Author Topic: Controlling the Opposition... BOOM!  (Read 1229 times)


  • Getbig V
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Controlling the Opposition... BOOM!
« on: January 29, 2009, 05:21:03 PM »
I had to copy and paste the whole thing. The link won't work unless its in google cache.

Great read.

Alan Morrison
News Backup
Sat, 26 Nov 2005 12:00 UTC
Although bogus organisations and fronts like the AFF claim to have been set up to counteract cults (and that is how most people will blindly see them), exactly the opposite is true. The dark powers have set up the AFF to ensure that the secret work of cult-making and the experimental/functional use of brainwashing mind-control techniques can continue to be used by those powers without any real opposition because they then control the opposition! [...]

As we have often shown before, an example of this would be the US forces setting up the bogus organisation, Al Qaeda, and then making it look real and frightening in order to control the population effectively. [...]

Enemies are necessary for the effective survival of evil powers. This is like a page out of Orwell's book, "1984". Manufactured enemies serve a purpose, but most never realise how it is being manipulated or in what way.[...]

I can tell you this: You will notice that once you start to look into all these things for yourself (and I hope you do) and then even tell others about it, you will suddenly find that you begin to bear the brunt of attacks and defamations from the most surprising, unexpected quarters.

Date: Mon, 16 May 2005 13:26:52 +0200

Dear Friends:

At the weekend, someone advised me about an international conference which they thought I might like to attend. At first glance, it looked very attractive. Entitled "Psychological Manipulation, Cultic Groups, and Other Alternative Movements", it is due to be held on the campus of Madrid University, Spain, on July 14th-16th this year. Very convenient for me. Just a few hour's drive away.

I have studied these subjects a great deal, especially during the last 20 years. In fact, my whole life has been dedicated to exposing and standing up to psychological manipulation, cults, sects and coercive movements. Here was a conference at which I could meet interesting, like-minded people and exchange ideas... so I thought. That was until I realised the identity of the organisation which lies behind the conference. I immediately recoiled in horror from the idea of attending such a meeting. It would have been like going into the lions' den.

Organised jointly by the "International Cultic Studies Association" and the Psychology Faculty of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, the conference programme boasts an enormous list of the world's leading lecturers and researchers into cults, psychological manipulation and brainwashing techniques. It is a formidable operation.

However, the "International Cultic Studies Association" (ICSA) is the new name given to the "American Family Foundation" (AFF, which was renamed in 2004). In spite of its cute name (they love using those cute front names because they know they will fool the Christians!), the AFF was started originally in 1979 with the advisors and psychiatric personnel from the old CIA, MK-Ultra mind-control experiments, such as Robert J. Lifton, Maurice Davis, Margaret Singer, and Louis Jolyon West.

After the pretended abandonment of those CIA programmes in the wake of the Senate report which condemned them, the psychiatric advisors in those programmes -- being adepts in the brainwashing, torture and human programming field -- became involved in pretended anti-cult organisations as a front.

I mentioned Louis Jolyon West in my recent article on the CIA (2004), I wrote:

"The famed mescaline trip which gave birth to Aldous Huxley's book, "The Doors of Perception", was supplied by the British surgeon, Dr. Humphrey Osmond. Osmond was a participant psychiatrist in the CIA's MK-Ultra mind-control experiments with LSD. Huxley was also a close friend of *Dr. Louis Jolyon West*, who performed LSD experiments for the CIA, and also with J.B. Rhine, who performed studies in Extra-Sensory Perception for the CIA at Duke University, where Huxley lectured in "parapsychology". [Martin A. Lee, Bruce Shlain, "Acid Dreams: The Complete Social History of LSD: The CIA, the Sixties, and Beyond", p.48].

Although Huxley was not publicly enamoured with the clinical laboratory approach to LSD use, he was certainly rubbing shoulders with many of the big players in the CIA-MK-Ultra psychiatric showhouse. His suggestion to MK-Ultra psychiatrist Louis Jolyon West that his LSD subjects should be hypnotised before being given the drug was enthusiastically taken on board by the CIA. As one researcher states about West: "Dr. West is one of the CIA's most notorious mind control specialists, currently director of UCLA's Neuropsychiatric Institute. It was West who brought a score of mind control specialists of the ultra-right stripe to the UCLA campus". [Alex Constantine, "Psychic Dictatorship in the USA", op.cit., p.58.]

Huxley's friend, West, who died in 1999, was the psychiatrist who was hired by the US government to examine Lee Harvey Oswald's killer, Jack Ruby, for fitness to stand trial. He was also hired to examine Patty Hearst who was kidnapped by the CIA-created Symbionese Liberation Army. As a CIA asset, West could always be relied on to deliver the goods in the preferred manner. As another researcher has put it, West "moved into the role of 'fixer' for the CIA, always on the spot for high profile psychiatric intervention, character assassination, or an off-the-cuff interview when the Agency sought damage control". [Jim Keith, "Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness" (Illumi-Net Press, 1999), p.117.]

