Author Topic: Why is Obama "meddling" and cozing up to left wing dictators in South America?  (Read 934 times)

Soul Crusher

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The Wages of Chavismo

The Honduran coup is a reaction to Chávez's rule by the mob.

As military "coups" go, the one this weekend in Honduras was strangely, well, democratic. The military didn't oust President Manuel Zelaya on its own but instead followed an order of the Supreme Court. It also quickly turned power over to the president of the Honduran Congress, a man from the same party as Mr. Zelaya. The legislature and legal authorities all remain intact.

We mention these not so small details because they are being overlooked as the world, including the U.S. President, denounces tiny Honduras in a way that it never has, say, Iran. President Obama is joining the U.N., Fidel Castro, Hugo Chávez and other model democrats in demanding that Mr. Zelaya be allowed to return from exile and restored to power. Maybe it's time to sort the real from the phony Latin American democrats.
Associated Press
The situation is messy, and we think the Hondurans would have been smarter -- and better off -- not sending Mr. Zelaya into exile at dawn. Mr. Zelaya was pressing ahead with a nonbinding referendum to demand a constitutional rewrite to let him seek a second four-year term. The attorney general and Honduran courts declared the vote illegal and warned he'd be prosecuted if he followed through. Mr. Zelaya persisted, even leading a violent mob last week to seize and distribute ballots imported from Venezuela. However, the proper constitutional route was to impeach Mr. Zelaya and then arrest him for violating the law.

Yet the events in Honduras also need to be understood in the context of Latin America's decade of chavismo. Venezuela's Hugo Chávez was democratically elected in 1998, but he has since used every lever of power, legal and extralegal, to subvert democracy. He first ordered a rewrite of the constitution that allowed his simple majority in the national assembly grant him the power to rule by decree for one year and to control the judiciary.

In 2004 he packed the Supreme Court with 32 justices from 20. Any judge who rules against his interests can be fired. He made the electoral tribunal that oversees elections his own political tool, denying opposition requests to inspect voter rolls and oversee vote counts. The once politically independent oil company now hires only Chávez allies, and independent television stations have had their licenses revoked.

Mr. Chávez has also exported this brand of one-man-one-vote-once democracy throughout the region. He's succeeded to varying degrees in Ecuador, Bolivia, Argentina and Nicaragua, where his allies have stretched the law and tried to dominate the media and the courts. Mexico escaped in 2006 when Felipe Calderón linked his leftwing opponent to chavismo and barely won the presidency.

In Honduras Mr. Chávez funneled Veneuzelan oil money to help Mr. Zelaya win in 2005, and Mr. Zelaya has veered increasingly left in his four-year term. The Honduran constitution limits presidents to a single term, which is scheduled to end in January. Mr. Zelaya was using the extralegal referendum as an act of political intimidation to force the Congress to allow a rewrite of the constitution so he could retain power. The opposition had pledged to boycott the vote, which meant that Mr. Zelaya would have won by a landslide.

Such populist intimidation has worked elsewhere in the region, and Hondurans are understandably afraid that, backed by Chávez agents and money, it could lead to similar antidemocratic subversion there. In Tegucigalpa yesterday, thousands demonstrated against Mr. Zelaya, and new deputy foreign minister Marta Lorena Casco told the crowd that "Chávez consumed Venezuela, then Bolivia, after that Ecuador and Nicaragua, but in Honduras that didn't happen."

It's no accident that Mr. Chávez is now leading the charge to have Mr. Zelaya reinstated, and on Monday the Honduran traveled to a leftwing summit in Managua in one of Mr. Chávez's planes. The U.N. and Organization of American States are also threatening the tiny nation with ostracism and other punishment if it doesn't readmit him. Meanwhile, the new Honduran government is saying it will arrest Mr. Zelaya if he returns. This may be the best legal outcome, but it also runs the risk of destabilizing the country. We recall when the Clinton Administration restored Bertrand Aristide to Haiti, only to have the country descend into anarchy.

As for the Obama Administration, it seems eager to "meddle" in Honduras in a way Mr. Obama claimed was counterproductive in Iran. Yet the stolen election in Iran was a far clearer subversion of democracy than the coup in Honduras. As a candidate, Mr. Obama often scored George W. Bush's foreign policy by saying democracy requires more than an election -- a free press, for example, civil society and the rule of law rather than rule by the mob. It's a point worth recalling before Mr. Obama hands a political victory to the forces of chavismo in Latin America.

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Why the double standard for Iran and South America????


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I hate the State.


  • Getbig V
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U guys need to pound this all day long. This is Obama double talk at its best. No meddling in Iran, but a Supreme Court decides their shitbag leftist president is in violation of the Constitution and remove him, Barry gets all weepy. Maybe because his buddies Castro and Chavez are upset. Funny we never agree with the UN, certainly never with Hugo and Castro...but with Barry the magic Commie we suddenly get nice and cozy.

Soul Crusher

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U guys need to pound this all day long. This is Obama double talk at its best. No meddling in Iran, but a Supreme Court decides their shitbag leftist president is in violation of the Constitution and remove him, Barry gets all weepy. Maybe because his buddies Castro and Chavez are upset. Funny we never agree with the UN, certainly never with Hugo and Castro...but with Barry the magic Commie we suddenly get nice and cozy.

My lib friends wont even discuss anything anymore.  Everything they accused Bush of, Obama is doing, BUT WORSE!


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Nobody here can defend it.


  • Getbig V
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U guys need to pound this all day long. This is Obama double talk at its best. No meddling in Iran, but a Supreme Court decides their shitbag leftist president is in violation of the Constitution and remove him, Barry gets all weepy. Maybe because his buddies Castro and Chavez are upset. Funny we never agree with the UN, certainly never with Hugo and Castro...but with Barry the magic Commie we suddenly get nice and cozy.

He's a politician, FFS!!

No one should expect honesty.


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Because HE is a left wing dictator!!!!!He thinks Chavez is right on the money,in fact,Chavez says that he and Castro cant keep up with Obama.


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Actually the only "dictators" that ruled those South American countries were very RIGHT WING. Moreover, the WORST atrocities in those countries, i.e. Argentina under the Dictadura Militar of Videla, Chile under the Junta or even Honduras under the military juntas from 1963 to 1980, just to name a few, were committed by right wing paramilitary groups.

The very representatives you just named as "dictators" we precisely the opposite: Chavez, Morales, Zelaya, et cetera, were voted into power by the majority of their populace, with voter turnouts (~80-90%) that put us here in the USA to shame (ours hover around 50-65%).


  • Getbig V
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U missed more then a few....we have Hugo...we have the Sandinista's. Oh yeah..Hugo and the rest are veryyyyyy democratic.  ::)Liberal douchebags defending the enemies of this country on a daily basis.


  • Getbig V
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U missed more then a few....we have Hugo...we have the Sandinista's. Oh yeah..Hugo and the rest are veryyyyyy democratic.  ::)Liberal douchebags defending the enemies of this country on a daily basis.

I did not miss Hugo, YOU did (check: Chavez). As for the others... let's just say that in case after case it's all people with right-leaning ideas (and I'm leaning it a bit to the left to help your case): El Salvador, Guatemala, Colombia, et cetera.

By this I'm not saying that I favor or side with the Chavez type, in fact I don't. I am merely pointing out that the great dictators that 333333 was talking about before were very conservative oligarchs.

Nothing more, nothing less.

Soul Crusher

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Wrong.    Now we know it's to arm drug cartels.