Author Topic: Obama To Warn Israel's PM, Benjamin Netanyahu: 'No More Blank Cheques'  (Read 1135 times)


  • Getbig V
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HA HA HA HA...Is this the BEST news or what...I said before... the days of WINE AND CHEESE for Israhell and america are over. Now that amerca is in no longer needs the WELFARE CHILD ISRAHELL.

Obama to warn Israel's PM, Benjamin Netanyahu: 'No more blank cheques' 

Barack Obama is to deliver a blunt warning to Israel's prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, that the era of the blank US cheque is over.

By Leonard Doyle in Washington
Last Updated: 12:36PM BST 17 May 2009

Mr Obama has already shocked Israeli officials by publicly declaring that a two state solution was in America's national interest Photo: AP

The President will use a meeting with Mr Netanyahu in Washington on Monday to tell him that from now on Israel must earn its privileged relationship with America.

Mr Obama will make clear that he will not allow his foreign policy objectives to be dictated by the Jewish state's interests, and that its leaders must resume working for peace with the Palestinians.
The President has already fired warning shots across the bows of the Israeli government to signal that he will not be pushed around by Mr Netanyahu's newly elected right-wing coalition. Many within Israel's government are openly hostile to two key aspects of American policy on the Middle East: statehood for the Palestinians and engagement with Iran.

Martin Indyk, a former US ambassador to Israel, said: "Netanyahu is caught between a rock and a hard place, the rock being the president's determination to achieve a two-state solution and the hard place being his political base which opposes it. He's inching toward the Obama position but trying to avoid saying the words, 'two-state solution.'"

Mr Netanyahu's political survival may depend on him sticking to his position. Avigdor Lieberman, the Israeli foreign minister whose right-wing party is essential to the survival of the Likud-led coalition, is forthrightly opposed to the creation of a Palestinian state.

But Mr Obama's hand in confronting Mr Netanyahu was strengthened last week by a new Zogby poll revealing that voters who backed him in the election overwhelmingly support a policy which amounts to "get tough with Israel" - ending illegal Israeli settlements within Palestinian territory and establishing a Palestinian state. Jewish voters, 78 per cent of whom voted for Mr Obama, are among the strongest supporters of the plan.

Mr Obama has already shocked Israeli officials by publicly declaring that a two state solution was in America's national interest - a clear sign that Washington will no longer automatically leap to support Israel regardless of the impact on the US.

The Obama administration has also broken a long-standing taboo against discussing Israel's nuclear weapons, by calling for Israel to declare and give up its weapons arsenal, said to number around 50 warheads. A senior State Department official said the US wants Israel to sign the nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty and commit to disarmament. What he has not done yet, is query the $3 billion in military aid which US taxpayers send Israel every year, although that could yet happen given the straitened times.

But Israel is meanwhile rattled by Mr Obama's willingness to attempt dialogue with Iran, seen by Mr Netanyahu and Mr Lieberman as the biggest threat to the Jewish state.

As he scans the Oval Office for friendly faces, Mr Netanyahu's eyes may light on two of Mr Obama's most trusted advisers, the White House chief of staff and former congressman Rahm Emanuel and the Presidents chief political adviser, David Axelrod. Both men are veterans of Chicago's rough and tumble politics, where Mr Obama cut his teeth - and both are also closely connected to Americas Jewish community.

Mr Emanuel's father was born in Israel, and during the 1991 Gulf war the future White House chief of staff served as a civilian volunteer helping the Israeli Defence Forces.

But alarm bells rang in Jerusalem earlier this month when it was reported that he had warned that efforts to stop Iran would depend on peace talks with the Palestinians.

Though protective towards Israel, both advisers are said to consider that for many years American policy has been skewed by hard-line allies of Israel who do not represent the majority Jewish American viewpoint. Both spent months during the presidential election campaign trail helping to brief Mr Obama on the intricacies of Israeli-Palestinian affairs, and both are convinced of the need for a two-state solution.

Mr Netanyahu, one of the most Americanised Israeli leaders in recent history who has many friends and supporters among the Republican Party, will do his best to smooth the relationship, despite the worrying developments for Jerusalem since Mr Obama took office. Mr Obama will deliver his own tougher line with characteristic charm and perhaps even an arm around the shoulder

But there was concern in Israel when Mr Obama moved to allow US aid to flow to members of the Palestinian unity government who were backed by Hamas - a sign that the Obama administration may be prepared to talk to enemies it considers terrorists, if circumstances change.

