video)
« Reply #14 on: October 07, 2008, 02:16:40 PM »
I didn't catch the sarcasm...a folley of skimming.
Get better, go rest.


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Re: How the democrats destroyed Americas economy (video)
« Reply #15 on: October 07, 2008, 03:20:35 PM »
"I think we can give Fannie and Freddie their due share of responsibility for the mess we're in, while acknowledging that they were nowhere near the biggest culprits in the recent credit bubble. They may finance most of the home loans in America, but most of the home loans in America aren't the problem; the problem is that very substantial slice of home loans that went outside the Fannie and Freddie box. "

You deserve a more elaborate response but I'm doing everything I can to keep from puking on my computer.  The flu's going around and yours truly is first in line.  I'm going home.  The blog I reference is not a Krugman blog, in fact, the author is not a krugman mouthpiece.

ugh.... that sucks man. Get well soon!


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Re: How the democrats destroyed Americas economy (video)
« Reply #16 on: October 07, 2008, 03:22:29 PM »
I'll stick to listening to Peter Schiff.  :)

Me too.


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Re: How the democrats destroyed Americas economy (video)
« Reply #17 on: October 07, 2008, 05:27:59 PM »
I got nothing against repugnants, but you have as much to do with the current state of affairs as they do. Clinton left the economy in an enviable state, only to be fucked up beyond recognition by en ex-cocaine addict who claims to talk to god often.