Author Topic: Senate puts off Cap & Trade due to Kerry hip surgery & Kennedy death  (Read 637 times)

Soul Crusher

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Senate Democrats Push Back Climate Measure Schedule (Update1)

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By Daniel Whitten

Aug. 31 (Bloomberg) -- The chief Senate sponsors of a bill aimed at curbing global warming have pushed back its introduction from next week until later in September.

Democratic Senators Barbara Boxer of California and John Kerry of Massachusetts, in an e-mailed statement today, cited Kerry’s hip surgery this month, the death of Senator Edward Kennedy and the debate over health-care legislation as reasons for the delay.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, a Nevada Democrat, said in July that he wanted the committees with jurisdiction over the measure to complete their work by Sept. 28. Boxer, the chairwoman of the Environment and Public Works Committee, said earlier this month that she would introduce her plan next week so it could be approved by the committee before the end of September.

Boxer and Kerry “are working diligently to craft a well- balanced bill, and Senator Reid fully expects the Senate to have ample time to consider this comprehensive clean energy and climate legislation before the end of the year,” Jim Manley, a spokesman for Reid, said in an e-mailed statement today.

The House passed a cap-and-trade bill in June that would require power plants, factories, oil refineries and others to reduce emissions 17 percent below 2005 levels by 2020.

Editors: Jim O’Connell, Joe Richter.

To contact the reporter on this story: Daniel Whitten in Washington at

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Let these vermin try this traitorous nonsense and see what happens. 

Dems will lose in 2010 and 2012 like never before. 

What POS the RATS are.  The GOP sucks and is horrible, but this bunch of traitors is like nothing I have ever seen or witnessed in my entire life. 

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Re: Senate puts off Cap & Trade due to Kerry hip surgery & Kennedy death
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2009, 07:13:25 PM »
Let these vermin try this traitorous nonsense and see what happens. 

How is this bill treasonous?

Soul Crusher

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Re: Senate puts off Cap & Trade due to Kerry hip surgery & Kennedy death
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2009, 07:20:16 PM »
How is this bill treasonous?

Lets see.

1.  Gives away billions and billions to Goldman Sachs. 

2.  Gives away billions to a company owned by Al Gore.

3.  Threatens to kill millions of jobs of hsrdowrking americans based on junk science. 

4.  Literally creates a market out of thin air to trade carbon credits, which is complete insanity.

5.  has already proven to be a failure everyhwere it has been tried at a huge cost to the economy. 

6.  Is akin to stealing money from taxpayers in the form of higher energy costs and costs of goods so that goldman sachs and other fat cat coontributors and special interests can have their pockets lined.

7.  Will make us far more energy dependent.

8.  Will create more intrusive govt regulations and and mandates on all out lives and allow the govt to inspect our homes and require retro-fits. 

Do you want more 240?  This is a complete disaster. 


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Re: Senate puts off Cap & Trade due to Kerry hip surgery & Kennedy death
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2009, 08:00:23 PM »
Cap and Trade has zero to do with the environment, it is just another way for the government to get more control over the populus.

I read something can't remember where but the EPA is most likely going to classify CO2 as a polutantin the next few years. So for all of you man made global warming fanatics I expect you all to do your part and not exhale anymore.

Soul Crusher

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Re: Senate puts off Cap & Trade due to Kerry hip surgery & Kennedy death
« Reply #4 on: August 31, 2009, 08:08:47 PM »
Cap and Trade has zero to do with the environment, it is just another way for the government to get more control over the populus.

I read something can't remember where but the EPA is most likely going to classify CO2 as a polutantin the next few years. So for all of you man made global warming fanatics I expect you all to do your part and not exhale anymore.

Notice how 240 nor any of the libs on this board cant contradict a damn thing i have posted on this issue? 

Cap & Trade is a traitorous piece of garbage pushed by this admn that only serves to line the pockets of goldman sachs and al gore at everyone else expense. 


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Re: Senate puts off Cap & Trade due to Kerry hip surgery & Kennedy death
« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2009, 07:27:14 AM »
No,240 will insult you and call you a Beck watching kook.Or he will post something like "what do you expect from a Palin supporter".