Mr Obama also sent his CIA chief, Leon Panetta, on a discreet mission to Israel two weeks ago to warn Mr Netanyahu not to lose patience over Iran's progress to nuclear weapons - and above all, not to launch preemptive air strikes against suspected nuclear enrichment facilities.

Mr Panetta's message to the Israeli prime minister was that Iran would not be a serious threat even if it develops a nuclear weapon. With the outcome of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq still in doubt, the US has neither the stomach nor the manpower to take on another major conflict which Israel will not be able to fight on its own.

On his way to Washington, Mr Netanyahu sought to convince Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and King Abdullah II of Jordan that the Iranian nuclear programme threatens them as much as Israel. He told them that the Iranian regime was attempting to use nuclear weapons to impose its agenda on Arabs as much as Israelis and that it could be stopped by working together.

Hugo Chavez

  • Getbig V
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Insight into the 2012 election outcome lol...


  • Getbig V
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Obama re-elected. No jew required anymore.

Remember Israhell was set up only to be a doorway into the Middle East to usurp the  Arabs of their natural resource and to quell potential uprisings. Now that america is IN Iraq...NO DOORWAY NECESSARY america has taken up permamnent residence.

Watch for continued anti Israhel sentiment from america like I said in another post...this is just the beginning

Hugo Chavez

  • Getbig V
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Obama re-elected. No jew required anymore.

Remember Israhell was set up only to be a doorway into the Middle East to usurp the  Arabs of their natural resource and to quell potential uprisings. Now that america is IN Iraq...NO DOORWAY NECESSARY america has taken up permamnent residence.

Watch for continued anti Israhel sentiment from america like I said in another post...this is just the beginning
anti Israel sentiment has been around for a while, and I'm not talking just about racist nazis for those who would only read that into it.  What do you mean; you think it will be more mainstream now?


  • Getbig V
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  • Our forefathers would be shooting by now
Hey Barry fuck u I'm PM of Israel...we just what.

Hugo Chavez

  • Getbig V
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Hey Barry fuck u I'm PM of Israel...we just what.
are you saying they could take us out?  :-\


  • Getbig V
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anti Israel sentiment has been around for a while, and I'm not talking just about racist nazis for those who would only read that into it.  What do you mean; you think it will be more mainstream now?

No No NO... I am not talking about people (Nazis Skin Heads, general public etc) in general now being ANTI ISRAEL...I am talking america as in its GOVERNMENT being ANTI ISRAEL.

Like I said..the govenrment of america has been "friendly" toward Isarel for years because it needed a DOORWAY that allowed easy access into the Middle does not need that doorway anymore since it now has sent up permanent residence in IRAQ (american military is NOT leaving Iraq). With that the catering and pandering and monetary pacifying/aid (33 BILLION per year) to Israel is about to come to an end. It started with amereica saying to Israel to leave settled lands, then "forcing" meetings with Hamas, now the OPEN CHECKBOOK is about to CLOSE. America is saying (with a little more force now) that those "catering " also called WINE AND CHEESE days are about to end. For the jew in america there will without question be the whipping up of anti jew/semetic actions amongst the masses as the population begins losing EVERYTHING and the rememberence comes to mind of who controls the banks, wall street, etc... Expect Klans, Militia, Skin Heads etc to make their appearance (someone already spoke of civil/racial wars in america on one of the threads recently), expect swatstikas, temple burnings, desecrations...

Will anti Israel sentiment become more MAIN STREAM...YES in the sense that the american government will become more vocal in its dislikes of what israel does (like we just read in Obama's coment) ...especially anything that appears to be stopping/slowing this PEACE PROCESS they keep talking about in the Middle East. America will make Israel the devil soon by saying Israel is hindering the process...and once that is done the whole world will look at israel with different eyes, becasue truthfullly EVERY NATION ON THE PLANET IS TIRED OF HEARING ABOUT THIS MIDDLE EAST CONFLICTAND WANTS IT TO END AT ALL COSTS!!!!!!!