West -- originally the son of poor Russian Jewish immigrants -- was a close friend of Aldous Huxley. Huxley's connections are intriguing to follow. For there is a plain connection between the mind-altering drugs advocated by Huxley, the activities of the CIA, the Nazi movement and occult magic/satanism. These are all elements of a collective conspiracy to manipulate the human psyche to the advantage of the elites who secretly control the world."

[Extracted from Alan Morrison, "Fooling Most of the People All of the Time", Part I, 2004. Available on the "Articles & Analysis" page of the Diakrisis website, ]

This Louis Jolyon West was one of the key players in the formation and development of the American Family Foundation.

These old CIA/US military mind-control specialists are extremely evil men; and the AFF is an evil organisation posing as a benign one.

Along with people such as the satanist US Army Lieutenant-Colonel Michael Aquino (PSYOPS - psychological operations - advisor to the US military), they propagated for two decades the despicable culture of death, torture and mind-control which lies at the heart of the US governmental, intelligence and military machinery. (They machinated the torment and massacre at Waco, amongst other things).

[The second part of my CIA article goes into the CIA/US military satanism aspect in great detail. This is why I haven't yet published it. It is very exposing but, frankly, it just isn't worth publishing it as there are currently too many treacherous "sleepers" on this e-mail list. That's all I'll say on that for the moment.]

However, my reason for sharing about this conference with you here is because of the way that the work of the "American Family Foundation" fits into a particular syndrome, involving the way that the evil New World Order is not only evil within the confines of its own arcane, institutional structure but that it also even controls the opposition with its evil ways.

Although bogus organisations and fronts like the AFF claim to have been set up to counteract cults (and that is how most people will blindly see them), exactly the opposite is true. The dark powers have set up the AFF to ensure that the secret work of cult-making and the experimental/functional use of brainwashing mind-control techniques can continue to be used by those powers without any real opposition because they then control the opposition!

This syndrome of secretly controlling the opposition is replicable across the world. It works like this: Firstly, if there is no enemy, then the powers start one up themselves so that there actually is one to control!

As we have often shown before, an example of this would be the US forces setting up the bogus organisation, Al Qaeda, and then making it look real and frightening in order to control the population effectively. [As just one example of many informative articles on this subject, see ].

Enemies are necessary for the effective survival of evil powers. This is like a page out of Orwell's book, "1984". Manufactured enemies serve a purpose, but most never realise how it is being manipulated or in what way.

Secondly, if there already is an enemy, then you can simply take it over from the inside in such a way that the outside world never knows. Once that objective has been achieved, you can control everything the enemy says and does, like one big game. It's rather like playing yourself at chess.

You may wonder "Why control the opposition? What's the point?" The point is this: When you control the opposition, there are a great number of advantages - many of them not apparent at first glance. In the case of the ex-"American Family Foundation" -- the "International Cultic Studies Association" -- the purposes of the dark powers themselves controlling the enemy are as follows:-

1) They can collect the names of possible trouble-makers or opposers, which provides the potential to discredit the REAL cult-watchers.

2) They can engage in the gathering of research so that they can misuse the data. It's a great way to gather the world's leading "experts" on manipulation and brainwashing and then garner the findings so they can use it for their own intelligence/research purposes.

3) They can close down the opposition or discredit them from within at any time that it becomes convenient to do so.

4) They can establish in the public mind what is a cult and what isn't. This will one day effect all of us as we begin to be labelled cultists by those who have taken over the anti-cult organisations and then rounded up by their masters.

This "Secretly Controlling the Opposition Syndrome" has been more widespread than many may realise. As a very basic example, take the American gangster, Al Capone, who controlled the opposition to his criminal activities by bribing the Police chiefs and big wheels in City Hall. Some were immediately bribeable - others had to be framed with compromising situations in order to obtain their cooperation. He had them all in his pocket and thus controlled the enemy. (This is why Elliot Ness and company were known as "The Untouchables", because they could not be "touched" by the tentacular bribing of Capone and his successors. We need a few Elliot Nesses in the world and church today!).

Similarly, the Bolshevist revolution and the subsequent communist regime of the USSR was originally bankrolled by Wall Street and other Western financial institutions. [See ]. Thus Communism and Anti-Communism were both controlled by the same powers. It was a false enemy generated in the same way as was Al Qaeda, in order to control effectively the masses.

Another example is the way that the drugs business of the world is controlled by the US CIA/mafia cabal (as we demonstrated in our recent CIA article). This was even the principal reason behind the US invasion of Afghanistan (as the Taliban was outlawing poppy growing). Yet, the CIA also engages in a vigorous anti-drugs campaign (see and ).

What a sick joke! (The joke is not lost on those in the know: ).

We have already seen how the mind-control, cult-making people in CIA-manufactured psychiatry also control the supposed Anti-cults movement and ensure that the CIA/US military's own cultic mind-control experiments will not be widely unearthed by mainstream researchers into cults.

We see precisely the same syndrome - for precisely the same reasons - in the way that the CIA has set up the "False Memory Syndrome Foundation" (FMSF), supposedly to root out the wrongful nature of people recovering memories in psychotherapy which showed that their parents or carers had abused them as children, either sexually or satanically. However, the CIA has itself been involved in a major way in vast experimentation in the USA involving hideous abuse scenarios (including satanic abuse) in families and cults which it has organised for mind-control purposes (as revealed in Part 2 of my CIA article) and has deliberately set up the FMSF in order to cover up any accusations which may lead back to them.

