Author Topic: Are YOU a victim of Mind-Control & Programming?  (Read 4773 times)

Cleanest Natural

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Are YOU a victim of Mind-Control & Programming?
« on: May 05, 2009, 07:45:39 AM »
Do you suffer from any of these symptoms?
Go ahead, check each and every item that applies to you right now!


    * Buzzing, humming, high-pitched noises, or voices in your head ?
    * An aversion to, or an affinity for, flashing lights and rotating fans?
    * Obsessive compulsive behavior, anorexia, bulimia, or abuse issues?
    * Strange body markings, out-of-body or abduction dreams/experiences?
    * Repetitive dreams of escalators, ladders, slides, or elevators?
    * Night time vomiting, night sweats, nightmares, or night terrors?
    * Sexual dysfunction, promiscuity, or disassociate personality disorder?
    * Bone-chilling cold from which you cannot get warm?
    * Pressure at the forehead or around the top of the head?
    * Feelings of loneliness, isolation, depression, or suicide?
    * Orrational fears, paranoia, anxiety attacks, inability to focus, concentrate, or set goals?
    * Sudden behavior changes, aggressiveness, violent outbursts, or inability to function

We’ve all been there, whether a party, social gathering, school event, or family get-together and we have to be “on” for the evening. As much as you don’t want to attend, that little voice keeps telling you to do this. Whether guilt, or just plain old responsibility are your motivators, you get dressed, put on your happy face and go. You mingle, say all the appropriate things, and even seem to have a great time. Afterward, feeling empowerd by the evening, you go home thinking, "That wasn’t as bad as I thought,” right?

A few weeks later you run into friends who tell you how great it was to see you at the event. They even remind you of the wonderful conversation you had. But, you can’t remember a thing about it, not a single word, in fact, you can’t even remember seeing them. You fake your way through the conversation but in the end your friend asks, “What’s the matter , you act as if you weren’t there!”

Sound familiar? Has this ever happened to you?

Are you one of the 90% of people that stop and wonder, “What’s wrong with me? "Why can’t I remember things?” Not just simple day-to-day things, but whole weeks; even family trips with pictures seem as if you are staring at a stranger. You ask yourself, “Was I really there?” Maybe you have children who say, “Remember when…” and you can’t?

Do you struggle or someone you know with strange inexplicable experiences?
Have you ever walked into a room where a smell instantaneously took you back to your childhood? Feeling confined, you had to “get out of there, NOW!”  Maybe a person who you haven’t seen in years triggers such a reaction that you break out into a cold sweat.

Have you ever felt lonely, depressed, and isolated even when you are surrounded by people who care? Feeling angry, you lash out screaming and yelling, then run away, leaving them with their mouths agape? All of these things may seem out of character to you later, but at the time you felt compelled to react without knowing why. After the encounter you even question your own sanity. It could be the result of specifically targeted Mind-Control and Programming.

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Wake Up Call
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2009, 08:02:58 AM »
What you draw to yourself is an absolutely amazing and perfect depiction of what exists within your mind-pattern. From the moment that you are conceived until your departure from this plane should you so choose, you are the center of your universe and everything does revolve around you!

The power that is in your mind is astounding! Even without conscious direction, the power that flows through the instrument of your body creates and shapes everything that exists in your world. Your thought power brings everything to you.

Without conscious guidance, your power can create through building or destruction. Most people are great at building through destruction, because this is exactly what happens when your mental capabilities run rampant and unchecked.

Visualize yourself standing still, with a volcano of never-ending, undirected lava flow-like fountain of power pouring out every pore of your being and into the world around you. Where does it go? What does it touch? What does it do as you stand there, silently observing? What kind of havoc are your undirected, misunderstood mental powers wreaking upon your personal world?

As you stand there, observing the very world that you have participated in creating, from world geography and political structure to your health, home, relationships, and finances, what do you see? Everything that exists is somehow touched by you and what you have allowed to exude through your being, whether conscious or unconscious. And, now you complain because of what your life is?

Well, this is your wake-up call, loud and strong. The more undirected energy is “dumped” into the world, the worse it becomes and the harder it is to extricate yourself from this personal and global situation. You have a responsibility to clean up yourself, thus reining back in all the undirected and misdirected energy that has spewed forth from you.

This is not an easy task for most people. Pulling back in all that you have cast out means reviewing all to which your energy was attached. This can happen with the strength of one thought, or you can spend eons of time moving through this. It is always your choice.

Most people like to look at what they have done and the damage that has ensued. Regardless of their words, they enjoy their discomfort and wallowing in the products of their creations. This is what they know and this is what they keep. The strength of the mind-pattern that created the seeming chaos and mess holds it to them, and on some level people purposefully keep it that way.

Stay in the drama, yell “woe is me,” blame the world, wallow in self-pity, cry endless tears of inner pain, curse God and humankind alike, along with a few aliens, hybrids, and Reptilians just because you know they exist, too. How low can you sink, how much suffering can you tolerate, knowing that it is inescapable? Even with physical death, if this is your mind-pattern, your life will follow you beyond this plane, eternally haunting you with increasingly more viciousness and destruction!