  • Getbig V
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What's going to happen is that Israel is going to have to accept a two-state solution, which they probably will. The ball will end up in Hamas's court and then we'll see what they do.

Hugo Chavez

  • Getbig V
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No No NO... I am not talking about people (Nazis Skin Heads, general public etc) in general now being ANTI ISRAEL...I am talking america as in its GOVERNMENT being ANTI ISRAEL.

Like I said..the govenrment of america has been "friendly" toward Isarel for years because it needed a DOORWAY that allowed easy access into the Middle does not need that doorway anymore since it now has sent up permanent residence in IRAQ (american military is NOT leaving Iraq). With that the catering and pandering and monetary pacifying/aid (33 BILLION per year) to Israel is about to come to an end. It started with amereica saying to Israel to leave settled lands, then "forcing" meetings with Hamas, now the OPEN CHECKBOOK is about to CLOSE. America is saying (with a little more force now) that those "catering " also called WINE AND CHEESE days are about to end. For the jew in america there will without question be the whipping up of anti jew/semetic actions amongst the masses as the population begins losing EVERYTHING and the rememberence comes to mind of who controls the banks, wall street, etc... Expect Klans, Militia, Skin Heads etc to make their appearance (someone already spoke of civil/racial wars in america on one of the threads recently), expect swatstikas, temple burnings, desecrations...

Will anti Israel sentiment become more MAIN STREAM...YES in the sense that the american government will become more vocal in its dislikes of what israel does (like we just read in Obama's coment) ...especially anything that appears to be stopping/slowing this PEACE PROCESS they keep talking about in the Middle East. America will make Israel the devil soon by saying Israel is hindering the process...and once that is done the whole world will look at israel with different eyes, becasue truthfullly EVERY NATION ON THE PLANET IS TIRED OF HEARING ABOUT THIS MIDDLE EAST CONFLICTAND WANTS IT TO END AT ALL COSTS!!!!!!!
yea but we've been "friendly" to Israel since the start.  Are you saying that was all plot to get our foot into the middle east from the start?


  • Getbig V
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yea but we've been "friendly" to Israel since the start.  Are you saying that was all plot to get our foot into the middle east from the start?

The "friendliness' and setting up of Israel was only to make sure that there was a DOORWAY to the Middle East and that it was/is always open.

The objective of controlling the Middle East's oil is now obtained (america has set up shop in Iraq) so the DOOR (israel) is no longer needed and with that the "friendship" will now come to an end..along with the money, military supplies and israel's political influence (bribery) in america.

This will be interesting as it unfolds...


  • Getbig IV
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Obama re-elected. No jew required anymore.

Remember Israhell was set up only to be a doorway into the Middle East to usurp the  Arabs of their natural resource and to quell potential uprisings. Now that america is IN Iraq...NO DOORWAY NECESSARY america has taken up permamnent residence.

Watch for continued anti Israhel sentiment from america like I said in another post...this is just the beginning

Dude you are buying into a puppet show, I have a preference for 'Manga' - this is 'Punch & Judy' shit nothing more.

You think On-Bongo is his own man - when asked a question he is not sure about, you can see him look stage left for a Que from 'Rahm', who has 'Zibignew' in his ear-piece - giving instructions for the auto-que !!

How long are we going to buy into this shit ?? now you can see the damage that is done by - 'SHILLS' - the same shills others were saying "No, they are good men , they are opening peoples eyes" - fuck you & your whole fucking-clan - you inbred red-neck-hick-MOFO !!
Growth/noob loves me


  • Getbig V
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Dude you are buying into a puppet show, I have a preference for 'Manga' - this is 'Punch & Judy' shit nothing more.

You think On-Bongo is his own man - when asked a question he is not sure about, you can see him look stage left for a Que from 'Rahm', who has 'Zibignew' in his ear-piece - giving instructions for the auto-que !!

How long are we going to buy into this shit ?? now you can see the damage that is done by - 'SHILLS' - the same shills others were saying "No, they are good men , they are opening peoples eyes" - fuck you & your whole fucking-clan - you inbred red-neck-hick-MOFO !!