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Re: Senate puts off Cap & Trade due to Kerry hip surgery & Kennedy death
« Reply #6 on: September 01, 2009, 07:32:05 AM »
I dont like cap/trade, but I would never use the word "treasonous".

people toss that word around like it's nothing.  not cool.

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Re: Senate puts off Cap & Trade due to Kerry hip surgery & Kennedy death
« Reply #7 on: September 01, 2009, 07:40:26 AM »
I dont like cap/trade, but I would never use the word "treasonous".

people toss that word around like it's nothing.  not cool.

I dont like using that word either, but what else can you say about a bill like this that will cripple our country and taxpayers?

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Re: Senate puts off Cap & Trade due to Kerry hip surgery & Kennedy death
« Reply #8 on: September 01, 2009, 07:41:24 AM »
I dont like using that word either, but what else can you say about a bill like this that will cripple our country and taxpayers?

did you consider the use of elective war in iraq to be treasonous as well, 33?

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Re: Senate puts off Cap & Trade due to Kerry hip surgery & Kennedy death
« Reply #9 on: September 01, 2009, 07:42:18 AM »
did you consider the use of elective war in iraq to be treasonous as well, 33?

At the time no. 

and stop spinning like a top 240 - this is about Cap & trade, not Iraq. 

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Re: Senate puts off Cap & Trade due to Kerry hip surgery & Kennedy death
« Reply #10 on: September 01, 2009, 07:42:57 AM »
At the time no. 

and stop spinning like a top 240 - this is about Cap & trade, not Iraq. 

Today, do you consider the war treasonous?

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Re: Senate puts off Cap & Trade due to Kerry hip surgery & Kennedy death
« Reply #11 on: September 01, 2009, 07:49:29 AM »
Today, do you consider the war treasonous?

No, because it was not done with the sole intention of knee capping our country and taxpayers.   

Cap & trade is different.  Obama has even said so and Van Jones is on tape confirming that. 

Iraq was based on flawed intel that almost everyone believed in and voted on by both the dems and the GOP.  You cant spin the vote 240 and lay that only on Bush.         


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Re: Senate puts off Cap & Trade due to Kerry hip surgery & Kennedy death
« Reply #12 on: September 01, 2009, 07:50:07 AM »
did you consider the use of elective war in iraq to be treasonous as well, 33?

Ok I'll play, how was it elective? The Iraq war ended in a cease fire not a surrender by Iraq. There were stipulations in the cease fire that were broken as soon as 24 hrs after the cease fire was agreed to. Iraq contined to break the terms of the cease fire for the next 12 years. They pulled all the ingredients for WMD out of Iraq, Iraq just didn't have a delivery system therefore it couldn't be classified as a WMD. They pulled 300 Metric Tons of Yellow Cake uranium out of Iraq.

So you can say the continuation of hostilities was ill advised yes, but illegal or treasonous no.

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Re: Senate puts off Cap & Trade due to Kerry hip surgery & Kennedy death
« Reply #13 on: September 01, 2009, 07:56:08 AM »
Ok I'll play, how was it elective? The Iraq war ended in a cease fire not a surrender by Iraq. There were stipulations in the cease fire that were broken as soon as 24 hrs after the cease fire was agreed to. Iraq contined to break the terms of the cease fire for the next 12 years. They pulled all the ingredients for WMD out of Iraq, Iraq just didn't have a delivery system therefore it couldn't be classified as a WMD. They pulled 300 Metric Tons of Yellow Cake uranium out of Iraq.

We were not attacked.  We attacked pre-emptively.


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Re: Senate puts off Cap & Trade due to Kerry hip surgery & Kennedy death
« Reply #14 on: September 01, 2009, 08:01:20 AM »
We were not attacked.  We attacked pre-emptively.

We weren't attacked in 1990 either, but no one seemed to have a problem with that.
Why don't you ask the pilots that patrolled the no fly zones about being painted by a laser daily about what Iraq was up to.

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Re: Senate puts off Cap & Trade due to Kerry hip surgery & Kennedy death
« Reply #15 on: September 01, 2009, 08:08:11 AM »
We weren't attacked in 1990 either, but no one seemed to have a problem with that.
Why don't you ask the pilots that patrolled the no fly zones about being painted by a laser daily about what Iraq was up to.

Or in Bosnia/Serbia.

The left always loves to forget that war.   