The closer you are to crashing through your own self-imposed ceilings, the louder the internal cries that stop you from making your getaway into a liberated plane of existence. You create your own mental traps, you allow the self-sabotage, you accept the self-doubts that rear their ugly heads, you stage the outer world to appear as though it is unnavigable.

What happened to your faith in Self, Oversoul, and God-Mind? Who “took” it from you, or rather, who did you willingly give it to and why? Who is really your worst enemy? Would you dare point the finger at yourself??

When you have had enough of it all, you will pull in your unchecked, misguided energy and power. You will loosen its hold on all that is around you. You will pull it into your self to examine exactly where this energy went and why. You will do this so that you never, ever have to experience this again. You have done it once, so why continue to repeat the patterns? You will do this so that you can explain to your Oversoul and God-Mind what happens to undirected flow of God-Mind—what happens to it, how it transforms as it exudes and is “tainted” as it passes through every cell of your being on every level.

You give it all to your Oversoul and God-Mind so that it can be recast and you can follow it upward for a change instead of allowing it to pull you down into your own seemingly self-destruction. You know what happens with chaos, so now you can explore order. You know what happens with self-destruction, so now you can explore self-enhancement. You know imbalance, so now you explore balance.

You can go into your genetic structure and remove all that your soul-personality no longer needs. You can break the genetic chains that you have chosen to enslave you so that you are no longer at their mercy. You can open the DNA that holds your rightful heritage. Learn about who and what you are. Know that no one and no thing can put you down or “make you be a certain way.” Reaction is totally your response—no one “makes” you behave or feel a specific way.

Are you willing to take responsibility for conscious directed power that flows through the instrument that is your physical body while on this plane? Are you willing to throw off the cloak-and – dagger mentality in exchange for the creative, talented, mantel that is rightfully yours?

No one can stop you from creating the path that you desire except you. The world is your oyster. Accept nothing less than the best, physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. Make what was once your ceiling now your floor. Consciously make your choices, be unstoppable in reaching your goals, align yourself with your Oversoul and God-Mind to clean up the “past”, and set your “future” in motion.

Put all your abilities to positive use, create your path, refuse to let the outer world stop you. Move forward with the strength and determination that puts you firmly and sure-footed on your narrow, focused, refined path into continually deeper levels of existence within the Mind of God, and thus within yourself.
Janet Swerdlow

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Re: Wake Up Call
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2009, 08:06:22 AM »
Rumors & Gossip

Whatever you give out comes back to you.

Think about this the next time that you spread a rumor, or gossip about someone. How would the other person feel if he/she knew what you were saying or writing? How would you feel if that person were standing right there beside you – would you say the same thing?

Look at the color of the sound coming out of your mouth – is it clear because your words are clean? Or is it colored with anger, bitterness, frustration, hate, maliciousness, self-righteousness, or jealousy? Do your words make a point about anything? Or do you just have a need to hear yourself speak?

Are you certain that what you are stating is true? How will you feel if you find out that you are spreading lies about someone? How do you feel about leaving yourself open so that others can spread lies about you?

Does what you say affect others on an energetic level? If the rumor/gossip is true, does it pull the targeted person up or down? Do you care about the effect your energetics have on this person? If you send out words that pull another down, what are the personal ramifications of your actions? What will your mind-pattern pull back to you?

Do you struggle enough without having to deal with others spreading rumors and gossiping about you? Do you want to have to deal with the energetic pull of others pulling you back into a mind-pattern from which you are struggling to extricate yourself?

What do you think happens to the person when you give them a derogatory nickname? Does this pull him/her up or tear him/her down? Would you like this going on behind your back? Do you think using a derogatory nickname for another person pulls you up or pulls you down?

Do you like to hear others laugh and think you are clever at the expense of someone else? When you do this, do you stop and think about who this person really is? Have you taken time to look on the Oversoul level deep inside this person to see who he/she really is rather than just make a cursory judgment/criticism, and roll with it?

Do you think spreading rumors and gossiping helps to elevate you along your own personal path? Do you ask your Oversoul for permission to speak before you open your mouth? Or do you just do whatever it is that you want to do? Once you know the law, what do you think is the ramifications for breaking it? Do you think your lessons become easier or harsher?

Do you realize that the more you know, the more responsible you are for your own actions? Are your intentions to heal the global consciousness or to destroy it? How much healing do you think that you do when spreading rumors or gossiping about others? How much more time do you think others have to spend healing in order to clean up after your actions?

If you see another person do something that you consider inappropriate, should you discuss it with others? Is it possible that there is "more to the story than meets the eye?" Do you quickly judge and/or criticize the other person? Do you take the time to look at the energetics behind the action? And, if what the person does/says is inappropriate, is it up to you to tell others about it? And is it really inappropriate on the Oversoul level, or is it simply your judgment call?