You obviously don't pay attention to my posts pillow...When have you ever seen me post anything about Obama being his own man? Or any president of america being his own man? ALL PRESIDENT ARE PUPPETS TO THEIR MASTERS:big business, rockefellers, Kissingers and the like. Obama is a protoge of Kissinger and Soros and he was PUT into office to carry out their (ZIONIST) will. Obama looks left and right because he is reading the monitors which contain the answers to the questions he is asked (by the way all quetions are pre-asked and answered before he and all presidents step onto the podium). Am I fooled by shills??...not on your life...I am fully aware of the american system of government and its trickery. I just want people to be aware of the games being played as in this article. While Obama is the mouth piece for those who really run america, Obama has been made to say to Israel that the PARTY IS OVER as the checkbook is closed/closing. That is Obama's handlers speaking through him. And as I said to Hugo...the days of WINE AND CHEESE with Israel iscomnig to an end and it will show itself with more aggressive stances against Israel and more ANTI-ISRAEL rhetoric to make Israel to blame for the lack of Middle East peace, until it agrees with tis two state agreement.

So if you have any questions or don't understand a post PILLOW, before you go off on these types of RANTS...just ask what do i mean or explain more....


  • Getbig V
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Follow up to the meeting Barack had with Netanyahu... notice last line in article of America adn Europeans criticizing israhell's settlement activity. Israhell will soon be demonized into accepting two state system...

Obama Meets With Israeli Prime Minister

Published: May 18, 2009

WASHINGTON — After a delicate Oval Office session with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, President Obama said Monday that he wants a positive response from Iran to his diplomatic opening by the end of the year and is keeping open “range of steps, including much stronger international sanctions” if it fails to respond.

President Obama met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel in the Oval Office on Monday.
World Watches for U.S. Shift on Mideast (May 17, 2009)

Mr. Obama said that he would continue to seek agreement with Iran to end a nuclear program that the West fears could produce nuclear weapons. But, he added, “we’re not going to have talks forever.”

Israel has grown increasingly concerned about Iran’s nuclear program, dismissing Tehran’s protestations that its work is peaceful. The suggestion of a limit to American patience would thus be welcomed by Israel. It might also ease, or divert, pressures on Israel to resolve its conflict with the Palestinians.

Mr. Obama, emerging from the 90-minute meeting with Mr. Netanyahu, reiterated support for a two-state Middle East solution. The Israeli leader, for his part, said that Palestinians should govern themselves but did not specifically mention a separate state.

In remarks to reporters after their Oval Office session, Mr. Netanyahu added that he was ready to open talks with Palestinians “immediately.”

“We’re ready to do our share, we hope the Palestinians will do their share as well,” Mr. Netanyahu said. If the Palestinians recognized Israel’s existence as a Jewish state and met Israeli security conditions, he said, “I think we can envision an arrangement where Palestinians and Israelis live side-by-side.”

But Mr. Obama also called bluntly for an end to construction of Jewish settlements in the West Bank. “We have to make progress on settlements,” he said. “Settlements have to be stopped.”

The body language between the men, who had met before but not since taking office this year, seemed good. Mr. Netanyahu called Mr. Obama “a great leader of the world, a great friend of Israel.” And Mr. Obama said that the Israeli leader was “in a position to achieve the security objectives of Israel but also bring about historic peace, and I’m confident that he’s going to seize this moment.”

As for Iran, Mr. Obama said that he was keeping open “a range of steps, including much stronger international sanctions” for dealing with Iran if it proceeds with its nuclear program.

He said he hoped for progress on his diplomatic opening to Tehran by year’s end but added that he saw no reason to set any artificial deadline.

The outcome of the meeting — which started a series of consultations here meant to revive Middle East peace efforts — left somewhat unclear what progress might have been made toward the two-state goal supported by the United States, Europe and others. Because other regional leaders are to follow Mr. Netanyahu here — notably the Palestinian and Egyptian presidents — both sides on Monday may have been moving with caution.

The meeting between a new American president whose views on the region are not fully known and an Israeli prime minister long reputed for his hawkish stances had been highly anticipated. Mr. Netanyahu is wary of Mr. Obama’s pursuit of talks with Iran, which Israel sees as posing an existential threat; and Mr. Obama favors a two-state solution on which Mr. Netanyahu has doubts.

Earlier, a State Department spokesman, Ian C. Kelly, had declined to predict the outcome of the meeting, but said, “I wouldn’t describe it as loggerheads by any stretch of the imagination.”