They control the enemy.

It is widely acknowledged that the FMSF has on its advisory group many people connected with the CIA and the military. [See, eg., - especially the box in the sidebar on the right-hand side of the page about half-way down]. This stretches right across the USA. Researcher Alex Constantine corroborates this in his book "Psychic Dictatorship in the USA". In a section under "CIA, Satanism and Cult Abuse of Children", he writes:

"The CIA and its cover organisations have a vested interest in blowing smoke at the cult underground because the worlds of CIA mind control and many cults merge inextricably. The drum beat of "false accusations" from the media is taken up by paid operatives like Dr. [Marin] Orne and the False Memory Syndrome Foundation to conceal the crimes of the [Central Intelligence] Agency... The CIA and the Pentagon cooperate in the creation of cults... It is beginning to dawn on the psychiatric community at large that the CIA's mind control clique is a menace reminiscent of Nazi medical experimentation".

Very often all members of a CIA-created cult have to be killed to destroy the evidence. This is what lay behind the massacres at Jonestown and the Swiss and Canadian bases of the Sovereign Order of the Solar Temple. The CIA creates the cults for mind control experimental purposes and then covers its tracks afterwards in order to ensure that no link is revealed - either by carrying out a massacre of the cult members, or by setting up a professional-looking organisation to discredit claims by those who have been victimised in their cult-abuse programmes.

Thus, we see that the False Memory Syndrome Foundation and the American Family Foundation are CIA inventions which have the same purpose - controlling the enemy/opposition - both designed to prevent the discovery of CIA/US military involvement in earlier psychiatric/cult/mind control abuses.

It is not only the secular world which engages in controlling the enemy. It happens in the church too. Satan doesn't merely control the anti-Christian world system; he also controls the vast number of professing Christian churches in the world as well as the mainstream denominations. Even most evangelical and pentecostal churches are controlled by him. Once he has the elders and the pastors, he has the pulpit. Once he has the pulpit, he controls his enemy.

This is why most churches teach either garbage or nothing at all.

There are many well-meaning Christians who believe that the "American Family Foundation"/"International Cultic Studies Association" -- because of its former cute name and because it presents itself as an anti-cult organisation -- is a bona fide group worthy of support. One can understand them being deceived. It is deliberately very deceptive. However, it doesn't mean that anyone who has ever supported the AFF/ICSA at one time or another is to be condemned as part of the corrupt New World Order. That would be too silly and illogical a conclusion to jump to (although that hasn't stopped some "Christian" ministries from jumping to it).

However, if professing Christians continue to support or advocate the AFF/ICSA after they have been shown the truth about it, and especially if they begin to discredit the people who have shown it to them, then one has every right to assume they are also working for the other side.

So now you know. What next?

Do your own research. Don't just sit back and believe me. Be a Berean. Do a Google search on "American Family Foundation", CIA and MK-Ultra. Do a search on "Jolyon West", MK-Ultra and "American Family Foundation". Do a search on Cults and CIA. Do a search on "Al Qaeda" and "US invention". Become a researcher par excellence. You can find all this out for yourself, if you are willing to do so.

I can tell you this: You will notice that once you start to look into all these things for yourself (and I hope you do) and then even tell others about it, you will suddenly find that you begin to bear the brunt of attacks and defamations from the most surprising, unexpected quarters.

In the Christian scene, if you become vocal in your exposés, well-known and much-loved pastors will begin to shun you and concoct outrageous accusations against you. Believe me. It will happen. If you don't believe me, go ahead and try it, then see what comes to pass. You will be amazed. Light blue touch paper and stand well back. It will be fireworks time. You will have joined WhistleBlowers Incorporated -- one of the most fulfilling groups to be part of if you are a truth-lover. (Why do you think they've been fitting up George Galloway MP in the UK in the wake of his stupendous election victory? Why do you think that even the US Senate has been smearing George recently? Discover the answers for yourself and don't be satisfied with smart-alec smears).

Actually once your mind starts to wake up, it is as if the news invisibly travels (and I believe that there is as esoteric satanic activity behind this). Somehow, people will know that you are awake without you even saying a word. The evil posers of the world will know who you are. I tell you, they can smell you a mile away.

Once you've woken up, you only have to walk into a room and you will see certain people shudder at your presence and despise you. It won't be paranoia. To lovers of truth, you will have a sweet aroma; but to those who love falsehood and darkness, you will be the foulest of stenches. Be warned. I doubt that I would have lasted long at that conference in Madrid. Imagine if I'd stayed in one of their two preferred hotels (with the handsome concessionary rate). They would have been crawling with "Company" men. It would have been interesting, to say the least. It proves how awake we have to be in this present world of deception and subterfuge.

Have you woken up yet? (Not a rhetorical question).

Eyeball Chambers

  • Getbig V
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Re: Controlling the Opposition... BOOM!
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2009, 06:48:34 PM »
Interesting/scary stuff  :o