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Re: Senate puts off Cap & Trade due to Kerry hip surgery & Kennedy death
« Reply #16 on: September 01, 2009, 08:17:32 AM »
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Taibbi: Guess Who's Getting Rich Off The Cap-and-Trade Bill? Our Good Friends at Goldman Sachs!
By Susie Madrak Saturday Jun 27, 2009 11:00am

I wish I'd been paying closer attention to this, because now I have a whole lot of questions that weren't there before I read Matt Taibbi's latest story for Rolling Stone: "How Goldman Sachs took over Washington by engineering every major market manipulation since the Great Depression."

But first, the "good" news:

WASHINGTON -- Landmark legislation to curb U.S. greenhouse gas emissions was approved by the House of Representatives in a close vote late Friday, securing a hard-fought victory for a cornerstone of President Barack Obama's agenda.

After months of negotiations, the Democratic-controlled House has narrowly passed sweeping legislation calling for the nation's first-ever limits on pollution linked to global warming. Stephen Power explains the bill's implications.

The 1,200 page bill—formally known as the "American Clean Energy and Security Act"—will reach into almost every corner of the U.S. economy. By putting a price on emissions of common gases, such as carbon dioxide, the bill would affect the way electricity is generated, how homes and offices are designed, how foreign trade is conducted and how much Americans pay to drive or to heat their homes.

Talking about how very deeply Goldman Sachs is embedded in the investors that will profit from cap-and-trade, Taibbi says:

Well, you might say, who cares? If cap-and-trade succeeds, won't we all be saved from the catastrophe of global warming? Maybe - but cap-and-trade, as envisioned by Goldman, is really just a carbon tax so that private interests collect the revenues. Instead of simply imposing a fixed government levy on carbon pollution and forcing unclean energy producers to pay for the mess they make, cap-and-trade will allow a small tribe of greedy-as-hell Wall Street swine to turn yet another commodities market into a private tax-collection scheme. This is worse than the bailout: It allows the bank to seize taxpayer money before it's even collected.

"If it's going to be a tax, I would prefer that Washington set the tax and collect it," says Michael Masters, the hedge-fund director who spoke out against oil-futures speculation. "But we're saying that Wall Street can set the tax, and Wall Street can collect the tax. That's the last thing in the world I want. It's just asinine."

Cap-and-trade is going to happen. [Ed. note - this was published yesterday.] Or, if it doesn't, something like it will. The moral is the same for all the other bubbles that Goldman helped create, from 1929 to 2009. In almost every case, the very same bank that behaved recklessly for years, weighing down the system with toxic loans and predatory debt, and accomplishing nothing but massive bonuses for a few bosses, has been rewarded with mountains of virtually free money and government guarantees - while the actual victims in this mess, ordinary taxpayers, are the ones paying for it.

It's not always easy to accept the reality of what we now routinely allow these people to get away with; there's a kind of collective denial that kicks in when a country goes through what America has gone through lately, when a people lose as much prestige and status as we have in the past few years. You can't really register the fact that you're no longer a citizen of a thriving first-world democracy, that you're no longer above getting robbed in broad daylight, because like an amputee, you still sort of feel things that are no longer there.

But this is it. This is the world we live in now. And in this world, some of us have to play by the rules, while others get a note from the principal excusing them from homework until the end of time, plus 10 billion free dollars in a paper bag to buy lunch. It's a gangster state, running on gangster economics, and even prices can't be trusted anymore; there are hidden taxes in every buck you pay. And maybe we can't stop it, but we should at least know where it's all going.

RS hasn't put it online but really, I strongly recommend buying the issue to support this kind of journalism.

You can read some comments on the piece here, here and here.

Oh, and you can read a related Taibbi piece here.
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There is much more on this I will post later. 

Obama and Goldman are gangsters plain and simple. 

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Re: Senate puts off Cap & Trade due to Kerry hip surgery & Kennedy death
« Reply #17 on: September 01, 2009, 08:26:05 AM »

For the 4th time:  I don't like cap/trade.


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Re: Senate puts off Cap & Trade due to Kerry hip surgery & Kennedy death
« Reply #18 on: September 01, 2009, 08:40:01 AM »
For the 4th time:  I don't like cap/trade.

Awesome picture!!!!One of the most underrated movies of all time!!!