The Obama administration hopes that fears about Iran’s nuclear program will induce regional actors to overcome doubts and support an Israel-Palestinian peace plan, and Mr. Netanyahu also called for a larger role by moderate Arabs.

A regional peace would “allow the U.S. to tackle other problems, like the Iranian issue,” Hussein Hassouna, the Arab League ambassador in Washington, told Bloomberg News on Monday. “We support this.”

Many in the Middle East and elsewhere are still trying to divine whether the new president might break from a tradition of what some see as almost unquestioning support for Israel by American presidents. A top priority for Mr. Netanyahu was to persuade Mr. Obama to take a tougher stance against Iran.

Israeli commentators took comfort Monday from the president’s comment, in a Newsweek interview posted shortly before the White House meeting, that “I’ve been very clear that I don’t take any options off the table with respect to Iran” — a formulation traditionally understood to leave open the possibility of military attack.

Defense Minister Ehud Barak said Saturday that he expected Mr. Netanyahu to signal a significant shift and endorse the creation of a Palestinian state; but on Monday, Mr. Netanyahu’s national security adviser, Uzi Arad, suggested that the Israeli leader might resist pressure to move in that direction.

Israelis have been intently parsing Mr. Obama’s language for any sign that he might ultimately be supportive if Israel declared that Iranian nuclear progress left it no choice but to attack. In the Newsweek interview, Mr. Obama was asked how he would talk to Mr. Netanyahu about the possibility of Israeli military action against Iran, and whether he was keeping all options open.

“I don’t take options off the table when it comes to U.S. security, period,” the president said. “What I have said is that we want to offer Iran an opportunity to align itself with international norms and international rules.”

He added: “Now, will it work? We don’t know. And I assure you, I’m not naïve about the difficulties of a process like this. If it doesn’t work, the fact that we have tried will strengthen our position in mobilizing the international community.”

The United States and Israel also differ over Israeli settlement activity, particularly after Israeli settlers announced on Monday that the government was accepting bids for construction in a new Jewish community deep in the West Bank.

Palestinians wanted Mr. Obama to argue to Mr. Netanyahu that Israel is obliged under an existing peace plan, backed by the United States, to accept the two-state solution and stop work on settlements, Saeb Erekat, a longtime Palestinian negotiator, told The Associated Press.

Both the United States and the European Union have criticized the settlement activity.


  • Getbig V
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are you saying they could take us out?  :-\

NO..on Iran. I don't see the Palestinians doing their part. The gov and people are split.


  • Getbig V
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Isarahell's Will Not Stop Being Defiant
« Reply #14 on: May 18, 2009, 09:49:59 PM »
As I said the DEMONIZATION is coming soon as Israhell plays right into the game of america and Europe and makes itself the PROBLEM in the lack of PEACE in the Middle East.

Israel begins new settlement, despite U.S. opposition

By Haaretz Service

Israel has moved ahead with a plan to build a new settlement in the northern West Bank for the first time in 26 years, pursuing a project the United States has already condemned as an obstacle to peace efforts.

The move comes on the eve of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's first meeting with U.S. President Barack Obama, despite Western calls for Israel to halt its settlement activity.

Tenders have been issued for 20 housing units in the new Maskiot settlement and contractors have arrived on site to begin foundation work.    Advertisement

The initiative began three years ago, under the auspices of then-defense minister Amir Peretz, who promised to transform a former army outpost into a permanent settlement for evacuees from the Gaza Strip. The move was then frozen due to American insistence.

David Elhayani, head of the Jordan Valley regional council that oversees Maskiot, confirmed to Reuters he had issued the tender last week for contractors to launch infrastructure work.

"It's a process that will take months, to prepare infrastructure before we can build. We are proceeding in an orderly fashion," Elhayani said.

Elhayani insisted that the construction is being carried out completely legally.

"There is full consensus among Zionist parties that the Jordan Valley must remain under Israeli control within the framework of any diplomatic deal," he said. "The Jordan Valley is necessary for the sake of national security, and woe to the administration that strays from this path."

Nabil Abu Rudeinah, an aide to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, said the plan was a "message of defiance" from Israel to the Obama administration and its efforts to revive peace talks.