Sometimes if you cannot come to a conclusion with which you feel comfortable, it is appropriate to discuss it with someone for the sole purpose of uncovering the truth. Once you have the truth, then go up to your Oversoul to determine what you should do with the truth. Never make these calls yourself. And, if you are not sure what the appropriate action is even after working with your Oversoul, then give all your words and actions up to your Oversoul, asking that everything be blessed, cleaned up, and corrected as you go. Always work from the Oversoul level.

Before you speak or write about anyone for any reason, you always need to ask your Oversoul for permission to open your mouth or set your pen to paper.

If the answer is "no" but you do it anyway, there are consequences because you are now much more responsible for your actions.

When you know the correct action to take and you do the opposite,
you break Universal Law.

No matter where on the path you are, you can walk off of it and become so lost that it can be extremely difficult to find your back—you can set yourself up for many lifelines of struggle, heartbreak, and heartache.

The higher you are, the harder you fall.

You are never so high that you cannot fall. And, you will fall harder and your lessons will become extremely more difficult and painful.

If you are in a support group of any kind, ask your Oversoul what this group is supporting you in. A true support group is a support for your upward journey on the evolutionary spiral. A true support group does not hold you where you are or pull you back. You can get stuck in a hyperspace support group just the same as you can get stuck in any other support group.

Just because you are doing hyperspace techniques and someone else is not, does not make you better than the other person. It only means that you have a different way of learning. If you are doing hyperspace techniques with a group, this means that you have pulled a group of like-minded people to you who learn in a similar way. In the overall scheme of things, this is not positive or negative, it simply is. No one is ever better than anyone else. In the exploration of the totality of God-Mind, everyone is equal in importance.

You can destroy an energy seed, by talking, talking, talking and doing nothing, or you can nurture your energy seed by action and deed, growing it into something bigger and better. You always have a choice.

If you are not moving upward, if you are staying where you are, or if you are being pulled backward, you need to take a look at what you are doing and why, as well as how you got there. Traps are everywhere to pull you back and the only person ever responsible for your backward movement is you. Always remember:

Whatever you give out comes back to you.
Janet Swerdlow


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Re: Are YOU a victim of Mind-Control & Programming?
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2009, 08:13:30 AM »
I was talking with my wife yesterday and asked if we saw that 
batman movie with ledger in it.  She said yeah it was great!
I don't remember a thing about it, like I never saw it.
Same thing with that hulk movie.
Most are all show no go!


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Re: Are YOU a victim of Mind-Control & Programming?
« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2009, 08:19:33 AM »
i do have sometimes when im somewhere i got the feeling i already been there once before. some feeling of recognition but the actual event i cant remember.


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Re: Are YOU a victim of Mind-Control & Programming?
« Reply #5 on: May 05, 2009, 08:20:55 AM »
i do have sometimes when im somewhere i got the feeling i already been there once before. some feeling of recognition but the actual event i cant remember.

A clear sign of alien anal probing.


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Re: Are YOU a victim of Mind-Control & Programming?
« Reply #6 on: May 05, 2009, 08:22:19 AM »
Yes, it's called being alive.


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Re: Are YOU a victim of Mind-Control & Programming?
« Reply #7 on: May 05, 2009, 08:23:03 AM »
feels like kissing a dead woman.

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Re: Are YOU a victim of Mind-Control & Programming?
« Reply #8 on: May 05, 2009, 11:37:41 AM »
this adresses victims of specific programming

everyone is programmed

2% are specific


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Re: Are YOU a victim of Mind-Control & Programming?
« Reply #9 on: May 05, 2009, 11:40:55 AM »
this adresses victims of specific programming

everyone is programmed

2% are specific

Now you know my secret, you must die

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Re: Are YOU a victim of Mind-Control & Programming?
« Reply #10 on: May 05, 2009, 11:41:42 AM »


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Re: Are YOU a victim of Mind-Control & Programming?
« Reply #11 on: May 05, 2009, 11:44:04 AM »

any new pics of your conquests? lol


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Re: Are YOU a victim of Mind-Control & Programming?
« Reply #12 on: May 05, 2009, 11:45:21 AM »

Mons Venus

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Re: Are YOU a victim of Mind-Control & Programming?
« Reply #13 on: May 05, 2009, 11:48:11 AM »
Great thread!  ::)

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Re: Are YOU a victim of Mind-Control & Programming?
« Reply #14 on: May 05, 2009, 11:53:16 AM »
Great thread!  ::)
it might be a little much for u so just disregard it

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Re: Are YOU a victim of Mind-Control & Programming?
« Reply #15 on: May 05, 2009, 11:54:04 AM »
::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)
 ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)
 ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)
 ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)
 ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)
 ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)
 ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)
 ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)
 ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)
you might be bett3er off searcing for applepie recipes so just nevermind this thread


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Re: Are YOU a victim of Mind-Control & Programming?
« Reply #16 on: May 05, 2009, 11:58:39 AM »
blah blah blah blah pointless blah blah


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Re: Are YOU a victim of Mind-Control & Programming?
« Reply #17 on: May 05, 2009, 12:31:11 PM »