"This Israeli provocation demands a U..S response and a genuine and concrete pressure on Netanyahu that would guarantee a halt to all settlement activities," he said, charging that "continuation [of settlement building] would bring down and destroy the peace process."

"The Palestinian position is clear: There will be no resumption of peace talks as long as settlement building continues," Abu Rudeinah said.

The Peace Now movement called the move proof that "Netanyahu is not ready to commit to a two-state solution" and is striving to "prevent the creation of a Palestinian state."

"The way to do that is to built settlements and make all of us - Arabs and Jews - live in one state," said Peace Now chief Yariv Oppenheimer.

He alleged that settlers had deliberately timed publication of the tenders to focus a spotlight on the controversial issue during Netanyahu's talks with Obama.

The initial settlement plan was drawn up several years ago, Oppenheimer said. "But they brought developers there [Sunday] morning. The timing is significant."

The former U.S. administration of George W. Bush had termed the Maskiot project unhelpful. Washington has pressed Israel since 2006 to halt the project, which it says is in violation of the peace "road map" for a Palestinian state beside Israel


  • Getbig IV
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Follow up to the meeting Barack had with Netanyahu... notice last line in article of America adn Europeans criticizing israhell's settlement activity. Israhell will soon be demonized into accepting two state system...

Obama Meets With Israeli Prime Minister

Published: May 18, 2009

WASHINGTON — After a delicate Oval Office session with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, President Obama said Monday that he wants a positive response from Iran to his diplomatic opening by the end of the year and is keeping open “range of steps, including much stronger international sanctions” if it fails to respond.

President Obama met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel in the Oval Office on Monday.
World Watches for U.S. Shift on Mideast (May 17, 2009)

Mr. Obama said that he would continue to seek agreement with Iran to end a nuclear program that the West fears could produce nuclear weapons. But, he added, “we’re not going to have talks forever.”

Are you buying into this ??
I have read almost all your post - 'Samson' - I just don't think we are on the same page here with ever-thing !!

What are you puting this sown to, if you are buying in, that is ??
Clan hierarchy in-fighting - or other ??  ??? ??? ???
Growth/noob loves me


  • Getbig V
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The "friendliness' and setting up of Israel was only to make sure that there was a DOORWAY to the Middle East and that it was/is always open.

The objective of controlling the Middle East's oil is now obtained (america has set up shop in Iraq) so the DOOR (israel) is no longer needed and with that the "friendship" will now come to an end..along with the money, military supplies and israel's political influence (bribery) in america.

This will be interesting as it unfolds...

i wish this was the case. doubt it though.


  • Getbig V
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Are you buying into this ??
I have read almost all your post - 'Samson' - I just don't think we are on the same page here with ever-thing !!

What are you puting this sown to, if you are buying in, that is ??
Clan hierarchy in-fighting - or other ??  ??? ??? ???

No I am not buying into this if you mean actually believing Obama is putting his foot down with netanyahu...NO.

Look at it from the point of those who control Obama...They are the ones who are looking at Israel and saying WE NO LONGER NEED YOU AS OUR DOOR INTO THE MIDDLE EAST. They are also saying we also do not need you (Israel) to quell any uprisings in the Middle East, becasue now we (america) have planted ourselves right square smack in the middle of the Middle East by way of IRAQ, which includes the worlds largest american embassy, a quardened off Green Zone (US military in norther Iraq), every american business has taken up residence: fast food to auto dealerships, as well as american oil corps have rushed in as well. Essentially america has colonized Iraq.

Israhell has been the welfare child for america for sometime now..america paying it to quell uprising and to be a threat to the region. At 33 BILLION per year america has paid dearly for that security. Now it is not necessary and the MONEY FAUCET is about to be turned off to israel. It started with america demanding peace talks with Hamas, then having Israel remove settlements it made in Gaza, now the country is about to be divided in two for the sake of a Palestinian state, now the threat of a closed/closing check book. You will see Obama (remember it is his handlers speaking through him) making tough calls against Israel and then demonizing it as "being against the Peace Process" as we see now happening with both america and europe now being more demanding to israel agreeign to this peace deal adn state for Palestine. Next thing tohappen will be an EVENT in Israhell if it does not comply...this will allwo america and other nations to enter Israhell and FORCE compliance....